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    Zulm – Ep 08 [𝐂𝐂] – 08 Jan 24 – Sponsored By Happilac Paint, Sandal Cosmetics, Nisa Collagen Booster

    Digitally Presented By “Happilac Paints”
    Digitally Powered by “Sandal Cosmetics”
    Digitally Associated by “Nisa Collagen Booster”

    A thrilling saga of continuous battle against injustice and Power, Zulm revolves around the tug of war between the coups of good and evil. As the dark clouds of criminal supremacy blinds the society, the fight of a young girl for justice continues to get harder, until the rescuer arrives.

    Writer: Rehana Aftab
    Director: Ilyas Kashmiri
    Producer: Momina Duraid Productions

    Faysal Qureshi
    Sahar Hashmi
    Shehzad Sheikh
    Raeed Alam
    Aamra Qazi
    Saba Faisal
    Adila Saleem
    Tazeen Hussain
    Hani Taha
    Ahmed Rafiq & Others.


    Why have you come here? What have you come to take? Where are you going? Tell me at least! What is the matter after all? Yes, say it. Why have you come here? Are you Omair? Yes, I am Omair. We have an arrest warrant against you. Arrest warrant? Why? What has my son done?

    He is accused of money laundering and possession of illegal weapons. No no, this is a false accusation… My son can’t do this! This is a lie! The truth will come out right now.. Search the house! You can’t enter my house like this.. Inspector, You are mistaken.. Search the whole house! Inspector, listen..

    Listen to me! You can’t enter my house like this.. Inspector Search every room properly! Where are you going? Madam! Look inspector, there is nothing in our house! We’ll know for sure just now. We have complete information! Inspector, you are mistaken.. There is nothing in our house. Really? We are looking right now..

    Leave me! Look.. Someone is trying to frame me..This is not mine.. Mom.. Tell them.. This is not mine.. Whatever you want to say.. Say it in court! Arrest this boy… Pick him up! I know quite well.. Let’s go! I know quite well.. All of you have been bought by Malik Ajlal.

    It will be beneficial for you if you don’t interfere in our work. Otherwise, we’ll have to be strict! Take him away! Listen to me.. Take him away! Take him away! You can’t take my brother away like that Don’t arrest my brother! Listen to me..

    This is a false accusation against my son..He has done no such thing.. Brother! Slowly He is putting up an act! Listen to me.. Inspector, I haven’t done anything. This is a false accusation against me. Whatever you have to say, say it in court! This is a false accusation against my son..

    Let me go! Let me go! My brother hasn’t done anything! This is a false accusation! Put him in the car! Leave him. Put him in the car! My brother.. Please don’t take away my brother! Leave him. Move away! Leave my brother! My brother hasn’t done anything! Leave my son! Brother! Mom! Mom! Mom!

    Leave him! Brother! Mom! Mom, they took my brother away! Mom! My son… What was my son’s fault? Someone ..bring my son back! They arrested him for no reason I’ll call.. My brother has been falsely accused. He is being framed on purpose. And I know quite well who all are behind this.

    They are the same beasts who kidnapped us. They tortured us.. And now they are implicating my brother in a false case.. But their cruelty will not last long. I will go to court.. I will get my brother released… He will get justice. My brother has been framed in a false case of smuggling.

    I will prove this. We have been oppressed! We have been wronged! I knew that this person wouldn’t spare anyone. What do you think? Who is behind Omair’s arrest? Malik Ajlal. He wants to avenge his humiliation by bothering these people. So sad. Till now,

    Esha didn’t get any justice and now her brother has been framed for a false case of smuggling. This is our country’s system.. Where the oppressed are not heard.. And the cruel keep on inflicting cruelty. It’s just pathetic! Mama? You and I, both are part of this system

    If we won’t speak against the system, then how will people find justice? What will speaking up do? When the scales of justice bow down to the oppressor due to the burden of money then you and I can’t put our voices on the other side of the scale and expect it to raise.

    When the cruel …. buys off justice with the power of money.. The sentences from the pen which can bring revolution.. If those hands writing it, are bought If their pens get rusted.. So what can your and my voice do? Relax. I’m fine. Sure? Yeah.. I’m okay. Here.. Have some tea.. Umhm.. Thank you.

    It’s hot. Javeria.. Omair has been arrested? What do you want after all? Dear, I I don’t understand.. You are not so naive as you are pretending to be. The police arrested Omair and took him away.. In the crime of money laundering and keeping illegal weapons. When everyone knows ….

    That Omair can’t be involved in such cases! Omair hardly comes to Pakistan now. Dear, this is why we are also tense.. That why… Why did this happen to Omair.. Ask this daughter of yours! Why did this happen? All this has happened because of your daughter! You have given your daughter so much freedom..

    She did whatever she felt like.. She became friends with whoever she wanted.. Maybe even promised to get married.. And when that man went after her.. Then you made my Omair into a scapegoat! You are putting false accusations on me. I didn’t make any promises of marriage to Malik Ajlal.

    Then why did that person come after you? You must have said something. You are mistaken, Javeria… Esha is not like that. Wow! Wow! Wow! After all what has happened.. You are still defending her? All this has happened because of this daughter of yours! I am not under any misunderstanding.

    Wasn’t it enough that Omair living in Canada was always worried about you two.. Is she going to college or not.. If you are taking medicine on time or not.. He came here for some peace for some time.. Then this daughter of yours made him go through so much torture.. And this wasn’t enough..

    She even put him in jail! What do you both mother and daughter want after all? Look, dear.. We are also in pain due to Omair being arrested.. He is my son.. He is Esha’s brother.. But it’s not Esha’s fault in all this. Then who’s fault is it? Mine?

    Or Omair’s? because he’s your son? I am warning you both.. If something happens to Omair.. Then I will not spare you two. And you! And you are the reason behind all this mess! Omair has reached this point because of you.. I am warning you once again.. Remember that! Enough.. Enough.. Sir.. Greetings, sir.

    My name is Esha, sir. Sir, my brother has his hearing today in court. He has a court appearance. Sir, please..My brother has been falsely accused….. He has been falsely accused of money laundering and keeping illegal weapons…..My brother hasn’t done anything. Sir, please take his case….No lawyer is taking up his case.

    You are the same girl who’s viral on social media, right? Yes. Sorry, I can’t take your case. Sir, please sir.. Sir, no one is taking my brother’s case. Please.. Sir, my brother is innocent.. Ms. Esha, today is your brother’s appearance in court.. What do you think? Will the court give him justice?

    Ms. Esha, please give an answer.. Please tell us Ms. Esha, please say something.. Ms. Esha.. Ms. Esha, please give an answer.. Please.. Please move out of my way.. Ms. Esha, please tell us.. I don’t want to talk.. Please move out of my way.. Ms. Esha, please tell us..

    I don’t want to talk about this. Ms. Esha.. Please, move out of my way.. Please.. Esha; who is seeking justice everywhere … unfortunately no lawyer is ready to fight Esha’s case for justice. Will Esha and her brother find justice or not? Stay with us to find out. She’s here. We can see that.

    Did she find a lawyer? But why will she notice us? Hmm… She holds the mic and speaks in front of the camera all the time. She will not notice boys like us. She had hit the jackpot.. But the poor thing’s fate.. All she faced was humiliation. She tried really hard..

    She had an affair going on.. Rich men used to come and drop madam in big cars. Madam was having great fun. Sometimes the older brother and sometimes the younger brother. They were rich men so.. They used her and left her. I will fix you right now! Esha! What nonsense are you talking about?

    Get out of here! If I ever see you near this house, I will get you beaten up! Let’s go! Mom, why didn’t you let me say anything to them? What will you gain from getting involved with such people? It’s better if you don’t say anything.

    This way anyone will get away with saying anything to us! Dear, right now the most important thing for us is Omair’s release. Due to no lawyer, the case could not be pursued today. What will we do now.. That’s all we need to think about. That’s it! Let’s go. Let’s go. Okay. Okay, fine.

    Hmm.. Hmm.. Alright. Alright, done. Hmm.. Okay, Goodbye. Sir….My name is Esha, sir. Sir, my brother has his hearing today in court. He has a court appearance. Sir, please.. My brother has been falsely accused. He has been falsely accused of money laundering and keeping illegal weapons. My brother hasn’t done anything.

    Sir, please take his case….No lawyer is taking up his case. You are the same girl who’s viral on social media, right? Yes. Sorry, I can’t take your case. Sir, please sir.. Sir, no one is taking my brother’s case. Hello? This girl Esha, I need her number. Immediately.

    Your brother has been arrested for money laundering and keeping illegal weapons. And both these things were recovered from your house. ..So what do you have to say regarding this? This is absolute.. Look, we don’t want to express any thoughts of ours.. Whatever we want to say..

    We’ll say it to the judge in court…. through our lawyer Why are you making our lives difficult for your business to gain a few views and likes? Please spare us for the love of God! Please go away from here you all! Leave! Madam.. Sir is here.

    You asked me to inform you when sir comes. Okay. Greetings, uncle. Greetings, dear. The maid was telling me that you were desperately waiting for me. Yes, uncle. I had been waiting for you for a very long time. Is everything okay? Uncle, I have something important to say to you. Go ahead.

    I am listening. Uncle, I am so worried.. Yes, I can see that. Say it, dear. What is it? Tell me. You know uncle.. I came to Pakistan for Omair.. Yes, I know. So you must also know that Omair is arrested for money laundering and keeping illegal weapons. But

    Both these accusations are false and baseless. I have known him for many years.. He is not like that. He’s actually very nice. Dear, you are saying that.. The police claim that they found both the things from Omair’s house. I know uncle, both the things were recovered from his house..

    But you also know …How they prove people to be criminals by putting drugs in their pockets.. What do you want, dear? Uncle.. I want you… to fight Omair’s case. Dear, I know you love Omair.. You have come to Pakistan only for him..

    I will give you one piece of advice as you are my niece.. In fact, if it had been my own child in your place.. I would have given the same advice to them also.. Omair… and this matter….Stay away from both Uncle, I really love Omair. I came this far only for him.

    I know, dear.. But the situation is in front of you.. Omair He is not the same he used to be. The Omair.. The one..who used to study in Canada.. The one..who used to work was a decent man. Omair has been defamed due to his sister..

    Their whole family is a part of the limelight now. Why would any lawyer take up this case? What is the reason after all? Everyone is pressured by Malik Ajlal. Uncle, that is why I am asking you.. Because I know you don’t come under anyone’s pressure. It is true..

    That, all the legal practice I have done so far.. Has been done honestly and with good intentions. I have always played safe. And I am not ready to fight any case.. That will harm my family or me. You don’t live in Pakistan that is why you don’t know Malik Ajlal.

    Just to get his case dismissed not only the lawyers, but he also blackmails judges. So that is why I can’t take any case that will put me and my family in trouble. I am extremely sorry. Please uncle.. There must be some solution to this problem.

    Dear, if there is someone who can find a solution to this problem… then that is Omair’s sister… By striking a deal with Malik Ajlal. Hello? What did you think? I will give up? I am Malik Ajlal. My intention never changes. Esha.. Whatever has happened to you is very less right now.

    Half of your sentence is yet to be served. There is still time.. Agree to marry me.. Otherwise, you will be faced with things you have never imagined would happen to you. A vile person like you is expected to stoop this low. A Lot has happened to your brother.

    You have not learned a lesson from seeing his condition.. Why are you the enemy of your brother’s life? Shameless people like you just can’t understand the language of decency, can they? What do you think? That you will win the game you’re playing? No! I will not let you win at all. Leave that..

    I heard… no lawyer is ready to take your case? Do one thing.. Agree to marry me.. I will get my brother-in-law ready myself and bring him to your wedding. You heard right.. But also hear this, Malik Ajlal.. There must be some lawyer.. Who will have courage.. Humanity..

    Who will have fear of God in his heart.. Who won’t fear you all but who will be afraid of his Lord.. Who will talk to you people by looking into your eyes! Who will stand against oppression and bring justice to the oppressed! I will find such a lawyer, Malik Ajlal!

    Who will teach you a lesson! Huh! She’ll find a lawyer. Do you guys know Afsheen is getting married? Afsheen? No, I don’t know. Huh? Didn’t you get the card? Today is her pre wedding function. No…I …. didn’t get the card. She’ll give the card only if she wants to invite her.

    Sakina had said clearly that I don’t want to keep relations with such relatives. Whose daughter’s news has been on TV. And the son has also been sent to jail. Samina, you know that …. my son is not like that. You should stop saying that, Rakshanda..

    You used to keep saying that your daughter was very innocent.. She comes straight home from university and goes straight to university from home. You didn’t tell us that she roams around with her friend’s brother. What did you think? People’s eyes will be closed? And now you’re blaming them.

    Hey…Didn’t you see how that boy is trying to get rid of them? It’s her daughter who’s running after him. She used to roam around in cars.. And now obviously she wants to get married to him and live a life of luxury in his house. Get up! Get out of my house! Immediately!

    Please leave from here! Esha, be quiet! They couldn’t find a better occasion … to put salt on our wounds? Look at the girl’s attitude? She has no manners on how to talk to elders! And you guys have a lot of manners! Is this the way to talk when you come to someone’s house?

    Rakshanda, control your daughter. You have reached this condition, and she still has no shame! Despite such humiliation, she has such an attitude! It’s difficult … for any boy to marry her. Even if any foolish man does marry her, she will only be able to stay with him for two days.

    Such girls don’t know how to settle down. Has my mom asked for your son’s proposal? No, right? Then why is it bothering you people so much? Get out of my house right now! God forbid.. God forbid.. You people have to see this day because of your long tongue.

    You brought your brother to jail because of your misbehavior.. Who else will you cause trouble to? Let’s go, Asma.. Let’s leave. We had come to share their sorrow. How would we have known? Who would keep relations with such people? Let them stay alone! Oh no, please sit and have tea at least.

    Rakshanda, control your daughter. She has gotten out of hand! Okay You…Please.. Enough! You… Mom, leave it..I’ll take it. Whatever that you’re doing…. Continue doing that only Mom, do you also think that all this is happening because of me? I am not saying it’s because of you.

    But what was the need to speak in front of them? And do you know…. now this will spread in the whole family. Let it spread, mom.. Because of the fear of what they will say Should I not say anything? There’s no need to say anything!

    You are creating problems for yourself and me by saying all these things! You know what the result will be? You won’t get married. No one will care about you! Already we have faced a lot of humiliation because of Malik Ajlal!

    And Najma has created a spectacle out of us in the whole family by refusing the proposal! I don’t care about anyone, mom. We can live without family. How can we live without them? Who will let us? That friend of yours and her brother? Answer me. What will we do?

    How will we be able to compete? How will my Omair be freed? We aren’t able to hire even one lawyer.. You are struggling as it is.. No lawyer is ready to fight Omair’s case.. The public prosecutor has also refused this case. Do you know why?

    Because no one wants to stand against Malik Ajlal. Now tell me, who will come to fight Omair’s case? Tell me! Mom.. There must be someone.. There must be someone who will stand against them. Then ask! And bring back my Omair! I’m coming! Greetings! Greetings, Rafaqat brother. How come you’re here? Is everything okay?

    I had come for something important.. If you don’t mind, can I come inside and talk? Sure. Please come in. Thank you. Please come in, Rafaqat brother. Have a seat. Yes. Greetings, uncle. Greetings, Esha. How are you? Are you going to university? So foolish of me..Asking such questions.. The condition you are in..

    Going to university is out of the question. Esha, go and get tea for Rafaqat brother. Yes, mom. Have a seat. Yes, Rafaqat brother.. Do you have something important to say? Umm.. You know that we are old neighbors.. And have a good relationship with each other. Yes, without a doubt.

    I had a very good relationship with your late wife. She was a wonderful woman….May God grant them a place in Paradise. And are the children doing fine? Yes, the children are fine. They are studying. What’s … the update on Omair’s bail? Nothing happened about Omair’s bail, Rafaqat brother.. Because…. no lawyer ….

    Is ready to take Omair’s case. Really? There is someone I know.. If you want, shall I talk to them? Rafaqat brother, please.. If there is someone you know and he’s ready to fight my son’s case, then please talk to them. You know my Omair quite well.. He grew up playing in this neighborhood.

    My Omair is very innocent..very… He’s a very decent, simple son of mine. I don’t know why this happened to him.. Anyways, you tell me.. You have come for something important? Yes.. I heard that… you are looking for a proposal for Esha.. A proposal came the other day.. Malik Ajlal didn’t let that happen..

    We all were standing outside..We were watching.. Malik Ajlal’s goons barged into your house.. And that proposal couldn’t even get fixed Yes. But Rafaqat brother, right now …. Omair’s release is the most important thing for us. That will also get done.. But because the matter is related to Esha.. So… you ….

    Should think about giving Esha away.. If Esha gets married, then Malik Ajlal will also cool down.. And if …. Esha gets married … his interest will also end, and he will stop pursuing her. Rafaqat brother, right now.. I can only do this if I find a good proposal.

    I can only do this if I find a good proposal. What are you talking about? Does Esha lack good proposals? She’s about to become a doctor and she’s beautiful. Do you have a proposal in your mind? Yes…Yes, of course. Who are they? Who will it be? It’s me. What are you talking about?

    You …. know me quite well. I am a simple, decent man. My son is planning to go to Canada. He’ll call us there. All of us will settle there. Umm.. Get me married to Esha tomorrow only.. And I’ll apply for her Visa immediately. What nonsense are you talking about?

    Do you have no shame to ask for a hand in marriage for a girl who is the same age as your daughter? If I didn’t have respect for our neighborhood, Then I would have shouted and gathered everyone right now. Yes, call them! Call them! All the neighbors also know ….

    What you and daughter are doing together. It was not two days since your son arrived and you guys sent him to jail! I am asking you to leave from here! Get out of here! I’m going! Wretched women! Get out of here! Huh! One tries to do something kind, and it’s not even appreciated.

    Give me the other report. Sir.. Sir, please.. Let me meet my son, Omair.. Can’t you see us, we’re busy.. Talk to us when we’re free. Yes but we have been waiting for so long. Sir.. Sir please.. Let us meet him once. We’ll meet him for just a little while.

    Please let me meet my brother.. We don’t have the orders from above.. Why are there no orders? My son God forbid hasn’t committed any murder.. Or he hasn’t … committed a very big crime.. Whatever he is accused of Its is a lie, it’s baseless.. Then why aren’t you letting us meet Omair?

    I told you we don’t have the orders from above. Should I write it down for you? What do you mean there are no orders from above? My brother hasn’t committed any serious crime that we are not even allowed to meet him. Give this lecture in front of the media.. Do you understand?

    There’s no use talking here. Now go away from here and let us work! I will go to the media, and I will tell everyone! That we are made to sit here for hours, and they don’t even let us meet our brother. What else can you even do? Are you done with shouting?

    What did you gain from it? Did you get your brother released? Now what do you want? What are you saying? Then make your daughter understand! To control her tongue and to stay within her limits! All I’m asking you is to let me meet my son for a bit, that’s all.

    I told you we can’t let you meet him! No go away from here! If you say one more thing then I will lock you both inside! Now go! Take them outside! Come on Madam, please come outside! Little while.. Take them away from here! Go! You.. Go! File this. One second.. Sir! Sir!

    Sir, one second please….I want to talk to you about something very important. Yes, dear. Say it. What is it? You know sir, I am your favorite student.. And … you have always appreciated me so much..You have even praised my assignments so much.

    There is no doubt about the fact that you are a genius. You have been my brilliant student. Thank you, sir….Thank you so much. Sir, I had a request.. Your brother is a very big lawyer.. As you know.. I want you to make a request to him once.. To fight my brother’s case.. Sir..

    No lawyer is taking up my brother’s case.. Look Esha, I won’t be able to help you in any way.. I know how brilliant you are..I appreciate it You have been an amazing student of mine. The way the media has given you and your brother the coverage..

    After that I feel very sad to tell you this.. That you have been expelled from the university. What? How can you help me? I want to help you get your brother released This is why I wanted to meet you What?


    1. ڈرامہ کی کہانی بہت ناقص اور حقیقت سے کوسوں دور ہے۔ اور ڈرامہ میں کچھ کردارضبر دستی تھوڑے گئے ہین۔ یہ ڈرامہ کم اور ہورر فلم زیادہ لگ رہی ہے۔

    2. Allah 🙏🙏😭❣️🙏❤️🙏❣️🥰❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😭❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️ bachaiyae asar admiyo sae zeayada asae he ha ❤ duniya Mae

    3. اتنا ٹارچر سہنے کے بعد اور اتنے بُرے حالات میں بھی ایشا کے ناخن اور ان پہ لگی نیل پالش ملاحظہ کریں ۔۔۔ ڈائریکٹر کی نااہلی ۔۔۔ اور اداکارہ کی لا پرواہی ۔۔۔

    4. i hate when lead female get bullying for stupud reason ..and his brother gf is scolding her bf mother and sister .like wtf who gave her right to scold his mother and sister like ..she is the one who gave burth to his bf😂

    5. ان 20 ماہ کے حالات نے سب کی سوچ اور کہانیوں کو بھی بدلا ہے 20 ماہ میں جو دیکھا وہ اب ڈرامے بھی ایکسپوز کر رہے ہیں its good

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