It was August in Finland and late summer when we rented a motorhome first time ever.

    [Applause] hey guys and welcome to another video Krueger here and this is a video here from Finland and uh we have just rented a camper suitable for a four person this is uh Fiat traveler 2.5 diesel camper and uh so far it’s being quite nice nice to handle

    And and to be with because um yeah no problems the uh sun shade opened well and no problems with there had to putot those um leashes or or um supports because it’s quite windy here today other than that the uh sun is shining it’s it’s warm it’s about 30° celsus

    And so far this camping life or traveling life like I said first time doing doing this it’s been quite nice and we’ve uh decided to be here traveling across Finland here in eastern and southern Finland maybe we don’t know where we go next but uh today is uh

    Monday uh 7th of August and we plan to travel about 4 days so uh we left on Sunday we we’re about to end this on Thursday evening so I’ll give you a little tour of the area we’re now uh at R salomi this is U Eastern Finland and uh the place is

    Uh uh Co Kon uh camping K camping if I remember correct but I’ll show it later maybe and just right next to our camper here we have a somewhat old uh Barbecue Shack where everyone can can uh start a fire and do their own barbecue and of course we’re nearby a lake

    So uh it’s nice to go swim out there okay and so on this camping area you have 110 uh Caravan places or camper places and 11 10 of these uh electric uh sockets where you can get power to the Campers or wherever you need it and this road and this camping area

    Goes around 200 m that way and on three layers up up the small Hillside or whatever you want to call it and then on the back background you can see uh the main service building with uh restaurant uh toilets and uh uh Terrace uh bar and

    Such and I will show a little bit later the sauna area and other service buildings and of course like any other these camping areas you have the waste disposal things and you can um put the or store the gray water and sech water from your campers and that small shack over there

    Is uh fresh water water for drinking water you can fill up the campers from there let’s go see the main building and the Sur building I’m sorry guys it’s very windy out here hope you can hear me okay and now I’m here in front of the main reception and Restaurant

    Bar/ conference space it’s this building over here and on the left side we have first Maintenance building with toilets uh you can wash disas over there there is SAA on the back and also two showers uh private showers where anyone can go at any time and have a

    Shower and let’s hope there are no people here so yeah the door on the side is for the dishwashing and S ni on the back of the building and this is the outer uh restaurant/bar area and now it’s off season so well well schools have started uh all the parents and kids

    Are mostly at home so pretty much no one here so far I’ve seen like maybe there are maybe like 10 10 to 20 people Max on this area and very quiet and if you see quiet yeah offseason is way to go at least now when it’s uh the weather

    Is nice and it’s warm and also the water is warm I want to swimming so that was quite nice so now it’s good good time to come if you seek peace and want to be uh quiet and just relax so still near the main building and um about few activities that you can

    Do here I don’t know the mall and probably won’t know them cuz we just staying here for like like one whole day but here in beside me this the name of the place and you can see the web address and there’s the phone number but these uh are off-road Safari cars ladani

    Bus they have at least two of them here and uh you can rent these if I understand this correctly it’s uh € 1228 per person for 3 hours you can go Offroad with these cars also during winter time and includes uh coffee and sausage barbecue sausage uh some somewhere along the

    Road besides that you can rent uh standup paddle boards or bicycles from here and go uh biking or or just uh walk and go hiking there also seems to be frisbe Golf and one one is fell down but yeah seems to be frisbe golf area here

    And so far maybe you can can rent probably can rent boats row boats here and such I don’t know about that for sure but quite likely and this place you now see is uh out bar outside of the bar or restaurant so you can go outside to the

    Deck and have a drink or eat there okay so now we’re inside the re ction and what they have here is this uh small shop with yeah basic very basic things you can buy alcohol uh some uh small food things uh cookies chips um sausage uh juice very basic things

    There’s Al like uh scanner here you can scan documents if you like and any instuctions here and pretty much you can get many things from here just ask and you can get those so here we are on the bar side and there’s kitchen on the back and from the bar area you can

    See way to the uh outside Terrace and the restaurant area here and from here you can go to the outside deck if you like and here on the very back you have a quite large conference SL meeting room and area very nice with a private bar and of course uh

    Laboratories and and private entrance to the back deck and this uh room can hold about 120 people quite easy as I I I was told by the staff so very nice and cozy looking place I hope the colors don’t go all bad here but it’s very nice looking place and the they have

    This I don’t know if this is copper or something else these uh lanterns here but they look quite nice and they also have these old instruments here placed on the wall few pianos and of course the are TVs and by the looks of it they host uh karaoke here at least sometimes

    And uh like I said earlier it’s now 7th of August 2023 and they have uh 40-year um festival or party coming here and at least then they have a a band here with karaoke and yeah for 40 years this place has been operational so quite a long time

    Okay okay we’re now uh in front or behind SAA building and I can’t uh film there cuz there’s people over there so I I’ll give them their privacy you’ll understand this is now the how could I say main Pier or or something like that where you can

    Go for a dip after SAA or between SAA sessions and this Lake although now it’s I don’t know camera can’t show it but uh now it looks a little bit dirty but actually actually this water is super clear super clear according to Finnish standards cuz mostly these lakes in Finland

    Have some kind of dirt or well the waters are not dirty but um it’s a ground sediment or something that raises up and makes the leges a little bit cloudy but this is mostly uh very uh clear your leg So We are staying this day here uh spend the night and in the morning we’ll start and we’ll drive somewhere I’m not really sure maybe towards uh kotka or hamina but we’ll see later so for now from this place from BR salami this was it so take care bye hey guys

    So again it’s quite windy out here we made a quick stop we are heading towards hamina Finland and so southern coast and had to make a quick stop here we are currently uh between buala and um what was the name of this place Ana and the the views were just so

    Spectacular that had to stop here so I’ll shut up and show you the Scene 3 Okay welcome back and uh now we have arrived at Hino and this is called pitat here got long stand uh camping resort and uh here you can see the main building reception restaurant coffee whatever on the left side is uh Caravan or camping camper area and uh showers toilets Etc near the

    Beach and along the beach side towards the right end there are uh different SAA cabins you can rent and here we have the uh small SAA cabin very uh uh well a little bit old and and small cabin but uh unlimited SAA time and we get power to our camper

    So all of this was uh5 more than just taking uh camper Park plus uh all the necessary payments sepal payments or separate payments we’d have to do to get the same result with limited SAA time so all in all this uh was uh a steel compared to that

    That so and now we have a cabin and of course the camper where where we can stay if we want sun is shining it’s bit windy the greatest storm front didn’t hit Finland as severe as it was supposed to so at least here on uh or at the coast

    Of uh Finnish Gulf or Gulf of Finland uh it’s bit windy but summer sun is shining and still kind of Summertime Feeling and all so but yeah we’re going to be here uh one night and then continue tomorrow somewhere I don’t know we’ll we’ll figure it out

    And see where the sun sun is shining and whatnot I don’t know we’ll see tomorrow but for now s is uh I just uh lit the stove so s is uh ready in about half an hour now we’re going to I’m going to join my wife and we’re going to enjoy

    Some Evening Sun with few drinks so till next time well okay until next time so stay here I’m going to show you more about the beach front and I going to talk much you can just see for yourself how this looks d yeah so can the end it quite nice place uh nice

    Beach the service rooms are Clos and we’ll have fun time here for sure so if you want to visit not sure recommended but looks nice okay hello guys and girls so we left Hina this morning and and H well time is now it’s halfast

    6 uh and we are now here in hey NOA haari camping area we booked the best place in this area which is uh so-called five star okay here here’s some laundry don’t mind about this you can see this is the only one uh five star uh Pier spot and what it means is

    Basically you get this price private um Pier or Terrace just close to water and here are stairs so you can go for a swim and as you can see weather now is more than good so we went for a swim we’ve been chilling had few drinks and now we’re going to go a

    Little bit uh for a walk and I’m going to show you I’m going to film film over there and show you the area so if you happen to cross this area you know if you want to come here or not so yeah we’ve been putting up these tables we’re

    Going to cook later so we have this uh portable induction uh stove here also of course um the small barbecue and and other stuff but yeah we’re going to go for a walk uh I’ll ask if I can film in the reception area but so far what I’ve seen uh the maintenance

    Buildings here are super clean newish and everything is like top-notch a very beautiful place and uh the main road from or there’s a bridge if you can see sun is shining a little bit towards the camera so but over there is a bridge that uh that’s a Motorway that comes from Helsinki

    And uh goes toward WS I’m not sure right now but anyways yeah so yeah we’re going to go and have a walk and I’ll show you what what’s over here and how this place looks so yeah see you in a bit okay quick

    Note I have a I have a map map for you here so you can see see about this place I hope I’ll get it soon enough so but that’s the whole area of this place so you can freeze it and pause here if you want to look better so these are in English

    Yeah okay so the J Journey Begins so we leave from our camper and towards the maintenance building I’m going to shut up and put some music over here so Yeah Oh Okay guys so we’re now here in the reception area and you can have uh drinks sandwiches um beverage cheese from here and this place is usually open from 9:00 a.m. until 10 p.m. during the summer time at least but the opening times may vary so so you I

    Checked on those from the place’s website so yeah that’s about it and now we are just outside the main uh reception building and just a across it there is a candy shop that has been opened here here is the opening time so from Wednesday to Thursday it’s from uh 3:00

    P.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Friday to Saturday it’s 1 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and this is the selling side of the building it’s called heun K so heus candy and we’re going to go inside and have a look about this place too so one of the entrepreneurs of this

    Place just said that she’d open this place for us cuz normally at this time it’s now uh almost 700 p.m. so this is closed but she opened this place for this video so I’m going to show you this place okay so at the entrance of the candy

    Shop it’s not too big it’s a small one but yeah Hefty punch for sure uh you have well basic beverages candy ribbons here you have uh candy umbrellas and for more ad old taste you have drink bottles so you can uh mix your favorite um vodka or alcohol drink and uh let it

    Let it simmer like day or two and you’ll have your favorite tasty drink but yeah umbrellas uh lollipops sticks bar Papa pops and all kinds of candy bananas strawberries cotton candies Pez dispensers uh Dippers you name it so please remind the or remember the uh opening times cuz it’s only a few hours

    For day oh there’s only some also some chips and onion rings and whatnot fantastic toffee sticks or Taffy sticks strawberries and other things with uh lollipops with the powder so yeah very cozy small Candy Shop but be sure to check this place out if you happen to be here in hola

    Hear all right we’ll continue here just alongside the main building is uh information about renal so stand up paddle boards uh pedal cars yard games robots kayaks mini go do and bicycles so at least everything of those you can rent from here ask the main reception for the prices and stuff

    So there on the left side are uh winter cabins and here on the right side just for summer use smaller cabins you can and R here you can see better these small summertime cabins just for sleeping and these bigger ones also for winter use 3 Yeah There’s the the uh another Maintenance building toilet there just belong the tree line there’s the Lakeside Sal and there’s the barbecue place the main building for on our left side Oh There’s nice barbecue area very cool Look here just along the children’s playside there is a very nice small little Sandy Beach and uh it seems it’s quite shallow so pretty safe for children to go and have a swim and play there you can see the main road and the bridge it’s beautiful even

    We are back at our own camper here at the best place or best spot of this camping area and we just talked the owner sameone who or one of the owners um same one who opened us the uh candy shop and well surprise surprise these kind of spots I’m going to show you

    Better bit better here so surprisingly these kind of spots private spots with own Terrace and uh swimming place and whatnot along the Lakeside are very uh asked for and popular so uh so far today it’s uh 9th of August so they have one of these this is the only

    One and uh but in the future I suppose they’re going to make more of these very nice spot indeed and this place is only 2 weeks old so this was built two weeks ago we went for a s and it was very nice so no wonder these places are desired for but yeah

    So it’s getting late here and this is our last day traveling and uh trying out this camper life or motor home life it’s been fun and different and very nice to see U different places here in Finland so CU cuz I’m Finnish I live in here in

    Finland I know many of these places but these camping sites are well have been eluding me for obvious reasons cuz basically we have no reason to come to these places so but now I have to say we we’ve been missing a lot so there are many many many these

    Camping sites in Finland and very beautiful places so tomorrow we’ll start Maybe I think early in the morning back home and we’ll return this rental camper but I think definitely we’ll do this again and we have already discussed if we’ll rent maybe this one or some other camper and go see lap

    Land maybe this year or something but this video series will end here if we see some uh beautiful places along the way to home so then we’ll stop there and I’ll fil film some more but uh for now this is all for this camper life video so I hope you enjoyed

    And I will see you hopefully next time so bye-bye Yeah


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