It felt like it had been raining for weeks.
    On the first bright, autumnal day for ages, we took the opportunity to ride a trail we’d been looking at for a while. The GR2 (Sentier de La Seine) is a long distance footpath that runs from Dijon out to Le Havre, taking in central Paris on its way. It generally is walked or ridden south to north, but with only a few hours free, we could only do a small part – starting to the west of Paris and heading in east. None of us had tried it before.
    The route links together pockets of woodland, including Fort Domaniale de la Malmaison, Fausses Reposes, Saint Cloud and Meudon, before dropping back down to the Seine. It would normally go through to Notre Dame, but a detour was necessary for us to finish in our normal way….
    The route is much more rugged than we expected, more physical and varied; about 50km of off-road and urban cycling saw us end on one of the most famous roads in the world.

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