Meet the person hoping to take over from Sadiq Khan as the next Mayor of London. Susan Hall is the choice of the Conservative Party to take on the two-term Mayor, but is currently trailing in the polls. She joins Nick Ferrari to talk directly to voters and try to change this…

    00:11 Caller Julia wants answers about the Hammersmith Bridge, as it remains closed to cars for a fifth year. Unfortunately, Ms Hall hasn’t got all her facts together on the story.

    04:17 Caller Matthew asks why we should have a Conservative mayor? Ms Hall insists people are sick of Sadiq Khan.

    08:50 Caller Jane wants to know why taxpayers are having to pay for policing at Premier League football matches. Ms Hall, a Spurs fan, says clubs should pay ‘a fraction’ towards this cost.

    12:05 Caller Lorna says she was ‘driven out’ of the capital by cycle lanes and narrowed roads and asks if Ms Hall has the ‘courage’ to reverse some of these changes to London’s roads.

    15:00 Alistair texts in to ask if Ms Hall still agrees that the US election was ‘stolen’ from Donald Trump. The mayoral hopeful reassures him that on Twitter you sometimes ‘like things that you don’t always like.’

    16:44 Caller Dan wants to know how more officers will be recruited into the police force. Nick uses the opportunity to quiz Ms Hall on the starting salary of a policeman.

    20:17 Pam texts in to demand more buses. Nick asks how much a bus fare is in London and gets a pretty blunt response.

    Listen to the full show on Global Player:

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    You don’t know what a bus fair is no so all you don’t know who owns Hammer Smith Bridge you don’t know what a police officer makes and you don’t know the bus I said to you in the 30s as you as you full well know hammou bridge will

    Been closed very shortly for five years to motorized traffic what are your concrete plans for tackling this well you can only have concrete plans when you know what money you’ve got available um as you know um well I don’t know if you know so I’ll actually point it out

    It’s quite clear that the mayor has been squirreling money aside for the last few years in order to suddenly in election year um really locate about half a billion pounds so I need to know what is in the uh in the coffers before we start promising anything um I believe it’s

    Going to cost £250 million um to repair certainly if there’s money that can be found that would be able to be used on it I would with I think there’s about 30 Bridges um in London that go over the TS we must get the we must get our city

    Moving again and quite frankly uh this is a a key bridge so if there’s money there and it can be dealt with and the two councils can be um who owns the bridge Susan well it’s between the two the two councils uh apparently there’s it’s not very clear but at the end of

    The day the mayor is in charge of London and if things are not working they have to step in if he can step in with3 million for his mates in the unions he can certainly start finding money for an essential Bridge like like like this right we we’ll come to that30 million in

    In just a second so you’re saying that the two local authorities shouldn’t have to bear the whole cost and people who live in sidcup and Highgate should have to pay to repairing Hammer Smith bridge I’m saying let’s look and see what money is in the coffers because it’s certainly

    A very important issue if I can find the money to fix it will what if you can’t well let’s see what’s there he’s sudden well he he SC SS away lots of money in various different Reserve pots and that needs to be looked at the the transparency of the budget it takes

    Something to be desired to be honest so let’s see what money is there he’s got a 21 billion pound budget he could have dealt with it by now let’s get a response from Julia in Barns Julia a response from what you heard from Susan Hall well I’m a bit disappointed by this

    Response because it shows a basic factual misunderstanding of the case the bridge doesn’t belong to two councils it only belongs to one Council which is ham and Fulham um central government are the only people everyone knows who has the budget to repair the bridge um and it sounds to me like you’re making

    Absolutely no promises at all so the electorate won’t um bear what you say in mind when it comes to voting on the issue of HTH Bridge before you go Julia let Susan Hall respond can I just say one facts wrong uh no can I just say one

    Thing I will not I will not promise anything unless I know whether the money is coming from I have said that from the beginning now by the end of February we will know what money is available if there is money I for sure will do what I

    Can because it is the mayor’s job to make sure we’ve got a moving City and at the moment the city is pretty gridlocked so I won’t make promises on the radio or anywhere else unless I know that these promises are funded I’ve been listening to Nick for long enough to know that you

    Know you have so many different people on promising everything you should not promise unless you know where the money is going to come from all right so you can’t promise more police officers then I yes I can because I have actually found2 200 million there’s a list of

    Places that’s going to come from and that’s why I made that pledge okay why didn’t you know who owns the bridge um because the two councils have been fighting with each other over it it was 1985 that the ownership of the bridge was transferred to the London bar

    Of Hammer Smith and Fulham I’ve been speaking to Emma Smith and Fulham and they they want contributions agree this is a major issue for voters both sides of the of course it is it’s a major issue for lond someone standing as the mayor or candidate should know who owns

    The damn thing shouldn’t they I just know how much it’s going to cost to repair you don’t know who owns it all right Julia thank you for the call Matthew’s at he Matthew on the radio good morning uh morning hi Susan uh what it is um I looking like we’re going to

    Have a labor government at the next general election um we see it’s not healthy to have an opposition mayor of London so I mean the the conservative government is just playing politics and not really supporting the current mayor so I mean why do you think we should elect a conservative

    Mayor well you’re you’re making an assumption that Labour will win the next general election um lots of people make an incorrect assumption that sadik Khan will win the London election I tell you I’m I’m out knocking on doors all the time people are sick to death of s con I

    Can work with anybody uh with whichever government is in place I will work with them so it you know it can be done the problem with Sadi KH is whenever he’s had um secret meetings as it were or confidential meetings I should say then goes out and briefs the Press straight

    Away so consequently government have been very concerned about telling him various things when you’re told things in confidence you keep them in confidence so it’s more in my view the way the behavior of them has been wrong Matthew a quick response from you well

    Yeah I mean I I think for London is the capital of the UK so really it needs to be working in harmony with the current government and we just see politics being played over the uls and everything I mean we want to save the pollution and save the planet and London’s where it’s

    Got to start all right Matthew thank you for that I’m reminded Hassan asked for SC score Susan Hall I apologize I forgot to come if you may recall the ranking he wanted the Met rank between Score 1 to 10 currently your first caller and I didn’t get your rating can I get that

    Score before we move on um with me it’ll be 10 out of 10 10 out of 10 when I’m in charge no I’m so sorry currently where would you say it is currently it needs Improvement I will leave it at that because to be honest with you you’re not

    Going to give me and I tell you for why because we have got to support the police we have got to support the police we need them we need them desperately we have to support them sadik Khan suddenly finds Miracle money from all over the place everywhere and yet he has not been

    Helping out in the police and every one of us want to feel safeer Nick the miracle money to which you refer as the3 million that was discovered as you rightly say earlier this month but of course it did avert tube strikes you’d have gone ahead with those tube strikes

    Yes and what are AEV doing now well why don’t you tell my listeners what you perceive AEV is doing now well I I think we’re in for a load more strikes we’ve had 139 strikes uh under sadik Khan we we need to we need to put put this right

    How would you prevent that high level of strike days well I I certainly think you should help to negotiate with the unions he just stepped in threw money at it and of course the other unions have immediately turned around and said what about ours but you know the unions fund his election campaign

    Um you must support the tub Fair freeze the 123 million you want to or would you would you undo would you revoke a freeze or take it out I go back to my original point we need to see what money is there he’s suddenly he’s obviously but on

    Friday you’ll know that on Friday he announces of course you do okay just a CL well for my listen Ander just give the benefit single Fair freeze on the transport for London current levels for one year starting in March all pays you go fars on oyster cars contactless bank

    Cards subject to the freeze Journey between zone 5 to one at peak times 510 P there we go that would you would undo that I don’t know wait let’s wait and see what the finan you could it no I’ve got Nick sadique Khan has been screaming

    That he hasn’t got enough money for the last seven years respect enough May Khan now just you would you would you now undo that so the freeze would not stay in place I suspect it would stay in place I wonder where the money has come from don’t forget he’s spent seven years

    Saying he’s got no money he’s been underfunded and yet suddenly he’s got money to do a fair freeze oh guess why there’s an election coming he’ll find other monies for all sorts of other things and it’s because there’s an election coming but in the last seven years he’s been depriving various vital

    Services from money and I would suggest definitely the police in order that he can have a bump a year now just before an election and buy the votes quite frankly let’s go to other calls I think this is an air area you touched on earlier Susan Hall Janes in Richmond

    Jane you’re on the radio your question if you would good morning hi good morning good morning Susan hi good morning Jan last week Nick Roy the police commission on the show and and Mark mentioned that London is current the police budget is currently covering the1 18.5 million pounds of policing

    Footall uh participants and for visitors to the capital and in and basically policing outside of the stadium is costing the n8.5 million what’s your thoughts on that and should the police be stamping up the cost all the premier clubs and it’s worth Jane thank you it’s worth reminding listeners some of these

    Football clubs as you’re probably aware Susan Hall have fabulously owners yes they do they do and we’ve got to look at 18.5 I mean the weakest left back in the division will probably cost three times am anyway so your your view on that Susan Hall I do think that we need to to

    Look at where we can find money for the police in in this respect I mean I’ve been to Tottenham gains when you know the the BL the lovely police horses are out and there um especially if they’re playing against Arsenal there used to be problem no are you a Spurs fan I am

    Indeed your Spurs okay okay so you think because just as I’m sure you’re aware police officers within the ground Tottenham hotb have to pay for anybody any man woman or Horse Outside the ground is down to the Met as it would be at Arsenal as it would be at Chelsea

    Palace and everywhere else you’d say it’s time some of the clubs paid some of that a fraction towards it yes and I think that’s a good idea I think they should why only a fraction well because they would say that they pay their rates they would say that they

    Play towards it in any event so a fraction can be any amount what’s a fraction 25 needs to be looked in possibly it needs to be looked into and I think the law has to be changed in order to do that all right staying with

    That idea if we Jane thank you for your question if we expand that what about the idea of some protest groups paying towards the policing of some of the demonstrations whether it be Pro Palestinian groups Extinction Rebellion just stop oil is there an argument they should pay towards some of the policing

    Of that well isn’t this an interesting one because we I mean I know you only ever ask interesting I TR yes you do you do very well but it is interesting because on the one I mean this is one of the situations on the one hand we’re all

    Around we’re all allowed to do you know have free speech go on demonstrations is part of our democracy so it’s difficult to say no having said that protests like uh just stop oil protests like the ones we’ve been seeing over the last goodness knows how many weeks um are disturbing I

    Find it very disturbing that uh lots of Jewish londoners don’t want to come into London anymore because of it and that you see is totally unacceptable people don’t want to be sprayed with orange paint um wouldn’t go near the um just a world people but that’s totally different to the situation Jewish

    Londoners are in and I absolutely feel for Jewish londoners at the moment they don’t feel safe Nick let’s go to other callers Lor’s in Loden not London Loden in Norfolk but you were in London is that correct Lorna hello yes hi I was driven out because of a lot of sadik

    Khan’s um changes to the roads around me right um uh he basically did a lot of unnecessary work like narrowed roads in Sussex Gardens from four to two lanes when it was the only people wandering down there with prostitutes I hate to say that but but

    He also put cyc Lanes everywhere he put you know I mean basically what I’m saying is can I move you to your question Lorna if I if I might thank you very much has she got has she got the courage to reverse a lot of the work on

    The road that sadik Khan has done which has slowed traffic down actually caused more pollution uh become a nightmare for Builders delivery people Etc trying to get on with their lives so to clarify you you want cycle Lanes ripped up just to clarify is is that what you

    Want not everywhere I want consultation with the police with the police where most people died so where there’s BL where there’s blind spots with the areas where there’s a lot there have been a lot of cycle deaths keep those in those areas okay I’ve got to move to the

    Question now because so many people want their involvement uh Susan Hall yes I do have the guts to do it I wish you come back to London Lorna because you agree with what I do it’s war on the motorist quite frankly things that I would do is

    Get rid of that ridiculous cycling Lane on Park Lane that’s gridlocks that part of London we’ve got um 20 M hour zones on places like the Finchley Road utterly ridiculous worse than all of these we’ve got floating bus stops if you’re blind or partially cited or disabled you know

    Cycles should stop for you if you’re trying to cross the road back onto the pavement they don’t they they’re really dangerous and the association for the blind are very very concerned about these uh yes reducing width on on um major roads totally ludicrous because

    Even if we all sit in a traffic jam it’s outrageous that um ambulances have to fire engines have to police officers have to uh we need our emergency vehicles to be able to get through our road so yes I do have the guts to do it

    And yes I would be doing it we need to get London moving again which is why going back to the Hammer Smith bridge if I could find the money to do that I would we need our bridges sorted out in London we need to know that we can keep

    London moving Lor thank you Dan coming to you for the next question in a moment you’ve referenced mayor KH a lot earlier this month he talked about this being a year of decision there’s every chance we could see Donald Trump in the White House Suella bravman in number 10 and

    Susan Hall in London’s City Hall said mayor khah given that one of Donald Trump’s most prominent supporters has actually stood down that becomes even more of a reality but I’m read here from alist and Hackney do you still think the 2020 election was stolen uh no I think you’re referring to

    An old tweet um and you did say that says alist in Hackney yeah but I that was at the very beginning of something oh listen we’ve gone through my you initially thought the 20120 you initi I I I tweet and like used to like things

    On Twitter but I but just to clarify you did initially think the 2020 election was stolen no I I did I think I liked something as you know I I never intended to go to go into this sort of Le level of politics if not I probably would not

    Have had a Twitter account uh because you like things and repeat things that you you don’t always like but the one thing that I don’t I’ve never said I like anything that I don’t like why why would you even countenance it well unless you’re going to tell me that the

    2020 election was stolen of course it was but why would you like something you don’t know why you do tweets that’s you that’s a bit frightening that the mayor doesn’t know why she does things she no that’s not what I said I I think we’ve been through this before you often like

    One often likes it oh you do when you’re not I mean I don’t suppose are we closer to Susan Hall in City Hall as a result of tald Donald Trump do you welcome the fact that he it would appear his parth has been cleared to a degree last night

    Well I I what the Americans decide to do is up to the Americans I’m very glad that sadique Khan thinks I could be in City Hall uh he must be being told that by his activists out there knocking on doors because that’s what I’m hearing knocking on doors Dan’s in Burmy Dani

    You’re through to Susan Hall go ahead hello good morning everyone hello uh my question is that earlier on Su you mentioned that you wanted to recruit more police officers uh the problem is that sad KH has been trying to recruit for the G on home many years and he

    Hasn’t been successful so my question is how are you going to actually attract people to apply for the police and how you going improve the caliber of the police officers join that’s a very good stay on the line if you would yeah no it is a good question and actually sleep

    Khan screaming at the government for more money what coer ear um I think they’re on about I think they start at I think they start about 30 something and it goes up from there right so you’ll see you’ll see to recruit more officers you don’t actually know how much they

    Own I think they cost us a a a Bobby cost about 60k with the ongoing cost don’t forget it’s not their just their wages sorry £60,000 I think you have to estimate around 60k because of their pensions and everything else but what’s the starting salary um I don’t I don’t

    Know what the one is now they’re being given a 5% oh I probably should know what nurses earn and teachers earn £36,000 so how are you going to get more right so there is a problem with recruitment I would suggest it’s because police are being being so bad mouthed in

    London uh by by by so many that which is why I said to you earlier we need to support the police but sorry who’s badmouthing I mean I’m not and I doubt that you are so who is I absolutely am not I’m sure you’re not so who is

    Badmouthing them but well the gentleman on the phone Dan has just said a better quality of Officer let me assure you Dan the the vast majority of officers have very good quality they really are they they are brave they run into danger uh they need to be supported by all of us

    Uh sadik Khan has got a checkered history on on whether he will or won’t support the police we need to support them not only in our words and our Deeds but we also need to support them financially now if there was a better reputation in the Met then we’d have

    More people that wanted to go into it Sadi Khan has just given back to the government 90 million pounds Nick that the government were prepared to give him to get more get more officers let’s clarify from Dan Dan were you bad mouthing the police when you made that point

    Dan uh no because I’m a poli offic myself I figured you were the way you put the question do you think that’s going to encourage more BLS than women to join up um probably not I think we need to improve the uh the celery right uh we need to

    Improve uh the working conditions the hours we do right um we need to make the job attractive because there’s so many other jobs that are more attractive now than being a police officer right so I I know it’s not your real name love my you do well thank goodness for the

    Courage that you and your colleagues show we’re very very grateful for the work you do and and most of them do love their job seriously and they are I mean but I don’t know how long Dar you’ve been in the force but one of the worst things that ever happened to the

    Metropolitan Police is when they went over to BCU basic command units when they were actually b control when there were B um police officers they had places they could go to locally which was much better for the local police um it it was a much better system to have a

    Burrow based policing unit if you like um and therefore um police officers on the street knew who to go to all right let’s pick up a couple of questions yes we’ve got time that have come in on ah Pam and Worcester Park I’ve heard Susan H Susan Hall talk about the underground

    About bicycle about cars what about buses we need more buses where are you on uh bus would you try and bring about more buses Susan yes yes I would because is the money coming from for B exactly which is why but you see this is why Nick I keep

    Saying to you let’s see where the money is when he brings in his final budget because every year that I’ve been on the assembly suddenly 20000 million pounds every year Pro around that figure has appeared from the draft budget to the main budget it’s a there’s no

    Transparency in his budget at all so let’s see what money there is there and then I will make the pledges and when I make a pledge it will be kept would you alter bus fairs it you’re going back to finance what is the bus Fair how much do you pay

    To get on a bus currently I don’t use them I use trains all the time you don’t know what a bus fair is no so you don’t know who owns Hammer Smith Bridge you don’t know what a police officer makes and you don’t know

    The bus I said to you in the 30s as you as you for well know I use I use I use lots of trains um to get around 175 is a bus Fair okay but that can get you from Southgate to cuden if you hop on and off

    Don’t we need to review some of that that is an incredible value for money that’s the width of London you’ve traversed or almost I don’t know Richmond to situp for 175 which is why buses are good but I I don’t know the profitability and I don’t know whether I

    Know sadique Khan has cut a load of buses um so we need to be looking at that because that will affect lo you need closer inection of the budget you can’t say what bu where listen Nick over the years I have heard you criticize people because they promised left and

    I’ve been listening to you for 20 years and you say that uh and congratulations by the by the way for that and I listen to you say they promise this and that and they don’t know where the money’s come I’m saying to you there’s lots of

    Things I’d like to do but it’s it it’s impossible for me to say until I know what money is there because I guarantee you when I’m mayor of London whatever I’ve said to you I will do I will do it


    1. I think she drinks a lot of red wine. As much as I would love to see the back of Sadik Khan the candidates so far are such a shambles. Better the devil we know.

    2. At least she looks British like Boris Johnson better than some foreign descendant. We need more like her to privatise the Fire Service and Police as those two departments waste so much money, just like the railways, Post Office, Airports, BT and council housing those lazy working class.

    3. 13:00+ Did the caller say to keep the cycle lanes where there are blindspots and have been a lot of cyclist deaths but get rid of the cycle lanes where there have been no cyclist deaths?🤔

    4. Well congratulations to sadiq on his upcoming election victory. No one in their right mind would vote for susan hall after that carcrash of an interview

    5. What an amazing person and so knowledgeable about London issues. She is for it and thinks it is deplorable how it is being done but also sincerely she is against it and thinks we need less of it. But most of all Sadiq Khan messed it up and did bad things. We need to recognise she can see that Sidiq Khan messed it up.

    6. "Nick, as I keep telling you, Pigeons cost us £90K each and that's because Sadiq keeps finding money from nowhere. Luckily when I'm London Mayor I will communicate with even less knowledge, and when I make a pledge, I keep them".

    7. This is what it has come to, how embarrassing…why & how have our potential representatives become so weak & ill informed. Absolutely unacceptable & inexcusable!!

    8. She is running for mayor because Lords tickets had been sold 😂
      She is 68 or something why on earth she is even running?
      Why couldn't she mentor or support someone in there 30’/40’s?

    9. I know the Conservative party is down to the dregs now, but surely they could’ve found somebody in London better than her, she's hopeless!

    10. Mayoral candidates should talk up what they plan to do for London instead of just slagging off the current Mayor.
      Did this fool ask Boris what happened to 20 million of the Garden bridge that went missing in his mayoral period?
      This woman is typical of the tories sad to say…

    11. My word. I'm a pleb in Newcastle. I have read that bridge story and knew who owned it. I know what a starting salary copper/nurse/teacher earns as its been all over the media in recent years. I was last in London two weeks ago and used the public transport as usual – I know roughly the fares. What is happening in this country when this is the best that can be produced by the Conservative Party? How has she managed to win elections? Serious question Londoners, how? Oddschecker do a better job than the polls with elections. I would not waste a tenner on her at 100/1 never mind the 7/1 William Hill has her. She was so bad I felt sorry for her. What an ego she must have and a skin like a rhino's. I'm no lefty or liberal and have voted blue before but I could and would not vote for this. I'm off to the bookies to put my life savings on SK at 14/1 on

    12. So, in 2020, she wasn't even considering a career in politics. Was she just bored? Just like buffoon Boris Johnson was handed the job cos he fancied it.

    13. The language she uses pertaining to Sadiq Khan is extremely inflammatory…"chequered history"…"squirreling away money"…"screaming at the government"

    14. Blurred, disproportionate and quite frankly a disillusional candidate that appears to display everything that the majority in this country fear!
      I don’t wish to appear as a keyboard troll but watching this fills me with a heavy heart! A lovely woman but not for the position of London Mayor!! All the best to everyone and let’s hope for a wonderful next term!!

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