In a deep dive with Seb Bunney, author of “The Hidden Cost of Money,” we explore the intricate impact of monetary systems on society. From historical interventions shaping finance to money’s influence on mental health and politics, Bunney challenges mainstream views on capitalism and regulation, revealing how money shapes our world. Tune in for a thought-provoking journey through economic realities.

    – Discover how historical interventions have drastically shaped our current financial system.
    – Learn about the hidden costs of monetary intervention, including its impact on purchasing power.
    – Understand the ‘Four Stages of Economic Ruin’ and see real-world examples of each stage.
    – Explore how our monetary system influences individual and collective behavior and the concept of monetary sovereignty.
    – Gain insight into the connection between economic instability and mental health and how a stable monetary system can improve mental health outcomes.
    – Uncover the societal consequences of monetary choices, focusing on inequality and social cohesion.
    – Learn about the extent of the monetary system’s influence on government policy and political behavior and the ways to address money’s corruption in politics.

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    💰Click here to download your FREE guide to Stop Worrying About Your Finances In 4 Simple Steps:

    – Broken Money w/ Lyn Alden:
    – Personal AI Models and Bitcoin w/ Jeff Booth:
    – How the IMF and World Bank Sell Exploitation As Development w/ Alex Gladstein:
    – Michael Saylor’s Deep-Dive on Bitcoin Energy Misconceptions:

    🎧 Listen to our episodes here:

    🖊️ Access the transcript and learn more about the guest here:

    – The Hidden Cost of Money by Seb Bunney:
    – The Price of Tomorrow by Jeff Booth:
    – Broken Money by Lyn Alden:

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    (00:00) when money is losing value from one day  to the next are we incentivized to save no we’re   not we’re incentivized to consume because  our purchasing power is worth the most in   this present moment in the future it’s going  to be worth less and so naturally over time  

    We’re actually incentivized to spend our money  in the present moment as opposed to thinking   about the future whereas if you had to flip that  on his head with something like Bitcoin all of a   sudden our purchasing power is increasing over (00:24) time we start to see our cost of living  

    Declining as opposed to Rising so all of a  sudden we’re actually incentivized to save   over consume and so our time preference shifts we  start thinking longterm I’m here with Seb Bunny   and we’re going to be talking about his new book  The Hidden cost of money uh Seb welcome to the  

    Show ah man honestly it it means a well to be  on the show uh I think you’ve truly influenced   me on my along my journey and it’s one of  those things I actually thinking back to it  (00:56) it’s been such a pleasure watching  your own personal Journey from kind of the  

    Start of the podcast being more value focused  to seeing that that Intrigue of Bitcoin and   then that flow through to now kind of Bitcoin  kind of grasping a lot of your attention so   it’s yeah I really appreciate it Preston it’s an  embarrassing journey to have with people watching  

    All the mistakes you make through the years  and and whatnot but yes uh it’s been it’s been   quite an interesting Road and I appreciate you (01:25) saying that this very kind of you um Seb  

    We met probably I don’t know two years ago ago a  year and a half ago and I just have to tell you I   was just thoroughly impressed of of your critical  thinking and like how you approach things and so  

    When I heard you were coming out with a book um  I mean you can you can uh verify this I reached   out to you because I was just very anxious  to read uh how how you kind of uh put your I  

    Guess how you think about Bitcoin and how you  look think about it in a broader context and  (01:59) um just very excited to dive into this  so this is this is how I’m going to summarize   your book for people listening there was a there  was a recent uh advertisement that came out from  

    Coinbase and it is being shared like crazy  online because for people that haven’t seen   it I I might not be doing it justice with how  like how spoton they nailed this ad but the ad  

    Was I worked so hard my whole life I was told  that if I worked hard enough I could get into   a great College I get into a great college  and then I be I get so in debt up to my 

    (02:37) eyeballs I can’t afford to buy a house  I continue to not be buy a house and like it   just like kind of progresses and it kind of  lays out this world that I would argue people  

    That are 40 years and younger are dealing with  which is they’re so in debt and they can’t do   anything they have no disposable income but yet  they were promised all these things that they   worked really hard and and did these things and  they did work hard and they did all those things  

    And they still don’t have anything is really (03:05) kind of the premise of it and reading   through your book and I know this is taken me  a really long time to get to the first question   but reading through your book it’s almost as  if it’s the response to that commercial as  

    To why why are people feeling this way why are  people dealing with this and you literally lay   it out by the numbers in such an organized  and thoughtful kind of way that um just to   start off huge kudos to you because if people  are looking for an answer to what I just like  

    Briefly described in that commercial this is it (03:41) this is this is the book to get you you   go by the numbers and there’s no stone  left unturned as to how why and and why   and where people have found themselves in  this precarious situation right now I’m  

    Curious is that what you were kind of going  for is that was that what you were trying to   answer with this book or was there something  else that you were trying to really kind of   Define with the book no it’s it’s interesting  because I think you’ve laid it out perfectly  

    And it’s almost as if the journey that I (04:14) took to get through writing the   book actually mirrors that coinbase uh the  coinbase ad and for me for those of you that   are listening that probably don’t know who I  am I was basically I was a back country man and  

    By instructor for over a decade and I Absolut  absolutely loved my job but I would say when I   first started my job going into my teens into  my late teens I started to realize that I was  

    Working six days a week like seven eight hours a  day absolutely destroying my body I was looking   at some of my Idols that I grew up watching in (04:46) the manab bike films like these guys you   would think like they’re world-class athletes  and many of them are up to their eyeballs in  

    Debt they’re struggling to get by most of them  do not own any form of assets and so I started   to realize if I want to lead my best life I’ve  got to do something different like the world  

    At which we’re living in doesn’t allow us to  kind of get by with that kind of the American   dream of the 60s where you can have a single  earner who can work relatively hard and afford 

    (05:13) a house and so I started to realize  I had to get into investing and that kind of   led me down the real estate route and then  that led me down the value investing route   which is actually where I started uh kind of came  across you Preston yeah and then of course when  

    You start going down the value investing route  then you start looking at the monetary system   and you start looking at the Financial system  and that led me to gold and then ultimately to   bitcoin and along this whole journey what I  really started to realize is that the system 

    (05:38) when I first started investing and  I’ve I’ve heard you talk about this as well   when I first started investing I was looking  through the lens of a capitalist free market   but I realized every single time that I started to  take positions those positions weren’t playing out  

    And I’m just like why are these positions I don’t  understand this it doesn’t seem rational and you   start to realize the system is not functioning  rationally because people continually intervene   and so ultimately I felt as if there needed to (06:04) be a book that kind of looked at money  

    More holistically I feel like you can find  books that go very deep into uh economics or   you can find books that go very deep into I  don’t know Bitcoin and the functionality of   Bitcoin and whatnot but there wasn’t a book  that was very much more holistic and Broad  

    That looked at what is the history of money  how does money then weave its influence into   our social spheres our environmental spheres  our political spheres our business spheres and   then what is if we were to kind of Imagine a (06:32) new system what would that system look  

    Like and one of the things I’ve really tried to  do and I kind of took this from Jeff Boo’s book   the price of Tomorrow is I didn’t want the focus  to be on bitcoin because ultimately I think if  

    You bring up Bitcoin very early on people have  a lot of people have an aversion to bitcoin and   so instead I wanted to just look at things as  objectively as possible obviously through my   own lens as objectively as possible without  the jargon and bring it down into a social 

    (06:58) level about how it impacts us and uh  try to kind of portray what we’re facing and   what we’re going to continue to face if we  continue on the path at which we are uh kind   of trending along well it’s interesting you say  that so you you start bringing up a solution to  

    All the problems that you define from the first 11  chapters in the book and then you start addressing   this in chapter 12 and I love this because uh part  of the issue that I personally face when talking   to family friends or whatever is they want (07:28) to talk about Bitcoin but they don’t  

    Really want to like Truly Deeply understand  the problem that it’s solving they just want   to talk about the speculative like trade  if you will and it’s just like no stop   like that’s the last thing I want to talk about  is the speculative like where’s the where’s the  

    Price going in the next two months is like a  common question you get and you just you just   want to bang your head against the wall because  this is so much deeper and profound than that um  (07:57) something uh a quote that you have in  the introduction of the book you say everything  

    Is Downstream of money and it and it gets to what  you were just saying but kind of compa like really   kind of give people a little bit more behind this  you say this was a a moment for you that you kind  

    Of like came to this aha moment you’re like my  gosh like this is my core thesis now is everything   is Downstream of money so Define that more for  us so I would say like there’s many different  

    Lenses at which to look at money I know that um (08:31) sailor talks about money as like time   and whatnot or a battery and I mentioned that a  little bit in the book but one of the ways that  

    I like to look at it is money is simply just  a medium of expression uh like language and   if we take language for a second with anything  it can be censored so with language we can have  

    Our ability to express ourselves censored and  so let’s just take a look at that for a second   if when we’re a child our parents didn’t  allow us to express certain emotions will   say certain words well that can impede us as (09:03) an adult because what is depression  

    Depression is the depressed thing of emotions  it’s as a child if we weren’t able to feel anger   if we weren’t able to feel sadness as an adult  we don’t know how to express those things and it   shows itself in the form of illness depression  anxiety and whatnot it’s the same thing with  

    Money money is a form of expression it’s how we  express to the world what it is that we value   so you can see if you look at someone let’s say  you walk into a grocery store and you see someone  (09:28) buying grass-fed beef raw milk and  then you see someone else buying cigarettes  

    And microwave meals you can immediately see  what it is that they value just through how   they’re transacting and so I think when you have  a society that starts censoring or impeding how   we express ourselves monetarily you start to see  all of these byproducts and so for instance if  

    When you start I don’t know debasing the currency  so our money is worth less over time well guess   what you’re no longer incentivized to save (09:55) you’re incentivized to consume so we   start seeing this consumption based economy that  is decim meting our environment or you start to  

    See when the political sphere is able to spend  beyond their means they’re able to basically   function uh without offering value because  they can simply print at will then you start   to see people basically not necessarily the  political Sphere not necessarily representing  

    The needs or the will of the people and so  you start to see when money starts breaking   down we see all of these by products these (10:24) symptoms so I would argue throughout   the book that a lot of the issues we face in  society as you say our Downstream of money  

    It’s because we’ve intervened on a monetary  level we’ve impeded our ability to express   ourselves monetarily which has led to a lot of  the issues which we face love that um in the first   chapter you do a brief history of money in your  exploration of this in in preparing for the book  

    And and writing the chapter what was something  that was most surprising uh with respect to this  (10:57) history of money that you found I  would say when I started going deep down   like the value hole value investing hole and big  into the financial markets there used to be this  

    Guy that used to follow called Lacy hunt and a  lot of people in the uh investing sphere have   probably heard of lacy hunt he’s a phenomenal  Bond Trader and one of the things that he talks   about is there’s the four factors of production  which are land labor capital and Enterprise and  

    So when we look at these four factors they  basically make up our economy they make  (11:29) up our GDP how productive we are because  we have land that is all of our resources we   have oil we have Lumber all of the mining from  minerals and whatnot we then have Labor that  

    Is obviously our worker working capacity that is  our demographics if we have an elderly population   we’re not going to be as efficient as if we have  a young population we then have Enterprise which   is our entrepreneurship our Ingenuity our ability  to be able to combine land and labor to be able to  

    Create productive assets and and and whatnot (11:58) and then finally we have capital and   capital is basically the lubricant which  lubricates the Enterprise the land and the   labor and what I realized is when we look at  land labor and Enterprise these are all kind  

    Of if you want to create change in economy they  take a long time to kind of create change so   the government can come out and they can say  okay we want to go try and find a bunch more  

    Resources but the reality is that a lot of our  world has been kind of stripped bare or there   is a bunch of Regulation that impedes us from (12:29) obtaining resources so it’s really hard   for us to create change by pulling the the land  uh lever you could then look at the world through  

    The lens of like demographics and labor well  guess what at the moment we have a declining   we have a declining Workforce in terms of or  an aging population if you look at say China   China’s population is meant to half over the  next kind of 30 years us has had the slowest  

    Birth or growth rate in terms of population in the  last 100 years and Canada is meant to see what is  (12:57) it we are 60 people that are 60 and  above are meant to see a 60% increase over  

    The next 10 years as opposed to 10% increase  in in 60 and below and so what we’re seeing   is we’re seeing this aging population which  is a huge burden to society and so you start   to realize that it’s really really hard to create  change when it comes to land labor and Enterprise  

    When I should say Enterprise as well technology  we can bet on technology but we don’t know when   that technology is actually going to create (13:23) change it’s still a bit of a hope   and so the quickest way to create change in an  economy is through pulling the monetary lever  

    And the capital lever and so what happens is the  governments over time have become a product of the   system the system is incentivized them pulling  the capital lever because it’s the quickest way   to create change in an economy and we see this  our money has slowly transitioned from being  

    Backed by gold to them being partially backed  by gold to them going to the Fiat standard and  (13:50) each time it’s usually during these events  where the governments just they need to intervene   or they don’t need to they feel they want to  intervene and the only way they can intervene  

    They can’t intervene on a land level on a labor  level on an Enterprise level the quickest way to   create change is through the capital lever and so  we’re basically seeing over time this transition   from money being this thing that stores value  to money being purely this thing that is used  

    As an interventionism familiar with Bitcoin or (14:23) many of the arguments that we hear in   in the Bitcoin space they would argue well if  the government wasn’t stepping in and playing   with this Capital lever to stabilize markets  like 2008 then we would have had a an economic  

    Disaster on our hands if they didn’t step in so  how do you respond to that person to to lay out   uh maybe the the bigger context of of what the  effect is sure so it’s actually interesting you  

    Say that I was just I was back in the UK and uh  I have kind of like seven siblings that I was  (14:59) hanging out with and one of them  is she’s dating a guy that’s just studied  

    Economics and he wants to go and work  for the bank of England and he came up   with this well we kind of started along this  discussion and one of his push backs was the   reason why we’re seeing a lot of Nations  fail throughout history is because they  

    Have not had the tools or the capacity  to intervene to the extent to which they   need to and I just find it such a hard like  such a misguided approach because I think   sometimes we look at immediate effects but we (15:32) never look at the second and third and  

    Fourth order effects and actually if you step  back when it when you look at intervention many   of the issues we Face stem from Intervention  in the first place so I would argue that many   of these nations whether we’re talking about  the Romans or whether we’re talking about the  

    British pound losing its uh uh World Reserve  currency status and whatnot I would I would   say that the reason why these situations came  about is because government started stepping   in initially these countries rise into (15:59) Power because they’re offering  

    Immense value to society but then almost that  immense value creates this this ego and that   ego believes hey you know what I think we can  create change we can do something different   they start intervening and that intervention  then starts to distort Market signals and  

    That Distortion of Market signals results in  Greater intervention and so it’s almost as   if intervention begets intervention yes and I  would actually say there’s a there’s a chapter   in the book uh I believe it’s the third chapter (16:29) where I basically talk about the four  

    Stages of economic ruin and this is I would  say how intervention kind of plays its hand   is first when you start intervening you become  misaligned to reality and I’ll give an example   Jeff Booth talks a lot about in his book the  price of Tomorrow how we live in a deflationary  

    World technology is always trying to get  more for less like you just need to take a   look at say Blockbuster Blockbuster we used to  have to spend gas driving down to Blockbuster   spend half an hour in the store finally (16:59) find a movie spend our eight bucks  

    Or whatever renting the movie drive all the  way home drive back to Blockbuster drop off   the movie drive back home the amount of energy  uh that we had to kind of consume to be able   to Simply watch one movie and now you’ve got  Netflix for the same price as one movie and  

    So technology is always trying to drive down  prices because it’s always trying to get more   for less but we have a monetary system that is  inflationary so if prices are trying to fall but   our monetary system is a debt based system (17:25) where prices are rising we have a  

    Misalignment to reality and so you have a  misalignment to reality that leads to stage   two and stage two is the death of created  destruction which is if you’ve got these   debt based systems and deflation is trying to  drive down prices well that means your debt is  

    Becoming more burdensome and so corporations are  going to start failing so if corporations start   failing governments start intervening and so as  governments start intervening what happens is you   now distort natural supply and demand in (17:53) the market you distort creative  

    Destruction because you’re not allowing companies  that are not offering value to to well sorry   you’re allowing companies that are not offering  value to survive and so you’re now destroying in   society if you’ve got a company who is offering  value they now have to compete against entities  

    That shouldn’t exist so they’re now using Capital  simply to compete when that traditionally or in a   free market wouldn’t happen so then that leads  to Capital flow Distortion you start to see  (18:21) buyers people who are spending their  money their money isn’t necessarily going to  

    Where they want to direct it or if you’re looking  at government intervening and they’re bailing out   a lot of these major corporations that money isn’t  money doesn’t come out of it’s not printed out of   thin air purchasing power has to come from  somewhere and it’s coming from the currency  

    Holders and so ultimately currency holders  are not choosing where their purchasing power   is going ultimately it’s a government who’s (18:44) choosing where their purchasing power   is going so then you start to see a capital flow  Distortion because money is not flowing to where  

    It wants to flow in society it’s not flowing  to where value is being created it’s actually   flowing to where value is being destroyed and  so ultimately those first three stages so the   alignment to reality the death of creative  destruction then the capital flow Distortion  

    Leads to decision- making impairment because if  we can’t see what the free and unimpeded Market  (19:08) kind of deems valuable if we’re not able  to see which companies should and should not exist   if we’re not actually able to see what the actual  risks in society are because these companies are  

    Still alive that should be dead then ultimately  how can we make accurate decisions as to how to   move forward in a society how can the government  the central planners make these decisions that   are supposedly meant to impact everyone to  build a prosperous Society if we don’t even  

    Know what it is that people value what should (19:34) be thriving and what shouldn’t what   people deem a value and what people don’t so I  ultimately I think when it comes to intervention   it completely muddies water as to how we need  to act in order to create change how we need  

    To act in order to add value to society sorry  that was a long-winded answer no no it was a   it was an amazing answer and uh you in your  book in kind of near the back of the book I  

    Forget Which chapter this was in but you had  a you had a chart of uh banking consolidation   like the equity of Banks and how it’s getting (20:05) Consolidated and for people that look   at government intervention and they see oh yeah  well they saved us in 2008 but they don’t talk  

    About well what was the cost of them saving  us and there’s many costs but like one of the   ones that I think is is rarely discussed is  that consolidation of equity into fewer and   fewer hands or fewer and fewer controllers and  what that’s doing over over an extended period  

    Of time is making the overall system less  and less stable right like it it was it made   it more stable for those few years as they (20:39) rescued in and saved the banks but   as we look at like the Silicon Valley Bank uh  situation that happened here at the beginning  

    Of 2023 the the amount of stimulus that they  provided to rescue Silicon Valley Bank was on   par of the 20082 2009 crisis just for that one  event and I think if you went around and ask   people in society about the Silicon Valley  Bank collapse that happened in 2023 I think  

    Very few people that even know it happened were  that there was this massive amount of stimulus   that was directed at just Banks now right and so (21:15) if they let Silicon Valley Bank fail it   was going to be Financial Armageddon right then  and there but they didn’t and and it’s getting  

    So um it’s getting out of the purview of the  of the general public that um as we go as we   continue to March Along on this timeline the  person that’s very myopic and is just looking   at a five-year time frame or a 10year time  frame and said they saved our bacon yes they  

    Did but they’re leading to this much much bigger  failure systemic failure because of it over time  (21:49) um you did a fantastic job just kind  of laying out like like the the four pieces   there that you said of the economic ruin I  think is something that people need to study  

    More I know I’m personally going to adopt a lot  of that into my own talking points when people   ask me and you do a phenomenal I think this  is in chapter three you do a phenomenal job  

    At laying this out uh for for people to kind of  really dig in and learn more about that that idea   in itself well one thing I wanted to add just  kind of the point you made and it’s interesting  (22:22) because we’ve just got for those are not  familiar you’ve probably seen what’s happening  

    In Argentina and I can’t pronounce his name I  think it’s mle m is just come in and I think   this is fascinating because for arguably a long  long time we’re starting to see someone who is   a lot more libertarian free market focused that  actually wants to break down central banks kind  

    Of coming into power and I’m curious to  see how this pans out because the problem   with a socialist interventionist system is (22:51) socialism begets socialism because   ultimately as you start intervening if someone  was to come into power and say hey I don’t want  

    To intervene I actually want to go through a  period of austerity and try to bring ourselves   back up into a free market the majority of  people in society under a socialist system   are suffering like in the US we have onethird of  the population is below the poverty line half of  

    The population or something like 60% of the  population is living paycheck to paycheck so   they’re always going to vote for any form of (23:17) short-term immediate pain relief and   so you end up in this system whereby if we were to  go into austerity you have to go through a period  

    Of living within our means when we’ve been living  well well beyond our means for so long and so the   thing that I find really challenging is because  people are very shortsighted they’re going to   see living within our means as well this is a  problem with uh having a free market this is a  

    Problem with not being able to intervene and  the reality is it’s the opposite and so the  (23:46) challenge I think with our current system  is that whether you vote Republican or Democrat   conservative or labor right or left the political  kind of affiliations don’t really matter because  

    Everyone is actually incentivized to continue to  intervene and that’s why I think until we actually   change the system and realign the incentives  we’ll continue down this path of sucess and   when I say change the system I think you need  to change that base layer which is the money  

    Because if you then realign the incentives the (24:13) politicians are actually incentivized   to act in the best interest of their populace  and for instance like we talk obviously a lot   about Bitcoin but if you were to remove the  money printer from government immediately  

    Government has to compete in a free market uh  just like every other business it has to offer   value to the populist because if it doesn’t  it’s going to collapse and another party that   is able to offer value is able to rise up  but at the moment the government doesn’t  

    Have to offer value because it’s got a money (24:38) printer it can go at complete opposition   to its populace and still fund operations and  that’s where I think people sometimes we get so   swayed as to who we’re voting for when in reality  it we’re going to continue down this path until we  

    Actually change the monetary system and I think  that is that’s where I’m now just a single-issue   voter whereby I’m going to vote for whoever ever  is pro Bitcoin because I think Bitcoin is going   to shift the incentives yes couldn’t agree  with you more on that um there’s a there’s a 

    (25:07) chapter in your book and I’m really glad  you covered this because a lot of books that I’ve   read particularly on on bitcoin don’t cover  this and it’s the mental health uh impact the   psychological cost of economic instability uh talk  to us about like some of your findings what you  

    Were really trying to accomplish with this uh with  this chapter so I would say and this this goes   back to that that one comment that you kind of  brought up at the start which is where everything   is Downstream of money and we are a product of our (25:42) environment and so naturally our  

    Environment shapes who we are and how we act  and one of those ways is through behavior and   so I talk about kind of three main things I  talk about time preference which Bitcoin is   uh usually quite intimately familiar with that  is whether or not we favor kind of short-term  

    Needs or whether we’re able to look to the  Future for stability and security then I talk   about compassion and altruism how when we are  threatened we start looking out for ourselves   and that talks a lot about maso’s hierarchy (26:11) of needs like people have probably  

    Heard of maso’s hierarchy needs where it’s  basically this this pyramid where at the top   you’ve kind of got self-actualization but in  order to find self-actualization you’ve got to   move through you got to have your base needs  met that is like shelter and food and then  

    You got to have relationships and then you  got to have aspirations and whatnot and so   if we have a society where we are struggling  to get by our cost of living is constantly   Rising um we’re not able to commit time to our (26:38) relationships we’re not able to commit  

    Time to growing and learning then we are we’re at  that very low level whereby we lose that ability   to be compassionate and uh altruistic and give  back to society because we’re trying to just   simply look out for ourselves and then the final  one I talk about is meaningless and apathy and  

    That’s where in a free market system you reap what  you sow if you dedicate time to something if you   invest energy into something you’re naturally  going to benefit from that and that is hugely  (27:07) motivating it motivates us to go out there  and create value it motivates us because we’re  

    Rewarded and if you look throughout the animal  kingdom it’s exactly the same the more energy   you put into something if you’re benefiting  from the work at which you were doing you’re   going to be motivated to continue to improve and  grow whereas when we have a system where you’re  

    Losing say 40 50 60% of your the money you’ve  earned to taxes and then you’re losing another   large amount to inflation and and whatnot and (27:35) then you’re losing a l rather large   amount through financial repression and  whatnot all of a sudden we’ve got this  

    System where meaningless starts to set in  like where I live here in Whistler I’ve   just been completely blown away like I’ve been  living here since 2008 and when I moved here I   would say the average house was 800 to 1. (27:55) 2 million $800,000 to 1.2 million  

    Canadian dollars and now the average house is  four and a half million and it’s just people   can’t afford that people cannot no one can  afford that and so this is where we start to   have this Society where people simply cannot get  by they cannot even put a roof over their head  

    Because intervention is constantly impeding our  ability to kind of reap what we sow intervention   is impacting our ability to be compassionate and  give back to society intervention is Shifting our   time preference and I mentioned it very (28:26) briefly but going back to time  

    Preference when money is losing value from one  day to the next are we incentivized to save no   we’re not we’re incentivized to consume because  our purchasing power is worth the most in this   present moment in the future it’s going to be  worth less and so naturally over time we’re  

    Actually incentivized to spend our money in  the present moment as opposed to thinking   about the future whereas if you to flip that  on his head with something like Bitcoin when   you have a fixed supply of currency and all (28:53) of a sudden you’ve got this deflation  

    Where you’ve got technology driving down prices  all all of a sudden our purchasing power is   increasing over time so it’s the reverse we start  to see a cost of living declining as opposed   to Rising so all of a sudden we’re actually  incentivized to save over consume and so our  

    Time preference shifts we start thinking longterm  and so I think Society is going to be a much   healthier society when we’re thinking long-term  rather than this short-term impulsive behavior  (29:18) where we’ve lack we’re lacking compassion  we find meaningless in life and this is where I  

    Think tying Behavior back to money is really  important because ultimately everything I truly   believe is Downstream with money just as a  funny note to kind of emphasize your point   you’re making uh I love the meme that you see  on Twitter with like the person that’s living  

    On a mattress on the floor and all they have is  a TV and there’s like this Michael sailor video   playing on the TV like every time I see (29:48) this and they’re living like   this because they want to Stack more Bitcoin  because of time preference right I know it’s  

    Just a meme but every time time I see this I  just laugh my tail off because I’m just like   they’re nailing it because everybody I’ve met  in this community when I go to various Live   Events is they’re saving they’re not they’re not  buying the newest gwiz widget or car or whatever  

    They’re truly just trying to compound their  savings uh by by living uh I’m going to use the  (30:21) word appropriately and I don’t know if  that’s the the the the correct word to use but   they’re just living within their means and  just um not having to have the next Consumer  

    Item right and people who are dealing with  especially and what your point that you make   is when the debasement of Fiat is accelerating  like we saw 8% prints here in the US I can’t   even imagine what some of the prints are in other  countries that incentive for them to consume more  

    And get that money out the door right now is just (30:56) accelerating right like it’s you’re just   just amplifying it um but anyway sorry to to kind  of go off on a a little bit of a my own tangent  

    There but I all some of the things I see funny  that really just kind of uh maybe a simpler way   to to uh see exactly what you’re talking about  in memes of course um okay so in your book I  

    Love that you that you give this some sometime in  your book and it’s the environmental destruction   and how monetary policy is simplifying uh  environmental destruction uh because boy the the  (31:33) messaging from the traditional Legacy uh  media is uh is quite the opposite that that’s the  

    Root cause so lay this out for us and don’t leave  any Stones unturned yeah man it’s environmental   destruction I think first it’s really important  to separate environmental destruction from climate   change because they’re two very different things  I think when we have a consumer Society we’re  

    Leading to immense environmental destruction  which can lead to kind of it can impact climate   change but ultimately I think it’s important (32:07) first to just talk about uh environmental   destruction and now first off I think it’s  also important to mention the paradoxical  

    Nature of GDP like growth targeting and talking  about environmental destruction because GDP 68%   of GDP is consumption so when the central bank  is coming out and they’re saying we need 2 to   3% GDP growth that’s what they’re targeting  what they’re really saying it’s just a call  

    For greater consumption that is all it is  and so when they’re coming out trying to  (32:37) supposedly save the planet and put  regulation in place trying and save the planet   all they really could do is actually slow GDP  growth but they don’t really want to do that  

    They don’t want to do that because we have a  debt based system and if you slow growth in   a debt based system the system starts to collapse  in on itself and so we have this system that again  

    It’s misaligned reality and so going going back  to the consumption as a result of um declining   purchasing power so let’s first lay out (33:04) how kind of money impacts our   environment basically when money is worth  less when governments continually intervene  

    Our purchasing power declines and so as our  purchasing power declines we’re now our time   preference is Shifting we’re incentivized to  consume in the present as opposed to save for   the future so if we’re consuming in the present  well all of these things we’re consuming they  

    Naturally they they they consume resources so  we’re paging our nation our world our planet   of all of its resources simply to try and uh (33:35) simply try to fulfill this GDP growth   simply to try and fulfill this consumption habit  that we’ve created through the debasement of  

    Currency and so as we start to kind of ramp up  consumption basically where are these resources   going to come from and this is where when we talk  about something like Bitcoin Bitcoin flips us on   its head because again we’re incentivized to save  over consum consum so if we’re incentivized to  

    Save over consume then now we have the reverse  people are actually they’re rewarded for storing  (34:04) their their their purchasing power in  the currency and so then people are a lot more   conscious about how they save and it goes back to  your point actually which is you’re kind of unsure  

    About the word to use as to where people should  be directing their Capital but what I think is   interesting about today’s world is we’ve created  this world where we believe happiness and joy are   these things that are only fulfilled externally  whereas I would say that there are countless  

    Religions or countless practices whether we’re (34:31) looking at Buddhism and whatnot that   they would say the exact opposite happiness  and joy are very much internal they’re an   internal State we have to love for ourselves  we have to care for ourselves and only then  

    Are we going to find happiness we can try  and use consumption as a coping strategy   but it’s not going to work and we know that the  purchasing of goods and services are only fleeting  

    And so I think when you look at say a Bitcoin  standard when you look at a a world built upon   something like Bitcoin all of a sudden we flip (35:02) everything on its head because people   start to realize that it’s not through consumption  actually through saving and building uh a life at  

    Which aligns with someone’s authentic self where  they’re able to listen to themselves that’s where   they’re going to find happiness and joy it’s  not through consumption and so this starts to   align more with our natural environment because  if we’re saving and we’re putting that money  

    Into trying to build a more prosperous  future for ourselves if we’re saving and  (35:27) thinking a lot more intimately about  how we can direct capital to build the life at   which we want we’re a lot more conscious about  our spending so if we’re a lot more conscious  

    About our spending then businesses if there’s  a lot less demand for goods then this increases   competition so businesses that are not offering  value and naturally going to wither away and   so you start to see it you already see it on a  micro level in the uh outdoor industry so I’ve  

    Worked in the outdoor industry for uh over a (35:52) decade and you start to see a lot   of companies that are trying to Source a  lot more sustainable products are trying   to use a lot less chemicals in their in their  manufacturing procedures and whatnot and this  

    Is phenomenal to see because it’s coming about  because consumers are demanding it and so this   is where I am I tend to be against regulation  because regulation impedes the flow of capital   in society I do believe that naturally if  you allow a free market to exist quality of  

    Products will slowly increase over time because (36:24) you’re going to get supply and demand   uh flow toward demand flow to where value  is created and the other thing to also talk   about quickly this is a long-winded approaches  it’s the thing that’s really challenging is the  

    Book is so broad to consolidate these things  down into like really small little bite-sized   pieces of information is challenging but the  the other one thing to note is that when we   have an interventionist system naturally  what ends up happening is governments  

    Usually tend to suppress interest rates (36:51) so if debt becomes easy to obtain   or if Capital becomes easy to obtain through debt  we start to see Supply supp chain expansion and   so this one is huge and so the average product by  the time it lands on our front door has touched  

    Six different countries today and that’s  because of these long Supply chains and so   we have seen like during covid when you’ve  got these huge long Supply chains that are   a result of intervention that are result of the  suppression of interest rates uh and artificial  

    Capital all of a sudden when you have something (37:20) like the pandemic come about and you   see one Cog in that Supply Chain break down the  whole world kind of ceases and so this is where   I think it’s important for people to realize again  intervention has created these artificially long  

    Systems that are very prone to breakdown and I  think that if we were to see a true uh a true   rate of capital let’s I would say interest rates  going to be a hell of a lot higher than what they  

    Are right now all of a sudden you start to see  the nationalizing of Supply chains you start  (37:50) to see more domestic consumption and again  this is so much better on our environment it is   far less heavy in terms of resources in terms of  oil for transportation in terms of uh just the  

    Products the Mana consumption that we’ll see and  this is where I think by changing the system we   change the incentives by changing the incentives  we actually change the structure of our supply   chains we change the structure of our Behavior how  we act we change the uh the impact which we have  

    On our planet and this is where I just think it’s (38:20) really important to think about how money   influences our our behavior in terms of  consumption and our planet and whatnot yeah   when you just look at the currency alone  and you look at how strong the dollar is  

    Relative to all these other uh subordinate I’ll  call them subordinate currencies but that’s not   the right way to really frame it from an  Arbitrage standpoint you’re incentivized   to to build things uh and have it span seven  different countries because of all the currency  

    Arbitrage opportunities that exist for maybe the (38:52) the owner of said company at the top right   um when we think about the most efficient way  to do something uh on a sound money Global sound  

    Money system I don’t think it’s going to work like  that at all I think it’s not gonna work that way   at all and the only reason that it it has been  incentivized to be constructed that way is to  

    All the points that you were just making which is  there’s opportunities because of the capital going   back to your Lacy hunt uh example to play with the  the capital dial uh in order to make it the most  (39:27) efficient for that environmental  setting of manipulated money but yeah it’s  

    Going to be interesting to see how you know  a transition to maybe a Bitcoin standard is   going to change and re-engineer all of these  Supply chains so that they’re more robust   not as fragile not dependent on you know this  almost linear and serial way of building things  

    And they’re going to be much more in parallel  to building things and it’s it’s interesting   as well because I used to work for this manad  and bik manufacturer and when I work one of our  (39:58) main competitors it was really fascinating  because at the time I was just like this just  

    Seems insane how is this possible but basically  they were making carbon handlebars for Mad bikes   and it was cheaper for them to send they were  made for them here in Vancouver and it was   cheaper for them to send that carbon handlebar  to get the sticker put on in China and sent  

    Back than it was to do it locally and I’m just  like how is this possible how is this possible   yeah and and this is really it’s interesting (40:28) because you have these kind of touch   points throughout your life which I I believe they  get you to start questioning the system they get  

    You to start questioning why is this happening and  it’s interesting actually going back to very early   on I would say when I was about n years old uh and  I mentioned this at the end of the book when I was  

    About n years old I’d save for this scooter I’d  wanted this I saw it at the toy store and I was   like oh man I want this scooter it was just like  it just looked amazing I could imagine myself 

    (40:54) having it so I’d save for the scooter  and it took me about three or four months of   saving diligently and we walked into the toy  store and I walked in with my dad and my two  

    Brothers and when we went up to the to to go  pay my dad was like man I feel bad that you’re   getting a scooter in your brother’s armed so I’m  going to buy them a scooter as well but I had  

    To pay for mine out of my savings and they they  managed to get this for free and I remember just   being like Oh my God the world is just like so (41:19) unfair but what I realize now is that  

    This is almost on a family level the canell effect  it’s those close to the monetary spigot benefit   disproportionately and so it’s these little events  throughout our life that start us questioning and   I remember just being like how does this happen  but it’s also interesting because my other two  

    Brothers are very socialist they’re trying to  get what they can for this system whereas I   tend to lean more free market Libertarians and  so I’m just like people are a product of their  (41:47) environment I love that story that’s that  is brutal that is brutal but what a lesson right  

    Look how it’s influenced oh yeah um you know that  that’s one thing I would tell the audience and you   can agree or disagree I I look at every setback  that I’ve ever had in my life through this lens  

    Of all right I’m Preston you’re supposed to learn  something here and you’re being taught a lesson   it might be a painful lesson but what you do  with the lesson and how you kind of react to   it and looking at it through a positive (42:21) favorable lens is the biggest  

    Opportunity that you can harness if you choose  CH to to take advantage of it that way right   and it’s very easy to say that it’s very hard an  application and it’s very hard especially in the   moment to kind of look at any type of setback  or unfair scenario and say seriously I’ll sit  

    There and be like all right so like what the  hell was I supposed to learn from this right   now because this is brutal like what the heck is  this um like no honestly I couldn’t agree more I 

    (42:51) I think the world is always trying to  give us what we need in order maybe this is a   slightly more spiritual approach but I believe  the world is always giving us what we need to   grow as an individual and I think it’s also  at all times reflecting some of the issues or  

    The challenges at which we’re facing and so for  instance if I don’t know you’ve had a few strings   of a loss of money in business uh dealings  then maybe that is maybe that’s pushing you   to set boundaries more you know what I mean (43:18) like I think ultimately all of these  

    Issues that which we Face these challenges which  we Face are just highlighting actually the areas   at which we are not respecting ourselves  or maybe areas which we can grow yes yes   all right uh in your book you talk about Mass  formation uh talk to us what you about this  

    Idea and what you’re trying to uh teach the  reader so this this is a tough one I nearly   left out these chapters because I think that it  can be a little more controversial um I tend to  

    Think that our monetary system so we discuss kind (43:55) of the the four stages kind of economic   breakdown and so just kind of reiterate those  stages like we are first looking at like a   misalignment to reality so we naturally have a  deflationary world yet we have an inflationary  

    Monetary system then that leads to the death  of creative destruction because the government   continually intervenes to prop up these failing  businesses and then that leads to Capital flow   Distortion because money’s not flowing to  where it should do in society because we have  

    All of these businesses shouldn’t exist and (44:21) then finally we also see the death   of uh uh what decision- making impairment where  basically because we cannot see what’s actually   happening in the world how are we supposed to  make decisions that are meant to benefit us how  

    Are we meant to look forward into the future  and make accurate decisions and so ultimately   when a system starts breaking down we start  to face challenges and this is where I think   politically in this situation we start to see  politicians and kind of leaders in position of  

    Power they have to continually intervene and (44:54) manipulate in order to avert class and   those interventions increase in frequency and we  see it and so I would say that we tend to look at   totalitarian or authoritarian a lot of these  kind of like very big controlling structures  

    We tend to look at them the traditional  ones like Maly dong of China or we look   at Kim ilang and Kim Jong-il or we look at  Hitler and Stalin and whatnot but the reality   is that today many of those similar traits and  characteristics are showing themselves in society  

    And I I referenced a book by a guy called (45:30) mattius Desma and he’s basically   a professor of psychology gent University  and he wrote a book called the psychology   of totalitarianism and it talks about how  these systems actually come about and I  

    Would I would say well first off I would say  what he says so there’s four conditions the   first condition is loneliness when Society gets  a widespread feeling of loneliness then people   naturally we start to see people breaking down  there’s mental health issues and whatnot why  

    Can loneliness come about can come about (45:58) because people are having to work   because they’re not able to be able invest time  into their relationships and then condition two   meaninglessness we’ve already talked about  meaninglessness when our monetary system  

    Starts breaking down when we’re not reaping what  we seow when we’re having to work and we’re not   seeing the benefits meaninglessness can start to  sit in condition three widespread free floating   anxiety when people can’t understand why life  is hard when people can’t understand why is it 

    (46:22) that I’m working soft and I cannot  afford a house I’m struggling to support my   kids I’m struggling to like get by naturally  you start to get this free floating anxiety   and when I say free floating it’s because we  can’t attach it to anything I’m not anxious  

    Because I’m about to get fired I don’t  even know why I’m anxious it’s because I   just I can’t understand why life is so hard and  then that leads to aggression and frustration   and people want an outlet and there’s a (46:44) and I’ll read a slightly quote  

    Which is basically Professor the professor mat  assessment says if under the aforementioned   circumstances a suggestive story have spread  through the mass media that indicat Ates an   object to attach to this anxiety Then This is  where we start to see Mass formation which is  

    Basically you can see it like mod mentality  people start banding together because they   have a way an outlet they have a reason for  their anxiety it doesn’t matter if that is   the actual reason now he describes him as (47:14) these four conditions loneliness  

    Meaninglessness widespread free floating anxiety  aggression and frustration this is how it leads to   mass formation which can then totalitarianism  authoritarianism controlling structures can   take advantage of but I would say there is  a condition zero and that condition zero is  

    A misaligned or co-opted monetary system because  in every single one of these situations when you   go through back throughout history whether we’re  talking about Hitler and the ymr hyperinflation   whether we’re talking about Mary dong (47:43) all of these kind of totalitarian  

    Controlling structures many times not many  times in every situation that I’ve looked at   they have Arisen out of a broken monetary system  because I would say loan and meaninglessness and   free floating anxiety don’t stem when you  have a sound monetary system when people  

    Are benefiting from the energy at which they  invest into society when they’re benefiting   from their productive capacity naturally how  can you see meaninglessness like of course   some people in society are going to have that (48:12) we’re always going to have that but  

    In general it is a lot harder and then the  other thing that I’ll say is in a monetary   system where purchasing power is declining  our cost of living is rising so if our cost   of living is rising we have to work more if  we have to work more we have less time to  

    Critically think about the information we’re  consuming and so you start to see as Society   starts breaking down and people have to work  more they have less time to critically analyze   the information which they’re consuming and (48:41) so this is where I start to see these  

    Controlling structures take advantage of that and  you see these narratives that spread throughout   Society with very little basis behind them and  so I would again argue that many controlling   structures many authoritarian totalitarian  regimes stem from a broken monetary system  

    As kind of that foundational layer and if we want  to realign our if we want to kind of prevent these   systems from or massively impede these systems you  basically have to have a system that realigns the  (49:10) incentives it aligns the incentives  towards productive capacity it realign the  

    Incentives towards actually providing value  as opposed to trying to constantly intervene   and restrict people constantly trying to  play whack-a-mole with the byproducts of   intervening and so the regulations this constant  regulatory environment where we see this modular   system especially in the US where bills are  constantly being passed trying to stop this  

    Behavior and legislation is being passed it’s  trying to stop this Behavior ultimately all of  (49:39) these behaviors are because of a broken  monetary system in the first place it’s because   of intervention that’s previously existed  that has created this misalign Behavior we  

    Were talking before you responded to that one we  were talking about this idea of happiness and um   there was a book uh s and I read this book on  the show oh my goodness I don’t know how many  

    Years probably eight years ago or something like  that seven years ago and it’s called delivering   Happiness by Tony Shay um this book was phenomenal (50:10) and uh and the the the core thing that I   really remember about the book is he goes through  like all of like what makes a person truly happy  

    And at the core of it was this idea of being able  to give to other people as opposed to consuming   or buying material things that make you happy  for a couple months and then six months later  

    After you bought the new car you don’t even  care about the new car um but if a person   did a a good deed or gave let’s just say your  energy to this other person so that they didn’t 

    (50:43) have to to work for it and they got an  advantage from that that’s what truly brought   happiness to an individual and with the  response you just gave when we think about   this system that’s just utterly broke and I  don’t think anybody’s going to disagree with  

    That um most people can’t produce any type of  disposable energy from their labor because it’s   it’s being sucked away from them like a soul  sucker because of how broke the money is and   if you if you don’t have any disposable (51:16) income or energy to give you’re  

    Then all of these things that you just described  right which is lonely you feel like you’re on a   treadmill that just only gets faster regardless  of how much harder you try to run and like that  

    Wears on the psyche like aggressively wears on  the psyche um that the the irony going back to the   book The the irony of the book is Tony committed  Su I I think Tony committed suicide who was the  

    Author Tony Shay who the author he’s the founder  of Zappos a billionaire um and uh the irony of the  (51:56) book title and how powerful his his  thesis was which I completely agree with and   then for his own personal outcome is really just  quite sad and it doesn’t diminish the quality of  

    The book or I in fact I would highly encourage  people to read that book as well um but just   some just some ideas that kind of sprinkle on  top of the really profound point that you’re  

    Making with with that and I just wanted to make  a point as well and again this is another and   I don’t talk about this really in the book but (52:26) the medical system again is a byproduct   of our monetary system like if you think  if we have a society that is constantly  

    Trying to Target GDP growth well GDP growth  if you think about it as basic form is just   monetary transactions so if we want to increase  growth we have to increase monetary transactions   and so ultimately I think we should move away  from this model of trying to Target GDP growth  

    Because let’s just look at the monetary uh the  medical system for instance the medical system   we’re not trying to fix the root of issues we’re (52:56) simply trying to like mask symptoms and   so the medical system as well it doesn’t benefit  when people are healthy it benefits when people  

    Are sick and so in Western medicine we don’t  try to support people in a holistic approach   a more natural approach we don’t try to help  people on a psychological level move through   depression instead we just give them meds and  so many times we have a society that’s hooked  

    On riddle and we have a society that’s hooked  on antidepressants we have a society that’s  (53:22) hooked on opioids and all of this stuff  is benefiting GDP because getting monetary   transactions but we’re never actually asking the  question why is this happening in the first place  

    How can we actually support these people from a  root cause level and so that’s where I do think   that when you realign incentives let’s just say if  government did not have a money printer and it had  

    A budget which it had to stick to well how does  it look at the the medical system now it looks at   the medical system from the perspective of how can (53:48) our dollars go there furthest and the way  

    That happens is we’ve got to think longterm about  building a healthy Society we’re not thinking   short term about trying to just intervene and fix  immediate issues and so again it flips everything   on its head I I have an important clarification  to what I said earlier I said that I I thought he  

    Committed suicide but now that the more I think  about uh the the scenario that happened I think   that he died uh probably two or three years  ago it was a I I’m almost positive it was an  (54:17) overdose um which goes exactly to the  point that you’re making um yeah I it’s it’s  

    So important that we solve that we solve these  issues uh and obviously I I think Bitcoin solves   I think Seb would has no argument there I want  to cover I was just gonna say one more thing   quickly that I think it’s really important  on the health front and this is again like  

    When we talk about Bitcoin when we talk about the  financial World We tend to look at it purely just   from the financial perspective and I think that (54:51) one of the ones like I’ve been fascinated   by psychology and I’ve been fascinated by  parenting for kind of 10 years I’ve read a  

    Lot about psychology and parenting and I’m a  kind of partway through becoming a therapist   and one of the things it talks about one of the  things that I found really interesting is talking   about the link between money and parenting  and naturally this is where I think it’s  

    Fascinating is money is the number one cause of  stress in the world there something like 74% of  (55:18) Americans have major significant financial  stresses and it’s also the second leading cause of   divorce behind kind of adultery and so when  we start thinking that money is the number  

    One cause of stress well how does that impact  children well first off when a mom is kind of   giving birth to a child when that child is inside  of her naturally if she is feeling immense stress   she’s going to feel stress hormones a lot of  stress hormones cortisol and whatnot and those  

    Stress hormones acutely affect the child and (55:47) that child when that child is in its   prime developmental period is naturally going  to be born with a hyperactive threat response   system and when I say threat response system I  mean like fight flight and freeze and whatnot  

    And when we talk about a threat response system  those are to do something that’s very important   to escape threatening situations but if our  threat response system is engaged all the   time when we when we have our threat response  system engaged it impairs our nutrient flow  

    It impairs our breathing it impairs blood (56:16) flow it leads to a whole host of   other issues and so I would argue that given  money is the number one stressor globally and   we are seeing Rising rates of ADD we’re seeing  Rising rates of depression we’re seeing Rising  

    Rates of suicide we’re seeing Rising rates of  autism we’re seeing you name it any like we are   just seeing Rising rates of health issues left  right and center and people’s immune systems   are just shot and I would say that our monetary  system has a part to play in that because it is 

    (56:43) a number one stressor and it is acutely  impacting our developmental years and then not   only that but when you look at say parents  when parents have less time to spend with   their children because they’re having to work  more and a perfect example of this is in 1970  

    Just before the uh kind of the transition off the  gold standard we used to have twice the amount   of single earner households to uh dual earner  households so that means you’ve got one parent   working versus two now it’s the complete reverse (57:10) we have twice the amount of dual owner  

    Households to single owner households and that’s  because parents cannot get by without both having   to work you can’t afford a house without both  having to work and that’s let alone most people   probably can’t afford a house and so naturally  parents are spending less time with their kids  

    And so if parents are spending less time with  their kids they are that moral compass that helps   that kid find its individuality and so instead  kids are looking to their peers and when kids  (57:34) look to their peers well peer  relationships especially early aren’t  

    Very superficial they’re trying to Simply look  the same sound the same feel the same dress   the same and whatnot and so we end up with this  Society of sheep and they have not individuated   and this is where I think when you look back at  more traditional societies communities Elders  

    Play such an important role parents play such  an important role in help helping kids develop   their moral standpoint their compass in life  and so you can see this in society where kids  (58:01) are not being raised by Elders people  are not kids are not being raised by their  

    Parents they’re being raised by their peers and  it’s leading to a whole host of other issues and   so again the stems I I would argue this is a  large large in part because of our monetary   system creating a whole host of stress and  impeding parents ability to direct their  

    Time where they’d like to direct their time  s i Ram there a little bit no oh my God those   are some profound and points uh I love that and  completely agree um the last thing I want to talk 

    (58:32) about uh from the book is one of my  favorite topics to cover uh Alex gladstein has   done this uh extraordinary uh justice and that is  uh this idea the World Bank the IMF the the global  

    NGO um you know people that are controlling  Global Finance um and and and this is from a   different section of your book but I would also  like for you to kind of address this idea of why  

    Capitalism isn’t the problem it uh it’s something  much deeper than that uh so all of those ideas   lay it on us uh give us kind of your your broad (59:15) brush overview of of these Global NGO   organizations and how they control Finance so  first off I would say Alex gladen has just been  

    Immensely influential in this and so I don’t want  to take any uh credit for the this chapter because   I think that I’ve very much used a lot of uh the  information comes from Alex and so for a more in-  

    Depth um kind of breakdown of this I’m sure you  probably spoken to Alex on the show and there’s   countless interviews with Alex so I highly highly  highly recommend digging into some of Alex’s  (59:49) work because it will go far deeper than  I go but I wanted to more just highlight that we  

    Have institutions like the IMF and the World Bank  and the bank of international settlements and many   of these institutions are completely unelected  we don’t we don’t have a democracy and whereby   we’re voting these people in power and we have an  understanding about what they’re doing many times  

    Like the bank of international settlements  which would is arguably it’s named kind of   the Central Bank of central banks they’re kind of (1:00:15) governing a lot of the roles the central   banks are making and they’re completely in secret  we don’t know many times what it is that they’re  

    Doing because it’s completely behind closed and  so we have this kind of elite of elite that have   major influence over the world and a lot of these  policies we have zero understanding about what   they’re doing and let’s let’s just dive into more  because obviously I’m conscious at time let’s just  

    Dive into a little bit about kind of like the IMF (1:00:41) and the World Bank and so when you look   at the IMF their whole policy is supposedly trying  to help minimize poverty globally and help support  

    A lot of the developing countries and I would  argue and I’m sure Alex would as well that this is   100% almost the opposite and so first and foremost  when you lend if you want to support a developing   country by lending them money think about what  lending money means well a loan involves both  

    Principal and interest payments so at some  point the loan is going to be paying back more  (1:01:14) than the initial money lent and so  when a lot of these big Nations and a lot of   these kind of unelected organizations lend money  to developing countries that developing country  

    Eventually is going to be paying back more so it’s  actually pulling money out of the country and so   since the 1970s I I if I quote it correctly for  every1 dollar that has been fed into developing   countries we’ve seen $24 in outflows and  so this is why these developing countries  

    Are on their knees because they’re just being (1:01:42) absolutely decimated by these huge   debt burdens and so what usually happens is the  IMF will come into these countries and we say   hey we see you struggling we want to support you  we think you’ve got phenomenal natural resources  

    You’ve got phenomenal productive capacity and we  want to help you realize that potential so we’re   going to lend you x amount of money but the  reality is what ends up happening is one they   usually overestimate the productive capacity  or the resources which they’ve got and that 

    (1:02:09) is usually intentionally because  what that means is that this country is no   longer able to meet their Debt Service payments  and when that country no longer meets their Debt   Service payments the IMF or the country that  is in support through the IMF then steps in  

    And says okay we realize you’re not able to meet  your Debt Service payments how about you give us   control over your resources how about you give us  political control how about you allow us to put a  

    Military base in your country and so this is what (1:02:32) we’re starting to see is although we   have however many nations globally 200 something  Nations globally most of them are under the thumb   of the US or China through the belon road  initiative or Russia and a lot of this has  

    Been the um the IMF has very much facilitated  a lot of this for the US and so a lot of these   nations they know no longer have autonomy they no  longer have autonomy because they’ve supposedly   had the IMF helped them out and supposedly  had the IMF try and support them in a way  

    That reduces their poverty but it’s done the (1:03:05) complete opposite and this is where   as well when these unelected organizations  step in to try and support these countries   what it does is if you have a very authoritarian  controlling structure in place naturally the IMF  

    Actually ends up supporting those structures in  a free market system if you’ve got a controlling   structure in place and it no longer alers  value to the society and it starts to break   down you the country would default and as the  country defaults you then have another party  

    Rise up that is able to offer value and (1:03:34) so you actually allow creative   destruction to take place the IMF actually  perpetuates these controlling structures by   enabling these people that are not offering  or not doing what is best for their populace  

    Instead many times they’re just trying  to facilitate what uh benefits them and   benefits their pockets and so I tend to be  of the opinion that a lot of these unelected   organizations we’re seeing that same misalignment  to reality we’re seeing that same uh breakdown of  

    Creative destruction Distortion of capital flows (1:04:03) we’re seeing that same process play out   on a global level as well as a nation state level  and I tend to be massively against it because I   think when you CH start to intervene byproducts  start happening you you impede the free market  

    From kind of naturally uh allowing Capital to  flow to where it’s needed so Seb uh each year   I at the end of the year I try to like think of  uh the best book or the best couple books that  

    I’ve read uh throughout the year and I try  to I try to read 40 books a year is kind of  (1:04:32) what I try to shoot for sometimes I  miss the mark but um this year uh Lynn alden’s  

    Book uh broken money was uh you know up there and  like what she did with her book is she covers like   the evolution of like of like how the technology  has inserted itself with money and she covers uh  

    This in just uh in a way that only Lynn can can  cover a topic right and she talks about kind of   Bitcoin being a solution to many of the problems  that that uh broken money has has caed throughout  

    Time and Memorial this book uh I put on par with (1:05:11) Lynn’s book this year uh the hidden cost   of money and I say that because for you you  were you were much more uh granular in like  

    Right now what people are dealing with and you  do it in such a thoughtful organized just robust   manner that gets straight to the point and  there’s not all this fluff I mean the points   that you’re making is people can see in this  interview I mean my gosh man you like crushed  

    This interview um the book is just like this but  in so much more detail for people to dig into so  (1:05:45) like I just want to I just want to put  it on par with Lynn’s book this year for people  

    Listening like you have to go out there and you  have to read this book it is is so phenomenal and   going back to like how we started the show if  you’ve watched the coinbase commercial and you   felt like that person in that commercial this  book goes into explicit detail explaining why  

    You might feel like that so all I can say is  Bravo uh my hat’s off to you like you crushed   it and I really hope that uh as many people as (1:06:20) possible can can get their hands on  

    This and kind of plow through it because um you  have done an enormous service to to anybody that   gets their hands on this to kind of really Define  the reality that so many of the people out there  

    Are dealing with so Bravo Seb honestly it it  means the world press and it it truly truly   does it’s it’s one of those things that I really  believe everyone has a unique take on how they’ve   experienced the world because we’ve all had our  own personal experiences and I think it’s so 

    (1:06:50) important and this is what I just  love about the Bitcoin Community is people   put themselves out there and I think no matter  what your background is whether it’s a man and   by Constructor whether it is military Air Force  whether it is finance you name it you have a  

    Unique take on this world and I think it’s so  important to share that take because you’re going   to speak to a certain target audience and what  I really really tried to do with this book is  

    Just Tred to I didn’t want to get super Niche on (1:07:16) one area of Finance I wanted to look at   things more holistically because I felt that  it was missing the closest thing I would say  

    That I’ve found to this is kind of the coin  standard but even then I think I wanted to   try and simplify down a little bit more for the  average individual remove the jargon and so it  

    It it truly truly means the world it it means a  lot well having read like that book like this is   just different like you are covering you are  covering things from just such a unique lens   that I don’t know of any other book out there (1:07:45) that that has covered it from just  

    The angles that you’re approaching it and I mean  the charts and the research that you have done to   back up all of these points points in here are  are truly phenomenal and um their writing style  

    Is is a is extremely efficient which is what I  love as well because you you uh you get right   to the critical variables of each of these major  issues and for me that’s really important uh to   kind of really Point somebody who’s trying  to learn more to to a resource that like 

    (1:08:15) really just gets to the point and and  lays it out in such a thoughtful kind of way so   Bravo man uh we’ll have a link in the show notes  for people for the book um we’ll have a link to  

    Your Twitter I know you’re active on Twitter  is there any or X or whatever we’re calling   it now um is there anything else that you want  to highlight or give people a handoff on Seb   yeah I’d just say like um I’m also so I started  writing about kind of the financial world and  

    Kind of macroeconomics and looking at it more (1:08:44) from the social sphere and from that   stemmed uh I kind of co-founded a educational  platform called Looking Glass and so if you   guys are interested in just learning more  about the these topics feel free to check  

    Out looking glass education and the other thing  that I should also mention is that this book I   wanted to make sure that price is not a barrier  and so if for whatever reason you’re not in the  

    Financial position to be able to afford the book  reach out to me like you can it’ll be available   on Amazon it’ll be available in paperback (1:09:12) and ebook and whatnot but if you’re  

    Not in a position to be able to afford the book  I do not want that to be a barrier and so reach   out to me either on Twitter or pop to Looking  Glass education and just fire us an email and  

    I will happily send you the ebook for free because  ultimately I think that knowledge should not be uh   well price should not be a barrier to knowledge  and yeah we have we have a ton more content on  

    Our Looking Glass and then the other thing I  should mention as well is in the last kind of  (1:09:37) six months to a year we partner  with the Bitcoin advisor and we also just   help people getting Bitcoin off exchanges through  collaborative custody so if you guys need any  

    Help with that feel free to jump on as well  more than happy to help out the Looking Glass   website’s free correct yep all free yeah we try  and make like one of our I would say our initial  

    Core value kind of proposition with looking  blast is to make sure that all of our content   is free and accessible and so for instance  like we have one of our other books beers for  (1:10:05) Bitcoin where we kind of break down  Bitcoin from the origins to kind of how Bitcoin  

    Actually works on a technical standpoint to  then how to interact with Bitcoin and then   the theoretical life cycle of a Bitcoin that book  you can buy in physical form but again we’re just   about to release it as a free course so again  we try and release everything for free because  

    Ultimately I’m actually even though I’m very Pro  free market intellectual property I tend to be   I think that for society to grow we need (1:10:31) to share knowledge and to share   knowledge that’s how we’re able to flourish and  so I tend to be of the opinion that people that  

    Have the the money to be afford these books I I  greatly appreciate it if you don’t don’t worry   at all and we want to be able to support you in  that love it all right well we’ll have links to  

    All of that in the show notes Seb thank you  so much for making time fantastic interview   and uh love the book love the book thanks a  lot Preston no the value honestly the value  (1:10:57) you create the value you offer through  whether it’s social media through the podcast is  

    Truly like there’s no one else out there so I just  I really value the information you’ve created it’s   hugely influenced my journey and I’m sure I can  speak for Millions out of thank you sir as this  

    Proliferates even if you’re not on it it’ll be  able to infer who you are because you’re notified   these things are so powerful you’re not going  to be able to hide from AI no matter what you do 

    (1:11:25) and that’s why Bitcoin is so critical  in where we’re going this is where the future is   going and there is no going to be no hiding  from it no matter where you are in the world


    1. I really think I'm starting to understand bitcoin… It's a never ending learning curve, the more you learn the higher percentage of your portfolio is in bitcoin. You are done learning when you hit 100% lol…..

    2. All prices fall against bitcoin…
      If you cant afford anything today just buy some bitcoin and one day ur bitcoin will be able to buy it…
      Save in bitcoin and you can buy a house way sooner than if u saved in fiat…
      A house today might cost you $500,000 or 12 bitcoin but that same house might cost you 1 bitcoin in 5-10-15 years… maybe even less than one bitcoin…. 🤷🏼‍♂️

      Bitcoin is real money its the money people always needed!!

      Stack sats, save in bitcoin and you will be much more wealthier in the future than you are saving in fiat dollers!! ❤

    3. Usually socialism doesn't reform, it goes bankrupt, like a drug addict to the ultimate bottom, only after there is no productive persone left to plunder, it will change

    4. The western governments for decades have played the game:regulate local bussines out of bussines, then import it from abroad, tax it on entry. Get payed for inclusion/exclusion in 'free trade agreements'

    5. A history lesson on the emerging monetary system competing

      Bitcoin had zero monetary value from January 2009 until May 2010 when Laszlo paid Jeremy Sturdivant 10,000 BTC for two
      Papa John's pizzas.
      Bitcoin entered the world with zero monetary value and had to slowly go through a process of spontaneous monetization.
      Contrast that with altcoins with their premines (insider initial allocations) and initial value:

      For example, in the Ethereum sale–
      You had to exchange BTC which had real monetary value for ETH.
      Nothing like this happened with Bitcoin.

      Instead, a bunch of math and computer nerds fell in love with Bitcoin for its properties and ideology–
      And then accidentally got rich.
      Satoshi mined Bitcoin in order to secure the network–
      Satoshi never profited a dime since.

    6. Great conversation. Great ideas! I just need to mention that a lot of what was discussed I've learned from Stefan Molyneux one the past 15 years. Would love to hear a conversation between Molyneux and Preston!

    7. Money is devaluing to infinity. Data storage demand is growing to infinity. Bitcoin for decentralised money. Filecoin for decentralised data storage. Both hugely important for humanity. And both very much certain to succeed in their respective areas

    8. The most valuable interview I’ve seen over the past few years. I’m going to purchase multiple copies of this book to send to my family, friends and colleagues for Xmas.
      Thank you!

    9. Imagine Preston paying taxes for every video he exchanges information with us. He enriches us like someone exchanging an asset for fiat currency, both an exchange of information.

    10. I feel one Of the greatest challenges that we first timers face in the ma rket is that we end up losing all we have,making it difficult to find ourselves back to our feet. My biggest advice is to always seek the services of a professional just like I did when I ventured into it for the first time. Big thanks to Alvarez Micheal. I now make huge profits by weekly through his services while still learning to stand on my own.

    11. This is such a brilliant discussion! I am always amazed by how many different areas bitcoin can be applied to or provide inner connection with. Seb's research truly brings this to the next level. I am also a practitioner of buddhism and holistic healing (Chinese medicine). The inner connection Seb talked about between bitcoin and many societal and even health or spiritual problems really struck me. I agree that Seb and Lynn are both amazing. I have Lynn's book and can't wait to read Seb's! Thanks for the great episode! I am also grateful that bitcoin bring a group of people that are first principle oriented and very truth seeking together!

    12. The healthcare system is ballooning because the boomers are getting older and they werent taught how to live a healthy lifestyle when they were younger.
      Its also because the only thing poor people can afford to eat is 85 cent microwavable pizzas from WalMart.
      Im 40 years old, been working since the day I turned 16, and I cant even afford a house. My paychecks all to to necessary bills. Ive tried looking where I can cut back, and I just cant – Im simply not making enough. If I was able to save even a tiny bit each check, Id be fine, but lower level workers just cant.

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