The Hughes family is close-knit, their lives centering around their Florida cattle ranch. Visiting teenagers Jacob and Tyler are used to very different regimes, and they make sure everyone knows it. Within hours of arriving on the ranch, they discover that this won’t fly with Pat and Holly. With the Hughes parents keen to take an active role in both teens’ lives, the week rapidly becomes as emotionally testing as it is physically grueling. By the end of it, will the teens come away with more than just some sore arms from the “slosh pipe”?

    USA Season 3 Episode 8



    ▶ UK – Full Episodes:
    ▶ Australia – Full Episodes:
    ▶ That’ll Teach ‘Em – Full Episode:
    ▶ How Strict Parents Deal With LOVE, SEX & DATING:
    ▶ Teens get their bags searched:
    ▶ Alcohol is BANNED:
    ▶ Most Shocking Moments:

    Think you’ve got the World’s Strictest Parents? How do they stack up against these ones? From cutting logs to walking into ponds these parents have the answer to any disobedient teen. How would you survive against the World’s Strictest Parents?

    This episode of the world’s strictest parents grab that black tub meet the Hues from Christmas Florida cattle ranchers who believe families should pull together one two three for the next week they’ll take in two teams who refuse to be team players I’m not doing any of it you’re doing four now you’re

    Doing for it but will a week of rural discipline bite down and you better not get off of it get them back on side with their families everybody makes mistakes They go from 16 years old from Glendale Arizona walk over there turn the door handle open it and leave no one ever tells me what to do I’m gonna stand here now leave so I can watch TV Jacob’s main chore is to keep his room straight it’s

    Like pulling teeth to try to get Jacob to do anything I’ll help you eventually by then it will probably already done then it gets done if I keep pushing it he’ll go out and smoke a smoke about 10 a day I want all my kids healthy No One’s Gonna Be Healthy

    Everyone’s gonna die everyone’s gonna do what they want just leave it alone they can change a lot I think it’s because his father wasn’t in the picture there was no one there really stable for him my dad’s a straight up my biggest fear for Jacob is that he’s

    Not following the right way to succeed I’m Tyler I’m 17 here I’m from Anaheim California I’m starting off my phone watch me I dare you you’re not shutting off my phone my parents drive me crazy they don’t understand anything where is your logic go back to school and you will I she’s got so much attention it hurts to

    See her go down the river I’m done acid I’ve done shrooms as of today and tomorrow and this weekend all I am concerned about is Harvey it’s it’s so much fun go ahead and drug test me because the only thing that’s going to be in my system is weak if Tyler doesn’t

    Change I see her ending up in jail or in hospital Be good remember I really hope that Jacob has a lot more appreciation for the things he does have and his family I don’t like rules and I think if this family has rules I’m just like off bye I hope Tyler learned some respect for her mother and me and come back with a

    Better attitude I’m hopeful for that too this new family is definitely gonna have a hard time with me if I don’t like their rules I’m Pat Hughes and this is my wife Holly and our four girls Emily who is 17 Natalie who is 13. Avery who was also 13 and this is Addison who was five and we live in Christmas Florida right now I want you to go grab that

    Black tub and pull it into this Fitness Corral thing I’m a fourth generation beef farmer I’m also a second generation firefighter while I am starting to measure this out start nailing off the wire being a fireman has probably helped me be a better dad two hands there you go

    Pat is more of the disciplinarian ready one two three I’m the one who makes the rules but he’s the enforcer because of your spacings being off give me a lap with a slosh pipe on the softball field the slosh pipe is a piece of PVC pipe and it’s halfway filled with water did

    You make your bed this morning no they know if it doesn’t get done they get a punishment which means an extra chore I think you’re gonna remember to make your bed tomorrow yes ma’am everybody chips in got it that’s how a family Works empty the dishwasher put all this stuff away

    Clean the toilet good if we’ve got cows in the pens then we have to make sure the pens are clean the one thing that the teens coming here need to know is that they do not want to cross my husband Pat I am hustle up there and open that gate there’s no free

    Rides here let’s go help Daddy build the fence Foreign My first impression of Jacob I thought he was probably 12. well this is it I’m just like that I got parallel to the free cute girl I didn’t want to look at no ugly girl the entire time foreign this family is going to be crazy straight just look at look at this place

    What else is there to do other than be straight so em what do you think about the team’s coming I’m not going to do anything what’s gonna happen if they don’t listen get in trouble they’re gonna get in trouble Oh my god did I get myself into man Oh my God it’s all gross are you serious look at the dad he looks like a straight up when I saw the dad it reminded me of the Incredible Hulk hi guys what’s up first impression of the team boy was 110 pounds of attitude and I didn’t know how

    He could tote it all I’m Mr Pat I’m Tyler Mr Pat was just so stiff and scary this looks like a strict family these kids look miserable we’re gonna go inside real quick so bring your stuff and come on the front door the first thing that we wanted to do when the kids

    Got here all right come on in put your suitcases there please was go over our house rules with them it teaches the kids right from wrong everyone around here chips out this is not a sit on the couch kind of place there is absolutely no line no smoking and show respect to the

    People in our home and then there’s no cussing and no back talking when he was talking to us about the rules I thought this guy was gonna be a pain in my ass so you’re going to sign that we have gone over these rules the fact is that even though I signed

    This rules paper signatures don’t mean anything they can’t shove it up for all they want now the first thing we’re going to do is we’re going to work on the trust issue do you have anything in your bags cigarettes Tyler’s face was like oh no she knew she

    Was in trouble at that point do you have anything in your back okay what do you have in your bag nothing okay well let’s get it out and let’s look at it he didn’t say do you have anything in your pockets or in your possession on

    You you just say your bags so I told him the truth who packed this I did good night I don’t fold clothes now why don’t you come over here for me I haven’t checked what you got in your pockets let me see what’s in your pockets little brother you see that

    What’s in this one you really brought cigarettes into my home yes I did this is going in the trash we found the Ten of cigarettes Jacob started off on the wrong foot with me That dude ripped up my case he threw in my lighter he ripped up all my cigarettes he has nowhere to take my boy nothing in here I’m gonna find Really smoke too thank you for being honest that goes a long way all right so while you and I go do our lap once you get her situated and then we’ll be back I’ll show you to your room the slosh pipe looks simple and harmless but it’s half filled with water and so

    The water goes from end to end and it is incredibly tough to hold you’re going to give me one lap you’re going to walk from here all the way around now you being a skater you should be pretty strong I use my legs okay so go ahead and give me a

    Lap all the way around all right hold up right there why not I hate the pad he’s a hopefully you’ll never pick that up again I think Jacob will think twice about lying to me again your daughter killed these yeah how mean and you got them de-headed yeah

    They stuff them I’m living in a slaughterhouse for a week get on some work clothes and then come downstairs okay I’m definitely dreading tomorrow I don’t even want to know what we have to do coming up Tyler sit in the rocking chair until I tell you to get up the teams

    Push back at the field oh no but can they win the sit out I’m not doing those laps Rise and shine when we woke the kids up this morning I didn’t really know what to expect Jake Jake good morning Rising shine son hop up but they were downstairs in less than 10 minutes dressed ready for the day all right All right it’s fun because it’s like when you bring it inside and like you realize that you grew it it’s pretty cool I don’t really like planting gardens look at me Jake what I want out of you today is to stay positive all right people don’t like positive stuff every single

    Second especially planting a garden let’s get your gloves and we’ll meet back at the Garden so let’s go and just get everything pulled up All right we’re going to make a pile out there and what I’m going to do is I’m going to turn it into compost when we’re done you have to get out all this stuff yeah it’s hot I don’t want to pick dead weeds and bushes and those love bugs are always

    Mating each other and landing on you it’s disgusting you guys keep at it for a minute I’m gonna go check on Avery okay I’ll be right back this is the most stupidest thing I’ve ever heard of in my life planting a garden yeah is so go buy your own vegetables they’re

    Only like 69 cents I know right I’m done with it until they come back Tyler and Jake started cussing when my parents left that made me feel like they were disrespecting me uh that thing sucks stupid when I came back out I asked Natalie was there any rules broken and

    She said oh there was a lot of swearing going on are you having a bad attitude no I didn’t even say anything when I was gone you didn’t say anything what did I say I don’t know I’m asking oh I’ve just been doing this rules are

    Still rules whether I’m here or not I’ve been doing this are you gonna back talk Jake no look at me go do the slosh pipe wow really the back talk was getting to a point where things were getting a little bit out of control one time around above your head wow that’s two

    Miss Holly has no reason to tell me how to act ridiculous don’t really have to do two laps do you think you’ve learned your lesson yeah can we go back in there and have a positive attitude sure all right come on every single day day in and day out you

    Work I’m out here and you make me want to carry a pole around a softball field Jake what lose the attitude excuse me I said okay sorry why are you laughing I don’t know who’s funny what he’s saying it had me concerned by the tone which

    The teens were talking to my wife so I kind of hustled over there to see if she needed some help all I hear is your attitude when I’m walking out the barn are you kidding me that’s not flying at my house do you understand me yes sir you owe her an

    Apology Sorry Miss Holly thank you oh my gosh easy with the attitude I’m not having to talk Tyler I was working I wasn’t bad talking me now can you say something before you think I’m back talking no because you are okay no I don’t understand is how whenever

    Something happens you always think we’re back talking but we’re just trying to explain you and then you say slosh pipes doesn’t work the soft pipe is stupid I’m not doing any of it you’re doing four now you can do the flash pipe you’re doing four you’re doing four

    That’s five you’re doing fine okay you know what Tyler turn around go to the front yard sit in the rocking chair and you’re there until I tell you to get up these teens have survived by debating and arguing with their parents that’s not going to happen here you are not

    Going to talk to her like that again do you understand me I don’t understand how I was talking to him hit the field oh go go Mr Pat’s a big ass guy he’s really intimidating and he’s trying to be a tough guy you sit your butt down and you

    Better not get off of it Tyler come here this is where you sit until you do your laps okay I’m not doing those laps you either do the lap or you will sit here until your mother comes and gets you on Saturday okay well I do the lot mile uh

    So I thought I was sitting on same base was a better option than walking with a slosh pipe because if I walk with the slosh pipe it would prove that he wins the argument Thank you I am so hot and tired from sitting in this stupid chair in front of the house in the Sun what you doing I’m sorry being disrespectful thank you go do your I really have to do five that’s what he said I was really proud of her for that I

    Know that that took a lot for her to come and say Tyler’s walking around with a slosh pipe I just feel like I’m like I don’t know why she gave in it’s very frustrating you know that on both our parts as a young girl young adult gonna be very soon you don’t have much time left I really want you to learn how to be

    Respected all right finally she realized what was right and she did the right thing and I’m proud of her for that all right so where are we at one lap no where are we at where are me and you at softball fields it’s not really what I’m looking for

    The reason you’re over here is because of your attitude and your language and my question to you is are you ready to live by my rules uh I guess since I’m gonna be sitting here the entire time I guess I am going to do the lap and I

    Guess I’m gonna follow your rules it was really boring out there just sitting there on a base I’ll just do it foreign got a long road Coming up oh my God can the teens adjust to life on the ranch who wants pigs mayonnaise ever bacon Time to get up what’s up sunshine before we eat we gotta feed the cows so if we’re gonna eat they need to eat they’re cows they’re all like 500 pounds they’re not gonna die if they don’t eat before us but they attacked me if I’m afraid of

    Them I hope not what okay all right come on crazy let’s get to work we’re gonna start emptying the bags one at a time in the troughs pick it up a half asleep and I had to pick up this like 25 pound bag to feed some cows that I barely even know

    All right let’s go up to the house wash up and we’ll have some breakfast really cool having and someone cook breakfast for a family and everyone’s sitting down together we don’t eat breakfast at my house thank you Mom today we have to get a pig pen built I thought he was

    Absolutely crazy we have pigs coming so we have to get it built we have a lot of work to do today but I’m confident that by the end of the day we’ll have the pen built all right let’s go to work good scrubs see these big poles we’re going to put

    Small poles in between each one of them okay and we’re going to wire that all In come here Tyler we’re going to start with you you go on the ground and pull this out pull it down you start on that all right Jake let’s go get some poles all right Keep going doing good this is a man’s job I hate doing all this work it’s not like I’m gonna go back to the city and say what is a pig pen built huh anybody Foreign who wants pigs man except for bacon normal people don’t live like this right now I’ve gone from Mad to angry and the next step will be pissed off you want to try the pole or you think it’s too heavy for you way too heavy for me you sure

    Yeah I swear those fools are heavy I think you can do it you think I can lift this if I do something you didn’t think you could do nothing weighs more than me for sure cut down the very end I’m only 110 pounds this is probably 109 squat down put both

    Legs get underneath of it up get under it push it and all I’m doing is holding it for you push it up okay now spin it I’m gonna hold it and you can spin it You did it good job I’d rather be skating chill my friends smoking cigarettes and skating wherever oh my God that is that is a wrong word to say my friend go I think Jacob really doesn’t care he just does what he wants literally I think Jacob’s attitude is constantly

    Popping up because he doesn’t know how to handle a situation and so he reverts back to get angry and have a bad attitude gotta really watch your mouth you hear me I don’t want to do this again I’m tired of watching you walk you gotta be tired of walking by now

    Marlin okay well then go do it again this time whatever above your head wow really I had no idea that I was gonna get another laugh just for answering a question Seriously is this really what we want to keep doing today no no good let’s have a good attitude do you understand why that you’re doing it yes okay let’s go back to work Jacob’s attitude has become his personality and I’m not real sure that we can break through it but we’re gonna try

    Is your daughter getting the pig yeah that means we gotta really hurry Good Guys doesn’t it aren’t they good who would ever imagine the kids from the city building a pig pen oh my god did that thing get in there by itself I don’t like it we’re getting this Hog Pen built takes a lot of weight off my mind they did a

    Great job you know how long bacon would be if you made it into one long trip we were little and short I don’t like making the pigment but after thinking about that it’s helping like an animal live somewhere instead of being on the streets I thought it was pretty cool

    You guys know what you did today was great I am very proud of you from where you came from to being able to build a pen that could house a 500 pound pig you should be very proud of yourselves for what you’ve accomplished high five I saw that they are capable of

    Working they just don’t like Authority that makes them work Hey Jake did you go ahead and turn the water I’ll shut that in come on inside for a minute today I got a letter from Jacob’s mom I was hoping when Jacob got the letter that it would really touch him and open his eyes to what might be some problems

    I’m gonna give you a letter I’ve finally gotten a letter from my mom and I did not know what to expect dear Jacob I know things have been hard and I wish I could have made it easier for you but unfortunately I can’t it hasn’t been easy during the race

    Three of you by myself and on very little income I try to help you but when I say something you always think I’m yelling at you or chewing you out and it hurts if I harp on something like you’re smoking is because I love you I worry about what it’s doing to your

    Health and your mood I want to see you girl up and achieve your dreams and I believe that you can if I lose you it would tear me apart I really hope you can learn your change now before just do like I love you lots mom it makes me kind of sad but

    I express it so what part of it made you sad so far her telling me how much she loves me she believes in you yeah and she has faith in you what do you think some of her frustrations are me smoking and my attitude I believe Jacob is hearing everything we’re telling him but his emotional training has always taught him to shut down and you love your mother yeah and do you want to hurt her no what do you think the number one thing you could do to help out it’s fun quitting smoking

    You think that’s really the biggest thing just my attitude I have a dad want to make some cookies yeah do you do this at home yeah I like I don’t cook but I like the day you like to bake we’ll come sit down and wait for the cookies Pat and I wanted to talk to Tyler some

    More and see if we could help her to see that she has value so that she can make better choices one of the things you’ve learned this week is what respect the thing that I hope that you can Come Away with is that who can you change myself right and

    I see you light up when you accomplish things you put the fence together with the hammer and Staples better than some of my girls who do it all the time What did that feel like when you controlled yourself and you did new things and you challenged yourself and you accomplish those goals okay you learned something about yourself didn’t you he learned even though something as challenging you can still do it still do it and that’s something about you that I’m

    Really proud of you for I think you’ve sold yourself short a lot of times I know that you’re capable and I think you may have picked up on some of that too I know like with the right choices are I used to make them right it’s hard making them like

    All my friends around me are doing it my instant first thing is if you can’t change them what do you change myself and what might that cost you losing some friends because who’s more important your friends or you myself don’t ever forget that please please please don’t ever forget you’re valuable

    I probably do have a lot of potential but I never really apply it I’m really rooting for her and I want to give her all the support I can I hope that what I’ve tried to tell her will sink in so she can live her life Coming up Pat and Jacobs search for common ground we have a fixed skateboard before yeah you used to build them and Tyler breaks down I didn’t think it was that bad foreign hey Tyler can I get you to come out and sit with me for a minute yeah Tyler’s

    Mom had sent a letter and I’m really hoping to kind of see the other side of the story I have a letter from home and I’d like to sit here and read it with you if you don’t mind I’m gonna sit here it’s fine okay I was feeling nervous because I didn’t

    Really know like what he had to say Tyler I don’t even know where to begin Tyler I love you so much not only are you my first born you’re my only daughter you may have been around you so hard you show me every time we are together how much you read sent me

    You have so much anger inside you I’m so tired Tyler I don’t know what to do anymore I want so much Freedom life I realize I have to let you go for My Own Strength because I can’t do this anymore it hurts way too much I would pray that when you come back I can have my daughter back I love you more than all the stars in this guy mom I didn’t think it was that bad they’re worried about you everybody makes mistakes but it’s what you do with it that matters I mean I know I would have a really bad attitude I know I’m really disrespectful to her I think that’ll be a a good step in the right direction

    I really wanted Tyler to know that I was gonna support her let’s go down I thought maybe there was one last chance to get to Jacob emotionally and that was to deal with something he really loved and that seems to be skating all right let’s see what we got

    They ever fix the skateboard before yeah you should build them yeah when I was growing up they didn’t have all these fancy skateboards so if you wanted a good one you had to make it yourself oh now I’m working with the red guy so do you ride mostly at the park yeah

    And you wear a helmet right no you never hit your head no well yes okay that’s because I hit a rock well after this week I realize you have a hard head you don’t see here too and my hair is just cushioning it you were something boy

    That’s what everyone tells me is Jacob and I started working on a skateboard I took advantage of his focus and really was able to talk to him about some things that I wanted him to hear what lessons are you going to leave with from here uh responsibility discipline

    And actually I’m gonna be like a little bit nicer to people yeah yeah I do want to like I want to be nice and everything but it’s like growing up in the environment I’ve been in it’s harder because I haven’t had a dad around because like he left when I was two so

    And that’s really hurt yeah he never even he barely ever talked to us well that must have made you feel like you didn’t have any value exactly I’m sorry it’s very emotional to me this kid’s living without a father but the only memory of a father is something this negative

    You’re angered towards him is that worth sharing towards others no and that’s that’s the line isn’t it yeah that’s kind of where you’re at that’s why I skate so much because skating gets my anger away it feels pretty good for someone to actually listen try that out all right don’t get anything else

    After we worked on the skateboard I really wanted to give one more thing to Jacob what is that a tube slosh pipe so I want you to put this in your room and this for you to understand that life has consequences all right and hopefully it’ll help you make the right decisions

    Jacob appears to be very tough on the outside but on the inside I think he’s looking for some real friendship and compassion all right go ahead and put your board up all right thanks again foreign we play some glow-in-the-dark kickball so we’ve got our glow sticks we’re going

    To put glow sticks on the bases we wanted to show Tyler and Jake um the fun side of the Hughes family you ready [Applause] a pretty good lesson in respect this week and I really hope that Tyler can believe in herself when I first was coming here I didn’t I told myself these people aren’t going to change me but I was wrong way wrong all right here we go

    Go go go go go go go a little catch it [Applause] I came up here I thought I was gonna raise hell and I actually tried to until I actually started learning stuff no mercy in this Dojo I hope that Jacob can get control of his anger and start

    Really trying to manage his emotions Thank you Hey Ty your mom’s on her way so why don’t you just leave this and go upstairs and start packing I want you to think about what you want to talk to your mom about when she gets here okay okay all right I’m pretty excited to see my parents I

    Just want to tell her that like I want things to change Hey Jake your mom’s coming to pick you up all right I want you to go upstairs and pack your bags and I really want you to think about what you want to talk to her about all right

    I’m very excited to see my mom and I’m taking some skills that I’ve learned and bringing them back to Arizona Tyler learned that family structures could be like I hope Tyler learns respect for for us I miss you so much You’re gonna make me cry I think you have a great daughter what is she like at home if she doesn’t get her way it’s world war three in my house I found quickest way to get to her was that I was very firm she learned my boundaries

    And had I not really put the discipline down she would not have followed through with what I wanted her to do when she’s around it’s like all we do is fight she lashes out and it gets my temper up and nothing gets solved we both have to change

    Because it seems like every time we’re around each other we’re just like oil and water and I’m gonna do my best to try not to get so defensive with you and to be more patient and we need to go out and do mother daughter things like we used to and

    Learn to talk we don’t talk we never talk anymore right I just need to learn how to talk to each other when’s the last time we talked oh no worries come off really strong and like yelling at you and like with an attitude and jumping at you and I can come off nicer

    And talk to you about it if both of you make that commitment to change yourselves and to feel for the other person it will happen we all have to go back and change not just Tyler not just be we have to change as a family great meeting it really was

    I have a great feeling that this family is going to start working on becoming better communicators and I have great hope for them I miss you I really hope that Tyler sticks with this and really works with her mom and and works on herself and and gets to a better place

    Bye here she goes I’m definitely excited to go back home and see how different things are going to be and work on like the different relationships in the house thank you I can’t wait to see Jacob hoping that he’s learned a lot of at least a little more respect

    It’s important for you to talk to your mom about the stuff that bothers you the stuff that is hurting you because nothing can get fixed unless she knows and that can be a start for you guys nervous myself my mom talking about Holly because what they would say to her

    And what she would say to them hey there’s your mama come here Very excited to see Jacob Hi how are you I’m Pat I’m Christine nice to meet you nice to meet you Holly nice to meet you and just very anxious to see what he had to go through we’ve had some good experiences and we’ve had some rough experiences this week

    We started off the week with a set of rules we found that even though he didn’t like it he started understanding structure you’ve read your letter and we know that there’s things that have hurt Jake and I would like the two of you to talk about how we’re going to get better

    No I love you and I will always be there no matter what you’re mean the world to me and I love you a lot my attitude and how I will be better let’s go at once I’m really proud of you if Jacob is willing to open his heart up

    And talk to his mother and she’s willing to listen it’ll be a huge step in their relationship be a good boy okay and you ain’t getting away without giving me one boy always got that outer shell on because he’s got to be the tough guy I’m leaving more confident from a huge

    Family and it feels pretty good because I’ve never actually felt as good before yeah I’m just sorry that I wasn’t helping out you work on your attitude and we’ll work on everything else together foreign


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