In this webinar, we present the next steps of the project in this direction, leveraging our experience in research on ICT Standardisation, but also pointing out the key factor of education in Standardisation (and policy-related aspects), with the support of authoritative speakers from EU initiatives, associations and organisations.


    Is uh good blind um I’m a member of the the cook Consortium and I’m representing the The fover Institute isi but I’m also a professor for um Innovation at the tuell today uh we are quite happy to uh have you with you the webinar on blockchain education

    Negociation because I it’s a really kind of a challenging and uh the future for the future very relevant topic and um for this webinar we we got very kind of uh important distinguished speakers and these are on on this slide um unfortunately uh due to sickness two

    People cannot join therefore we are a little bit more more easy with the presentations of today we have Serena Dei she’s from digital and representing uh the other kind of sister project block stand we have Stefan scham from uh digital identity and Trust at MSG we

    Have from uh Etsy Raymond robs U we have Stefan karali uh from the karali con a member of the S sanc station activity and finally but very important is rundas m vus uh he is Professor in in uh in Finland but he is also representing the very big chase project which is on

    Education about blockchain that means these are uh the the list of speakers but you will see them later a minute I go on uh this is a little bit complicated slide this is kind of SE Block in a nutshell uh overall what is our mission our mission is really to to

    Push and and uh support the European interest within the blockchain uh to distribute the ler Technologies the incension activities uh worldwide that means we we want to support the U experts um um we want also to to L all with uh the already existing kind of activities related to blockchain we want

    To get all stakeholder uh groups engaged within the EU which are responsible also to bring them to the international stage and finally we we have the the interest to yeah get the European values um towards the the international level there are different um kind of tools we contribute to standards there is also

    Kind of funding available see will see that show that in a minute we have reports and other materials um we have uh um kind of uh the objective to create a bigger community and this event is part of of of this therefore it’s one of

    The 12 weinar which are in in in the in the Outreach kind of box overall we have techn work groups we have these events like this we have a strategic board we have a a permanent task force where we are linked with the already existing kind of institutions in in the

    Blockchain but also in the station in the it um area and we have a a pool of evaluators and uh and that’s the the mechanism of C blocks um just to to make a little bit promotion for for the funding opportunities that means um you can apply now for bringing up your ideas

    Uh which is supported by up to 1, uh 10,000 uh Euros um and we we invite blockchain uh professionals which have expertise and also maybe even expertise in denization um to represent and develop kind of uh yeah European ideas uh in a kind of short medium and long-term

    Perspective um but this um you find under this uh kind of um page where you can apply for this funding and uh it’s yeah it’s two weeks more or less uh time to um to submit your your um applications and um if you are if you

    Are first then there is a a good chance that you are getting f um we have um already different evaluators from uh from num countries also with 70% uh a higher share of of female than we have in general ination nor it’s around 10% we have a quite nice

    Country coverage um with some kind of focus on on Italy and and the seos are also quite nicely kind of covered by by these these evaluators which will then kind of evaluate your proposals um regarding the the webinar some U uh kind of instructions how how

    To uh yeah behave here uh first uh as you have already seen it’s it’s going to record it and will also be available later um then um we really encourage to have this as as a kind of an interactive event that means please use the the Q&A

    A box uh to u to come up with your questions um but you can also use the chat to uh to ask questions and maybe also provide ideas and links which might be interesting for us um what’s the what’s the background here the bigger background is that

    Indeed blockchain cation is is higher on the agenda because both in the U uh strategy released in 22 but also in the 23 in May 23 released us cation strategy blockchain cation is one of the uh in the US key Technologies which they they focus on um we are seeing different

    Activities in in in different organizations also um in not only in a complimentary way but also in in a competitive one therefore that’s that’s an interesting aspect um and the the the challenge is to to represent the you interest in in and especially the u values in an

    Adequate way uh because um there are other players and also in the context of the current geopolitical um kind of games and tensions this this is an issue but the other point is that um skilled uh people are aware therefore education training about sanitization in the field is an issue there’s education

    Maral available on on um kind of station in general ICT station also in particular for example by Etsy there are also other initiatives a new project on education will be kicked off early 24 U project therefore what is the way forward we try to identify the gaps

    Especially then also in the in the discussion um and we try to to close the gaps by visualization tool but also to by by kind of producing some add additional materials um standards have um very kind of generic aspects they provide information they reduce use variety they they assure maybe minimum

    Quality and very important here in this context is that they uh generate compatibility they can also even kind of be seen as as an insurance function this is these are the generic function which which are be maybe as a as a as a guidance um provided as as background information

    And you see also here they have positive and and there there are also maybe critical aspects where standards can be misused especially related to Innovation and blockchain is still in a in an emerging phase and also along the the kind of yeah research and Innovation kind of cycle there are different kind

    Of faces at the beginning you talk about terminology about definitions that means there’s more about semantic and then it’s about measurement and testing and then we we have interface the and compatibility and value reduction um Varity reduction standards in the focus and um just as an example because my my

    Colleagu Simone who is also part of the team um was involved in s such an early activity here at uh in Germany to come up with a terminology for blockchain in parallel uh lat later brief this was released in 2017 uh ISO also took this

    Topic on board and now um the the ISO definition is is the one but but you see this this was was early in the field and um yeah that’s uh I hope in 10 minutes uh was a brief intro from my side and now I hand over to the next speaker from

    Block stand Serena thank you very much Nat will um share my presentation so hope you can see the presentation now yes great so um I will um I will start introducing a bit um European digital Alliance what we do um I’m uh I should uh first introduce

    Myself um I’m senena deali I’m a senior technology manager at European digital Alliance working mainly on uh technology projects and on standardization um topic uh so um I will start introducing uh what we do as a su European digital Alliance uh which is a um Alliance uh

    Which repres % more than for uh 45,000 uh working in the ICT sector um our members uh are um representing uh about 30 uh National Regional Association coming from uh all Europe so the European Union member states and neighborhood countries uh we have uh a number of uh

    Active uh working groups and the focus group working on different topic I will present them briefly uh in a while uh so we cover a wide range of uh topics uh of course related to the to the the work of our members so the ICT sector uh we are

    Also um directly involved in many European uh founded uh project uh and we are running um other uh project proposals always uh mostly funded by the European Union and uh we have um a very um active uh community of experts uh involved in our working groups and in uh

    In many technical committees uh also in U in different uh international organization and standard uh development organizations uh um I will briefly uh introduce uh the the working groups uh and the focus groups uh which are um working uh specifically on the on the subject of the our webinar today uh

    Which are uh the working group skills and the working group uh standards um these uh working groups um focus mainly uh the first one is uh uh focused on um uh helping our members so thees uh in advaning advancing uh with their upskilling and reskilling uh

    Activities um to be in line with the the new requirements of the the labor market and to um to to keep on staying in the digital Market uh and and uh there is also the the working group on standards uh which is a quite active um working

    Group working mainly on uh uh on standards and uh the main objective is to increase the awareness among ourmes uh on the importance uh of the uh standards and how they and helping them in uh actually implementing uh those standards in their process um I’m going to to present uh uh

    Some uh concrete projects uh which uh are um uh in our um activities so we are directly involved in the higher level Forum uh on standardization uh HLF uh which was uh which is a body established by the European commission uh this year uh following the the communication on the you strategy on

    Standardization which was released uh last year um 2022 uh which highlighted the need for education and skills on standardization so uh the attention on this topic is uh is increasing actually as uh not uh said uh before uh and uh the establishment of this uh this body was a a direct

    Consequence um in the HLF uh there are uh different work streams uh active on different topics um which um gather um actually different stakeholders coming from the public and the private sector uh and uh with which will be uh directly involved and um um in um commitment uh conrete

    Commitments uh in order to uh to to to promote concrete actions uh one of the work stream is the education and skills uh work stream uh and um digital is uh is also active in this in this work stream um soon uh the participants so all the

    Stakeholders will be uh called um to uh to engage in concrete actions through plages so also digital will be uh directory involved in the implementation of these concrete actions uh another activity which is uh um which is currently ongoing is the digital large scales skills partnership

    LSP uh which is an initiative um under the P for skills so directly linked to the uh year for skills of the European commission um currently the digital SP uh brings together more than 100 stakeholders coming from across Europe committed uh especially committed in uh

    In concrete AC ction to up and res skill uh the European Workforce um as uh required by the labor market uh digital is one of the coordinator of this uh big initiative and uh which is still open uh to single entities and umbrella organizations alliances uh local partnership so everyone

    Um follow these categories uh can can apply and join this uh this big partnership uh then uh as Gat uh introduced before uh I will briefly talk about Blain project which is uh a project launched this year uh and led by a consult of four Partners uh so digital

    Alliance is the coordinator then we we have Ina SDS and Nino um and we are all partners with an extensive experience on blockchain Standardization um the project which is uh and European Union funded project aims at uh creating a um an increasing uh a community um and European leadership in global uh blockchain standardization um which aims at ensuring that the international used blockchain standards reflect actually the European values and

    Needs uh how do we do this uh we have uh published a an open call uh an open call for selection of experts um which is um open until February 2025 uh which aim um to engage uh with 40 uh experts in blockchain and DLT standardization so as I said uh the the

    The gim is to create a blockchain community that uh will um exchange um experiences ideas uh feedback also after the the project when the project is uh is close it’s it’s very important for us to to keep this community alive and uh to to to keep the dialogue uh between stakeholders uh

    Alive uh here I have uh some concrete info uh about the the call um for experts so as I said it was launched in August 20123 uh and uh experts can submit their application until mid February 2025 uh here there is the link to uh to

    Apply um every two months we have uh cut off dates so in order to uh to know about the outcome of your application you don’t have to to wait until February 2025 so we will reach out uh with feedback and on with the outcome um experts canit their application for

    Uh short or long-term um deliverables uh which have many uh which can be like uh different uh kind of deliverables um to engage for example you can engage in concrete actions uh promote uh the um the study and the discussion in different sdos about uh standards uh uh also drafting um

    Guidelines uh promoting activities uh engagement activities so I really encourage you to uh visit our web page uh and to and to apply thank you very much for your attention yeah thank you s for giving us an Insight on digital SN and also block we move on with stefen um Stefan

    Shan next speaker okay then the floor is yours Stefan okay yeah then uh thanks a lot for the possibility to start a bit with the uh technical more technical uh sessions um I will just speak about just a transaction in electronic ledge over International standardization just as a starting point

    Uh the colleages afterwards will be go a bit deeper from 10 and Etsy perspective um at first something about the the with inas to as you could see uh yeserday uh we a consensus was reached in the trial so you will go on with theas 2 and the

    Wellknown section 11 remain in theas 2 concerning the and then a bit an overview on project and standardization um if we speak about uh the within the IAS 2 we will have it in nearly every part of theas ecosystem um this picture is a bit an abstract from the architecture reference

    Uh framework so is means you may use the ATS infrastructure for the EU digital wallet so one example is uh the L SK pilot DY for you which is based on Epsy where a wallet will be developed using Epsy as a decentralized pki in this case

    The D will also be used by the relying party just to check the uh EU digital wallet especially for example the qualified adastation of attributes or in the SSI language we would call it verifiable uh credential so for example your uh driver license or your you receip so that means also forestations

    Uh the may be used as the infrastructure the same for the signature but uh EI does also introduce a qtp or qualified trust service provider on electronic Ledger what we should keep in mind in this case is that those qtp for electronic ler focus on use cases which

    Are not covered by by the other components so if you speak about a wallet if you speak about attestations if you speak about signatures uh this is covered by those components and certified by a cap uh while certifying an U digital wallet or uh Conformity assessment for other trust service but

    Yes we have a new trust service on electronic ledger so just for digital product passes for tokenization ETC so uh I think you is one of the first uh economies in the world just regulating um distributed ledger so but this also means that we integrate uh electronic Ledger into the

    Eidas uh trust framework which means that any qtp providing electronic Ledger has to be certified going to Conformity assessment by Conformity assessment body which is supervised by an accreditation Authority so for example in Germany it’s a Dux and the cap is uh is toit for example and supervised by naal

    Supervisory uh body following uh the standards given by the tux or by the sanitization bodies but this yes for those was coming from the decentralized um ecosystems and decentralization may Wonder a bit yes it limits decentralization that’s correct because we depend on uh trusted third party in this case the QT ISP other

    Trusted third parties like a cap like an accreditation body but uh with this integration in the Echo System we also enable DRT to be used in regulated uh in regulated environments as we have somebody who is really liable like the qtp which is fully liable according to Article 13 of

    EI so we decrease the risk in utilization of the for rul uh environments also because the certification is always based on European standards and we have proven our security in dit so one reason why dit is seen a bit critical in some member states like for example Germany

    Might be solved with eidas uh too um if we go a bit deeper in our current uh projects I think we have to mention the ongoing uh large scale Pilots for the ud wallet um the four mentioned here especially DC for you is working on Epsy and ewc is also working

    On on Indie and will also work a bit on Epsy so we have two large scale Pilots which use DRT um we have the ongoing Epsy projects in the digal Europe program where we have vctor which is a bit can say a bit a little sister of TC

    Foru working on diploma and Social Security Pass High regulated cases and we have trace for you and like the name promises trace for you focus on supply chain so digital product pass uh subjects also digital rights uh subjects um tokenization Etc so means we have the regulation but we also have ongoing

    Project practical utilization and implementation of use case and just to give an um information to toolbox but also to the standardization and close collation but how we should adjust or further develop the standards to be um to be fully usable uh for DT especially that those standers you remember the picture of

    Before may be a basement for the certification by Conformity assessment B is for the qtp are for electronic um l so long story short you didn’t only provide a regulation but also provide projects just to test the regulation you can say and just to give input for the

    Standardization to have at the end a cerent uh framework for the utilization of electronic lure what does it uh mean so IAS 2 can Ure um decentralized uh decentralization or decentralized uh echosystem systems using D also for high regulated cases where we need our trust where we

    Need to be able to fulfill burden of proof and documentation requirements so this picture is a bit if you assess the you will always find okay our reliability might become a bit difficult to document the transaction using the without additional uh measures availability there are currently no

    Really standard how to be make be able to to read to use the in 20 years don’t know but for diploma it might be helpful because we have retention periods for diploma about between 30 and 60 years transferability we have to requirement and S member states that to make

    Authenticity every there to provide it to a judge and to say okay there’s a deal teach just trust me so there might be additional measures necessary and yes we all know the wellknown article 7 so deletion um yes it’s possible if you know how to do it but uh it’s nothing which is

    Currently standardized and the same for the bit for the authenticity uh we need something like signatures uh Etc but this might will will be solved with the uh standardization so we have the regulation providing qtps which will be certified that they are able to fulfill uh those requirements standardization

    Ongoing focusing on such subject like trusted issuer or reg if you use the D for decentralized pki subjects like for example uh revocation and revocation not bound on certain formats but format independent crypto stability like mentioned we want to prove also in 20 years requirements on certification but

    Also the combination with other qtp of example like a signature to make evident somebody is really responsible for a certain uh transaction so with the aim at the end of the day to have a trusted uh decentralization we can trust in the system because it’s proven it’s provided

    By a trusted supp party which is liable if we have the long-term provability and we have verifiable uh security but yeah some action is uh is needed but the projects are going on until 2025 so for for the audience this uh mench digital EUR programs are bit sister projects of

    The C block uh it was only another call but going in Carol overview on the standards uh like n mentioned we have the 22739 defining the roadwi terminology in ISO C ISO tc37 I just grabbed some examples here which from my perspective are most relevant especially from the idas

    Perspective we have the TR 22 3 49 for existing D systems for identity management where you have software and where you have also Austria so the different Frameworks or networks in this subject we have a new valid reference architecture for uh D and guidelines for governance and you can see it’s also

    Working on ating guidelines also ISO is going in the direction to have trusted uh d approvable d also trust anchors for the based uh identity management so rules for DS you can say in the uh technical report coming more from the um trustworthiness point of view on D we

    Have to mention the ISC btr2 24332 blockchain and D relation to to records records management this is exactly our defining requirements on here using DT for records management uh we got the final comments this week so we hope to publish next year this technical uh report and if you go to

    Europe we also especially have to mention is PDL and then uh JTC s jc9 uh in this subject and so especially the non- repudiation techniques I’m pretty sure the colleagues will go a bit deeper uh in this subject uh too so this was from my side so long long story short

    EAS provides and framework for trust using D for uh trustworthy digital uh transactions we are defining these standards in the different cation bodies in close collaboration with the ongoing digital your uh programs and can say great things are are coming and I give the ball back to to you yeah thank you

    Stephan thank you for kind of linking the elect identity kind of issue with with blockchain you already gave a little bit an overview what’s going on and therefore we we move on uh uh without any do to Raymond um who um is active at Etsy Raymond are you there yes

    I’m here can you hear me yeah hello hi good good morning good morning the floor is yours can you see my screen I think I just pressed the right button I hope yes yes it’s set a timer to see if I how long I speak for okay can can you

    Activate your camera is that possible just good question yes I can yeah it’s now started can you see me now yeah I could see the button a few minutes ago a few seconds ago but I can now yeah okay thank you okay I’m Raymond Forbes I’m chairman of an isg called am Vice

    Chairman of PDL which is permission distributed Ledges so I’m talking here this morning on permission distributed Ledges well yeah I hope it’s morning and your time it depends what time Z you’re on uh if I talk too fast no complain just tell me because English is my first

    Language so I could talk quite quickly um so it’s just yeah so the scope of PDL ety has an isg PDL everybody is entitled to come to Etsy meetings who’s here the isgs are open to everybody whether they’re Etsy members which are very easy easy to register whether they are

    Industry participants they have to sign a form to say that they want to be involved and how they want to be involved they may have to pay to come to plenaries on a day-by-day basis uh yeah if they are not Etsy members if they are Etsy members it’s included in your

    Subscription so what we are trying to do is look at industrial applicability we’re looking at the industrial applicability of Standards so the iso requirements for standardization are the same as the requirements that Etsy has for standard standardization there’s no real difference between our ultimate goals in standardization it’s we’re just part of

    The the standardization Arena we’re focused on ICT standards in Europe where we came from a European background we have a global um influence as well or impact so the free Tob peace standards that have been made by ET have a global worldwide use at the moment and we hope

    That will long continue of course so the industrial applicability of blockchain Standards uh is manageability manageability in the industry manageability across different industries that use them scalability this is one of the major problems with blockchain has been the lack of scaling as the data grows and grows and grows

    Data grows at a constant rate so the the we need a means of archiving old data the time and energy effic the fairness implications and the legal implications the legal implications are things that we may need to work on or bottom out or understand because the leg legal implications of blockchain itself

    Because it’s what you put into it may be immutable as stepan has said there is an immutability characteristic but the what you the immutability characteristic can also be used to secure data and secure The Ledger and blockchain which can be used for contracts and I will talk a bit about contracts

    The permissioned approach is seeking for multiple sector environments and the Telco and Beyond we’re look we came from a Telco background in Etsy the Etsy people have Etsy not Epsy Etsy is came from telka background most of the industrial implications are one-headed solutions I they have a single vendor

    They have provided for management of a service within a single Telco but to have a Telco solution we need endtoend characteristics we need a distributed um Organization for um the administration or the the auy and we have def def defeats the purpose of of dis intermediation we want intermediation between the between the

    Different Industries we want intermediation between the different applications so the industrial Focus needs to have an accountability performance predictability and The Ledger automat atically provides predictability it’s good at providing predictability and Ledges may be added to AI to make it more predictable and of course AI can be put into the ledgers to

    Make the ledgers more rapid at processing large amounts of data specific sector regulations we need to comply with the regulations in each country and in in each region the European Union being one of the regions we the need for Carrier grade Services the need to develop the services just

    From benchmark Mark or ICT Solutions like Microsoft PCS are to carry grade Solutions where when I started we implemented a telephone exchange and we didn’t expect to go back to it for 10 years so we expected the software to keep working for 10 years of course the

    Software may need to be upgraded but not on a month by month basis but on a yearby year or a 10year basis service level implies we need a predictable service level which implies a long be Beyond functioning code beyond the functional code uh to support the release cycle we need a long release

    Cycle automation of governance we need to have governance the governance has to be decided at a national level I think or a governmental level and the governance is something that se blocks can provide governance has multiple flavors governance has automation we need automation between the governance and we need agreement of the different

    Parts of the governance that feed into the system whether that’s governance to make the immutability the data that’s put in reliable because the data that’s I mean all immutability means is you can’t change the data immutability doesn’t make the data itself good it just means the data is is reliable so if

    You put bad data in the data is still reliably bad uh but uh that’s presumably the the go the governance needs to be applied in such a way as to have predictable data so if the legal profession uses this um kind of data I was in a call

    Yesterday with the which on was on the legal profession and how the legal profession may use some of this identity and security are key factors so we have open wellestablished operational mechanisms we validate the participation nodes we reach consensus among participant nodes and we reach consensus among the participants in the

    Meeting as well publish the executable operations we facilitate the operation of nodes we communicate the events relative to the node operations so we’re defining the nodes and how the nodes work together we Define The Ledger data flows we verify the execution of smart contracts and we established the trust

    Links to the U using the above mechanisms so the data conduits and flows kind of listed here um perhaps I may have time to go through these but I may not have time we there’s data processing requirements the data processing is built built on trust it’s built on good governance it’s built on

    The fruit put and security and built on the the intellectual property rights based on the reference architecture and the um the reference points the inter yeah yeah the reference points in the architecture which Stefan has highlighted uh pdl1 as one of the reference point architectures so the

    Reference point architecture is a a key document the distributed and Federated data manager we have distributed and Federated data management we have non-repudiation mechanisms so the focus on Smart contracts the smart contract work there was a very interesting report was produced in the German government was pushing smart contracts the smart

    Contracts may take over the uh the contracts held by property uh lawyers across Europe attorneys across Europe and ultimately across the world they may do in the Far East and they may do in the us as well the meeting yesterday afternoon was with us lawyers it was

    Interesting I meeting I was at It’s Kind an interesting discussion so the lawyers were thinking of using blockchain in this in their respect but it may be a bit early for them to actually use it in in the real world um so inherent based on Smart contracts is the

    Immutability the auto execution and the transparency well-known and reliable open methods for verification wellestablished government practices the governance needs to be brought in from outside the governance isn’t produced by The Ledger The Ledger just this the blockchain and The Ledger just means that once the governance is applied it

    Stays reliable the well- defined data conduits and triggers redact ability the reduct ability of The Ledger is the way in which you secure the data on The Ledger the interledger operation the L is agnostic to however so you could have multiple ledgers which are agnostic to each other which can interoperate

    And that’s the reason why we need to develop standards The Joint work between Etc tcei and Sen senck there there was hope to be joint work which the European commission was funding or putting forward which was under the mode five cooperation but I think a week or two

    Ago it the proposal was Rewritten The Proposal was to have an stf which started the work on Smart contract standardization the stdf in Etsy will stdf 5 655 will go ahead the proposal for the stf 655 has been um redrafted it’s been redrafted because s jtc1

    19 uh didn’t perform in the way the the we didn’t have an open call for experts in the way the European commission expected so DG grow asked Etsy to redraft the work and get on with the Etsy half they’re just saying that the SLE half may take

    Longer so one of the issues that uh rellos from the European commission wanted to discuss was the the right to be forgotten because gdpr clearly has a right to be forgotten so is data editable now the one of the ways that PDL for which is one of the documents

    That’s going to be put into the stf and going to be put into tcsi and may become a European Norm um when it may be re-edited to become a European Norm it’s quite likely that the work in uh smart contracts based on PDL 004 and PDL

    011 will be the basis of the work that they will work on in this smart contracts work so if they can build a side chain the side chains can be cut off and can be removed and new side chains can be added so side chain deployment in this method is the main

    Contract storage in the side chain you the side chain is editable to the master chain of course the master chain is self can just add things to it but the side chain can be cut off and the links can be cut and the new side chains can be

    Added so you can edit data and you can forget people so that’s the basis of this work so this is just an extract this photo this picture is an extract of how the side chain works from taken from PDL 004 which is the version 111 which is published all the versions which end

    In 11 one are published well says one 12 one okay there’s many versions which are published this is on um uh I would like to to ask you to uh to maybe wrap up in a minute I will try and wrap up in a okay

    We can we can come back later in in the in the discussion but maybe I don’t know what what is your the last slide you want to yeah maybe this one this this because this focuses on the whole list of documents the the blue one are ones

    We’re working on the black ones are ones which are published so the ones which are published in Etsy are the pdl1 document now the pdl1 document is the specification of requirements for smart contracts the reference architecture PDL 12 is the documents that um which Stefan mentioned and the repudiation management

    And the non-repudiation techniques are also important um and The redactable Ledges is important as well PDL 19 is important for identity and Trust management that’s just been published or just been approved to be published the PDL the wiress consensus will be very if cars drive along roads

    They have to use blockchain or they have to use the secure method blockchain as proposed as some WIS of proposing data to be secured between the different cars okay thank you um we might come back to to um to one of your points later um but

    I I want to give with the two remaining speakers also there lot yeah the information will be made available thanks for for your elaboration and now Stefan Stefan cabi are you are you there hello I am here hi Stan the floor rmon please stop your okay thank you rmon nowor is

    Yours so thank you for being here I my screen okay so you you see my screen okay okay now we see yeah okay do you see my my slide yeah gok you thank you so my name is Stefan caporali I am ISO contributor and I am scfm European working group contributor and I

    Accepted to um to to present this um the relationship between education blockchain and the standardization so the idea is to present to you some aspect of my own story uh in order to understand the what what was for me sorry the relation between uh teaching standardization uh and um and so uh you

    Will understand how time passing uh I go close and close to the the world of standardization so this is my first slide and I created in 2006 cap con my micro business it was a Consulting and um and training company so I am a freelance and I used to and to teach uh

    In front of students or workers so different types of persons and I was not prepared to teach and uh I was in front of two two different difficulties to to make a a tutorial and to make a lecture to give a lecture to give a lecture it is when the professor is in

    Front of the students so you always know this type of situation and this it is difficult to have interactivity with the students for this occasion but you need rigor and the Trier when you give a a lecture it is more important when you you you don’t know where to uh to find the

    Information uh and I need at this time information about the technical Cycles uh and I was very disappointed and uh at that time I discovered that standard existed uh at that time it was in the first time technical stand and after industrial standard and for me standards allows me allowed me sorry to

    Uh to have information about the technical cycles and give me the rer the Reger to um to create a good lecture and in my mind standards were boring things uh Perhaps it is a common opinion but but I discovered that that uh it it can be very clear and very useful for example

    For teachers to use standards and this these were my first experiences so it was between 2008 and 200 10 and so it was a long time but uh uh this was uh important for me because uh uh since that period I used to speak about my students about standards and it

    Is a pedagogical element for me but at that time in 2010 I I was not imagine that one day I will be contributor and it was circumstances that made that sometimes later uh from 2017 I became ISO contributor and the S contributor so s it was in the

    Scfm European working group and it was very rich and interesting working group with a European expert and today uh my work uh as a contributor help me in my teaching experiences and it is a reason why I accepted to talk to you today because there is a link between uh teaching and standardization

    And the link is uh obvious for me and I say a few words about the difficulties to to teach blockchain because blockchain is a disrup disruptive technology and it is different to teach um internet Network or telecommunication Network than to to teach blockchain and uh there are three difficulties uh in my

    Opinion regarding blockchain the difficulty to explain the founding principles the second difficulty is the cross disciplinary aspect and you are all aware of that I think and the third difficulty is the Iden complexity and I like the word ien because often in the first in the first time

    When you think about blockchain it seems simple but it is not simple at all and standardization and especially the the French national body where we have a lot of rich rich conversations helping me to to understand what is really blockchain and the the challenge around

    Blockchain and I say I say a few words about the the the funding principles it is difficult to to speak about the origin the origins of blockchain and today I have I have a financial approach and I took this in my own experience with my micro company because I am freelance and I

    Have there is an a thing in my activity so uh I have to work with uh uh accounting H and at the end of the year I have an annual statement and I have a register uh in my accounting activity and this helped me to understand the need of uh

    Um of computing of a distributed Ledger and so to with my students I explain my own experience with her and the need of blockchain the need of distributed Ledger concerning the Iden complexity I think uh very important topic is uh that of consensus mechanism and uh especially

    With ISO I had opportunity to express myself during the different ISO session on the subject of consensus mechanism so it was not easy for me to uh to be in front of a lot of expert professors uh and I am just a freelance but uh I was U I was

    Fully in in what I was doing and for me it was a very good experience of work I teach and I contribute to standardization and for me it is important to teach but it is important to continue standardization because there is not teaching without standardization so this is my experience

    I I have today this opportunity to to speak to you about my own experience so I hope it will be helpful for you and if you want to apply to C block it is a very good europan project so that’s all for uh my presentation it is perhaps

    Quick but U thank you very much to give me the time to say what I have to say thank you Stefan for for sharing your experiences and in in the particular particular kind of the the the cross disciplinarity of the initiation but also maybe the hidden complexity of of

    Blockchain is is really a challenge uh also to to bring the topic across to the students or or to the to the audience and uh this uh brings me now to our last speaker because uh rondas is representing Chase uh uh kind of the the education project related to

    Blockchain and therefore um rundas you have now the the floor um Can hello hello everybody do you hear me yeah yes yes very good Flor is yours thank you so hello everyone and let me introduce first of all myself a little bit so I’m Rond michos and I’m

    Working at the University of taru and I need to correct you a little bit tarto is not in Finland tarto is in Estonia so yes sry s that’s okay so um and but as I I was introduced here I’m representing also the chase project the chase project which is

    Um which is um an arasmus plus sector skills alas program and it is the fouryear program which basically just recently Within These two few weeks it entered to its final stage to the fourth year and the main uh goals of this projects they include uh quite a multiple aspects a multiple dimensions

    And the first one it is the development of the European blockchain skills strategy also it includes a forecasting mechanism to anticipate uh the future blockchain skill needs to find these needs to incorporate these needs and to you know see what’s actually is needed in the in the market in the blockchain

    In this project we also Define The blockchain Specialist occupational profile and and one of the key contributions within the project is the development of the five semester blockchain curriculum and this curriculum is done in 11 different European languages we also are working on the transnational Mobility schemes for the blockchain students and professionals

    And also we tend to Define an European blockchain ecosystem so everyone who is interesting and joining and seeing what we are doing in the chase project you can go into the website and you can become the associate member of our Pro of our Consortium so please welcome ER also I’d

    Like to stress that the project is really a large project involves a different actors different participants there it includes 23 Partners from the 1 countries and now I see that there is really a huge number of the associated Partners who with whom we are sharing the results with whom we can communicate

    And discuss different aspects but what I would like to stress out of all these different Del deliverables I would like to emphasize you to look into the newly developed program curricula or course for mastering blockchain and distributed leder Technologies so you can just take your phones you can just do and enroll

    Yourself into this course and to see what we have developed there so thanks to the previous um present uh who has actually introduced the need of the standards and the needs need of the guidelines on how to develop blog how to develop teaching courses and especially who stress the difficulty on developing the

    Multidisciplinary blockchain courses and this is exactly what we were experienced when preparing this course so uh our course is based on the explicitly clearly defined learning outcomes which which were engineered which were developed by the use of the European credit system for the vocational educational training it we also were

    Using CD fob guidelines and also European qualification framework our goal was to base this framework this course on the EF level eqf 5 level level five of this framework and so it basically means that we are focusing on the vocational training but also the course can be rather easy that adjusted

    To the upper levels of the of this um qualification framework we also using the blooms taxonomy which really explicitly helps us to Define these learning outcomes and to say what Learners will know or what they needs to know after taking the different modules of this course so let’s go a little bit let’s

    Check on what is the structure of this course so basically the course is as mentioned previously all the curricular as mentioned previously it is uh really a five semester course a five semester two and a half year period uh educational program and it includes if you take it you know from

    Beginning to the end it includes 120 ecvet credits and actually it covers 1,200 teaching hours with addition of 480 practice hours um as you can see from here it has the 12 different modules in total it includes 48 lectures um and lectured here consist of the video lecture on the lecture material

    Including the lecture slides and the lecture notes it also has the set of the Practical exercises the use cases suggested to your learners also it includes the number of the selfstudy material such as the questions answers self analysis questions answers and it has a number of some of the the multiple choice

    Questions the course also has the certification schema so basically after taking the course after completing or completing separate modules of this course you can apply for the certified attestation see whether you have reached the level of knowledge let’s go very quickly through the different topics through through the different modules

    Just to get you the impression on what type of the uh material is included in in this curricula so it includes the introduction to the blockchain technology this explaining the main components the main constituencies on what is in there it also includes the lectures on the regulations legal aspects governance of the blockchain

    Systems so it’s the goal is to discuss this so that the Learners would be aware of of regulations and standardization is used within the blockchains it also provides the fundamentals of the blockchains and the distributed L technology it differentiates between the centralized database distributed Ledger explains the blockchain characteristics

    Components also the main security issues the curricula also includes the module on the blockchain business management and planning so the suitability of the business process Innovation discuss fundamentals of the blockchain use cases use case implementations it also speaks about the blockchain security and digital identity it it covers both aspects there are

    Security issues what can be mitigated with the blockchain technology and the security problems which exist in the blockchain technology it speaks about the different system architectures of the blockchain and also the way of how consensus protocols need to be developed one module it also covers the different aspects the different layers and well

    Aspects of the blockchain um platforms speaks about the node creation account management transaction principles then we also have the module on marketing and customer support it demonstrates the marketing customer support principles of the blockchain technology of course blockchain without crypto is not like manag imaginable so

    We have the module on how to apply the major digital signature schemas cryptography protocols tools for protecting the blockchain based applications um another issue hot issue in the learning about the blockchain is the principles of the smart contract development so it employs the de programming languages to develop smart

    Contracts to see to understand what are the principles of the digital currency the next part is comes also from on developing the actual blockchain applications so ranging from the blockchain use cases from the developing the use case from the idea to the actual service which can be provided it speaks

    About eristics reaching the customer needs managing the products Services of the blockchain applications last but not least we have the module on the game theory in the blockchain so different markeet different economical models on how the blockchain technology can be applied how can it be used so to summarize you can

    Already observe that basically this curricula it covers the blocking principle starting from basically zero come going to the more advanced topics including the applied cryptography developing of the smart contracts developing the blockchain systems from the IDE to the services and also using the blockchain system for the different U marketing and economical

    Problems also I need to stress that uh this curricula is not dedicated to a single blockchain specialist profile but it separates between the three different profiles it the while taking this curricula the Learners can choose whether they would like to concentrate uh and to develop their skills on the uh

    Blockchain manager whether they they wish to develop their skills on the blockchain architect or they would like to become the blockchain developer so we take into account the three different um profiles of The blockchain Specialist and this what it comes as a short overview of of what is Chase and

    What is currently the main outcome of uh the chase project not back to you thank you wers and uh sorry for mixing up to and tutu uh but very very nice nice overview of um of of Chase and the very comprehensive kind of curricular which which you have developed and uh now

    Little bit the the the intention is now to bring to together blockchain initiation what what what what you did and um um I I really kind of uh yeah motivate the the the the the the audience which is also quite active in the chat with with coming up

    With with question but to warm up with the question we we prepared um some uh and um therefore I am sharing um my my screen um means here we have some some some questions for um for the U for the final discussion until until noon um

    Uh there was there are some more more technical questions I think there were two of them um um which were brought up by I think Stefan and and Rond um you want to uh to start with um elaborating these before we move on more to the education part which in a second who

    Wants to start from the Panelists yeah as I I think bring up the the first question uh may I start uh how can you ENT tralization with DT without losing the core property so if you say the core one or main core properties please R and add or correct me uh if I’m

    Wrong in your in your opinion is the immutability of of d as well as the the decentralized character of of D so what your presentation was very duvail with what I said as well I think from my perspective anyway yeah thank you uh so long story short like

    Mentioned in my my presentation um we can enjoy trusty decentralization or we will Eno with this qtp for electronic Ledger because in this case we have a dedicated uh provider as you speak at this case about permissioned uh V but we have a dedicated provider uh which is

    Certified by a trusted third party by the Conformity assessment uh body and supervised for the security and trusted it follows are the security standards and I have a Authority which is fully liable in this uh in this case and it so we delete some of the most I think our perspective

    Or experience most important um concerns against uh D so no standardized security no standardized interfaces no trust and nobody was liable uh this subject we just uh we just so it will be still decentralized as you can see in the epsy it’s decentralized also the noes are provided by the member

    States uh what we may discusses about the immutability in case of deletion but this is something uh how much uh immutability do we need and uh how much uh immutability to we want us okay I see the question is the chain is governed well can we use the

    Guarantee secure can it used to guarantee security of the data uh my position is absolutely not there is no such thing as 100% security yes we can mitigate on the different risks yes we can mitigate you know as much as possible to cover it but you know we are

    Not living in the fixed World We Are we are developing the chain is developing the systems are developing and by the way the threat agents they are also developing themselves and they will find the isue on accesses if they try well Enough yes I fully agree but for this you know uh we won’t be uh we won’t get unemployed in the standardization body so we have to develop it further and further and further and there is 100% security there only we can only reach the 90% or the 95% we can decrease the

    Rest uh if that it’s not maybe 80% risk but maybe hopefully only 10 or 5% risk and by the way 5% of reducing cred the risk is a huge number it’s a huge effort to do that I totally agree with you that standards regulations they absolutely needed because it gives you

    The direction on how to make better thank you um I have a a question in the in the Q&A section I know is is the author willing to to read that out loud and show or should I from the Geneva micro laabs yeah the floor is yours

    You can’t you can speak yes I good morning everybody I think maybe Rita colleague of mine could ah okay give the possibility to this uh um member of the audience to talk Geneva M microlabs okay now now can you hear me yes yes yes so um the the uh the mutability is

    Of of course a very important issue uh um regarding um diplomas like long-term revocable credentials we have the issue that they remain valid even when the university does no longer exist so when you have revocation lists hosted by the university itself it means that the value of a diploma will be lost

    Because you don’t know anymore if it has been revoked or not so we need to have some mechanism to make the revocation list immutable in order to retain the value of the diplomas and um I I did my PhD on this topic and I think there is a valid

    Reason to make the revocation immutable because of this issue you because of diplomas having an existence of validity um basically lifelong and you you need to be able to verify a diploma when it is presented to you there’s no legitimacy for people that the diploma has not been presented

    To to validate uh the the validity of um diploma but for those whom it is being presented they have a legitimate reason to know whether it has been revoked or not even when the institution is not longer around and for those diploma holders those credential holders I think

    It is also very important that they have the proof that their diploma has not been revoked even when the university is no longer around and diplomas can be revoked so uh we need to have this kind of revocation mechanism that needs to be independent from the issuing

    Institution May because I just F the answer the text but you was faster to to mention the question uh uh the the issue which you may have with the DS the D is based on hash so we have the the hash protection which is hashing father of

    Sun principle so PL block what two hash block one block three has block two etc etc what we don’t have in D is something like a rehashing so as an arist I can wait I wait for 10 years or 15 years 15 years ago we had a good old

    Md5 values which are now Rec calculable by any student in the second semester so this means if I know the hash algorithm I can change subject without any uh any notice because I know the algorithm this is the subject so the D is not immutable anymore and the other subject

    Is that we don’t have a proof of existence in the D with an time stamp for external this means uh your immutability will disappear over time this is the issue why we need something for rehashing and pro existence uh in the uh in the DRT so this can be done by

    Adding a preservation service according to who are the the D which where you put a typ step on the hash tree and you just rehash a bit this this D this is one subject the other possibility because you don’t know if your D is there in 20

    Years or 30 years or 40 years so in Germany we have retention periods 30 up to 60 years for diplomas um our recommendation is a bit handled it like a classical pki in this case uh you will get the relocation information from the pki you will get any certificate

    Information you prove uh the signature you put everything uh we call it a container currently over the container you calculate a hash a hash you put a Time stem on it and then you only depend on this time stamp and you don’t depend on the pki uh anymore this is something

    Which is solved in at cs1 19511 512 the preservation Services according to Yas and in the ABC projects we work on a solution uh for this mentioned rehashing project uh in epsy uh I think I have enough time in the the the in the webinar to put you a link to some papers

    Uh on this subject uh in the Q&A session but you’re very welcome to go deeper uh in this subject after the meeting because this uh something I one of my main subject where I’m thank you I I see the rehashing issue of course with Quantum uh um

    Technology advancing U we we have to address it and it is very likely that in the in a time frame of 30 to 60 year something will happen so I agree with that but I think this is independent from the question regarding the scope of the right to be forgotten and the right

    To be remembered uh concerning diploma holders that have a right that their non- revocation will will be remembered uh is I think a different issue it’s a question it’s a question it’s a question depends because it depends because they’re directly conflicting requirements that’s the the concern but yeah if you can fulfill both

    Requirements then the hashing may give you a a way of doing it but the the fact you could rebuild the chain that it’s not it becomes complicated to understand you have similar problems if uh it’s used for land Registries and the ownership of property because the ownership of property the property could

    Be destroyed the property could be handed on the in general you don’t want to change who owned the property 200 years ago because that’s interesting historical information but how you build that information up and how you archive information that’s historic is is a complicated issue yeah the other subject is you

    Might have are also burden of proof so you might have to make evident that this diploma was valid at a certain time and it was revoked to to certain subjects and so this and to be honest burden of proof and documentation requirement is always more important than uh the right to be

    Forgotten because uh if you delete and the the university is not able to fulfill a bu of proof anymore sorry but that’s not that’s not possible in the gdpr um I I many thanks for for this this interaction here um but I I’d like

    To to use the the last 10 minutes to uh come back a little bit to to the other topic on on education and uh um I don’t know why mundas um could you maybe share a little bit the the experience with with the the the great offer you you

    Developed so far um regarding blockchain education in general actually I’d like to speak a bit about the skills which needed once you you know once organizations are looking for the uh blockchain specialist and actually this is also the result of the U Chase project because because one of

    Our goals there is to establish the like kind of the continuous understanding on what is the A model for the continuous understanding what is the needs for the blockchain specialist and what they need to know and therefore one of the reasons was also to separate the blockchain specialist profile into profile into

    Like three different uh profiles three different viewpoints like the blockchain developer blockchain analyst blockchain um um manager but what what is important thing here is that all these three different profiles they need to have a certain types of the skills including the technical skills on the blockchain

    They need to know what are the fundamentals technical principles social economical implication of the blockchain technology what are the design Solutions of the blockchain applications also what is math statistical statistics prototype protocol Engineering also they need to know what is the coding cryptographical principles and another type of the

    Skills it comes with the need of seeing actually the business side of the blockchain so the business needs business analystics business development the use cases product management uh last but not least type of the skills they much they should also include the transversal skills including

    They need to be able to to learn they need to have the the metacognitive understanding metacognitive skills selfe efficieny self confidence they need to be able to work auton autonom autonomy have have to be able to work self independently organizational skills and things like that so basically once we

    Try to define the single let’s say um profile for for this we need to have the combination of all all these three different skill aspects technical aspect business aspect transversal skill aspect and then okay depending then on the profile itself it might be like the different variation one skills are

    Emphasized more let’s say for the manager other skills might be say technical skills can be more emphasized for the skill developer thank you but uh in in your uh kind of material I I really went through all all of that but I couldn’t find uh uh uh any dedicated kind of section on

    On on the role of St IND sorry on what on the role of Standards on blockchain cation this this topic was not really covered in in in in the in the whole kind of set of material curricula you you you uh you made available maybe it was not defined on the standardization

    Itself but it was there is the module on the regulations on the loal basis on on this SP which is well it’s not the standardization per se but it gives the implication on on understanding it I think that’s that’s the the Gap we we we have to to close and therefore also to

    The audience if if there is um material teaching uh material in particular addressing blockchain cation please please let me know I I talk to all big big uh organizations but there there there is not not really um material yet therefore I think we have

    We have a good job to do and U and there will be also followup uh kind of webinars um which will become then a little bit more focused on on this topic but I think so far we got a a broad overview on on what’s going on in in

    Different kind of organizations uh European International ones but we also see a little bit what is what is going on and what are the challenges regarding blockchain uh education in general and also then in particular related to the even more complicated um animal of of of the

    Ination and and therefore uh I think it’s it was a nice kickoff but um I have already ideas on on followup uh topics also because some of the speakers were not available today which have maybe also a little bit a different angle to the topic therefore we were going to

    Continue um Franchesco I’m not sure I think I will go back and show you uh this uh opportunity no where’s the funding opportunity it means um here because in the chat there were some discussions about uh yeah ideas and funding funding uh ideas and opportunities please uh see here the deadline November

    27th uh to to apply for maybe some support which which you need um uh in order to really kind of represent European interests and values uh at the at the in particular the global international um um standardization landscape yeah and that’s uh I think um since we are approaching noon quite

    Quite soon and probably you are getting hungry and maybe ready for the weekend then I I I want to close Franchesco anything to add from the coordinator no no uh I think your WRA up remarks have been totally fine I would have uh closed down by showcasing this

    Slide and a coming deadline that we have on a 27 of November I have to say that I already had a plenty multiple uh interaction private interaction in the chat as well with people Wheeling or at least uh uh almost willing to to apply I also drop my uh personal email you can

    Reach me out any time for any the FAQ on the website are pretty self-explanatory but you can reach me out or my colleagues Rita John and Gabriela as well or and canot too of course uh if you need any clarification or shed some lights on the application form that is

    Pretty straightforward so size this chance grab this chance is really uh it’s really valuable and uh so I would like to thank you all all of the speakers your your insights your presentation have been really remarkable pretty engaging and driving event I have to say we will have more

    And more in uh next year so again apply by the 27th have a great weekend and I’ll also like to say the final note that because many many of you asked about this that both of the presentations of the speakers and uh the live recording will

    Be available well if not today by Monday for sure so it’s all on our side I would say really warmly thank you very much yeah thanks for joining thanks for contributing thanks for discussing thanks for asking and now we we conclude and hope to see you then U next year

    With the next webinar and if you have topics also which you want to be addressed uh maybe in the next round please let us know yeah and that’s I think also um a very welcome because I think we are here as I said only at the very beginning and and there are still

    Kind of gaps we we have to to fill and uh because the the shortage of skilled people in in general is is an issue but in cation it’s even a hotter topic and therefore we have to have to can make a great contributions and therefore rundas

    We we stay in contact I think I think there are some synergies we can exploit for both yeah thank you have a nice weekend thank you have a nice weekend thank you bye thank you bye you want to

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