Hello everyone and thanks for watching this long overdue video where I visit my friend Johns awesome vintage bike collection! Check out his channel here for more awesome vintage bike content!

    Hello YouTube Welcome Back Chris here it is freezing cold here in Chicago land and uh I am off to visit a friend of mine uh John who has a YouTube channel uh John’s vintage road bike garage he’s had this garage for a while and I have

    Yet to go out and visit it and of course I picked today it freezing cold9 there even one of my tires didn’t like it it dropped uh to a real low pressure there uh so we’re going to head on out there and uh show you what it’s

    All about like I said you’ll be seeing it the first time as me so uh pretty excited all right we’re pulling up on it now this is ironate motor condos in neille Illinois this place is primarily designed to house high-end cars and John is a bit of a car guy as

    Well but uh he has a beautiful bike collection here so we’re going to go on in and check it out this place is really cool they got a lot of awesome stuff in here and we got to go find them like I said this is the first time obvious

    Seeing the collection so I’ve never been in here but uh think I’ll take a look I think this is Him hey John hey how you doing good how are you welcome this is John John’s vintage road bike garage hey guys how are you we going to take a look around today all right and John has an awesome YouTube channel we’ll post that down below and maybe somewhere on this window

    Too all right terrific oh let’s just hop in over on the wall here all right I’ll go first sorry for the cars being in the way I can’t pull them outside today yeah I already told everyone on here that it is -10 outside right now and it is

    Brutal this is a pretty one right here here I know it’s your first time here but uh over here is my kind of my Schwin section the Schwin Paramount’s a well reown uh bicycle and we have a couple 88s we have a couple 72s and 84 just a you know big collection of

    These I love them this is really cool here you’ve got the bike with the helmet the water bottle even got the wedy box with cereal in it there’s no cereal in there no kidding uh this all came as part of a along with that uh that poster

    Over there and I promised the person that sold to me that i’ keep it together that’s awesome there’s another bike shop owner who was really generous in selling these three bikes what year would you say this bike is this is an 88 88 yeah the year I was born oh how about that

    There a rep paint and uh with the team colors uh it’s uh the team was you know sponsored by weedies and that’s why they’re on the box that’s awesome let’s take a look at a few more of these swins here uh kind of unique this is in ‘ 84

    They actually started building in Wisconsin in uh I think it was ‘ 83 and uh yeah Chrome lugs actually stainless steel kind of kind of fancy they got fancy for a while now I am not a vintage bike person so you’re going to have to

    Help me out on some of this stuff what would you call this group I know it’s campolo campolo is uh pretty much in most of the bikes here because they dominated in the in the you know 60s 7s and early 80s and uh this is a triple

    Crank which you’ve seen once in a while long cage derailer it’s set up for touring but honestly it’s not a real touring bike something you do on a Century ride something like that and these bikes were built for bling they had a lot of bling to them kind of fancy

    Now in this era was it just camping nor was this record nvo record something like that or question uh it’s Nova record and super record mix like the rear uh super record with a long cage was was really really rare and uh cuz usually they would have a rally driller

    I’ll show you over there but the triple crack rank the double drilled large SL hubs I went and tour on those they’re not as strong so they didn’t really do much labeling on them then you kind of had just know your way around it huh know your way around let’s look at the

    Lugs up here real quick before we move on yeah they stopped doing Chrome lugs that was actually a special order Richard Schwin said that’s nuts he didn’t know that even existed and uh but back in the day they ow Chrome the lugs such as this one here the whole bike’s

    Chromed that’s a pretty one and as an example here’s what the rest of them look like it’s the same model year I’m sure everyone’s seen that color before yeah campus green one of the most famous colors they did just had it repainted and this is has they have the Chrome

    Lugs which pretty much they all did back in the70s and before and when then Waterford cycle started building them uh up north uh they got rid of the Chrome now this is the anniversary edition with the gold Fork that’s absolutely beautiful it’s crazy right the parts are all anodized

    Gold I wish they match a little bit better and then uh the previous owner actually goldplated some of the small bits these are actually goldplated did that back in the ‘ 80s when it wasn’t uh $2,000 tell me about this G and this uh Garden Gardine Gardine that was a unique

    Thing uh guardan was a frame Builder and a distributor up in Canada and uh decided to customize a group by doing a gold anodization some people think it’s a lot of plays having Guardian stuff on a Schwin but uh you know it is what it is those Delta breaks are awesome yeah

    They are not the best performing but boy they look cool actually Camp Yello wasn’t the best performing group out there when the uh dur a7400 group came in and really unseated Camp Yello as a leader uh in terms of performance uh they always have the best bearing races and most

    Durability but boy that group that’s on that bike over here really changed everything and the unseated camp yellow is the chosen Parts uh to be putting on a racing bike cuz the index shifting was superb uh the braking everything the finish uh you know build quality was

    Great and um yeah C yellow in my opinion never recovered from that so of the bikes you have here and we’re going to get to a lot he’s got a lot of stuff in here how many of these are repainted or original are the majority of them

    Original or oh boy um that was painted decades ago that used to be just white okay um that’s hard to say this is a repaint it was beat up uh what we we got here yeah most these are are are sto uh rumor has that kog was repainted the reason why we know

    That is they didn’t paint that well in Italy back in the day so it looks really good so it almost has to be a repaint and there’s a couple more that’s we painted got a couple upstairs and uh that we’ll go over but most of the time

    I try to keep them stock most of these are garage Queens yeah oh yeah they all look amazing this is a superior here yeah that’s actually a Paramount frame made by a guy named Don mland up in Wisconsin when Schwin couldn’t produce enough frames or go to him to build

    Them yeah pretty cool that was bought at one of the George Garner stores and this is nvo record also yeah changed that that was a a different Dera but that should have been Grand Sport now Grand Sport was just a lesser group with less polish you can take a look at this arm

    As compared to any of the other cap yellow that you seen so a lot of these bikes you kind of tailor them to how you want them with parts or upgrade them a little bit little here and there but I try to keep it in U EP Poole you know

    Yeah and definitely period correct mostly yeah there’s some Modern rims on a couple bikes cuz I ride them and I want to ride well that’s cool what what percentage of these would you say you ride is there just a handful or uh if you see a clipless pedal on it

    Oh there you go there’s the tell there’s a good chance yeah I was going to ask about that cuz I noticed on this one here the first one we saw there that the pedals are definitely not superior but that means you must ride it at least a

    Little bit huh yeah if you look at the 88 it it doesn’t have it has C vintage I don’t ride that one I haven’t it yet what are these Deltas oh mavic maybe how from back in the day yeah those are cool that’s a different cleat than the new looks that I’m currently

    Using um this one I just had it and put it back together you can see my video about a month ago for me building this still haven’t been awesome that Chrome one’s got a lot of on this is not my size once again vintage looks I don’t

    Ride that yeah love that bike that’s yeah that’s a real little one that pinell that’s a 54 or 21 in it’s it’s I prefer a 58 or or 60 uh but yeah these definitely get ridden um mercians here yeah those are made in Derby England wow spelled Derby but it

    Is Derby and they’re known for their lug work if you look at the the little uh clovers in those yeah that’s real cool and then if you look at here the scrolling is nuts yeah that’s a Vincent Tory if you look around the front you can see more of the

    Scrolling oh that’s really cool yeah and that’s what made that bike famous they still make them today this is a New Old Stock 1980 and today you get the same exact frame wow a couple variations of course but wow so yeah Raleigh Professional here yeah from

    1980 and I have a 74 of the same exact bike and a similar color I actually like the old one better the Fastback stays how they come up as opposed to uh that one there and it unfortunately that’s kind of an end of an era uh they started building bikes

    In Japan after this which are not horrible uhhuh but I love bikes that were built by the company that said they built them here’s an example for instance um the specialized La this is actually made by giant it’s their first generation uh you call it a screw glue

    You know where they have the aluminum lugs that keep the carbon fiber together and I’m I just love that bike it even though it’s made in uh by Giants they really have a great quality frame here I’ve heard stories of these I don’t know about this particular bike but I

    Know with like some of the trucks that they come on bonded have you heard of that before or is that just the TS like here’s a first generation Tre aluminum that’s cool and they didn’t really come apart very often now this particular one did and uh s friend you’ll see him on my

    Channel quite a bit uh he was a specialized rep for myself and your boss back in the day and after this year they beefed up the logs and they changed it cuz CU a couple them are coming apart and I’m not a small man and I don’t if I

    Get ride it I ride it really lightly I don’t want for sure yeah let’s talk about this truck a little bit here well you know L bikes became hot when Cale you know started producing uh these bikes yeah uh they were mimicking the Klein uh which got

    Them in big trouble but the uh this is track’s first generation Aluminum Bike they were bonded together wow uh but it was full aluminum and they use the same FR up L yeah this is a 7400 dur this was a top of line about a $2,000 retail back in

    The day what year would you say this is that’s an 87 I believe 87 and I think the very first bike I think it was an ‘ 85 it came in an off white color called ew um yeah this dates the fade job kind of dates it for those who were around at

    The time Fades were hot for a year or two now notice you’ve got a couple of of swins in here that are a little bit more more common place you got a world here you got a um what is this a continental well that actually a varsity well this

    Is definitely common place this is a varsity tourist I’m redoing uh tourist just meant had an upright bar okay same as a regular Varsity of its day but it’s such great shape and people come in here they always have a story even if they’re not into cycling that they love the old

    Schwin so I I thought I should have one here yeah that’s a 67 now these over here yeah and for all you anybody watching we are in Chicago land this is the Schwin Capital you see the stuff all over the place here there’s a lot of cult following for Schwin around here

    Exactly and I have um three bikes here there’s a couple that are not here these are actually made by Panasonic uh Schwin cannot compete with their heavy U Philip Ray frames back in the day that headbadge is awesome so starting in 72 they started producing bikes with

    Panasonic so they could compete with the French and um English Rivals so uh they had a nice lightweight bike the quality was second to none and I like I said I like bikes that were built by the companies that said they made them this is my exception these are just beautiful

    Bikes and they uh uh they perform well and they’re nostalgic when I worked at a bike shop in in early 80s these are the two top line bikes on the sales floor those are cool yeah this one might be going across uh Ohio I’m going to do

    A vintage Bike Tour across the uh the state on Ohio and Erie Trail nice so and that’s a chenell that’s going be retro modded let’s talk about these Italian Birds up here yeah that one’s nuts that’s a beautiful bicycle I’ve got a soft spot for bianes and Celeste green

    And especially oh they have to be slis I mean that bik’s unique cuz it was New Old Stock um New Old Stock cockpit seat post saddle wheels are all New Old Stock the component group uh the drivetrain is not uh uh it’s going to get a New Old

    Stock um Regina chain once I uh get one uh but that has never been written but I am going to ride that bike it’s just too cool that stem yeah that is a triple t stem with the biani uh cograph that is cool special oh yeah that’s sharp and what’s

    What unique about that is it’s New Old Stock and which is rare because those bikes if you look at there’s no Chrome yeah which means these were raced they’re ridden hard and they’re be I got to ask who who stitched the handlebars not I uh that is craftsmanship right there I

    Bought it all from the same guy and yeah I’m not that good at it that’s insane yeah that’s that’s that’s a really good job kagos that’s my favorite brand some people it’s kind of the nickel back of bicycles they’re kind of overplayed oh they’re overplayed I love them though

    And people do love them yeah but you know some people roll their eyes cuz like there’s so many out there uh this one here is called a super profile and it’s from the early 80s the team is called uh the team colors is uh the S

    Cerrone okay it’s like R Cerrone uh the Cerrone colors were famous and I guess he won some World Championship in 82 or 83 with that color and uh just beautiful that is paint and then I added some of the Pantagraph here now is this this has the Clover tubeing that actually kind

    Actually this one has seams on the top oh there okay yeah and uh top and the down oh there’s a master over there and there’s tubing you’re familiar with which is like a clover shape if you will um you know it’s not round at all yeah

    It’s I don’t know how well that shows up on camera but such cool cool tubes they use on these bikes I’ve always liked the kago Masters and do they still make one they still make the master and another one called the arabesque okay and I really would like an arobas but those

    Frames new are like3 $3,400 and they need to put minor components on which I don’t know if they’ll look right with airas frame so yeah it may happen one day yeah got some gtis down here am I butchering that name I don’t know you think I think you are I get accused of

    Butchering these names more than you do I’ve heard Groot everti gerti I don’t know hey leave it down in the comments if you know to say that although I won’t be able to read it properly yeah you spell spell it fanatically for us yeah I have another bik that’s not

    Here called a chuch chuch C CC and everyone argu about how to pronounce it yeah I would have called it a Cho and I did that all my life until I heard the actual builder of the Fram the inventor uh say the name chur CH so you I have a

    Video on my channel if you want to go look at how to pronounce Cho and it’s basically saying hey stop arguing about it here’s the inventor of the B here’s the artist say it like he said that’s awesome yeah that’s pretty much a write of passage for any Italian

    Brand you how many times I heard bian or bian biani or yeah yeah I heard all I can’t say that I’m the best arbitrator but it’s correct right you only know what you know right that’s why I love my viewers you know they come to the channel and they say hey you’re doing

    This wrong and I’ll say that’s fantastic thank well here’s another one do you say sinelli or chanelli that is a chanelli you say chanelli I would have said sinelli yeah and that’s that’s when they rebuilt with modern parts and all those parts are going on a 1995 GT aluminum

    Frame oh okay and uh that’s going to be built with like a 10 or 11 Speed camp group not a new one but maybe you know a few years old yeah this is not not that old of a group um can’t be chorus early 2000s and the uh it’s space correctly so

    It’s modern spacing so I could put a modern group on it okay these brakes look older yeah that’s a model planers those are those are definitely older yeah that’s not know those might be uh late 80s actually yeah you know I actually lost interest the second uh

    Brifters came out you know soon as the brifters came out I you know I don’t see a lot of bikes this this one doesn’t have it um however it has shifters that don’t work which is kind of funny shifters that don’t work you know the campello made it so hard those actually

    Don’t work too bad but that black anniversary model I can’t get it to work and I challenge anyone that watches my channel I said hey come on over buy a dinner buy a lunch chck out the collection and make that thing shift properly I’ll pay you 100 bucks in a

    Dinner no one’s taking me up on it really I don’t blame them that’s interesting because I this this kind of stuff seems so simple you know what I mean it’s it’s it’s levers it’s fewer gears it’s wider chains as long as the cables are clean and router properly you

    Think that there’s really nothing you can go wrong but yeah you’d be surprised every now and then there’s something that just isn’t working right you know you hope it’s not a compatibility issue but there really wasn’t that many options back then you know well that

    Goes back to our story how the 7400 dur group um destroyed Camp Yello so Camp Yello in their haste hurry hurried up and put together an index system actually bought an Athena version of that back in the day when I had can when I sold Canales never worked and I can’t

    Get that one to work it just they did a lousy job that is why Shimano unseated Campell interesting then when brifters came out they did a better job uh much better job I have a couple Camp yellow bikes I had one over there from 2016 and I love the

    Stuff this one here now this is the one you just did the video on right just did a video on this if you want to check it out on the channels within the last week or so I just did just posted that video yesterday on a Raleigh yep saw that one

    A Japanese m Raleigh actually um marketed by Huffy bicycles the bar tape and the saddle were a good choice oh thank you I know you were asking about that on your video and this is I bought this actually from your store in 2016 at milray Cyclery and it’s cool it’s

    Chalian nice well Mazi is an Italian brand right it wasse now it’s a decal and it’s made in China so I say it’s chalian so but beautiful Chrome everywhere the loves the bottom bracket shell with a modern well 2016 modern camp and yellow um 10speed group so did

    The bike come spec with the campag NOA like that just like that I picked it up from your shop just like this I changed the saddle and the stem to look more retro even though it’s an you know a threadless system V orange had this I’ve

    Never seen that you I want it to look more vintage so it’s only reason that’s that seems like something Vel orange would make I’ve I’ve written this on your uh I’ve written this on your ride of a few times and did a great job on it it it performs Super that’s really cool

    All right well I got to ask because this is kind of an oddball in the shop here what is this well that is actual Harley-Davidson licensed product uh back in the mid90s 1995 to be exact an executive from Harley-Davidson was on the beaches in Huntington Beach California and saw uh

    The GT and Dino Cruisers that were out he said that what a great idea so he call up GT and said hey let’s collab and come out with a line of bikes they can had a good better best this is the good uh and there’s go by GT B did you sell

    These back in the day I did yeah this one has a really quick unique story um it’s interesting to me I built this bike in 1995 and it went up in the rafters at the North Brook store George Garner’s North Brook store and then years later

    About 7 years ago I got this off of Craigslist and I asked him where he got it he goes this thing’s been hanging up in North Brook Illinois since 1995 said dude I built that bike that’s awesome so I had to buy it it was so cool had a

    Good price on it that’s awesome I used it around here to get around the complex you used to rep GT back in the day from 89 to 99 I was your GT rep yeah as before me well John I appreciate you showing us around and

    Letting me come out and take a look I’ve I’ve way overdue on coming out here this is pretty cool made did so tell us a little bit about your channel uh Comfort TV for vintage High School Enthusiast um I build bikes tear them down rebuild them um not like your other channels

    Where they just do it I’m kind of Chatty and teach you a little bit here and there uh also you can leave comments in the comment section because I learn a lot on that channel um I’m be doing a bike tour this year on a vintage bike

    Which I’ll I’ll film uh I do road trips uh to maybe bike swaps kind of make it interesting matter of fact my uh next video Richard Schwinn’s going to get to do an interview with Richard Schwinn which is fun and then I do things like

    This this is a bike I picked up at a bike swap and it just needs some work you know it needs to be cleaned up overhauled and on top of that there’s some chain line issues and so it’s a little mechanical uh not over the top

    But yeah this is a fun bike yeah this is one of the most unique bikes I’ve ever seen for sure well it’s a tandem built bicycle and is a single bike in other words the spacing and all the parts you’d see on a tandem like dual rear brakes that’s awesome oversized headset

    Here a tandem Fork 48 spokes which is just ridiculous so the guy that built this bike was loaded down he was going cross country yeah well if you guys want to see more about this one uh John’s going to be doing a video on it pretty

    Soon here and uh like I said all his videos are real awesome so check them out like And subscribe uh we’re going to be doing more videos just like this one in the future so we’ll see you next time all right back into the cold see you John see you later


    1. Nice collection! I my youth these bikes were the greatest thing you could ride! Noways this would be too hard for me to ride, because of the narrow tyres, big gear ratio, handlebars etc.

    2. Tells you just how much middle Men in the bike industry grossly make profit if they have 300k toy boxes for toys. And we wonder why cycling is expensive hobby for dentists and only kids from wealthy families have a shot at it really. It is such an elite sport here because of dealers and laws that protect them leads to staggering profits and exclusion.

      Not a bad collection of stuff much nicer toy box really.

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