Yes welcome welcome welcome again thank you so much for joining again thank you so much for joining again it’s a pleasure to see all of you I hope you are enjoying the new season we are bringing on to you thank you for those of you that have watched the last uh

    Episode for last Saturday which is a case study from Bou we are coming to darington today sh UK child protection and safeguarding has become a matter of concern the number of children going into care system now is becoming alarming we are advocating for support for families voices of the children must be

    Heard and at the same time they must be protected to have that right to family life let me first of all say to everyone of us those of us joining us now please we will love you we appreciate you to please put your comment please engage let us know if you have any

    Questions and please let our comments be kind you know let’s let’s have that empathy let’s have that humanly care and appreciate whoever we bring on this platform it is not easy for someone to share their lived experience and you all know lived experience is very very important especially while we are campaigning for

    A better support to families we want the UK government to understand this is the time to protect children and Safeguard them and support the family in general once again thank you for joining us today we are bringing a case study from darington United Kingdom please before you go subscribe if you are here

    To subscribe support us by subscribing now and you can see the notification button press the Bell so that you will be the first to be alerted when we have a new video being uploaded we have looked through your comments from the last session and we are answering them one after the other

    So I I want to say thank you to all our supporters I want to say thank you to those of you that have been our backbone year 2023 has been challenging very very tough but God did it for us we were able to achieve a return of

    55 children and we were able to stop more than 100 children from going to care but there are still more children that need our voice there are much parents that need our support please let’s come together and do this together invite your loved one you can’t enjoy

    This alone please share it share it share it put your comment put your comments start putting your comment start sharing invite your loved one to join our YouTube channel now we are going to release this to you today and this is a lived experience family are

    Facing this it’s up to you if you believe but if you think you are perfect and this can never happen to you you can’t tell this is real life it is happening once again thank you for joining to all the team members thank you so much for all your efforts your volunteering your

    Passion your your time we appreciate that we say thank you so much so without wasting much of our time I want to bring that person for today from darington hello Madame are you there hello everybody hello thank you very much thank you so much for coming on live to share your

    Experience we sympathize with your family but we thank God family are now reunited can you take us back on the first day how does this happen to you and how did you feel even before you get touch with save the woman thank you hello everybody compliment of this

    Season and uh before I go ahead I would like to apologize I have a bit of cold so my voice is not really clear but I will try my possible best to be Audible and not too fast so you can hear what I’m saying so uh basically it happened I was

    A year plus in the UK and before I came to the UK I’ve been a very engaging parent with my children what I mean by engaging is I have time for my children that’s my personality brand like the private schools my children we in Nigeria the proprietes the teacher head

    Teacher that’s one thing they know me for they will be like you and your there’s no way they see me that they don’t know me with my children anybody who knows me knows with my children for positive even though we are not perfect we still have our flaws but that was my

    Personality brand so being in the UK for a year plus that faithful day I was really sick I managed to take my children to school and although the school is around the environment like six 7 minutes stck away from my house so I had managed to drop them off in school

    And I got back home the place I sat when I Dr after I dropped them that was where I was till they closed it was just drug medication and the drink I using taking the medication that was on top of the table so I managed to stand up I was

    About closing my door when three people walk up to me two ladies and a man and we greeted I was even thinking they were they were looking for um somebody or a way so I gave them audience attention they brought out their ID card like they do in

    Films they brought out their ID card like they do in movies and introduced themselves to me and that they want to have a word with me I should open the door and I told them that I was late for and pick up for my children in school

    They said that wouldn’t be necessary and that they’ve taken care of that immed I heard that because when even after they introduced themselves I was not pered I was like there was nothing so I was still free when they now told me that there wasn’t any necessity for me to be

    Bothered about picking them I was like what was going on they said they cannot see anything outside I should open the door and let’s get in they want to have a talk with me so I opened the door we came in I was out on the table they

    Asked me who has that medication I told them it was mine and I was not feeling too well that so what happened they said there was a disclosure in school that um my child has disclosed that I used to physically abuse him so that was why they came and it’s

    Is a is against the law and that was why they came do I do that I said no I don’t do that they said have I done it before I said no they said what about back home in Nigeria was I doing it I said no and

    I took my phone they said am I videoing them I said I’m not videoing you I just want to put a c to my husband they said yes they had called him and I said okay I will call him again so I called him they said no I shouldn’t bother they

    Calling him right one of them said he was calling him already the school had already given um them his number so when they were calling him I now use was like whatever you are doing leave it by by so they now asked him um how many

    Minutes will it take him to come he told them about 30 minutes he was driving so they now said okay they couldn’t wait with they can’t wait with me for that 30 minute but before then they want to sarch the house I said why they said

    They have to SAR the house so I follow them they were because I’ve been hearing news about having and physical contact UM being draggy and all that I didn’t want I didn’t have the strength to do any of that because I was really really weak so I followed them upstairs they

    Checked everywhere and they came back downstairs and they were like um right now they will be going back to the school but they don’t want to see me around the school premises they don’t want to see me anywhere around the children that they will come back and

    Get back to me when they left they went through the front I have a corner I used to pass to the school so I went through the shortcut and I went to the school I think they saw me through the camera the policeman that was the three people who

    Introduced themselves to me one said she was a safeguard he was a safeguard police the other one said she’s a social worker then the other one introduced this social worker for the school the saf guard police came and said he had told me in the house and that he doesn’t

    Want to see me around the premises what am I doing here do I want to cause a sin do I want to make everything um more serious I said it’s not about that I brought my children to school this morning with the intention of coming to

    Pick them you cannot stop me from seeing my children of which I don’t even know what was going on this you you told me my children said this and I was not there when you when they claimed word was said so I need to see my children to

    Actually know what’s going on he said no I should go home so I didn’t want to C his I went home minutes later they came my husband and I missed our on the road because I followed once he did not know I was following follow another side so I

    Got home few minutes later the three of them came and said I should start parking my things and that I’m a threat to the children that I cannot stay in the house that I have to give leave the house for some time and um come back when everything was resolved I said why

    I was I was crying I said why why will I leave the house for what what is going on I have never I’ve been in that school for more than one year I have never had any cause of argument or disagreement with the school we don’t come late I pick my

    Children right on time there’s nothing like attendance calling for absen or anything which I know is not like it’s a forbidden thing it can happen um but in my case because of to avoid this kind of Wala I have never had any of such and this is me even in Nigeria I’ve never

    Been to the front of police station before UK I will come to be doing police so I was devastated I was melted in tears and pain that was traumatized they said I should start packing my things I said for how long am I going to be gone

    They said um I won’t be gone for long she just pick few things and go they followed me again inside the house while I was picking my things that was the policeman then who followed me I picked my things they said um they have um an

    Accommodation for me if I don’t if I have somebody to stay with or no they have an accommodation for me I said they shouldn’t about the accommodation I have somebody to stay with then I said okay that they could give me a lift if I don’t mind I said I don’t want their

    Lift that was how I left the house they locked they were the ones who locked my door and took the key to go and give to my husband to go and give to them so I left on my way going I was confused like I didn’t know what to do I was just

    Confused and I said God I don’t know what to do so I had two options in my mind one was to go to a friend who her sister was a social worker and the other was to call one of my M friend we work together so I called his wife I called

    The wife the wife did not pick so I called the guy so he said wherever I am I shouldn’t talk I should just keep quiet and stand where I am he’s coming right there that was how he came that was my Saving Grace that was what God

    Use he came he came with Mr save the woman’s Pastor when the guy came he was like H did you beat your children I said I don’t beat my children is there Mar your children’s body I said no my children body that was how he carried

    Said I shouldn’t talk again we me to their house to the house that I stayed in the house that was how I got to know he linked me with Mr L immediately Mr sentent for Save the woman I said I feel it that night I F everything meanwhile

    In the house before I left them they had told me that when I was telling them that now you sending me out of the house sending away for my children I said you don’t want me anywhere around this vicinity or the school anywhere around my children and there not be any

    Occasion where I will say mistakenly my children and I meet in the shopping mall or on the road or in the bus that it’s not acceptable I didn’t know because I was panicking everything they were saying to me was making sense I didn’t want to be

    Wronged in anywhere to say I escalated I made it serious I just want peace to R you know so that was how I told them I explained everything to Mr Le Mr Le said h no what Hal that I should go for the they said I should come to police

    Station by 2 a.m. the second day 2 p.m. for inter I should come to the police station so I called Mr he said I should go that I say because way I was talking was like this one the way you are even talking it’s if you are lying I should

    Know it’s flowing naturally like naturally that I should go and just say it the way it is so I went when I got to the police station I met a lawyer PRI before then the social worker had sent me a text message to say she had gotten

    A lawyer for me I said I don’t need any lawyer and she has gotten an interpreter for me I said I speak English English is my lingual franker I don’t need an interpreter for any reason I can speak and understand English and if I can’t speak it I’ll prefer to write it instead

    Of getting a middle interpreter for me so he said okay that they won’t bring interpreter no lawyer so when I got there the lady lady walked up to me I was like she’s so so introduced herself as a lawyer and she be representing me today I said for what the the fear again

    C me this don’t go the lady Count Me Down said I so I was talking I was crying I couldn’t talk she now said I should just calm down that the policeman has already spoken to her and that she’s assuring me that the policeman in charge of this

    Case is one of the good ones that I should count myself lucky she’s just telling me this outside um like based on how the way I’m doing that I should just come down that was I went the guy said interview have I ever done interview that caution before I said no I’ve ever

    Been in the police station anywhere I said no you now explain the modalities for me and said they are recording it in a CD and the camera that was not working if not the camera will be videoing me my body languages and all that and if

    There’s any question he asks me and I don’t understand I can excuse myself with my lawyer outside and my lawyer will break it down for me that a white lawyer that was how we started for 39 good minutes I was being bombarded with series of questions so at the end of the 39

    Minutes stopped the recording he said um you are very intelligent you mean you are from Nigeria and you schooled in Nigeria that was it was now done on me that am I being stereotyped here is it that these people are judging me for what they have read the internet or what

    Has happened in colonial Master’s days that they are judging basing me my judgment on it was not asking me questions about my personal life that one broke me down again I felt really bad and sorry for myself I started crying again he now said oh no no no I

    Shouldn’t worry and now said okay after now what is excuse me please what’s next he said um I should just go go to where they put me and that they will get back to me so I called save the woman I explained everything to him he now told me

    Something very very striking and important he said if you keep staying at your friend’s place this thing they are telling you it’s not going to linger it will linger and you will be the one in charge of your accommodation my dear if the give you accommodation you know you

    Don’t have money you’re just a student go and take the accommodation I heed to what he said I went to packed my things I called the social worker told her that what where is the accommodation she now sent me to the hotel and I stayed there

    So the second day I called 9:00 I started calling the social worker to get here the outcome of the interview CAU because the polican told me that they will send one of the copies of these two CS to the um local authorities and from there they will tell me what and what to

    Do and the lawyer also told me gave me her contact that if I need should come and meet her and that I will go home I can after now she knows that certainly I should be on my way home when the local authorities have gone through the M I’ve

    Gone through the CI that there’s nothing really serious about F my mind was calm I called my husband I told him so that was it um surprisingly to me 10:00 I call this lady the social worker she wasn’t picking up sent her messages series of messages she wasn’t picking up so at

    About 34 that day she now sent me a message to called me and said the police in charge of um the case has gone for for holiday and he will be back on the Wednesday and that was on Monday I left home on Thursday sent M of the house on

    Thursday so that was on Monday on Friday I went to interview on CAU so on Monday I was supposed to return to the house with my small mind and she now said on Wednesday was the return of the um police that I’ll have to wait till Wednesday so I was counting time

    Counting every second for that Wednesday by then I was still speaking with my children so by that Wednesday 10 10 o I started calling she now said that they they are doing emergency meeting strategic meeting yes strategic meeting that after the Strategic meeting that they will tell me

    What to do so I was on my phone looking at my phone screen to get the call so at about 2 that one Wednesday she called and said that they had the professional in her work the professional had done with the Strategic meeting and she started talking very

    Fast I should confirm I say yes I’m ready to work with him I said why would I say yes I’m ready to work with you I don’t even understand everything anything you have said if I tell you understand is a lie so I told her I did

    Not understand what she said she said okay she will send it to me she will call me again when I’m a settled I said okay she C it I called save the woman the woman said I should send her my email address and send her the consent form I

    Send agreement for I had to save the woman let them send the report to save the woman that is like they are playing fou play that was how the whole thing continued she called me again I called her again she said that the the uh this

    Thing I said she will send it to my email the email she said sent was um they have done strategic meeting with the professionals and that I said who are the professionals can she please explain who the who the profession has where and how related are they to this

    Case she said the school representative the council lawyer the police safeguarding and blah blah blah them and all that and now they have agreed that they will put my children on child protection I said I don’t even know what Child Protection is my head scatter I didn’t know what to do so I

    Started doing my research any big she tells me I will write it down and go and start working browsing researching on it ask was busy also with another kid but he was still there like giving me every answer by the way so and that he he warned me for one thing he

    Said I should mind what I write to them that these people they don’t have anything to lose and they have they can daaru everything for my enemy if I’m not careful and that the tune there is tune in my right up there is tune in everything I should be careful before I

    Send anything he has to vet it before i s even if it’s a Tex message he has to vet any email I sent and any call I make that was how we Contin and I said yes sir anything I will send to him immediately I don’t

    Know how this man work I don’t know how he shares himself immediately I send him buam he will hit me with a ring and say do like this do like this Madam or he will say am I saying wait he will edit it and Fire to me I will I will copy it

    And paste that was how we continued and now said that they have to explain what that ter they are saying to me what it means this lady she will call me on phone and just talk and say accept say yes say yes I said I can’t say yes I’m sorry she will

    Call again and say they She Will rap rap rap and say say yes I said me I can’t even understand what you are saying I can’t even understand it but if you put it right or you come down and talk to me I will understand but this rapping I

    Don’t get it she will be like okay okay okay so Mr now they said their their leg team will be the one to answer Mr Le so that was the Wednesday on the Thursday I was in the bus station when she sent me an email called me oh yes I receive an

    Email and it reads that I have um 2 hours to reply to this email or else they were going to court that was how Mr Le now said okay I should accept it that was how the journey started before then the hotel the book for me was for 5 days five days

    Has elaps the new place for me to go and stay they said I must I should accept before they will p another place I said no I can’t accept I can’t say yes or no that was how we were dragging it before Mr Le’s letter now entered immediately Mr Le’s letter entered the

    Persuasion and the rapping on voice call changed everything now changed to official emails we were now replying communicating with emails immediately I had peace it was like a body even though it was the the issue was still on ground but that fear that stress that I didn’t

    Know what the next minute was bringing for me I didn’t know what the kind of air I want whether is air of death is of taking my children away from my life I didn’t know what was coming it left it reduced when I started receiving email

    At least I will settle down and digest it browse what I need to browse understand what I need to understand that was how we continue from there we started doing meetings the the school now said I must not communicate with my children anymore meanwhile Mr sa the woman had warned me

    That I should never for any reason mention this thing that happened with my children I should act like nothing has happened I shouldn’t cry in their present I shouldn’t be sober in their present I should be happy I should be joyous and everything if I’m going to them I

    Keep all the sorrow all the pain behind me there were night that I was suici there was one night that I was suici I was looking for I had gone to look for all the windows to jump from that up God used Mr Le he called me that night he

    Said Madame you don’t dance I didn’t want to pick it before I just said this man has been of help let me pick this that was the next word he said he say Madame you don’t dance you don’t dance finish which one you you his video which one you carry face like this

    I laugh say he why you laugh I said if I tell you what my mind now you surprise i’ Su thoughts my mind just now he was like eh if you try it the te you are fighting for your children you will never see them again immediately arrange a zoom meeting

    For me and other women one of the ladies say h she drink B for this her life she drink B they go ambulance they carry her the B she drink she take herself made the matter worse another lady she they put their face everything their name their number they these

    Ladies were calling me severally to keep me balanced this one say my twin 3 months old 3 days old baby they collected from my hand know Mommy said this mommy said that for their mind don’t register for 3 days old baby wa you know and I’m alive that was how encouragement family they

    Built family around me that soci that thought left me helped me one of the ladies was always calling me with pray in prayers she will call me 2:00 I don’t sleep they even went to my work place my boss called me and said they came to investig my manager that

    They came to investigate that to ask about me and she told them that me I don’t even talk that 3 days ago I was in my office when I left the director son was asking her that how does this lady manage to work she doesn’t talk she now

    Said funny enough I’ve been with them for one year no complaint that if there’s need for me to talk I talk so when they came it was even that man the director son that was saying is it that same lady that he was talking about that they are talking about that no now

    They now left so like that they said they were investigating doing this doing that they now said I now thought about it they said um when I I now started research put myself for um child children child safeguarding level one 2 3 4 within that period i I was firing

    Book back to back reading all the laws reading the do and the don’t I now discovered that this matter there was even no mark on the children’s body nothing it’s if it was an emergency they could escalate it but since I’ve not had any issue with them why are they

    Escalating it I met several social workers that are still in the same cting they were like this your matter get as be no clear I don’t understand no clear I continue prayers with proper guidance from who no Road save the woman we Contin something that started like a

    Joke stayed lingered for eight good months eight good months of children being interrogated in school by strangers my children I stopped talking to them I told my daughter to block me off on this thing because I must not talk to them if I’m going out I we asked

    My husband when my husband stopped working because he was the one taking care of the children if I will ask them if they are coming out the day they will go out I will not go out the day they will go for shopping I will not go for

    Shopping Mr Le said they are everywhere I must not mistakenly Jam them anywhere and we are in the same town I should try so that was how we continued they put another man a a social worker that contact on the day of contact when M comes there’s this um place we have

    Routines before this thing happen the routine we had was um I had one day of the week that I take them to park a particular Park one day of the week once in two weeks that we go to eat out like McDonald’s or anything I take then once

    In a month we go to all these big big like all this climbing all this bouncing this thing all this water splash with do all those ones so it was already a routine so these people the local Authority provided two ladies that were coming to take them out for all this

    Store they were taking them out almost every day for all these things they buy whatever they want for the children they said they want the children to get used to them before they so that they can be free with them I don’t have a say they

    Ask the children where they want to go they want the contact the children pick that place we used to go and play because one on the Thursday one of my child her friends will be in the park with them then on a Tuesday the other of

    My child the friends will come so that’s how we used to do it before so that was how they used to pick Thursday and Tuesday so when the social the guy the contact man he was like the when we get to the park he will see my daughter’s

    Friend waiting for for her they already will be playing when it on Tuesday he will see the other one’s friends waiting for him with bicycle they will be playing the man will be like let’s go to my house he’s there we go he will even

    Join us to eat very nice guy he will join us to eat if we make food my husband makes food he would take us he ask me if I mind him dropping me off that where my hotel is is close to where his wife stays I said no you shouldn’t

    Bother most times if I’m coming to for contact I will Branch I be the want to do the shopping for them he will be the one to help me like there are good people there are also bad people there are good white and there are bad ones

    The two people that were ACC is accuration the call it that want to blend the two cultures together the two because I was working with like five four social workers two we are doing a cation between Nigeria culture and British culture inside that two one is

    The the leader the team leader for the two of them is a very good and um um homely person why the other one is very bad the man that was coming in contact was very good and the main social worker I think that one was just working based

    On stereotype what she has heard and what she understood about Nigerians and what they had told her in school and over so one day my daughter when I went for contact because I don’t speak with them on phone we don’t talk she was not asking me she said he was not telling me

    That today do I know that one of them that one that was saying I don’t I don’t she she I have bad woman about her that she walked up to her and told her that she wants to give her her number and she showed her different emojis and said whenever she sad she

    Should send her a sad face emoji in the house whenever she is sad in the house not in school should send her a sad face emoji whenever she is happy she should send her a happy face emoji whenever she’s neutral or worried s her she showed me the Emojis said so what did

    You now tell her she said I told her that I have to ask my mommy first you now said oh don’t worry I’ll ask your mommy myself she now asked me did she ask you I said no she did not ask me thank you very much for telling

    Me I now promised her that my next contact I will bring a gift for her for telling me that so on my next contact I bought a pH pouch a very fine fancy pH pouch for her and she was happy that was how we contined though sometimes we will

    Go for me things almost every day I didn’t have time for myself there was nothing I couldn’t work because I was broken that was how we continued so the contact guy I think the report he was giv within a few this and he was giving good report he kept telling me that he

    Was I guess he kept telling me that I shouldn’t worry that everything will be fine one they asked me he said is it me and this children that they said I abuse or which or is it me and my husband that have issue I should tell him I said me

    And my husband does not have issue and my children I did not abuse them they said okay I shouldn’t worry when they go to school they ask them the children we come from quarter they be telling me mommy they asked me since I came to the UK what is difficult what is difficult

    They told them that the space in the houses is difficult like life is difficult without Mommy and that the space in the house in the UK is difficult everywhere is choked up no compound to play so what do you like about Nigeria they will compare Nigeria

    And UK to them they say Nigeria we have big compound we have bigy house our rooms are big our par are big we have our grandma in Nigeria we have families that we can just enter their house and play but here there’s nobody so that was

    When they now said okay they we also need African to come and blend explain simplify the two culture after these British people do their curation that was how we Contin story plenty I don’t even know what to say so that was how we continue doing it sometimes they we for

    That 8 months sometimes they will come to they were coming to my house un announced and when they come the social worker we enter the house inspect every they we go sometimes if I when we are going to this thing I was talking about after I had returned home they will they

    Will she will Jam us on the road going to park unannounced she will Jam see us on the road with the children my son would have SC to be me and my daughter coming like that one time while I was away from the house they called me that the children

    Said the school when school bring report school we bring report and say the children are happy um they say life is easier without me the children are happy and they did not miss me at all meanwhile when the social worker that goes here to interview the children to interview the children that

    Good one I was talking about the report because she has to the team leader she’s the one that writes the report the report she will read in meeting will be different from what the school people say it is that one that we now say the children said this that they are missing

    They prefer their grandmar they want their grar they missing their grandmar in Nigeria they prefer Nigeria because they have big house they have big compound to play in and all that but they we say the children did not even do like as if anything is happening so one

    Day the chair the chairperson of the meeting the Child Protection this is also a very good woman she’s she’s Libra she’s at the middle she’s not s she’s just there saying it dishing it out the way it was I I jumped this path when it

    Was time to get a lawyer they gave me series of list of lawyers Mr Le said they have lawyer that was how they linked me with a very good Nigerian lawyer the lady too she was very helpful that she gave me me tips and said I should we should always talk our house

    With f stuff when they come they will always check our house and truly they check they took the children for medical they check their teeth the teeth was clean they check everywhere they check their book work their 100% in attendance and the children are doing excellently

    Well in school so the woman was now after everybody had talk the woman the person said now everybody people are the mother is this and that but the children kept on saying life is difficult without their mother the girl that wants to write s is crying that her mother is not

    In the house to help her revise for her for her exam yeah said the woman is bad look at what the boy my son wrote it in his handwriting that he needs his hair cut he need his to cut his hair and he doesn’t he doesn’t go to salon that I’m

    The one that cut his way Salon if they cut it they don’t get it the way he wants that why then are they depriving me from going home the social worker should give her reasons that was was that day the social worker now said that in All Views

    I’m not a bad parent that maybe I am I was stressed the day I beat I Abus the children and now that what she wants is that I should agree that I Abus the children so that it will not happen again I said I did not abuse the

    Children for for long until 8 months they were still pressing me to say I should accept one of us my husband or me should accept that it happened I said nothing happened they now said okay what happen that means my children are liars I said I did not raise Liars my children

    Are not Liars the thing is when when you people said this children said this thing I wasn’t there I didn’t know under these circumstances the whole thing played out and now you are asking me to answer a question I don’t even know the cumstances in which the whole matter

    Started it was the school who came up and said this thing happened and nobody asked from me they didn’t even see me they did not speak with me they called police and who said it happen did you see Mark in the child’s body there was no Mark nothing that was how the my

    Lawyer was pressing the whole matter was hitting this point now said okay that okay I should go home but I will continue with the training to call the whole long story short after I finish with the British acculturation they now linked me with the African and

    British link that I have to blend for me to be able to release my children to understand the fact from somebody that is a professional and understand the both culture they need that person to explain it to me properly so that I will be able to release my children to

    Aurate and I said if I consent I said I consent the world is a global village there’s nothing if I don’t consent they might do it out they decide to do it outside I cannot influence their choices all all the r days of their life so that

    Was how we Contin lo and behold when the doo person came in the whole thing that was aing out now became strong if they say they should vote vote vote at the end of every meeting if the whole breits they will vote seven this one if it’s time for her to vote

    She will laugh and say if not that people had voted seven she would have voted four she would have voted five but because other people have voted seven let her just say six that was how that one was another bone in the neck the my own people

    Inside that was how we managing managing managing and whoever has issue with local authorities or social worker May the person not say because he meet Doo person he won’t lose guard or he won’t turn in for please don’t try it don’t try it do do now you inform with pass because at

    The end of the day now one proof proof Point say them they they they do their work where they know emotion they know they sentiment that was what I just um basically pick out to say that was what this lady was proving so when they now step at a point

    Everything was going on the social worker the same person the same that started the team the same social work that started that was very rigid after when she now became getting she was getting to know me she bust into my house on announc she meets me on the

    Road and all one day she now came and called me to one corner I was like you are not a bad person you are not a bad parent I cannot apologize to you because it’s not my fault but I have to tell you this you have a very good family and I

    Want you to continue what you are doing and at this point I cannot the case is already it has is already almost finished so I’m handing you over to a a newly a just a a just graduated social worker to do the conclusive part of it

    Because the major part of the matter has ended that I hope everything is fine I said everything is fine that was how we continue that matter that was supposed to end with the dooo woman that was taking the matter it now lingers for another 4 months after that the initial

    Social worker has said that thing it was now the new social worker that will be telling her that she should speed up things she should make things fast that was how she was still lingering it my children’s school school representative we come from one school that one we say

    Their own the new school that my the older child went to it was now the social worker was now the doo woman we say that that they need to add therapy to this case that they need therapy that the matter cannot go like that that I have to

    Accept that I used to beat the children that it happen how know that was God now spoke through the new school social the new school that child went the new school social now should he she be hitting nail on that and that if this lady wants to do that she would have

    Changed that child from that school to a new school but instead she relocated she did so many things she’s far far away from that school she still left her child in that school if she had wanted to hide anything she would have remove that child from that school there is no

    Case you should forget about that that was how God use that white man to fight that day for me so when she now saw that nobody she was the only one on one side in the child in the child need she now M down and said okay she will send the

    Five for approv is whatever they approve she will bring that was how she now finally sent the for so um so many so many things I can’t even remember I’m not good at talking or telling stories thank you very much thank you very much you’ve really really done well you’ve

    Really done well this is what we are saying when sorry sorry I want to I want to add something um there was um in the process of all these things children you know when things are happening they will not want to they will not say it the very time recently my child started

    Telling me that I had um problem my heart was sick so I was always going to the whole trauma and everything caused high blood pressure and everything so I was managing my health always going for GP appointment you know GP appointment very early appointment that’s what I

    Used to book so I will drop him in school in the morning I won’t leave him I will stand there with him so one faithful morning he was not like Mommy raise your head up right and look at that so color of car that is coming

    There’s one lady that will come out of that car look at her very well look at her very well after she has gone I will tell you I okay I will not look at I will face away I said okay so she came and you look at her after she had I said

    Did you see her very I said yes I saw her very well came she called him and waved him and left on his name waved him and left that was how he said he doesn’t know why the woman has been following him that if he one of their top this in school is

    Not a teacher one of their top I don’t want to call her rank but she’s like to this thing in the school that if every week he will come to his class and ask him what he taught them he will not ask any other person and it is only my

    Children that I do do in that school that only my children that we do in that school when this was when this thing started that he will ask him that what did they teach him he will explain what they Tau them in the week he will explain everything to to her he will

    Open his book and check his book in class she will come and sit behind him anywhere she sees him she’ll be greeting him everybody there he was not like why is she be friendly with him like this every other person not be friendly even when other do joined the school she was

    Not friendly with them like that that he doesn’t know why she’s with him like that I said what is her name he now told me that was when my brain now recall that this was the woman that started the whole matter that will be shouting in

    The meeting that I did this I did that I did this this one that one that will be be reading report scatter now say oh now W the play be this now W the play thank God God is not a man that was that was

    How I now add two and say oh so now waiting one be this piing where God give brain to use me as caretaker it’s not as if it’s me it is God giv me a caretaker to take of this children for his glory now you want come because of say he

    Smart he the lead now I be my offense now we be this one that was how God helped me and delivered me from these people’s hand yes so I’m done hello thank you very much thank you very much uh just to uh ask you you a little bit uh did

    You ever think it can happen to you and have you ever had it before and probably you have ignore you think get your come near your have ever had that thought when you nearly come to UK like me naturally I’m open to learning new things you know but

    When I came in I heard about save The Woman actually I had this from my school group but I wasn’t having that time to say let me settle down and um even go into what these people are doing and with the fact that I’ve done several several trainings and all that and

    Another thing is do you know after this thing happened to me I if I go somewhere I see parent some parent now that just came be shouting at their children in public I me them I they say don’t do that they say wait I I say

    You don’t do that calm down if they argument I say me why they tell you so I have been a victim I don’t want anybody to go through what I have gone through the one one day categorically told me he said they know the kind of people they

    Call it that day I felt really bad I even told Mr Le when he approached me for this talk I told him I said see there are people you that will never no matter what the effort you put in that will never believe this thing is going on even if

    Happ there side of coin can never happen blah blah blah blah blah I said people will still do it I I don’t want talk this matter after that disgrace that person gave me come down I said no be like that if we use the way body Scrat us scratch it wound

    Our body I should just because of the good people that are ready to Lear I should just let that one air out that was it thank you thank you thank you very much uh like we normally say we are all human beings and we are all equal but unfortunately the environment we find

    Ourselves you might not be treated the same way that fundamental right being treated with dignity with respect you might not have that and uh there are thousands of lawyers millions of lawyers but not every one of them are ready to do work with conscience some are also

    Being bullied in fact some of the black social workers were for the fear of my colleague should not say something oh my colleague should not think I’m supporting this family or probably they to they were under pressure due to some you know when we talk about discrimination being treated unfairly is

    Happening everywhere so some of them they know the right thing they will tell you off record Sometimes some of them will tell off record but they were pushed under pressure of what to do what to write and what to say and they lack conscience that is the truth some of them lack

    Conscience because they know the truth but because they want to keep that job or keep that mortgage running paid bills is is a concern this is a report uh just in July this this year racism driving black and minority ethnic social workers into agency work find research most

    Local authori now they are losing staff it is agency that are doing some of the work some of the work majority of the work and when they are doing those work not all of them put mind in those work that is why you see many family experiencing change of social worker

    Within a month or two months you’ll be hearing I’ve got nine social workers so please help us share this if you are yet to subscribe I don’t know what you are waiting for please subscribe and we are having africentric parenting program the next Co for January 2024

    We’ve got the date already Saturday 28th of January and Saturday 27th of January we are using two days two Saturdays starting from 4 p.m. if you have not registered we put the link on the YouTube channel please do yourself a favor and register for that CA before we

    Go for today Madam can you say something about the C you attend the course right yes I did what can you say about the C can you hear me yes yeah it’s very very very it’s very educative and the good thing about it is you have life experiences like it’s not just

    Theoretical thetical like like children parent they will give you examples with their children children like daily challenges you are facing with your children that you really do not know you’ve tried so many method it didn’t work you know they will give you um um Ts that they use tips that they use

    And it worked for them and also I forgot to add this in this process when this whole thing was going on there was this scripture that that never left my mouth and my mind my children will be taught of the Lord and great shall be their peace all through the process of them

    Feeling form answering question saying different things talking about different thing that was what I was praying and God was making them to say the right thing and I need to say this after the whole thing has jelled down and I asked them that day what actually happened and

    They explained and said they when I had dropped them I stood because I was sick I stood at a far distance and stood there and was watching them walk into the school that the both of them had argument they were arguing and quing so when they got to school the young was

    Already crying so he got to school he now went to report that his sister always does this to and when it happens his mommy we not allow him we be blaming him and said he should respect his sister he shouldn’t fight his sister he shouldn’t do this to

    His sister that was what he went to report so that is that that was what he said he can remember that day thank you thank you thank you very much thank you very much uh those of you that you on this uh platform here now do you want to

    Say anything before we R up because we want this to be you know in a field share I can see Rush there Rush there you want to say something please those of you watching where are we going next week we are going to rush there Rush day

    Next week Saturday same time 5:00 that is going to be BM she want to give you a tip of what to wait for what to hear on Saturday please if you want us to come to your local Authority talk about your local Authority we’ve had loads of local Authority case studies

    Put it on the com us email we will exactly from your local Authority for you first come first sou Rush there go ahead well done sister it has been got through in the journey can only be good because I’ve been in this UK since 2009 my husband came with a student and

    I have I came in with three children and I had my last born here the Shalom she’s 8 years now when I was 42 so me and these three children we have been managing ourself very very very as you said but these people they are too Lely until we came toester

    You you might help us change position I think the network is going up and down position all right it’s all the when we came to Manchester they they have already grown a little bit so they know the right from left they know the rules of the house it’s happening in all the offices

    As well what happened is the offices you don’t say it out that is confidentiality that happened in the house until when I started bringing my niece to UK that is when I had my own problem so by next week I will be able to give you food G

    I hope everyone will be there then thank you so much thank you so much you can see you are going to hear more next week Saturday same time 5:00 rush there let’s go to rush there let’s go to rush there Manchester we are nearby we are coming

    Down there as well Bingham wait for us sundland those don’t don’t run away don’t run away don’t run away you all know about midles bro we started from midles bro so we don’t need to start telling you the story again because God has done it for us midb statistics have

    Gone down now now but the the expenditure on children social care is still alarming is still alarming it’s still alarming over 20 local Authority are about to go on bankrupt based on the due to the expenses on social care 63,000 per week per child you know how

    Much that could cost and what are we asking for family support but no support anywhere so thank you so much for joining we look forward to see you next Saturday but before then please share this spread this subscribe before you go and leave your comment if you going to join next

    Saturday don’t join alone invite someone so once again thank you for this episode of dar United Kingdom last week was Bou today we’ve heard about daring so as we waiting for next Saturday let’s H me to hear about Rush please Ash Rush let them know we are on the way to rush there

    Thank you bye for now everyone


    1. Next Start Date for Course 101 January 2024 Cohort

      Saturday 20th and 27th

      Start Time : 4.00pm UK Time

      Below is the link for E-registration.

      This Parenting Skills Course is an essential knowledge for anyone that have school age children, nephews, nieces or grandchildren, evident from the beneficiaries’ feedback, this course has continued to enlighten parents and parents to be, especially new arrival migrants on the law and regulations in the UK.

      If you encounter any challenges in registering, please email :

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