Alp D’hueze has had a strange two weeks, over 1.5m of snow fallen and then melted with three days of rain and +8 degree temps. Only to have another 1m of snow fall almost over night. The weather has been so unpredictable, but how are the ski conditions?

    I’m here in Al Duz it’s the first week of the Season let’s go and have a look at the snow and see how it’s shaping up for this season poles on the only way to get poles on is up and down only way to get poles

    On up and down right let’s see what the snow conditions are like as you can see we’ve got a lovely Blue Sky day today this early in the season there’s actually quite a lot of snow around I’m starting off on one of these slightly lower runs this is one of the

    Easier Reds in Al Duz and the snow is great considering how many people have probably been on this run today we’re coming up to lunchtime now it looked absolutely fantastic I haven’t come across any ice yet and I’m not seeing a huge amount of rocks poking through there’s a few just there but

    Generally it looked absolutely fantastic as you can see we’re quite low down in the valley at the moment so it’s a good representation of what the average snow is like here obviously the higher up you go theoretically the more snow there should be I have to be honest I feel like Al Duz

    Has maybe overestimated the difficulty of this particular run I think it’s been allocated as a red or is that maybe a pink I don’t know I’ve heard a c of different things as we get slightly lower now we’re starting to get onto some more much firmer

    Snow now this is not ice this is just snow from the Cannons however it is likely to turn into ice throughout the day so I guess that’s a bit of a ttile sign for later on so that was a rundown one of the lower slopes here in Al Duz you heard

    What the snow was like further up the slope we had nice soft powdery snow and there was good coverage and then as we got down towards the Village there was a lot more artificial snow so take that information and do with it what you will


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