Me and Issam will be reacting to the remaining 10 hot takes of users from PCMWorld has made last January for the 2023 season! Thanks for the support and please leave a like if you have enjoyed it!

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    Hey guys 99 here and welcome back to the second part of rating your 2023 cycling hot takes I am again joined by Isam welcome Isam thank you for having me again uh we cannot have enough of your hot takes it was such a fun and a laugh

    Last time we did this so we’re doing a part two we’ve got 10 more predictions that were posted in the PCM World Discord Channel and we’ve got 10 more uh participants trying to get the CMO badge we’ve not had any so far so let’s see if these 10 predictions are actually good

    Okay we’re kicking off with a a long prediction by JG I mean he’s from North America and the first two predictions I think uh reveal themselves Magnus Sheffield wins par R and Quinn Simmons finishes the season in top 10 of the UCI Road rankings Isam what do you make of this total

    Shambles and what a buy as well but yeah I mean um clearly some favoritism there involved I would say and um yeah not even close so it’s not much you can make out of it I think all 10 are actually North American Riders here uh GC cus

    Finally exists and claims a Podium place in one of the grand Tours spot on spot on number three Mato Jorgenson wins three tour the France stages which I mean mat Jorgenson again breakthrough season for him uh but I don’t think he won a stage in the tour

    To France so I didn’t transform himself in in a V fard or something that that didn’t happen yet yeah going quickly now uh palus wins two World Tour Classics um it was thereabouts it’s a good decent decent prediction I’d say because he was there in the Runde I

    Remember he was there in I think Sano also in the tour he was pretty active he had the k for a bit I think so yeah but never winning material though it was yeah yeah it was average prediction I’d say yeah Kevin fmer finishes every single race he starts well I don’t know

    If this is a hot take I don’t know about Kevin for America that well but might as well be but and he didn’t handle well the off season very well he started in four Italian Classics at the end of the season and he finished uh you guess it n [Laughter]

    So oh boy Brandon mcel inherits Grand to leadership through a remarkable turn of events and crashes out while in the top five overall wow I mean could have been possible but um no no it didn’t happen uh Brendon Brendan brandan flopped quite hard I would say and um I it’s weird

    Because at the beginning of the season we were all like yeah that that’s going to be that could be possible in a way but now it’s um looking back at that you with the results and with the knowledge of now yeah not really there no the number eight uh didn’t happen I just

    Checked I don’t know who Jared Scott is but apparently he he’s riding for bani and he’s actually retired since July so there might be something that I don’t know if that’s the case because he’s 21 and he’s retired from cycling human powered Health finishes in the top five of a world through

    Classic no I I guess I I would know if that happens do you do you have any idea about that a safe a safe bet would be no no I don’t think so uh Joy rosov returns to glory and top three is a world tour time trial I mean that these are very

    Specific predictions I’d say it’s a hot prediction I mean Joy rosov he’s like 35 now so mhm just checking but I don’t think he did that don’t think he’s even the national champion of us so bonuses R Costa is revived from the dead and wins four races oh okay that’s a

    Good bonus that’s a good bonus that’s that’s he was there yeah he won a stage in Welter and let’s see what he does he he had one two three four five and and definitely revived from the de so I think for sure very very solid take

    Inana races a World Tour event well this year he will this year he will not not last year but this year I mean with the mov specify though what year it was going to be I mean we know it was for that year but yeah and I love the creativity with the

    Gerome Pino partnering with China Glory I mean had done my research Jeron Pino obviously being a Hot Topic because the B&B hotels deal collapsed after they were nearly securing a 20 million budget uh with one of a a FR giant but that’s why we’ve we’ve seen the trend with

    Jeron Pino in these predictions but uh that’s that’s fun and cool um what are we giving JG I think it’s a quite a valid prediction overall what do you think yeah I mean you can see clearly the favoritism but I think it’s a very solid solid takes are in it and obviously with

    Uh with the cous prediction you cannot I I what do you think I think CMO badges maybe a little too much but definitely valid yeah it’s not a not a bad prediction I mean it’s definitely valid uh I think let’s decide at the end of the video if it’s a CMA bad worthy

    Because we have to give it to one person like yeah we can’t just it’s getting full let’s see what the others will bring okay next up we get we got uh CH GJ I mean I’m struggling with usernames today um I think he likes the TTS I’m

    Seeing TTS a lot he’s a very good I mean he’s got a TT profile picture as well so Magnus Sheffield will win the GC of two races Podium World Championships time tra win us which he didn’t uh and a world tour time Trail becoming the Young

    EST rider ever to win a world T time trial I mean that’s gone that’s gone shambles I think or has it I think it has I really doubt that that really came through as something that has happened number two oh oh oh boy oh

    Boy oh boy one AO wins the welta I mean it’s something that probably most people actually expected to actually see Hanan yuzo fighting for the win but he was actually a level below with the guys that were ahead of him I don’t think it was bad you know I

    Mean and especially at the beginning of the Season we didn’t know that yimbo was going to try and uh go for all three and and and and let vingard write the f after the tour to France I mean I that was a surprise for me in a way but it

    Happened and and you know Kus all of a sudden knows what a GC is and gets himself to to to win in Thea so you know I I think that AO it’s not a bad take to be honest because AO really showed that if it wasn’t for the three yimbo Riders

    Felt that was maybe possible uh numbers three Jonathan Milan will win MSR I mean that is a hot take but that did not happen we saw good good glimpses of Milan in jro Italia but in milanoo I mean it’s very difficult now for a sprinter of like like him to win like uh

    You know Jonathan Milan to climb up the pojo with all the best climbers like pogar and you know Vanderpool very Punchy effort so that didn’t happen uh number four is interesting though there will be a new men’s and women’s hour record do you have any clue about that I

    Don’t know I I don’t really have a lot of value on on those records because you know it’s with the bikes and everything they try to really go all in and yeah you always know that they will find something somewhere and but but yeah it’s I I think that it happened I think

    That it happened okay just a quick check the Gunner’s one was 2022 so no one actually attempted it or actually successfully broken the record this year uh but in the women’s uh Victoria busy set a new record actually smashing Ellen fond dijk’s 49.2 with a 50.2 in Mexico

    In high altitude so that did happen so it’s half correct uh but is it really a hot take I mean technological Advance yeah that’s the whole thing yeah yeah number five none of pogacha Remco or Val vard have the most wins this season well um I mean most wins this season do you

    Have a guess of who has the most wins this season that’s a good I don’t know like World Tour as well or or or any race because that’s also a thing I mean if you’re going to count only the world tour yeah then but even then I have I

    Have no clue to be honest Maybe philipson it is philipsson yasper philipsson has 19 wins I mean this is well I F should actually don’t count World Tour it’s migang Lopez with 20 wins in Columbia um actually Philipson’s also I mean I think looking only at World Tour

    Is a bit tough because T pogar 17 vingard 15 this is the one I have is basically all Races and it’s Miguel Lango Lopez with 20 and philipsson is 19 because Philipson’s victories mostly came in tour of turkey as well where I think he won like four stages so um yeah

    So it’s the answer is migang Lopez jeez but pachar was fourth in the list um Remco was seventh and vvart don’t think he had like much of wins 34th so yeah if you got in second places though you will get much but yeah funny stat actually I’ve found

    EV thepool has 12 second places this year which is quite funny that’s funny what the [ __ ] how did that happen Michael Matthews wins multiple One Day races that did not happen number seven neither Ghana nor Remco win the first Jiro TT do you remember who won it I

    Think Ghana right oh man I don’t know uh no no idea it was he smashed it was rocket ship at that moment yeah yeah yeah yeah then Co came but yeah that was um that was indeed Ru um Amel gold race will not be won by an inos rider for the third year

    In a row that is that is a very very cold take uh that’s that’s a cold take and Han Uso will win the most World Tour stage races well in the bin that one yeah that in the bin so the real question is has he done enough to save

    Himself from the gulag which I’d say no because there are some oh you’re going to put this in Gul maybe not okay no wait let’s let’s see so we got AA getting fourth a new our record for the woman’s um Ghana or well Remco won the

    JT so that’s Al that’s wrong uh I think it I don’t know I’d say it’s n shambles n shambles I go over no no no this shambles n this is G like because some of the takes are really cold it’s good luck sorry CH we need some better time draw predictions

    Hey uh next up we have muhar and number nine uh actually there’s like five C take emojis here and number nine he put I don’t retire and by procycling stats he has reti oh wait so yeah that is that’s actually he knew he knew oh he knew what a

    Shame yeah what a shame um he didn’t write tour of Slovenia but he did get retired so what have we got both rco and rogl failed to win the jro uhuh M wins the ground tour uhuh it’s going one yeah boy wins to flers yeah yeah that’s

    A good that was a good one I mean looking at then if you look at the performance then of last year it was possible but it’s still um a good take definitely yeah these are very very very cold takes in my opinion I mean bit wins

    A world tour one day race I mean won stray but again you would expect Pitcock to win One race don’t you like yeah that’s true you know what do you think these are cold takes does it deserve a valid I mean we can’t Gulag game for I

    Think we need a new section the iceberg holy moly I mean it’s it’s I mean in a way this is this is G material but I think I think he saved himself with the PO to flers to be honest I think that one is it it feels like it

    Yeah that was a and maybe we should like I don’t retire you know he had hope but unfortunately it didn’t go his way so like I mean I don’t want to you know just make it even worse so maybe we should you know not put that already in

    The gulak just you know okay yeah valid next up we have Daniel Migo throwing a shade at Noah and number one oh my God that’s a good one that’s a good one we knew it we knew that they were doped there have been some uh some some issues there right I mean it’s

    Um the German guy Hasan what his name is but it happened so that’s that’s a Ching yeah one in the pocket no number two and three did not happen um number four ala Filip will not me a win a monument I mean it’s more Le that he can I mean if

    He returns to his prime obviously he can compete in the others too but uh to his prime yeah it’s a pretty may maybe maybe dancing skills there’s not going to be there’s not going to be any more primes for Al Philip I guess in cycling so that was

    Called uh and not good uh number five Thunder poool will win a world championship which I mean getting world championship winner right is still a good thing I mean it’s cold but it’s correct so yeah he could he could have write Val vanard will win a world championships and that would have been

    Shambles yeah um okay team Bolton equities will win a lot of UCI points in National races I mean they probably did but yeah that’s a very cold take anyway I mean their the Riders consist of New Zealand and Australians obviously they’re going to get UCI points uh loto sudal will have more UCI

    Points than Israel after this year and I can confirm that is wrong no wait no that is correct [ __ ] what am I what am I saying lot of Destiny with aru Dei they’re like in the top 10 so that’s correct but again a cold take no French

    Wins in the J Italia that’s that’s cold mate I’m like I need to put on a sweater mate I’m going to the iceberg right now like man oh man oh man what you’re going to do with this one maybe valid but I I know now for a fact that the ones that

    Have watched the first video and now hear that this is valid will probably be now right how you do this how is this possible so I don’t know okay in the middle we put it somewhere in the middle put it in the middle next up okay the community said

    These are like the hottest takes 10 fire emojis so let’s read them out black spoke will have more World Tour wins than mistar and aana combined I mean why would you even predict this I don’t think they yeah I don’t think they’ve even ridden a world to race let alone get a

    Win how why why the Emoji though like okay let let it continue because I don’t know what what’s coming up maybe okay I mean like the takes are really hot I mean if one of these happens like you know yeah yeah like they’re very unlikely to happen takes that’s why I

    Guess they got the Emojis anyway yeah Nathaniel tesion wins the jro stage I mean you’re so far off I think too far for sure um both flesh valone and flesh valone feminine will will be won by a South African I mean okay what is this this is I think next level

    Trolling I hope he was not serious with this because if he was I mean there’s some issues ryer from a continental team wins the Belgian championships oh we know how that ended up I a train coming there Remco even red Walters who is I think a cyclist from Granada will finish in the

    Top 100 of the PCS time trial rankings oh jeez stick the mick of the PCS thing as well oh boy yeah I mean it’s it’s it’s bonus points for that obviously uh but he was 200th in the time rankings which I mean I don’t think he’s winning many time TRS in any good

    Level but I think just by winning the Granada Nationals he gets like these points which is funny but but yeah number six kayen Gro will win at least four gror stages I mean how how many did he win wait I remember it’s two no he won three pretty good three yeah yeah

    Yeah it was it was no he won he also won in jro he also one in zero it’s four four so at least four yeah yeah I was thinking I was like I remember the the the Fela ones and now you say the Z it

    Pops up as well yeah so that was a good take Kaden girl will win at least four ground stages correct yeah that did that did happen in my dreams that did happen my dreams don’t ask me what I’m Dreaming okay okay no I won’t what do you think I

    Mean very very hot takes got one right just based on the fact that the takes are so hot and that he actually got one correct or someone somewhere in the middle you can put it in the middle or you can put it as valid but too much

    Valid very very hot takes which we like okay next up we have uh Community favorite George sron who is predicted the the main results of um I mean he’s obviously a very good yumbo Super Fan and he’s put V vard to win the first three monuments oh God but he got jro

    And tour right rogich vingo I mean tour yeah the these are PR two cold takes but yeah I guess definitely I mean it’s not it’s not like he we just wanted to put George srono in it because he was in the hot Stakes Channel but it

    Was just predicting the yeah it was just predicting the races so I don’t think there are any hot takes here apart from valard doing double rainbow yeah with with this with his track record of always finish in second so that that that yeah that’s a whole one I

    Mean the Remco Fela is also like a repeat of what he bit the year before so I don’t know it’s um it’s it’s it’s it’s a valid one because some some knowledge is in it but yeah Vault fard zero out of five though that’s that’s a bit shaky there

    I’m sorry you want to put this in G somewhere in the middle okay okay cuz Val is not won a single race I mean out of these list like come on that’s true yeah I agree I mean yeah let yeah Gul just TR Gul then at at that point yeah yeah we’re not

    Going to negotiate that’s it’s done okay it’s over so uh we have a gulag member named inor trying to save himself round two with 10 more predictions um we’ll go through them quickly I mean M star out of the top 15 their 11th car caras doesn’t get a single win this

    Season I think he got one I think he got W that’s yeah he has won an French classic I mean he was thereabouts in 0.1 Classics but yeah not bad but it’s he did get a win hagos veli wins a race that is you tell me who that guy is I

    Don’t know who that gu is I I know that guy from I think he raced like s of turkey or something maybe a year ago something so it’s just a climber from Jacob ah yeah yeah yeah came he came close but not a win he got second next to narv into occasions

    In Bahrain ceased to exist like the country or what or the team I guess the team then the country Bahrain ceased to exist at the end of the the season you empowered Health by the world tour license I mean that didn’t that didn’t happen for sure that didn’t that that didn’t happen

    So man I mean he he tried to save himself but it’s it’s not going well so far no uh Miguel Angel RZ returns to wter racing after signing with the UAE in the mid-season transfer okay imagine was dominating the cony scene but he did not get the world to contract now

    Anyways M tacks like afredo do not remember Quinn Simmons and he ends up at some Continental American team well his season was as if he was in the American Continental team but he’s still a rider of track okay okay but he’s still a rider of track I think he renewed till what 26

    Or something yeah I think so then for the rest I mean that q36.5 did they achieve three wins I think they did they should do yeah normally that that that is a but also not with the with the team that they had they should have least have won

    Three and like if they went to a 1.1 they they they could win it so Adam y that’s positive for drugs though geez dark one yeah yeah his performance were were definitely there but um we cannot conclude at the moment if it was or was without any uh illegal substance

    So for the moment he’s clean okay inor did he say himself from the gulak no I think we we we got something unique here someone that’s able to get himself twice into the gulak so to say yeah congratulations inor Absol absolutely breaking records okay we’ve got from Charles Tui Jorge darling

    Wins a pro time TR and seven people doubted him now that is a prediction that is a hot take at that time yeah there was a that was a whole take yeah we love that just one prediction got smashed it people didn’t think and he got it right

    Definition of a hot take well done Charlie Dey [ __ ] valid absolutely so good okay next up we have seven from Callum who’s no longer part of the world PCM world so if you watching this please come back we miss you uh okay so few ones here um garant

    Thomas has average Rider luck in nirro and still finishes off the podium well sorry um Eddie dumbar doesn’t win all year that’s a cold take but he he didn’t win number three Pitcock chases his own teammate in a classic and inos lose as a result well pitock was the best classic

    Rider of inos so that didn’t happen and mean inos is having a classic team I mean that was uh something they have to work on I guess true um number one Giani ver Mero he was probably just he he wasn’t really sure what he had to pick from

    Thep or Johnny F I mean that is a mistake easily made to be honest so so that is that is a good Lu so yeah that’s a good one and he’s not even he’s not even in the server anymore so it doesn’t really matter anyways but that’s

    A goodu for sure wa last last two now uh Val five predictions with a goat Emoji I mean number three is definitely happened Rob hatch says oh there oh there oh there that is definitely happen and number four FAL fernard doesn’t win a single Monument yet again

    Yes I mean that’s that that one is solid that one is really solid yeah because you would expect him at least to win one Monument exactly hot take it right yeah absolutely k sitaa i I met him by the way what a man wins the World Tour stage I mean he’s

    Built like a wrestler um wrestler don’t know yeah yeah mate he’s he’s insane but I don’t think he came close to winning uh a vter stage van Marin Ru the L set the better I guess um and sagun wins a world tour one day classic I mean that’s like I mean wour

    And then one day classic so yeah that didn’t happen that didn’t happen so so does the fourth one save himself I mean he’s only made five prediction got one I mean two right I mean Rob hat says all the that’s like not even the prediction that’s going to happen you think yeah I

    Mean it’s I guess it’s valid I guess I I I I I think that you can put it on valid just because of the fact that there were only five predictions and yeah maybe even four you could say so yeah I think that it’s one out of four yeah you can

    Give that a valid uh final one probably asleep eight predictions uh starting with number one uh that is very long sentence uh who is Ben Ben o Conor yeah okay yeah Ben oconor goes the full bman way and will be completely wash this year oh cuz that’s what happens to the fourth

    Places of the tour that look no that’s a good one that isly okay very good that’s a good one okay good start can he back it up number two Jorgenson wins a world tour onewe race not named guangji or palone well he raced guangji didn’t win uh he came

    Second in Roman D very close very close y mhm and he came he came second to Adam y just by 19 seconds decent prediction definitely um but number three that oh jeez yeah oh I mean we had we had another one I think in the in in in the

    Previous video where there was also some doubts with with vbus and what she was going to do this season but I I guess all those doubts were uh very swiftly gone with the the first couple of r of that season so yeah that didn’t really happen I

    Guess number four dele wins two World Tour spring Classics I mean Del Le’s season was great and that’s a good prediction uh and winning two World Tour uh he win Quebec um he win I mean he win many stages in the point ones so I’m just checking if he won the second one

    That I can remember no I from from back of my head no no no I think only quec was was the one yeah which which which I think is also it’s a solid prediction though I feel yeah like it’s a good take is is it very hot

    Though at that time at that time it was kind of because you could always say yeah it was going to be for Yan so is he actually going to get his chance or was he going to do the 2. ons or something so I I quite valid I think uh very good

    Um m Pon will grab three ground tour stages and a monument I don’t think he did welta so his only chance was the tour and he got a stage uh about about The Monuments though um he was thereabouts but yeah you will have to uh to look for monuments in other years

    That’s that’s not going no yeah that’s that didn’t happen number six Beanie beanie yellow well that didn’t happen no number seven Lucas Hamilton going to top 10 welta proving me an in all right so that’s been a topic of late but no Lucas Hamilton LED and so e for the third time to

    Gul amazing no and the last number eight P flon doesn’t win a single gr tour W the welta she yeah and the jro yeah so okay it’s a valid prediction I mean number one was a very good one definitely valid number one was uh was definitely up there

    Valid okay which brings us who gets the cisma PCH out of I don’t know I oh God okay after careful discussions with me and Isam it’s now time to avort uh two people from the valet to have the csmo badge so firstly we are going to go to uh Charlie

    Thi he’s made one prediction he’s made it right jorh darling was a pro time trial seven people doubted him and he got it right so just out of this he gets a real cisma batch so congratulations to you Charlie absolutely and and it is the last one we had

    Actually probably asleep I mean the first one Ben goes the full Bookman way will be completely washed this year cuz that’s what happens the fourth place the tour that look amazing in the buildup and then failed because of a crash next year Beno Conor did crash in the tour um

    The second and the fourth prediction was also pretty good fifth one was pretty good they were not like spot on but you know they were all in the right direction just uh the woman takes were awful so um you [Laughter] know maybe not the woman cycling csma

    Badge but real csma badge goes to you as well so congratulations to you probably asleep and also just a honorary third one again just by the fourth pric I think it’s uh one of the better predictions here GC cus finally exists and podiums a place he won the [ __ ]

    Gr tour so well done to you JG also you get a real CMA badge just for this prediction though so I’ll put you somewhere in the middle but you know that prediction is real sicko worthy anything to anything to comment is some about what we had no I mean I’m I’m

    Totally happy for everyone what they what they got and uh happy to be happy to be a part of it and I you know I don’t want to burn any more fingers I mean I’ve already been a bit uh on the wrong side here so but thank you for uh

    For having me on and it was a pleasure to to do this it was it’s really fun yeah I think I’ve had a lot of fun so thanks for submitting your hot takes and um they’re doing it right now if you have hot takes for the 2024 season is

    Some including you actually me as well we might be roasting each other next year so drop them below at the end of the month for the PCM World Discord Channel link is in the description be sure to check Isam and his great cyclocross social podcast with Noah

    Uh that’s it from us to and see you for the next video


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