Solo bicycle trip around Iceland, May 2012
    Одиночный велопоход по Исландии, Май 2012
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    1. I'm going to Iceland in the near future and at first i planned on renting a camper but after watching this video I'm now considering using a bike and tent instead. Great video

    2. На 11:55 минуте что это за водоем? Вода необычного цвета, почему? А это просто гейзер или это большое озеро? Просто относительных объектов нет и не понятна площадь этого озера или озерца. 🙂

    3. Nice video – looks like you had an amazing and very memorable time. I'm doing this trip in 3 weeks! Any top tips from someone who's been there? 😉

    4. Great adventure and video. Must have been hard sometimes with all the weight and the strong winds… But the volcanic landscapes are impressive.

    5. очень качественный контент. подписка и лайк – все чем могу помочь. подборка музыки в роликах супер есть ли список использованных произведений? или может даже готовая подборка, типа Mexmatenok OST

    6. читал книгу Джереми Кларксона про то как он обьехал весь мир, и он там пишет что Исландцы это очень особенные люди

    7. Few safety tips learnt from the locals: beware of the black sand on the beaches. There can be quicksand, pocket of water and sand below the surface and one can sink in and not get out. Don't swim in the ocean. The currents are very strong and will take you kilometers out to sea. Also beware on the beach, there can be a very big wave coming and it can sweep you out to sea. It is not possible to see the big wave against the horizon. Also do not camp next to glacial rivers. They can swell suddenly if there is an earthquake or outburst of lava under the glacier which then melts the ice and it just rushes down the rivers and any other place together with a lot of earth. In the fog, one will not be able to see the cars rear lights, so the car drivers definetly will not be able to see you cycling on the side of the road. And the winds can really be very strong and knock you over on the road. In a snowstorm, the combined effect of getting wet and the strong wind may result you freezing you out of your wits. It might be impossible to set up the tent because the wind would just rip it from your hands so check out the weather forecast and know what to do in real bad weather to survive. Make sure your mobile phone is charged. But Iceland is a really wonderful place and nice people. It is like no other place.

    8. Wow that looked like some adventure. Iceland is my favorite place in the world but a camper van is more my speed. lol. thanks for the video. great job.

    9. So breathtaking and lovely images…

      Kudos for your successful adventure.

      Throughout the journey, It must have felt like you are down to one life in an arcade game. Your courage is so inspiring.

    10. One of the best biking-camping video! Happy that it is still on youtube … ive seen it 5 years ago before I went to norway by bike. really one of my favorites!!

    11. Настя, ты молодец, что не опустила руки и не повернула назад при всем этом сильном встречном ветре и снеге!

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