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    Be running [ __ ] so M why my feet got BL this ain’t no SC [ __ ] this a but I still round he escap he Kevin wanted to get wet today so I got this off Marketplace we got that off Marketplace this guy was driving by my house this morning we

    Don’t really like that but he said he’d do anything so we’re going to give him to skydive out of that helicopter it’s got float so so you can land it in theend would love that incident they’ll they’ll uh Pop Let’s do we’ll cut this let’s have a fake incident you can land

    In bring new Pond can you imagine a helicopter in there and they’ll get it out of there you’re like come get me now whose Pond is it Brenda’s okay so we have that’s the county the county I think owns it we have permission to use it no that’s what’s the whole

    Point okay you’re going to be up up with it don’t matter about you in the fa can’t say anything to me no Oh [ __ ] now get off up real quick shut the [ __ ] up keyan who are you oh get Gator Gat who are you hey what’s up I miss you I know we’re we’re giving out rides today jet ski rides Ros goes giving the rides there’s two Gators in there We

    Rescued the Gators and put them in there he hunts Gators yeah we’re look we’re out here looking for him we chipped him we’re trying to find him now he’s got it you got it push it bro come on man all right you don’t get you’re going to get

    A Hern [ __ ] quit all that talking if your ass ain’t trying to SC nothing swinging tra jumping hard we got them lows coming had to chain a spot I got the word I heard the F coming [ __ ] rolling on my WR about 30 I’m talking facts you know it’s the truth he speak

    [ __ ] corette 200 I let John do my peace [ __ ] I could take a classic ho and turn to a freak [ __ ] blowing you can smell this [ __ ] from Crow the street [ __ ] I just snatched the demon off the lot and threw some bows in Diamond dancing

    Through the T can’t see but got your ho hey what’s up man hey how you doing how are you hey uh my daddy owns this my daddy owns this Ponda come out yet no not yet right when we got here I seen Brenda’s blinds just go

    Down how was it that was good for a minute oh dude oh wipe out Kian you look good wet man thank you look really good wet’s low that’s why I brought I brought the jet ski instead of the boat cuz the water was low we didn’t want the mo the

    Motor caught now Norm’s coming Norm yeah we know Norm we told Norm already he knows he yeah he gave us permission who’s Norm this Norm yeah Norm Norm’s in charge of the community I think he said he’s going to call the sheriff’s or something we got day insurance for this

    Event we’re one of the qualifying tubing championships so we’re like the county qualifier to get to the next round Kevin qualifies today he goes to to District Championship said to call a sh I’m not capping I don’t cap you didn’t give him permission did you no way yet you Norm

    Who sharff Norm’s Norm’s capping be out of here in the next 10 minutes how about this you you do one ride you tow him around and then we get out of here I don’t do nothing I’ll be back here in 15 minutes if you’re here in the call all

    Right thank you that’s that’s good we should we go by Then bro he looks insane dude I know you’re a little out of your your comfort zone all these folks I don’t see color I don’t either Deputy was super nice and they’ve all received complaints but they are not showing up he said the deputies

    All like you how much time we got Norm I have to wait until I get here a ARP sent us out here anyone that has a membership gets a free ride they did yeah want to go them Norm said I could I’m not harassing anyone I’m in

    The I’m in the pond yeah that’s not your pond no my dad owns the pond he said I could he do I’m just kidding please stand find someone is I barely come here once a year maybe we don’t want you here at all that’s the point well Papa Jim wants me here no

    Papa Jam dead and he said he said Danny when I die I want you to come back every year and play in the pond the legend lives on Long Live Papa Jim Long Live he did say that though we were sitting on the couch his he said it was care before

    He died he had the Coke we’re drinking Co I can’t D myself whose Pond whose Pond is it Sarasota you know how much money I paid in taxes last year enough to jump in a pond priv this you just said s County property is it private or

    S County we got to make we got to figure this out leaning on his truck get off his truck dude get off his truck keian you got a poop buddy you got a poop oh [ __ ] look cops they sit in the helicopter four stars oh [ __ ] it’s right there

    What yeah how was that huh is the show over what show I wanted to see some action man you got to talk to Norm you can’t take pictures of my tag I don’t consent to that for Christmas we’re going to get Norm something special something real special so I got this off Marketplace

    Some guy was selling it what would this be called jet powered go-kart yeah these cops catch me speeding they’re not catching me you’ll burn up their car probably if they get close enough it’s actually pretty hot if we put a wing on this could it Fly that’s why these

    Engines are a little bit angled like if you go like 80 90 or 100 you get a little air man you will be in trouble I’m just saying I’m shaking I don’t know dude I don’t do aerospace engineering zero is like perfectly safe and 10 is

    Certain death and then you pick the six yeah I don’t want to die I don’t even want to get hurt does it have spedometer on it can you change it to kilometers just so I feel like I’m going faster oh [ __ ] what was that Ste your watch how

    Hot it is go in there oh my God it’s not even dled up yet yeah man no rush on this I care about my safety I care about my freedom safety number one how’s key one on the phone right now with the jet engine man I can’t be hanging out white

    People no more they got a jet engine on a go-kart dud that is that is crazy he’s like telling me sh I’m like bro what are you saying dud there’s a jet engine going on my go-kart is faster than your go-kart I don’t care you want

    To ride it I can’t hear you my go-kart engine’s too loud punk ass kids no they’re cool they’re cool you ever call my little person friend a [ __ ] again there’s going to be a problem oh my gosh that was an awful kick you kicked like a 2-year-old oh

    Yeah you’re the one that looks like God damn God Dam he he he Flames your ass you’re adoped yeah girl oh good one I know who gay cameraman ah he called you gay this is the first thing I’ve ever built that I haven’t first tested myself I like that I think we should

    Have key on test it first I just feel like when it has a heartbeat it’s just a little interesting you hear it beeping coming I’m going to die on this thing I don’t really put a helmet on for many things but I’m definitely putting a

    Helmet on for this if I die you can have my dirt bike but only the 50 oh we’re here with Matt from war perception he made this uh jet powered go-kart two jet engines on the back it goes 250 mph we don’t know how fast we’re going to go

    Today but we’re going to test it and see the best we can do oh [ __ ] it doesn’t feel real dude this thing is [ __ ] sick I honestly feel bad for everyone watching dude that doesn’t have one of these but if you want one they’re pretty cheap you

    Know on my website Dan it’s so loud it’s a jet engine bro I mean it’s How you doing good man this guy just made this he just made this thing for me I’ll just load it up probably the best idea all right thank you man sorry about that are those jet engines yeah it’s crazy dude it’s nuts I’m going to do

    Just a warning so no no cation or anything just the only reason knew I was getting pulled over as I saw the speed limit sign because the lights were hitting the reflecting off the speed limit thing I was like what is that and then yeah I can’t hear anything so then

    I looked I was like oh Okay hey you know you were doing like almost 90 on that one yeah the one where I passed you maybe wait to maybe wait to yell that bro I was doing 110 when I passed you kilometers no no miles prob what I do what I do with this pay it by

    Tomorrow it’s I’m just kid thanks man I appreciate it nice meet you guys good to see you be sa hell yeah warning dud I was like [ __ ] what’s going to happen I was confused I was like dude I’m either going to get nothing or it’s going to be

    I’m getting arrested for sure uh-oh that helicopter look like is coming down something looks fishy with it he’s about to do it right now ready oh he jumped look look he jumped right there oh yay do it for America and Tony Hawk that be lands on some old lady dude

    Yeah you cook Chef you cook yeah bro you said I cook dinner I cook for everyone you can yeah I can of course why you make me eat crap all day this guy’s a chef apparently from France we’ve been eating [ __ ] for for weeks I make like like is salmon

    Look like dog food bro you know St hey guys join you joining I like the right this [ __ ] this [ __ ] busting mer mer we we we all right we got the go-kart and uh we’re going to make s’mores with the the jet wrong way Oh here we go here where’s the stick where’s the Stick desmore was good like really good cuz I don’t like them burned I just like them like hot and then kind of melted come on bro I know how to raise my go-kart bro I know how to work the jet engine go-kart that is good is it [Applause] hot oh [ __ ] it’s on fire bro godam get the camera he does it again oh no not the s’mores bro I was going to eat that bro I di my tongue kean’s upset bro he got short temper I’m just Kidding [Applause] Kic that dude you [ __ ] out cockroach how much air are we getting is that uncircumcised no that’s uncircumcised all right don’t dude let’s get you circumcised this trip yeah yeah y my eyes are up here yeah yeah hey don’t don’t no no not the bar

    Dude the bar touched it man bro it keeps looking at me holy [ __ ] [Laughter] [Applause] better w let’s go okay this is like top golf in the country go go Go up [Applause] up anything golf hits him in the ass


    1. Haha, i drove by when the cops had the go cart pulled over on Winchester. Apparently my ex did too. Seen her prius drive by in the video. I was wondering what was going on until i seen the van lol

    2. If that was flour you were using in the jet wash you got lucky it didn't turn into a ball of fire. All it would have taken was to come in contact with the flame from the jet engine & that guy in the chair would have been on fire. I learned that on mythbusters. Doritos are very flammable too. Be careful.

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