The majority of Uber Eats deliveries start and end in a busy urban environment. Watch this video for five tips on cycling safely and sharing the road with other users.

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    Uber Eats Partners with Cycling UK | Uber Eats

    Here are five tips to help keep you safe during your bike journey before you get on the road it’s good to check all your surroundings if you can find a place where you are easily visible to passing traffic rent safe set off if you’re entering the road from an obscured

    Location wait until a large enough gap opens up in the traffic road conditions can change rapidly make sure you can get to your brakes quickly and react be familiar with your brakes and be aware of stopping distances changing road conditions will affect the time it takes to stop while you’re cycling try to

    Maximize your awareness of your surroundings by making eye contact with drivers before you perform maneuvers you gain assurance that they are aware of you it also helps drivers anticipate changes in your road position keep looking out for road users who aren’t paying attention to their surroundings by noting these you can take early

    Precautionary steps while riding your basic road position should be at least an arm’s length from the curb most road defects occur at or near the curb so riding further out can prevent a cyclist from being thrown by road debris gullies or potholes at Road pinch points it’s advantageous to move even further out

    Into the center of the lane this makes the cyclist much more obvious to drivers behind them and can help prevent other vehicles from passing in a dangerous manner being predictable on the road is important so other road users are aware of your road position when ending your journey check over your shoulder to

    Alert other road users to the fact you’re altering your default riding position pull in towards the curb and gently slow to a stop before dismounting Thank you for watching this educational video from cycling UK in partnership with uber eats


    1. The majority of Uber Eats deliveries start and end in a busy urban environment. Watch this video for five tips on cycling safely and sharing the road with other users.

    2. You discriminate and don't even give cyclists jobs😂you give all the work to cars despite the fact they multi app and deliver cold food

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