In this video, join me for a walk along the prom whilst out of season

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    Guys welcome to a new video and in this one we’re actually going to be looking and see what events are and everything and there’s one right in front of me which is a black p air shop on the 10th and the 11th of August black p per now between nor Central Pi look

    That looks amazing doesn’t it so yeah get that in your Diaries guys 10th and the 11th of August I’ll try and see I can NAB that somehow so uh yeah got from going by just there we just sock AT Pleasure beach at the moment I’m uh just carrying on from my previous

    Video video basically just so my videos don’t last too long so we got s s Castle over here which I believe is currently shut I will uh do a walk past all the PE as well on the uh way to town center see as you can see behind me it’s

    A bit of a gloomy gray day today but uh yeah we’re going to try and go a bit of what call the prom and see what footage see uh what footage we can get and see what’s going on and around black pool I know not many places are open at

    The moment due to it being out of season a couple of places open though which I’m surprise that so uh yeah hope everyone’s keeping well and uh having a good week in work at the moment I’m currently I think I’m about a day or two be on videos but it’ll soon catch

    Up it’ll catch up during the week I’ll be uh falling behind I’ll be out of content again for another weekend or whatever but moment I’m must I do enjoy being able to get out and about you have uh since my wife’s at work she’s working at6 today like she did

    Saturday uh gives me a whole day to get out and about really so I can do my videos once I’m out get home do the edits and by the time I’ve done all that L it’s time to go and pick up but yeah I’ll P the camera around

    Then you can see where about I am because it’s starting to rain in my face it’s not very nice so we got s Castle here W to restaurant just over there and I think it’s probably in for the day this I think see that is blue sky over there so I don’t

    Know I do a pan around turn into weather presenting me I’m now weather broadcaster broadcasting the weather forecast so in today in Black pool it is absolutely peeing it down yeah yeah although we’ got the uh South here we got car here maybe to do maintenance or something I’m not too

    Sure the ties are slowly coming in I look for it got a bit of an island in between not lot not much sand whatsoever feel like car around up here so we’re just walking in between uh South PA and sank house at the moment got the gin house over

    There wonder what they doing at top of South P arcade there at top probably making it more waterproof some I it’s out season all right they might as well got BT open reach doing some work over there wonder what that doing oh they’ve got a lot of cable

    Anyway old school motor biks going long the pro yeah uh currently at South Pi feels weird seeing all the feed Outlets closed is still up in there look roads open paos I think they open till a bit later but they definitely open this feels weird seeing I’ve

    Sh it’s nice see black p so quiet but then it’s nice to about to see black like it’s Prime and getting busy everything it’s cly sky over that this part like about back been able to just b along the before that’ be amazing yeah guys I do get I do end up

    Getting a bike I know going down the pom I just a to go like full Pelt obviously would busy though then might not be a good idea but certainly about to do some videos while out and about I’m back this look at that just my camera getting a bit wet

    But thankfully it’s uh made for this sort of water can resist this water Anyway yeah it’s uh certainly uh not the best was at the moment best off doing a driving video it’s cold it’s a cold one is supposed to apparently snow but not too sure got keep a couple of people join yeah this far oh that’s fair I certainly wouldn’t like to uh be doing

    It Yeah big shout out to goo for making decent camera that’s waterproof not saying that other cameras aren’t waterproof but at least this one is and you know it’s cuz it’s an action camera that you can take with your scuba diving stuff like that not as though

    Uh I uh think to myself oh yeah right now I go out Filming no I mean the M we used to do we used to yeah we have play I’ll going for a junk this thought was I’d rather be uh sing the house with my feet up and drinking plenty of tea but nah I enjoy getting out and

    About I used to do I was young used to go to uh Yorkshire you to go walk in yorshire us to go for like 13 M hik every so often uh I’ll continue filming as soon as I get up to Central Pier see yeah I think it’s uh St raining

    For bit so I’m in the dry I don’t know how long for I’m going have to try and take uh dog for walk one day on the he’ll it I just feel Cru taking my long walks like this I don’t know if be able to probably

    Would the thing is though if I get caught short and I’ve got my dog coming kned cuz uh I’ll be on me own I Dr my wife out with me yeah so something Bri up of it I mean over there you can see some of these over there we got the

    Tower hey guys Bo I’ve yeah back up for my camera if I’m going to going out Cy I know the camera will probably end up dying while I’m out in the about or whatever I’m back so I’m going to be carrying my bag like I normally

    Do just that to be cycling if they walking but I’ll uh make sure I’ve got a backup battery for it so L end up getting Char up P them out even if it does mean that getting like a ridiculously long USBC cable just so I can keep it charged up all

    Time I might just get SP battery I don’t know but there going to be some epic videos coming this way at some point oh yes there definitely will be more videos coming along to this channel there’s more gaming footage coming out uh there’s going to be more videos of me walking around

    Blackpool and see what’s going on and everything else like that uh like I said there’s the popular show on the 10th and 11th of August so uh yeah make sure that’s penciled into your D cuz uh I for one will end up going to it to go watch

    It and I’ll probably end up recording on my GoPro even if I’m on bike I’ll just cycle down at least I’ll have a seat to sit on yeah a bit closer to Central P now anyway and again that’s lots of fun is Clos moment I believe it’s due to up around February March

    Time I think a lot of plac will probably open in time for February halftime that’s when the Seas will start up again but for some reason plge Beach is currently open for March but a lot of places are going to be opening around February T from the official season keep

    In yeah we’ve got a Central PIR just Here I do need to make a trailer one I mean a uh intro one day I can a proper intro though like black pool we got a couple of shots there that are open that from Power sets Curr no Sal I think people going inside it anyway got a few s in my

    Way nice word to uh see people that a cycling on the TR this is like the main cyle route cuz it’s just like one big path I got a central paer here as the’s opening okay this closed you got this here I don’t know what doing so actually got any uh thumbnail

    Sorted out not so still Tak any pictures terrible me yeah got my two SS over there that I believe that’s open I’m not sure what they’ll be doing with the queen figure with the queen are they going to be allowed to be a to keep it or will they have to eventually get

    Red or will it be that for memor memoriable what be that for memory cuz you can’t forget about she’s for a long Time look at them there water’s dripping from the top going into that and it’s going into I think it’s actually going into that yeah it’s not too windy actually mean you look at those this just rain a little bit so we got a westly wind but overall it’s not all that

    Bad we got see life over here we’ve got amusement just on the corner got Trum going by and we got car Island over there with some scaffolding that’s gone up time’s got some scaffolding going up but on the uh inside of the like lift shaft area so they’re doing some work to the

    Tower but not sure what but at some point someone’s going to have to go up there and start painting it but uh with today’s technology and with like the power tools that we’ve got this day and age it’ll probably take him it’ll probably take him a fair few months

    Don’t get me wrong but considering uh the St we’ve got this teenage it probably that take him maybe a year maybe two to do it top to bottom if you do a proper job of it with the right Tools H if uh H if got do do it properly and

    Sandpaper it down by hand that’ll just take forever you might be best off with a uh an electric sander to do all that one day you’ll see me going up there cuz I want to do it one day going up the tower that just be a one their lifetime thing

    Today like yep I went up there that be good to get some video footage know I know I done London Bridge London Town Bridge done that before been on the London I before so uh but’s to probably won’t be much oh now you can go on the outside of

    It we got the uh spy glass there we’ve got the AL but and the lion WEA SP Pub we’ve got all this uh got all this L being solely taken away so all this lot will be open at some point when there’s nothing here I don’t

    Know it just it feels like it’s waste ground I think they should try and put more stuff oning the air it just feels empty any we’ll talk we’ll uh think we’ll walk around the back of it got see got the seaa com in quite nice calm tide I don’t know this feels life

    It’s empty space which they could do something in all year round maybe as a bit looking empty all the time don’t know you can’t walk all way around it I don’t think I can you oh yes you can you just don’t want your walk ke put I know you L can’t walk around

    It it’s a shame that so uh yeah I’ll just back track on myself and I’ll get back to I was before there a back tracks about around here got how just we got the can’t pick up guys what do you think do you think it looks like the space is just wasted when

    There’s nothing here do you think this should maybe put something here maybe about the a a friend of mine always wanted to be run over by steam train when it happened he was ched to bits oh how does it sound uh much of a comedy I don’t

    Know yeah they could uh do going on this one clean over I think he’ll probably end up getting jet watched later on his season because he got all these dirty MKS and dirty tie tracks and everything go as long as it’s done once a year it won’t be too bad

    Yeah next big event is basically August yeah well this so’s uh currently closed cuz it’s to do the illuminations and there’s a live camera feed from that uh Vegas Diner if you search on Google for Blackpool live C and you can actually see a live feed of the uh of the

    Yeah there we go guys we are now coming up towards north here of which I’ll be ending this video here and then I’ll uh have a bit of walk Center there the should see no fair closed really is see that I didn’t really go on the pain much and you can see

    The go you can see like the support beam underneath is made compared to Central and South P but it’s still got got about same M I just thought there was as m h isn’t much stuff on North Pi like rides in that it’s a shame that uh black can’t

    Keep oning doing the one pound parking a bit longer look got public SPS around here got the weding chapel and ble Tower right in the background see there we have it TR going towards Fleetwood fa and it’s always busy going there’s tempered traffic lights at the moment on the P because uh doing

    Some form of Road works not tooo sure what for donkey we got here open that’s about it moment and there we have it folks we’re now currently at the uh Town Center so we’re going to cut through here there half 12 12 10 cent so for me and this mermaid in Black pool

    Uh if you like the video hit that like button hit subscribe don’t forget to hit that Ding on notification Bell and I’ll see you in the next one so for now take care peace out

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