Good morning everybody it’s Friday Friday you’ve got to get down on Friday because everybody’s looking forward to the weekend the weekend we’re just behind the Magistrate’s court in spinning Fields not that anyone’s everever wondered what do deliveries into Manchester magistrates Court look like you’ve never wondered but you’re going

    To kind of see it now just in case look at that rear entrance it’s reassuring to know that the Magistrate’s court requires boxes after boxes of pineapples to be put on pizza to terrify the Italians and uh here’s some uh staff I believe coming out the side entrance and

    If you watch the oh god what have I done with the exposure here the sky is not looking blue enough for my liking come on Sky coming up towards the John ryland’s Library o we pass austal Asia restaurant goes downstairs into a who wants to go in a

    Restaurant with no windows a lot of people apparently and this guy here is doing the laps it’s Super Mario Kart 64 but the health and safety Edition very slow very clean oh well so uh one of these office rental companies spaces and look how they Mock

    You Wy and welcome home oops sorry we me welcome to work I know what they’re trying to say like oh it’s so comfortable and amazing here you’ll think you’re at home but I don’t know I’d be patronized by that message if I frequented this building after the the sunshine does

    Indeed come oh I got that wrong after the rain does indeed come the sunshine I meant the look up King Street I’m about to show you guys something very mancunian but before we do look at that look at that view look at the reflections very nice but I did say

    Something very mancunian so we have here in micro dot remember sharing our micro dot experiences from 20 years ago Oasis it’s an oasis themed shop and uh Definitely Maybe a whole bunch of nice things and I did see another in this popart graffet not sure

    I’m a fan did I see some Oasis around here I’m sure I did one sec here we go there’s the Gallagher brothers you can have it all but how much do you want it Noel Liam and that’s not all my darling people that’s not all I know in

    The ’90s there was a kind of manufactured rivalry in the Press between Oasis be here now mate and uh mockney Southern Boys blur here we go blur blur Park life giant records here hey look it’s only original art piece £ 4518 and that one as well another one Fleetwood Mac

    Blur hey we want to commission some art to represent your Neo soulless balless genderless absolute obedient little foot soldiers of whatever the government says are the current thing graffiti artist is like say no more fam how about these three they’re like yeah it’s going well

    But we want maybe a bit more smug a bit more sneer a bit more how do we put it white guilt uh as the world Burns um the artist is like okay how about these two they’re like yeah it’s it’s getting there um maybe slightly less testost own

    For the male and it be perfect and there you go some representation of the lava flows destroying the planet behind imagine how good that feels as a pigeon having this fresh water then you lift up a wing go on get your wing up they still jostle for social status

    Amongst each other in the pecking order look you’ve got the alpha here in the center he doesn’t want anyone to bathe around there there’s a nice Wing raise there you go that’s the shot we’re all looking for raise it one more time go on go on raise that Wing go on one more

    One more there you go security guard inside the theater telling the sleeping transient gentleman he can no longer stay there few years back British Telecom installed these teles screens that have a Hing fan I don’t know what kind of a hot Electronics they’ve got in there but

    The fan is still Hing and and uh we all mocked them for basically giving the uh Street Community the narcotics enthusiasts a free phone to phone their um narcotics Distributors they can charge their little cheap mobiles given to them by the Charities and the cycle continues and uh I want to film

    Something else without the cracky over there kicking off but he’s still being asked to leave by the security guard and I want to show you one more thing before we go that uh the uh Charities think they’re helping but they’re actually guaranteeing that some people stay on

    The street and I’ll show you why okay there goes our man but uh the government the Charities sorry are giving them plastic insulated triangles so that they can uh remain on the streets and stay dry and uh make a refugee camp out of it now I know it’s uh no one wants anyone

    To suffer but the priority should be getting them off the streets not giving them tents and uh a lifestyle to uh fall into so Corporation Street this gentleman you see here he goes hey Charlie I like your channel so I like him and I said can I film some of this

    Uh stuff you’re doing here he’s like yeah of course turns out the rats have chewed through the cables that give the signal to the control room to let them know where the trams are it might be rats but I think the uh transient Community might have stolen the copper

    In those small cables that’s my theory so we come through here and this is the great reveal not yet not not yet not yet not yet need to oh yeah there’s a that’s a bus it’s a bus it’s a bus here’s the view in crackie gardens

    There’s a lot of men doing a lot of heavy lifting and conr construction and it’s all getting taken away and if you look over here it used to be grassy and there used to be a fountain over here I want to show you past the forklift certification Oh I

    Thought that was going to be loud I just saw a man threw a he threw a 2×4 wow this used to be a fountain it used to be beautiful and I hate to say this is it too soon 23 years later is it too soon but uh

    I went no I’m not going to say it it’s just a city center mess and we’ve seen other City Center messes after terrible things I feel sorry for maybe the company that uh built this it’s been so wet that my question is is H is this wood going to be reusable the

    Decking could you use that again or is it game over for this wood was it worth it Manchester City Council here’s the South section of Picadilly Gardens a hive of activity all metal pillars blocks this and that here’s our favorite security company showc but uh very noisy around here too as you can

    Imagine I want to come around this way see what the story is we can get into the get close enough to have a look at some more Hello over there what a mess honk honk who’s going to honk oh they’re going to get killed I quite like a TiK ToK by oh thanks mate nice to hear a Scottish viewer all the best mate cheers take it easy okay it’s everyone’s favorite Cameo star it’s music

    Man go on music man take Care it’s just another day in paradise guys on Market Street oh look they’re probably just going to take details public toilet with a liad blown off you don’t see that every day seen this guy’s face in the van oh it’s a mask scary jeering sneering guy

    Just checking to the workers out of that van they they thought it was very funny that I was filming their scary face and he goes do you know why I have that Charlie I said tell me he says I’m often working at night time in City centers

    And uh when you’re working by yourself crackheads his words will sneak into your van and steal everything so he says just a deterrent they do a glance they see there’s another human in there they’re too wasted to realize it’s a mask and I said no that makes perfect

    Sense and then we got chatting about how in India when you go into the jungle you wear a face mask on the back of your head so that the Tigers think you’re looking at them it’s a true story look it up wearing a face on the back of your head to prevent tiger

    Attacks showing Picadilly Gardens some love I guess it’s uh tough love as the body’s mount in the urban environment you need a vehicle with enough clearance to uh drive over them like this whatever it is everyone the lady just said don’t run away from me if you’re a homosexual I

    Will follow you and heal you you know what she’s God bless you madam how are you therefore this man is a misogynistic woman hater who is me misogynistic Woman Haters Back wow inch wow I guess the Christian has not forgiven [Laughter] me for the Lord Jesus Christ Wherefore he angry with the violent man for this man is a violent man says the Lord for he battered his wife behind closed doors wow and the Lord says it’s true this man battered his wife behind cloth can I ask for your Source Madam for your information for the Lord say

    She’s not a Madam for a Madam is a brothel keeper you fool and the Lord says get away from her or she’ll call the police on you for you’re harassing her um and for the Lord you’re the one slandering and doing perjury in public Madam mixing it with your weird perverted fake Christian

    Message you know nothing of the Lord or of Christ you are a hypocrite you devil get get away from me you calling me a devil a devil in the name of Jesus Christ step back you violent man in the name of Jesus oh God you know nothing of

    Jesus Christ stop you are a slandering woman saying lies upsetting people in the name of Jesus I heard what you said earlier about the homosexuals what have you got against the gays so the lord loves the homosexual man and he says come to me and I will heal you all

    Homosexuals don’t listen to this man at least the homosexuals are honest so the Lord about what they like the Lord says this man is a cajo of a devil worshipper a devil worshipper wow I worship Satan oh okay but you can hear it in his voice

    Yes he longs to say serve Satan serve Satan serve Satan the lady says you can hear it my voice I I yearn to say serve Satan serve Satan Madam you are actually going to turn people away from Christianity and you’re name Jesus I’ve not I’ve not come

    Near you madam I’m at least 2 meters away I’m two meters away Lord says a violent man hello mate this beauty is the King Street townhouse it’s a luxury h hotel with an infinity pool on the roof on Booth Street staring at a gray four Transit

    And the reason we are is it has a a diplomatic license plate meaning it cannot receive a parking ticket well it can but it won’t have to pay that vehicle according to the legal rules is Sovereign land of whatever country that is I’m sure my viewers is can look it up

    Quickly what like what country is that but uh it can cause some big problems for example in the 80s there was a police officer shot dead from within the Libyan Embassy in London can you believe that a gun in the Libyan Embassy shot dead a police officer and

    Did the police raid the building and uh catch the gunman no because they were not allowed to all right curiosity killed the Charlie 237 is the Diplomatic Immunity country code for Romania Chach for mulus and we approach St Peters we will avoid the Lee Direction bus the

    35 and we will look at this cute little police Smart Car hello police Smart Car how are you so uh yeah thanks man you okay happy New Year yeah all right we won’t um we won’t give him a hard time he’s a viewer he’s a good

    Guy anyway thanks man this one last shot you’re doing mobile phones and danger driving no left turn no left turn a when cars are turning on it pedestrians are crossing yeah oh yeah a lot of cheeky people are doing the left turn unfortunately a few have been caught

    Today so oh wow cool keep up with the good work man all the best happy New Year see you man see you thanks look who it is he’s changed Vehicles he’s on a bike now go on music man happy New Year Happy New Year there he goes God’s Own prototype

    Some kind of high powerered M never considered for mass production too crazy to live but too rare to die here on the tram line between uh St Peters and Picadilly Gardens there’s a giant former Royal Bank of Scotland building number 38 here and it’s the first time I’ve seen these giant Vault

    Doors these 5 six meter doors open and if we look in I think it’s either a boutique hotel or offices which is what Manchester does not need so um I was just filming here and uh lady scowling at me saying what the hell are you doing and uh now she’s

    Getting all upset so um it’s what you get Madam you’re lucky I don’t have zoom they see him rolling they ha in hello sir happy New Year happy New Year who’s going to try and do it without a ticket who’s going to try it oh oh ticket man he’s ticketing everyone

    Good to see keeping keeping them honest oh right see who’s going to get busted no one oh my how awkward getting caught with the wrong ticket it’s only like 2 and uh like all these things you know it’s easier to just what is it Mark Twain that said uh I always I’m always

    Honest cuz then I never have to remember anything look towards the northern quarter that’s where we’re going on the big poster it says the King LeBron James and the Viking earling Highland okay some uh fast moving police officers on New Cathedral Street here I think that’s uh Pete Pete the police nice

    Guy now with this uh speed walk I am hoping for a dramatic conclusion as I’m sure you are as well viewer let’s just enjoy the sights and sounds God damn it let’s try maybe a side door okay we’re going to do this one sensitively guys I’ll start filming again if I get Anything ID card ID card yeah oh no I prefer for remain anonymous sorry all right just be with me please what just be with me please one again no thank you I don’t want to stay with you sorry you’re not a picture that’s my problem my friend you’re not the police you’re

    Not my dad so you can’t ask me anything I’m sorry I ask you you can ask me but I can tell you Tiff no thanks to stick it up your you Know I you must be joking asking me for ID oh well outside self fridges they don’t even sell fridges but uh every once in a while you get a security guard that turns into Jason Bourne he’s like oh I’m going to need your ID you’re going to have to wait here with

    Me okay bro armed police just on Extreme Square we’re back along gartside Street to my right this giant building is the Civil Justice Center and uh there is some Court action I want to have a look around the side in a second but I just wanted to show you

    These exciting um spinny Open Door things again like uh it’s been about a year since we’d have a look at these guys but uh it’s so that you can enter the building easily but coming out coming out come on ladies one fish coming out you got no

    Chance bottom right corner it says mob so free plug for you mob hello court now if if not saying it is cuz it’s got writing on it doesn’t mean it’s true if this is a private road surely surely you can’t get parking tickets or get done for parking on the yellow lines

    Or anything like that you know and I can go on the private road and I can uh I can start screaming and hollering because I’m not in public I can’t be convicted of a section five public order offense cuz I’m in private so no I’m not going to scream the n word

    You horrible viewers no no it’s not polite to shout out Titanic at the river cruise boat oh man I thought you was going to come under the bridge he’s going to do the spin around for his six passengers it is middle of winter it is a bit cold although it’s not

    Raining oh he’s definitely going to crash it he’s going to smash it no b a reverse action thrusters on he’s he’s okay I’ve just been observing the security guards here at three new Bailey it’s a it’s Majesty’s government building just observing I’ve been stood here in the middle and uh little on

    Their phones they’re sending a few messages on Whatsapp they’re checking out the latest channels on telegram are any of you guys on telegram I I’m I have telegram but I’ve never really used telegram they’re like oh Charlie subscribe to this Channel and the next thing you know 3,000 items of

    Spam it’s not spam it’s people posting things within the channel but nah it’s not for me so anyway it’s got me thinking about how it’s impossible to stand attention for more than a day really unless there’s like threats coming left right and center the human body is not designed to stay at

    Attention all right mate so um again people like oh perfect 2020 hindsight how did they breach the security barrier how did they storm the wall how did they raid the military barracks and dominate element of surprise and as well after years and years and years we all relax don’t we and uh

    I’ll tell you what though for me walking around Manchester or any other city I have to be very aware of my surroundings uh you should see some of the things people write to me I don’t make a big deal out of it because it’s account set up yesterday but

    Uh they they make their feelings of uh physical disgust of me and how they would like to uh sort me out in public using much more illegal language uh for the worst ones I do of course I’ve got a direct line into GMP to give

    Them the the threats and I hope they are hiding behind vpns and hiding their IP address but uh other than that security guard’s on me now he’s he on the right side window he’s on it other than that I need to stay so very aware all the time anyone could walk up

    Behind me and uh do something oh wait is he coming no no he’s not he’s just looking at me he’s just looking at me he’s going to get tall don’t worry it’s only Charlie V you don’t have to do anything bro I do like the ltis on the side of

    This building but I’m more interested in the response here at the government building or lack off cuz they’re on their phones they’re acting a bit more alert now because I saw them playing on their phones you got it wrong it’s not a hospital it’s Trinity Bridge house just

    On the border between Salford and Manchester and it’s a standard Civil Service government building but what’s interesting is that where I’m stood here on this nice uh Wasteland it’s technically technically private property but when it’s the government of the People by the people for the people when they’re the

    Tenant then I think it becomes slightly public property for a really ugly building it’s actually quite photogenic you got to respect a company director that names his company something very literal into what they do no ambiguity what does UK fire safety limited do I think you can Guess look at this Kitty oh you know you’ve messed up when the cat shows you the anus and then sits down and ignores you


    1. Thanks for sharing 😊some people love to talk nonsense that thing shall we call it doesn’t understand what she’s on about 😂 keep it up hoping one day to bump in to you 😊

    2. Well Charlie, i was really disappointed that you didn't shout "YOU'RE NOT A TRAM" to the fella on the mobility scooter !!!!😂😂😂😂😂

    3. Charlie I don't want to alarm you, but I fear I might. I am one of a very few fluent speakers of pigeon. When that pigeon that you found so endearing kept raising it's wing, you may not have noticed but it uttered a very quiet " hiel".😮 yes shocking I know but unfortunately you have encountered one of the rising number of pigeon Nazis on Britain's streets. Warn everyone Charlie, Britain wake up they're coming for you.👀

    4. When a driver parks their car in a daft place "you can't park there mate!";
      When a transient makes their bed in a daft place "you can't sleep there mate!" – ought be a thing.

    5. Those tele screens have multi cameras on them that film your reactions facial expresions as you watch them for further market research and free surveys you provide at your public pleasure .

    6. “Εύκολα συγχωρούμε ένα παιδί που φοβάται το σκοτάδι. Το πραγματικά θλιβερό είναι οι άντρες που φοβούνται το φως.”
      – Πλάτων 🕊️👁️👁️

    7. Charlie did you see the guy who plays Peter Barlow in Corrie walk by with his Brown leather jacket??? Just at the point where she was going on about gay people 😂😂😂

    8. Pineapple on pizza should scare everyone, never mind just the Italians. It's just wrong. Also, religious nut jobs are everywhere as always, including Charles Veitch who thinks his 'version' of his religion is correct, but he is as crazy as the rest.

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