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    OH police come to the door you come to no home shots fir Prime never sleeps but neither police officer with the taser do the cops battling on the front line get on the floor get run now oh notam sh’s finest highly trained Pursuit drivers oh God vle fell into

    Stop specialists in entry and search oh my word there is multi- kilos of cannabis in here rapid response Firearms officers see now dog and the crime stopping Force sh yourself now of the dog unit wherever the battle takes them on the ground They’ll Never Back Down St because cometh the hour two were

    Underneath You Now cover the interceptors put it this way mate you level that gun at us you would have got shot coming up Knight versus taser in the dead of night stay where you are stay where you are stay where you are now stay where you are where hold it a cross country

    Bite Gan caused chaos in Nottingham than with thank you and a suspected dealer with a bra load of bad news Yeah there’s someone with a big knife they got a sword I think it’s a machete if you’re a firearms cop armed bad guys and life-threatening situations go with the territory you exactly as I say yes who’s got a knife in here but they’ve the equipment and the training safety

    Arm to cope with anything that’s thrown at them ass up on the floor and an increasingly used tool in their kit bag put your hands on that railing now put your hands on the the taser put your hands on the rail put your hands on the rail put your hands on

    The rail get your hands on the rail do as you’re told I think the taser is very effective because for the armed police inside of things it’s um a less lethal option that we have it gives us the chance to maintain distance from someone so a lot

    Of the times just having it there and people seeing the bright yellow is enough as of a deterrent in itself um and then pointing it at someone is enough to actually deescalate and bring the situation to a resolve so it’s very rarely fired but that rare occasion may just be

    Tonight the uh caller said the person attacked him was just left the voicea saying he’s going to St the caller and was making threats to attend that male’s address uh with a knife the police have received a chilling call about a bloke suspected of making his way to another man’s house

    Armed with a knife Firearms heavyweights Jim camping and Dan ma are racing to the address it seems the two men were involved in a fight earlier clearly two people are falling out and lots of mentions of knives just for TAS been off I should have been needed Dan’s been awarded three bravery

    Commendations and is highly trained in Firearms taser and enclos protection based basically if the situation gets sticky he’s the bloke you want by your side just further from 56 we are some way away is there anyone close to traveling as well Jim and Dan are a few miles

    Out but Dogman Mark Haywood has spotted the suspect in his car and tried to pull him over he’s ignored the blues and makes off just approaching and the light just still out right red stand by straight through red stand by not the first the driver’s gone

    Lights out and heads over into the cycle Lane fortunately there’s no one on a 2 a.m. bike ride the suspect now flaws it from that come out there spe they think the man could be armed with a knife so the interceptors need to be prepared should they confront

    Him but the suspect seems desperate to avoid a meeting we are Radford Bridge Road Radford Bridge Road is a dead end hey got car going up Beach dead end in Alleyway at bottom y we we’re heading out Jim and Dan closing in from the other side but it looks like this potentially armed

    Suspect is preparing for a DeCamp Mark moves to block him in but he’s off down an underpass heading straight for Jim and Dan at the other end we at that under pass they spot the suspect approaching fast it is and the knife is in his hand stay are stay where are stay where

    You are now stay where you are Interceptors are after a man who’s armed with a knife he come from that house come out there and speak the suspect’s tried to escape but he’s gone down a dead End decamped and fled down an underpass heading straight for Jim camping and Dan Ming we that one the pass who are ready to pounce it is the suspect has a knife so Dan’s drawn his taser there we are there we are there we are now stay where you want go where you

    Holding Taser Taser Taser get on the floor Taser Taser Taser got knife on him he’s got knife drop him 50,000 volts has dropped him like a stone right relax put your hands behind your back now put your hands behind your back now he’s going straight into cuffs put your hands behind your back

    Male taser is in possession of a knife is he cough no longer a threat concerns turn to his wellbeing knees up listen calm yourself down now just take some breaths mate take some breaths sit up mate okay here we go M I’m looking for injuries about your

    Person okay he seems to be intact and so does Jim all thanks to his partner’s quick reactions and sharp shooting yep stay areay where you areay where you are now stay where you are the bloke’s clearly armed with a blade and heading straight for Jim go whe hold it leaving down no

    Option but to shock him into submission Taser Taser Taser he got KN on him got KN drop him a little In the Heat of the Moment the suspect has thrown the blade but it doesn’t take long to locate here here here there a there not far

    Away so you’ve got one Jim yeah little kitchen knife it might be little but with 275 murders involving a knife or sharp instrument recorded in England and Wales last year Dan was eyes to act fast and stop him in his tracks and it’s not the only blade in his possession there

    Another my mom’s kif it’s what my mom’s kitchen knife your mom’s kitchen knife his mom’s kitchen knife belongs in her kitchen not in his pocket the slurry bloke also stinks at booze I have you been drinking mate yeah of course yeah okay should we get you in a police

    Car we’ve got to do things now the right way mate you can suck your teeth and disrespect me all no mate sucking your teeth it’s about as childish as it comes mate the suspect’s going to have to stop sucking and start blowing uh you got to

    Be bized okay no okay I requireed you provide a sample of breath for analysis big deep listen to me big deep breath I like that one I don’t want to do it you don’t want to okay that don’t like you man like you don’t like me okay what I’m

    Telling you it’s just a personal issue I’m telling you mate personal issues are no personal issues listen to what I’m saying do you b b do you want to a samp breath stupid M I know you’re not that’s what I’m asking you do you want to find

    A sampler of breath for analysis okay that’s refus then you further arrested for failing a sampler of breath can’t come on you want to the Charmers had a change of heart Last Chance big deep breath and the verdict in 89 legal limit is 35 that’s almost 2 and a half times the legal

    Limit looking at the state of his car his blood alcohol levels could still be rising the suspect’s off to blow on the evidential breath machine at the station and anytime the taser is discharged the interceptors need to carefully gather their own evidence so we’re just recovering the taser bits and

    Pieces um this is now all part of evidence and if there’s any repercussions or anything that comes if he suddenly collapses and dies then obviously this is part of the evidence that might go towards that investigation but it’s a matter of course we just have to do it once bagged the dynamic duo

    Have time to reflect on their shocking drama the first Tas has not really had any massive effect on him has it Taser Taser Taser got knife on him got knife drop him when I’ve got him in a headlock and you’ve tasered him again but the taser done its job and no

    One’s been seriously hurt Jim’s not seen the knife and he’s running straight towards Jim um so he’s been tasered Jim’s grabbed hold of him anyway uh he’s been still struggling around he’s been tasered again I thought he was still in possession of the knife whilst Jim struggling with him uh got bit of

    Concern Jim might get uh get stabbed us or something and come off worse so he’s been tasered I we do loads of training but you can never train for the real thing when you’ve got someone running towards you in possession of a knife um wide open eyes clearly intent on getting

    Past you still in possession of the knife uh you think backy he should have shattered knife should have told Jim about the knife but In the Heat of the Moment you know day the races you can’t you can’t prepare for that kind of thing um it’s ended well Jim’s got no holes in

    Him and uh we’ve got one in our cust yesterday so it’s um it’s good good result yeah good result the suspects blew an even higher reading of 116 at custody for drink driving dangerous driving and possession of an offensive weapon he got a 10-month prison sentence suspended for a Year it’s back towards us now there’s been a Spate of quad and motorbike incidents in Nottingham sh with antisocial Riders tearing up the streets vehicle still failing stop and these Nimble but potentially dangerous Vehicles cause the interceptors a [Applause] headache they can get away around Fields

    They can get in areas that we can’t you think about the size of it yeah the size the land speed a lot of them have been riding motor bikes and quads all the Liv as well so in terms of skill set there’s a lot of them that um they’ll take more

    Risk as well on it on a quad um to get away which makes it even more dangerous for us terms obviously uh trying to to police it and when they come in numbers the chaos only multiplies a biker gang from centry has traveled the 50 miles up to Nottingham

    Bringing them onto the Interceptor patch there’s around 25 motorbikes and a couple of quads riding on the wrong side of the road nearly knocking over pedestrians and putting lives at risk they might not be the Hell’s Angels but this band of bikers are proving devilishly hard to catch on the Ground a Traffic Unit is behind one but the biker presses home his advantage and mounts the Pavement the off-roader soon gives them the slip down a narrow path bikes have advantages over bigger heavier cop cars but not when it comes to their fuel tanks the entire gang descends on a service station it’s a chance to apprehend a couple of them n pass guides a marked unit

    In but as cops leap out the gang scatters in all directions they’re now traveling at speed the wrong way around a major Junction it’s only a matter of time before someone is seriously hurt and their driving is becoming more Reckless by the minutes thank you it’s going to take a

    Team effort to get them stopped and Interceptor units across the county including J else are closing in what exactly have they done of course public all around the city but the gang are leaving the city to escape to the country and it doesn’t look like they’ve come for a

    Picnic having torn up the city streets they’re now plowing up the farmers Crops with the bikers gathered in a field the cops hatch a plan to cut them down by surrounding the Perimeter as Darkness Falls Jen arrives on scene and gets an update from Lisa de santis plan is we’re hoping that we’ll kind of make them try and get out and ultimately into the path of stingers yeah the plan is to push the gang towards the main exit to the field where they’ll be

    Greeted by a set of Tire ripping teeth hoping they’re going to go that way theread of singers and cops down there specialist dog handler Jen’s got her own set of Mobile nashes in the car in the form of want him the perfect sheep dog to her this dodgy flock from the field literally

    Being going around not even C cing absolute bed field just also Vis I think they’ve been looking at ways to get out um but they’re very limited cuz we’re everywhere we’re going to hopefully flush them towards this thing is but they’re literally just on on this a

    Line dog off and then you’ll spring round on top of them um so where dogs go follow them at the first sign of quantum the gang Saddles Up hey the plan seems to be working the bikes are herded towards the Stingers but the fleeing flock spots the spikes and takes for light they spotted a gap in the hedge row and managed to squeeze through they might have slipped the net for now but they can’t escape the eye in the

    Sky they’re they’re stuck in the fields uh trying to find a way out as the gang struggle to exit the Maze of fields Lisa and Jen find something they’ve Left Behind nice Is this oh they’ve left a bag as well petol can but there’s no rest for the team as npass update the gangs location the main group are going to come out on the Nar New Road that’s down there next couple of seconds and head down towards the uh M1 full Bridge The gang are heading back in their Direction and it’s a race to intercept d 2 two we’re back in the car heading toward they’re they’re going across field back towards Forest Jen arrives at carp Forest hoping to land herself a prize catch and H we’re going

    To stay at that bridge in case they come back here the lead quad is heading straight for her say where you are mate stay where you Are they’ve retreated back into the woods there’s no way out and the rider has no choice but to dump his quad which is swiftly recovered cops have also picked off three likely Lads nearby I’m glad that it’s on tell you that’s all I said PA Charlesworth and Rich Elliott

    Join proceedings and find more dumped vehicles in the forest we must have recovered what four or five bikes if not a couple more uh we’ve got a couple arrested with something like this they just cause Havoc for everyone else so chances if you get more slim but the

    More we inconvenience them and put them out the better more we cost them so they’ve had their fun and now they’ve lost probably five or six bikes a couple of them arrested one of them is crying his eyes out cuz he’s been arrested um cuz he’s been caught being an idiot

    So I’m happy with it it’s as good as you can ask for really it’s a miracle no one was injured in the incident and the interceptors managed to see six bikes and one quad no one claimed them and they were subsequently crushed however due to insufficient evidence no further action was taken

    Against the three arrested men ke still to come one beer and some beer thrown on your top and you’ll be sound keep going keep going keep going a dodgy driver takes the family out for an evening drink drive it’s red M it’s 52 he failed It and a massive wedge of cash raises the million dooll question watch4 The latest annual figures estimate 280 people were killed in accidents on Great Britain’s roads by drivers Under the Influence 51 means you over the drink Drive limit chaning it after a few sherbets is a risk you’ll live to regret if you’re lucky surely not surely yes about two V lemon drink

    Drivings a nightmare for anybody that’s on the roads whilst somebody is driving whilst on the influen of alcohol and I think personally a lot of the time people do it cuz they can’t be bothered to arrange alternative um transport to get home and I think sometimes people think oh I’ll

    Just risk it I’ll risk it I’ll have a few but then when you’re out with your mates you have a few more and then before you know it you’re in a world of drunkness and you still think you’re all right to drive Home it’s Monday evening and Sergeant Jim Carrington and Lewis Marshall are after a dodgy driver we’re traveling down towards back into Nottingham from up north in company with some other arvs and a couple of other Tac call signs from the tsg um there’s a motor down here that’s

    Been pinged with a lad in it been done for for Dangerous driving he’s currently disqualified and suggestion is he’s probably in the pub drinking um and might get back in beond the wheel of this car the team are out in force the controll must put preemptive tactics on

    It uh to preempt any kind of pursuit um so all the teack call signs are traveling that way along with our dog andler Jen Paul we’re going to sit the other side mate um out of view so we’re just short of the ra I’m happy here are you happy here yeah well

    Happy happy hour starts here as Jim and Lewis play the waiting game while at the pub liser and Paul in an unmarked Have Eyes on the suspect’s car there’s someone in the driver’s seat of our subject vehicle according to Lisa and Paul so stand by stand by it looks

    Like the disqualified driver is driving right right right Lisa has the suspect car in her sights up ahead who with you now right they’re ready if the bloke makes off but he’s pulled over box on box on a passenger is first out of the car It’s all right this Keys Next out from the passenger side is the driver’s two young kids as Jim gets down to business I’m just going to put your handcuff to make sure you’re not going to escape mate all right are you disqualified he denies being disqualified but Jim’s got laptop backup

    According to the National computer you are still shown disqualified until you pass an extended driving test have you passed an extended driving test yet no so you will almost certainly still be disqualify from driving mate despite being banned we can deal with it here mate all right thank you mate he seemed

    Fit to drive his young family from the pub but you’ll end up we’ll end up seizing the car cuz you’re disqualified and not insured and there’s something far more worrying on the Wind have you had a drink at all tonight mate yeah I’ve had one I’ve had one okay

    Mate we’ll just breath L and make sure you’re not over the drink Drive limit the bloke reckons the smell of booze is from a spillage on his top I got some beer thrown on you it might be that mate I can smell a bit but not massive amount that’s what he can

    Smell yeah yeah yeah yeah he has admitted to having one pint at the pub a steady blow into the machine for me nice and steady keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going that’s it we’ll see what it says one beer and

    Some beer thrown on your top and you’ll be sound we’ll see what it say says oh oh dear uh it’s red mate it’s 52 you failed it um so the bad news is is going have to was on suspicion of been over the drink Drive mate all right and we’ll

    Take you into the Nick and put you on the big machine down there and hopefully you’ll not blow over the limit down there if you have only had one beer mate yeah I only had one i’ be surprised if I’m honest to blow 52 on one beer I one

    Beer maybe he accidentally spilled some more beer down his neck yeah unbelievably he’s got what I’m assuming is his young child in the car and his other half and he’s just blown over the drink Drive limit so not only is he disqualified and uninsured he’s also getting behind the wheel of the car

    When he’s had some alcohol we’re going to get cracking uh guys and girls we’ll see you down there it turns out the bloke’s also been convicted of a drink driving offense in The Last 5 Years so it’s a familiar room for him I require you to provide two

    Specimens of the breath for analysis by means of an approved device this specimen with the lowest proportion of alcohol may be used as evidence and the other will be disregarded a deep breath in and then a breath into the machine mate when you’re ready keep going keep going keep going

    Keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going it stopped mate it’s just a b mate CU you just stopped you get you get another couple of chances mate but bear with me attempt to have another go mate just deep breath in and then steady into the

    Machine steady steady keep blowing keep blowing keep blowing keep blowing keep blowing it just stop mate it’s cuz you’re hesitating mate it’s a really sensitive I’m just blowing that P I’m just blowing mate it’s a sensitive machine it knows when you’re hesitating and when you’re not you can’t really fo

    It you can’t beat the machine and the suspect finally manages to give two samples keep going and bang on mate take a seat anything over 40 will render you liable to a prosecution so we’ll see what it comes up with mate all right yeah with his previous disqualification and drink driving conviction failing

    This test could mean jail time so what he’s telling me mate is he scored 45 and 43 see we go with the lowest one mate which is 43 but unfortunately you are just over does the sergeant know the scores sweet thank you catch you later you’re leaving these capable hands here it’s a

    Menace of the road and the sge is left less than impressed it’s unbelievable really that people take those risks especially with children in the car I mean as a as a police officer we see the devastation that it brings when people get beyond the will when they’ve been drinking but

    I’m a father as well and I’ve got children and there’s no way on Earth I would ever put my family at that level of risk and get Beyond The Wheel of a car when I’ve had some alcohol he’ll be sent to court and he’ll be looking at a

    Decent ban the driver had his day in court he pleaded guilty to drink driving and was sentenced to 12 weeks behind bars suspended for 12 months he was also banned from driving for a total of 3 years given this ban no further action was taken for the other suspected motoring Offenses outbound Paul Charlesworth and Lewis Marshall are racing to catch up to a Pursuit across town end of here turn right and it’s going to come down to us the suspect car has apparently failed to stop collided with the vehicles and ducked into an estate yeah you clear

    Go by the time Paul gets them there another unit stopped the car with a tactical contact and has the driver in cuffs Road dri got cars there on your side in fact eight coppers are all over him your back right 2 they need to work out why this bloke

    Apparently failed to stop and there might be a clue in his man bag the most driv I’ve seen for a long long time this much wedge arouses poor suspicions so it’s got to be something drugs related to that sort of he come out the lads also his Beamer in a desperate bid to

    Escape so they’re expecting to find something juicy in the car but it’s clean time for the million dooll question what what’s your money for sorry what’s the money for it’s prop money prop money yeah what’s that what does that mean prop money you buy it online it’s fake money what it’s fake

    Money oh right just to look look good turns out this wedge is as much use as Monopoly money let’s see look what have you got it for then look on the front just to look flash yeah it’s for the Facebook it’s for that Facebook photo is

    That is it yeah but a car chase is no game and the information the police have is that the bloke has no license or insurance no it wasn’t this whole Chase all around this estate uh driving like an idiot it’s just cuz he’s got no license and insurance which makes it

    Even more stupid really because you know he’s risking people people’s lives just to save a you know six points in a 200 fine for having no insurance and he won’t be able to use any of that to pay for it it happens a lot more often than it should just just

    Cuz I think they like the chase the suspect was refused charge for the no license and no insurance he has since failed to appear in court for the charge of dangerous driving and is now a wanted man it’s all well and good buying fake 50s to look flash but some chances try to

    Pass fake prop money is the real deal and Ken Tinley and Dan motaw of the knife crime team are hunting for lads who may have done just that so this is a red Audi S3 that’s being in being linked to a an inent in hule in Nottingham where some individuals have purchased

    PlayStation 5 and they’ve paid for the uh the P for the PlayStation 5 and fake no di he’s dipped off the suspect’s car has been spotted by another unit nearby we’ just SPM around we’re going Radford road towards benting might be a to intercept it just coming to a stop

    Which I’m going to make those St the Audi’s pulled over and Ken and Dan are soon on Scene the drive is taken off the questioning as Ken and colleagues deal with the two passengers hello my man you okay how we’re doing all right it looks like these are the blocks they’re looking for oh is that a PlayStation 5 at this moment you being detained in connection

    Into a fraud because we think that PlayStation that I’m assuming in that Bo there has been purchased with fake notes so what I’m going to be doing in a minute is searching if evidence of that okay under the police and crial Evidence Act the back seat passenger is going

    Into cuffs and Ken gets straight to the point that one that yeah let’s be honest with me you got any fake notes on you def like that no no I got real I got my real money if you’re look at my yeah yeah yeah think I got like 50 quids mhm no

    Real money look that’s all real money is it yeah that’s my money was Sergeant Matt’s on scene but it’s not the PS5 he wants to get his hands on it’s some fake currency just trying to work out whether these notes are fake or Genuine I mean these ones they’re either very good

    Fakes I mean they appear genuine to me um but that’s not to say that we won’t find some more fake notes or maybe they’ve used all the fake notes buying the PlayStations after a thorough search of the vehicle Matt hits the jackpot just under the uh Under the Mountain here those ones I

    Think are real these ones clearly aren’t it’s more of the fake prop money but this time in 20s as you can see they haven’t got the transparent panels they don’t even look that good to be fair the dodgy notes seem fairly easy to spot I think what they’ve done is

    They’ve bought they’ve um gone to gum tree or one of these selling sites and they’ve gone with a couple of 20s wrapped around a load of fakes handed them over to the seller sell’s handed over the PlayStation and then with In fairness to the seller within seconds of

    Them driving off he’s realized he’s got a load of fake notes um but by then the car’s already gone thankfully it’s come straight our way and it’s a nice little stop it’s game over as the toy money Trio trade PlayStation for police station and head for the

    Nick this result that we managed to catch him coming into the city got the PlayStation 5 back and got some for onate notes so in terms of a starting point for an investigation we’re in a good place back at the station Dan cast an expert eye over the Funny

    Money the look reason be okay but when you look here there it says this is not legal tender is used for Motion Pictures by the look of it and then on the back it’s pounds is spell ponds so it’s just a case just make sure if you buy anything or sell something

    For cash make sure you’ve getting the real notes actually have a look at them and it could just be as simple as it actually says on it it’s not a real note you don’t want a bag full of ponds do you the driver was dealt with by way of

    A simple caution for fraud by false representation no further action was taken against the two passengers the PlayStation 5 was returned to its rightful owner still to come have you got any more on you just just that’s it is it will this suspected dealer have more

    Drugs than she’s letting on I think I just heard some more in there no that’s just this this one not I can hear it more if you got some more no no there’s no more across the UK only one woman for every 10 men is prosecuted for drug rated

    Crimes and when it comes to supply the interceptors rarely come across female dealers it’s usually um young males that we find deal drugs but today knife crime team members gav Hall and Dan msh Shaw are after that rarest of suspects we’ve got some intelligence that there’s a particular person that’s

    Involved in drug Supply in the Nottingham Shire area um so we know what vehicle that person’s driving and we’re just monitoring the ampr to see where the vehicle is we’re thinking that this lady’s likely to be dealing cannabis but then she could be dealing other things possibly things like MDMA and Xanax so

    We’re um we’re keeping our fingers crossed that we um get a good result out of it and lady looks smiling today another unit has spotted her lane two looking like he’s going to be right towards the pral at the light gav gets his foot down yep we’ve got eyeball on you

    Now yeah we’ got it’s a left to go towards the castle they light up the suspect’s car which has a brake light out drug dealers often try to conceal their stash when pulled over so they’re onto her within seconds hey I’m love you right switch car for us ducky just come to actually

    Talk about your light back cannabis going to be DET was he you’re going to be detained for the purpose of a search on the misuse of drugs act for yourself from the vehicle cuz a strong smell of cannabis coming from it all right just stick it on there for me she sticks the

    Blame on someone else for the smell of weed but Fess is up to having a small bag of cannabis herself give you got one bag ofed you got whereabouts is that my love it’s in your hand is it all right just keep holding it for your hand one

    Second all right have you got anything else on you shouldn’t have no okay anything the vehicle my colleagues need to be aware of no no sound all right truck us that one bit then leaving the rest of the team to search her car Dan deals with the lady driver but what

    We’ll do is I’ll just do a very cursory search around you then I’ll get a female officer to come and just give you a bit more pat down I don’t want to start going up and down your legs and whatnot all right s okay so anything in your

    Pockets nothing’s going to hurt me at all phone just your phone all right my love cheers her pockets are empty sand and it’s a similar story with the car that comes up on my side wonder if she’s got it on her mate but the suspect’s got something to get off her

    Chest i b a keep so yeah where where are they then they’re here okay all right so there’s more weed in her bra okay all right okay been through got PE it it’s split up into enough bags to suspect she’s dealing see yeah no I’d rather you be honest with have you got

    Any more on you just just that’s it is it all right got it all yeah yeah yeah I had that bit in my hand I just about to put in there then I seen the police car I seen it follow me around right okay so

    I got scared so I hid it straight away there Dan’s an experienced copper who’s taser stinger and pursuit trained but it’s his Keen sense of hearing that’s come up trumps today there right okay you got some more cuz I think I just heard some more in there no no that’s just this

    That’s what not I can hear it’s more if you got some more there no no there’s no more I can he rustling honestly they could do strip search okay all right okay right okay it looks like her wish is going to be granted she’ll go to custody and we’ll get some female offers

    To search her and see if she’s got anything else concealed car will go back to one of our police stations for a more thorough search and then we’ll take it from there okay right so at this time you arrested for possession of the intense supply of Class B drug namely cannabis

    Okay cool right cool come this way up she’s off for a checkin at the Nick May uh pe’s cannabis there Dan’s no Catholic priest but this lady can’t seem to stop her confessions with you got this okay that’s fine that’s fine just ni there’s several bags of what looks like cocaine

    At this time you f the rest of possession of T Supply Class A was right what we’ll do is you still going to have to have that search anyway okay that’s fine all right search going to find yeah that’s fine that’s fine no problems at all she claims there’s no more drugs but

    They’ve heard it all before she realized she was going to be strip naked so I think she’s just basically realized that we’re going to find it anyway so if she offers it up now she probably thinks that she looks a little bit more honest but we were going to find it anyway she

    Wasn’t so honest to hand it over at the roadside the Lady strip searched and would you believe it more yeah one she missed one she missed she thought she did say to me I thought I give it your BR thank you very much it’s four deal bags of suspected MDMA to

    Add to the collection so we’ve got cocaine and MDMA sweet with the drugs already found they’ve now grounds to search her house we’re going to find anything else in there that’s okay SC yeah we’re head straight over there now it’s been a good day’s work so far please with that man please with

    That yeah well trued but is it about to get even better but we’ve got an authority here to search the house for evidence it’s not long before Sergeant Matt finds the promised weed so In fairness I think she said in custody that we’d find a little bit personal use cannabis that’s exactly

    What we found I think there’s 1 2 3 four pre old spliffs and maybe a gram of cannabis there’s nothing else of Interest however with the drugs found on her person it’s been a perfect result and Dan’s back at his desk to review the hall so initially the female

    Offered up this single bag of cannabis and after speaking to her she then handed over a polye bag which contained these few deal bags of cannabis once she got down to custody she decided to again to be a little bit more honest and then we got this white

    Powder and these two white rocks from a bag which we potentially believe to be cocaine and then when she was strip searched we had these four bags just here which we again potentially think might be MDMA the suspect is currently awaiting a charging decision for possession with

    Intent to supply Class A and B drugs And police interceptors is back new next Wednesday at 8 on Friday at 8 we get a taste of real life on board a nuclear submarine HMS trenchant in life under the waves next tonight have you ever heard of house swapping well it’s happening all over the country and

    Doesn’t cost anything brand new Council house swap begins in just MO


    1. The “bikers” are all a bunch of selfish c*nts tbh, it’s not funny nor is it cool to do what they did to risk everyone’s lives and ruin the farmers crops

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