#mr1upz #pokemon #pokemontierlist
    mr1upz has a good ol hard crack at ranking all 55 real life Pokemon. Every Pokemon so far that’s crossed the bridge to exist in the real world. I really figured there would’ve been more instances where Pokemon have existed in a realistic context, since I can’t really count Basculegion crashing the fancy dinner party for a 40 second Pokemon Legends Arceus Ad, I guess it really is just Detective Pikachu for now. At least until Detective Pikachu returns… hopefully as the trashman too this time. Or maybe we get IRL filter DLC or something, finally get those Unreal Engine graphics 2012 Skyrim Pokemon fan made regions going.

    Anyway, am off on holiday for three weeks DEAD ON the day Pokemon Indigo Disk DLC drops, so might have to pass on sorting the video on that one, gonna be very late to it if I did.

    The Gram: https://www.instagram.com/notorious1upz/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Notorious1upz

    ‘ABSOLUTE WEAPON’ CRABRAWLER SHIRT ON TEESPRING: https://teespring.com/stores/mr1upz


    #mr1upz #pokemon #ranked #pokemonranking

    Every Pokémon that’s being portrayed in real life all of them are getting ranked for now all 55 of them you’ve got to be selective with what Pokémon you adap to the real world cuz some of them can’t even hack the transition from Sprite to 3D let alone venturing behind the

    Bookshelf and Crossing into our Dimension I might have missed a couple but I can’t find a single trace of them or a single source that isn’t just yeah my dad works for Nintendo he told me magnet miks in the movie Pokémon’s too big you know there’ll be more real life

    Adaptations coming in the future future and I’ll be right there to give them the business as well as I am right now for these 55 real life Pokémon Flareon and ditto must have been heavy on the source down the daycare center dereg hatched fetal alcohol syndrome eeve said something similar in

    The fossil video about armaldo but no this time that is dead on I am diagnosing it right here and now what is Eevee doing with the facial structure of a creepy pasta Teletubby you’d think for arguably Pikachu’s counterpart they would have let it marinade more and blender if this is the actual concept

    Art then someone was taking a few creative Liberties here it’s not even Liberty that’s straight creative Independence another one that’s hideous by Design I can’t fault the 3D artists at all they did a bang up job for the source they were given to work with but there’s no Universe you’re adapted Mr

    Mime into that doesn’t portray it as something that’s Ambiguously on some kind of register luckily it wasn’t the gallerian one the only way that version of Mr mime is reaching millions of viewers on worldwide screens is on Catch a Predator I simply refuse to accept the

    Energy real Mr mime is giving off it gives off the aura of them mandatory NPCs you run into on a High Street and they force you to see their card tricks or you have to listen to him talk about Buddhism for 20 minutes but really they’re just wanting you to give them

    Two quid real Mr mime is like when you’re at restaurants in Italy or France or somewhere and a mandatory Street NPC just spawns at your table and starts singing Elvis songs while you’re trying to skin the bones out your seab bass and then they guilt you into giving them a

    Fiber to compensate them for providing you with an unskippable cut scene with your meal it’s just a more accepted version of crackhead trying to wash your wind screen at a red light oh jeez for f another Mr M I don’t care if you’re only pretending to touch the car I just don’t

    Want you anywhere near it he has like freckles too that is not a Pokémon that right there is a homunculus do you know me always advocate for more face ripping monkeys in the Pokémon realm and for the already existing monkeys to be tapping into that potential and here comes a hyper

    Realistic apom to make me question ever wanting any of that beef aom’s tail looks built to tear faces off but I just know it insists on using the teeth to get the job done they just had to fill its mouth up with them uncanny human pearly whites always a bad play for

    Little third-dimensional creatures but they’re meant to be terrifying a force against the protagonists even one of my favorite parts of detective Pikachu was when the aoms got aggressive and the main guy said oh my God oh my God it’s exactly like Joel Rogan said so it’s

    Fair game to make them look this jarring they delivered on what they wanted but it doesn’t mean I have to like it such an easy game to make any creature that much more unnerving you equip him with boogies Snow White Chompers I don’t care how law accurate

    These ones are they’re loud dreads are looking foul foul dread cuz they’re looking foul and fill me with a sense of dread unprecedented levels of hideous the likes of which hadn’t been seen since this is how Pokémon Graphics will be in 2014 doesn’t even look 3D modeled

    At some angles looks more like it’s going to jump scare me in between watching SpongeBob and Drake and Josh to devour purple and brown Banger of a terrifying clay monster vile real life Pokémon imala is another case where it had to have the huge weird eyes slapped onto it

    I’m just not a fan of these creatures that look like I could rattle their brain and get two free spins on the magic eight balls but with ulga I don’t really know what you could have done about that it’s the only way you could go about his design really again no

    Fault of the 3D artists it’s just I know you’re lying to me if this was your favorite looking one just look at that render someone cropped out looking like the crack Fox from the mighty boost giving me TSD the 2008 watching Disaster Movie in cinemas I can’t sit here and say Ru flip

    Is a bad adaptation it’s going to be looking a bit goofy in any realm you’re spawning in a weird Pokémon to choose knowing it look as though it’s got googly eyes welded on him roughl looks like its eyeballs had Botox those are uncanny valley googly eyes like the fos

    Humans naturally have when staring into the eyes of what we may think is a Doppel gang or a skin walker real life rufflet has the kind of eyes that give off that same Primal Fear to a Furby out of all the birds they could have chosen it’s purposed in detective Pikachu is to

    Mount lampost the GU an extra it could have been I don’t know Hoots Hoots would have fit the night City atmosphere as well depending on the angle you see him at it’s just not the best Pokémon to be stepping into the real world next up I’ve got to say is simply

    Rattata not just because it’s a large purple rodent that I do not care for there’s is too little of a sample to go off here Rattata is only seen properly in the background like once behind the cage where it belongs from what I can tell I think they pulled it off

    Accurately I can’t really see him definitely looks as though it’d make living in New York even more hellish but how can you be that bothered about it has 2 seconds of screen time and you never consensually encounter one of them anyway so just don’t care you talk about maximizing your

    Minutes they had grer all rigged up and ready for animation you only see him for 1 second he saw the cage fight kicking off as an opportunity like invading the camera shot of a live news repor on the street so you can do the grapefruit technique in the background showing off

    His roll out back to the boys down the cave pointing at himself in the movie like SpongeBob in the 3:00 a.m. crusty crab advert if they had a gral just laying about I’m surprised you don’t just see one in the background fixing a pothole in the road or drinking cement

    Down the cafe sat on the fruit machines the public wouldn’t even even though what it looks like if someone hadn’t misplaced their Boulder looking a bit devious from the missing poster I reckon there’s some potential there but it’s just not enough to really go off with this one for something that’s about 90%

    Human you’d think Machamp would be an easy transition just a jack dude with extra arms you probably could have just got like Larry Wheels to moap and throw in CG from the neck upwards arguably the most human looking Pokémon and it’s looking like one of the most unn natural

    Here even Machoke with the full two armed human build would be looking a bit dodgy I can see why they kept invisible in jpeg form only Machamp standing about in that real street it’s over here directing traffic a few steps away from a 460 kilo Studio gibli monster having a

    We slumbering traffic and it’s still looking like the most monstrous thing on the road and Kingler is here too somewhere did you miss him wonder how many tickers to the Cinema it took for somebody to finally clock Kingler was in the movie I didn’t even know if it was in the movie

    I’m still convinced this article I’m reading is Off the Mark and they’ve just clopped something off Deviant Art a really good 3D model if it’s off Deviant Art in all fairness so I’m just hoping they know what they’re on about Kingler actually is in the movie it’s next to

    The police department at some point you only really see its claws floating about behind the car but I would still be convinced that this is just a fan-made kingom model running Unreal Engine 4 maybe it only looks rough because it wasn’t actually in the movie properly

    And this just looks more like a test render perin is a decent enough one but out of all the Pokémon on set it’s very clearly another one of the extras in catering if perin acted in The Walking Dead it’d be performing in the role of stationary torso here it just be listed

    On the credit somewhere as pocketmon number 52 the one who eats the soup a decent crack here but not exactly memorable but you need some midcard Talent Pokémon to fill out the card a bit to blend in for the World building no one’s paying their ticket to see the

    Perlo movie but that’s okay I’m mainly just shocked perin made the auditions Over Me Al next we have sneez very faithful to the ice creature yes it’s a tricky one to sort out so I can’t fault it but something about sneez just looks a bit dodgy like physically his dimensions are

    Just slightly off gives me the same feeling as looking at yourself with the camera inverted almost as though this could just as easily appear in one of the liveaction Sonic movies built like whatever alien species Blaze the Cat would be you only see odino for a few

    Glimpses but it looks decent enough zero issues no beef in here I can’t take issue I can’t gorilla creature that I just don’t care enough about to begin with see I don’t care ordino specifically is here but I’m still glad it is I’m mainly just happy you NOA had

    A surprisingly good amount of showcasing in a Pokémon movie like orino made the movie but chany didn’t ah that would have ruined a lot of people’s acus on Sky Bet predicting the Pokémon I don’t care much for odino here but I do care for what it stands for keeping it

    Diverse fighting against cantonian dominance on the market an underrated aspect of these is the attention to detail of sizing jolics are only seen as a background extra so you could say there’s not enough really to base a decent opinion on not enough sampling required to go in on but if it

    Were clapped looking you’d easily know jolics in hordes hanging out on tables if they were a pest Octillery would be chucking them in the walk for a stir fry ztics are a great choice for World building because they really sell me and just how awful the Pokémon world would

    Be to living not just because they’d have us wrecked in statues or Metagross and have us living in quick balls but just that shot of these little fellas climbing all over the electrical wiring Not only would that be such a hassle it’s just just this world is so packed

    It’s so busy can I just get one minute away from these mutants no you probably can’t you can’t even go downstairs to get your mail without getting G checked by a Psyduck first it’s jolics cutting off your electricity then it’s off worm eating your house I think snobble is

    Another one that’s looking foul but that would be the case in any art style so I’ve got to say nice adaptation bringing that mean mugging to the big screen hey you even remembered his disgusting Little Skin dress flapping about the place so I can’t complain cuz it is

    Pretty good how they got a Pokémon looking so criminal working down the police department confy and Fay babay are seen floating about the sky and from what I can tell they would maybe be a lot higher on the list here because they seem like a true onetoone Recreation of

    The pocket creatures you get only glimpses of them falling from the sky here and there so there’s not too many samples there for me to base my opinions on but another really good selective Choice from from what I can tell one of those Pokémon that you couldn’t really

    Do wrong with adapting to the real world flower-based creatures very easy 3d model job there’s no real compromise and having to make them realistic like Charizard scales or jiggly Puffs fur few alterations if any necessary and they just work another big dub for Gen 5 buffal and Tauros has had enough action you

    Could already credit Tauros in any movie that has a standard bull standing around somewhere I love that ditto has the choice to transform into anything at once and it chose to become a buffal specifically to Johnny knoxvill guy another great worldbuilding choice doesn’t look out of place or too wacky Roman about a

    Field of course just as I praise something for not looking too wacky I’m just imagining the filmmakers all watching back the final draft to detective Pikachu like yeah it’s good it’s just uh can we get more liquor hung in there is it just I really think we

    Got to get more liquor hung in there God just 10 seconds it’s all I ask for can he like get sloppy with him on a bus or something liong had me thinking this was where they maybe should have drawn the line a bit too ambitious to be pulling

    Off there was no way you’re bringing this vile amphibian into the real world without getting the exact reaction you’d expect really needed to throw the lead character in Pokémon’s version of the unavoidable crackhead talking to on the tube situation objectively is freakish horrid but it’s such a fun and risky

    Pokémon choice to have adapted so I can’t not rate it highly seeing lior tongue in a trailer would fully sell me on watching a movie you know what’s been missing in cinema the box office drawer is coming back like you’re paying to see King Kong Godzilla a bear on jumbo

    Amounts of gear I want to see that tongue in action there’s only one place for it the big screen I like this liquor tongue design in the same way that I wish I could watch the Sonic movies with ugly Sonic still in it Jigglypuff is a solid portrayal this is just me not

    Paying attention for the last 20 years but it came out a lot Furrier than I’d expected I mean obviously yeah that would be a little quiff not some kind of rubber whipped cream or shaved floppy Donkey Kong antenna so it’s going to have some hair guess I just never really

    Questioned what Jigglypuff’s full body would be made of at face value you look at a chansy it’s fair to assume Jigglypuff could have been about as hairy as an egg it makes sense sure and it looks really good but for me seeing this would be like meeting Kirby for the

    First time like wait you you’re not I’m sorry this is so rude of me this whole time I thought you were bold you little baly can you believe it I know I gave aom a bit of heat for the veneers that they’ve all had installed but I’ve got

    To say the Boogie Snow White Chompers work in gengar’s favor here I think they do I can’t tell what I think of this Gengar I’m sickened yet curious is it good or is it an Abomination that you lot in the comments are going to have to

    Tell me cuz I am 50/50 I don’t know on one hand I rate that it’s a ghoulish mutant gassing up the place on the other it sicks me the way it’s smiling at you like it swallowed a gum shield made of THS but again that’s nothing to do with

    The 3D art here that’s just classic genger I’m very unsure where I stand on Mewtwo here cuz it looks too hyper realistic to the point of looking almost comical again got the neck of a 90-year-old man or veiny might as well have full body tattoos of liver spots on

    Him this is what liver King is going to look like if he makes it past 70 it looks great in the dark with the front headlights on but Chuck him out on a cold rainy day in STO and he’s looking a bit slimy as a freakish lab experiment

    Gone wrong should do it should have all of those things and probably more it should look even slimier actually so great work making Mewtwo look like a fridge alien that got locked in the freezer for 20 years but it’s far from one of my favorites here Psyduck all in

    All a great portrayal of a noro Divergent duck they’ve even included psyduck’s iconic exposed nerve ending they presented him exactly as you’d expect but my head Cannon is tilted slightly cuz the whole scene where he’s baiting Pikachu out to rub his feet in the car he’s self-aware he knows what

    He’s doing Psyduck giving you the side eye for some foot squeezing he’s holding everyone around him hostage yeah Pikachu gives a foot rub or I’m going to start beeping has me thinking psyduck’s just faking the autism for perks exaggerating disability to get a Tik Tok following you know Pidgeot had to look

    Fresh for that final battle against Mewtwo it had to for that little semi callback to Pikachu flying on Pidgeotto all of the Airborne Pokémon seem to exist in our world so seamlessly Pidgeot is simply looking clean Doo and Trio look spot on Donnie real shame the two

    Couldn’t really get used properly but I don’t really know how you propose like guys trust me I’ve made this onetoone model of the Trio pair I’ve rigged it and everything can we can we just please fit it in the movie somehow I don’t know just have a have a little part where one

    Of the heads licks him on a train or something what they really should have had in the background was Octillery serving all three heads at one of the street food stands they start having their little three stoes moment fighting over who gets the last bit of Joltik stir

    Frry lot of tongue action in this movie way more than expected for a Pokémon flick a big day for soft corv fans greninjas get portrayed as absolute demons as they should like the whole movie was spoilers obviously if you should care is built around you thinking Mewtwo attacked the guy’s dad side

    Stried his car flipped him off a bridge then you find out the whole time it was gr ninjas that done did it so there shown is a creature that can believably throw attacks on par with the most powerful fridge alien science can grow now that’s a good portrayal right there

    You see slacking very sporadically but it’s always a welcome s whether it’s Ming out behind the scenes of a TV studio whether it’s Ming out in the booth of a dive bar whether it’s monging out at an underground fighting ring sees it kick off and decide TR ability B

    Damn this time for some looting boys just lazing about like the long lost relative of Sassy the Sasquatch this is a slacking that just wants the tradesman’s life along with the machamps and the gravers wants all the culture with zero working hours that’s a man who

    Lives life his way fears no judgment if he wants the grafters lifestyle but only the part where you clock out and get pissed on the weekend but 24/7 that’s his prerogative I mean it’s going to stop him highest Bas down on the list almost the main villain whoever he is he

    Had the wrong idea taking Mewtwo’s body I’d have been transferring my brain to being the body of this unit a slacking with a motivated grafter mentality Unstoppable I always found it so comically stupid the main villain was just sat around waiting at his desk with an Eevee and a firestone until you show

    Up just so we could evolve it right in front of you before starting his little monologue he just has like four new flare on behind his chair from messing up the timing cuz the cleaners came in you know I’d have loved those seen jolon But Flareon it’s understandable probably

    The easiest to make when you’ve already sorted growth and Arcanine and the hyper realistic Vaporeon would have got a lot of people banned from their local cinemas this movie dropping I said it was a big day of orans but not that big Flareon looks top shelf here it’s actually been proportioned properly I’m

    Glad you’re only subjected to making eye contact with that Eevee for a split second before it’s forced into Evolution something in that fir Stone must have some kind of fetal alcohol syndrome healing properties that must be studied Banger choice of Pokémon to Showcase in the first scene they must

    Have known they landed the triple 20 when making Cubone I don’t think you could get a more spot on Cubone I’m convinced they went out of their way to dig up a real mother Marowak to get the skull for exact reference speaking of complicated relationships with your mom

    The Chris Chan dimensional merge will finally happen as prophesized when those portals open and cartoon characters enter our world when Cubone hops in it’s going to look exactly like this Trio was looking a little bit rough at some angles in the little behind the scenes trailer they did especially baring give

    The little gecko the benefit of the doubt here and assume the lightting just wasn’t doing any favors there cuz where the action is when the lighting of the environment matches it if only for a few brief moments the fellows looking clean seeing them all suctioned up on the glass in his element

    Perfect real Luda Colo sering up coffee in the movie but I feel like any minute now it’s going to try to sell me a sugary breakfast cereal I’ve never realized just how honey monster coded Luda colo’s been this whole time I always thought that was electivire’s gimmick but it’s looking like he’s a

    Little’s own brand selling cereals at half the price to be on the lookout for I figured Luda Colo was a hairy boy I knew it wasn’t some kind of sentient pineapple that can bust out fortnite dances but I guess I just never thought it’d be looking so styled looks like

    Something that get hunted down by Cruella deville’s front Bonnet half his time taking shifts down the cafe is probably sweeping up his own belly hair but this may be a rare case where I can easily say the real life version is sweeping up the original now I just want to see him skin

    Faded I was a bit skeptical in Charizard back when the movie was coming out I thought it looked occasionally jarring at some points but it’s just one of them like how else would you really have Charizard presented in our plan of living once you take a minute to face

    Reality that you’re going to need to lather him down in reptilian wrinkles once you face the facts that he can’t just be textured like a pop vinyl it’s a sound real mon way more expressive than you’d have imagined going into it I know they’re doing the whole every animal in

    Movies must act like a dog Trope but Charizard whimpering staring into the eyes of arus when Magikarp evolves that’s a good bit and Charmander is just lovable all around texture him however you want I reckon that head would be like putting your palm on a maxed out

    Kitchen Hub but you know is still getting rubbed it’s a close call with some of the Kanto starters here I guess I never really questioned How fat a squirtle would be if one were on my lap as these little thick sausage limbs folding into each other I guess that’s how he

    Withdraws into his shell so easily they can fold inwards in a second flat don’t know how it’s possible with that shell though Squirtle I think he needs to go a size or two up might as well be wearing an Under Armour vest but it’s great to know Squirtle has just as slappable a

    Bald head in reality and would still most likely be my choice out of the Kanto 3 and evolving into a real Blastoise makes me think that’s the right decision how could you see and bust out that rapid Spin and not think your pet turtle is a complete baller I’m

    Telling you he was robbed in that cage fight against the genger got off lucky that Blastoise didn’t hydro pump those Snow White Chompers off into the crowd aside from in my opinion Luda Colo torta might have one of the biggest pure upgrades here it’s far from one of my

    Favorite starters going I can still admit it’s looking sound in the Sprite form but the real life filter makes it look legendary obviously hooking them up to the HGH inflating them full of growth hormones would have that effect but even the standard sized ones look so much

    More stoic real life conveys just how earthy toras are in a way that cartoons could never I fully understand why they took the gamble on making rough look if it was all just so Braviary could be shown then it paid off something so uncanny valley so freakishly unnatural in nature

    Looking to evolve into a Braviary looking like it fits into our world perfectly in the best way possible relative to everything else here braier doesn’t feel too much like a Pokémon big and we fluffy pandas sat on public benches with us humans like they’re also waiting outside Primark for

    An hour for the misses to finally emerge they’re just like us it looks so organic I can’t believe how much they’ve managed to completely portray my head Cannon of Pangoro that Pangoro looks fed up he that enough having to deal with the kids for the weekend after his third divorce

    Settlement that Panda drives Class 2 lorries and gets angry about vegan sausage rolls that small bamboo shoot it’s chewing on it’s just a four kid censorship for all the Newports it smokes mad how seamless they’ve managed to make a big iron golem look standing outside a train station I look twice

    When I see armed police officers about the entrance but I don’t think it’d even phase me seeing a wild goerk at the doors I’d feel much safer in them hands what a great deterrent to violence the potential of getting your entire body turned into a Red Mist after tanking a

    Singular Shadow punch why does the supernatural Iron Giant look more natural in a public setting than an Olympian Duckman Arcanine and grow LIF showing up everywhere making the city feel alive and each time you catch one bubbling that thur about it’s more satisfying to look at than the last how the fur is

    Textured and animated it just massages my brain you already know it’s a banger easiest IRL Banger to make one of the most transferable Pokémon to the real world there’s a reason why growlie and Arcanine are such basic and common choices for people’s favorite they are Peak your co-workers favorite Pokémon

    It’s all about the relatability everyone would want a pet like this every Pokémon fan wants a large fluffy dog to mimic having an Arcanine Togepi you don’t overthink it just straight make that boy out of PlayDoh looking so plastic it can talk to other Pokémon and the cast a Toy

    Story there was no real life transitioning needed it can exist as it was in both Pokémons and our world a lot of Pokémon you’re going to have to compromise on aspects of the design but Togepi I’m so glad they didn’t feel the need to give it a layer of fuzz or the

    Texture of a hairy lollipop they even made sure the egg is evenly cracked the edges are all the same size as if it’s part of its biology unless like a dropped medium free range that toab be happened to be attached to and decided to live in for the rest of his life cuz

    You know that’s what it actually is I’m glad they didn’t stupidly try tried to make it look like a realistic egg hatch or maybe we’re just seeing the cleanest most symmetrical egg break mankind has ever witness they were on the money just animating it like a Pixar character Octillery looks amazing would

    Easily dying for some street food from him this is like some Next Level food chain dominance it’s one thing standing no chance against an apex predator it’s just taking the piss when they’ve written an entire cookbook about you Octillery isn’t just eating other Pokémon it’s flipping them on the Walk

    For profit it’s educating others on what spices go well with your species hard days work serving the most elite street food to the people then straight to the underground fighting ring to whack the pay slip all in on genger where I was saying you’d need to

    Be selective of what Pokémon you try to adapt to our world a sleeper Banger moo is such a good shout to have brought in cuz it looks one to one the lighting is on point seamlessly transitions to the big screen no design compromise needed no one was growing up with a childhood

    Family pet mol flying around the Gaff so there’s none of that well that’s just not how a levitating fairy mushroom would look now is it emotion ruined get up children we’re going home and watching noit so you can just sculpt them like a Mario PowerUp light them up

    Like a gamer’s goon chamber and you’re golden you’d be hard pressed to botch making ditto I would have imagined a real life movie version of this to look like clay like one of those old 3D Pokémon cards but given it the same consistency as a chug chug was a mighty

    Fine touch this translucent purple goes hard textures you can feel through sight only you just know it’d be like grabbing one of those water wigglers that every kid tried using like a flashlight the chaotic but smoothly animated blob really sells the whole failed muone Theory any form any filter totod dial is

    The man don’t care if his skin would feel like you’re trying to rub the grip off a tractor wheel that belly is getting a good old rub completely fulfilled what my head Cannon of what totod dial would be like realistically like a poorly trained dog who’d snap

    Your fingers off and you’d still be trying to stroke its head with only your thumb left cuz you just can’t stay mad at him no matter how many times they bite me I refuse to learn my lesson I’d have zero concept of classical conditioning keep me around these four

    Toods long enough and they’d have worn my arms down to the point of having to stroke them with my forehead Magikarp looks exact I don’t think they could have done a better job at that and it’s looking tasty makes me want to get one on the grill I don’t

    Care about a Zero nutritional value it’d be getting comically consumed one pull slide out the mouth only clean bone left over but I think I’d have to resist my doglike instincts to consume anything even remotely grillable cuz Gyarados looks as Majestic as you’d hoped real life Gyarados looks like a prop you’d

    See for a dangerous roller coaster themed around a tsunami happening that four people apparently lost their legs on even though typically I’m a squirtle inclined man it’s Times Like These that truly test my faith about to go Rogue and change sides after watching the Bulbasaur horde cross in their little

    Pond they just look refreshing to be around if I owned one of these it’d be so untrained it’d be pissing or leaking pollen on the carpets in the house fatally Vine whipping small children down the park don’t care it’s not getting any training to risk evolving

    That bul would be plugged up with an Everstone to ensure a 100e reign of being small and chubby but with that being said Venusaur is lurking about somewhere too I couldn’t clock him in the movie don’t think he was in it but this little extra of them showing off

    His nonf frog likee walking cycle it only tells me the big man also delivers I don’t know why they have had this one in the chamber and just left it there you’ve already brought the big man in on set you might as well use the asset slot

    The bigan at the back of the horde having there like super Kami Guru finally getting around to the big man the amount of awe this unit could and definitely has inspired genuinely like a gibli monster chucked onto the street only looking even more fresh with the juer position of being in the same

    Shot as Machamp who’s looking like a somehow even more Mutant Ninja Turtle they weren’t shy making Snorlax one to one they got his titties spilling out on the sidewalk what’s an empowering specimen so bra Snorlax could have his own Pixar short looking like this we’ve come a long way from Sid’s Dreamcast dog

    Sid’s dog was the butterfly effect for us to one day see Snorlax and his furry man tits on the big screen I’m never want a glory hunt to go with the popular choice for that reason alone but obviously Pikachu is the best looking real life Pokémon it’s a bit

    Unfair I know it has the most evidence to ponder it got the most attention the detail it’s voiced by rexam FC coowner like obviously it’s Pikachu you’re not selling Ryan Reynolds on spending the next few months in a booth to dub over Mr mime and I know everyone’s rinsed it

    I think they even had a petition back in 2019 but I think Rob mckany he got his wrong friend to be voicing his Pikachu but we’ll but we’ll let it slide for now and I’ll also let those weird magic eightball eyes slide too Pikachu doesn’t look like he’s nectar witcher’s potion

    The way ulga does and most of all he’s a bit fat they didn’t skimp out and modernize Pikachu they were faithful to the source material that he is canonically a little porker now you know me I like my Pikachu to look as though they don’t get priority on their quick

    Attacks bang a job they managed to make a chubby overgrown rodent look worthy to not only enter the house he can sleep in the bed and all I don’t even care just get hairs everywhere whatever shock me a bit Whatever


    1. The main problem with these designs that they didn't adapted the eyes at most of the times.
      In case of Bulbasaur, they made its eyes more frog looking and Bulbasaur looks great.
      But emolga, they left the eyes as they were in cartoons. Just make them like squirels have and it would be ok.

    2. Im so glad Magikarp and Gyarados are so high up, not only bc it's my fav Pokemon, but because they look so goooooood, an actual sea dragon and a koi fish, and his fins actually resemble a crown! I'm so glad they made them actuals fins and not some weird flesh things like the ingame models

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