We take a brief look at some of Strangeways prisons most notorious former and current inmates. Now Manchester Prison.

    Used mainly to house criminals before and during trial.

    Thanks for watching.

    Strange ways prison now known as Manchester prison it’s used as a holding prison for those awaiting trial in the local area as well as housing category a prisoners who need Maximum Security today we look at rways prisons most notorious former and current inmates one Ian Brady Ian Brady along with his partner

    Myra hindley took the lives of five children between 1963 and 1965 known as the MS murders Keith fenet is the only victim still not to be found Ian V did not serve a sentence of strange ways for these horrific crimes he actually only served a 3-month sentence at strange ways before these

    Ever took place Ian Brady was in and out of court as a youngster he was caught smuggling sacks full of lead from a market and was sent to strange ways for 3 months at 17 years old 5 years later he committed the Mo’s murders hinley and Brady were given life

    Imprisonment the death penalty was abolished just six months before following his conviction Ian Brady was sent to the daram prison where he asked to live in solitary confinement he spent 19 years there before being diagnosed as a psychopath and being sent to Ashworth Hospital Brady went on hunger strikes and was

    Force-fed he rarely spoke with psychiatrists in the hospital but he did speak with journalist Brady died at the age of 79 in Ashworth Hospital on the 15th of May 2017 the last cruel Act of Ian Brady and Myra hindley was to not tell Keith Bennett’s family where he was I hope the

    Search continues and one day Kei is found for the Bennett family and for his late Mom Winnie who never gave up and is now hopefully reunited with her son two Mark Bridger on the 1st of October 2012 April Jones was playing outside her house with a friend her

    Parents had last seen her riding her Pink Bicycle at around 700 p.m. she was then not seen again at around half 7 her parents founded the police and reported her missing Witnesses said they saw April climbing into a gray van the police immediately upgraded the investigation to a critical

    Incident and launched a massive search 24 hours after April went missing 46-year-old Mark Bridger who lived local to April was arrested he became a suspect because he matched a description of the man and the vehicle a left-and drive Land Rover Discovery which an eyewitness had seen April entering

    Following having a conversation with the man on the 6th of October Mark Bridger was charged with child abduction murder and attempting to pervert the course of Justice he was held at strange ways prison on the 14th of January 2013 Mark Bridger pleaded not guilty to the charge of murdering April Jones but accepted

    That he was probably responsible Mark Bridger had a string of convictions stretching back to when he was 19 years old he was convicted of firearm offenses and theft he moved to Wales in the 1980s where he was convicted of three separate driving offens aners in 2004 he was convicted of

    Battery and threatening behavior and in 2007 he was convicted of assault at his trial an expert told the court that fragments of human bone consistent with a younger individual had been found in the fireplace of Mark bridger’s Cottage blood was found in several parts of the costage which matched April’s

    DNA brid’s Defence was that he had accidentally run over 5-year-old April in his car and could not remember disposing of her body due to alcohol and panic on the 30th of May 2013 Bridger was found guilty of abduction murder and perverting the course of Justice he was sentenced to life

    Imprisonment with a whole life order after his conviction it was revealed that Bridger had confessed to the strange ways prison chaplain that he had disposed of April’s body in the river that flowed past his Cottage the Welsh police believe that he scattered April’s remains across the countryside near his house he served his

    Time at strange ways before his trial but after was sentenced to serve his time at Wakefield prison in 2013 just a few weeks into his sentence he was attacked by a fellow prisoner with an improvised weapon resulting in FA and Thro injuries in 2013 Bridger appealed against his whole life order but dropped

    The appeal a few days before it was due to be heard he remains in prison three Thomas Cashman Thomas Cashman had 18 previous convictions for 33 offenses and was a known drug dealer based in Liverpool on the 22nd of August 2022 Cheryl Kell opened her front door as she

    Heard a disturbance outside of her house her 9-year-old daughter Olivia was stood behind her Joseph KN a 35-year-old wellestablished organized crime group member was fleeing from an unknown gunman attempting to force himself into her home while NE attempted to enter their house the gunman who was wearing a

    Balac clava and a black jacket approach roached the house and shot four times one of the bullets went through Cheryl’s wrist and into her daughter Olivia’s chest Olivia lost her life NE the intended target of the shooting was a convicted drug dealer and burglar he had

    Been released on license in 2021 and was halfway through his sentence n ran away after the incident and got into an escape vehicle a black Audi the next day he was arrested for breaching his license conditions and was returned to prison on the 1st of September 2022 merys side police released footage of

    The gunman and on the 4th of September one man was arrested on suspicion of murder and attempted murder and two others were detained by the 10th of September nine men were arrested Cashman was apprehended due to a former partner speaking to police she said that he came to her address shortly

    After the murder he was in a panicked State he also asked for a change of clothes these clothes showed residue on them from the gun used he was also seen on CCTV multiple times Thomas Cashman was held at strange Way’s prison but on the 3rd of April 2023 he was sentenced to life

    Imprisonment for Olivia’s murder for the attempted murder of his intended target knee He was ordered to serve a Min of 42 years before being considered for parole he was sentenced to 10 years for the wounding of Olivia’s mother and received two 18-year sentences for both counts of

    Possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life he will be elgible to be considered for Paro on the 22nd of March 2064 at which time he will be in his mid 7s in late April 2023 Cashman was to appeal to have his sentence reduced in July 2023 he was

    Refused permission to appeal his sentence he still serves his time at strange ways prison for Connor Chapman on the 24th of December at around midnight at the Lighthouse Pub in Wy patrons rang the police after gunshots were heard firing into the entrance of the pub 26-year-old Ellie Edwards lost her life and five

    Others were injured the police started a murder inquiry using CCTV and eyewitnesses they believed the gunman left in a Mercedes by January 2023 the police had received 150 tips from the public they had arrested four people and one was recalled to prison but on the 13th of January 22-year-old Connor Chapman was

    Arrested Thomas Waring was also arrested in connection to Ellie Edwards murder at their trial in June 2023 CCTV footage showed Connor Chapman leaving the car park and opening fire two of the people injured in the shootings were his targets he fled the scene in his Friend Thomas Warren stolen

    Mercedes they explained at the trial the shooting was due to ongoing retaliation and tension between two rival gangs Chapman denied murder two counts of attempted murder three of wounded with intent and one of both possession of a firearm and possession of ammunition Warren denied possession of a prohibited

    Weapon and assisted an offender they were both found guilty on the 7th of July Chapman was sentenced to life imprisonment of a midterm of 48 years warring was also sentenced to 9 years in prison just a few weeks into Chapman sentence he was caught with a phone he still serves his time at

    Strange ways prison five Harold Shipman Howard Shipman is considered to be one of the most prolific serial killers in modern history it’s estimated he has around 250 victims GP Harold Shipman would Target elderly patients and give them lethal amounts of drugs his crimes were committed between 1975 and

    1998 he was given life imprisonment with a whole life order while waiting for his trial he was held at strangeways prison he was then sentenced to serve his time at Wakefield prison on the 13th of January 2004 at the age of 57 he took his own life in his

    Cell six Ray Tera Raymond Tera was an English radio DJ he was active from the 1960s to 2012 he was also close friends with fellow DJ Jimmy savil in December 2014 terret was convicted of of a an indecent assault and was sentenced to 25 years in strange ways

    Prison he served six years of his present sentence he died in May 2021 at the age of 79 7even Dale KGAN on the 18th of September 2012 Dale KGAN phoned the Manchester police reporting a burglary two police officers showed up Nicola Hughes and Fiona bone and when they

    Arrived Dale KGAN open fired at them and threw a grenade they both lost their lives he was arrested and charged with their murders he originally plad not guilty but on the 12th of Feb 2013 Dale KGAN changed his plea to guilty 3 months later he admitted to carrying out two separate murders in

    2012 which were linked to a Gangland feud in Manchester on the 13th of junee 2013 he was sentenced to life imprisonment for the four murders with a whole life order while awaiting his trial he served his time at strange Way’s prison he was then sent to full Saturn prison he was

    Moved to Ashworth Hospital in September 2013 because he went on a hunger strike he was moved back to strange ways prison in March 2018 where he boasted about his workout regime and access to Snooker and Tennis it’s reported that in 2020 he was moved back to a psychiatric hospital where he serves his

    Sentence thanks for watching until next time


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