Is Prague all there is to Czechia? Of course not! But if you’re American, you’ve probably never heard of Czechia’s 2nd largest city, Brno and historical capital of the Moravian region. Think of it as Prague’s little sister, with aspirational dreams to out-“hipster” her big sister. We spent 24 hours in Brno to get a taste of Czechia’s second city.

    Dream Brno, here we come!

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    – Americans in Czech Restaurants: How to fit in!: [](
    – Are Czechs rude? Are Americans fake? (One American’s opinion) [](
    – Američaní jsou zvláštní (Americans are Strange): [](

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    Well, that’s me, Jen! 💁🏼‍♀️I’m an American living in Prague for the past 8 crazy years. 🤪What is living in Prague like? What are Czechs like? Is water really cheaper than beer? I’ll tell you all that and more. . .from an American perspective.

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    1. Actually I feel like the thing with dogs in restaurants varies. Id say a lot of people mind it from my experience. Btw Great video! 😁

    2. the Germans would also call it "Tram" or some may call it "Strassenbahn". Never heard the words you said (and i am a German, living in Austria)…😄

    3. Hned v úvodu pán nerozuměl proto, že je vidět, jakou roli hraje v češtině diakritika. Když řeknu "třamvaj", navíc s cizineckým přízvukem, opravdu někdo nemusí pochopit, co chci. Slovu "tramvaj" by nejspíš porozuměl.

    4. This is fascinating. I've been wondering a lot how Brno is like and that's definitely where I'm gonna visit if someday I'll come over 😀 Would you ever do this again and dive a bit deeper into the Brno culture, also music and stuff? Would be so interesting! Honestly, I can't get enough of your videos!

    5. Já v Brně žiju od narození a za mě hnusný město, Brno se Ostravě nerovná ani po kotníky za mě je Ostrava hezčí i modernější vyspělejší,Brno je pozadu ve všem hlavně ty kolony aut, Ostrava má nájezdy v Brně nic

    6. V Brně je mimo významných soudů také kancelář ombudsmana, váženého pana Křečka.Ano,Zelný trh,tedy Zelňák je kouzelné místo. Nedávno jsem tam protestoval proti naší současné zločinné vládě.Škoda,že jste nemohli navštívit některou ze starých,zaniklých hospod,jako byl např.Černý diamant.Byly to hospody s vlastní duší a originální atmosférou.To,co vzniká nyní žádnou duši,ani cenu nemá.Ještě to chtělo navštívit Špilas.Je tam ulička zaprodance Václava Havla. Tam by vám bylo fajn.

    7. Není pravda, že Brno je menší a odstrkovanější sestra Prahy, Brno má historickým vývojem mnohem více společného s Vídní. Je to v podstatě zmenšenina Vídně, takže by se mělo spíše říct, že Brno je menší sestra Vídně.

    8. Next time, try to spot the naked-butt-angel on the St. Jacob's church whose butt is facing the town hall 😀 The legend has it that the city council didn't pay the sculptor sufficiently and this was the sculptor's revenge. Seems like the city councillors in the Middle Ages were real cheapskates.

    9. I agree. I’m from Australia and love Prague, having been there many times. But on my next trip this year I decided to stay in Brno and explore there instead! Can’t wait! Thanks for your video! Cheers,

    10. Yes I agree re your authenticity comment. I found that also say when you compare Colmar in France to the lesser known Annecy. They are both worth exploring and both gorgeous, but for me Annecy is so much more authentic and you get that local feel. So important when you’re exploring places I think! Looking forward to experiencing everything Brno has to offer soon! Cheers from Australia

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