An Israeli soldier was filmed trashing a Palestinian bookstore in Jabaliya in the Gaza Strip, while other soldiers laughed in the background.

    A spokesperson for the Israeli army said: “The behaviour of the soldier in the video is inappropriate and contrary to IDF values. The case will be investigated and handled accordingly. The IDF condemns this type of behaviour.”

    Meanwhile, intense urban fighting continue between the IDF and Hamas militants.

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    1. The IDF is a Terrorist organization just like Hamas but with different uniforms!! The soldiers here do not fight other armies, they terrorize civilian children, women, and old men. That’s who they are!!

      Shame on us for supporting this lesser nation who has terrorized Palestinians for so long! Shame on US for not revealing to the American public that Israel is an Oppressive Apartheid regime! I am a 65 year old American veteran who does NOT stand for an Evil nation who has oppressed and occupied the good people of Palestine for decades!!

    2. من الواضح انه يريد حفاضة ،ولا يستطيع الصبر اكثر من هذا لذلك هو يبحث عنها "الحفاضة "بهذه الطريقة ،اعذروه فهو من جيش الحفاضات الصهيوني

    3. Nazi Israel is committing genocide
      Supported by America,Uk government and European union .This terrorist state killed more than 25,000 Palestinian people among them 16,000 were children just one month and half. 55,000 tons of explosives, Over 40,000 bombs, Half of housing units damaged,50,000 entirely demolished, $90 billion in damage. All in one month and half month.Gaza is the size of New York City.The whole world see the nazi genocide of the Palestinian people . Now it is clear that Israel is a terrorist state. Now where is ICC, Aminesty, save the children and the double standard US,Uk and European country ?This is results of all muslim powerful country's silence.

    4. I don't see any killing, raping, torture of innocent civilians just like Hamas did to Israelis…so what's the problem here actually? how can you even compare between the crimes against humanity Hamas did to this child's play? they *** live-stream a rape of a young girl or a killing of an elderly woman.

    5. ربنا ينصركم ويثبت اقدامك لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله العلي العظيم
      ربنا يقويكم ربي يقويكم ويكون معكم #اللهم_نستودعك_اخوتنا_في_غزة يارب ياكريم ياحي يا قيوم ندعوك باسمك الأعظم ان تحفظ شعبها و ارضها يارب
      لله الامر من قبل ومن بعد لطفك بعبادك يارب العالمين

    6. I've seen Marines and AU soldiers court marshaled for this and some jailed , but none bragged on FB about it because they know fellow soldiers , honorable soldiers , those with ethics and morals , the majority I might add , will report them. It sickens me the smile on his face , not a care in the world , this goes from the bottom all the way to the top , the world court will see that the buck stops with netanhayoo and appropriate action taken and the the isreali supreme court will make sure he never holds an office again. He has a lot of Israelis against him , but they must be clever about it because he can ruin them and families , but they WILL strike while the iron is hot and people will see that not all israelis are xionists. And they are the ones that will make peace and compromise , and acknowledge that the holy land is for everyone who has roots here. remember it wasnt always like this , all three major religeions lived in harmony , worshipped at will and whim , mutual respect . Things started to go really bad when the xionists with thier khaki shorts started war on everyone who stood in thier way even the british were bombed and the US lost a ship . The world will know not to trust them at word alone , they see everyone who is not a xionist as an enemy and someone that can be used and manipulated to achived the xion cause, even the USA.

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