Paris is hosting the next Summer 2024 Olympic Games! With over 15 million expected visitors over two weeks, it could become the single largest event ever held in the country. From beach volleyball at the foot of the Eiffel Tower to horseback riding in the gardens of Versailles, today we’ll look at Paris’ insane Olympic preparations!

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    0:00 Paris’ $10BN Olympic Games Makeover
    0:37 The Bid
    2:38 The Venues
    6:15 The New Olympic Village
    7:35 Seine River Cleanup
    10:00 Security
    10:53 Infrastructure

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    Paris is hosting the next summer 2024 Olympic Games with over 15 million expected visitors over just a 2E period it could become the single largest event ever held in the country from beach volleyball at the foot of the Eiffel Tower to horseback riding in The Gardens of Versailles Paris is getting ready to

    Show off their cultural wealth to the entire world but until then the city still has a lot of work to do and many are wondering if everything will be ready in time I’m Regis and today we’ll look at paris’s insane Olympic preparations the challenges it faces and the impact the event will

    Have the bid in 2017 Paris was competing with Hamburg Budapest Rome and Los Angeles for the opportunity to host the 20124 Olympics however following a public referendum Hamburg withdrew from the process and was soon followed by Rome which faced financial difficulties after a successful petition against the candidacy Budapest also withdrew leaving

    Only only Paris and Los Angeles as candidates the two cities were then supposed to reach an agreement on which would become a host in 2024 and which in 2028 while Paris was prepared to push strongly against waiting another 4 years Los Angeles was more open to the idea

    This resulted in an agreement in which Los Angeles will host the 2028 games while the 2024 games will be held in Paris Paris 24 Los Angeles 28 however this is not the City’s first time as a host that was actually way back in 1900 when it hosted the second

    Ever modern Olympics and allowed women to participate for the first time the second time was exactly 100 years ago when the athletes Village was first introduced which has since become a major tradition this time around they’re set to achieve multiple firsts yet again they’ll be the first games in history to

    Feature gendere equal athlete selection as well as the first to be completely carbon neutral and to include a break dancing discipline not only that but with a budget of $9.5 billion they’re intended to be one of the cheapest of the century a little counterintuitive but we’ll explain how while this budget

    Has already exceeded the initial estimates by more than $2 billion it’s allegedly still under control this is evident when compared to the previous game for example the 2012 London Olympics required over 6,000 budget modifications increasing the initial cost of $3 billion to $1 billion the current budget on the other hand is much

    More stable having only required about 300 modifications so far the venues one of the reasons for this stable budget could be paris’s unique approach to selecting venues for the event almost all of the sporting events will take place in either existing Arenas or temporary Arenas set up in various

    Locations this strategy largely avoids unnecessary construction projects which is also consistent with the vision of carbon neutrality at the same time it will allow the city to show the world its most beautiful places and this is Paris so there’s quite a few of them this will be most visible in central

    Paris where both famous Arenas and iconic sites will be used on one hand the park de Pont stadium and the stad Roland goo will host sports like football boxing and tennis on the other hand several temporary Arenas will be set up throughout the city Center’s historical sites let’s take a look at

    Some of the most interesting ones first ly the fencing and Taekwondo competitions will be held at the go pal it’s a historical site and Museum complex that dates back to 1900 and has previously hosted the World fencing championships moving to the lein valid complex which will hold the archery and

    Athletics events in its open outdoor space it’s known for its military history museums as well as Napoleon bonapart tomb next the most iconic of all Parisian sites the Eiffel Tower at its foot a temporary Arena will will be set up for beach volleyball and just a short walk away The Gardens of the

    Trocadero will take Center Stage for the opening ceremony in addition famous squares such as La conord will be used as open venues and even some historical Bridges will be incorporated into events like cycling and the triathlon as we move further from the city center into the surrounding IL defon region we’ll

    Also be met with many impressive venues the Colossal stev H will host the rugby and Athletics as well as the closing ceremony the Palace of Versailles one of the most famous sites in the whole of France will be used as a temporary Arena or more specifically its famous gardens

    Where the equestrian and modern pentathlon will be held north of the city center we can even find two brand new permanent venues the first is the P Chappelle Arena which has been under construction since 2020 while it was originally supposed to host the basketball event its 8,000 person

    Capacity will instead be used for bad Mitten and gymnastics s the other one is the Paris Aquatic Center which began Construction in 2017 and will be used for diving water polo and artistic swimming it will have a capacity of 6,000 people during the Olympics but it’ll be reduced to around 2,000

    Afterwards moving on from Paris let’s take a short look at the other venues scattered across the country several Flagship cities of French football such as Leon n and Marseilles will host the football competitions as they already have massive stadiums built for example both the Marseilles stadium with its

    Impressive roof or the Ultra Modern Leon Stadium will be used speaking of Marseilles the sailing events will be held at the city’s Marina which is well known for hosting boat related activities finally there’s one venue that’s just completely unique from all of the others that’s because it’s

    Located on the opposite side of the globe on the island of Tahiti since it’s part of French Polynesia it technically counts as part of French territory this means that the organizers will be able to host the surfing event on the amazing local waves as you can see the vast

    Majority of the venues will be ready for use with only minor modifications however in preparation for the other aspects of the Olympics Paris is working on a few absolutely massive projects the new Olympic Village is by far the largest one when this tradition first began in 1924 Paris only prepared a

    Number of temporary wooden Huts to house the athletes as it proved to be a practical solution which also brought athletes together other cities continued with the idea and the concept evolved significantly over the years so unlike last time Paris is taking a much different approach this time around instead of building a temporary

    Settlement that would only serve the event a massive urban development project has been launched the new Village will cover an area of 70 soccer fields mostly in sanini just north of central Paris it will be able to accommodate all 14,000 Olympic athletes allow them to be only 30 minutes away from the majority

    Of the vent Vues and provide them with all of the necessary facilities however there’s another specific reason for selecting sandine as the location for a long time this part of the city had quite an Infamous reputation mainly due to high crime rates and socioeconomic issues the long-term goal of the village

    Is to actually improve this situation and benefit the local citizens after the Olympics it’ll be repurposed for residential use offering spaces for 6,000 people and reshaping the area for the better it was scheduled to be finished in late 2023 but there’s been no update on its current status so far

    Another massive project that’s currently underway involves the sen the city’s main river but before we talk about that we really appreciate your feedback in the comments down below if you enjoy our content make sure to subscribe to top luxury to not miss any future videos but now back to the riverend which is

    Supposed to play a major role in the opening ceremony with a giant boat parade and Spectators watching from both banks in addition it’s is also expected to host the swimming marathon and a portion of the triathlon event just like it did way back in the 1900 Olympics however due to Rising pollution swimming

    In the river has actually been banned since 1923 the primary cause of this problem is untreated Wastewater of which 1.9 million cubic met were discharged in 2022 equivalent to 500 olympic sized swimming pools while this is 90% less than it was 20 years ago the the amount of bacteria it produces still makes

    Swimming unsafe Paris has a very very old combined sewer system that collects both Wastewater from homes and factories and rainwater from the streets as a result during heavy rains it can easily become saturated resulting in floods in such cases much of the Wastewater needs to be dumped directly into the river to

    Avoid overloading the network instead of being handled properly so how the heck do the organizers intend to fix this issue so that people can swim in the river the answer is a colossal underground rainwater tank located near the ouer litz train station its job will be to collect polluted rainwater from

    The streets and transport it to a treatment plant Downstream when the bacteria levels reach the safety thresholds it will be released into the S this way the rainwater tank will significantly offload the sewer system allowing the Wastewater to enter the network properly rather than being discharged into the river untreated but

    Despite the $1.5 billion price price tag the project is not guaranteed to succeed while it should work under normal conditions if the city experiences excessively heavy rain during the event it may not be sufficient if this were to happen the swimming competitions may be postponed for a few days as the

    Organizers don’t have a backup plan let’s just hope the weather’s on our side I guess anyway River pollution is not the only issue that could arise during the games Paris also faces two other major problems both of which have the potential to seriously disrupt the entire Olympics the first and most

    Important is security or more specifically potential terrorism although the country has been on guard against terrorism since the famous 2015 attacks this event will be unlike any other in the past given its massive scale the total number of visitors is expected to be around 15.3 million with 600,000 attending just

    The opening ceremony to put this into perspective Paris currently has a total population of 2.2 million people to ensure security approximately 20,000 agents will be present every day furthermore 30,000 additional police officers and soldiers will be mobilized on the first day the traffic will also be severely restricted as you might

    Imagine with some Metro stations closing for the whole duration and the airports being shut down on the day of the opening ceremony this leads us to the second major issue infrastructure there are concerns about how the city’s traffic will handle such a large influx of people especially given that public

    Transportation is already struggling during rush hours even now during the city’s candidacy authorities were counting on the great Paris Express to prevent serious congestion it’s a giant project to modernize the city’s Transportation network with new Metro lines we’ve covered this project in the past so if you want to learn more about

    It click the icon in the top right corner long story short the majority of the project will not be completed on time due to numerous delays during construction only the new extensions to the already existing line 14 will be finished in time for the event the authorities now expect people to use

    Alternative means of Transport in addition to public transportation such as walking and cycling for this reason new bicycles and cycling lanes were installed in advance to be honest this doesn’t sound like the best plan in my opinion but I guess we’ll just have to

    Wait and see how it goes so given all of this information just how successful will the event be despite all of the issues preparations have been relatively smooth in comparison to to the other Olympics in the past this is primarily because the city is already quite

    Accustomed to tourism as one of the most visited places in the entire world the long-term impact will be mostly positive as well even though the Olympics are a one-time event the effect will be long lasting thanks to the Future oriented focus of the projects for this year’s

    Games then of course there’s the pure raw Financial benefit it’ll bring while the public contribution to the funding is approximately 2.6 billion of the $9.5 billion budget the expected generated revenue is roughly $1.7 billion even after accounting for any potential taxation or additional costs this is a substantial amount of money finally

    There’s the cultural benefit of sharing the city’s cultural wealth with the rest of the world while bringing so many people together for a common purpose to watch the Olympics so what are your thoughts do you like the approach Paris is taking in preparation let us know in

    The comments below if you want to see more about similar project you should watch our video about the biggest stadiums under construction as always thank you for watching and we’ll see you in the next video


    1. 11:48 if you're suggesting adding more car lanes? It'll add to congestion rather than fixing it. It'll cause bottlenecks and therefore more chaos, therefore more delay. Building better infra for human speeds such as biking and walking makes perfect sense.

    2. The French invented the modern olympic games, the first event happened in Greece, the 2nd event in France, and it hasn't stopped since. 100 years after it happened in Paris, it comes back to Paris, this is a great thing. Many surprises this summer, I can't wait.

    3. Using existing sites and facilities, coupled with temporary venues looks like a good idea regardless of the revenue savings. Some cities (such as Montreal here in Canada) sometimes wind up with outsized venues they don't or can't use. Sometimes these sites are not finished in time for the Olympics and wind up never really getting completed. One of the reasons the Olympic committee is finding it harder and harder to find cities that will host The Olympics.

    4. I feel that we have more than enough of these global spectacles, The Olympics don't feel special anymore. They truly are nothing more than entertainment for the masses and they serve no other purpose than marketing products and as a temporary distraction from more pressing issues.

    5. I'd planned for years to attend the 2024 Olympics because I could stay with my Parisian cousins, but I've decided not to. I'll see more of the events if I stay home and watch on t.v. and I live near Los Angeles, so I'll go to the 2028 Olympics there. I think my cousins want to leave Paris during the Games because the crowds will be terrible, so I'm going to visit them in the fall instead. But this update is very interesting, I was curious where all the events will be held.

    6. I really love this appproach where they try to avoid excessive and decadent building projects to rot afterwards and instead try to make the city as a whole a better place. I hope the IOC becomes reasonable enough to allow this style of Olympics into the future.

    7. Just landed in Paris. Had to change to another airport and use the metro. This place has a long way to go until it's ready for the Olympics. Not really a fan. Everything is old and outdated.

    8. As a French and there are not many I the comments, the biggest issue for our governments is to change people minds because many are against the OG and believe it will be a disaster. And this negativity doesn't help to plan such a big event. There is so much communication done right now to excite people for the OG.
      I myself believe it's gonna be very nice on TV and that's what will touch most people around the world, and make the most profitable gains for France.

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