This is Phoebe’s first driving lesson on big roundabouts. Overall, she drives well during this driving lesson on roundabouts.

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    Mirror signal Dem what it’s too fast break break break break car for going it’s cuz the last on it going keep going okay hey guys welcome to another video so today we have another driving lesson with Phoebe and Phoebe what are we doing today roundabouts yeah we’re going on to H big

    Roundabouts today and um just before um this video we did a short exercise on what I strongly recommend all Learners to do yet before they go on big roundabouts so if you haven’t watched that video watch the video which was uh just uploaded um a few days before this

    One okay so guys Phoebe is using the ultimate driving course which saves which saves a lot of time on the lesson so I don’t have to explain anything to Phoebe now because she’s you’ve watched the videos here and um she’s got the knowledge there so we’re going to go into practicing big

    Roundabouts but before we do that I’m going to ask her a couple of questions to make sure she has watched the videos and she told me that um since last lesson because Phoebe’s um uh Lear to drive with parents as well yeah you did go on a few roundabouts with your dad as

    Well yeah and how did that go it was all right it was just obviously cuz he’s not an instructor doesn’t really know all the actual key words to say and what to okay so do he only knows from his experience so it’s difficult to yeah but it obviously still helps you going out

    On the roads and and driving but that’s why the course helps so you’ve got the correct knowledge there so even if your dad’s telling you like just taking you on roundabouts you know exactly what you’re supposed to be doing by watching the videos yeah yeah so um what did you

    Learn from the videos what kind of how do you approach r What routine do we use the same as if you approach the T Junction the mirror signal yeah okay I’ll the rest position speed look but I’m glad you said same as a t Junction because R is another

    Junction yeah yeah so um say you’re approaching roundabout and I should turn left what’s the first thing you’re going to do You observe like look around mirrors yeah mirrors then and then your signal good then and then you like start to like slow down good and then which

    Gear do we need to select on approach one so we select gear one if you can’t see and you have to stop yeah no yeah so which gear is ideal on approach two two yeah so we’re we’re approaching the r r prepared to go M okay um and if there’s

    A car coming and you have to stop then which gear are we going to get one good and we’re going to look for a safe Gap yeah just like you do when you’re merging out of a t Junction mhm and then um say if we’re going straighte roundout

    You got a choice of two lanes yeah which uh Lane are you going to use the left hand lane good if it’s not marked if it’s not marked yeah yeah okay so we always need to look out for the markings and say if we’re turning right at

    Roundout and taking the third exit which lane would you use on approach there the right hand lane the right hand lane good and say you’ve entered the roundabout now and we’re taking the third exit talk me through what what you do with your positioning and so when you enter the r

    But which which lane would you keep to you stay in the right hand lane and then just before you once once you get up to the second exit you just go past it and then you then you signal so people don’t think you’re turning in that way if you

    Do it too early good yeah good you don’t want to do it too early but you don’t want to do it too late either if you do it too late what’s the RIS of that people are going to think you’re just going to go back around around about and

    They’re not going to know that you’re taking that ex that’s it so the timing of that signal is really important yeah and before you apply that left signal which mirrors you have to check the left in the center good yeah because we will we will be moving over from the right

    Hand lane to the left yeah so you do your mirrors before you signal and you do it after as well just to make sure no one is overtaking yeah and that’s I think a lot of Learners they find that really challenging yeah okay because you don’t have too much time to

    Assess everything yeah so mirrors checking them beforehand always helps so you know when you’re ENT the round about if you know what’s going on around you it’s going to help you with your with your lane change but for now I’ll be talking you through that we’re going to

    Start off with some left and straight ah heads yeah at roundabouts and then we’ll uh yeah we we we’ll try some right did you turn WR or roundout what you did I think there was one but it was like very I think it was like you know the

    Little the little one not not the big big ones it was like a and how did you find your staging around that um I is to the left than to the right yeah because there’s more space and there’s like obviously if if you end up going over Lane like you’re going to

    Go into a roundabout yeah turning right is a lot more challenging because um obviously you’re going you’re going round more it’s a lot more challenging than turning left or or going straight ahead and when you exit you do have to change your lanes as well yeah okay

    Right so with the roundabouts I’m going to fully talk you through uh the face few uh we do the whole aim of today’s lesson is just to get you familiar with the roundabouts and understand how you’re supposed to be approaching them and and leaving them as well yeah yeah

    Using the correct routine okay um apart from the roundabouts do you need any help on uh like we did a few Crossroads last lesson we’re going to be on a dual carry Jo um do you need me to fully talk you through anything or should I just

    Ask you questions now and again um yeah just yeah just ask questions every now and then cool or like if I do something wrong on yeah I’ll see I’ll come in then yeah so yeah like always Pils you’re you’re in charge if I do use the controls anywhere I’ll let you know okay

    Right so let’s move off whenever you’re ready so here now yeah this is going to break up into three lanes yeah we’re going to go straight ahead I want you to keep to the left hand lane yeah out of the cycle Lane for me that’s it now

    Check the left mirror get into the left hand lane check the left mirror that’s it start slowing down keep to the left lane keep to the left where should the clutch be now that’s it that’s a good Gap from the car in front that’s fine see we can use that

    Lane as well you know the Middle Lane yeah to go straight ahead yeah you can use that as well but because we’ve used a left hand lane which lane are we going to end up in ahead now the we’re going straight on yeah which lane are we going

    To end up in now that one anyway yeah which one is that one the left or the right one oh the right no left yeah so we’ve ended up in which lane the left lane yeah yeah I was so confused saying that select gear three

    For me so me okay so what I was trying to get at yeah so you know back there if we use the Middle Lane yeah yeah which lane would you have ended up in the right hand lane the right hand lane yeah and what’s the right hand lane for

    Overtaken that’s it so do you see the advantage of using the left lane wherever you can early on yeah good good because if you had used the Middle Lane like you said you would have ended up in that lane then you would have had to move over yeah yeah at some point anyway

    So just make it easy for yourself it’s the same on round abouts as well again anticipate what could happen with the lights so check the center mirror make no’s too close behind see now even if even if you had to break a bit sharply it would have

    Been okay cuz that car behind is not too close yeah yeah but if someone’s following you really close how does that affect our braking you have to do a bit more carefully the back of excellent that’s why these mirrors are so important yeah bit more to the left use the same

    Reference she has used for your normal driving position so we’re not going to go into these markings now start to slow down we’re going to be tning it left here now so need to be yeah mirrors signal is he safe to move over yeah that’s it good remember because there’s that Gap

    There yeah but the van behind could try to get through that slow down slow down select gear two turn clutch up clut up that’s it good more more gas now more gas bit more acceleration more more more and which ge now so here now we’re going straighte at

    The roundabout yeah okay so check your mirrors start to break break break more select gear two break a bit more break a bit more bring that clutch up now bring the clutch up off the brake and carry on go go go go keep to the left keep to the

    Left good Center mirror left mirror signal left left mirror as well more gas more gas more gas more gas and good keep to the left can’t see a signal more gas keep to the left keep to the left which ge now so the approach of that one yeah

    Yeah you start breaking a bit sooner be a bit more I definely confus me you don’t know where you’re going yeah so you don’t know which lane to be in I know it’s obviously telling me but then it’s difficult to think cool like here now is all yeah at the roundabout we’re

    Going to go straighte we’re going to keep to the left hand lane yeah okay so here’s a roundabout coming up so if you check your Center mirror good gently break now good approaching nice and easy ease off the brake a little bit that’s it good break a tiny bit more now that’s perfect

    Select gear two good bring that clutch up slowly now have a look to the right is he safe off the breake yeah now that’s it good bit more gas keep to the left hand laneer you don’t want to go to that right hand lane Center mirror left mirror signal

    Left keep going a bit more gas more gas cancel your signal and select G3 nice and easy keep to the left so you know there as we ENT the r what were you saying it’s a bit difficult to to like look at the Lins

    Yeah okay so what we can use is a you know the curb yeah yeah use that as your marker EAS off the gas now another roundabout coming up gently brake we’re going to be turning left Center mirror left mirror signal left EAS off the brake a little bit select second

    Gear now if you have a look to the right now is it safe no so which gear now one that’s it so I’ll get gear one let’s go a bit more forward up to the white line stay to the left follow the curb more so you get a better view that’s it

    See how that’s the improved our view now yeah yeah so pop that left signal on again you got you cancelled so again we’re going to keep looking for that Gap now not yet not yet not yet not yet after this car gone go now bit more gas

    Keep to the left keep to the left keep to the left more gas bit more gas good and second gear good now this round about we’re going to be turning left so Center mirror left mirror signal left slow down a little bit that’s it not too much this is a

    Good speed now have a look to the right now is it safe yeah no no break more break break there that’s a clutch down clutch down S gear one that’s and is it safe now no yep oh no yeah let’s go I see I need to observe we to the left to the

    Left it’s because what you looks like I don’t know good okay so you know as we approach that yeah y okay what’s the speed limit here now okay still get gear three get gear three yeah yeah like you were about to so what’s the speed limit here is it

    30 or 40 is it 30 so we just come off the door Carri here yeah again lights ahead so which mirrors good we’re going straight on here well done really good on the clutch and the accelerator there so you know as we approaching this final roundabout yeah yeah there was a l

    Approaching with a right signal on yeah yeah and when I she is it safe and you said yes was was that because you thought the L was going around the roundabout to the right yeah but then I don’t I don’t know what I think cuz obviously when I was doing it with my

    Dad it was like wasn’t as busy and it was quite like a quiet roundabout whereas that there was more cars and then I panicked more thinking that it do did I don’t know I don’t know why I just didn’t really select gear three for

    So you know even if the Lori has got his right signal on yeah yeah at any point remember how you told me when we get to the second exit we signal left and we move over to the left can the Lor do the same as well no they can’t no yeah they

    Can I’m don’t know stop stop breaking no yeah they can okay so if you could park up get anywhere safe on the left for me now please y just do it here please see it where should the clitch me that’s fine there really good position from the Cub

    Good I have a little breather now yeah okay so with the roundabouts tell me how you feeling bar I I know it’s just like so I was saying to my dad the same thing because you don’t know where you where you’re going it’s difficult to know

    Which lane you’re supposed to be in but obviously even with instructions are still so you don’t say difficult which is difficult to know which lane you’re supposed to be in do you mean like cuz I one R when ask you to go straight ahead yeah they they weren’t any Maring there

    M is that what you’re saying it’s difficult know no I think it’s more of the fact like going out when he check it that’s what it is like natural Lanes I’m fine it’s just it see that’s going to happen more when we’re turning uh right yeah but for

    Now like you know when we turned like the first round about the approach was a little bit little bit quick yeah yeah the other round of approach was really good M yeah it was smooth we around 20 M hour uh a couple of car L beforehand you

    Had the correct gear okay uh that was good um you know when um we had the final roundabout when we turn left yeah I’d ask you this question le as well yeah so when you had a look there’s a big there’s a big Lori quite close the

    Lori had his right signal on yeah okay and you said to me I said to you is it safe to go you said yeah it’s safe yeah but that Lori was there what was the reason why you said he was safe did you think that Lori was going back around

    Because he his right signal on or well no cuz wasn’t he was in our lane this the same Lane wasn’t he no he was on the inside Lane that’s why I thought like yeah I thought he was that’s why I thought it would have been yeah not L

    Yeah that’s what a lot of people think yeah but then you know like at before we started listen I ask you you don’t when we turn right at a roundabout yeah you stay in the right hand lane don’t you yeah and when you when you get to the

    Exit before yours you said we do have mirrors we signal and then we move over to the left yeah yeah okay so could a you know the the Lorry that was there in the right lane could he do the same thing could he check his mirror signal

    And could he move over yeah he could he could couldn’t he yeah so do you understand why it’s not safe to enter at that point unless you know he’s gone past yeah okay then he would have been safe but at any point cuz he’s on the

    Own they’ve got priority yeah but a lot of people do that they they see they’ve got their right signal on and they think they might they’re going round yeah they might be going around but we’ve got to make sure yeah we’ve got to make sure before we before we commit yeah you

    Understand that yeah yeah good and you know the assessment and judging when it’s safe to go not to go that’s not going to come in just one lesson like that yeah okay but the key is to approach at a good good speed if you approach at the at a good speed you’ll

    Be able to look assess and decide but if you just rush there it’s going to you again you’re going to make it a lot harder for yourself give you less time right should we try him again y let’s Go okay he’s giving you AA check that right blind spot just before you move off so keep going there so you know with the signal there yeah always like don’t signal straight away see what the traffic is doing for you sure okay and unless there’s like um

    Really slow moving traffic then you want someone to give you a slow down a bit you can get through but slowly they’ve got priority there yeah cuz the vehicles on our side of the road that’s it but then as soon as you signal there what happened they stopped the car stopped

    Yeah again put you under a bit more pressure doesn’t it here okay so if you’re going to make you are ready to go and you can read the situation right so on these roundabouts this time so I’m going to help you out yeah M but I’ll ask you we move to the next

    Stage of impr prompting you asking you some questions just don’t rush okay don’t rush TR I’m now get confused of which which lane not which lane to be in which Lan come which exit take which exit okay I’ll um okay Carry On Again look at for cyclist let’s go the green arrow means

    Go going so it’s pointing to the left yeah and we’re turning left so if the arrows pointing pointing to the direction that you want to go keep going that means you can continue so that red light was for anyone that’s going straight ahead which ge now so here’s a

    Roundout we’re taking the second exit Straight Ahead yeah so check your mirrors and start to slow down good select second gear slow down a bit more bring the clutch up now it’s safe to go so carry on keep to the left lane carry on more gas more gas good we’re taking this sexy

    Center mirror left mirror signal left good and more acceleration well remember to keep your position there more acceleration excellent how do you feel that time no it’s was better good so I talked you fully through that one yeah even though I’m going to help

    You less so on the next one I will um help you a little bit less yeah but we’re going to do the same on the next one we’re going to go straight ahead and take the second exit yeah yeah you’re doing the main thing correct is keeping your position yeah the worst

    Thing you can do is there after entering is just drift over to the right yeah so here’s a roundabout so what’s the first thing you’re going to start doing slow down no before you slow down that’s it good now start slowing down no signal required yet because we’re going

    Straight ahead yeah and which gear are we going to need excellent is it safe to go yeah where should the clutch be oh yeah remember which lane to stay in which mirrors which signal good well done and cancer signal for me now you don’t how much actually is to do

    Yeah there’s a lot to do but that’s just take it nice and easy don’t rush it again there’s a roundabout coming up don’t rush this is too fast it’s too fast Fe we’re going to going to be turning left so which two mirrors first good don’t use the gas don’t use the gas

    Don’t use the gas which gear should you go by now two yeah no that’s four is it safe to go is it safe yeah go well done keep to the left well done Good and at this roundout we’re going to be turning left don’t rush there no don’t rush for the clutch what’s the facing you do which mirrors which signal good left no yeah is it safe to go yeah yes good yeah left yeah left left left that’s it good that his left

    Here it’s fine to double check because like you said there’s a lot to do yeah and it’s it’s normal to just just forget after doing so much cuz you’ve done the routine beforehand and and it can s out your mind slow down I see carry on remember we’re not on the Dual carrier

    Anymore yeah yeah it’s more built up area so more hazards what’s the speed limit 30 yeah one of those roundabouts your speed was good and you were just so eager to accelerate again yeah and like this is exactly what you were doing at the Junctions when we first started our

    Te Junctions yeah you going to make you a lot more harder for yourself so how do you feel about the run at this time um better so just having idea where it’s just double checking what to cuz I think it’s the one time the first time went with my Dad

    Yeah I ended up he said turn but it said turn too late so I ended up not knowing which one I was actually turning into he didn’t say what I could say and I thing it is like again it’s good that you’re leing with your dad but I think what’s happening

    There’s some habits building up there which you have to unlearn as well now yeah yeah okay don’t rush slow down break break break break break break break break there want break too much there you go stop it and car on did you want to go through that any

    Faster there did you see how did you see how narrow the gut was with the L’s coming yeah this is like what the thing that you have to just like just you just want to go really quick yeah yeah I don’t know why I do that I just want to

    Get away through I think it’s just a fa without I’ve heard you say that many times before you won’t install again Hazard ahe he’s off the gas now that’s it are you practicing your theory yeah right haszard perception clicks uh Clips I want you to practice those as much as

    You can yeah and that’s what you do that’s what you’re going to do here now as well any Hazard EAS off the gas we can keep going there it’s fine there is a l but there’s no oncoming Vehicles check your Center and right mirror that’s

    It K we don’t need to break here why are we breaking here I just know it’s just see I don’t slow down when I need toct I just thinking thinking there’s no need to slow down here but we didn’t need to slow down you was like totally bomb it

    Through at these traffic lights we’re going to be turning Left that was really good the routine was perfect there there’s mirrors signal slowing down there’s no rushing up to there yeah this is exactly exactly what you’re going to do on the roundabouts as well yeah are all Junctions approach like this you so you’ll see the junction

    There the round about or the the road there and like accelerate towards it yeah which is going to give you a lot less time to do your checks on that and look out for cyclist remember which lane good anybody overtaking you no that’s it now at these lights we’re going to be

    Turning it left don’t go over the marking just yet check your mirrors first are good signal check your mirrors again and then move on good I like how you started breaking nice and early there slow down a bit more slow down on wi gear Good all done away from the curb a bit okay there a bit close to the curb there right this round B we’re going straight ahead yeah it’s all yours give it a go don’t rush take your time take your time we’re going straighte and taking the second

    Exit which gear should you got by now that’s gear four GE four no it’s two now remember which lane Good which mirrors which signal that’s it okay so you know when we come up to the next round about in the bit Yeah yeah yes like a three keep to the left you know the routine all I want you to say to yourself yeah when you approach next

    Round right when I tell you which way we’re going yeah is mirrors signal if required yeah and then breake and gear mirror signal brake gear can you remember the four words yeah yeah and do it in that AA cuz you forgot to get your gear there okay and if you’re

    Not prepared it just makes it a lot more harder yeah so at this roundabout we’re going to go straight ahead and take the second exit so say the routine oh do we need the signal no good good well done where should the clutch be by now remember which L to

    Stay which mirrors which signal good why is it important the signal here so people see carrying on that’s it yeah so you just obviously your position confirms it as well yeah but that signal yeah just makes it clear that you are taking this exit yeah so again remember the routine

    Mirror signal brake gear okay on the Approach at this roundabout I like you to turn left okay so we did the routing in the wrong order there yeah we’re fine we still got everything done though even though it was in the wrong order what you reckon well done good observations you

    Know when you select the second gear bring that clutch up straight away then you can put it back down if you’re going to stop yeah okay don’t be cing up towards the round B turning left at this round B miror signal then what oh it’s too fast break break break

    Break car for going it’s cuz the last it was going keep going okay EAS off the gas a little bit and which get now right what’s the four WS I want you to remember now I’ve cut the routine down for you yeah because um I think it might be a bit too much

    For you to remember but yeah okay so whatever I cut you down to what’s a routine now M signal yeah slow down as well now oh yeah wait what are you tell slow down so what’s a routine mirror signal yeah my God what there another gears no

    Keep going keep going don’t worry I’m going to make you write that down somewhere yeah I remember it saying because you know at this round about what did you totally forget to do you did the Micon signal and then what do you do what’s your what’s been our main

    Issue yeah exactly that’s been our main issue since you started your lessons MH yeah and that stems from like you know mean you your drive at home yeah and it’s like quick quick quick you don’t want to hold people up yeah and you’ve

    Even told me we we got to learn to use a routine that’s going to help you just get out of that mentality here of trying to rush like even know the r you did you Mo a signal but it it doesn’t make any sense accelerating towards something yeah like

    That okay so the four W that I want you to remember yeah yeah you can write them whatever you need to yeah but they’ve got to be like fully in your head yeah every time I should to turn right or left uh round about and or even going

    Straight ahead mirror signal brake and gear in that order okay what are the four words maybe I sa nor break what was the last One GE gear that one okay do you know even when you’re driving with your dad yeah yeah um I want you to use those for words on every single turn okay trust me you know want you to start doing that yeah it’s going to help you so

    Much you’re going to be doing doing everything in the correct order but the like you you are kind of doing the stuff yeah but like I said our main weakness is just not coming off the accelerator yeah just trying to rush into turns and even on that last roundabout it was all

    Going good but then you it just really fast I feel like it’s always a habit on the new topic as well like I was the teent turn around like a left turn fast and then we sort her out and then next lesson he back again

    I think you know what’s going to be good I I need to like sit in the back of a lesson with your dad you know when you’re doing a lesson with your dad yeah um yeah we’ll ask him and I think it’d be good to see what uh why this is happening

    Yeah brilliant this is brilliant some sometimes you do it’s it’s excellent yeah and we’re going to park up uh keep going actually after these uh maybe after that blue car yeah just go carry on where should the clutch be bit more to the left bit more to the

    Left and stay slightly to the right that’ll do there it is a drop C but there’s a grass F there so we should be okay we’re going to end the lesson here now switch off of the engine take the K right so your first experience well with

    Me on roundabout here okay where we’re doing them slightly more structured yeah with with the correct routine not just not just driving on them yeah okay um so what’s a key thing do you think about uh roundabouts that you learn today um get making sure you’re observing and not just misjudging other

    People when they’re yeah and what’s going to help you with that doing the routine yeah doing the routine and the key thing is your approach speed yeah yeah so your approach speed so you’re doing your mirrors and Signal yeah um on the approach slow yourself down in time and

    Get the correct gear beforehand which is what two two yeah when you get gear two bring that clutch up have a look and think okay now I’m not going clutch back down okay and then um one you uh if we’re going straight ahead yeah um once you’ve enter the roundabout

    What were you forgetting to do after entering the roundabout you not before your to exit check the mirrors check the mirrors and signal signal what point do we do that signal after you’ve gone past and just it’s like in between your exit and the the exit before yeah so if we’re

    Taking the second exit yeah so not in between as soon as you pass the first yeah as soon as you pass the first do your mirrors beforehand when you get to the first and um remember that I want you to rewatch The videos yeah on the RAB about section okay make sure you

    Understand exactly at what point it’s all explained there how many car before yeah okay so go through that and even like um you you probably do some lessons with your dad in between yeah yeah um or you that’s a back camera again just make sure you stick to the routine please

    Mirror signal break and gear the routine is like mirror signal position speed and look you’re kind of getting the position yeah okay looking part you’re doing naturally you’re not entering you’re not going to enter around right without without on looking at but the parts that you’re struggling with that’s why I’ve

    Broken the routine down to to those yeah yeah please um four words it’s not a massive ass for you for you to remember is it signal break yeah there you go you got it remember every time thinking about it see every time you’re in the car yeah and you’re doing anything any

    Tense mirror signal break yeah mirror signal break yeah and trust me you know if you do do it you’ll be you’ll be coming on the next and saying I’ll do this for Daddy help me out massively yeah okay right so um next lesson we’re going to continue with these roundabouts

    The the good thing was you didn’t like stall anywhere M yeah and when you moved off it was it was it was good yeah um I think what we did earlier on the previous lesson in the previous video sorry did help with that yeah any questions anything you didn’t understand

    About roundabouts today no I think I just re yeah and you know what you did today that’s absolutely normal for a first lesson on roundabouts yeah like I said don’t roundabouts does take normally about four to five lessons mhm Okay so we’ve had the first lesson where

    By the end of this you’re kind of attend attempting the roundabout yourself yeah remember we didn’t do any right T but next lesson we’re going to start off with the same roundabouts yeah and then we’re going to move on to uh to the right TS cuz I want you to feel like

    Yeah I know exactly what to do here now yeah and then the right ts are going to going to be a bit more challenging than then we’ll move on to those yeah okay right so uh that’s the end of that lesson and guys like always thanks a lot

    For watching don’t forget to like And subscribe and we’ll see you in the next video


    1. we had a 3 lane (yes 3 lanes) rondabout here where i live in germany, that was changed to 2 lanes as it was insanely dangerous, it is still stupidly dangerous. with people cutting across the lanes to make an exit and almost coliding with others, am not a fan of multi lane ones for this reason.

    2. Before i watch the video, is there any difference in the signs to show one is spiral roundabout and one isn’t? If there is I think that would be really helpful if someone let me know

    3. Passed first time on Tuesday 2nd January 2024 (6 minors). I’m over the moon 🎉😁🙌🏾. This is the best driving channel on YouTube no doubt about it!!! Binge-watched all the mock test videos. I also bought the Ultimate Driving Course (Manual) which gave me more knowledge on the different topics involved in the practical driving test. Keep providing quality driving content Pin! We appreciate it.

    4. The main issue phoebe is having is going too fast towards junctions / hazards and going too slow when it's safe to do so, she will get there eventually. I'm actually impressed she's driving like this after seven lessons.

    5. I have difficulty in knowing when to go, I think I get abit rushed and confused so I understand where she’s coming from when she’s a little unsure about the lorry and other cars coming towards her

    6. Not much to say, she does make good steady progress and hopefully she is revising to take her theory to pass this quickly as she can. 😊

    7. I wonder how people get time to take lessons, instructors are fully booked, if you do job 9-5 i wonder how people get time, as its of no use to drive in dark like a robot brain dead, really lucky people to carry their life and such trainings aswell

    8. Sir do you kindly have any tips for Wednesday 2:05PM Goodmayes? I’d be very grateful for any tips you can kindly share! I’m a great fan of all of your videos and have been avidly watching every video taking notes and learning as much as possible! Very grateful thank you! 💪

    9. I had my first ever lesson today, watching your videos has helped so much because the knowledge is there I just need a lot of practice😂 I was out driving on the normal roads which I wasn’t expecting, I was expecting to stay in a quiet industrial estate and practice moving off and stopping so I felt thrown into the deep end but my instructor is lovely and helped a lot. I just bought the ultimate driving course and going over the videos for my next lesson😁

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