Today we take a look at TSL, 3A Blossom Wy, Hemel Hempstead HP2 4ZB.

    We speak to security about it being a private space before taking the drone up which prompts bosses to come out and make further attempts to restrict photography in a public place.

    Q – What is your email address?
    A –

    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
    A –
    My LinkTree –

    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 4
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
    My Referral Link –

    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    Back to work no excuse me don’t talk to me like that oh here he goes no no no no no I don’t care you can’t tell me to go back to work he doesn’t pay my wages if I want to stay here listen to him listen

    I don’t have to listen to anyone all Right wa Help me help you coffee Two Sugars permit permit yeah look show you it’s a private space I’ll show you Santa Claus yeah that’s me we are Santa Claus yeah you’re joking yeah yeah just like you are you’re joking it yeah yeah permit yeah what for for this it’s

    A private space I’m over there mate out the street it’s a private space I’m standing over there on the pavement it’s a private space it’s not don’t look very private to me no it’s for space of DSL would you go taller would you go taller over there yeah yes yes allall Street

    Well you would go taller over there no for a Wii for for for it’s not very private it’s public no it’s not public do you know if I go for a weed just there will the police tell me off okay no it’s a question would the police tell me off no

    No it’s your business continue continue I was I was continuing but then you called me over what I’m trying to say to you my friend is do you know if I have a Wii over there Ur anate i’ get told off no I want you to understand yeah it’s

    Public I don’t understand I’m trying no no sir I’ll keep trying then so that you understand what’s your name if I have a what’s your name sir I just showed you my ID no it’s not Santa Claus what is that what’s your name what I’m trying to

    Say to you this is public this is not private this is public where where here oh forget it you stupid or what what I said to you if if somebody has a Wii over there speak with my manager please yeah give you your number yeah what

    Speak with my man manager get him on the phone then okay yeah take it last speaker no I don’t no I don’t have are you are you okay yeah I’m I’m very good you are joking with it’s a private space man all Street it’s a private space no it’s not why yeah no

    It’s not yes what’s Happening Here continue please continue it’s your job continue I’m making a video no no no I know no speak with you yeah continue please continue are you wasting my time no it’s my time you have just called me over here for 5 minutes to tell me to carry

    On it’s my it’s my job yeah your job to do what yeah it’s it’s a it’s a private space yeah are you security yeah where’s your blue badge look where’s your blue SAA license no it’s not a public security it’s a private space it’s not it’s not private this is public this is

    This is access road to multiple look sorry continue you’re wrong yeah yeah sorry okay okay so I’m just going to explain over to the right hand side there is Chilton Timber as shown on the screen just there I’m standing somewhere down down here it’s all changed since

    Google Maps went down but Chilton Timber is open to the public as shown just here look visitors directions they’ve got showroom you go down prist Park boundary way that’s where they’re located so just down here so any member of the public can go down this road to access

    Any of the businesses including the one right next door that’s the point I’m making let’s carry on so I’m not sure what this brand new unit is but it’s still being built sorry sorry no no no nothing okay so it’s still being built the contractor is

    TSL and uh I thought we’ll just get the Drone up and have a look see what it looks like sorry I’m not idiot yeah you’re not an idiot yeah I’m not why do you want to talk now when I’ve walked away if you keep talking to me I’ll come

    Over but if you finish finished I’ll stay here you finished yeah so as always we’ve checked on drone assist there are no flight restrictions in this area at all TSL Point updated here in EML Hemstead let’s have a look at you then shall we so got lots of Lights on that helps

    Us out a little bit doesn’t it but it’s certainly not complete yeah that’s for sure so this is December 2023 at the end of this well we’re next door to Red fits and just next door to that is what can’t read it I can’t read it so let’s have a little look around

    Then shall we it’s right next door to Costa and McDonald’s if any of you guys are from the local Area it’s screened off from the main road and do they have all the sides on on this part of the building apart from that corner yes there you can just get a little Glimpse inside all sorts of building materials stored around the outside we’ even got cable

    There we do have solar panels as you can see and we have some construction site offices down there Porter cabins stacked on top of each other isn’t it we have lots of these concrete bases down Here is that for generators I don’t know and then we have this part of the building as well what might this be and this is some very very Advanced cooling down here wow and of course it’s not finished battery level is low aircraft will return to the

    Home point in 10 seconds we can even see some insulation popping out the wall there so the cladin is still being fitted but I’m afraid that’s all the battery life we have left we’ve been very busy here in HL Hempstead today so for now let’s get David back

    Because the batteries have all run Out certainly going to be high security look at the gates so when the place is up and running we’ll be able to look back on this footage for historical purposes evening sir hi yeah how are you I’m good thanks all right do you have a permit to

    To film over the side don’t need one no no permit’s not required to film anywhere project 581 sixth of November 23 the power goes on we are going live so we’ve not had power to the side for very long but what we did notice with the Drone was the extreme security

    Here so to catch a site like this being built it’s quite unique you can see the gates there look they remind you of some uh very high security gates that you see at the back of the police stations security are now on the phone calling somebody but what you’ll notice

    Is none of them have the blue SAA license this guy’s even got a ball glav on this guy’s got no Sia license however so I’m not sure who the security contractor is on this site but this is frea Blossom Way and the main contractor is TSL very high security here excuse me

    How are you I’m good thanks too bad um it’s SP a bit of concern about you videoing the site concern yeah I’m listening have you a reason for videoing it it’s interesting yeah I yeah but okay I’m sure you can understand I’m trying to go on it’s not

    That hard to understand that videoing into private property is a bit concerning no well it’s concerning some of the people in there right they’ll get for it h no I don’t think that’s the right real attitude for that’s that’s the attitude I’m taking I’m out on a public pavement it’s

    Not a public pavement it’s private fraud does it matter got Public Access it does to the extent on only for coming down here two on these premises for a specific use yeah correct or incorrect I’ve come down with a specific reason to make a video of this new construction project okay

    But videoing this without correct permission is a little bit no unfortunately like it’s not public property be fair now rules you understand you’re entitled to go anywhere in public let’s just make it clear any rules that you want to impose on people involved in your construction they have to be standing on your

    Land if they don’t follow your rules kick them off and then you’ll be kicking them off to somewhere around here okay yeah I’m not on your land I don’t follow your rules okay but it is a private road yeah but doesn’t belong to you no no and

    It’s shared access you don’t have a say of what I do okay sorry listen Okay no I’m not listening I’m being mannerly speaking to you the fact you’re not able to don’t tell me I can’t film your construction site cuz you’re wrong why

    Do you need to I don’t need to I want to okay so why do you want to that’s my choice I’ve chosen your site to film okay so do you know your do you know your Gates and your ballards there that tells me you’re gearing up for a very

    High security occupant yeah yeah you’ve got you’ve got these these Gates here but we that’s to stop people from coming out now do you know how these gates are being closed right now how am I be a going to be able to film now why do you need to I want to

    Remember but why do you want to I just told you you’ve got high security gates and ballards it makes me me believe that something in the future here will be of very high security and the videos that I make focus on places with high security

    And we we sort of have a look at it and see how it’s being done now how it was being done in the past and how it’s going to be done in the future and how do security guards behave when people show an interest in this type of thing

    Now I see you’ve closed the gates so I’m going to get the Drone out now the Drone can fly over I’ll just explain it’s a 249 G drone there’s no flight restrictions in the area it’s got a camera 4K and it’s got a light on it as

    Well all right what about flying it over people yeah there’s no minimum distances just there you got your license just there look there’s no take a photograph of the license no you can’t okay can I take a photo of your ID card my ID card

    For what if you don’t have one to say why would I have an ID carde well that’s my ID there okay where’s your license for that just there to show you I don’t have I don’t have to answer any of your questions you’re making out as if you’re

    Entitled to know anything from me no no no no listen I don’t have to listen so how can you you want to talk to us and we’re listening but if we talk to you you don’t want to listen there I’m here to make a video sorry don’t tell me

    Where the door is I’m talking to you in a polite manner I’m finding you obstructive and when I am talking to you you’re very evasive if there if there’s any been broken call the police they’ll help you out what’s the difference between our gug and that they’re

    Next but why you don’t decide why I film no no okay sorry listen you don’t I’m asking you a question okay okay I don’t understand listen I don’t understand why people fly drones so help me understand that I don’t understand why people take photos of building sites I’ve worked in

    The construction industry a long time it doesn’t matter whatever we’re building wherever I built we’ve always had security whether we’re building High residential units or whether we’re doing commercial offices or whether we’re doing uh a date C what or something like that it’s all the same we have the same

    Security the whole thing is we have to stop people from getting in do you think your gates are more secure than the site next door who have simply got waste height traffic barrier they’ve not got electric gates all they’ve got is a waste height traffic is that not a

    Larger gate that closes across that space if requ no it’s not electric gate yours are what you would see at the back of a police station comp see you mentioned security you can walk around ours so it’s hardly that secure your photographs would indicate such it’s not finished okay you really think

    You’re going to build a site that’s not secure after I’ve putting gates in like that you’d be able to walk around it are you joking who cares what’s the matter I care that’s why I’m filming itrance right anyway guys we’re wasting time here I’ve got to carry

    On can you wait till we get permission from prus before you start flying at time please don’t want to wait well I’ll tell you something if it comes down in injur someone you will be in trouble will I yeah you will because it will hit someone on the head do you want

    To feel it feel the weight I don’t need to feel it it’s 249 I want do I know about drones I do yes I do yes so why you trying to restrict me I’m not restricting you I’m saying you can’t fly over people and you know that do you

    Think there’s a a minimum distance your your there’s a minimum distance on a 249 G drone you think I can’t fly over people want to show you the law before I take it up do that then cuz it’s you said you know about drones but you’re

    Wrong I’m wrong am I how can you how can you be right and I be wrong and I be right and you be wrong what makes you decide that the law I’m going just about to show you the law the law okay now this is the civil aviation Authority

    Website oh you skipping through a lot I’m just about to show you the talking about people yeah yeah yeah okay so the law says do not fly closer to people than 50 m that’s probably what you’re referring to then it comes down to here the rules on minimum distances

    To people are different for drones a model aircraft that are below 250 if you’re if you’re flying a drone or model aircraft that’s below 250 you can fly closer to people than 50 m and you can fly over them so the important part is the weight 250 I’ll just show you the

    Weight of this one 249 so we’re below there’s no minimum distances so was I right oh yes she was right yes but I think that’s all you wanted to do anyway isn’t it I don’t I don’t purpose there’s no laws being broken mate I don’t understand your

    Purpose well does that affect me just like you don’t understand something I don’t I thought why are you so rude I’m not being rude to you I just want to carry out my lawful activity without any interruptions if that’s right how do you know it’s a lawful

    Activity then if you so lawful license for a bike I said lights look just here that’s enough is it do you decide what what’s in off now well obviously if you do yourself there’s a light there I’ve never somebody so obstructive and have you not got anything better to do

    Than come out here hassling me I’m not hassling you hling you we have concerns about we are responsible for the tell me your concerns and I’ll answer them done I them was your that’s not clear your concern was flying other people if if this if this was your house and I FL

    Over your house you live here do you no no no no no no on a minute I work here if I came to your something with you I don’t care this is what I mean right listen any more questions let’s fire the questions Happ me now yes if I flew this

    Drone over your house would you be happy with it I couldn’t do anything about it but would you be happy that’s not if I was getting changed if me or my children was getting changed through the window I’d be concerned that the Drone is being used for an unlawful purpose hold on

    Hold on hold on there’s there’s no risk of anyone getting changed here so there cannot be any unlawful use of a camera I’m mentioning about change I just said would you how would you find it if I if I flew the drone over your house is what

    I asked the only reason I would be worried about a drone coming over someone’s house is what could they want to look at in a house what do you think they could want to look at house your garden no I’ve got no problem with people looking at my garden with a drone

    Next question next question commercial Pro property there’s no risk of any indecent there next question three is if there’s dads working on they’re tugging out in there question area can I take in my opinion can I record you now then yes you’re in a public place you’re entit to

    Have record at whatever you want now do you work do I work I get paid for doing this oh that’s great okay next question but you think you’re smart don’t you if you finished but there is a welfare area in there where Lads are changing for work I’m not here to look

    At them how do we know you’re flying a you if you if you don’t believe me call the police but you say cuz that’s a criminal offense do you know voyerism you you’ve made an accusation that I’m snooping on people getting Chang what you said was you would have

    An objection you wasted my time no no what you said was OB get back to work sorry come on back to work sorry I don’t I don’t answer to you well I don’t answer to you then we’re both Square oh batter is now let’s get another back in we’ve been talking for

    Far too long Lads is back to work guys come on don’t please don’t take that to now because there’s no need for it you’ve been treated with respect here you reckon [Laughter] I oh dear disrespected yes how many times have I got to tell you there’s no laws

    Being broken leave me alone don’t own me anything you don’t YouTube it’s not as there no you don’t realize what you’re doing listen one one thing we’re not is mates oh there we go look I’m not your mate I’m not your mate back to work no excuse

    Me don’t talk to me like that oh here he goes no no no no no I don’t care you can’t tell me to go back to work he doesn’t pay my wages if I want to stay here listen to him listen I don’t have to listen to anyone all right you’re

    Just bit aggressive no because you’re telling me to go back to work keep coming towards me in this aggressive tone and you’ll see what happens do not keep coming towards me going I you just came to me twice all right what I’ll do I’ll walk back you came to me twice do

    Not come towards me I’ll take it as an aggressive I can walk oh here it goes there he goes you’ll find out I won’t I don’t really want to find out because it’s it’s Petty no because people like people like him just want to go around and make

    Everybody else’s life misery I just want to make a video of your Construction project in peace to we’re only being nosy at what you’re doing we’re not taking No property ENT thank you mate thank you I’m sure you won’t I don’t find him entertain get matter I find him

    Rude that’s what I find him and I find him trying to tell me to go back to work that he pays my wages which you don’t well so don’t talk to me you stand wherever you want but do not obstruct me okay who tells you where’s the law says

    I can’t obstruct you oh my God you really don’t know you think you think you can just come and obstruct a pilot flying a drone a pilot oh my God it’s a kid’s toy okay toid toy congratulations okay no these people tell people what to

    Do because no you don’t get it no you don’t get it I don’t want to talk J because he’s been rude to me right on a couple of occasions yeah I’m I’m and now I come out to talk to the guy and he’s being rude and obstructive it’s not

    Uncommon come across his I don’t come across people like this provocative and it will get a reaction but that’s exactly what there’s just no need genuine I’ve seen How It Ends let him get on with it that’s it seriously no need to be rud no I’m not

    Ruding get I’m not saying I’m just saying be civil don’t get I am being civil yet he tells me to zip it and button it and go back to work there’s no need for it I’ve just had enough mate I’ve been I’ve had this sort of it couldn’t have been

    Going on longer negative interaction for about 10 minutes now why don’t just leave me alone I’m outside these guys do they film themselves themselves on social media I suggest yeah be nice would it all do it Jamie I’m just talking to you I just just top gun Maverick over here he wants

    To get involved I’m talking to you and then he tells me to zip it being being that’s what I mean but that’s what I’m saying it’s it’s provoking they will provoke you into it all overal media you get the police get all we do we film interesting places on Industrial

    Estates and that’s it your site it’s for social media yeah it’s just for social media we make money that’s all talking to anyone I just make it into a YouTube video that’s all probably follow on Tik Tok I think I’ve seen him on TI something like that

    He just does it to provoke people get reaction but I would be interested to know what you do with the footage cuz I’ve never seen the fo what it is the very short version goes on Tik Tok but the half an hour version goes on YouTube so you probably not seen YouTube that’s

    All and the YouTube you get the hints of people get mad of you yeah but anyway thank you very much guys it’s a very interesting place that you building it’s been great to film it today I wouldn’t watching stuff P me oh that’s not very nice don’t talk about my

    Videos like that your videos I might feel offended if you talk like that about my videos you’ve been offensive to me oh that’s not very kind TSL projects specialize in advanced manufacturing data centers food Logistics and pharmaceuticals so most of those Industries would need great security so

    It just so happens you build sites that I like to film that’s all so I’ve been outside I’ve looked at your security staff they do not have siia licenses on display which is a legal requirement I’ve stayed out on the pavement I’ve not tried to come on your land definely I’ve

    I’ve used my zoom and the Drone which are lawful Paul had a query on the distance minimum distance from people so I took my time to get the civil aviation website and show him the law Paul now knows that 249 G do not have a minimum

    Distance to people so we got over that and I’ve just heard some Sirens before I leave have you called the police if you have a wait why would I call the police just cuz I’ve heard some Sirens that’s all so we’re not the only show in town

    So if that’s a no then we’re done I’m just going to hide something so what do you think to that then TSL and they have a health and safety let’s call him a manager or associate with the first name Paul who believes that that is the right way to

    Talk to and behave towards interested members of the public wanting to create a video of the site h I did not like that at all so the location of the DJ audits key ring is inside there but we were spotted putting it in oh look it’s a security patrol

    Van we were spotted putting it in so good luck with that one and it’s getting dark now it’s gone 4:00 we’re still in heml Hemstead an hour and a half away from Leicester so it’s time to go back so if you have any enjoyed that video do

    Give it a thumbs up for me and I’ll see you on the next one guys bye-bye for Now


    1. All these foreigners asking questions and thinking they know it all. Wrong and not admitting it. Making lives a misery what about the misery they cause us with their prolonged building works. Probably off home to watch cartoons

    2. Brilliant DJ!…Your vids keep getting better and better….Polite and knowledgeable, but assertive with an answer for everything and funny at the same time. Message for the nitwit in the glasses…'It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt'. ;0)

    3. I haven't heard that security asks me to turn off my dashcam while on site. Though they say that you can't fly drones over sites. Absolute nonsense. πŸ˜‚

    4. This is the kind of Beta male who, as a boy, used to run to his mother crying because the others wouldn't do what he said. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Good job DJ.

    5. But aren't the workers just concerned for their safety, the safety of the site and the goods contained within? I understand you are legally allowed to film and do all of this but you never really make it clear to them that you aren't doing this for malicious reasons. Instead you act in a way that antagonises them so you can prove your point about being able to film and to get a reaction out of these people who are simply trying to look after the site. The way you act would cause concern for anyone and you know this. They aren't there keeping secrets and trying to keep anything illegal or immoral a secret. No doubt someone will destroy my comment with some facts but this is a bit ridiculous. It seems you aren't actually interested in these sites, you're just interested in getting reactions out of people who would otherwise complete their job without doing anything wrong. Maybe this is Ironic since you would complete yours without doing anything particularly wrong if they didn't bother you but you don't seem to want to actually settle their nerves at all.

    6. 27:51 Because crybabies almost always tell teacher 😐
      23:17 β€œIt’s petty” 😳. Dude, every word out of your mouth has been petty. Your emotions have got such a stranglehold on you that you can’t even string together a cogent argument. Relax, go to your happy place, realize then they are just emotions and know this, you don’t need to be ruled by your emotions. It’s too late for this interaction, you are going to be a lunchroom legend and there’s nothing that can be done about that now. You can probably do better next time you feel yourself loosing control.

    7. I absolutely love dj audits! .. he’s so well informed of the law and rules, and initially gives the opposing people a change, until they cross the line and then he goes full on warrior mode! πŸ˜‚ great content

    8. They just don't like the fact they're powerless to stop you doing this so they're turning to aggression great footage m8 never mind these clowns πŸ‘πŸ»

    9. Paul we all know you have watched this video. Remember you have stated you wouldn't watch this if you were paid. Guess what you have watched and no one paid you.
      Did you make a fool out of yourself?
      (A) yes, I am sorry.
      (B) just a bit.
      (C) goodness I am an idiot.
      C comes to mind if you're struggling on multiple choices.

    10. I Fly a mini 2, You were well within the law, but some people don't understand that I think them guys and security were really nasty and very bad manored anyway keep up the great stuff as I follow you all the time πŸ‘πŸ»

    11. Brilliant mate every time you tell the MALE KAREN to get back to workπŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜ƒπŸ‘πŸ»πŸ΄σ §σ ’σ ³σ £σ ΄σ Ώ

    12. Individuals with an understanding of obscure laws exploit their knowledge to provoke uninformed idiots. This behavior often stems from a deep-seated sense of inadequacy and a track record of persistent failures. Despite their overall lack of success, these people find satisfaction in verbally overpowering others, particularly when it comes to arguing about seemingly trivial matters such as camera laws. Sad.

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