In the weekend of Eastern 2022, i cycled 4 days in The Netherlands. I started in Driebergen and overnight at basic campsides in Dronten, Ootmarsum and Lochem.
    I had some little bicycle ferries on my way to cross rivers. I like to take dirtroads and single tracks and even in the Netherlands there are many of theme.
    This tour was a training for my upcoming cycling trip. In this video i tell you what my next adventure will be.

    The best way to visit a country is by bycicle. Not too fast and not too slow. You experience your journey in an intense way. You feel the climat, you smel the landscape and you you are a part of it. It’s easy to interact with the people. Bicycle touring has really enriched my life. So watch my video’s and join me.


    1. Adventure in Albania! I am looking forward to see that.
      BTW because I saw you camping (before) at NTKC campsites, I became a member too. Next month I'll put my tent on a NTKC site for the first time

    2. Seems like a very nice area, diverse landscapes and good tracks. I'd like to do that one day. Albania will be great I'm sure, but beware of dogs, I've read they are free to roam.

    3. Greetings from the UK. Fantastic videos Audrey. Thank you for making and sharing them with us. I have camped all over The Netherlands with my motorbike, but not with my fiets. I must do it now. You are an inspiration.
      Dank u wel. Tot ziens x

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