How Prepared Are You? #mercy #belgium #vlog #2024 #beprepared .
    In this comprehensive self-assessment, delve into the depths of your preparedness across diverse facets of life. Explore and reflect upon your readiness in various scenarios, encompassing personal, professional, and unforeseen circumstances. This introspective journey will guide you through an evaluation of your financial stability, emotional resilience, and adaptability in the face of challenges.

    Probe into your emergency preparedness, evaluating your response mechanisms and contingency plans. Assess your knowledge and skills, considering both practical and theoretical aspects that contribute to your overall preparedness. Delve into your physical well-being and mental health, recognizing the importance of maintaining a robust foundation for the unexpected.


    Hey guys you are welcome back again to my channel how are you all doing you know the statement that people make and say uh be careful what you pray for or be careful what you wish for in my own um opinion I would say be prepared for

    What you are you are praying for I know we all have so many abs this year this year um you’ve had a lot of things going through your mind or I want to be this I want to be this I want to be this I’m praying for it I’m wishing for it how

    Prepared are you 80% of the things that happens in our life are what we think and what we are not prepared for okay you want a new job how well equipped are you for your new job you want to go back to school can you financially sustain yourself you’re

    Praying for an admission oh God give me an admission I want to do this I want to do this have you prepared for it have you mentally physically and otherwise prepared for for it how well equipped are you for what you’re praying for you know I keep

    Hearing this statement and it just make me start feeling you know what people really need to take a chair P this their uh thing I think is not working honestly just be prepared for what you praying for rather than tell people or Encourage Yourself okay I’m very careful

    And conscientious of what I pray for it is okay to have all this plenty alition and don’t know how to start it is okay to look at yourself in the mirror and say I can do better I’ll tell you an example there’s something that’s been

    Going through in my mind or I would just say this there’s any level I get to in life let’s say I get a new job I look for how I can leave that job not leave the job but leave that position to a higher position yes I’m very ambitious

    So my thinking always go messy what can you do to improve yourself messy what can you do so I am constantly my brain is constantly working my brain is constantly okay how can I do this how how can I do this this year there was something I said to myself I said M

    You’re going to out there you’re going to be yes to any invite that that um that uh will make you meet people and you know have good conversation and anything that will help you promote yourself and that’s what I did I mean there were there are different parties

    In Belgium and I said to myself okay what party can you join I meeting once every month and then I joined one which was absolutely fabulous I was like Missy why didn’t you do this ever since I’ll put some of the videos on the stop you

    Know and I just tell myself okay I’ve been really ready out there I’ve been really you know I always think of okay mey what can you do let’s go go go go I know of somebody you know we we we I I think we are still friends because I’ve not spoke

    To him over over a while and he always call me Mrs go go go go go that’s why he tells me said Miss go go go he whenever I checked his phone to see you know what he says my name as is Mrs go go go go go

    That is what your mindset should be I don’t care what you’re praying for but how prepared are you I mean Christians are doing this 21 days fasting and prayer without preparing prepare your mind for what you’re praying for if you want a new job what skills

    Can I get what is the trending thing that I can use to make money you want to be a millionaire how are you trying to get to that place of being a millionaire how are you working hard what contact are you keeping it’s not about sitting in your house all day to

    Say it’s more peaceful in life you have to take risk in life you have to go out there in life you don’t have to sit in one place now I’ll make an example okay so I was at the Sona a few weeks ago and

    Um I was I was at the jauzi and there was this um what was it called there was this uh like a fish thing I don’t know what is called where you have those little little fishes you know they all inside and I saw some were swimming and

    Some was just there in the middle of the water and there was no one at the bottom and it came to my mind that fishes are meant to swim so is human we are meant to grow we are not meant to be stagnant we are not meant to sit in one place we

    Are not meant to be mediocrite we are supposed to dominate let me dive out let me dive to the Bible remember the Bible say have dominion when he created Adam he said go and have dominion so if you are not having Dominion in the city or in your field there’s something wrong

    Because there is something in us that make us grow I told I was on the phone with a friend uh maybe two weeks ago and she told me she said there’s this thing that just keep pushing me mercy like I am not where I want to be I am not where

    I want to be and I told her this I said that is what you’re supposed to be doing you are not supposed to sit down you’re supposed to keep growing you’re supposed to keep that place you want to go how prepared are you well I just thought to

    Share some of my thoughts that been really into my head this period And I thought to bring it to you how prepared are you for what you’re praying for rather than be careful what you pray for how prepared are you how equipped are you it’s okay to pray it’s okay to be

    Spirit ual it’s okay to have the best family or the best advice from people but how prepared are you let me leave you with this thought if fishes are meant to swim and human beings are meant to keep growing and you are human you’ve been in

    That level for a very long time what can you do to add grown Where You Are what are the skills you need to acquire to have grown where you are do you need to take a break from work so you can go to you know get something doing or get

    Some kind of education that will make you out grow your level right now it’s okay to pray for Financial Freedom it’s okay to pray oh I want to do this what action are you taking a lot of people are supposed to be supposed to be on YouTube on Facebook on Tik Tok on

    Instagram but insecurity has made them be in one place for a long time well do not let this year pass you by and you keep using the word be careful what you wish for or you prayed for be prepared be equipped with what you are looking forward to be at the end

    Of the year do have a beautiful beautiful week list forget if you here to subscribe to my YouTube Channel please do so and like my video leave a comment if this message gets to you personally and if you want to get more of this video love you and have a beautiful beautiful Monday


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