#vedicastrology #karma #2024

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    This video answers questions from the prior video 2024 Predictions Meditation with Vedic Astrology

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    Hosted by Paula Jane Newman founder of Aware Meditation Inc.
    #PaulaJaneNewman has an extensive career in all aspects of the film and television industry – an accomplished On Camera Actor, Improv Artist, Voice Over Artist, and theatrically trained actress in addition to a Comic. She is also a world traveled Meditation Instructor and Inspirational/Motivational speaker. Born and raised in the U.K., with relatives from Wales, Scotland and Australia & well traveled from a young age accents come easy. She has worked on over 100 TV/Film projects, performed at The Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Nevada Shakespeare Festival, The Comedy Store, Laugh Factory, House of Comedy, toured the U.K. and all over the Los Angeles/Bay area. Her British wit and life experiences infuse a down to earth yet compassionate influence in all her work. You will know her best from; #PiratesoftheCaribbean – The Curse of the Black Pearl #KatsuhiroÔtomo #Steamboy as Emma and voice artist in #Wizards #BlackPanther #ThorRagnarok

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    We are a unique nonprofit organization providing individuals, businesses and families (no cost for children) with practical self-sufficient stress reduction services, including Vedic Meditation for sustainable mental and physical health wellness worldwide.

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    Teach Vedic Meditation in large groups (108) to marginalized, underrepresented & low income groups in their community, in person over 4 days globally.
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    Aware Meditation Inc.’s global initiative endeavours to shift the collective stress consciousness. We provide simple, self sufficient stress reducing techniques (Vedic Meditation). Once practiced on a daily basis the human nervous system stabilizes, reducing fear and allowing for increased cognitive ability, mental clarity and more expansive creative solutions. Shifting an individual’s attitude or mindset is a temporary switch requiring continual effort and additional stress. Eliminating stress and expanding our cognitive capacities via our meditation delivers sustainable results. Our initiatives are in alignment with the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

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    So when I’m talking about Cycles I’m talking about everyone everything is a cycle everything is a pattern right so let’s look at science right how do we prove something or disprove something we can’t just do it once we have to do it several times like do I like to meditate

    Well if you have a horrible experience the first time the teacher is going to do everything they can to get you to keep doing it right because we want to see what is your experience with it and when we see something happening you know

    A few times in a row we’re like ah I’m going to clock that that’s a pattern you know it’s like a first time on me my bad second time H that’s on you third time okay this is a pattern and I need to change my behavior so that’s a pattern

    And Cycles we are all in Cycles as well we’re all in what I call karmic Cycles so karma being an action and then there’s an opposite and equal reaction right and so whether you want to take it from VCT Tex or whether you want to look

    At Newton’s third law it’s all in there it’s all in the science right so I can be in a comic cycle of you know if you look at vadc worldview ah last time I might have had a little too much privilege and used it a little bit wrong

    So this time I’m here and I’m wanting to help people and I’m actually in a karmic cycle of amending this right on a deeper level right so we all have these Cycles in life you know we have a cycle when we’re uh an infant then a child then a

    Teenager and then an adult you know in all philosophies they have Cycles so uh it’s not only related to astrology it’s everything with ourselves and the reason why I like to use with this the planetary markers is because when we meditate more we just become more in

    Tune with nature and you know we are all part of this Consciousness this universe so why would we not reflect some energetic reaction where happening to a planetary movement right so if you have one planet which is all fiery that’s Mars for example and it’s exalted and it

    May be in a particular house which has got to do with work then you’re all fired up about work God that person is such a workaholic why are they such a workaholic like nonstop they don’t need to it can be just part of who they are

    And that’s where it can actually be very healing to know that when that Mars then kicks into something that relates to you oh holy smokes watch out you might have to you know shut your mouth know that you’re likely to cause a few things oh God because everything can be like so

    Much more trouble it’s been able to keep yourself in a way that you can use it to your lack of a better word to an easier life you know right less stress is what we want with what’s going on but you are all here at a particular time which

    Really kind of reflects what was happening in the 60s right um where there was this movement Against The Establishment with masses of people and that when you’re meditators we have the ability to do this with a clear mind right like if you look at lot of the hippie movements the problem was they

    Were so flipping high all the time they were still reenacting out you know um uh you know cycles of misogyny or ownership or what was going on without even realizing it’s just hey man it’s cool and it’s like no you just shifted your your State of Mind temporarily you

    Haven’t had a change CH in Consciousness to be actually present right and how we get to be present is we actually move through some of that stuff and I’m talking about like in your body oh I’m feeling off I’m feeling wonky why did I say that and that is because there’s

    Something in us that is being triggered and it’s being triggered because we’re reflecting what’s happening in the world inside of us right and so when we meditate or we have a base where we go in and we kick ourselves into n neutal or there’s intellectual understanding right whether it’s VC tech knowledge

    Whether it’s another tech knowledge whether it’s like science whether it’s astronomy or astrology oh there’s a sense of oh oh and we don’t take life so seriously and then we can be actually what we call an advocate for the world and be a part of a change maker for the

    World because we’re present right those of you are in California probably know like most people aren’t you know of a clear mind on a regular basis and these CBD gummies and whatnot they’re so powerful they they’re not what they took in the 60s you know it’s

    Like so strong right and and that’s a whole other thing that you know have you know people do whatever you need to do but how do we get to be more present we want to be more present in the world uh I truly feel we have to go through these

    Somatic experiences of healing you can’t just heal in your brain right we have it we are an embodiment of what we chose to be in this world basically to make the world a better place by upleveling our Consciousness so we are in a cycle right now of moving forward right upheaval

    Moving forward and this is where you might find the people who you don’t jive with anymore right really in your soul they’re just not going to be around because you’re going to move more into who you are because that’s the only way we’re going to get through what’s

    Happening the next few years that’s the only way I mean far from dealing with family which is basically karmic ties anyway which is why they are your family which is sorting that stuff out you know it’s just a lie that you’re supposed to love the people that you’re blood

    Related to you know like that’s like they’re there for a reason you love them in a different way than may be you love other people right but they’re there for you to up level and for them to up level and when there’s these karmic cycles that we have with people sometimes we

    Expect them to meet their part and they’re not there to do that they no that it’s just too much and they might have to come around and do that again but we can’t be dependent upon them and there’s going to be um January 27th I’m going to do another one of

    These but it’s going to be talking about the the cycles of Love Karma and love meaning friends you know not just a romantic thing because it’s getting before um you know Valentine’s and then doing some exercises that I have been doing that have actually helped change like these emotional

    You know there’s always one person that just they just get you you’re like right and you’re like why why is this person bothering me like they just looked at me weird at the street and I’m like holding this and there’s like certain amount of writing you can do you

    Can meditate but it’s still there’s something deeper right there is something deeper that they are bringing up in you and that’s where where is some kind of deeper karmic tie in it that I can actually choose not to break that tie because if you break it it’s still

    Left there saying hello anyone else do you want to like latch on to this no you want to release it you want to release the knot right release that into the Consciousness right um and that’s where we have you know these Cycles we’re all

    Part of a cycle life is a cycle I mean you know when we just plant a tree we put the seed in that it goes then it dies like that’s what I mean by a cycle with us continuing to move uh with it um so when we’re going to wake up we’re all

    Going to wake up even more and this is why we’re here we’ve all here chosen to do this even if you don’t blim and believe it uh we’re all here to do this and those that do and start upgrading you’re going to have more joy and Bliss

    But you’re also going to feel the sadness of the global Consciousness like because it’s it’s really sad right like I get sad when there are certain people I’m like oh that really sucks that person feels that way that’s really sad you know but on the other side of it now energetic New Year

    Is around 1111 that’s November 11th Solstice happens around the 21st December then January 1st happens for people then you’ve got the Luna New Year that happens in February and then you have the astrological New Year right so you’re talking November time all the way around to March everyone decides when

    They want to have their new year right you know everyone’s just got complete completely different answer and that can overwhelm you like to the point of like I’m just going to off myself it’s too much but the thing is is what resonates with you take that wave if you fa feel

    That there’s a wave of like I want to try something new then just go with that wave because if you’re sensitive to it you can ride that for something that will actually get you to do something like I don’t know I don’t want to do the

    Dishes I don’t want to do the dishes but I wake up and I feel there’s some energy I don’t know what it is I do the energy I do the dishes and I find oh no it’s like Chinese New Year oh yeah that’s fun and now it’s sort of borderline almost

    Sounding like I don’t know mentally delusional right right sound like freaking but it’s not right because we’re not taught that that is the truth to listen to our inner tuition our inner tuition from our souls and our cellular be being and to go with that right and that and it doesn’t

    You know we get older we have to talk ourselves out of it those of you who are on who’ve been doing our new moon workshops like every month but we do one we notice there’s a different wave of energy where you were born where the moon was when that comes around every

    Month there’s a wave of energy and that only came about because I noticed something was always happening when there was a new moon I was like why do I have more energy why do more people email me back came out of my experience of something and he had that because

    There was I think what was Jeff he was a banker I think was a banker no no no no he was an engineer and he did these projects and he noticed every time he did a project the beginning of like the new moon it went

    Well and when he just did it hiu piki it didn’t so he’s aligning with nature we’re like aligning with nature and aligning with nature means aligning with our true inner selves right and we have so much chatter we can’t always hear it right and so aligning with the ear

    Yourselves we have these tools to help us and the meditation that you chaps all do people sorry all do is a great jumping off point because we can we feel it we feel it now we’re moving into a place where it’s time to get into action somehow whatever that is and

    That’s why we have that movement of we have that comedy class happening we have caregivers that are enrolled you know people who are dealing with stress and how they can can articulat and have a somatic healing experience through learning to stand up and speak your truth right because a lot of what

    Happened when people are younger is because they couldn’t speak their truth they weren’t safe to speak your truth right you come into a society that is very oppressed and then you’re not you’ve got to survive it’s all about survival and so when this is in the DNA

    AB it it’s very hard to change unless you do some action with it which is what you do with meditation are going to we are going to have reactions from people and the Brain then says hang on why am I having that reaction what the brain is now is now

    Judging yourself um and so you’ve got to keep in line because if you’re not in line you’re going to end up homeless and then you’re GNA be betrayed and you’re gonna basically die that’s that’s why it’s there right uh the real the truth of it is oh I’m having a reaction to

    This person I’m having a sensation to this person hm H what’s that about then I keep having this reaction to this person and then when you meditate then when you take somatic experiential actions versus trying to think about it in your head right you will hear the answer you will hear oh

    Because you can get to a point that oh that person bothers me because they are you know like my mom or whatever and that’s where when we get to the next month we talk about love and our Karma these karmic bonds that we have with people that person’s just another one

    That’s another Branch off of something from before and the reality is you can’t let it go you can’t let something go when it’s like on you right like they’ve got they on you you can’t say excuse me I can’t let you go you can’t let because

    They’re on you how do you release that right so the meditation helps because you start to deal with the stress and you get that removed then there’s other actions that you can take which are go to your part of it like your path your karmic cycle of what you’re doing and

    Then as a result it will lessen it will lessen and some of it all these reactions it comes from within the body right this is the reality it’s not the mind the Mind thinks it’s happening through the mind but it’s the body is having this reaction and the mind is oh

    Calm down it’s because of this because that’s the mind’s job is try to tell you how to fix something with an emotional response and the reality is we have to attach address the emotional reaction with emotional principled actions there are several ways to do it one keep the steadfast meditation

    Practice two come to group meditations where there’s knowledge meetings that will help that happen if you’ve been doing your practice for a year you can get an upgrade which is basically sharpening the knife that will help get more of the stress out right and then attending knowledge meetings and wisdom

    Meetings where you will resonate with something that I say and that will stay with you and then when you meditate it will start to come up and out right and so we have uh several courses that help with other knowledge there’s the rounding and the yoga that really helps

    As well uh some people participate in other things like the new moon Workshop or what’s going on that helps understand a little bit more to simply just look on what a chart is there’s some places there online you can go that cafe astrology is very very

    Common that will do Western you can look up at vadic astrology for it but if you’re going to do it you do need to have your birth time right if you don’t have your birth time then I can refer you to someone who will help you Rectify

    Your birth times now if you have someone called a jotish which is basically they’re trained in this like there’s lots because they really are very scientific with it it can take it can take a while to get through and you’re welcome to go online or make a donation nonprofit and I can

    Just go through some basics of it so that way when you get to the joish you actually have more knowledge so when they’re saying it doesn’t go over your head right you can really be there and say well hang on I see that this planet is doing that is that why you’re saying

    That because to say to me oh be careful of knives and car accidents I’m like what’s that mean not be careful of knives and car accidents but if there’s an explanation as to why and what’s happening oh I see they’re catching the wave they’re just connect connecting to what energetic fields are happening

    They’re saying there’s a field where there’s a field of possibility right and in that field of possibility you have a choice right so when people are predicting the future the reason why it’s so vague is because they’re like there’s free will within it right so there’s a choice where energetically

    These things are going on through the planets what’s happening you can make a choice of how you move through that and so when it comes to jotish it’s about a spiritual view upon astrology it’s about how we are we all have our stuff that we’re sorting out here that’s why we’re here

    Right and so they’re just saying okay this is an opportunity and some of them better than others some people like different ones you know it’s all about learning


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