There’s a reason why France is the most visited country on the planet. Not only does it boast
    some of the most exquisite wines and cuisine in the world, but also some of the most beautiful
    destinations. Indeed, wherever you travel within one Hexagone, there are countless scenes that
    will take your breath away. Make sure to hit that subscribe button and ring the notification bell to
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    In this video we are going to talk about top 10 places to visit in France so before starting this video please like this video And subscribe to our channel for future updates there’s a reason why France is the most visited country on the planet indeed wherever you travel

    Within one hexagon there are countless scenes that will take your breath away plunging Canyons to towering sand dunes and Majestic Villages there is more than enough to satisfy curious Travelers number 10 Eiffel Tower the Eiffel Tower was famously built as a temporary structure its massive arches the entrance to the 1889 World’s Fair

    Now a symbol that Paris is famous for it’s hard to imagine how unpopular this industrial piece of engineering was at the time the first structure to reach 1,000 ft the Parisian Landmark was the world’s tallest for nearly 40 years until briefly overtaken by the Chrysler Building its importance as a radio tower

    Ensured its survival after its initial 20-year building license ran out number nine prevents land of lavender every summer the seemingly Endless Ocean of Lavender Fields makes prevents one of the most beautiful not to mention fragrant places to visit in France the Heavenly scented crop can be found almost everywhere in the region during

    This time that said some of the most scenic spots to enjoy it include the Valen Sil plateau the Sal plateau and the Luan Valley for the ultimate postcard shot though nothing beats the flower fields surrounding the Notre Dame de sem Abbey along with the local honeybees these beautiful Lavender

    Fields are lovingly tended by the monks that live in The Abbey in fact visitors can even stay with them and enjoy a Serene spiritual Retreat number eight gorgees du verin the Grand Canyon of France if a trip to the Grand Canyon in Arizona feels like too much of a stretch

    Then you could all always settle for its French counterpart nestled in the provent alpus coat daer region of Southeastern France the 700 met deep Gorges du verin is a truly breathtaking sight to behold carved by the verin river the plunging Limestone Canyon is the largest in Europe it is also a

    Hotspot for adrenaline fueled activities and water sports cruising along the 25 km long stretch of mesmerizing turquoise Waters that flow into the artificial lack desain cro is a truly Unforgettable experience more adventurous Travelers however might prefer to Brave whitewater rafting along the Rapids number seven Mont St Michael the real Rapunzel’s

    Tower France is home to many beautiful Villages however few are as enchanting and otherworldly as Mont St Michael with its Majestic Abbey perched high on the Rocky island of mon St Michael some 600 M off the coast of Normandy the Striking medieval Monas mystery looks like something lifted straight from the pages

    Of a children’s fairy tale this is made all the more Magic by the narrow winding streets and pretty timbered framed houses that lead up to it the Majestic Island village once served as a great Christian Pilgrim site back in the 8th Century today however it is a UNESCO

    World heritage site that attracts more than 3 million tourists a year number six dun du Prat Europe’s tallest sand dun nature lovers will no out enjoy lapping up the breathtaking 360° views from the top of the Dune D pilet the tallest sand dune in Europe located in latesta debuk in the arachin

    Bay Area the Magnificent natural wonder is one of the most iconic places to visit in France indeed every year more than 1 million people come to climb the 154 wooden steps to the top and walk along the 2.7 km Long Ridge and with the sparkling Atlantic Ocean on one side and

    Deep green pine forests on the other the effort is certainly worth it indeed The Towering Dune offers some of the most beautiful natural views in Europe dun du pilat is also a hot spot for paragliders and other Outdoor Sports enthusiasts the five nearby campsites meanwhile make it popular among campers if you fancy

    Cooling down after your Victorious Ascent cornage Beach provides a refreshing spot to enjoy a dip this lies at the foot of the Dune and is easily accessible through the main entrance number five St tropes land of luxury if you’re seeking the decadent life or at least looking to dabble your

    Toes in it then a visit to St tropes is definitely in order this beautiful sundrenched Coastal Resort on the French Riviera is after all renowned for its designer babes and Immaculate sandy beaches not to mention yacht hopping celebrities originally a sleepy fishing Village on the coat

    The small town became a land of luxury in the late 19th century thanks to impressionist painter Paul signic and other great artists like Henry matis and Albert market number four ramador the sacred Hilltop pilgrimage there’s a reason why the enchanting Hilltop Village of ramador is the second most

    Visited attraction in France after Mont St Michael perched high on the side of a limestone Cliff overlooking the aler canyon in the dordon region the sac Village is nothing less than Majestic the medieval town was once an important pilgrimage site and famous for its sanctuaries it is also home to a 15th

    Century statue of the black Madonna which stands within the Chappelle NRE de ro commodor visitors can explore the chapel along with seven other religious buildings after climbing the 216 steps lay Grand es skilar to the square at the top amazingly these were once climbed by pilgrims on their knees from the top of

    The village the views of rodor the aler canyon and the Wild and unspoiled landscape down below are second to none needless to say that are well worth breaking a sweat for if you have time you can also hop on a boat ride in the nearby G fre de padak gigantic rock

    Formations underground pools and huge stalactites and stalagmites bring this extraordinary underground network of caves to life number three the lore Valley The Garden of France often referred to as the garden of France the lore Valley was once The Stomping Ground of French royalty and nobility today however it is

    One of the most iconic places to visit in France and open to all this is owing to its 300 elaborate chat hooks some of which date back as far as the 9th century unsurprisingly many of these have been listed as UNESCO world heritage sites and while all of them are

    Beautifully maintained and come with their own story some are more revered than others with its stunning French architecture and surrounding dear Phil Park Chateau of chamber for instance is considered to be one of the most beautiful in the valley The Chateau de Cheno meanwhile is revered for its unique mix of Gothic and

    Renaissance architecture which hovers over the Sher River and the fairy tale likee Chateau deiser lore which has played host to several famous historical figures including Joan of Arc and Lewis EX I offers a more medieval Beauty number two a the land That Time Forgot nestled in the heart of central France

    The alurn volcanoes Regional Nature Park is the largest volcanic ensemble in Europe and a relic of the Prehistoric Age covering 395,000 hectares of land the park is home to four volcanic massives reaching an altitude of 1,465 M the ple Dam is the highest volcano in the region visitors from all

    Over the world come to admire these sleeping Giants which have laid dormant for thousands of years the Peaks are also popular for hiking cycling and hot air ballooning the ancient volcanoes are also home to Natural hot springs and mineral Waters making them a popular thermal Spa destination number one

    Corsica the island of beauty step onto the beautiful Mediterranean island of Corsica and you might soon forget which country you are in after all its unique location between France and Italy means that it Embraces the best of both cultures the famous birthplace of Napoleon certainly lives up to its

    Nickname the island of beauty to stylish coastal towns Rocky Granite Peaks and pristine forests give it a beautiful yet wild appeal with 1,000 km of heavenly turquoise Coastline to explore it is also a hot spot for smirking and scuba diving those who prefer to Simply sunbathe

    However can do so on one of the Island’s many pristine beaches so this is our today’s video if you like our video don’t forget to subscribe to my Channel or hit the Bell icon we will meet again with another interesting topic till then stay safe and stay happy

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