So many tourists forget about Strasbourg, France’s BEST city to visit!

    Once the world’s TALLEST Cathedral, Strasbourg Cathedral is awe-inspiring!

    Prettier canals than Amsterdam, so many, and so CHARMING.

    ‘La Petite France’ is one of the best shopping/scenic areas in France!

    Stunning canal boat rides. Strasbourg is the Capital of Europe with many governing buildings at the. Capital Complex near the old city.

    Gorgeous parks and outdoor street foods markets, so much!

    Watch, enjoy, and DREAM!

    [Applause] N La W Ah A Today for lunch we’ve decided to eat french food and we have found here at the outdoor Market a selection of kishes when we were up in Metz that’s the province of lowerin and there very famous of course for ke Lorraine but we are no longer in Lorraine we are in alas

    Province and the alash and ke is like this the ones on the right are onion this is on deer and Sal we have to decide but I think we’re going for moving the bikes out of the way and we’re going to have the uh T fromage BL which is fromage is cheese it’s

    Cheesecake and uh that’s our dessert so a little bit of kiche and frage dart okay we got to figure out which one to get there’s like six different kishes we don’t know no French good luck we’ll just point we’ll we’ll try something different man we hope it works Out you did it I did it m m and Bone appetit what baby we had to find a uh we had to find a park bench somewhere but this is a very wonderful outdoor French Market I guess in the US we might call this a farmers market but

    Uh they do have lots of uh French treats here’s another key and luckily our keich man he spoke pretty good English and he explained everything some had a lot of carrots some were very spicy the alaan kiche but our favorite by far even when we went to the prince Riviera was the Kichler

    Rain but we never thought about it what’s keich Lorraine that’s the famous keich ke laain well that’s the name of the province and we were just up in Mets which is about 50 miles north of here and we uh biked down here to straussburg but we’re not in

    Lorraine Province anymore this is the alas lorine region of France which has been traded back and forth between Germany and France many times even Hitler took it Hitler thought that aless La r should belong to Germany but that’s been going on for centuries this this city of strawbery and all of

    The allas laain region has been fought over for centuries but right now it is France okay to the park bench let’s eat we have found our lunch spot it’s right here at the waterfall we are somewhat expert in finding beautiful places to eat because we we mainly eat street food and today

    It is key sh station all right where’s the food it’s the Donald and Rod dilia way of eating lunch in France look at the waterfall it’s very beautiful the name of this place is PL Broly and my wife has the key shout let’s see it get the key sh out

    First no we didn’t make reservations for this table we just kind of show up here let show the key this kich is is mainly cheese and eggs and you know it’s kind of more basic the other ones were very spicy and onions and peppers and we were we we

    Wanted to keep it simple for our first alation keish and then we’re going to eat the uh tart from Mar the cheese cake okay we’re going to dig in we’ll see you later all right it’s the first bite of Al keich take another bite another bite we’re trying to identify the spice but

    We think it’s cumin cumin yeah it’s a very wonderful taste huh it’s it’s a somewhat simple but a a beautiful cheesy eggy taste with a strong spice of French cumin all right take another bite ooh la la oh my goodness it’s a sish it’s real French food magnet feet all right it’s part

    Two of Donald and rodelia eat french street food here comes another street car look at the big windows it’s all windows on the side you get a good view as you cross the city on the street cars the windows are like 6 ft tall there’s my wife okay

    Part two we are now digging into the uh tarte fromage my French is so wonderful we’re only 5 miles from Germany in 2 days we’ll be speaking German again all right the tart fromage which is cheesecake cheesecake is so delicious it’s the real French cheesecake voila cre

    In all right oh it’s very it’s what very rich yeah my wife gives it a rich review it’s very rich this is a lot of fat yes I try to eat a lowfat diet but this is this is not it but here we have the pelo which is the Italian

    Water and uh the American Coca Cola sh sh sugar suar suar without sugar all right this is the way to live no tour groups for us we get on the bikes we’re almost 300 mil of biking we bike into Germany tomorrow and uh we go up the Ryan River again B delicious We just had to make a unplanned stop today because my wife just it is she saw this it’s the patier the Baner and it looks like a good one Wow she loves bakeries I know the bo laundery okay Going it’s blue lingerie Paradise we were just in Brussels about 5 months ago and in Brussels they say they are the capital of Europe but we’re a little surprised to hear that in straussburg we see on the buses and around the city that they think they are the capital of Europe but there are many of the

    Administrative and government offices here in Strasburg and they have a claim to say they are the capital of Europe and this is the Washington DC of Europe right here the Council of Europe and there’s all the flags of the European Union 40 or 50 countries in the European

    Union so welcome to the capital of Europe according to the people who live in sturg W He [Applause] he W


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