hope you’re all having a gorgeous january so far & enjoy todays vlog!!

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    Hannah Renee
    Carbon Creative Ltd
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    M50 2AB

    Happy New Year everyone I realized I’m like 6 days late in saying that but this is also the first video of the new year so hope you’re all having a lovely start to 2024 it’s currently Sunday as I’m starting today’s video I think I may be going to Vlog today and tomorrow it’s

    Been quite a busy week this week it was actually Dan’s birthday on Friday which the fact that his birthday is so close to Christmas stresses me out because I literally have to get him to lots of presents I mean I actually did something a little bit different for his birthday

    This year because it was his 30th which is’s probably going to hate me saying and telling you all but it was his 30th this year so I’ve done something a little bit different for him I’ve actually made him like a 30-day calendar so he gets a different present

    Treat date night just something for 30 days so yeah there was a lot of planning that went into that over Christmas and the start of this year and we’ve also started the 75 hard challenge as of the 1st of January anyone’s following me on Tik Tok then you’ll know because I am

    Actually daily vlogging over there so in case anyone wants any more Vlogs content that kind of thing I am daily vlogging on Tik Tok or at least I’m trying to so far I’m doing a really good good job of it I mean we’ll see how long it lasts

    Because it is definitely a lot of daily vlogging but I’m really enjoying it so far and I can’t believe it’s actually been nearly a whole week of doing 75 hard I feel like so many people are doing it I’ve seen so many other creators like people that I know doing

    75 hard if anyone is watching this doing 75 hard then definitely let me know because I feel like I need the extra support it’s definitely made it easier that me and Dan are doing it together and yeah we’ve actually quite enjoyed the first week it’s not been I mean it’s

    Definitely been an adjustment in some ways for anyone that doesn’t know what it is by the way I’m just assuming that everyone knows what the 75 part is it’s basically 75 days of two 45 minute workouts a day one of them has to be outside which has been our walk with

    Freddy every single day no alcohol which is like not really a problem for us because we don’t really drink a lot anyway sticking to a diet which the diet that I picked is just healthy high protein meals and no sort of like snacking on crisps or chocolate the only

    Kind of chocolate thing that I am having is options hot chocolate with hot water so far I’ve had no chocolate this year and Christmas time I don’t know about anyone else we get so much CHR so much Christmas so much chocolate over Christmas so the chocolate cupboard is

    Stocked and Dan’s having to eat it all but yeah sticking to a diet so I’m doing High Protein healthy trying to be someone pescatarian I’ve actually recently followed a girl called I think she’s called Sophie put her Instagram Down Below in case anyone wants some info for

    Like vegan meals but she’s a personal trainer and she’s vegan and her recipes are incredible I made one of her like chickpea vegan kind of lasagnas the other night and it was literally my favorite thing I’ve ever had I took it around to my mom and dad’s even Dan

    Enjoyed it and he’s usually such like a meat eater so yeah that’s my diet um you’re supposed to drink a gallon of water a day I’m just having like minimum 2 L of water a day because I have to say I did do a gallon on the first day it’s

    Actually a stupid amount of water like I don’t know who is out here drinking a gallon of water it’s something like 4 and 1/2 lers a day it’s just crazy like I don’t I don’t actually know if that’s really good for you to be drinking that

    Much water so I’m doing minimum 2 lers of water a day and then reading 10 pages of a non-fiction book every single day so I’m currently reading the Power of Now which I really loving this book I mean I can be quite like the overthinker

    And the warrior I get in my head a lot I stress about things like even Dan’s birthday present like this 30-day calendar that I’ve done for him I was so stressed on his birthday that it was just like disappointing my mind just goes into overdrive about stuff and yeah

    I’m actually really enjoying that book because it’s all about just being more present just yeah just focusing on the now rather than like past future all these kinds of things that create worry in your head I’ve actually made a bit of an Impulse decision I mean is it an

    Impulse decision I have been thinking about doing it for a while but tomorrow I’ve actually booked to have my coil removed I’ve had my coil I’m on the copper coil and I’ve had it for 2 years now and my periods are just starting to drive me crazy because they’re so so long

    Like towards the end of Christmas so around New Year’s time I’d say like 30th 31st and then the very start of January it’s now the 6th is it the 6th or is it the 7th it’s the 7th of January so I started getting period pains around the

    30th 31st I’ve been getting period pains all this week I’ve still not come on yet and then on my period since I’ve had the coil my period usually lasts like 7 to 8 days and I then get pains afterwards I can’t remember who I was speaking to

    About this recently but if anyone else is on the C like the coil like any kind of coil is it just me I get more crumps and period pains when my period is done it’s just like it’s like a never ending cycle I and I just I just went out now I

    Really was enjoying like the peace of mind with it in the sense of like I wasn’t taking the pill I wasn’t on the injection obviously there was no hormones with it but I feel like it’s just is really dragging out my periods and that in itself has really been

    Affecting my mental health because PMS symptoms have just been not good I kind of noticed that there’s a certain time every single month where I’m just feeling like quite low or anxious or just not good and I just miss having like you know one day of period pains I have my

    Period and then it’s done like that’s what it used to be for me and I just think like it’s not worth it anymore so I’m actually having it taken out tomorrow so I’m going to try and have a day today of just like getting some stuff done because I’m booked in to have

    That done tomorrow morning I feel like I’m going to be fine afterwards I mean every single person that I’ve spoke to having it taken out is way less painful and stressful so I feel like I’m going to be fine but just on the off chance if

    Something I don’t know if I’m just not feeling great after I have it out tomorrow I kind of just want to get everything done today so yeah we’re going to do a little kind of Sunday reset I need to do my two workouts today which is going to be walking Freddy and

    I think I might do a hit workout at home I’ve actually not been to the gym yet since starting 75 hard which hasn’t been intentional I just feel like I’ve been so busy and our gym is like a 20- minute drive which sounds really silly but 20

    Minutes there 20 minutes back I can just do that whole workout at home um so I think next week’s going to be the week when I start going back to the gym and it’s actually been really nice because I hadn’t been in forever so I feel like I

    Needed to just work myself and like work my body into doing more like heavy lifting anyway so yeah it was a little update on 2024 so far and what we’re up to over the next couple of days I feel like I’ve just word vomited at you guys

    But I thought we’d have a little catch up yeah I hope you’re all having a good start to the year definitely let me know what you’re up to what your plans are I think I’m just going to quickly like strip the bed do a bit of tidy in I did

    Actually want to include kind of like a mini what I got for Christmas in this video because I’ve been meaning to film of what I got for Christmas I did actually want to do it as a separate video but I feel like I’ve left it too

    Late now to make it its own video and for that reason I’ve not unboxed my Christmas presents just feels ridiculous because they literally all sat there waiting to be used and I’ve not put them in their homes yet or unbox them because I’ve been wanting to like share them

    With you guys cuz I personally just really love see in what people got for Christmas and my mom especially she always gets me just such like beautiful thoughtful gifts like it’s always things that I wouldn’t necessarily pick for myself or I wouldn’t look at and think

    Oh I’m going to get that for myself but when my mom gets it and I see like the thought that went into why she’s picked it for me I don’t know she just gets me really like gorgeous things and so I wanted to show you guys but you know

    What let’s do that now let’s do a little Christmas Haul because I do actually want to unbox one thing which is for the kitchen I mean you can kind of see what it is here and but I’ve got a few more of these to get out one thing that I did

    Really want for Christmas this year was some mugs to go on this what are we calling this it’s like shelf rock kind of like the only thing that I’ve not really finished is putting some mugs on these hooks I just havn’t really found that I really like the look of I knew I

    Wanted them to just be really plain and simple and I basically saw these ones on next so I popped them on my Christmas list and my n and Gramps very kindly Trea me to them first of all they’re actually just such a stunning mug in

    Terms of the size I love like a wide chunky mug I don’t know if it’s really weird to have like a mug preference but I drink a lot of tea now like I’m 100% in my like tea era I feel like I’m turning into my mom cuz my mom drinks

    Tea all the time and Jesus Christ my teeth need whitening already because the tea and the coffee is like let’s not even talk about it especially cuz I’ve not got fat t on right now it’s not a good look I like the texture on these ones as well kind of like rippled

    They’re a little bit shorter um they almost look a little bit like did you say like a cappuccino Mar I really love these I’m going to put the rest of them on the hooks now and that is going to complete that shelf finally and and then something else that I’m actually going

    To keep downstairs for now as well are the gardening gloves that my nana and grants got me and again such a gorgeous present if anyone saw the video oh my gosh last year now that feels really weird to say when me and Dan redid our garden and gave our garden a little bit

    Of a makeover love a bit of gardening now I mean obviously throughout winter everything’s been a little bit neglected we’re definitely going to have to give it some love and some TLC when it comes spring so my n and grants very kindly got me some some gardening gloves which

    Is perfect because I didn’t actually have any and these ones are just stunning I love the color green anyone that knowes me knows I love the color green and it’s also just like the perfect color for like a garden sort of themed gift and they also come with a

    Vegan hand cream which is perfect cuz my hands are dry as hell at the minute and especially when you’re gardening obviously your hands take a little bit of a beating sometimes so I’m going to keep these downstairs too those are my gifts from my nana and and I love Them see doesn’t it just look so bare without the Christmas tree there now we have actually started the guest room makeover it’s looking so good wanted to do the flooring ourselves it was actually all Dan that did the flooring he was incredible um we’ve done the

    Painting The coing there’s a new bed in there it’s just a case of decorating it now so that is actually going to be the next video is the guest bedroom makeover and then this room is going to need some TLC because I just feel like it looks so

    Bad back there now but anyway that’s for a different day so I thought we quickly unbox the rest of my Christmas presents in here first up have this Elizabeth Scarlet bag I didn’t actually know about this brand until my mom so this was actually a present from my mom she’s the

    One that introduced me to Elizabeth scarlet and they do so many beautiful makeup bags like actual kind of like travel bags different colors different sort of like patterns stitching different things embroidered on them you can have them personalized so my mom got me this travel bag and I

    Absolutely love it I’ve actually been needing a travel bag because I don’t have one like I don’t have a bag this size that’s kind of like a weekend bag and obviously now that my mom and dad live in I even describe where they live they live kind of near Lancaster they’re

    Like an hour north of Manchester so whenever I go up there now I usually stay for a couple of nights so she’s got me a little weekend bag to pack and I have to say I’ve loved spending time with my mom and dads over Christmas and

    New Year’s I literally cried when I came home because it was just such a special time and I’m already missing them so much like I already can’t wait to go back she got me this really gorgeous kind of like teal blue velvet travel bag and it’s got a little turtle on the

    Front which I just love actually made me laugh because Dan’s favorite animals are turtles and I just really love this it’s a really gorgeous material I love the color of it I love this kind of like deep teal blue it has a nice sort of like shoulder or like arm handle but

    Then it also has like an over strap as well it’s just like the perfect size I just feel like for weekend a ways at Mom and Dad or weekend aways at like hotels airbnbs me and Dan love a good station and I just think this will be perfect so I love that so

    Much we then have probably six or seven candles from the same brand which is scandinav if I’m saying that right again this was on my Christmas list and I feel like everyone in my family knows that I just love these candles I’m very sort of picky with my Candles now I only really

    Like to buy soy natural wax candles because I mean you’re going to see in the guest bedroom video we had like a paraffin wax candle in there and the sot on the walls it was an absolute nightmare to clean like it just wrecks your walls whereas soy candles soy wax

    Tend to be a little bit better when they burn so this brand and also the brand Airy I believe it is I actually have one in here from Airy as well which was from my mom it’s this sort of like Northern Lights candle which was so funny because

    I got my mom this brand scandinav this they do a Northern Lights candle as well and I got my mom the version in this one and my mom got me the Northern Lights candle from Airy it smells so good I just do you know what I just love

    Receiving candles as gifts like I can never have too many candles so this scent scog is actually my favorite Christmas candle ever it smells exactly like a Christmas tree like a natural kind of like pine tree we have this one here which I believe this one was from

    Dan’s mom and dad then have this one which oh my God who is this one from this one I think was from Tom and Jen so we have the medium the big daddy oh and then I have already burned what was the mini one I had another little mini one

    As well but it made me so happy because it just smells Divine and this the smell of these is really strong I hate when you get a candle and you can kind of like smell it in the jar but when it burns the scent doesn’t fill the room these candles

    Are incredible like the whole room fills with the scent so we have two left of the scog scent I have actually already burned one Dan actually very kindly treated me to the whole Christmas set so this is what the whole set looks like inside and this is all of their

    Christmas scent so again we have the scog one we also have snow which is this middle one here which is a lot more sort of fresh and then we have Jewel um which smells very sort of like sweet cinnamony kind of like Christmas spices I would say and then my

    Mom also got me a big snow candle so I literally have like a huge stock of these Candles now which just makes me so happy scandinav visk hopefully I’m saying that right if you ever want to work with me and collaborate please let me know because I actually am obsessed

    With your candles and this is proof because everyone knows it everyone got me them for Christmas the house is now going to smell like Christmas for probably 3 months and I have no complaints about that because these candles are Divine and then Charlie and Anna actually very kindly got me another

    Soy candle as well I think this must be the brand it’s from La Jolie Muse and oh my gosh again it smells so good this one smells like spring to me I think I’m going to save this one to burn a little bit more near Springtime okay next up we

    Have this little plant pot that my mom got me this actually made me cry and it’s I I I’m not going to cry like let’s get it together but this literally made me burst into tears on Christmas Day because I was like that is the cutest thing ever seen so she got me

    This little plant pot it’s like tiny um and she’s going to give me my mom is like Mom of all things but also Mom of plants um so she’s going to give me a cut off of my great Grand’s PL um to put in here it says dreams are like seeds

    Plant them well tend them carefully they will grow and I just thought it was so cute this is what I mean I feel like my mom just gets me things that are just so cute and I just see the thought behind them um and I don’t know like I just

    Feel like I’m going to look at that every day and think of my mom and it’s actually making me want to cry right now because I just think it’s so cute Dan very kindly got me some airpods I have not upgraded my airpods in the longest

    Time and I actually steal his all the time so I feel like this was kind of a mix of like a present for me but also a present for him because he’s definitely sick of me stealing his airpods mom also got it’s kind of like a gift for me and

    Dan guess she got us a mini puzzle which is very exciting we do actually have a puzzle of Our Own to do and it’s have like a little Christmas tree I think I’m actually going to save this until next Christmas now because we do have another

    Puzzle that we need to do as well oh my God these Felt So Random when I unboxed them and again this is what I mean I’m like where does my mom find these things because these are like the coolest matches I’ve ever seen I’ve never seen

    Anything like them so my mom got me because as I said I am a candle porw she got me these packs of matches where are are they actually from I’ll try and Link them down below it says archist Gallery but she got me these two packs of

    Matches so this first one has a little cat on the front and it’s funny she said to me when I like opened this first one she was like does that remind you of crunchy or frisbe and I looked at the cat and I was like it kind of looks like

    A mix of the both of them and she was like it literally does so yeah she picked these ones up for me which I just think is so funny cuz yeah they just will remind me of the cats when I look at them I always love seeing the cats

    When I go home cuz I miss them so much and then she also got me this box as well which has Paris on the front with the little Eiffel Tower because me and Mom are going to Paris in I about say in the New Year oh my God we’re going to

    Paris this year to see Taylor Swift in make I’m so excited she also got me this little pouch it’s like a little lavender pouch I’m like again like she’s just the cutest person on the planet I can’t even explain how much I love my mom so so it’s got a little reindeer on

    The front and it’s just like this little kind of soft cotton pouch sorry hopefully you can like see these things well I feel like I’m having to reach right forward and it just it’s filled with lavender seeds so it just smells Divine it just smells like pure lavender

    And it’s basically just to putt in either light your drawers or you can put it under your pillow to help you sleep better at night which I think is what I’m going to do with it we also have a couple of books from Mom and Dad I feel

    Like I’ve just been saying mom but I mean they are from my mom and dad it’s just so blatantly obvious when like it’s my mom that’s picked something I’m like that’s just such a gift from my mom but they are technically from my mom and dad

    And but we have two books from my mom and dad as well so we have a thriller called wrong place wrong time I don’t like to read the blur so I’m not going to read it but I am very much in my kind of reading era I have to say I kind of

    Slacked over Christmas and also at the start of this year I mean technically I have been reading every day but just not fiction books sorry the angle might have just slightly changed cuz I had to delete some clips because the card filled up the second book that they got

    Me is called tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow I believe this is again a fictional book yeah it’s got really really great reviews I think I have actually seen this book before the cover definitely looks familiar but I always love getting a good book especially at Christmas time so I’m very excited to

    Read those and then my mom also got me this cute little to-do list again I just I’m sorry she’s actually the cutest woman on the planet like I love her so much basically just like a picture of a girl and a sheep and the northern lights which is on both of

    Our bucket list we’d both love to see the Northern Lights one day I’ve actually been to Iceland once in Finland once and I’ve still not seen the northern lights and I would love to one day feel like I actually need to sit the minute because trying to be organized

    With 75 hard is going to be the end of me oh it’s actually magnetic as well so I can stick it to something but yeah just has little to-do lists inside and then again for my mom we have this really gorgeous jug with two cats on it

    Again to remind me of crunch and frase um and also just of my mom because again this is just I don’t know this just like screams my mom to me it’s a really really gorgeous J could also be a really nice vase um I need to find a

    Really nice home for this cuz I think I am probably do I want to use it as a j I think I’m probably going to use it as a vase and put some really like nice like fresh flowers in it it’s got two little kitties I’d say this one is

    Crunchy and this one this one is Frisbee and I think that is everything that I have to show you guys I did have a few more presents I had a really gorgeous um it was like a Christmas kind of ornament I would say from my auntie which I put out when we

    Got back for Christmas but I’ve now put it away since obviously packing everything away for Christmas so that was my little Christmas Haul um I feel like this vlog’s going to be so long now because I mean it’s already been an hour of me to just satch that in but it’s

    Currently 1212 I’m going to take Freddy out for a walk and just do a little bit of cleaning tidying that kind of thing do actually have like a full Sunday reset video on my channel now which was my last video in case anyone wants to

    See that and see what kind of like stuff that I do on a Sunday I’m not going to do the full thday cuz I’m not going to have time but I am going to try and just do like maybe the bathrooms bit of hoovering Dan out with football

    Currently so I need to just try and like Blitz through the house as best as I can it’s a little bit late we’ve walked Freddy I’ve done my second workout of the day as well which was a hit workout that I found on YouTube um it was actually really good it wasn’t

    Too difficult so I’m quickly going to make some dinner so I thought I would show you guys what we’re going to have tonight you know what I think this could be like one of my favorite things to have at the minute I’ve not made it like

    Yet this year but we had it a couple of weeks ago and I forgot how much I love this vegan duck from Linda McCartney this entire pack has 33 G of protein which I feel like is pretty good so I’m going to do kind of like a duck fried

    Rice almost I think I’m going to do some broccoli with it um I’m going to chop some spring onions fry this in the pan this is really easy to cook as well it only takes I think like 10 minutes maybe 7 to 8 minutes in a pan You’re going to have to excuse my appearance this morning I realized my hair is looking a bit like a bird’s nest and my under eye bags are not the greatest my appointment this morning is 10:45 I think I’m going to set off maybe around 10: it’s in haale which is

    Probably about half an hour 40 minutes from me so feel like I’d rather just have a little bit of extra time to make sure I can find the place and everything anyway I kind of don’t know what to do about my workouts today obviously 75

    Hard like I need to do my outdoor walk which will be fine I think I’m just going to see how I feel when I get back I was going to go to the gym this morning but I don’t know I feel like it just might have been a little bit too

    Much and then I don’t really know what the rest of the day is going to entail cuz it kind of just depends on like how how my appointment goes I didn’t really want to like put any pressure on myself to do anything today I mean I like I

    Know I’m going to be fine it’s just like on the off chance if for what a reason I’m like not feeling very well anyway I need to sort this freakin bird’s nest of a hair out and get some Brey I’m back I’m alive it was fine it was just as

    Like everyone has described it so much easier than having a coil fitted it took honestly I think less than like 60 seconds for her to do everything and get it out um and I had such a lovely doctor I feel like she could just tell that I

    Was really nervous like as soon as I stepped in she was like don’t look so scared everything’s going to be fine yeah it’s all done usted which is a nice relief so I’m going to make myself a quick cup of tea really in just like my

    Tea drinking era I think I said this yesterday oh my goodness come and say hello come and say hello to everyone started buying this oat milk as well as blue Ole it’s from plenish I’m going to do like a dumbbells workout my second workout today and then go to the gym tomorrow

    Tomorrow’s going to be like the first heavy gym day back which I’m actually really excited for I kind of feel like it sounds really silly like I feel like I’ve slacked even though obviously I have been doing like my two workouts every single day I want to get some

    Different kind of workouts booked in as well so hopefully I’m going to have some ice skating lesson soon I think in February because do you know I sometimes forget like 75 days it’s going to be mid-march when I finished 75 hard I think in February I’m going to do horse riding

    When it’s just like a little bit lighter and hopefully slightly warmer outside I mean that’s very optimistic of me to be thinking M’s also mentioned doing snowboard in which I really want to book in I just really want to try new things this year I mean I know I did this a

    Little bit last year as well I love trying new hobbies I like learning new skills I kind of wish I dedicated more time to it in 2023 but I’m seeing loads of things about the minute like loads of videos of girls talking about like trying different Hobbies so yeah it’s

    Definitely going to be a focus and a goal for this year as well so hopefully we’ll get some ice skating lessons in some more riding lessons maybe snowboarding if m is up for it or not snowboarding sorry skiing I feel like skiing is maybe the easier one to start

    With we’ll just see what happens maybe I’ll even go for a few runs who knows I mean that would be shocking for me cuz I am absolutely not an athletic Girly


    1. 🌷Another Great Video🌷
      😻Love that Thumbnail Tho
      🤗Happy 2024 To You🤗
      Natural Beauty Love iT
      🖤😘😘😘Absolutely Beautifully You ArE
      Those Breathtaking Eyes Love Em
      Nice Ass Cheeks Bones
      You Have a Marvelous Week
      Stay Bless N Be Safe AlwayS

    2. Happy New Year Han! Thanks for sharing your gifts with us, everything is so cute and thoughtful 🥺. I've never used birth control but I know there's NO WAY I would be on my period for 7 days and have cramps before and after 😩. Keep us updated, have a great year 🤍

    3. Gallon is 3.7 litres. Sorry not being a smart ass just don't want anyone to listen to this and start doing 4.5 litres haha bc that amount isn't good for you!

    4. Do you happen to know where i can find beautiful to do list like yours?
      Also in my tea era (3months sober) any favorites or new teas you like?
      Happy New years 🎉🎉🎉

    5. Hi and Happy New Year! I did 75 Hard last year and it’s right what someone else has said on here … a US Gallon is 3785 mls so 3.8 litres. If you start early by drinking a litre first thing in the morning, and drinking more during exercise it’s not so bad xx

    6. I’m so glad you’ve talked about your experience on the copper coil. I got mine at the end of August and I’m experiencing every single thing you mentioned. Constant cramps all month round, longer / heavier periods and feeling down despite it being non hormonal contraception. Mentioned it to the doctor and they’ve just told me I’m probably still ‘getting used to it’. Can’t imagine having to deal with feeling like this for two years😩

    7. I’m so glad you’ve talked about your experience on the copper coil. I got mine at the end of August and I’m experiencing every single thing you mentioned. Constant cramps all month round, longer / heavier periods and feeling down despite it being non hormonal contraception. Mentioned it to the doctor and they’ve just told me I’m probably still ‘getting used to it’. Can’t imagine having to deal with feeling like this for two years😩

    8. It’s a good idea not drinking more than 2 litres. It’s very bad for your bladder to drink more. Multiple doctors told me your body is satisfied with 1 to max 2 litres of water a day. You take plenty of water out of tea, coffee, soup and food in general as well.
      Good luck with the challenge! Just know that if something feels ridiculous it most likely is 😊

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