Today was so much fun!! Join me as I deliver Fast Food In London On my Electric Moped For Deliveroo, UberEats & DoorDash
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    Hello guys and welcome back to another video if you’re new around here then my name is London hustle and today is very cold I think it’s about 3° right now so we’re wrapped up nice and warm currently in London and we’re going to be doing some deliveries today so if that sounds

    Like something you’ll enjoy then stick around and I’ll bring you back when we get our first order and we’re just getting our first order in from Majestic wine in marely bone it’s paying £295 but the customer is in a decent location so I’ll take this one there’s a lot of

    Traffic back up down here we’re currently on edgear road I’ve noticed recently that uh this L’s turning that’s the him turn so he don’t squash me is he turning no he’s decided not to turn in the end we’re going to turn look yeah Ed Road has been really busy recently

    Winter Wonderland has just ended which is like the biggest Christmas Market in London and uh they use edgear road to transport a lot of the food carriages and all the fairground rides um out of London so it’s been very busy with them recently which has caused a lot of

    Traffic there right order for Jordan yeah that’s great thank you very much Che what a way to start off the shift we’re delivering a single bottle of wine here looks like this customer is about to have them themselves a nice afternoon or maybe they just need it for a spot of

    Cooking nevertheless they are 1.1 Mi away Google saying should take about 8 Minutes thank you and just as we dropped that off we’re getting an order three from hburg for 670 which seems pretty decent we’ll take that one and if you’re a longtime viewer of this channel you’ll probably know that honest Burgers is one of my favorite burger spots don’t order for

    Joke big we just got like 10 minutes oh really 19 items oh wow it is big how long do you think it will take Burg we got like just it’s been 10 minutes yeah okay ni thank you this one how much uh 2,000 2000 yeah it folds in

    Half as well so it’s easy to store it’s nice it’s very comfortable yeah it’s comfortable see the seat yeah it’s got two batteries as well oh there’s a battery here this one here and then down here as well battery battery battery here and a battery here and Battery here

    So if this one went if this one went low you just join to this one exactly so you can last all day yeah oh two batter one exactly so when one dies you just go to the other one like 2000 it’s okay and you know what I like it see the shock as

    Always yeah this way yeah springing one no no this yeah I tell you go to this so you can use it to if the G is too big there’s not no more congestion charges packing free all right brother have a good day today we’re riding on the enu or enu x24

    Not exactly sure how you pronounce it you’d have probably heard me talking to the gentleman there about a few of the details about this bike one of the things I like most about it is the fact that it folds in half it’s something quite unique on a big bike like this you

    See it a lot on the smaller models but this is a big bike and it folds in half which for London is very very useful a lot of flats and apartments here are quite small so storage is definitely something to think about when getting a bike oh we’re getting another ordering

    It’s a double order uh but it’s quite close £4 do we do with a double order I think I’m going to decline that if that was a single order I’d would probably accept but I think for a double4 is a little bit on the low side oh here we go

    We’re getting an order in for £280 and this is just a single order restaurant’s close so’s the customer I think this is going to be an accept looks like we’re picking up from a Chinese restaurant here okay I got an order for John thank you nice Quick Pick up there was another

    Rider in there waiting for an order so I was a little bit worried there was going to be a wait time but luckily there wasn’t let’s see how far we’re traveling for this order just 6 minutes not too bad at all so this bike has up to five

    Different assists mode I was on five just then and it’s pretty rapid I’m quite happy sitting on three for the Streets of London I feel like I’m riding on the clouds with this bike it’s got front rear and Central suspension as well as having the big fat tires so all

    The little bumps and cracks and everything in the road just they hardly make any difference now as a delivery driver Comfort is one of the main factors I look at when choosing a bike when I first started doing this job back at Uni my bike never had front

    Suspension and I was going out maybe 3 4 days a week only for a couple hours at a time but after a couple weeks I really started to feel it in my forearms like they were just aching all the time constantly in pain the one of my biggest

    Recommendations would be to choose a bike that’s comfortable is it John John yeah no no stay man enjoy thank you here we go that is the second order of the day dropped off there and 280 added to our balance and one thing that’s really really strange about this bike oh before

    I say that we’re getting an order in £355 from chicken Hub in hobor which is not too far from where we are right now now typically on bikes you’ve got your rear brake here on the left and then on the right you’ve got your front bake

    There’s a lot of traffic here but on this bike but on this bike everything seems to be reversed so this is my rear brake and this is my front brake I’m starting to get used to it but at the it was messing with my head a lot so that’s

    Something I’d mention if you’re going to get this bike then just be aware that the brakes are switched around so don’t just go flying down hill and think you’re pressing on your your rear brake and you actually press on your front you go flying over your handle bars I’d

    Recommend just going around testing it out getting used to the brakes Sun’s looking very busy today there’s a lot of cars on the road a lot of traffic it is a Friday afternoon so it’s to be expected I can imagine tomorrow is going to be even worse as it’s a

    Saturday the best thing about being on a bike though you can can just go down the side of all of this and it’s no trouble at all all right order for Li two BS two biks here thank you oh man we are on a roll today with orders being ready let’s hope that

    Continues this is the F this order we’ve had all day the customer is 1.3 Mi away so let’s go get it delivered Oh we’re getting a zap holder it’s been a while since I’ve done a zap order they can be hit and miss sometimes they’re quite heavy ah screw it I’m going to do it just out of curiosity if you didn’t know zap is like an online Supermarket

    Where you can do your grocery order from so sometimes people are just ordering necessities like toilet rolls or cereals milks that type of thing but sometimes they do a huge shop and it can be really heavy oh it’s given us another order on top as well we’ll take that so I think

    That’s turn into like a a 5 plus pound order all right it seems as though I did jinxers when I said we haven’t had to go to any FL yet looks like this is going to be the first one we have to go up to so let’s find out if this bike passes

    The lock test is the lock going to fit anywhere around this bike for me to secure it oh we might struggle here you know the wheels are the wheels are too fat to go through here I can’t go through the frame and the wheel I think we’re just

    Going to have to go through the spokes and and risky I don’t feel confident doing this but I don’t really see any other way of of locking this bike up right now all right let’s try to be quick it’s very beautiful out here though I’m guessing we go over

    Here you’re right there you are thank you you’re welcome enj oh is there a code on this one not sure oh there is thank you uh it’s 3723 3723 perfect thank you enjoy I’ll tell you what the customer saved me a little bit then I almost walked off without

    Getting the pin it’s not the end of the world we can just call up ryer support and mark the order is delivered but takes a little bit of time ah thankfully the bike is still sitting there it’s good news how do we get out the building

    Though is it this button here no that’s for the lights how how did we get oh the Jen it has to be this look doesn’t it hang about oh there we go we’re out now I’m really curious to find out if we’re going to have one order or two

    Orders to pick up here from zap because it flashed fre once for £ 280 and I accepted it went away and then about 20 seconds later another one came up saying £280 sometimes these app have glitches so it might have just been the same order coming through again or might have

    Been another order on top of that it would be nice to have two orders right now and this be paying over5 let’s go find out unfortunately it looks like it is just the one order we’re picking up hi yeah I’ve got 79 c38 thank you oh what a lovely little order this

    Is I think someone’s doing some bacon they’ve got ordered IC and sugar salted butter a large pack of eggs and some flour what the number 79 38 yeah that’s the one thank you mate all right we do have to be aware that we’ve got eggs on our back right now so

    We’re going to try to be as smooth as possible oh sweet luckily they’re only a minute away we are having a real good day so far we’ve had a lot of really quick pickups and really quick drop offs as well and we’re about to go deliver

    Supplies for someone to Pi a cake what more can you ask for all right it appears like we’re going to have to go up to the customer again and we’re in like we’re in a lot of back alleys here so I do not trust leaving the bike unlocked so we’re just going to

    Do the same as we did last time and go through the back wheel hi delivery yeah no way is there not a left in this building oh that’s not his though oh my God it keeps going hi a there you are you have the code please 4268 4268 great thank you

    Bye holy that scared the out of me I thought it was like a rat flying past my feet oh my God we’re so high up right now I can see The Shard in the background I’m absolutely knacked after going up those stairs oh wow look at this guys we’re getting a double order

    For £105 £0 and 5 is very hard to turn down I think we’re going to do it let’s confirm that you might have heard me mentioned earlier to those two people interested in the bike but this has two batteries so the first one sits inside this chamber here and the second one is

    Actually the seat post so it comes all the way down to the bottom here it’s a huge battery and you can see it plugs in just behind here and the way you access this one is by simply just undoing your seat clamp here there’s a key you put in

    You pull it out and you can put it on charge and to get to the second one you see here the bike actually unfolds so you can fold it in half which helps with storing it and you just slide the battery out now I believe it’s got like

    I think it’s a 48.2 amp battery which is extremely high for an ebike so this thing should last a long time which is obviously extremely useful when using it for deliveries you want to be out for as long as possible earning as much money as possible so we should just be coming

    Up to our first restaurant yep here we go honey poke he going order for n here you go can you thank you all right order number one in the bag and wow oh the second restaurant is a lot closer than what I thought by the looks of the map it looked about 10

    Minutes away but according to Google it’s only going to take us 5 minutes so this is turning out to be a nice double order here and the second place we’re picking up from is just here on my right it’s called the old Street Chinese restaurant had a few Chinese orders

    Today hey yeah got an order for reel cheers mate thank you man look at that another order ready straight away now how far is our first customer going to be you couldn’t ask for much better just 3 minutes away man what a day we are having so Far oh is it nland yeah yeah there you are mate do you have the code please 459 4598 thank you enj oh man another customer that came straight to me didn’t have to go into the building and the second one’s only 9 minutes away I know

    9 minutes is quite a long time compared to some of the orders we’ve done today but when I looked at the map originally I thought they were going to be about 20 minutes from the first customer so see in 9 minutes or8 now Happy Days Happy Happy Days oh man this happening again

    We’re getting another order before we’ve dropped this one off but oh look at that McDonald’s that is a straight decline we are not taking McDonald’s orders today oh another double order but only 445 no I’m going to decline that one hi are you right there you go do you have the code

    Please it’s 4740 4740 thank you so much bye and just like that the second order has been dropped off now just as we were dropping that order off we’ve had three orders come through that I’ve declined so that tells me it’s very busy right now and I

    Can be a little bit picky in hopes of a better order we’re quite Far East now so ideally I want to get another order that drags me back in towards Soho if we check out earnings for today we’re up to £ 2645 which I’m very happy with we’ve

    Only been out about an hour and 30 minutes so 26 yeah can’t complain at all it’s been a lovely shift so far I just wanted to say a huge thank you to every single one of you who watched these videos videos the support recently has been incredible

    And I can’t thank you guys enough the next video that comes out on this channel is actually going to be one of the most personal videos I’ve ever made and I’m slightly terrified for it to come out going to be doing a Q&A as well as answering a lot of questions you guys

    Have left in the comments recently so if there is anything you want to know the answer to then drop it down below in this video I’ll do my best to answer as many of them as possible oh here we go we’re getting a 280 ordering and it’s

    Kind of taking me in the direction I want to go yeah gone we’ll do it for Adam thank you yeah in hindsight I probably shouldn’t have took this order I was waiting about 10 minutes in there which is definitely longer than I would have liked I would have expected it to be a

    Lot faster than that as well for a for a chicken shop look at the customer is quite close though only 3 minutes away and look at that we’re getting another order before we’ve dropped this one off oh it’s really annoying when this happens though because I can’t see where

    It’s going on the map I can only see street names and I’m not familiar with this area so I don’t know if this is a good or bad order should we risk it it’s from Chala it says .9 mil total gone we’ll do it we’re going to take the

    Risk all M you’re right yeah not bad do you have the code please yeah yeah uh the Cod uh sorry sorry 78 78 38 38 thank you mate you do YouTube I do yeah nice lond hustle right it is yeah yeah nice I watch your videos man they’re

    Doing all right thank you they’re doing all right man you caught me on a bad hair day do you deliver yourself no no no I don’t no you just watch thank you very much no worries nice London hustle right it’s London hustle yeah nice nice to

    Meet you man what’s your name sorry Adam Adam yeah yeah nice to meet you man nice to meet you hopefully everything goes well with you I appreciate it I appreciate it you too enjo your sh see you oh that was so nice we just delivered that order there to a

    Subscriber of the channel Adam if you’re watching this it was lovely to meet you now we’re on our way to Chai Wala I think that’s how you say it and it’s just a minute away oh yeah got an order for Tanya oh sorry yeah in my little world then thank

    Youy if you remember when I took this order I couldn’t see where the customer was so it was a bit of a gamble luckily they’re just a minute around the corner he have you ordered T yeah t yeah do you have the pin please yeah 42 43 42 43 thank

    You there you go thank you enjoy after dropping off that order we’re up to £325 which I’m extremely happy with like you know every time we get a new bike we do a little segment at the end where we go over it and give it a quick review

    The three categories which I like to rate the bikes out of are Comfort practicality and enjoyment for this bike for Comfort I would have to give it a very high score of a 9.5 you can see down here we have shock absorbers I believe we also have them at the back

    Rear suspension here and nice big Forks at the front which makes it extremely comfortable pairing that with the big fat tires and a huge Comfy Cushion seat this thing is like riding on the cloud and something I didn’t mention is there’s actually a little seat back here

    So you could probably strap a delivery bag to this or if you had a a child or a friend you could probably sit them on the back and and two of you could ride on this thing no problem at all so Comfort it gets a very solid 9.5

    Practicality it’s also going to have to be up there on this bike I’m going to give it a nine and the reason for that is it’s got two batteries so theoretically you could just run off one battery and when it dies you can just then run off the other so you can swap

    Them over you can keep them charged the other thing that’s going to take the practicality score up is the fact it Folds in half just storing it is going to be a little bit easier than storing if it was like this especially in a small apartment I live in London and my

    Apartment is not very big at all I’m not going to be able to store this bike even though it folds up so if you guys want to get your hands on this bike then I’m going to be selling it so if you are interested in getting your hands on this

    Exact bike here then put me a message over on Instagram or I’ll have a story up over there about it the only condition is you must be able to collect it from London and finally enjoyment I’ve had a lot of fun out on this bike today I always like the bikes that have

    The big fat tires feel a really big road presence which some people don’t like but I personally do I feel a lot safer on the roads with a bigger presence and this thing is fast it’s very fast although it has that slight delay with the motor kicking in once it gets going

    It gets going and it’s very very fun to ride a little bit strange with the uh the brakes here that took down the enjoyability a little bit just because of the learning curve but once you get used to it it’s really not that bad so for the enjoyment rating I’m going to

    Give this a eight out of 10 if you have enjoyed today’s video then be sure to drop a like down below if you’re not already hit that subscribe button and like always thank you for watching


    1. Never go up the inside of a Large Vehicle such as Trucks and Buses even if there is a cycle lane there, they have blind spots and may not always be able to see you.

    2. You mentioned the brakes being backwards.. That's a simple fix just unfasten them and swap them over to the other side if it needs more cable it shouldnt be a issue either take 5/10min easy job

    3. Hi London Hustle been watching you for like a couple of years now. Keep up the good work! I just have one question for your next video (The Q&A one) What is the best area and worst areato deliver in Central London? Thanks so much appreciate it!!

    4. I have had many bikes. I don't think a single one had the front brakes on the right. 😅 I'm in the u.s so that might be why. Regardless, that was a really cool bike thing to learn!

    5. Love the video as always London Hustle.. for awhile got used to the scooter and today the ebike.. nice. and yes those are big tires.. crikey.. that building at 11:12.. wow a house converted into flats. the stairs had an old fire place. wow love to see that. Yes I went on the Honest Burger site and wow. everything looks good. ouff. lol.😊awwh that was nice.. and with the amazing work you do , glad someone recognised you.. very nice.. very nice video and the scenes all around was brilliant, sorry for the weather. still loved the video.. Cheers mate, stay safe!🏆

    6. I love your videos. I do Uber Eats as well, but I never go into flats. It's Ubers policy to meet the customer outside. Please don't risk leaving your bike outside flats when the customer is supposed to meet you outside. Best wishes🥰

    7. Nice bike but i am holding out for the Aniioki A8 Pro Max bike to be available in UK its got a 60ah battery i think can do 100km on just throttle power. I got two 15ah batteries for my bike a at the moment but find its not enough as i deliver often in areas with hills.

    8. i’ve been watching you on shorts for a couple of weeks now (ur videos keep popping on my feed, not that i complain lmfao) without even following you but seeing how much effort you put every single time and how you really don’t take things for granted makes me think you are a really really good person and makes me thoroughly enjoy your content (i’ve actually been binge watching you during my lunch breaks lol). of course you gained a new follow, keep up the good work, can’t wait for the q&a!! xx from italy

    9. I think a lot of us would be interested to know how it works behind the scenes, either day-to-day or when something goes wrong such as you said when you didn’t get the pin.

    10. what's going on with this video there are massive big missing one minute you are picking up an order next minute your dropping off a different order is it your editing out do i keep blacking out

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