The 2024 Santos Tour Down Under Men’s race has begun with Australian Sam Welsford claiming first place at the Ziptrak Men’s Stage 1 from Tanunda to Tanunda in an exciting sprint finish.

    #tourdownunder #welsford #girmay #sprint #tdu #santostourdownunder #ziptral #cycling #cyclisme #cyclismactu #borahansgrohe #bora #adelaide #australia

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    Yes welcome to the beautiful scenery here in South Australia it’s the opening day of the world tour season and by Tradition now the new season always starts down under with the apply named 24th running of the Santos tour down under welcome aboard thank you for having me I bit nervous about that

    Statement sitting next to Robbie mccuan but it’s great to be back looking forward to today’s stage I know that it’s going to be a blistering one as they tackle three laps around the Barosa region I was really excited to see the confidence of Luke Platt because can’t

    Wait to drop that flag here we go 3 2 he’s not waving goodbye he’s just starting the race Anna because we’re going to come back in about 40 kilm time as we’ll see him again as we continue now on three circuits yeah it’s a great way to start the Santos tour down under

    With three laps around this Barosa Valley region and here we’re launching the attack for the line and it looks to me as though we’ve got easy post giving a a dig here but now all of a sudden the Israel team has been knocked out of the the calculations here is this Romero I

    Wonder no it’s Fisher black I think it is it’s Finn Fisher black number two from UAE wow that’s a good result for Finn Fisher black he gets the points and now is the leader of the tour on the road because of a small time bonus of 3

    Seconds expected to be here’s the replay the Finn fiser black left of screen in the white and clearly across the line first hot conditions taking on those electrolytes sipping consistently not taking on huge amounts as the Riders come to the top and it looks like bar is

    Going to take over the points for the first FX King of the mountains and he does no real contest there but just a little out of the saddle couple of touches on the Pud just to put a little exclamation mark on it but they do continue that pace they’ll get a nice

    Downhill run now that’s very impressive really because this is the third time he’s attacked since the Stars he really was determined to be leading this race and his taret clearly a nice shot at the FX King of the mountains three points for that and two more chances if he can stay

    Clear of the field pull on the leaders jersey for tomorrow first two failed third one succeeded now he wants a fourth one for himself but Zimmerman and I thought Zim man was getting uh quite tired in the sun he’s fought back oh he all over for the spint he’s in he’s

    Really if anybody deserves the 3 seconds and the small prize it’s the man in the red but the Man in the Yellow that’s the experience for you had a very good season last year G Zimmerman the inexperienced the first timer on the left in the world tour bah will have to

    Be content with second place first time I’ve seen a a bit of lack of cohesion between our two breakaways that’s it now they’re fallen out now every bottle will be collected and speaking of water bottles take a look at this Robbie team not teammates but Rivals out

    Front don’t try my drink thanks very much oh they do speak to each other yeah well that’s particularly nice to see after what we saw in angeron at the the zip track intermediate Sprint attacking each other like bitter Rivals and then one offering a bid on up to the other one so

    Brothers in Arms y out under the Australian Sun yeah bar is not looking at him not expecting to cross the line in first place he needs to jump now well he’s eating or maybe it’s going to be allowed he’s not going to challenge him Z the man doesn’t look like it no

    There’s the Finish coming up for this climb anyway maybe bar didn’t get the memo on the uh ZIP track in immediate Sprint well he’s done it and he will be the first leader of the FX King of the mountain in tomorrow and uh as I said in

    His very first world tour outing as well the youngster here quick event see just here he Ducks right over the road and just watch him push his handlebars down it looks flat to me up front tie yeah he’s checking it yep I think that just to indicate the

    Riders have got a flat tire hand goes straight up yeah now we’re heading on Race radio ala is getting a front wheel I’m not sure he can show you pictures of that but he’s uh oh there he is so he’s his front wheel and that’s what we

    Saw now that was a pretty fast change so the peleton aren’t that far ahead team cars coming by that’s a uh that’s a bit more professional I think for ala Philip all the hype around him maybe going for the win in this race he can’t afford to lose a single second

    Today one of the Australian national team going out after the points is it burns again yeah he collected one point on the last time around third over the line now he’s second nice work putting himself in contention for an assault on that Jersey won’t get it today but but he’s in the

    Mix as as the race goes on he can try and infiltrate a breakaway pick up some points and see if he can get himself in the FX King of the mountains Jersey just a replay here of Luke Burns as he nipped off the front in the last few meters to

    Take the major points in the FX King of the mountains third time over good job by the young Aussie 25 years of age normally rides for the bridgelane team here a part of the Australian national team so Caleb he’s now actually in fourth wheel Caleb is on the wheel of

    Sam welsford so it’s Bora Danny Van Poppel the man in second wheel lead out extraordinaire for wellsford Caleb buan deep breath getting ready for the Sprint here goes Van Poppel and there’s the long straight to the line now and Wellford has been put in in the great

    Position here it is Danny van Popple who’s going to try and lead wellsford to the line wellsford is having a job keeping up with Van Popple and can cave do his magic finish he’s going to have a go he’s on the left of the picture now as he launches shoulder to shoulder but

    The challeng to Min him G no it is wellsford on the line and what a late finish and run by gay as well what a finish for Sam wellsford absolute perfection from borans Danny van with the big out Caleb Yan tried to just come out and surprise on the right hand side

    At wellsford he just lit the afterburners there was a challenge also from bow house gmet coming late up the middle but wellsford at first looked like he might fade he just finds that extra kick Sam what an incredible way to start the season yeah wow uh that was

    Crazy I’m lost words like uh it was really hairy down the hill lots of crashes and like near misses but boys just kept calm be patient and wow they did an amazing job for me today new team new K’s first Victory you must be over

    The moon yeah mate this is this is a dream come true you know uh first race with the guys and they back me 100% And oh man it’s super special like first one of the year with a team we get a win oh I’m moked mate what a Sprint finish

    But boy did you see the fast finish of bam gai yeah coming out of the wheels G it was Ryan Mullen who set them up swung away Danny Von Popple out of the saddle and this is where the foundation was laid then wellsford actually goes Caleb tried to get the jump gets alongside

    Starts to fade bouse on the right hand side of the road look at gay coming through the middle but wellsford he just started to grind away and in front of Phil bouse as we see it from the head on wellsford he just looks down now he’s just looking for the shadow behind he’s

    Waiting to see movement who’s going to jump and as soon as he sees that shadow creep up on him up and out of the saddle launched the Sprint and just look at him wrenching on the handlebars but it’s a clear win bouse in second gmet well he’s

    Ruin what could have been fast finishing through the middle Yan was in fourth and was Jonathan Naz from inos grenadiers the winner of the the classic Criterium on Sunday coming through next in fifth place so there’s the margin on the line wellsford by half of bike length to bous

    G another wheel back then it’s Caleb Yan is danan Popple still finished seventh off the lead out celebrating crossing the line celebrating well it just goes to show how critical teammates position is when you see how far geret comes from behind but also for Caleb y to step off

    The tactics around that he tried to get the jump on Sam wellsford and it’s clever skill to be able to look under your elbows and see the move come which he obviously would have learned on the track and look at the big man go all the

    Way to the Finish Line trust in the team they had him looked up after the entire day little throw to the line just to make sure look at that celebration yeah anday was pretty upset but his late finish he was very quick but he wasn’t quick enough gave him too

    Much for a lead out wellsford is the man sixth win only uh on the road as a professional and of course he’s been an Olympic Comal games and a world champion on the track Sam wellsf is your leader after the zip track stage one and doesn’t that ogre jersey look

    Nice well done Sam isn’t it funny how Stuart o Grady said about the one percenters a bit different chasing one percenters as an athlete to a race director absolutely and this is today’s zip track stage one results Sam wellsford took out his first win in the

    Santos to are down under ahead of Phil B house benam came in third Caleb Yan under a bit of an illness Cloud he’s still performed pretty well at Fourth he’s looking forward to riding his legs in overall standings here and tomorrow of course we have a long ride tomorrow

    Slightly shorter by 2 kilm on today’s stage wellsford though now leads bonus is taken into account 10 seconds for the win so Phil bous who finished second he got a 6C bonus he’s up 4 seconds gai is at six Corin strong he made his points

    Out on the course today so he comes in at four fourth place gayor Zimmerman and Fisher black also taking bonuses


    1. Bravo Samuel ! 🇦🇺 👏
      Finn Fisher-Black & Jhonatan Narváez > Bonification !
      They are on their way to Win G.C. 💪🇳🇿 vs 🇪🇨 💪

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