Today we take a look at Vodafone DataCentre, Waterside House, Longshot Ln, Binfield, Bracknell RG12 2WB.

    We speak to security about what the place is and then the boss comes out to give his opinion on our photography.

    The boss then calls his boss for advice who we speak to over loudspeaker.

    Google Maps 360 Degree Panoramic Drone Photo –

    Q – What is your email address?
    A –

    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
    A –
    My LinkTree –

    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 4
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
    My Referral Link –

    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    My friend you’re telling me that filming is not allowed your rules your policy is it your policy yeah and your policy also applies to the public on the foot path yeah because this is this because this is private property isn’t it like so it doesn’t belong to public it’s not public

    Property the public can look can’t they they can look and take photos surely no you you you can’t you can’t fly the Drone around the building I’m A What’s up hello is this a data center data the data center I’ll be there at the minute okay Mercury house data center brol all right oh yeah so which uh data center are you looking for mercury house Mercury house yeah so um you here to meet someone or no no just to film just to film the place to put it on YouTube on YouTube yeah uh so

    Are you assisted with any company or no London data center London data center this not the one have you got the address full address on there I don’t think you can just s it and put it on YouTube on for whose data center is this one uh this is vone vone

    Ah the vone Vans yeah it’s okay I’ve not done VOD phone either so I do all data centers you see when I find them m i take the Drone around I just film from the outside to show people what a data center looks like cuz they’re changing

    All the time you know yeah when they build the new ones you can’t even get this close the protection on a data center nowadays so high so I’m afraid you can’t do that cuz this is a private property and I’m not sure you can f

    End F the property and put it on YouTube I’m afraid no that’s what I do I always do it you always do it yeah what’s that for like any reason for views the more people that watch the video I get paid oh yeah yeah I get it

    Butth since this is a private property you are not allowed to FM F in and around the property I’m afraid this um is a public foot path here is’t there yeah this is um I do it from there this is actually not a public uh footpath

    This is a so since that so where did it came from that gate that side or no from Arco from from that one yeah it just come straight through then it oh yeah yeah but but this is this whole lot this parking lot and this these are all

    Private property yeah I’ll just stand there then you know the little foot path from Marco even from that you can’t do it I’m afraid no I always do it I can yeah I I get you but this is a private property and you can’t take I will stand off the

    Property I’ll be over there and I’ll fly the drone over you get me I you’re right so I I do agree I you no no I I get what you’re saying but um it’s it’s you know you know the pro it’s the protocol of this uh bone that

    You can’t L take pictures and anything from that that for security reason yeah oh you’re not allowed to take photos inside no no no one else no no one no one from the member of the public as well you know no no but your rules apply

    To the public on the outside I’m not sure man if you no they can’t be no if if you want to talk to someone to to take my friend you’re telling me that filming is not allowed your rules your policy is it your policy yeah your

    Policy also applies to the public on the foot path because this is it can’t because this is private property isn’t it like so it doesn’t belong to public it’s not public property it’s private can look can’t they they can look and take photo surely no you you you can’t

    You can’t fly the Drone around the building I’m afraid oh the Drone C because you can’t you can’t yeah you can’t take um there’s no flight the the Drone is like an aircraft so it can fly over you know anybody can fly over here there’s no restrictions but you cannot

    Take the planes they don’t take videos do they why not Google Maps no no it doesn’t they don’t take videos from there I’ll sure you the Google Maps are they are different thing yeah Google look you can see it I’ll be taking an up-to-date version of that okay I I will

    I will I will call someone who can that’s photo from above that’s not the photo I guess just a graphic isn’t it I’ll take a photo from above like that no I I will call someone so you can have word with him vone data center vone data center

    Yeah wow is a lot of calling as well hello dud yeah a lot of calling here member of public AG he wants to take a picture and video video of this you know property from outside and I told him it’s not allowed and and he and he still

    In okay he’s um at front of this uh re at the front gr of retion all right okay than what’s his name Dave yeah I’ll show you the Drone so that you you know what we’re talking about it’s only a little one four just for my YouTube channel

    YouTube channel was only a little one look M I’m sorry right we have had multiple breakings and I’m sure you’re legit but we have had multiple breakings one just last night I not going to authorize any footage of this proper sorry can’t I couldn’t even do it if I

    Wanted to it’s it’s really isn’t it’s probably it’s not his decision the police will be called mate honestly they will if the police are we are hyper hyper Vigilant right now we’ve had numerous breakings well that’s not really fair on me is it because these thieves they can’t spoil it for people

    That just want to fly the Drone and take some photos M I agree but I I cannot authorize it and I I will will be on the our Security Department in a minute if I need to yeah if the police are called yeah and they attend yeah not even they

    Can stop me from doing it okay so then why have you asked I haven’t I just pressed the buzzer just to make sure I’ve got the right building and I thought this was the London data center no but it’s the vone data center but I

    Can still do a video cuz I do videos on all data centers all right on behalf of who does my YouTube channel on behalf of you see I I I don’t see how that that flies at all but um I will I will contact our corporate security people do you think it’s

    Illegal mate I H I honestly don’t know but if you’re asking me I’m I’m no I’m telling you no I didn’t ask you did I mate all I said was what is the place I didn’t ask for permission to fly it well we don’t have to we don’t even have to

    Give you tell you what this place is do we no you didn’t have to but he did right okay’ been great yeah so so you know this little cut through here from mhm what is it a what’s the company that Arco do you know Arco that little cut through right that’s public

    Is it you can’t really stop people from coming through can youor just is that right which are good I don’t I don’t know about that you’ve never seen what business is next door no I think there’s a Honda Honda gar Honda and Arco you know like um safety safety clothing

    Safety clothing want to show you no no no no oh the gate is open you don’t want to walk away from the gate yeah I’ll show you one here so we’re just there right now just behind you’ve got Honda and this building here this is Arco Safety Center

    Now you know this little cut through here where you’ve got that line can the public cut through here yeah the point is still you you will be taking like private properties picture isn’t it yeah yeah that’s that’s the issue is even if you are like standing on this uh public footpath it’s freezing

    Man so you you think that if don’t matter where you standing if you take a photo of someone’s private property that’s wrong yeah I think so right that’s where you’re wrong I don’t know that siia license that course should tell you about public photography you can’t really stop it dad we’ll be loing

    As well hold on um do you want to have a word put on loud speaker cuz I don’t want to drop it hello hi good L can put the volume up a bit no that’s just okay hello there hi hello can you hear me clear yes I

    Can I believe that you want to take you know the uh a drawn footage of our site have you been approved by any of vone corporate security teams or by vone Estates no I’m just a member of the public just passing by and I saw the building and I I make videos of

    Interesting buildings for my YouTube channel so all private property that is the reason you know like believe this um you have to take a PRI permission for to make a footage of our buildings if you can that if you’re approve you can do that uh let me just make it clear I’ll

    Be standing on the public Highway when I take the the drone over so I’ll be standing on the public I won’t be standing on your land I’ll just take the photos from the outside but thing is drone if it flies on over building or something because these buildings they are obviously you

    Know belong to someone that is the reason I’m telling you what process we have in place like if you send an email to us we we can get it approved for you so you can obviously do a in a proper way no you don’t need approval to fly

    Over someone’s building that’s not how the law works you saying that is what you are saying but this is the way you know obviously we deal with our sites you know what that’s the thing so that’s why we can’t allow you to make footage of our buildings you see no I will be

    Flying the drone over I will be making the video I’m not asking for permission I’ve only pressed the buzzer just to find out what the place is that’s all fine thing is obviously I’m telling you you’re not allowed so we may have to inform you know police or someone but

    That’s okay if you’re obviously you know you want yeah to do so we have other in you can inform the police or whoever you like um but I am going to carry on now and just continue with my video okay okay that’s fine thank you all right thank

    You all right guys I think that’s uh that’s the end of the matter yes sir hello yes it is yeah I’ll go and find a decent place to take the Drone up from all right I think down here is good for me yeah so your boss is now he knows of the

    Situation it’s out of your hands I’m just going to carry on all right um no but no I’m not saying is it all right I’m just going to say politely I’m just going to depart now okay I’m going to go over there I’m just B basically I’m leaving

    Your front building I’m going to go over there to the public area unless you want me for any reason no I want you leave that’s not very nice is it m look look honestly it’s it’s nothing personal you’re making it personal saying I want you to leave no

    I’m not at all it could be any one of 15 million people I I have had numerous breaking attempts on this site said and old photographers to blame for that I don’t particularly I’m just trying to protect our building as let in do their lawful activity whatever makes them M

    Here and don’t let the thieves ruin it for us people keep telling me Oh terrorists terrorists so just because the terrorists are around that means photographers can’t take photos anymore well it’s ridiculous yeah okay look I I I don’t particularly want to fall out with you um I’m smiling I’m not falling

    Out with anyone yeah well if if you had been called out at 3:00 in the morning morning or breaking last night you know may be what have you been here ever since yeah wow well I’m sorry to it that you shouldn’t have to go through that

    Well but this site is very open is it yeah it is why because it has to be why don’t you put an inner fence like where your curb is there is it mon I who knows I bet it is right yeah so I’m politely departing now guys I’m not being rude by just

    Cycling away I think we are done aren’t we um as long as you’re not taking any food dayses I’ve told you I’m going to go to the public bit I don’t want to launch from private property I’m going to go over to where Arco is that I keep

    Mentioning yeah okay so so you’re assuming that arco’s his no do you know the footp that runs along the side yeah the public part I’m going to stand where I’m lawfully allowed to launch the Drone from going to get the footage you’ll see me on the camera you got great cameras

    Around just watch me you know I’m not a fif for out and then in about a week’s time you’ll see the video I don’t know you’re nothing just ask me do you know the YouTube channel all right because yeah because well because like ask the question be don’t lie do

    They yes they do of course they do but as security why don’t you say could I have a look at your YouTube channel I’m not I’m not SEC curious I thought you was his BS no I’m not no well you’re speaking more than him um yeah well just

    Because it’s my I I me to look after the infrastructure of the site right that’s my only interest I promise you um and for one reason or another this anyway yeah yeah don’t say too much mate I don’t want to get you in trouble you’ll see the the video in about a

    Week’s time do you want to know the channel no there you go a fe volunteer information what okay what your channel then DJ DJ audits DJ we call it a photography audit um I I will take it cuz um just we know where from I think I you might have seen a

    Video there you go so you’re a reference is is my reference there that I put my videos online all right guys well no hard feelings okay none at all no none at all look mate um I’ll be over there done done I just want to leave with you

    Saying yeah we’re good I we I’m I’m not going to say I’m not no it’s not agreement it’s not commission I I know I know but it could be misinterpreted or yeah understood thank you guys so let’s get over to where we believe is the public because this site is so

    Open we’ve got this path here never been a gate here look straight onto a public hot path leading to Arco down there to somewhere else is that a lake let’s just see what’s down here quickly yeah leading to a lake a private fishing lake a bench let’s see where this

    Leads a lot of heron Yep this is the brachel B 5K healthy walk run route so we can take the Drone up from down here all day long so when you think of a vone data center do you think of somewhere like this all run down all wide

    Open a car park that is derel yeah they’ve got great cameras and the cameras look quite new there’s even a few just behind this tree here we all sorts of sensors that lets them know they’ve got Intruders on site but it’s so open that it’s just prime target isn’t

    It for people just wanting metal and just to find out what’s inside and what’s valuable there’s loads of cooling down the side here look loads of glass I just find it very unusual out open it is it’s a part of this walking running route it seems maybe they’re not allowed to close it

    Off but anyway let’s crack on let’s get David up and see what this vam data center looks like from above so as always we’ve checked on drone assist there are no flight restrictions in this area vone data center let’s have a look at you then shall take off so that is

    It lots of calling on the roof and lots of servers inside a few vone vehicles in the car park and Workman doing something to that that is what the thieves have broken into at 3:00 a.m. I believe generators just behind and an open gate there and an open gate just

    There but even if them Gates were are closed the site is permanently open over here where I Am so they just have an issue with security here that is for sure so the entrance where we spoke to them too is just down there and it looks like the gate is still open so are they still outside somewhere looking around oh are they at the corner spy on

    Me no they’re not around the corner who cares anyway let’s get nice and high let’s have a little look around we’ve got this lovely Lake right next door and of course the the surrounding area which is a mixture of residential and Industrial as we can see as we pan

    Around doing some work on that site aren’t they lot and the 3M building that we filmed on a previous video and then back to this one directly underneath us so let’s quickly do a 360Β° photo for Google Maps and then move on cuz that was the vone data

    Center and that was the vone data center the location of the DJ audits keying on this video is hanging up in that little tree there which is right next to the lake and you’ve got Arco right just there so if you are one of the first people to watch the video

    And you didn’t want the key ring good luck with that and I’m going to move on so they really really did not want any photography taken at all with on the ground or in the air escalated it twice everyone along the upper chain believes it’s wrong ah dear well there’s a few more

    People educated there but I feel that they still will say the same thing to photographers in the future which is a shame especially how they’ve got such an open site anyway if you have enjoyed that video do give it a thumbs up for me and I’ll see you on the next one guys

    Bye-bye for now


    1. vodafone is a trash company, with trash unsecure datacentres. in australia, if a datacentre gets broken into it means that a new mission impossible movie is being filmed

    2. Mercury House was originally the home of Mercury Communications, which was set up as a competitor to BT in the 80's. Mercury Communications was part of Cable and Wireless PLC. C&W where originally the overseas arm of the Post Office and provided telecommunications to all parts of what was then the British Empire. Cable & Wireless UK was then bought out by Vodafone. I remember visiting Bracknell many times. Happy days.

    3. I'm always surprised to see the same response again and again from untrained security guards not know the law. Surely these companies have seen lots of videos like this on YouTube as this has been going on for years now 😳

    4. Mercury House used to get broken into regularly when it was occupied by Mercury Communications. On one occasion they took out the whole window on the ground floor and nicked all the computers.

    5. Pay attention kids!
      If you spend your day looking out of the window instead of listening to your teacher. This security guard will be you in a few years, unable to string a coherent sentence together and dumb as a brick.
      Kids, you have been warned.

    6. Oh dear dog. Straight out with the break ins. So before anyone flew a drone, they had lots of break in. Therefore the break ins aren't connected to drone, but poor security. When low IQ feckwits are allowed to have a say in votings and referendums no wonder the country's in a state.These low IQ feckwites seem to be in the majority because almost every auditing video has one or more of them..

    7. I’m coming to the point we’re I’m adamant that when you are in infant school you should learn 4 essential lessons….. reading , writing, maths……. And public photography laws !!!!!. It’s painful to hear the ignorance spouted by these idiots on a daily basis 😑🀣

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