The British National Cyclocross Championship weekend is upon us and I will be stepping on the start line with the best cyclocross riders in the country to race for the national title at the brilliant venue, Callender Park in Falkirk, Scotland.

    The racing was fast and furious and cameron mason was on top form to take the British CX champs stripes.

    I hope you enjoyed the video and please do like & subscribe to follow the journey!

    It is time to put my big boy pants on I getting on the start line with the big boys tomorrow at national champs and am I nervous uh yeah a little bit a little bit there is 69 of us on the start list good number rocket and I grided number

    31 so if I can do you reckon I can finish above that 31 that’s optimistic 30 top 30 that is that’s what the rocket wants top 30 for a man but the plan of action is full full gas Go full gas and that is all there is to say the course

    Is super fast the boys are going to be pinging and my prediction for the win is definitely not me but I’m super excited to mix it with a big boys like Cameron Mason Thomas main if I can uh try and survive bat them off as long as possible

    Before they lap me we are in with a result here we go the full Squad are here gravel granny rocket if you see Del booy this weekend he’s go away he’s going to be walking around like he’s got a rod up his backside and that’s why Ben’s getting

    His own bike out cuz D booy can’t move he said to me a minute ago Ben just asked him what bike he was going to have for the mountain bike season and he’s at his back even more in the shock he’s going to spasm another bike

    Another one but we’re going to get a bike out go practice I think this could take a while it’s bloody Freezing the Rocket’s not happy it is too Scotland’s too cold for me it’s a super techy Punchy course though and uh it’s going to be brutal like there’s literally nowhere to rest it’s dry which is even worse for me because that means like all the front boys go even faster

    It’s like a road race for them but it’s just that once it gets turned up a bit it’s going to be slippy at the moment it’s really nice but yeah it’s super Punchy huh my arms are aing your arms are aching her arms are aching my arms

    Are aching it’s race day and I’m pretty sure W and Matthew don’t have to do this you know the first time youve had to do it just out his never nor have to do it look at this athlete agile agile Cu uh if there’s any sponsors out there

    That make trolley Del Boy would really like a trolley where the wheels work I’m hanging out why’d you get 80 percentage George cuz you’re knackered by the time you get to the race look Wheels don’t even turn here we go then the nerves are at an alltime high they are 1 billion

    People keep coming up and asking me you excited absolutely not I am not excited I’m scared I’m I’m scared boy Sarah but I’m going to go and have some food get ready I’m trying to decide whether to go back on for another practice cuz I practiced yesterday but

    It looks like there’s quite a few more ruts and stuff now or do I just point and shoot rocket I would just point and shoot just point and shoot cuz I don’t want to make Del Boy do too much like jet washing and bike cleaning cuz he’s

    Hanging out poor bloke so it might be pointing shoot got mud on my face no right then there she is lucky number 31 and that’s how old I am this year 31 bloody old boy and if all goes wrong at least I got a little inur buff

    But yeah the plan is I’m not going to make excuses but here’s my excuses here we go again I think i’ done too much this morning running around trying to film dragging that trolley down I’m knackered but and the other excuse that you got yesterday from that guy that

    Told us the Romans built the wall oh the Romans built that Bloody wall so if I hit a brick that’s another ex Roman’s fault yeah it’s the Romans fault oh God I’m just watching some of the ladies race to see uh how to do I’ve seen how it’s done by the Juniors Jesus

    But I don’t know why you get so worked up over just just a bike race as Sarah puts it but I think the plan of action is I want to I’m treating it like a 30-minute race I know that sounds ridiculous but I’m just going to go as

    Hard as I can for 30 minutes and my one goal is just to commit to the start and actually give it beans off the start and try and try and move up for once rather than being scared in that environment so the goal is 30 minutes full full gas

    Hold on for dear life there she is ladies and gentlemen the race machine is ready for all the bike PS out there I’m probably going to run 21 PSI front and rear yes I’m running muds yes I need the grip it’s going to still be slippy let’s

    Get it right then ladies and gentlemen wish me luck here we go if you can smell something on the course the Riders I’m with the wife just told me I smell a Bo thanks thanks for coming that’s cuz I just sweat through nervous I just sweat through my jersey apart from smelling

    Like a human armpit I’m ready to Go got George stick on the whale stick on the [Applause] whale [Applause] Got George Go George go George ni yes stay with the wheel George are you Okay come on Georgio come On di in George cam Mason’s coming Yeah come on get all you got come [Applause] on Camera Mason stop going so fast and I might turn up to this again take all the fun out of it for me got to the top there’s nowhere to Cara didn’t have like the power to get out the b yeah then you can’t get clipp back in and by

    The time you got clipp back in you TR of got the next yeah isolation when fast it was just you and no one’s around so you may have couple of nice nice one for me I’ll have a camera Mason gun pass for three seconds before he shot off the start was

    Quite good cuz there was just like so many people P that would be good on the camera but after that I didn’t see much I’m hoping Sarah comes around soon I’m free there she is the rocketor I’m absolutely freezing know were you riding yourself no no just come to support just

    Going to watch yeah who are you mainly supporting uh good man good man what he really means he’s suppor supporting cam but So that is going to be a wrap for me but Cameron Mason’s just about to come over the Finish Line he is Miles Ahead it was like he had an engine in his bike I want to know what engine he’s got and why you can’t give it to me but that’s

    Absolutely phenomenal the speed they’re going at I think this is him now well no one was cheering me like this they got the squad D booy and gravel granny in pits just lugging all that stuff back Del Boy still unable to walk Rod up his backside but apart from his

    Son being an absolute disappointment still actually really enjoyed it which one Dad I’ll get it you you relax you you worked hard me on the other hand not so hard right I don’t regret coming up here it was great fun and there’s a lot of people out there cheering me did you

    Did you hear I heard lot of Cheers lot came up to me too a lot of embarrassment the start of my life and then reality hit that I was an absolute Shell City dad let me do I’m have to make one up right now right now on the

    Spot that’s it that’s all I’ve got good man does it look leg you’re going to laugh at that Sarah here your hand Rising sorry and that is a wrap we are back home back on the sofa what a mission of a drive but an absolutely epic weekend racing up at

    National champs the atmosphere was wicked thank you to everyone that come and said hi cheered me on when I was out there like I come away from it and I was like i’ done as good as I could have done Cameron Mason is a machine Thomas Maine all of those boys are machines

    They’re like I’ll put it out there Cameron Mason’s going to win a world championship One Day end the story when he goes past you it’s like a steam train but I gave it my best shot I still had an absolutely Wicked time I just went hard from the gun absolutely blew my

    Biscuit and that was it but what I hope this video does is encourages someone to get involved do something that scares you jump in a race jump in a race that you think is way above your level and just give it a crack it really don’t matter where you come what happens well

    I’ve had to put this out on the internet I got lapped in like half an hour but I still had a wicked time I hope someone gets out there gives it a go give it the beans and I’ll catch you in the next video


    1. Savage that you had fans on course! You've hit the big time, Giorgio! 😅 Hope you're happy with the result overall, savage to be in the same category racing against some of the world's best

    2. Imagine it’s 20 years from now, the time and position will be a distant memory but you’ll feel proud of the fact you even got to be on the start line for such a big race.

    3. well done G, great to see you having a go 🙂 cam is a monster these days, watched his progression over the last few years and this year he has taken a monumental step up

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