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    On June the 17th of 2019 authorities released a photo showing an Alabama man pulling a gun during an apparent road rage incident in faar hope the incident started at around 2: p.m. on the day in question at a traffic light on Greeno Road when two drivers got out of their respective

    Vehicles and started arguing the driver of the hatchback jumped onto the hood of the Toyota sedan smashing the vehicle’s windshield with his foot the driver of the Toyota 23-year-old Morris Mayo then got a gun out of his car and pointed it at the other man in the aftermath Mayo

    Was arrested on a charge of carrying a pistol without a permit in an interview Mayo claimed that the other driver was the instigator and that the man had swerved into his Lane and flipped him off he added that at the time he was driving his pregnant girlfriend to the

    Doctor for a gender reveal subsequent information indicated that investigators identified the other man but it was unclear What charges they’d press against him number 19 Janelle Evans 26-year-old Janelle Evans took out a handgun during a road rage incident in April of 2018 while her son was right beside her in

    Their vehicle in July of 2018 MTV aired footage of the incident on an episode of the reality TV show Teen Mom 2 part of the episode showed Evans driving on a highway in Bolivia North Carolina before she slammed on her Brak suddenly apparently because of another vehicle

    The reality star yelled at the other vehicle’s driver she proceeded to reach for her gun under the driver seat and placed it beside her lap as her son 8-year-old Jace was sitting right next to her at one point Evans stopped and got into an argument with the other

    Driver yelling you were tailgating me you the other driver was later interviewed and claimed that Evans followed him to his house as Evans reversed she accidentally hit the man’s mailbox prompting him to get into his car and trying to block her from leaving Evans yelled at the man as she pulled out her

    Handgun before managing to drive away both Evans and the other driver called 911 but no arrests were made due to conflicting stories and a lack of witnesses number 18 berating a calm motorist a seemingly calm motorist pointed a pistol at an enraged driver who was yelling at him during a wild

    Road rage incident somewhere in the United States the New York Post reported about the incident which was caught on cell phone video by a man who was driving down a highway shortly after the footage started an oncoming sedan with horn hor s blaring aligned at the right

    Side of the man’s vehicle for some reason the driver of the sedan that had just come into the frame of the footage went on an expletive Laden tyde shouting why don’t you learn to drive you he continued yelling at the driver who was recording the video the latter never

    Uttered a word but flipped his middle finger instead the belligerent driver got even more enraged as he continued his rant yelling do something pull over the silent driver subsequently pulled out what appeared to be a 9mm handgun and pointed it at his Furious adversary who then abruptly hit the

    Brakes the tires of his vehicle screeched as he shouted in fear saying oh God the video of the incident was posted on Facebook and as of November of 2023 it had already garnered 45 million views number 17 traffic Warden versus van driver on August the 16th of 2023 metropolitan

    Police were called to Mana Park in London England after receiving reports of an altercation between two men a fight had broken out on chesterford road after a traffic Warden argued with a van driver taking photos of the driver’s vehicle during the course of the argument moments later the enraged

    Driver grabbed a wooden pole and started attacking the Warden hitting him twice before the stick snapped profanities were yelled by one of the men as the brawl Spilled Out across the road with the traffic Warden punching the man to the floor before the fight was broken up

    By a third man upon the responding officer’s arrival they determined that the warden had suffered a minor injury to his finger which didn’t require medical attention they also learned that the warden’s earphones had been broken during the fight the driver was initially placed under arrest on suspicion of criminal damage and assault

    Causing actual bodily harm however after the officer spoke with the victim and the suspect the conflict was resolved through a community resolution the victim had agreed to accept payment from the suspect to replace the damaged earphones he also decided not to proceed with pressing the assault charge number 16 Brian

    Jan Arizona man Brian Jan was accused of poed a gun at another driver who’d cut him off along a road in Avendale on May the 7th of 2022 Duran had been driving his Dodge Durango alongside a Subaru sedan driven by Francisco Garcia the Subaru’s dash camera showed the Dodge

    Drifted into Garcia’s Lane at that point Garcia decided to go around the Dodge and cut the driver off he told WSAZ that he’ just gotten his Subaru back after a collision a few months earlier and was trying to avoid getting hit again nevertheless Garcia admitted that he was

    At fault for what he’d done immediately after being cut off Duran honed his horn causing Garcia to speed away and avoid a confrontation however when Garcia pulled up to a red light at the intersection of McDow Road and Avendale bulevard Jiran came to a stop directly behind him Jan

    Got out of his car and went over to Garcia’s window he pointed a gun at Garcia and yelled at him through the window the enraged man began punching the window before walking away and getting the Subaru’s license plate after reviewing the dash cam footage law enforcement identified Jan and later

    Took him into custody jail records indicated that the man was eventually found guilty of aggravated assault and disorderly conduct he was handed a 42-month and 27mon jail sentence respectively for each of offense number 15 Ricky Thornton a YouTube video posted on January the 30th of 2016 show the moment

    A pickup truck driver pulled out a gun and aimed it at a motorcyclist in Henderson Nevada the motorcyclist who was recording the incident had gone on a group ride with other bikers during their ride and unrelated altercation initially took place between one of the Riders and another driver of a vehicle

    Short after a red Chevrolet truck got involved by flipping the bikers off the motorcyclist recording the video said he got annoyed and decided to confront the three men inside the red truck as soon as traffic was halted at a red light at an intersection the biker repeatedly tapped on the right passenger side

    Window of the truck the front and rear passengers of the truck rolled down their windows at which point all the occupants of the truck began simultaneously berating the motorcyclist swearing at him the biker asked what did I do to which the driver of the truck responded by yelling more profanities

    After the video was posted on YouTube it instantly went viral gaining at least a million views in the wake of the incident the driver of the pickup truck Ricky Thornton came forward and told inside addition that he didn’t know if the biker had a gun on him and that he

    Didn’t want to take any chances Thornton claimed that prior to the confrontation he’ seen several bikers doing stunts which made him feel uncomfortable both Thornton and the biker filed police reports against each other however it was unclear if official charges were filed against any of them number 14 David

    Shelton shortly after 1 p.m. on January the 2nd of 2022 local police were called to the intersection of 43rd and Peoria Avenues in Phoenix Arizona a dispatcher had received reports about a driver later identified as 40-year-old David Shelton who’d been seen striking other vehicles while waiting at a red light

    Eyewitness Michelle Gibbons told AZ central.com she’d seen Shelton being the instigator as he rear ended a green Kia Soul before exiting his black vehicle in shouting at the Kia’s driver during the ensuing confrontation the driver of a silver sedan yelled at Shelton to calm down Gibbon said that the suspect then

    Turned his attention to that driver reached into his vehicle and punched him the man who just got punched subsequently got out of his silver car brandish in a baton and struck Shelton’s vehicle at that point Shelton went back to his car and started rear ending the silver sedan moments later Shelton’s car

    Accelerated again this time towards the driver of the sil for vehicle who consequently avoided being hit by jumping onto the hood of Shelton’s car while on the hood the man proceeded to stomp on the windshield before safely stepping off things got even more hectic from there a cell phone video recorded

    By a witness show the driver of the silver vehicle who had just avoided being run over approaching the intersection apparently to go after his dog that had gotten out of his car as soon as the light turned green and traffic began to flow Shelton made a sharp right turn and slammed into the

    Man who was still calling for his dog the victim’s body could be seen being launched into the air upon impact and then landing on the ground with a loud thud before getting back on his feet fortunately the victim didn’t suffer any life-threatening injuries in the wake of the incident law enforcement Tracked

    Down Shelton and arrested him on charges of aggravated assault a assault aggravated driving while Under the Influence failure to give information and violating probation he was booked into the Maricopa County jail number 13 John Jacob Ellinger 35-year-old Missouri man John Jacob Ellinger was arrested for a brutal road

    Rage attack that left his victim with black eyes and a broken nose jaw and forehead the incident transpired on the morning of October the 22nd of 2023 while a male driver was waiting at a red light at the intersection of 10th Street and Clark Avenue in St Louis the driver

    Honed his horn at Ellinger who was plowing through the light in the right turn lane that is when elinger backed up aggressively got out of his vehicle and approached the driver he forced the car door open dragged the man out punched him and kicked him to the ground before

    Get him back in his truck to flee the scene the assault was captured on surveillance video which also showed Ellinger chasing another driver who witnessed the attack he drove up alongside the witness’s Land Rover held the gun outside the window and asked do we have a problem the witness drove away

    But Ellinger reported he gave Chase pointed the gun at his window and fired as he sped away fortunately the witness wasn’t hit hours later Manchester police found ellinger’s truck abandoned but quickly identified him for he was on Parole at the time his probation was connected with an unrelated case 5

    Months earlier during which he had slashed the tires of another vehicle following the issuance of an atlarge warrant in November Swansea Police arrested elinger and booked him into the stclair county jail without bond as of the latest updates Ellinger was extra died to St Louis where he was facing two

    Counts of felony assault and one of armed Criminal action number 12 Samantha Dennis and Julie Sam Florida woman Michaela Barbosa was beaten by a pair of basball bat wielding women after she cut one of them off while driving on US Route 441 on March the 22nd of 2018 the woman Barb

    Boza had cut off was 22-year-old Samantha Dennis Dennis’s sister 27-year-old Julie Sam who’d been driving another car nearby saw what bar Boza did and became enraged Sam followed Barbosa’s vehicle and when she got near her she rolled down her window and began yelling at her you cut off my sister

    That’s disrespectful fearing for her safety babosa pulled into a parking lot in the 3700 block of West Oakland Park Boulevard in Lauderdale Lakes to try and get away however Sam and Dennis had chased our after her in their respective Vehicles Barboza got out of her car and was immediately confronted by Sam who

    Was carrying a baseball bat Sam berated her and as she got closer to Barbosa she started getting physical Dennis who was carrying a baseball bat of her own quickly approached Barosa and immediately began striking her in the head at that point Sam also joined the onslaught fortunately bystanders saw

    What was happening and intervened preventing Sam and Dennis from using their bats any further the sisters then fled the scene leaving Barosa with a broken nose a concussion multiple cuts and bruises deputies Tracked Down Dennis after receiving multiple tips from the Broward County Crim Stoppers hotline the

    Woman was arrested in April of 2018 and a few days after her arrest Sam turned herself into authorities both of them were charged with aggravated battery with a deadly weapon and were ultimately found guilty of the charge Sam was sentenced to 4 years behind bars while Dennis was handed an 18mon jail

    Sentence number 11 Robert Marshall on November the 8th 2023 detectives with the assault unit and the armed violent offender unit in Colorado Springs arrested Colorado man Robert Marshall for felony menacing the charge against a 23-year-old stemmed from a road rage incident that had occurred on November nomber the 3rd of 2023 near Austin

    Bluffs Boulevard in Beverly place during which a gun had allegedly been fired following Marshall’s arrest detectives continued to investigate his suspected involvement in two other shootings one had occurred on October the 24th of the same year at the intersection of Constitution Avenue and Powers Boulevard where a victim sustained serious gunshot

    Wounds and survived in the other another incident he was allegedly involved in a driveby shooting that took place on November the 4th near the 3600 block of North Carefree circle on November the 13th Marshall was additionally charged with attempted murder assault attempted assault and two counts of illegal

    Discharge of a weapon he was held behind bars at the El Paso County Jail on a $500,000 Bond number 10 Peter Da Chicago man Peter da faced criminal charges after headbutting another driver and repeatedly hit in his car with a knife during a road rage incident that

    Unfolded on January the 16th of 2019 according to law enforcement da claimed that while he was driving his Jeep SUV a Toyota Camry cut him off near the intersection of Tui and Central Avenues in Chicago skoki da said the that both vehicles continued driving until they

    Came to a stop at leeh high Avenue where they had to stop because of a passing train at that point the driver of the Toyota stepped out and allegedly not only threatened him but also threw a cup of coffee at him before getting back into his vehicle after the train passed

    Dowo gave Chase tailgating the Toyota the driver tried to switch lanes but da overtook him in a dangerous maneuver da pulled over directly in front of the toilet toota forcing it to stop near the 6600 block of Milwaukee Avenue he subsequently got out of the vehicle and

    Brandished the knife before using it to hit the driver’s side window of the Toyota Dow proceeded to take photos of the sedan’s license plate at which point the driver exited the vehicle and confronted da the two men got in each other’s faces and DOW was seen bumping

    Into the other driver police were later called and da was arrested a witness who recorded the in ENT provided his footage to the authorities shortly after police investigated da was charged with aggravated assault and battery number nine Lee vogle on the afternoon of June the 16th

    Of 2019 a group of bikers cut off a vehicle in Silverado Canyon California and harassed its occupant while seemingly inciting a fight the vehicle had been driven by Lee vogle who was traveling with with his girlfriend and young daughter vogle said that the incident started shortly after he turned

    Right onto El Toro Road just as the motorcyclists were merging on from Cook’s Corner Bar as he was quickly approaching the merging bikers vogle honked his horn at which point the bikers just stopped right in front of him blocking his vehicle from passing he tried to pull around the bikers but at

    The same time they accelerated and cut him off again a female passenger riding in the back seat of one of the motorcycles even gave vogle the middle finger the bikers breake checked vogle multiple times and when his vehicle finally tapped one of the motorcycles rear the situation escalated further the

    Bikers pulled over in the middle of the road causing vogel’s vehicle to stop the female bike passenger approached vogel’s vehicle and started berating the family when vogle told the group that he had the whole incident on camera the woman lashed out she was eventually pulled away by the other bikers and the family

    Went on their way vogle told inside addition that the confrontation made him very worried for his family he added that he’ thought that they were going to be pulled out of the car against their will number eight Bradley Turner in February of 2016 North Carolina man Bradley Turner pleaded

    Guilty to several charges for his involvement in a road rais attack that transpired 3 years earlier on March the 24th of 2013 Bradley and his wife Christie got into a dispute with another driver and the occupants of a truck on Highway 70 after which Bradley decided

    To follow the truck to a Newport home at that point he got into a fight with the occupants of the truck Bradley was handed a gun by his wife christe and shot into the ground before pointing the firearm at the occupants of the truck he even shot into the truck in the back

    Window at which point the victims called 911 responding officers arrived and arrested Bradley the 44-year-old later pleaded guilty to felony discharging a weapon into an occupied dwelling injury to personal property and theault and Battery the misdemeanor charges against him and Christie were dismissed Bradley was given a suspended prison sentence of

    2 to 3 years and was placed on 36 months of supervised probation the judge ordered him to pay court costs and to pay restitution to the victims Bradley was also required to undergo anger management classes and was subject to electronic house arrest with an ankle bracelet for the first 6 months

    Additionally Bradley was prohibited from possessing any weapons number seven Jacqueline avalino Mendes Jacqueline avalino Mendes from Fall River Massachusetts was indicted on murder assault and battery with a dangerous weapon after she fatally stabbed another motorist in Brockton the indictment stemmed from a confrontation that took place at the intersection of

    Belmont and Grafton streets on June the 28th of 2019 attorney Joseph kowsky Jr who is representing Mendes describes the victim Jennifer Landry as the initial aggressor Kowski said that Landry had repeatedly break in front of Mendes as the two were traveling in their respective Vehicles along a residential street consequently Mendes honked at

    Landry causing the latter to pull over Landry got out of her vehicle and proceeded to confront Mendes who also exited her vehicle the encounter quickly devolved into a physical altercation a witness saw the women wrestling and throwing punches before Mendes returned to her car saying I’ve got something for

    You [ __ ] Mendes grabbed a knife and stabbed Landry before driving away at that point police simultaneously received multiple 911 calls regarding the stabbing a responding officer arrived at the scene and found Landry bleeding heavily from the right side of her neck the 41-year-old was taken by ambulance to Good Samaritan Medical

    Center in Brockton meanwhile Mendes showed up at a police station and reported that she’d been involved in an altercation with a motorist she told officers there was no crash but there may have been a stabbing involved Mendes was detained and later held without bond after Landry succumbed to her stab wound

    After her indictment the case was moved from Brockton District Court to Plymouth County Superior Court in Brockton where she pleaded not guilty to the charges subsequent information indicated that Mendes was scheduled for a jury trial in late 2023 Number Six Vegas road rage Brawl on September the 21st of 2020 TMZ posted

    Cell phone footage that captured a violent brawl between a pair of young men and an older Trio which ended with the latter taking out a baseball bat the incident took place in Las Vegas Nevada and it was unclear what had sparked the heated confrontation vide show the two

    Groups out of their respective vehicles and holding up traffic in the middle of a road where near the Palace Station Hotel and Casino what’s your problem [ __ ] said one of the older men to the younger group a woman who appear to be accompanying the older men joined the ensuing argument berating the young

    Group as well within seconds the verbal dispute turned into a two on two type of fight among the male suspects according to TMZ [ __ ] really hit the fan when one of the older guys went back to their vehicle grabbed a bat and started swinging at his rival that man landed at

    Least one blow before handing the lumber to his partner who then landed a couple of blows to the other group vehicle at one point even the woman could be seen getting physically involved using a chain as a weapon meanwhile the guy who was now holding the bat continued

    Swinging it around at which point the video ended in the aftermath authorities were looking into the incident but updates regarding the identities of those involved in the potential legal ramifications they were facing weren’t immediately disclosed number five Melissa Danielle John Johnson on the night of October the

    12th of 2023 deputies from the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office arrested a Florida woman accused of shooting at a vehicle on baranas Avenue in Pensacola Florida though little information regarding the shooting was provided the victims claimed that it stemmed from a road rage incident a woman occupying a

    Vehicle had fired a single shot into the victim’s vehicle resulted in one of the passengers getting injured and being tra transported to the hospital during the investigation the shooter 30-year-old Melissa Danielle Johnson contacted the Sheriff’s Office and identified herself as the suspect promptly turning herself in deputies subsequently searched

    Johnson’s vehicle and located the firearm as well as multiple narcotics the woman was booked into jail without bond on a slew of charges including three counts of attempted homicide discharging a firearm from a vehicle possession of a controlled substance without a prescription possession of marijuana and possession of cocaine number four Instant Karma

    Shocking dash cam footage captured the moment a baseball bat wield in man instigated a fight with another motorist only to be quickly thwarted with a single well-placed Punch The Vicious assault which only lasted a couple of seconds took place on an unknown Road in the unit Kingdom on April the 4th of

    2021 the footage showed a teal colored perso hatchback behind a black vehicle both Passenger cars had stopped near a y Junction and almost immediately a man exited the black vehicle open his trunk grabbed a baseball bat and started threatening the driver of the perso while yelling profanities at him at that

    Point the driver of the perso who was still inside the vehicle rolled down his window and gestured his hand at the belligerent man the latter responded by taking a huge swing with the bat hitting the Persia’s right front corner the unnamed driver immediately jumped out of

    His car and walked towards the thug who subsequently tried to hit him expertly avoiding the swing of the bat the driver of the perso caught the thug Square on the chin sending him flying into the bushes behind him in what the daily male referred to as a cruel dose of Instant

    Karma a friend of the thug thought he would spring to the rescue and exited from the passenger side launching himself at the driver however he was instantly slammed to the ground placed in a choke hold and lost Consciousness after having eliminated the threat the persel driver rushed back to his car and

    Left the scene as there were no reported updates it never became clear what prompted the alter ation who the individuals involved were or if any charges were pressed in connection with the incident number three Raphael Rivera a nice swinging truck driver and a gun toen motorcyclist faced off in the

    Street during a heated confrontation shortly after 1: p.m. on May the 17th of 2022 the Rowdy encounter unfolded in Palm Coast Florida after 50-year-old Raphael Rivera who was driving a gray Toyota Tacoma cut in front of a motorcyclist at the intersection of Pine Lakes Parkway and whir away drive when

    The two vehicles came to a stop Rivera got out of the truck with a knife in his hands and approached the motorcyclist the motorcyclist slipped on a pair of brass knuckles and proceeded to exchange expletives with Riviera in the middle of the road the Biker’s female passenger started recording the incident and

    Moments later r Vera swiped the knife at the Biker’s face consequently the motorcyclist drew a gun from inside his vest pocket and pointed it at the truck driver demanding that he put down his knife at that point Rivera began retreating moments later Flagler County deputies responded to the scene and

    Detained both men as they investigated the deputies determined that the motorcyclist had a permit to carry a weapon after reviewing the footage taken by by the passenger and interviewing Witnesses Rivera was arrested for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill he was taken to the sheriff Perry Hall inmate detention

    Facility where he was held without bond today’s topic was requested by Malachi W 392 if you have any other topics you’d like to learn about subscribe and let us know in the comments section below number two Brendan Jones and an Australian man drew a gun during a wild road rage incident in

    Sydney’s suburb of Liverpool before he was disarmed by two others in a violent confrontation the incident occurred when two vehicles namely a Toyota Corolla and the Suzuki Bolino stopped near the intersection of mil Road and Charles Street on the afternoon of April the 17th of 2022 a woman and the man later

    Identified as Brendan Jones exited the Toyota and started arguing with the occupants of the Suzuki Jones walked up to the passenger side of the Suzuki and pointed a handgun through the window the driver of the Suzuki 35-year-old Zafar Khan subsequently got out of his car and

    Elbowed Jones in the face causing him to fall to the ground unconscious Khan’s passenger Christian Bell also exited the vehicle and took Jones’s gun a police statement said that the two men then repeatedly kicked Jones in the head as the latter lay on the side side of the

    Road KH and Burell went back in their vehicle and fled the scene bringing Jones’s gun with them responding police were called to the location and when they arrived they found Jones still lying in the gutter beat into a pulp several hours later officers discovered the Suzuki in the car park on hawton

    Park Road in Preston’s they learned that the vehicle was a rental and found Khan’s ID inside however they weren’t able to locate the pier investigators later released CCTV V images of the altercation seeking information from the public on June the 15th of 2022 Khan and burello were arrested at the Mercure

    Hotel after police received a tip both men were charged with a Fray Khan was additionally charged with not disclosing a driver’s details to law enforcement we don’t know if he was charged with any crimes for allegedly pulling the gun on the pier our release about when supercars go

    Wrong is lined up for you right right after number one for those of you who haven’t seen that one yet and would like to number one roid road rage on September the 11th of 2023 36-year-old Nathaniel Walter rimac who is dubbed Tesla road rage guy was convicted on several felony counts committed during

    His Rampages from 2022 to 2023 throughout the aforementioned period he victimized a handful of victims around California in several places namely Glendale Pasadena Atwater Village Hollywood West Hollywood and Echo Park one of his many viral outbursts occurred on the morning of January the 11th of 2023 dash cam footage from a car

    Directly following behind the Tesla in question showed both vehicles traveling on the southbound Lanes of Highway 2 near York Boulevard in Glendale the Tesla suddenly stopped immediately after which the driver who had his face partially covered got out carrying a metal pipe the man approached the carb

    Behind him and carried out an unprovoked attack during which he hit the vehicle several times before driving off from the scene after news stories about the attack were reported several individuals who’ been victims also came forward and shared similar photos and videos of their terrifying experience with the

    Same male suspect an Tesla one of the victims a 74-year-old woman said that the same man with the same Tesla confronted her and her 93-year-old mother in June of 2022 the woman told KABC that the incident took place in West Hollywood where she’d seen the Tesla coming into oncoming traffic she

    Added that she rolled down her window and confronted the man and told him you can make it just keep coming slow the woman further stated that the man consequently went into some kind of a psycho mode and started screaming and lashing out the suspect got out of his

    Car and threw a can at the woman a valet intervened and tried to calm him down but was instead punched in the face surveillance footage showed the man also throwing something at the valet before leaving in his Tesla after authorities finally identified rimac California Highway Patrol officers arrested him at

    A Car Wash in Torrance on January the 29th and booked him into the Los Angeles Police Department’s 77th jail the officer found steroid or what was left of them and more than $30,000 in his car ramac was sentenced to 5 years in prison after being found of criminal threats vandalism assault and elder

    Abuse number eight Matthew hel and Maddie gillo in the fall of 2021 Tik Tok user Matthew hel uploaded a video of a woman later identified as Maddy gilo berating him after rear ending his Lamborghini Aventador at a traffic light in Tampa Florida the video rapidly went viral earning tens of millions of views

    And even being covered by several news outlets in it gilou maintained that Hela had hit her car from the front at an earlier time while the man laughed her off and remarked upon the apparent absurdity of his Supercar having struck her Audi from behind as her boyfriend

    Tried to calm the woman down gilo continued screaming about her new car and implying that hel owned a Lamborghini because of White Privilege hel’s clip also showed surveillance footage from a nearby gas station which seemingly proved that the other driver had plowed into his Lamborghini Ella was praised by social media users for

    Handling the situation like a gentleman and maintaining his composure in contrast to the other driver’s Outburst in light of the video circulation Gil Soul took to Tik Tock and posted additional footage which she claimed proved hel had been at fault first the video caught by a nearby doorbell camera

    Showed the Supercar moving in front of the Audi at the light narrowly avoiding a cyclist passing in front Gil Soul maintained that it was at that moment when Hela swiped her car and then attempted to drive away in one comment Gil Soul admitted to have rear ended the Lamborghini in retaliation for the

    Previous incident the crash generated a massive conversation across various social media Platforms in which a number of users weighed in on who they believed had been responsible with some accusing hel of gas lighting the other driver legally the matter remained unresolved as of the latest updates although gilou

    Had expressed an intention of suing hella for slander number seven El if axu Austrian supermodel El axu age 25 was arrested in the spring of 2017 for crashing a Ferrari Dino in IA reportedly while under the influence of cocaine the Supercar estimated at over $500,000 reported Al L belonged to her boyfriend

    Who was only identified as a 44-year-old Saudi millionaire traveling with a British passport the accident happened in the evening at a roundabout on the Spanish Island where axu slammed the Ferrari into a lorri damaging it on the right front side no one suffered significant injuries in the crash axu

    And a male companion believed to be her boyfriend abandoned the Supercar before local police arrived at the scene a passer by had reportedly heard them talking about an airplane and alerted the authorities officers rushed to a Runway at the coda airport where they found a private jet belonging to axu

    Boyfriend being prepared for takeoff an aspect they’d later interpret as the supermodel’s attempt to flee the island she corresponded to witness’s description of the driver involved in the crash and was detained before boarding the jet she later tested positive for cocaine and was arrested on suspicion of driving without a license

    And driving under the influence of drugs axu who worked with some of the world’s top mod agencies was released on bail after a friend vouched she owned property on the island number six Roger whtb burs 82-year-old Gerald Smith was working as an Uber driver in Del re

    Beach Florida in 2016 a job that he’d reportedly chosen so that he could afford to buy medicine for his wife Eloise on September the 21st Roger Witten burs a health club Mogul in his early 60s had been drinking while having dinner with his then girlfriend at the

    City oyster restaurant he got behind the wheel of his Lamborghini and drove it at 75 m per hour in a 36 mph roadway near Federal Highway at Northeast First Street he then lost control of the super car and crashed it into Smith Buick killing him the authorities found that

    Whitten bur’s blood alcohol level had been nearly twice the legal limit he subsequently pleaded guilty to DUI manslaughter and also settled a civil lawsuit filed by Eloise Smith’s Widow as per a plead deal Whitten Burns was sentenced to two years of house arrest as well as 10 years probation in

    Addition to paying his victim’s family $20,000 the initial sentence had involved prison time but the court commuted it to home detention after taking into account Whitten bur’s Health as he’d reportedly had three heart attacks and was also suffering from debilitating back pain in court he expressed remorse for his actions and

    Took full responsibility for the accident noting that Smith had driven his car for many years without crashing number five Andy house texasman Andy house bought a Bugatti Veyron in October of 2009 and the following month went to drive it on a Road next to the golf Bay Lagoon at

    Some point house drove his $1 million Supercar into the water and then left the engine running which ended up ruining the vehicle as it became infiltrated with saltwater he initially claimed that he’d been distracted by by a low flying Pelican before changing his statement to say he was reaching for his

    Cell phone before and then lost control of the Supercar the man’s Pelican argument was disproven by a 24 second video subsequently uploaded to YouTube which was captured by a motorist and his friend they had been driving parallel to the Bugatti and recording the Supercar which one of them initially

    Misidentified as a Lamborghini before claiming that’ll be mine one day moments later the footage shows the vehicle veering offroading plunged into a shallow saltwater Marsh on Exit 4 just off Galveston Island the clip has since been viewed over 9 million times on YouTube and in the incident aftermath

    The two friends promptly called 911 it later emerged that house had insured the Bugatti for $2.2 million and evidence presented in court suggested he purposefully driven it into Gulf Bay he eventually pleaded guilty to insurance fraud and was sentenced over a year in Federal Prison number four Trevor heightman

    On August the 23rd of 2018 YouTube gamer Trevor heightman better known as MC Skillet drove his McLaren 650s in the wrong direction down I 805 hve in San Diego California he reached the speed of roughly 100 mph before crashing headon with a 2010 Hyundai SUV which was driven

    By a woman in her 40s and had her daughter as a passenger both vehicles erupted into Fireballs on the roadway in the collisions aftermath an 18-year-old Heyman was killed instantly as were the Hyundai occupants a few other motorists and passengers were reported to have suffered injuries in the crash but not

    To a life-threatening degree the McLaren which the YouTuber had featured in a video earlier in the year was shown completely engulfed by flames in footage captured at the scene roughly 30 minutes earlier heightman had reportedly rammed his super car through the gates of Ashley Fall’s Elementary School in

    Carmel Valley but fortunately no one was hurt according to his appearance a few days before the horrific crash heightman had told him that he was having a meltdown it was reportedly related to him being banned from Trading in-game items associated with the popular video game Counter Strike Global Offensive

    Which meant he lost around $100,000 in Virtual inventory number three sakib Hussein on August the 26th of 2013 sakb Hussein was speeding through Hall green Birmingham England in a bored Audi R8 spider roughly half an hour before midnight 25-year-old Hussein was driving at nearly twice the speed limit on a

    Residential street sisters Mary and noren Ryan aged 60 and 49 respectively had been returning from a family birthday party Hussein plowed into their Ford Fiesta mangling it to such a degree that the roof had to be cut off to release the two women the accident was captured by nearby surveillance cameras

    And it left Norine in critical condition she was was rushed to a local hospital but pronounced Dead on Arrival Mary who’d been driving suffered a chipped spine punctured lung broken pelvis and broken ribs but ultimately survived Hussein initially fled the scene reportedly telling a barely conscious

    Mary I’m sorry it’s not your fault it’s mine his passenger fisel wahed also fled after sustaining a broken cheekbone jaw and eye socket injuries that left him paralyzed on the left side of his face Hussein surrendered to the authorities and about a year after the crash pleaded guilty at Birmingham Crown Court to

    Causing death by dangerous driving and whilst uninsured the it worker was sentenced to 6 years in prison and banned from driving for 6 years after a judge had called him a danger to everybody on the road the judge also argued that Hussein had been showing off even though he’d claimed to have wanted

    To test out the capabilities of what he described as his dream car number two Stephan Erikson in the 1990s Swedish man Stefan Ericson who’ started out as an auto body shop worker became the leader of the notorious obala Mafia based in the aonomus city about 40 mi from Stockholm

    The group was responsible for high profile violent crimes RAR before seen in the country Ericson later became associated with the UK based company gizmondo which aimed to lead the market in handheld gaming consoles until it became insolvent in 2005 a luxury vehicle Enthusiast Erikson was involved in a superar crash in Malibu California

    On February the 21st of the following year he slammed the Ferrari Enzo then valued at $2 million into a utility pole while driving it close to 200 m per hour the impact was so powerful that the Supercar of which only 400 were made was cut cleanly in half remarkably neither

    Erikson nor his passenger later determined to have been Irish born American man Trevor carne suffered any significant injuries the existence of a videotape shot from inside the Ferrari was confirmed by investigators and it reportedly showed the speedometer given the 199 mph reading prior to malfunctioning due to the impact when

    The authorities found the two men at the scene they claimed to have been uninvolved in the crash but it was later proven that they’d been lying a whirlwind of charges ensued after it emerged that the Enzo along with four other luxury Vehicles allegedly handled by Erikson had been unre registered and

    Illegally exported to the US the supercars totaling over $10 million had been leased in Britain where payments for them had ceased ultimately Erikson avoided the auto theft charge and instead pleaded guilty to two counts of embezzlement and one count of illegal gun possession for a magnum pistol found

    During the search of his b home he accepted a plea bargain for 3 years in jail and deportation number one Daniel Silva on the evening of May the 10th of 2020 celebrity tattoo artist Daniel Silva was driving his 2020 McLaren 600lt through North Hollywood Los Angeles with

    YouTuber Cory laar as a passenger the paer had celebrated the latter’s 25th birthday at a party earlier in the evening and sources reported that both men had been drinking Sila lost control of his high performance car at around 939 p.m. and crashed into a tree before also hitting a street sign the tattoo

    Artist who’d appeared on on the 10th season of the reality show incm reportedly attempted to flee the scene of the crash but was stopped by Witnesses the Barry and Sila were taken to a local hospital where the former was pronounced dead even though there were reports that Silva had been driving

    While intoxicated no DUI charge was ever laid against him he was first charged with second deegree murder but eventually pleaded guilty to one felony count of gross vehicular manslaughter on August the 25th of 2020 he was sentenced to onee in prison followed by five of formal probation and 50 hours of community

    Service thanks for watching would you rather attend anger management classes every week for 2 years or spend a week in supermax let us know in the comments section below


    1. Everyone rules the road now. Like shopping or shoplifting at Wallyworld.
      Self respect is demanded art now. Easier with violence than to respect others to gain it.

    2. My oldest son. A cage wrestler. Was at a gas a station. These creeps pulled up talking shit. He knocked out the driver. Then the passenger got out. He got flattened also )) Just stay in your vehicle. You never know who you are messing with ))))

    3. Anger management classes as a punishment is a joke! And why over half the murders in the usa are domestic violence related 80% with female victims, 11% people who intervened and 9% male, 80% of those cases having previously reported incidents or charges that ended with the abuser getting a slap on the wrist and the victim dead af

    4. The calm motorists knows how to deal with every little prick. The little knob soon hush it's noise & hurried back into the little hole it came from. hehe lol😅😂😅😂

    5. I wonder if Americans have become desensitized to guns. Certainly the courts have because that can be the only reason why gun-brandishers often get very minor sentences.
      It amazes me how people with guns will brandish them for the most prosaic reasons. Rage and guns should never be in the same place and it never ceases to amaze me how many point their gun while they have a finger on the trigger. Right at that second, the other person is only millimeters from death.
      Yet, threatening to shoot someone (tantamount to threatening to KILL them) seems to result in little or no legal blowback.

    6. I test drove a Harley as a 1st ev bike….honestly ..it wasn't as easy as they say coming from a gas bike. My main issue was going through the curve. Because of the instant torque and lack of engine feel, I had a hard time judging the speed to curve…which to me is dangerous for a beginner….so it will take awhile to get used to…also…a silent bike is easier to miss on the street and I'm sure alot of bikers will get run over…last..on a bad note…women don't respect it…they like the vibration of a gas bike

    7. Notice how uncivilised the americans are compared to the brits??? Thats why most countries dont want Americans to enter their lands. Just ask any native

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