First snow in winter 2010/2011. It wasn’t heavy snow, but it did fall all day so the streets couldn’t be cleared of it. Such a thin layer of snow didn’t stop anybody cycling though. The video was taken around 3 in the afternoon. Many children were already going home after school and a lot of students and women were on their bicycles in Utrecht, the fourth largest city in the Netherlands. It wasn’t rush hour yet.


    1. As a Asian lady, no snow in my country . I am so much wonder, even one day to experience to cycling in the snow place. What feels like. I know is cold but I think I can handle it. Hehe! God bless Utrecht .

    2. Would drive me crazy trying to ride on bike paths packed with slow moving cyclists like that. Can you ride on the roads with the cars in Holland?

    3. Это не снег. Вот когда пешком трудно топать, не говоря уже о велосипеде, посмотрел бы я на голландских любителей велопрогулок.

    4. I'm Dutch and cycling in the snow isn't that hard, but it's NO fun. You get snow in your face, but snow isn't nearly as bad as when the roads were covered in ice like two years ago. I still had to go to school and I slipped and hurt my arm. It wasn't a bad injury but fuck that

    5. I am surprised that so many of them have their seats set so low. I would think in country that has so many bikers they would know how to use the machine more efficiently.

    6. I used to live in the flats too. Traveling is easy now I live in mountains and the brakes require constant adjustments or replacing. When will they make ebikes like cars with adjustable regenerative brakes

    7. I love cycling but you guys could really use some mtb's Mountain Bikes They're all season and much more accessible friendly Just an opinion "Food for thought" Otherwise looks to be a very cycle friendly nation Love it!

    8. 0:57 left corner
      A bicycle on its side.
      Some body must have made a spill.
      It's quite amazing we don't wee more of those.
      It gets very slippery on the snow or ice, tire gets locked very easily specially the rear wheel.
      They must be very good at riding in those conditions.

    9. [nature documentary narration]: in snowy or icy conditions, difficult decisions have to be made. Roads and bikeways are salted and bulldozed in such conditions to clear a path for the foremost traffic users: cars and bicycles.
      Pedestrians have a hard time surviving in those conditions. Since most Dutch have no specialized snow boots, they will most often resort to walking on the bikelanes.
      Bicycle users are not oblivious to their plight and will tolerate these much slower traffic users on their domain. For now.

    10. Ah, when snow was normal in winter, Now we are having 30+ C summers, you better get used to it people! And no is not global warming, it's the Illuminati newest program😏

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