Every night we discuss the news and politics surrounding the war of russian aggression in #ukraine from a Ukrainian perspective.

    I’m Yulia, an independent reporter from Lviv, bringing you the coverage part time from NYC and Ukraine.
    You can find me on @UNITED24media ‘s Ukraine Briefly, hosting my podcast Ukraine War Brief, disrupting russia’s special disinformation operation with @svidomi_media on our podcast FAQ U: Ukraine Explained, or in the wider webs creating informational videos about my country aimed at providing historical, cultural and geopolitical context to the current events.

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    00:00 Intro Briefing

    It is not doggy stuff Sy it isn’t doggy stuff bud don’t even look at it literally has nothing to do with you baby so I have two dogs right and one of them is Liv who’s over here one of them is CNY who’s over here Liv needs to take basically doggy

    Anti-depressants she’s a rescue and she’s been through a lot in life so she’s very nervous hi Mark and um and so but Liv doesn’t like to take meds so every evening I have to and morning I have to put lives meds in water put it in like a diabetic syringe

    And I have to give it to her through trickery hi Julia hi Le hi oh I like the name Liam hi Jason Hi Odin um hi Charles hi Gabby hi Zach hi s hi Karen hi Carolyn hi John hi Armen hi lost one uh and hi Diane also hi Joe hi

    Scooter hi glacian hi darta hi Tera so basically Liv doesn’t like to take meds ciney will literally eat pills off my hand even if they taste disgusting she will eat anything she will literally eat anything oh oh my gosh hi Naomi uh I will I will tell you guys

    Whoi is in a second well like a little bit you know UPS SEC oh you’re seeing CNY right over there uh but so yeah so basically one of them does not like to take meds the other one will eat anything cine doesn’t need to take medication Liv does giving live meds is

    Like a whole sin what’ you do what’ you do what’ you do Bubba what’ you do that scared you didn’t it didn’t it um so yeah Cy will literally eat anything just give it to her she will she’ll eat it so um I give Liv meds and it’s like a procedure it’s

    Like a at least you know 20 minute procedure I have to like force it down her throat in in like a syringe thing with water I have to like tell her that she’s so great and she’s like doing fantastic and it’s the last time that I’m giving it to her not that she

    Understands me but anyway so Cy sits there and she’s like why am I not getting doggy anti-depressants in a syringe in water I like everything that is put in my mouth just give it to me mother and so every time after I give live freaking meds I need to give ciney

    A treat or something like that and give Liv a treat because CNY thinks that I’m giving Liv something tasty but I’m giving her medication and one of my dogs is just you know doesn’t like meds and the other one will literally eat anything that you put in

    Front of her or not even in front of her so C is over here very upset that Liv is getting meds that taste like like honestly it’s it’s like it’s a powder thing and it smells like chemical it’s a doggy anti-depressant like it cannot be

    Good at some point I used to have to cut my zof in half and like my tongue touched it once and I was like uh that’s disgusting so I can’t I can’t even imagine what the dog one taste like provided all their stuff tastes worse than human stuff so yes and you’re not

    Missing out on anything please stop being so needy and you’re about to witness me take uh aoil gel which by the way I’m going to I think the guy who invented this got a Nobel Prize for this basically it’s like this gel it’s made out of um enterosorbent so they also

    Have like Enos gel and aoil gel so the the sorbent is entro and it basically if you have like a food poisoning or uh your stomach hurts or anything like that like that this like lines everything in your stomach um uh like aligns everything in

    Your stomach and like coats it and so it absorbs it hello and um and you and it like helps you feel better so I’ve been having uh you remember those like you remember those um stomach aches that I’ve been having so it’s a food poisoning and it had really shown itself

    Last night so I spent most of last night awake dealing with the food poisoning and then I slept in like I want to say 2: p.m because I was just so tired and I felt utterly like crap um I did not leave um the vicinity of my like bathroombedroom area until like 5:00

    P.m. when my dad came over to bring me meds because yesterday I was like oh I’ll just take Ibuprofen like you know it’s a stomach ache and I have a light headache that’s going to help so apparently that’s even worse for your stomach so yeah the headache went away

    But then my stomach was like screw you um and uh I’ve been basically feeling like I was supposed to be on a train right now to K for a job thing that I now have to tell you about uh at the end of this week because this is sort of like I was

    Supposed to go figure it out and go like talk it through and I don’t want to talk about it until I know whether I’m taking it or not taking it or like what’s going on so I’m now going on on Tuesday night and I’m getting there on Wednesday and

    I’m going to be there through Wednesday and then get back on Thursday morning but yeah I was was like yeah I’m not getting on a train in this condition because um you know um I I needed to get a desk chair and I couldn’t order it

    Online because they were like oh if you order online we’re going to ship it from Poland and I was like but it’s available in a store nearby like WTF so my dad came over and he was like well let’s drive to the store and just

    Pick up the chair and I was like okay sure so at 700 p.m. I got in my dad’s car with my dog syny and Um um and uh with my dog CNY and we got to the store and at the store it was like super humid and like really hot and it was just really hard to breathe and so I almost fainted and I started feeling like again uh we also found

    Out that you can in fact just deliver it from the store you just have to call them and order it and I was like so you’re telling me I made this entire way so I could come to the register and be like hey can you please deliver this chair to

    Me so um so yeah so the chair should be here tomorrow and the lovely delivery driver called me and was like yeah I’ll be in your area at this hour does it work for you and I was like no um um no also you guys the quut person

    Is a little Russian little Russian SMA could you please take it out you know what we do with garbage we take it out so that right there could be taken out um so yeah so thank you guys it’s on Tik Tok there is um some Russian named

    Person who is cursing me out in Polish um I love how they come in with like super Russians sounding names and they’re like yeah uhuh uhuh and it’s like yeah no you’re not dude you’re your name is super Russian and you have 55 accounts and that’s the third time you showed up

    You’re not polish you’re not like your average polish bypasser who just wants to curse me out you’re a Russian bot but that’s cool anyways oh hello um so yeah so yeah so basically I almost fainted but the chair is going to be here tomorrow I still have like a couple of things to

    Order like a desk and uh just like you know like a desk lamp and stuff like that but I just this weekend I had so many plans I wanted to do like a tour of Ukrainian grocery stores and do like a day life for you a vlog because you guys

    Have been asking about it and I was like okay I’m a terrible vlogger I don’t know how to do this but I’ll do it you know my mom was happy to do it with me which she never is so I was like yes this is

    Going to be great and um and then uh this entire weekend I was basically battling like a stomach ache that was coming and going and then today and then last night it was like nope not stomach ache just like a little Prelude to a horrendous food poisoning you’re about

    To suffer through good luck um so yeah so this is my medication that I’m supposed to take uh three times a day spaky and uh it is really gross because it is literally like a gel that has some banana taste to it but it makes your tongue like feel slightly numb like it

    Doesn’t it doesn’t numb your tongue but it feels not it’s weird so you know what I’m going to take it in front of you thank you Tara but um um and I highly suggest this medication it does really help it’s the first thing that like actually has alleviated all of my

    Symptoms or like most of them at least but um but it is disgusting unless you like you know like children’s food formula I don’t think you’ll be like into this gross so gross so freaking gross but you know what it is what it is I’m going to suffer through

    It it tastes you know what it tastes like like um okay you know what this tastes like imagine like putting like a putting like a banana yogurt out for a couple of days and it’s like warm and it’s like warm and slightly hey ladies not right now disgusting it tastes like warm

    Banana yogurt that’s like starting to go Bad okay um so someone asked me if I had been to that bougie grocery store in Kev and they mean good wine yes I have um they also asked me what I think about it so funny thing is that bougie grocery store in C is cool I mean like

    Um they have a lot of stuff that like is sold in Whole Foods for instance or like other such places abroad and it’s much more expensive than your regular grocery store in Ukraine but granted it has brands that other grocery stores don’t have and it has like a lot of

    Gluten-free stuff and a lot of like Specialty Foods and stuff like that so I mean if you have money and you have dietary preferences that are not going to be satisfied at like s then it’s a really cool store for me it is a it is

    Like kind of a funny place because they have um like they have for instance there these like fellow swag um kettles I have one of those in um in um in the US that I got like years ago before the full scale Invasion um and I

    Believe it was like $150 or something so it’s $300 at that grocery store they have a couple of like tumblers and um like uh tumblers and stuff like that and uh it that I bought for like 10 bucks in the US and they’re like 25 in

    In that grocery store so I mean like it comes with it comes with the territory right it’s a bougie grocery store that brings in like cool brands that are not available for sale in Ukraine right or like limit like available in like very limited places so it like makes sense

    But for someone who comes from like the US it makes no sense because for me like I’m looking at all of these things and they’re considered like super bougie and they’re not bougie like you you can literally like get that in Whole Foods or like I mean you can get that like

    Anywhere you can get that on Amazon and stuff like that so it’s not like you know there’s like a feel of luxury about the store and the products are like from hard to reach places so they’re supposed to feel luxurious but they don’t feel luxurious to me because like I know what

    They actually cost and I know what they um and I know what they really are right so it’s not like I know that these are not some like super it’s kind of like this store tries to be like Bergdorf Goodman but like a food and like kitchen items right and that makes

    Sense but um uh and that makes sense but it’s not like um samur and it makes sense but it but like but it doesn’t make sense for someone who’s coming from the US guys why are you why did you decide that this is the right time to start barking and playing

    With stop do not bark barking is not good also you guys there is Samberg and there is also samberg’s Mom oh hi zero so Naomi is samberg’s Mom Samberg is um is a Ukrainian well Samberg is an Australian who uh is a member of the Ukrainian armed forces and he was uh in

    The next Direction fighting with a um they’re both barking F fighting with a specific unit and then he left and now is actually about to get deployed again and um yes those are sounds of enjoyment live get down get down you had your dinner get the down sorry uh my

    Dogs are going crazy uh it used to be Cy just wanting attention and now it’s both of them just like kind of like rough housing each other don’t even dare do not dare no um yes so okay so Samberg is about to get deployed again um and um

    He’s fantastic but so there is uh you might have seen the story of Ben uh the guy who was like the guy who was um give me one second my dog is eating a chair that her food is standing on live listen you two okay come here you guys

    Hello excuse me I got to do okay and you’re not no no no you’re not helping hey get out of there get out of there okay see um Sam BR for some reason becomes an afterthought in a lot of conversations lately uh so okay so there is this video

    About this guy whose name is Benjamin and he was like he came to fight in Ukraine uh every single unit he’s fought with had said that he literally ran away before he was ever at zero line or if there was any mention of going to zero

    Line which is why you would be coming to fight right he would like turn around and leave but so yesterday or today at some point uh like like I didn’t necessarily publicly want to like get into this but like he posted a video of uh Sleeping quarters and eating quarters

    Of an entire uh of an entire Brigade uh based off of stolen footage that he took from a from a signal chat in between him and his fellow brothers in arms if I can call him that um and he um um basically like he um he stole the

    Video footage of missions that he wasn’t on and that video footage to Russians would indicate exactly where their bunker is and where their location is and so he posted that online for everyone to see after posting a bunch of other videos and to be fair like it just

    Seems like you know a lot of attention seeking and a lot of behavior for likes but at this point this behavior for likes has turned into something that actually put an entire unit at Danger of being like blown up with artillery because Russians now know where their

    Bunker is and I’m not saying that in vain like literally Russian telegram channels are now sending around that video of uh of that unit and their location around Russian telegrams and it’s really up because this person continues like making videos and it’s his personal Vendetta against like the guys in that

    Unit that he didn’t like that uh he says like you know we mean to him for no reason but to be fair like the guy is a coward who came to Ukraine looking for a book to write and uh my interaction with him was um he was telling me that he

    Wanted the video of him reuniting with his dog to go viral which made me feel like he doesn’t give a single about the dog he wants the video to be viral which um which you know is kind of up but but like wasn’t nearly as

    Big of a deal until recently right where all of this started making sense and there are multiple conversations where he says that like oh he’s only going to Ukraine to look for cloud he wants to um he uh he’s only going to Ukraine to look for a cloud he wants to write a

    Book there is going to be like Publishers lining up and he can say whatever he wants to say and everybody’s going to believe him if he says that he singlehandedly shot down a MIG like a like basically dumb Americans will believe believe him because they don’t understand how Battlefield in Ukraine

    Works meanwhile this guy has really not been on on the battlefield at least in the last like six months that he’s been to Ukraine um the sbu is at this point looking for him thanks Dad um also there is just like I mean I’ve done I’ve done

    My part like I’ve given his name and his information to every single service that I know because to me it’s like you can be Petty you can have on online drama you can have disagreements with guys at the front you know like I I I’m sure

    That in in an environment with a lot of testosterone and weapons and stuff wild things happen Okay but like at this point if this man is literally posting a location of not even the unit he’s not fond of but like he’s doxing an entire Brigade to Russians he’s sending

    Pictures of his fellow thank you he’s sending pictures of his fellow um like unit mates former unit mates to track a Nazi MC he’s like doing all of this stuff and then when he’s confronted about it he’s like I’m the victim you know someone didn’t like me and they

    Were mean to me so I’m just like I’m uh I’m retaliating it’s like dude you’re not retaliating at this point like for me you’re you’re up the security of my country you’re like it up really hardcore and you just over an entire front line not even unit like

    Not a platoon you over a brigade like a massive Brigade because they all have the their you know their quarters and their accommodations everywhere and he keeps saying that you know like under Ukrainian law you can post videos 90 days after it happened not of active freaking

    Units what country was the guy from America he’s from the United States of America it’s no longer retaliation I mean it was never retaliation like posting anything that like you might not like the guys you served with you might have issues with individuals you might have issues with multiple peoples in the

    Unit you might have issues with like a lot of that stuff right that’s on you and that’s okay but at the same like I mean you know that’s drama right but once you start posting but once you start posting like locations of various military units and Military infrastructure and doxing them and then

    Saying that like oh you don’t care or like whatever or justifying it like that’s not all right that’s absolutely not all right because at this point your ego and your like oh I’m but hurt is not hurting just the guys you don’t like it is hurting a literal massive Frontline

    Brigade and it is hurting Ukraine’s war effort in general because you just doxed a huge concentration of Ukrainian troops and you doxed where they sleep you doxed where they eat you sleep you like what on Earth so yeah so that’s kind of like a little bit of drama that I’ve been kind

    Of following the past couple of days it’s not really drama because it’s it’s like I like I’ve given this man’s name and this man’s information and like literally everything I have on him and I know that he he follows me so he might be watching these lives so if he does um

    I really hope that you never try to cross the border back to Ukraine because um from my personal connections uh your name is with literally every single instance of sbu imaginable with multiple different units and like you like you are going to get at the border because you’ve you’ve like you’ve broken

    So many Ukrainian laws and the worst part of all of it is that this man goes online to Cloud search right and to get likes and Views and stuff and he post these like videos from you Ukraine basically painting himself as this like as this like victim who is so innocent

    And he’s such a like you know character that was in Ukraine and was just like trying to do good for Ukraine and stuff and it’s like no no you weren’t no you were doxing Ukrainian military and looking for stories to write a book about so that’s really up and uh

    This man also keeps saying that it’s like someone’s personal Vendetta against him because like hey man Samberg over here don’t get along long but that’s so funny because you know no one forced him to post these videos no one forced him to dox an entire Brigade no one forced

    Him to send pictures of multiple me members of his former unit to track a Nazi Mark no one forced him to try and steal an optic from a Dead Soldier no one forced him to do any of these things and for some reason you know every

    Single unit that he’s been in has only negative things to say to say about him and every single time he’s confronted with he says that it’s a personal Vendetta and everyone is out to get him so he’s always the victim and the people are always wrong and he’s just like

    Playing this misunderstood person who is just like you know who has these like noble intentions and stuff but yeah the reason why I was laughing at Samberg here is because his literal naked photo like I mean butt naked like butt naked was sent to track andazi MC which is a Russian telegram

    Channel that um um a Russian telegram channel that tracks foreign uh foreign military in Ukraine like foreign military volunteers or foreigners within the uh AFU so mostly Foreign Legion and English-speaking units of the AFU and they obviously passed that information along to Russians and at this point this man has

    Single-handedly basically doxed an entire unit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine of that wasn’t on track a Nazi am already so he’s just basically sent in information like names Instagrams Facebooks family stuff like that of like a ton of his former unit Mates is he still in Poland no I believe he’s in

    Serbia which is a you know Russia sympathizing country and it’s going to be much harder to do something about it because it doesn’t have any extradition with Ukraine um if anyone is actually here is here is a call that I’m going to put out if anyone is is an American law

    Enforcement and I can give you details um name and addresses and everything that basically I have on this man please do let me know because I will send you everything I have and I would like I think this man is should be put on like on a no-fly list and um what

    He’s doing is basically equivalent to like ter ISM because he is doxing an Allied an Allied Forces locations and uh if anyone he’s American so that would be American law enforcement if he wasn’t American then you wouldn’t be approaching anything American but since he is an American citizen then you would

    In fact be approaching American law enforcement you’d only approach your law enforcement if they had jurisdiction well uh so they do and the man is a multiple offender in a lot of different cases in Alaska so um he he is in fact you know they they do in fact have

    Jurisdiction also doxing an Allied Force which Ukraine is to the United States is within the US jurisdiction and within FBI and CIA both competent so please don’t try to tell me what to report and where to report but yeah if you if any one of you is

    Um is in law enforcement or in agencies like that please do let me know privately or you know um DM me there is an email um in my linkoln bio there is you also know how to find me on Instagram and Twitter and I respond to a

    Lot of messages I haven’t been in the past couple of days because I’ve been dying in bed but yeah so that’s the situation and like I think that’s a huge um uh I think that’s a huge offense and I think that people like that you know

    It’s like here’s the thing he might not be doing that because he wants to like dox Ukrainian military he’s doing that because he doesn’t like the guys who serve in there because he’s like butt hurt that they didn’t get along or something or they didn’t think he was

    Like a massive hero but that’s the thing it’s like people like that are dangerous because if you’re stupid enough to go and docks or if you’re malicious enough to go and like and endanger an entire Brigade of people at the front because you are butt hurt over some guys not

    Liking you that’s ins insane that’s insane like actually insane um yeah so that’s sort of my oh thank you so much thank you Ray so that’s kind of like you know that’s that’s where I’m at with that and uh yeah and I’ve from my end you know like I’ve reported it

    Everywhere that it could have been reported and uh obviously there are a lot of people like that uh well maybe not every single one of them you know gives out locations of full military bases uh at the front line but uh there are a lot of people who steal footage

    And docs stuff like that um so the sbu has a really long list um uh the sbu has a really um long list okay Sakura he also is scamming uh Al righty he’s also scamming the uh what’s it phas the VA the Veterans Affairs for money because he is

    Basically faking the the severity of his disability to get money to travel around and uh you know War tourist War tourist and do things like that so yes there are quite a few things that are uh that are within American jurisdiction because this guy is committing quite a few

    Crimes both internationally and in the United States so here’s the thing instead of lecturing me on something that I might know more about than you do how about don’t do that because that’s kind of an appropriate and rude and if I’ve asked for American law enforcement people and I’ve asked for them

    Particularly for a reason then I know why I’m asking for that okay and it sounds quite like demeaning and and annoying when someone doesn’t know all the information listens to like a a few bits that you willing to share on the internet um and is like and is literally

    Telling you what you’re doing right or wrong well if you work in that field then you know uh then you know it’s um it’s um it’s Pro you’re you probably be quite alarmed that someone is St grumpy don’t don’t like don’t do that grumpy that’s excessive um like please stop

    Overlocking people um but yeah but so basically if you work in that and nice to meet you DJ Ukraine if you work in that field then you would that it it would probably ring a bell for you if someone’s if someone’s scamming the VA right but anyways um hi Kurt uh also hi

    Brandy and hi Nicole and Armen Armen is up with the quote um quote of the day did you file a report with the FBI yes we did uh so on YouTube here because I’m also simultaneously doing this on YouTube there is Armen and Arman sends a

    Quote of the day every single time that he watches this live and uh which is almost every day and these quotes are always very endpoint and they’re very great and I really personally really adore them so I’m going to read it out bitterness imprisons life love releases it bitterness paralyzes life love

    Empowers it bitterness sour life love sweetens it bitterness sickens life love heals it bitterness blinds life love anoints its eyes Harry Emerson fosk the man is bitter to the point of insanity hopefully he’s arrested soon so I really I really love um I really do love armen’s quotes because they always very

    Much fit the fit fit the subject I guess like today’s is a little different than normal because we were talking about someone being bitter and someone’s you know someone’s actions like that but normally they’re quite related to the ongoing events in Ukraine and the war and um Russia and Russian aggression and

    Russian people and stuff like that but it’s a fantastic quote and also you know Armen I believe Armen is self-proclaimed as the quote guy in one of his social medias I won’t say which one because I don’t know if he wants me to but uh he

    Is in fact a quote guy and I uh I’m very fascinated by how many quotes Forman can just you know get out of his back pocket uh so yeah that’s kind of that if uh you know if you don’t want to lecture me on uh if

    You you don’t want to lecture me on what to report and where but you do but you do have suggestions and ideas please do reach out to me on Instagram or through email um and I will uh certainly respond to you and uh we can you know and we can uh discuss

    This situation because I would love help on it I absolutely hate the fact that there is someone just looking for fame and profiteering off the war and they’re doing it so publicly and also trying to position themselves as a victim uh also I need to go turn off my uh washer or

    Actually put it on like a drying mode if you don’t mind because it’s going to continue making that noise and it’s going to drive me crazy it might not drive you crazy but it’s not an alarm no it’s a it’s a it’s a washer dryer thing

    So every time it’s done with the cycle it starts letting me know that it’s done with the cycle so um give me one second oh it’s driving me crazy it’s driving me crazy too so let me go put it on on like a drer mode and I’ll be back also like

    You don’t understand you know I’m from New York the fact that I have a washer that has a drier function in it like the fact that I have a washer indoors and I can just wash things like I no longer get upset when my dog pees on something

    In fact she hasn’t been peeing on anything and I’m just kind of like really so when I had to walk like a couple of blocks to the laundromat you were like gung-ho on being on my pillows and doing all these things and now that I have a freaking washer and a dryer

    Indoors now you decided this is not a thing you like to do thanks cdy that’s great but anyways I do have a washer and dryer so this is like peak of of just being so happy with life for me so I’m going to go attend to my washer and

    Dryer and I’m going to be back in two seconds S y so yes now my lovely little dog doesn’t do anything okay and when I lived in New York and I had no washer and dryer in unit cuz in Ukraine it’s hard to find an apartment where you don’t have a washer and dryer in unit in

    New York it’s hard to find one with it like it has to be like a luxury building or whatnot you know and yeah and now she’s decided that she’s done peeing on things and I’m like thanks bud that’s very sweet of you and timely okay we’re gonna dive in

    To the news about Ukraine but before that I will remind you that we are fundraising for um so for now I didn’t permanently move to Ukraine so people will keep asking this question did you move to Ukraine so I didn’t permanently move to Ukraine um it’s kind of like

    Permanently moving back to Ukraine during a war is really not the best idea because you really never know what’s going to happen so I didn’t permanently move here I am planning on staying here most of the time I do have to go back to the US once in a while because of my

    Green card um and also because I have so much there but um I you know I’m going to be here for a couple of months and then I’m going to go back to the US for like a month or so and that’s and that’s

    Kind of how it’s going to be this year I hope that to be in Ukraine more and in the US less okay uh I would like to go to Ukraine one day I um I’m sure you will also someone was writing something in Russian and I don’t speak Russian Bud

    Um so yeah um yeah I know for 12 months continuous hi smiley hi hydrocarbon oh my gosh okay so uh let me remind you that we are fundraising for six DJI mavic 3 Pro drones for six separate for third separate assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and that fundraiser is

    Running if you are on Tik Tok you can go to my linkoln bio and there is a link to the fundraiser and it’s um and it’s uh you can you can donate through PayPal there through venmo through revolute through uh monab Bank through all other

    Means and and uh or if you have uh or if you have um uh donated to uh if you have donated to my PayPal or venmo before you can just do that and uh just write that it’s for the drones we are currently at um $395 which is almost two drones it’s

    Like uh it’s like $1,000 shy from being two uh DJI drones and uh if you are on high Neils and if you are on YouTube then here is uh here is ah the comment from grumpy that I’m going to pin with the fundraiser link so that’s that I don’t speak I believe

    That is Mandarin I do not speak Mandarin so I don’t know what you’re saying um so yeah so basically if you’d like to donate to uh the drones for third separate assault initiative they are uh the link is in my Linkin bio on Tik Tok if you don’t know what I’m talking about

    Oh and every donation that comes during the stream is announced and they are normally posted also well so every time every day on the stream I um I announce the amount I normally also post it on Twitter but it’s been you know it’s been it’s been quite quite a weekend so if

    You go to my link in BIO which is beacons doai over here so you click here oh gosh you click here and you go down here this is the fundraiser and you can donate through all of these methods there is a PayPal link a Mona bank link a revolute link

    And there is also copy paste over here that explains to you what the money is for and what it’s going to be going towards and how it’s going to be what’s going to happen with it basically so if you’d like to donate your donation is going to be announced every donation

    That comes during the stream is announced everything else is just summarized um normally I do frequent posts on on Twitter but I haven’t really been getting any donations outside um outside uh outside of the streams so there hasn’t really been a need to post uh to post uh you know uh follow-ups on

    Twitter because there has not really been anything coming in uh when it’s not stream time so uh there is there were a couple of questions that I missed so let me see so how is Vil uh Vil is good he’s just working and he is uh you know he’s

    He’s great he’s doing very good you’re supporting direct war effort dude I live in Ukraine I’m Ukrainian born and raised and our direct war effort is uh defending ourselves from Russia and if you think I’m a con artist then just block me and move on that’s all

    Um sure oh you’re supporting direct war effort yes because you know um reconnaissance drones are direct war effort and also you know it’s okay to support refugees right but it’s not okay to support the armed forces that prevent them from becoming refugees but it’s okay to buy water and

    Blankets um I’m glad you’re both doing well I’ve been a silent follower for a long time I remember you coffee mom like we we we’ve interacted a couple of times I remember your profile picture but um it’s really good to see you okay so we are going to oh my gosh B bandaan

    Andreich followed me and I wonder if that is a if that is a Ukrainian who is Russian speaking you’re a Russian who’s trolling but like you know B which is you know we all know who that is do you think you’ll be having Wikipedia back on yes I will be having

    Wikipedia back on the problem with having Wikipedia on is that Wikipedia from aov so VL dri not Wikipedia the website uh is that I need to be closer to where he is because he’s very busy and I am going to go ahead and diagnose him with

    ADHD because he just does like a lot of things at the same time and he’s always like overwhelmed and busy and just doing 55 different things and he wants to see you and he wants to meet you and he wants to do things with you and he says

    Yes to everything but he’s like just not there and so unless you are there to um oh hi hi Georgia hi um so basically if you’re not there to literally like walk him in hand uh he’s not gonna he’s not going to do it so when I’m in in Kev in February

    Is when I I I’m uh going to because when I was there hi Christina cuz when I was there it was super easy to like get him to do things it’s just not easy when I’m like when I’m at a different place I wonder if he knows Roman he probably knows of Roman

    But I don’t know they served so Wikipedia is from aob and uh Roman is from third separate assault these are two separate these are two separate things they were in very separate locations too um I don’t think they would have crossed paths also Roman uh joined the military I believe with the fullscale

    Invasion and Wikipedia has been a professional Soldier beforehand so while Roman joined the military Wikipedia was probably already in cap in captivity in Russia so I don’t know if they know each other uh so yeah so uh also anyone who wants to uh anyone who wants so here is

    A little rule of thumb um you know I don’t uh I don’t tell people what to do with their lives and I don’t tell people what to do with their language but I don’t speak Russian and there is no indication anywhere on my profile that I speak Russian my first language is

    Ukrainian I’m speaking English on this live so I find it so godamn disrespectful when people come in especially Ukrainian people who know how to speak Ukrainian come into my live and they’re like starting to write to me in Russian like bro what makes you think I speak Russian it says I’m Ukrainian on

    My profile and all of my videos are in English I haven’t spoken Russian in a single video why do you think I speak Russian please stop speaking Russian to me I’m I’m from leiv for sake like my native language is Ukrainian and like I find it so weird

    That it’s like a normal default thing like it’s the second year of the fullscale invasion it doesn’t say anywhere on my profile that I’m in any way connected to Russia or Russian language why do you continuously keep insisting on writing to me in Russian I don’t speak

    It like I’m from the most westernmost City in this country like I went to a Ukrainian School I literally have never taken a single class of Russian language in my life that’s actually God honest truth my grandparents speak Russian I don’t yeah but see that’s fine ultimately Frost like that’s totally

    Fine but that’s but that doesn’t like your your wife speaks Russian because she was only taught Russian I don’t speak Russian nor do I ever indicate that I do so when someone comes into my live and it says I’m Ukrainian right and they know I’m Ukrainian obviously and

    They choose to speak Russian to me it’s weird to me because like dude I’m literally talking about Ukraine and Ukrainian war effort and while you might not know whether I speak Russian or Ukrainian because most of my my videos are in English why do you start your conversation with me in

    Russian wooden default language for a Ukrainian be Ukrainian I think so or it should be yes and also we just got a donation on a better note for the uh for the third separate assault Brigade we got $25 and uh from Scott you know what I’m

    Just going to say your first name and not say your last name that way I’m not actually doxing you and no one knows who you are because your name might not be the same on your your handle and it might not be the same because I always

    Feel so bad because I don’t know if people want me to announce their names or not and some people very very much don’t want that so how about if you don’t want your name to be announced you tell me and if you don’t mind then H by

    Default I’m just gonna say your first name so thank you Scott uh and thank you Cat does this thing work just checking okay so we received $35 total from Scott and Cat and uh that makes it 3,00 940 for drones uh so now that I’ve stopped yelling also that medication really does

    Help because I don’t know those of you who have seen me yesterday and the night before that like you remember I was literally dying like I was my battery was so low um uh what are the most recent updates that’s what I’m going to be uh that’s

    What I’m going to be talking about right now I will respond to so this is a very popular question and I’m not surprised it’s popular but so um very often ukrainians ask me how I learned English and whether I give English lessons and stuff like that I’m not a teacher I’m

    Not uh I’m not an educator of any kind uh in that way so no I don’t give English lesson English language lessons I’ve never I’ve never done that it’s really not my cup of tea I don’t know how to teach people a language so no I

    Don’t do that uh short answer is uh first of all I’m I speak six languages languages come easy for me some some people are good at math some people are good at like coding some people are good at music I’m good at languages and I’m good at like pronunciations I um I do

    Voiceovers for United 24 I host a podcast so naturally uh I’ve discovered recently actually that I’m very good at like you know making noises and voices and stuff like that I can do a bunch of different accents I can kind of talk like that too so like you know I just

    I’m very good at morphing my voice and um I speak English since I was four or something like that I learned it from a yes hder kman well five now okay I speak five languages now because I I know six but I only speak five um and uh I speak

    English since I was uh since I was four and I learned it in leiv here but I learned it from a native speaker so technically I’m almost like a native speaker so um I don’t know know how to recommend someone how I don’t know um I can’t recommend to someone to learn um

    To learn like I don’t know what advice to give you because I really didn’t have to sort of do that at like a at an older age right I did it as a kid and kids are sponges they absorb everything so um so yeah but um but I can say

    Uh what six languages so I speak uh Ukrainian I speak Polish I speak English I speak German and I speak Italian um I do not however anymore speak Russian and I don’t want to speak Russian and because um I actually am looking for a sixth language to learn but I haven’t

    Had the time but I really want to see if I can uh learn a language now because most of these languages I’ve learned when I was younger but I do think that like I have a pretty good feel for languages so I have a base there as well especially with romantic languages Hi

    Rebeis and um and I kind of want to see I was thinking ah um Japanese would be fun no okay like I’m not I’m not saying like launch myself into like a very different language group I’m thinking like maybe Portuguese is a cool language to learn

    You know I saw that that today was old Orthodox New Year okay so it’s not like an orthodox New Year it’s old new year so you basically say farewell to the previous year so it’s not like people used to celebrate New Year’s on this day

    No it’s like it’s a farewell to uh to the old year so it’s called Old New Year and uh my family doesn’t really ever celebrate it and now that we’re not necessarily Super Connect now that we’re like stepping away from all of these like Soviet Russian traditions we really

    Not you know we really not doing that Arabic is cool too um but yeah I yeah I was thinking maybe like Portuguese you know I was thinking start small like ease my feet into it um Lithuanian yeah Lithuanian could be cool would Bulgarian be on that list it

    It’s a sad with the history but my understanding it’s similar yeah Bulgarian is similar actually Bulgarian is pretty similar to Russia and uh I mean like so I don’t want to learn Slavic languages you know like I I want to learn something either romantic languages or something completely Nordic

    Languages um like Gaelic I would freaking learn Gaelic like I I want to actually like I would want to learn something ridiculous to be honest and by ridiculous I don’t mean like oh my gosh it’s so ridiculous I mean like something very like very Out Of Reach you know

    Learn Swedish French yeah so I I took up French I mean French could be F like I have some base for French but that’s the thing I feel like I don’t you know like I don’t speak enough French but I have a base for French so it’s sort of like I’m

    Not that interested you know which is stupid which makes no sense but I’m sort of like I just want to I want to like I want to take on something completely new uh but yeah okay anyways uh Russian media reported a mass blackout in ROV andon also there have

    Been reports from various cities in Russia that like it’s so cold their ceilings are cracking and uh the snow is like falling into their Apartments which is insane but you know just a normal day in Russia and it’s been really cold in Russia in the past like couple of months

    And they have no heating they have no hot water they have no anything of that sort and a lot of them are like writing you know they’re writing these notes to the government on their balconies on these like huge uh on these like huge poster boards that say we are freezing

    Because they they call their you know their local like electric providers and stuff like that and no one’s really reacting reacting to their uh to their to their cries for help and you would think that this is somewhere um somewhere so you would think this is somewhere like far distant like far far

    Away in Russia it isn’t a lot of these places are like not that far away from Moscow um Winters are pretty harsh in Moscow Winters are pretty harsh in St Petersburg like Russia the way that it’s located it’s yes Siberia is obviously the worst that’s like just freaking

    Antarctic but um comparable too but um but yeah but Russia in general is a very cold place and uh realistically if you get out of like Moscow s St Petersburg yurg and those like bigger cities uh and I don’t mean most bigger cities I mean actually mostly St Petersburg and

    Moscow because the other big cities are they’re not very developed but they’re just not nearly as as everything else like you drive 50 kilometers out of Moscow and you are you would think that you are far deep in like no man’s land there are people living without roofs

    Without electricity have you ever been to so if if any of you have ever been to Baltimore there is this neighborhood in Baltimore that’s like that 10 years ago or or nine or eight years ago was one of the I think eighth most dangerous um neighborhood in America uh hi TDS uh and

    Uh it um so it was uh eighth most dangerous neighborhood in America and when I went there I drove past it and there was a this situation where people would live in these buildings without roofs they would you would see like there is no roof in a building and then there is a

    TV there somehow um there is like spider webs everywhere and it’s it’s it’s really just a very very crazy neighborhood so that’s most of Russia if you not in Moscow or St Petersburg so yeah they have been uh reporting power outages blackouts uh snow falling through the

    Roof uh Frozen Frozen um you know like building entrances and hallways and stuff uh it’s like raining inside of their apartments and I mean like you would think like oh these people are finding these one-of-a-kind sort of scenarios and trying to pose them or paint them as if it’s like a normal

    Thing no these are very very very very widespread occurrences this is not a one-of-a-kind scenario like obviously you could probably find that in Ukraine somewhere too where you know someone’s roof wasn’t fixed um or like they did a botch botched job like you can find that

    In the US like Weir stuff happens but this is such a normal thing in Russia like that’s just what happens to them all the time because no one gives a single so yeah hi cheesy Baltimore do be rough yes Baltimore is pretty rough European Farmers uh called in Brussels to limit

    The import of Ukrainian products six years European agricultural organizations have published a joint declaration calling for restrictions on the import of Ukrainian products into the EU uh organizations proposed to introduce mechanisms that would help determine uh the destination of Ukrainian products and ensure they get there and also introduce import

    Thresholds based on the level of average values for 2021 2022 in the spring of 2022 the European Union temporarily suspended customs duties on imports from Ukraine Now farmers believe that this threatens their survival so I’ve touched on this a while back explaining why this is such a big deal for farmers in the

    Um in the um uh in the EU first of all Ukraine is a huge country and we also have um and we also have uh one of the uh largest uh oh my gosh sorry C is so cute I just saw her and she’s adorable um Ukraine has one of the largest um

    Quantities of um or like one of the largest square mileage of world’s richest black soil it’s 30% of world’s richest black soil so Ukraine is like the sort of country that you know um one of the and I’m going to be very blunt here right now and it’s and it’s

    Reality right um um Russia’s always wanted Ukraine because Ukraine has all these resources we have access to Sea we have mines we have natural elements we have grains we have uh vegetables we have everything we have Metals we have Stones we have gas we have oil we have

    Everything we just happen to be in this like place where everything is here and so Russia has always wanted it because want the resources but here is the thing so does the West in a way it’s like it’s not profitable for anyone for anyone for Ukraine to be an independent country

    That um that supports itself so I do think that a lot of these countries in a way the reason why they’re stalling the reason why they don’t want to give Ukraine everything Ukraine needs the reason um the reason why uh there is so much kind of like back

    And forth and so many and we’re not like the reason why we’re being helped but also not helped enough right is because because like it’s not necessarily super convenient right and um for instance if Ukraine gets when Ukraine gets into the EU it’s going to be really bad for most farmers in most

    Of the EU because one uh so you Ukraine supplies in Ukraine raises and uh produces uh and produces enough chicken meat in one state in Ukraine like in one obliss for the entirety of the EU and that also happens with a lot of other

    Produce and with a lot of a lot of other like materials and a lot of other natural resources and stuff like that um Can someone block this stroll please I’m just like so I’m just so tired of them also hi there’s so many of you trollos you know what I love you think

    You’re pissing me off but the but the um but the funniest thing about all of this is that like I love when there are lots of trolls because I know I’m doing I’m doing something right because I’m pissing them off and they’re sitting there and they’re watching is that on

    Tik Tok yes it is of course all the trolls are always on Tik Tok they never they never come in here they only come in here when I blocked them enough times on Tik Tok then they try looking uh looking for me in other in other places and they’re like yeah I’m

    Ukrainian and it’s like but you have eight accounts and I’ve blocked you eight times and now you’re on YouTube on 10 accounts that you switch within 10 seconds yeah you’re not Ukrainian you’re a Russian bot um trolls just feed the algorithm exactly which is a very you know what I love trolls literally

    Disappear when I start mentioning fundraisers so here we go again if you would like to donate for drones for third separate assault Brigade here is the link right here right there grumpy pinned it on YouTube but if you would like to do that on Tik Tok then you can do that through

    My link in BIO it’s beacons doai fundraiser or you can go to the link and bio and you can go to the fundraiser you can read everything about it and uh every donation helps 5 10 15 20 however many dollars um no donation is too small and no donation is too big

    And every single donation is going to be announced and uh on live and I’m going to give you the Telly which at this time we are at $3,940 and that is about um and that is H about $1,000 short from two uh DJI mavic drones which are great reconnaissance drones which are super

    Helpful and this fundraiser has been running for a while and I haven’t really been super you know I haven’t been been uh pushing it as as much as I normally do because I’ve been sick and I’ve been traveling back to Ukraine and it’s just been like you know it’s been a um it’s

    Been a rough it’s been a bit of a rough time and uh I have a food poisoning so you know if you have the ability to donate C she just woke up from her she just like barked in her sleep B if you have the ability to donate please do and um and

    Uh uh what other drones are used um oh there are many there’re also fbv drones I mean there are tons of different drones there are combat drones which you’re not going to be able to buy just like that there are firstperson view uh drones yes I am in Ukraine um there are

    Um there are oh my gosh I don’t know so DJI mavic are like the best drones there are also there’s also this other company and I constantly keep forgetting its name but honestly like different drones are good for different uses uh does the same kind of fundraiser

    It’s awesome yeah yeah he’s good he’s great I um I really appreciate him uh there are quite a few foreigners that and quite a few like YouTube creators that um that do that and that’s really cool okay uh so uh someone sorry someone asked me to show to show them my dogs so

    Let me just quickly do that on YouTube and then I’ll do that on Tik Tok because oh c is so cute sorry Sydney is being super cute right now and I don’t know what to do about that okay sin look at look at her Bubba sorry she’s adorable

    Um this is syny and then this is Bud okay well she’s too busy barking at whatever it is she doesn’t live live live um I do use Visa and MasterCard but but like you can’t really transfer just straight to Visa or master master card you have to use like an application like

    PayPal or venmo or something which I have both um but let me show you here as well because obviously live there’s no dude there’s no one there excuse you do you want to go back to sleep and this is sin yeah so that’s that’s that okay live honey bunnies

    Live um you can donate straight to monab bank if you would like and you can use a a card for that if that works for you and yes these are SLA and ciney and they are very freaking funny and adorable and crazy and uh you know they they’re just

    Something and live like Stark at everything oh hi nlin Sweden is actively constructing submarines to patrol the btic sea fortifying NATO’s Eastern borders against pot potential Russian naval operations as reported by Politico I mean that makes sense honestly I don’t have a lot of commentary to that because

    Sweden and Finland and the baltics oh my gosh sorry I have to take a picture of s because she’s so cute sorry SEC S I mean live stop it oh my gosh so cute look at that look at that look how cute you’re just like oh Bubba you’re so adorable I’m

    Sorry you’re so cute Bubba sorry SNY you’re such a little model when are you going to start making money when are you going to start your modeling career oh my gosh we got another donation and it is let me tell you Michael send so it can rain drones it’s raining

    DRS hallelujah it’s raining GRS so we got a $50 donation from Michael thank you very much and we are at $3,990 for the Drone fundraiser for third separate assault Brigade why aren’t you on the front line why didn’t you have a life why why aren’t you

    Um why aren’t you trying to fix a toilet right now is it possible to send donations for humanitarian Aid uh yes uh rasm for Ukraine does humanitarian aid aid they do ifax for uh combat Medics so the people that patch up soldiers but also here’s the thing like I do want to

    Say can I ask like I genuinely want to find out for those of you who are not um comfortable with donating for military needs uh can I ask you why could you tell me like for instance like you’re not donating for weapons right like none of us civilians ever like raise money

    For weapons um we we’re not able to we trust me we would we need those but uh also thank you JJ um thank you so much for gifting me membership on uh on YouTube but for those of you who are not comfortable donating to the military can you please tell me

    Why because um in Ukraine for instance right most of the people who ended up in the military are civilians we don’t strike Russian civilians we don’t kill anyone we repel The Invasion and the people that are on the front lines today most of them were liter literally in it

    Ballet dancers like this is not propaganda it’s it’s real because we did not have enough of a military to repel an invasion this large and so when you donate for the military you never your money never ends up buying weapons your money ends up buying protective gear your money ends up buying reconnaissance

    Drones your money ends up buying um socks your money ends up buying plate carriers your money ends up buying um you know hand warmers uh like what have we done thermals um car vehicles you know to to get wounded soldiers out of the battlefield I really do highly encourage

    You to um to listen to my episode of Ukraine war brief which is a podcast I host it’s available in my Lincoln bio otherwise you can look up Ukraine war brief on Google Spotify YouTube um Apple podcasts wherever you like listening to podcasts and there is an episode uh with Daniel Ridley it’s

    Probably like 10 episodes back so Daniel Ridley is the founder of um of the Trident Defense Initiative which trains soldiers in Dem mining in drone operations and most uh first and foremost in in um uh field field medicine so combat Medics right so um he talks about the

    Importance of all this gear and the importance of all these things on the battlefield because so many people die because Ukraine is not Afghanistan Ukraine is not American Military it’s not a NATO military we don’t have Evac helicopters we don’t have Evac mobiles we don’t have um we don’t have um any of

    These things and uh a lot of people end up dying because we don’t have armored personnel carriers and and when you think armored personnel carrier it sounds super military to you but that’s actually just an armored vehicle that helps you evacuate wounded people from the B Battlefield is one of its main

    Missions so um I do highly encourage you to to look that up and uh you say I just feel like humanitarian Aid is really needed right now well so actually most of the aid that is needed right now is um aid for um for the military like

    Genuinely and I don’t mean like I mean yes our military needs arms and stuff like that but I mean it’s winter so a lot of them need winter uniforms a lot of them need uh socks a lot of them need uh thank you Ashley and thank you notabot a lot of them need

    Um gear a lot of them need um a lot of them need uh thermal devices a lot of them need protection from being seen by thermal devices so in fact the military needs it the most and when you think about it like the military really is civilians because for instance my

    Classmate a person that I know since elementary school that I’ve known since both of us were six years old he got drafted like two days ago and he is now in Mia and uh he’s he’s about he’s tomorrow he’s going to be joining the unit and he

    Had just took an O just taken an oath he he was a ER he he’s a philosophy major person he graduated Philosophy from one of the like you know leading universities in Ukraine and what he’s been doing since the beginning of the fullscale invasion is he’s been volunteering with an American

    Organization and he’s been uh collecting humanitarian Aid and he’s been planning Dem mining projects and he’s been doing like a lot of work like that and his background is philosophy he’s at the front uh but when buildings for instance are destroyed people are suffering are injured yes but the people that come to

    Them to help them are medics in the military and the Medics are in the military so for instance you want to donate so ukrainians so a lot of Ukrainian companies and a lot of Ukrainian uh stores and stuff like that will donate you know bandages and will

    Donate food and will donate water and stuff to uh refugees or to internally displaced persons but if you need uh but if you uh are talking about like a help and stuff like that uh and people being helped then military and the Medics are going to be the first people on the

    Scene so First Responders so uh when you donate to the military you very often uh donate to First Responders as well but yeah I mean listen I’m not trying to change your mind I’m just trying to explain the situation uh also you guys we got uh two two new donations both to totaling

    Together let me tell you 2560 so $85 together it totaled um8 uh $85 so we are at $4,075 so that is less than $1,000 short uh from two drones look at you guys so $475 is where we are at thank you Charles and thank you I think it was

    Ashley let me see because because I just saw a little notification and I think it started with a but I might be wrong so let me let me check oh I need to turn on VPN of course I do um yeah no of course I mean I do I think

    That there I think that these things are good to explain because uh you know it’s like if you’re not here or if you’re not exposed to it in your daily life then how would you know um Ashley yes thank you Ashley and thank you not a you guys rock you are

    Awesome okay uh Canadian company relle defense reported that it currently has more than 100 Senator armored vehicles of various modifications and they’re ready for delivery to various different countries live live hey bud live hey live give me one second I think my dad is here one sec you guys and we got

    Another donation for $20 one sec Pap guys away Um hey one sec you guys one sec hey dogs can you hey hey hey hey hey get away get away go in yeah what what what spe live um hey guys my neighbor came over and uh my washer is leaking and so it’s leaking off of his ceiling so I need a second

    Okay just like a moment Li stop f sh e St Live can you not be anymore hi hello well um so my washer has issues and it’s always had issues and now it’s started leaking um and so for that matter I had just been visited by my downstairs neighbor who was like hey it’s raining down my ceiling can I see what’s up in

    Your bathroom and I’m like uh sure so uh he has now seen what’s up in my bathroom and um and um uh I need to call a Uh washer a mechanic tomorrow or like a plumber whatever uh yeah but uh he was very nice about it to be honest if it was raining down my ceiling I’d be like what the and he was like hi nice to meet you I’m your downstairs neighbor can I see

    What’s going on in your bathroom he wiped it too and I was like you don’t have to do that I can do it and he’s like no it’s okay I’ll do it and I was like that’s very nice okay well um uh where were we okay so the Canadian company Rochelle

    Defense reported that it currently has more than 100 Senator armored vehicles of various modifications ready for um for delivery to different countries one of those countries is Ukraine but previously people had thought that all of these vehicles are going to Ukraine and it’s not all of them it’s just some grumpy is

    He single grumpy he’s like older than my dad okay he’s older than my dad is asking me if my neighbor is single grumpy are you interested because in my case he’s older than my dad in your case he’s younger than you so yes he might be single I don’t know but um

    While I was while I was over there trying to figure out the situation with the uh with um my machine Jason and Kenny both donated um wait was it yes ah was it one second it might have been one second I might be yeah Jason and and

    Kenny both donated some total of $50 which brings us to $4,125 Which is less than eight less than $800 away from two DJI mavic 3 Pro drones and if you don’t know what I’m talking about because you were stuck here waiting for me to come back

    While I was trying to not flood my neighbor um I am talking about a fundraiser for drones for third separate assault Brigade and uh the link to those drones is in my is in my bio to the fundraiser to drones is in my bio bio and you can donate through revolute you

    Can donate through venmo you can donate through PayPal you can donate through monab bank the monab bank and revolute is going to be counted into the total on Twitter that I post uh because it doesn’t show me notifications immediately and the PayPal and venmo donations are going to be announced on

    Stream let me pick up Liv and you can look at her and I can pick her up and she can like stop being so crazy because she’s very unhappy and she doesn’t like people in this apartment she doesn’t like people period She Likes doggies she likes doggies she doesn’t like people

    She likes me it’s quite strange you know cuz I’m not that likable right buba for some reason you like me and I don’t know why I’m not that likable if you would stop barking and yelling do your dogs understand both English and Ukrainian this one understands Ukrainian

    The other one understands English and I don’t know what to do with it like I really don’t know what to do with it live Bubba Bubba hi Bubba okay go go Bud listen I just wanted you to I just wanted you to feel feel better cuz you were stressed okay

    But you were fat and you were very heavy and I can’t hold you very very long and I’m not fat sh shaming her she does need to lose weight theet told me she’s like she’s a she’s a Bubba she’s quite big she’s big boned and she’s overweight so you know um all righty

    Telephone book tour uh bum bum bum okay so so Russia has been turning off heat in Russian prison colonies so uh the Russian prisoners are more willing to go fight in Ukraine because I mean you know it’s cold and they’re not happy so might as well that’s a tactic if I’ve ever

    Seen one Sweden is going to increase production of 155 mm ammunition for Ukraine an agreement uh an agreement between the defense M material material Administration and ammunition manufacturer Namo a Nama you know in Roman dialect of Italian N means no which means let let’s

    Go and it’s n so I mean it said it’s very different I mean it’s written very different but still it’s like Nal Nal the military industrial complex of Bulgaria operates around the clock with a substantial Port portion of its production being supplied to Ukraine as reported by voice of

    America Bulgaria provides Ukraine with Soviet era weapons that remain in operational condition requiring no additional training for the military additionally there is a continuous 24-hour production of ammunition Bulgarian defense minister toror tagar expressed his belief that with adequate support from thei civilized World Ukraine has the potential to secure

    Victory and restore its territorial Integrity yay Sweden yes and yay Bulgaria did you tell your neighbor it’s actually reigning drones imagine this guy is like imagine this like typical Galan Ukrainian you know from hich man comes in and he’s like hey sorry uh you know like there is

    A raining from my ceiling I think something is like leaking in your bathroom and you’re like it’s raining drones Hallelujah yeah it’s raining drones and he’s like no no I’m sorry like I I’m here because you know there is actually a problem like it is literally raining in my apartment

    Because of something that’s going on in your bathroom and you’re like raining it’s raining drums Hallelujah and then like U this this dude is just like okay you know what I’m going to call I’m going to call the police or something and have them deal with

    That just like hey sorry I don’t speak Ukrainian I’m just like a dumbass American raining what’s raining ceiling ceiling I haven’t learned that word yet Z worked for several days with the military on the front line the commander and chief together with the chief of the general staff

    Said shaala worked for several days in the areas of responsibility of the operational strategic groups of the tavria and Odessa troops they also worked out in detail the issues regarding the situation in the Black Sea let the bues the Flor I eat crayons and everything you’re a marine that’s that’s that’s that’s a

    Feature you guys have I get it uh but yeah I mean hey actually you know interestingly and well I guess it’s not really that interesting or not that surprising but uh so in a lot of uh situations in which I don’t want to interact with someone like you know people on the

    Street or someone like annoying me or something like that I just literally I just literally start talking to them in English and I say that I don’t speak Ukrainian and they and they and they just don’t talk to me like older people especially like sometimes when you’re like at a super

    Market or you’re at a store or something and there’s like an old person and they’re not like they don’t need help like no like there there have been people that are old and very sweet and they were asking me to help them like read the prices because they don’t have

    Their glasses and stuff that’s fine I’ve helped but if it’s just like someone like trying to have a conversation about like nothing and I’m just like not in the mood I literally just I’m just like excuse me what and they’re just like and they repeat their thing and I’m just

    Like oh I’m so sorry I don’t speak Ukrainian and I and they move on and I move on you know and they’re probably like oo American and I’m like Yay I’m not going to be talking about the weather for 35 minutes I’m not try like to be fair I do

    Talk to anytime an old person needs help I help them anytime like anyone really needs help I help them but like one thing that I can’t do is like I can’t do awkward small talk in like a store with random people who just want to talk

    About like the weather I can’t do it I just can’t do it I say I’m American or like those people in and that try to sell you those like bracelets the blue and yellow bracelets and they say that they’re they’re from like a charity they’re not that that’s how they’re

    Making money for themselves so I just speak English and they try like explain something in English and it’s like very very broken and I just and I’m just like sorry bro DB American don’t get you uh sorry I’m an American Refugee oh my gosh yes Refuge yesterday for you for

    Those of you guys who weren’t here there was some troll who came in and was and was like why how you so reach and refuge he meant like you know how are you a refugee and Rich I don’t know what made him feel like I’m rich I think it’s the

    Espresso again it might be the espresso again or like I don’t know the presence of electricity in my apartment but I was like they thought he thought I was in America and I was like well honey BN first of all I’m in Ukraine and he’s like I don’t think that’s true and I’m

    Like well you can think whatever you want I’m in Ukraine H secondly yes I mean there are a lot of American refugees in Ukraine these days a lot go on Tinder or Bumble so many American refugees but yes it’s a joke obviously in Davos the fourth meeting of

    The Ukrainian peace formula involves 81 countries and international organizations an increase from the pr previous 66 in Malta participants include 39 from Europe 18 from Asia 12 from Africa six from South America three from North America and two from Ocean Oceania uh or Oceania Americans come for the health

    Care to Ukraine yes I mean listen uh everyone comes for health care to Ukraine but Ukraine has really good healthare compared to the US the growing participation reflects a joint effort for a peace plan Switzerland’s Swift involvement is appreciated the focus uh the focus on the world order and Justice

    Addressing the consequences of Russian attacks in Ukraine ceasefires alone won’t end aggression Russians seek dominance Ukraine aims for peace ensuring survival Integrity sovereignty and development in two years Ukrainian forces reclaimed over 50% of occupied territory securing the Black Sea the peace sought must restore international law and Ukraine UK’s territorial

    Integrity the Davos meeting Builds on malta’s discussions focusing on points like withdrawal of Russian troops and environmental security plans include a Global Peace Summit and thematic conferences to finalize road maps special sessions in Davos will delve into food security and humanitarian aspects of the war gratitude is

    Expressed to K Claus Schwab be Bren and ignasio casis for their support um an espresso culture um a meeting of advisers on the peace formula took place in Davos this time representatives from 39 countries um uh were attended as we talked earlier and this this meeting was building on uh

    The third meeting in Malta where the initial Five Points of the Ukrainian peace for formula were addressed and Russians destroyed a grain storage facilities in vens using two guided aerial bombs uh the attack targeted a Grainery and a grain processing building fortunately the incident occurred at night when only

    Security guards were present and there were no reported casualty s buinov the head of the investigative Department of the har Region Police provided this information Bens is in um hake uh the Swiss foreign Ministry proposed to include the Russian Federation in the discussion of the Ukrainian peace formula is this a

    Joke sin what are you doing this was stated by Swiss foreign minister ignasio casis at the fourth meeting of National Security advisers in Davos it’s so funny how they try to include Russia in conversations about Ukrainian peace formula or whatnot because Russians don’t listen Russians don’t care for Ukrainian peace formula

    Russians don’t care for what Ukraine wants Russians don’t care for discussions their discussions go into here and go out here actually they go in here and go out from here maybe they go in here and go out from here I don’t even know uh probably like Russians

    Listen with their ass and they also sign papers with their ass as well because might as well shove it they don’t care involving Russia into the you know involving Russia in uh peace talks about Ukraine is really not going to help anybody not going to help Ukraine not g to help literally

    Anyone you’re just going to have to sit there and listen to Russia say their lunacy about you know Ukrainian Nazis and whatever uh in the Quest for a new PR agency in Ukraine in the fall of 2023 PepsiCo imposed restrictions barring any mention of war in its advertising prohibitions including

    References to war hostilities aggression military personnel Armed Forces support for Ukraine or the Ukrainian Army and negative connotations implying danger interestingly PepsiCo continues its operations in the Russian Market contributing $5 million in taxes to the Russian budget employing 20,000 staff and engaging 40,000 agricultural workers despite the formal discontinuation of

    Pepsi Cola sales the product is still available on Russian shelves through parallel import it um it is hilarious that they were trying to find a PR agency in Ukraine and they forbade ukrainians from T from mentioning any references to war in their advertising while we live

    In in the war and they’re trying to fix their image they need a PR agency because they didn’t leave uh Russia on time still haven’t left Russia and not only are they paying taxes in Russia not leaving Russia they’re also like oh we need a PR um we

    Need like a PR stunt in Ukraine that’s going to fix our reputation but also please don’t talk about the war at all yeah um you you very very Yeah Lily Allen gets me I think anyways you guys that is all I have for you for today h hi hi florenta um we are after all the donations today we are at we are at $4,125 which is phenomenal and really cool and we are less than $1,000 away

    From two drones I’m going to post that on Twitter in a in a little bit I’m sorry my dogs are having a bit of a you know a bit of a rough housing situation uh I do need to go because it is almost 1:00 a.m. and

    I am starting to feel a little sick again and um uh for those of you who missed the stream it’s GNA be on YouTube come watch it or rewatch it and uh also please listen to our podcast called Ukraine we’re brief uh so it’s it’s not a stomach ache it’s a food

    Poisoning oh my gosh yeah Romania right we’re in the same time zone and um and yeah so I uh so I will see you guys tomorrow I’m going to K on Tuesday night so I will be here and uh I need to like you know put these lovely things to

    Sleep and I shall see you tomorrow and thank you so much thank you for every everyone who donated you still can donate now or after the stream and it’ll all be on I will announce it on on Twitter or I will you know um I will

    Post the new tally on Twitter and uh I will see you tomorrow sorry I like you know at some point there Comes A Time in like my in my evening where I my battery dies and I like need to go to sleep and it’s a very new thing for me

    So all righty uh okay oh no hi Leno I am on YouTube though all right all righty bye guys good luck with your washing machine I need to call my dad and tell him okay bye wait


    1. Thank you for the stream, Yewleea! Sorry I had to miss the live due to Rick's marathon stream. 😄 Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦💙💛

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