Hello Everyone, yet another quick local loop to get out & about before the bad weather strikes again! This is a 23 mile loop taking in some very muddy bridleways that join up countryside roads, starting in Darley Abbey Park Derby, out to Duffield via Little Eaton, then onto Belper via Lumb Lane bridleway, Longwalls Lane Bridleway(this would be better in the opposite direction), Narrow Lane Bridleway onto Belper Lane End then down to Wyver Lane Nature Reserve to Belper then onto Little Eaton via Dark Lane bridleway. A very nice little loop that would probably be even better in the summer months, but still was good fun!
    Here is the link to my Komoot map of the route: https://www.komoot.com/tour/1419654001?ref=wtd&share_token=audbZOOsNPbSdQ4sU6VQdzc2pMmP4Xv28NI4wxBIqtI6Iu52u2

    Hello everybody Welcome to the channel uh today it’s just a quick local look to get out before we get absolutely battered by all this rain and strong wind it’s Sunday it’s about 10:00 in the morning uh this is just a quick Loop uh to an area I’ve never been before all

    Surrounding the Duffield BPA area uh mainly on roads uh few Bridal ways joining everything up together um as always there’ll be a link to my Comm of in the description below and en Joy I will see you in a bit that’s interesting boys and girls oh this most exciting

    Wow here so that’s a sports field wow this is most interesting boys and girls whoop whoop yeah duck there bang head carries on that way how interesting no starting to get interesting GED Bridal way lane car vehicles dve wow I’m going say boys and girls I didn’t realize this is such an expensive

    Steepish downhill and I’ve never been here before so take it steady I’m glad I’ve come this way around because when I pled it on commute I was doing it the other way around jolly good oh this is inent ice I’ve been here once I know what to expect that’s

    Good and going now this way yeah this way oh ni excellent how deep is this the wheels a watch most excellent right oh this looks like this one the many serious uphill I was on about obviously that last Lane I just came down obviously means at some point you got to go up

    Oh I say I’ll walk up this I think wow bloody Nora come around see where this goes so now everyone goes that way could it’s down so I didn’t know that so still use boys and girl I say that pushup up there they absolutely break out in a boys girls

    Stop it taking some viewage oh some lovely views boys and girls most excellent like everyone’s a doing the same thing yeah I can see people walking impressed that guy cycled up that the guy pushed up he cycled up some of these people are serious Mountain okay right way oh yeah it’s a gorgeous

    Area I was hoping not to get muddy today boys and girls but that went out the window this mud is super soft do believe we’re coming up to this why does my keep doing that wet slippy cold down here look it’s frozen into ice never this mud is so slippy boys and

    Girls sideways on driving sideways to go in straight line bloody Nora oh my knife I’ve no se the cou Treet before all right this is thefield Recreation Area or something like that boys and girls no idea these things are bain in the ass one of my favorite bits shortly boys and girls

    This is leaning down to the start of dark Lane you can hear me over the wind right let see how bad this is down here now with all this bad weather we’ve been having again overnight with Chris last week it wasn’t too bad Cheers hello thought the water’s probably going to be running all day in the middle of this one down here no yeah exactly light I try not to spray you oh it’s a shame there was Walkers and people again down there yet to come down there when there’s been no one in

    The way so you can go flying down it cheers oh why oh

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