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    আমাদের কাছে ল্যাংগুয়েজ কোর্স করার জন্য যোগাযোগ করতে পারেন আমাদের ফেসবুক পেইজে।
    ****বেশ কয়েকবার Goethe এ পরীক্ষা দিয়েও পাস করতে পারেননি,
    কিংবা যারা পড়াশোনায় দুর্বল,
    বিশেষ করে, অনেক হাউস ওয়াইফ আপু আছেন হয়তোবা পড়াশোনা শেষ হয়েছে অনেক বছর আগে, পড়াশোনার সাথে অনেকদিনের একটা গ্যাপ থাকায় তাদের জন্য জার্মান ভাষা শিখাটা প্রথম দিকে কিছুটা কষ্টকর মনে হয়। তাই তাদের জন্য extra care এর ব্যবস্থা আছে।
    আমাদের এখানে আপনি চাইলে Batch এ সবার সাথে পড়তে পারেন আবার চাইলে Private ভাবেও পড়তে পারবেন।****

    A I’m a police officer in a small town in Meisenheim. I know a lot of people there. That makes the work easier sometimes. You can talk to each other better. I also often have to work at night. That’s part of my job, but I always find it tiring

    And have to be there on the weekends I also often work, which isn’t so good because my partner only ever has weekends off, so we don’t have enough free time together. We can’t do anything together. People need the police when there are problems.

    I think it’s nice if I can help and solve the problem But that’s not always possible B I’ve been driving a taxi for almost 20 years I’ve been a taxi driver for 5 years I only drive at night I think that’s better because there’s a lot less traffic in the city Most

    Customers just want to go home but some customers I don’t like to talk too much about private things and problems. Of course, I often have to wait. I can read a lot during that time, but I don’t earn any money while waiting. Waiting too much is a problem. I drive

    Around 80,000 km for my job a year in my free time I only drive a car if there is no other option, I much prefer to ride my bike because I’m outside and moving, it’s good for me. Dear passengers, this train arrives in a few minutes at Munich Central Station on platform 14

    Continue to Stuttgart an information for passengers to Nuremberg the regional express 4006 to Nuremberg does not run from platform 17 today but from platform 24 thank you very much 2 Dear passengers, you are on bus F to the airport there is a construction site on the route so

    The bus does not stop Stops zo and sieberstraße if you want to go to zo or to the street, get on the bus m at the Neudorf stop and go to the next stop neubergwest 3 Dear passengers, unfortunately we cannot

    Offer you hot dishes today our on-board restaurant is closed we are having technical problems our staff will bring you However, you are welcome to take tea, coffee or mineral water to your seats. You can also buy cake, biscuits or chocolate from our staff. We ask for your understanding

    . An important announcement for all passengers traveling to Cologne. The ECE 1343 scheduled departure at 1:47 p.m. does not leave today, please Go to platform 12 and take the eTCG 1427 at 2:10 p.m. Please

    Note that the regional train 134 from Cologne arrives at 2:20 p.m. and is about 15 minutes late. For your understanding, more and more people are changing their jobs because they have to or because they want to spoke to four people Ms. Lingen, you are a laboratory technician, are you satisfied with your

    Job? Actually, I only work part-time 25 hours a week because I have a small son, what do you like about your work? I work in a new laboratory with nice colleagues who are laboratories bright and beautiful sometimes there are interesting tasks but many of

    The tests are always the same it’s a bit boring do you want to change careers I think so I would like to work full time again later and then the work has to be interesting do you already have an idea I have a lot of ideas about it Thank you very much,

    Ladies, now I’m talking to Mr. Graf. Can you please briefly introduce yourself, Mr. Graf ? My name is Alex Graf and I’m a bicycle courier. Isn’t that strenuous? Yes, you have to be fit if you want to earn well, but I do sports every day Work

    , I don’t need any extra training anymore. How many kilometers do you drive through the city in a day, between 80 and 100 km, that’s about 22,000 km a year, but that’s a lot, yes, I only earn well if I do a lot of trips and I Don’t you need the money? Don’t

    You want to do something else? That’s what more and more people are asking me because I ‘m a little older. If I don’t feel like it anymore, I’ll do something. I’ve trained as an electrician. Maybe I’ll work in that area again, but when will that happen? I don’t know

    One last question, is your work dangerous, well a little bit, it always has to be done quickly but I haven’t had a serious accident yet, great to great that it stays that way, Mr. Graf, thank you very much. I’m also with Ms. Mila prokopitch, what are you doing? professionally Ms. pokopitch I work

    You learned this job as a cook in the Adria restaurant, yes, but that’s my second job. First, I trained as a hairdresser and also worked as a hairdresser for 10 years, but I earned very little there and then I learned to be a cook. What do

    You like? in your work as a cook I am happy when the guests have a nice evening and they like the food. Do you enjoy working in your restaurant? The boss is nice and so are the colleagues. We are simply a good team. Thank you Ms.

    Prokopitch at the end Am I still talking to Stefan Richter, what do you do for a living, Mr. Richter, I’ve been a teacher at a primary school for 5 years, why did you become a teacher? Quite simply, I

    Like children, I really enjoy working with small children, that’s why I’m at a primary school, how long have they been? every day at school well I have to give 28 lessons a week and of course I have to correct texts and prepare the lessons I sometimes do that

    At home sometimes at school in the afternoon I sometimes give an extra course this year a theater course so I’m on One day about 5 hours at school, on other days maybe 8 hours then I hope you continue to have fun with your work Judge, thank you very much. Ms. Hansen has to

    Explain everything to her customers at an appointment. 2 Mr. Dlen is driving his new car this year to Husum 3 Mrs. Cllemm loves the warm summer in the cold winter months she lives in the south four Selim drives with his friend Achim to his uncle Hassan in Achenen

    A Mrs. Hansen has to explain everything to her customers at an appointment Z Mr. dahen drives in his new car this year to Husum dre Mrs. Clem loves the warm summer in the cold winter months she lives in the south four Selim goes with his friend Achim to his uncle Hassan after

    A conversation 1 company you can talk to David achner what can I do for you Mrs. Wenger is I’m not at my place at the moment, I can do something about it . From 2 onwards she’ll definitely be back in her office , but I’d be happy to call

    0224 83 14 12 and the direct number is 4224. Please , Ms. Kun, see you again You leave a message okay, he should call you back tomorrow I’ll be happy to do that Mr. Noak Company Scholz Maria Scholz on the line good afternoon, this is Jeschke good afternoon Mr. Jeschke, what

    Can I do for you can you connect me to Mr. Mendes, I’m sorry Mr. Mendes is out of the house today, when can we speak to him again? You can reach him tomorrow from 9 a.m. Can I say something? No thanks, but can you please

    Give me the direct number? Yes, the direct number is 509, thank you, goodbye

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