So… This time we put the masts back up, lock out into the north see, get a weird scare, and enter the last bit of canal of this journey.

    This is the thirty-ninth episode of the third season of YouTube Sailing Channel “She rules the waves”, a series about the adventures, the upgrades, the maintenance of the perfect live aboard sailboat for a sailing musician.

    The captain might be telling the story, but Sedna, She Rules The Waves…

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    Music by Linus Jackson (
    Voice of Lazie, the pet sloth: Anna Rozijan

    Featured songs:
    “She rules the waves” (SRTW Theme S3)
    “Bumblebee” (SRTW Original)
    “Lo-Fi” (SRTW by Jocke)

    Last time as she rules the waves we woke up in Del cell headed out into the Elms Delta and over to Germany we sped with the current and eventually entered the Ken Canal we got yelled at when mored we moved on and tried again next day we passed Oldenburg drove against the

    Current in the Hun and stopped for the night in elit where we celebrated my parents 56th wedding anniversary next day we moved on up the vesa and settled in brma Haven before going back home but now we’re back so stay tuned hi I’m lonus Jackson a sailing

    Musician and father of two trying to get my boat set now home to Sweden for a major refit and in time I plan to be a full-time livo and World traveler join us on this journey Hello people um I am getting ready to get into the car go and pick up my parents and drive down to Brer Haven uh to keep the boat uh moving my brother yens was also supposed to be on this trip and the plan was to go actually all

    The way home but unfortunately he got stuck at work and can’t join us so me and my parents will try to well at least get the masks up and get the leg started and then we’ll see so uh for now let’s go to BR Haven and keep your fingers

    Crossed there she is it’s raining a little but who cares we’re back good night We woke up pretty early this morning and the goal for the day is to move over to the mass crane Quay and start the preparations I have only demed sedna once back in Paul St Louis and I never actually put the mask back up although I

    Have done it on a few other boats it’s still a little nerve-wracking first step is to meet up with class who’s going to help us today by the mass crane then we have to loosen all the security rigging and start by getting the masts off the deck one down one to

    Go once stacked on the supports on terraferma we’ll have to start the preparations of the antennas instruments standing and running rigging and make sure everything is in great shape okay so the wind generator um this happened so the question if if it is possible to put it back uh but I will

    Give it a try all right it’s wired again we just have to wait and see if it works dismantling the stands although I usually don’t mind doing solo boat work it feels great great to have a crew in situations like this so as they dismantle the amazing

    Supports built by Pella and yuk back in April I start to prepare the rigging and after the dismantling my mom took the foldable bike back to the marina to pick up the car all right so we’re working on the new sper halard I already put in the new Genoa

    Helard this is the old one and it’s going down for good all right it’s time okay woohoo wow unfortunately there is still a bunch of stuff I need to fix at the top of the MK but even though most of the day already came and went we have to

    Postpone that if we want to get the mask back up before the weekend and that we do and the relief and happiness of seeing both poles pointing Towards the Sky again is probably something I don’t have to EXP explain to you people and while my crew took the car to do some

    Provisioning I started to prepare the Sals I do kind of like the look of this I miss this So when I was putting up the genua I noticed there was a huge rip in the in the Hem so now I have to kind of do a really bad sewing job to keep it all together I have to do it bad because I don’t have thread enough so I have to

    Kind of save the thread we’ll see how this works yeah this guy helped me and now we have the Genoa in place at least I have a new helard and it rolls so that’s something okay so the power comes out from the mass and it goes in here and my

    Old crew mate yuk disconnected this and hopefully he’s uh marked it so I will understand Let’s see we are done for the day I think uh I will show you soon all the stuff that we we made uh but right now we’re enjoying chicken and beer and ourselves Cheers Cheers throw your

    But it’s raining we have the tarp up but uh we don’t really have it like as well as before because we have masss but that makes me happy so I don’t care it’s been a great day a long day but the masks are back up and everything but the main boom

    Which I knew already wouldn’t fit because of broken screws and corrosion everything is up and running so I’m going to get some sleep and uh listen to the rain and what seems to be fireworks in the distance and I’ll see you tomorrow so for now good Night good morning people it’s time to leave so let’s go to the lock and lock out into the North Sea yay yes the plan is to head out of the lock around the shallow parts of the North Sea and reach Cooks Haven or possibly even lock into Brun

    SP uh here we are alone in the smaller lock inen it’s opening and we are going out into the Nord I Nice lunch And we arrived here right on schedule after we passed the lighthouse we changed our course a little and got the waves on our Beam for a bit it’s a little Rocky but after a few miles we adjusted the course again and started to go with the waves and the tide towards the mouth of the elow there’s some weather coming behind us pretty much all the way there’s a ghost ship coming out the Ghost Ship and the weather it

    Brought caught up to us and the surge of the wind or the tide or a combination of the two is the weirdest thing I’ve ever experienced on a boat so far we dug so deep into the water while slowing down significantly I felt I had to check the

    Belch pump and even scouted a route into shallower Waters in case we were actually sinking it got even worse but we weren’t sinking and everything was just fine and just as soon as it started the weather was gone again and the sun reappeared entering the El

    River still hope we can make it to Brun SP but we’re not entirely sure we’ll see sun is back so that’s something not surprisingly as we passed Caven we decided to move on towards BP and the entrance to the n o Canal or as we called it in Sweden the K Canal

    There’s a big Ferry maybe that’s something like I’m going with clawfinger in a few weeks the metal crew I don’t know we’ll see well I later learned that the ship we passed just outside PMA Haven was the actual ship or at least the sister ship of the one we would

    Board with clawfinger this fall but more about that later this is Bruns we’re going into the further of the lock Basin because I don’t know if you can see it but there’s a big ass boat in the other one at this point we’ve passed through 245 locks of a lot of different types

    And sizes this upcoming lock is the second to last of our trip and I must say it feels a little weird we kind of have gotten used to them by now the lock into the K canal I like this thing where you just tie up the

    Boat do the little Pontoon and then you go down so as we entered the Brun Marina just after the lock I once again had to practice moving sudden around in cramped spaces you live you learn I guess if everything goes according to plan this is going to be our last night inside a

    Canal for a very long time and it turned into a beautiful evening all right we’re in B in the start of the KE Canal made it so far so anchor beer cheers more more cheers and as we watch the huge tankers pass through the lock just on the other

    Side of our Jetty I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for following our adventures please give this video a like give us a holler in the comments and go check out our social media and our Patron page for Real Time updates and exclusive material click the Subscribe

    Button and the bell and until next time take Care


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