Today we take a look at 3M United Kingdom plc, 3M Centre, Cain Rd, Bracknell RG12 8HT.

    We speak to security inside reception about what we intend to do outside so they consult with staff who initially was against it.

    After a chat, opinions changed.

    Google Maps 360 Degree Panoramic Drone Photo –

    Q – What is your email address?
    A –

    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
    A –
    My LinkTree –

    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 4
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
    My Referral Link –

    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    I just turned up you see can’t just do that but it has to be all clear by 3M but even if I do it from the outside it’s say property can’t just film it unfortunately so welcome back to the channel guys today we’re here in brel

    Barshar taking a look at the free m headquarters the road’s even called freem Center so we’ve all heard of 3M before World Famous Brand of Post-it notes masking tape face masks nobody in security there look uh visitors Goods in we don’t have that many cars in the car park really not many at

    All so we’ll just pop over to the reception let them know that we’re here we’re making a video we’ll do it from the outside it will include the Drone see if they’ve got any information to give out and go from there hi just letting you know I’m just making

    A little video about the building from the outside from the roundabout all right and the Drone will go over in about 10 minutes time just to get the aerial footage that I need for the video so if anybody reports a drone or a man outside with a camera it’s only me it’s for

    YouTube know I need to ask my manager I find the dra here yeah just around the Building hello H yes yeah it’s only a little one just to get the footage um you need to authorize a little bit of my manager first yeah if you want to I’m just I’m just here to let you know what I’m doing that’s all anyway anyway that

    Because this is a private uh property yeah as your colleague told you I’ll Stand Out on the roundabout and do it and just fly over how this I need to to talk to him first okay okay this a second yeah yeah yeah is most people working from home still

    Yeah oh he said turn it off can I turn mine off no I can keep mine on no no I I mean you you are working in 3M no me no oh this is the 3M Company yeah but there’s not many people in the car park is there yeah because

    Um yeah not like before now most of them working from home and then just a new year is the new year it’s not coming so you’re expecting this year more people to come back to the office sorry more people to return to the office this year yeah yeah uh

    Yeah not too many cars but used to be more than this car the car yeah yeah oh yeah so this drone here it’s only a small one but I’ve just told you security I’ll stand at the roundabout I’m just going to make a YouTube video about the free headquarters who knows

    You’re doing this well no I’ve just turned up you say can’t just do that but it has to be all clear by 3m. but even if I do it from the outside it’s their property you can’t just film it unfortunately if they find out they go

    Gary what’s the what is it what is it who trying to film just the building just the headquarters for what reason just I film interesting places I’m sure you do but if I if I find out I’ve let you do this this without there say so they’ll going

    Mental just say you didn’t let me because I’ve only come in just to let security know see that I’m doing it cuz he’s got gate cameras there and if he sees me outside we know nothing okay you haven’t seen me I haven’t seen you but but as a drone flyer I do just

    Need to come and let people know I really appreciate you doing that so I must document that I did let you know you can you can do that you can do that um the problem is there’s nobody even on at the moment to ask no no I don’t need

    The permission you see this sort of drone it can do it anyway by law yes that’s cool I got I wouldn’t have an issue with anyway I say that to you you just say we can’t stop them because they’re outside the Drone such a lightweight one yeah I was only just

    Letting you know that’s all I appreciate you I actually appreciate I don’t know what the laws and regulations are but I actually appreciate the fact You’ bothered to come in and say something yeah cuz if you spot me out there you’re like what’s he doing panic panic go go

    And check him out but now I’ve told you yeah okay really confused because we actually had a drone survey done over the roof a week ago I had never met the person who did it so you seen the footage no I haven’t but it’s bet you’re looking forward to it

    Aren’t you no cuz I’ve been told it’s really bad because apparently we need a new roof oh you’re half million oh no sorry to hear that I they we’ve been telling them for years pay to have it repaired pay to no now we’ll patch it we’ll patch it it’s 20 years old what

    They expect this building’s 20 years old yeah that’s why I got buckets all over the floor was leaking oh no of course we had that torrential rain the other week and it was just like a swimming pool there’s there’s one area up on the floors here about seven buckets and a

    Bin a giant B you wouldn’t have thought it would you even 20 years it’s not old nowadays for a build but it hasn’t really been properly maintained they don’t want to spend any money on it this so we keep telling them cuz we’re facilities we look after the building for them we try

    Say this needs repairing ah it’ll be all it’s all that 20 years AG it it’s a lovely building it’s it’s inside po I mean when I first came here 17 years ago it was beautiful had waterfall coming down here and really was PL it look great it’s just been left

    To rack and ruin is it because it’s not occupied to its full capacity they coming back they were supposed to have already done so after Co but they put this thing in by it’s called work your way most people just me n you’re right haven’t bothered I’ve

    Just been reading that um bizarre very bizarre really interested that’s it a post pandemic work culture free has introduced a work your way program allowing employees to choose between onsite remote or hybrid working model so they can actually decide themselves and they have and they voted by the fact

    That they’re not here wow so you got I think it’s about a th000 capacity building and I think the most we ever see on even on a good day is like 80 people that’s including security including waste of a building and it says the flexibility empowers employees to balance their

    Person and professional lives well a great employer that will allow that let them do it yeah if it works for people so be it you know Ian remember a lot people come from like the other side of London we got people drive they don’t have to do that they can watch if they

    Can do it good Lu all those vehicles that are not on the roads anymore well you can look at the car park yeah that used to be absolutely this is busy I mean you coming in on a Friday you’ll be lucky to count the cars at one end it’s

    Just but times have changed the world’s moved on isn’t it yeah yeah oh you’ve even got a drone on your picture there there we go see does freem provide drones no not really it’s not a thing they get into um what’s that photo they put just a random well it’s

    Nice to meet you anyway I’ll return back now DJ DJ nice to meet you nice to meet you um thank you say you carry on really appreciate the fact you com in and said to me thank you very much thank you guys take care so once again security not in the loop they

    Said staff are returning this year but the member of Staff says nope they can decide where they work just as we read work your way so let’s get back out let’s do the Drone footage just trying to find that little Gap that we came through there it

    Is and let’s finish this video off eh because although the staff member there started off saying No we was like well the law allows it my friend I’m not asking I’m just letting you know and he was perfectly fine with that so let’s just get it done and let’s see what this place looks like from above so as always we’ve checked on drone assist there are no flight

    Restrictions in this area at all 3M Headquarters let’s have a look at you then shall we take off so up at 95 m and you just get to see how empty that car po really is and there’s the building it can hold 1,000 but on a typical day there’s only eight on

    Average wow what a waste but that’s what you get when the employer is so flexible what a nice place to work E I bet you don’t get many people leaving this company and what have they got at the back it looks like the school field behind the

    School yeah just a bit of greenery area but the roof lots of glass and as he said lots of leaks lots of air con and a few skips in the corner nothing of interest there there’s nobody to throw anything away is there and do they also have a fishing

    Lake bit of a decking area there yeah very nice side it’s just a shame it’s not buzzing with activity like it would have been there it is the left wing and the right wing freem headquarters here in brel bar Shear there is your whole sight in one shot let’s jump over to the

    360° panoramic photo for Google Maps aludeed and get that added to your Google Business listing your whole site in one shot and that was the free m headquarters here in brull work your way you can decide whether to come into work or not not bad eh

    The location of the DJ audits key ring on this video is just there look if you are one of the first people to watch the video and you do want a key ring good luck with that and we’ll leave that one there security were trying to be helpful and staff member initially said

    No but then we won him round didn’t we you were perfectly fine so if you have enjoyed that video do give it a thumbs up for me and I’ll see you on the next one guys bye-bye for Now


    1. I fear the nice guy in reception may have landed himself in hot water if his superiors get to see your video. I don't think he was even aware he was being recorded, had he known, he might not have said most of what he did. Hope he's ok.

    2. You could find where all these employees live and you can tell them " Back to work" 😂 on a serious note it's unhealthy and to their own detriment working from home, it shouldn't be happening imo

    3. Hello DJ. I’m making this comment on this video. Hoping you’ll see it. There are a lot of us who are noticing the racism is getting worse in your comment section. Not only that, but some of us have noticed that you are liking some of these comments? I’ve never seen you the racist ones in any of your videos, not even close so I am extremely confused as to why you would be liking some of these racist comments. it’s really sad that these people are allowed to say what they say with no pushback ever from yourself. I don’t understand it quite a lot of us don’t understand it. I don’t expect you can reply to every racist comment but you don’t seem to reply to any I’ve seen you like a decent comment and then they’ll be a few racist comments and then after that you’ll like a decent comment so you’ve clearly read the racist comments and said nothing ? I’m struggling to understand it quite a lot of us are.

    4. Nice guy, the company should be proud of him and listen to his concerns not be angry with him for what he’s saying, he sounds passionate about the place and wants it back to full health

    5. It's funny when they say "let me ask" as if you were asking for " permission". 😂 They don't seem to understand that your not asking. Your telling. 😂

    6. This guy will lose his job, was he aware you were filming him..because he is talking too much..I guess..haha he has no one to talk to aparently who is listening to his concerns..modern times distance management do not see..pity for the good hearted

    7. This work from home thing is all part of the 15min cities thing I can not see why you would want to work from home you are monitored online so you can't just kick back. I mean leaving the house and being around other people is a good thing this is trying to cause some psychological thing.

    8. Given the claimed age, although I suspect it is older, plus the very low occupancy I suspect the bulldozers will be arriving before long. HP had their headquarters opposite and their building was a similar age. That too has been bulldozed and replaced with multiple smaller units.

    9. frooOOOoooOOoom AboOOOOooooOOOoooooOOOOOOOOooooooooooOOOOooooOOOoooooOOOOOOOOooooooooooOOOOooooOOOoooooOOOOOOOOooooooooooOOOOooooOOOoooooOOOOOOOOooooooooooOOOOooooOOOoooooOOOOOOOOoooooooooove.

    10. The company I work for implemented a two days a week in the office minimum policy, it's widely ignored and out of 65 staff there are never more than 10 in the office at any one time. Management seem to have finally got their heads around working from home and turn a blind eye.

    11. just shows what crap this not allowed to photo not allowed to film stuff is. not allowed to film its private property 3m would go mental. so did 3m get permission from every one to take part in the photo on their wall of part of the globe at 2:38

    12. I've seen newsreels showing notice boards in Second World War factories stating "Loose Lips Sink Ships." After Facilities man was so free with possibly sensitive 3M information, due to his loose lips, one 'ship' that might be in danger of sinking is his 'relationship' with his superiors who would be none too happy to see it broadcast.

    13. I´m a little concerned about that man telling DJ "we never saw you" and then going on YouTube for the bosses above him to see. As I recall DJ has previously muted the sound if some nice employee is saying things that might compromise their job.

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