We run down all the popular artworks posted to CAF between December 18-24, and also review highlights from sales reported from original Comic Art Dealers and Auction Houses for the same periods.

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    Hey everybody welcome to another CF update the 177th and I’m broadcasting live from Northeast Ohio once again I’m in uh my mom’s house the house I grew up in and uh she’s had this thing since the mid-60s so this was not my room this is actually her sewing room so uh yeah I

    Did not decorate this thing but you know we’ve got well tonight I can actually say that tonight we will have a short show because it’s not uh I don’t have really much plann for this one but we have some important things to go over and uh and talk about regarding a few

    Things things regarding ox and then of course uh best subs are going to be happening so I want to remind everybody of that because we’ve only got uh what three days left to get artwork entered into uh your calf Gallery before the end of the year so uh so yeah plenty of

    Plenty of stuff to talk about so I welcome everybody here tonight I saw it was Albert moy’s birthday of all things I’m sorry I didn’t buy him a gift I didn’t send him a card uh had I known I might have done something for him but um

    I’ll write it down for next year so uh will m be making an appearance tonight no Mr redjack my mom’s well you never know I should not say she does I don’t even know if she knows I’m broadcasting I didn’t tell her that I had commandeered the sewing room to do this

    So she may walk in thinking she can get on on her computer next to me um but we’ll shoe her away um but uh but yeah and she won’t be at oax either I I’ve had a few people ask if I was going to have any other family members out of the

    Aside from the immediate ones make it down there but uh no she won’t but I’m sure during the reception more than lik we’ll we like FaceTime with Mom so she can kind of get a feel for uh What uh you know what we’re doing down there so

    She can feel proud of me uh one last time uh so anyway so let’s uh you know you know what time it is we got Bob Leighton here he’s flying solo tonight Joey’s not with him and um I’ve got some video he he went out dining he’s uh he

    Was sampling some new uh some seafood not the uh not the fish penises or whatever that was that we’ve talked about a few times but this thing does wriggle definitely uh you know something you’re going to see here but let’s take a look at where Bob Leighton was this last Week okay so Simone what are we doing tonight we are grilling eels and if you look below we got some salted eels we’ll salt them soon but you could see the little tail bits they’re squirming in the heat they’re not having I see this oh yeah this one’s twitched yeah that oh

    These stuff are so good well it’s Contracting is what it do oh oh no and we’re going to put these in our mouth right okay wow okay so there’s a good start so we’ll going be back with some more in a minute look at them it’s just have they’re they’re so fresh

    Having so much fun oh who okay Bill CER you’re going to love this one man fantastic all right so here it is all grilled up I’m going to hand the phone over to Simone it’s all it’s all yeah it’s it’s going right now okay so

    We’re we are going to just try a big old chunk of uh the grilled eel by itself first of all before I add other stuff but this is the Twitchy tail e yep oh God that’s hot oh you dropped it you spoiled child it’s mosted really hot but really really tasty very

    Barbecuey okay another another winner other winner right there go but sometimes it’s the okay Simone’s here she’s going to have to do this sober she hates that help me he’s got a gun behind me anyway welcome to drink and draw this is like what our our 17th week or

    Whatever or something like that anyway uh we have a very small turnout tonight because of the holidays but uh and it’s cold as balls outside well it’s not as bad as it was last week last week it was terrible anyway so uh coming up 2024 this is the last week of

    2023 2024 in Korea is the year of the dragon dragon yes so we are going to do dragon related characters or themes for tonight’s and probably next week since there’s only four people here yeah the one the one time we have a good prompt a

    Cool one no one comes yeah I mean I kind of waiting to do this one and it’s like so uh but with the Christmas holidays you know a lot of people are not around or whatever so we’re going to do this and we’ll probably continue the theme

    Next week as well when everybody comes back cuz some some people are out safe some people are visiting I know uh Lily is in Singapore oh yeah uh so uh anyway on with the show and we’ll talk to you guys live in a few minutes what you

    Should draw Iron Dragon no I already started Kitty pride and lucky fine there you go all right but make it stupider how could anything I do be stupider we’ll see anyway on with the show drawing feet because I’m totally not into feet no take but that’s a very

    That’s a convincing boot yeah it’s a convincing boot so you’re actually doing a comic page yeah I am doing a comic page cuz you’re excused from drinking draw tonight yeah I am but I barely Drew [ __ ] today wait I got to write down notes of show me the other page you were

    Working on uh this crap okay so let me make this let me make the background a bit more uh darker I this put it lightly cuz I’m all the time here Okay young is uh just got started he got got here late here’s our famous Batman writer n he’s going right he even showed up with his bad back is this helping any yeah yes is yeah well it saved me after my back went out yes and you’re drawing flat and you’re

    Drawing where’s the dragon okay Iron Man fighting a dragon okay okay you draw flat though you guys supposed remember you got eyes should be parallel to the paper all time let’s see what my brother over here is doing you oh you killing it as always look at this he’s so

    Good you should be making money doing this you know Mr Bob Leighton welcome to the show so what are you sewing there bill I was never good at sewing me a sweater dude I I hate to say it but I actually did learn how to knit when I was a kid because you know back back in the in the

    70s what the hell did we do for fun man I mean outside of going and catching frogs and stuff I mean there wasn’t much for to do drugs and sex well I was still you know a youngster in the in the 70s you were your Prime oh yeah um listen Joey sends

    His uh his condolences to not attending the he was called away on family uh business so uh yeah just I’ll be flying solo today but uh that’s all f as you saw we had a the smallest turnout for drink and draw you know most most of the

    Uh people that come to the shop are expats so uh they’re they’re still celebrating the holiday so a lot of them went home or they had family visiting and stuff like that so uh yeah that explains the small turnout but that means I get to do the year of a dragon

    Again next week well nothing wrong with that you had the holiday and everything and then uh you got New Year’s coming up some people are probably busy out of town and then it was it’s been cold over there so well no last week they actually had a record low it was like eight

    Degrees with a 20 M hour wind man that I mean that’s like Denver and the winter kind of cold you know uh it was uh yeah unbelievable but it’s it’s warmed up it’s a balmy 43 degrees today um so but I’m so looking to get back to Florida

    Just even for a few weeks you know like I said I I I finished doing all my booking or whatever so I’m uh I’m ready to head out in about 19 days you know I’ll be on my way to to uh Florida and to Ox exactly we’re uh looking forward

    To having you back in Florida yeah I hear you have a great lineup for that to it’s it’s getting bigger all the time huh yeah yeah well we’re fixed now I think we’re no more you know but we’re still getting inquiries from people we had uh two or three artists email us

    Today that uh we’re hoping you know we had space but um but we’re turning everybody away at this point no more uh we’re we can’t take on any more artists we submitted our floor plan to the uh to the the people who are doing the pipe

    And drape who have to submit that to the fire marshal and all that so so we’re we’re fixed we’re set we’re ready to go well that’s good that’s good I’m I can’t wait I’m very very excited about it man you know so as are we yeah besides the

    Fact that like I said I won’t have to wear heavy winter clothes well we hope fingers crossed right it could get cold every now and again yeah yeah but listen no matter how cold it gets in Florida it’s gonna feel like a balmy warm day here okay uh so

    I’m I’m not concerned about that too much but uh hey you know uh listen there’s still time I still have a couple weeks left before I leave so those last minute commissions I’ve still been getting them you know uh uh few a week so uh this one yeah this one I did for

    Ox I channeled my inner Barry Windsor Smith for this uh you know having ink Barry for so long uh every so often it’s like it’s like there’s something that he you know he’s known for like U Mohawk storm where I’ll just flip a switch and I go right into Barry mode because I

    Love inking like that I don’t do it on everything but uh you spend you know like 10 years working with the guy and it’s like yeah it’s like uh that that organic style of his is like really fun fun to kind of switch into so uh yeah I

    Did this for Josh Flanders who will be at the show or whatever but uh I kind of went crazy because you know sometimes it started out as just a single figure thing and it turned into a cover 11 by 17 that was the one that uh

    Josh got 11 by 17 Single Character with color so yeah great don’t expect that everybody okay it’s but every so often I just lose my mind but yeah I was kind of happy with the way it turned out yeah it’s a fantastic image Bob well sometimes you just get crazy you

    Know you get rolling on something and you just get a little crazy but like I said it’s good to switch into that mode uh Spencer had me do this for one of his clients uh I was slated to take over the X-Men during that time period Dave and I

    Were friends from the fansing days MH and he he uh really liked my inking and he wasn’t happy with Frank Chante so we had planned for me to take over the book I did one issue I did one W up with 105 but it was a b monthly book and back

    Then you know at $25 a page for inking you know a team book yeah you know monthly I couldn’t make a living so Paul lit had offered me a a contract to come to DC so I did one issue the X-Men left which did not make Dave happy but I

    Always thought he and I meshed well together so uh obviously like it went a little crazy on the metallic uh uh visor on on on cyclops there but uh uh otherwise it’s pretty much true to what Dave what Dave penciled but uh I love these markers I got from Germany too

    Because they uh um they uh really down flat you uh they’re really nice they’re alcohol based markers I I bought them on German Amazon you know and they’re kind of cheap but for some reason they lay down a nice flat color you know so uh I’m

    Kind of kind of happy about that oh what oh listen you never even commented on the eels Mr squeam well I was yeah well I was I wanted to Circle back to that but we kind of rolled look at the other commissions I didn’t get a chance to do

    A lot because I’ve been uh I’ve been mentoring Simone uh because as you can see she’s incredibly talented this was a a 9 by 12 uh single figure he wanted Iron Man in the uh mode of changing putting the armor on so I uh I did this little 9 by

    12 thing I forget who this was for but uh very nice there’s going to be a lot of happy collectors at oax picking stuff up oh I got a pile of stuff for them that’s for sure uh and thank you guys for you know including me and putting me up on the

    Site there because it’s been uh it’s given me a chance too to get back into work mode you know I spent eight months on the road and not doing much in terms of comic art so it’s nice to get back to doing it you know I’m enjoying myself

    Hey before we talk about those yelds though an Antoine wanted to know what was the brand of the markers that you up from Germany I’m looking right here uh Tong Fu Tong Tong fu is the marker brand and uh like I said they lay down uh I

    Bought them on Amazon Germany because I I can get Amazon Germany here without going through customs you know so uh if I order from the states uh they they usually have they sit in customs for weeks at a time so I just started ordering art supplies from Germany

    Instead uh you know hey I guess they have a better treaty with Germany than they do with the United States in terms of uh merchandise and stuff so uh yeah Tong Fu really cheap markers but they lay down a really nice flat color you know it’s like sometimes you’re

    Pleasantly surprised you know that the more because the ones that I use normally the prismacolor whatever are just God awful expensive you know yeah so uh but uh it’s it’s nice to be coloring um anyway uh was there any other ones this week I didn’t get a lot done

    Because like you said I was I think that was the I think the other stuff was uh was just the images that were yeah no I didn’t I didn’t get a lot done because of uh uh like I said I I spent a couple days mentoring Simone because as you

    Could see she’s uh yeah I know they’re available on Amazon us but I can’t get Amon us when I get when I get to Jason and jills I’m gonna order a crap load of stuff to bring back though man I’m gonna bring one empty suitcase so I can just bring

    Back all the art supplies I need or whatever uh I still haven’t got word on the movie yet so I have no idea so I’m just planning on staying here until I hear from Marcus so um you know I just have to get on with my life for the most

    Part so um anyway um yeah the the markers yeah but try them uh if you can get the tong Fu there in the States because they’re they’re like I said they’re crappier made but they lay down a nice color uh surprisingly I’ve never heard of that brand before but well me

    Either like I said it’s it’s like uh uh Amazon Germany you get what you get you know so I said you know they were dirt cheap I mean I think it was $17 for that Bo this set of like 32 colors alcohol markers you know it was like uh so I

    Said hey you know why not roll the dice baby that’s what you do so a professional question you know from Antoine were you ever late Laton were you ever did you ever miss a deadline Bob uh not in my career no the one thing about uh especially the old

    Bill you know this from the old days you miss a deadline or two you’re out you know exactly back then back then the printing charges from just missing you know uh the print date on on something was really really pricey I mean uh uh back when they uh printed in Sparta

    Uh they would charge you like something like $177,000 a day for every everyone you miss so you miss a couple of deadlines and they replaced you I mean it’s it’s as simple as that uh I was always very good in terms of getting deadlines done um I’m sure there was a

    Couple times where I was a little bit late and had to buy some time one way or another but uh generally speaking I you know I I was that’s one of the reasons why I got work in the first place is because remember John gave me that issue

    Of Iron Man over Tusa to do and I did it in three days uh also you got to remember I lived down the street from marvel three blocks so I was like the uh off-campus night uh art department so people would always slide covers under my door and we

    Can have this by noon tomorrow kind of thing uh yeah you know so that’s why there was so many covers by me in the 80s was that just because I was uh living in such close proximity that they knew they could get it turned around in no time right uh there have

    Been deadline problems due to other things like uh uh editor rejecting half the book and making us redraw it you know uh I heard that happen to you once yeah X Factor yeah X Factor yes I saw those on published should have decided that he didn’t like the story that he approved and

    The made Butch and I redraw half the book which is funny because I have the originals and the original is still a better story I have it xeroxes I went back and looked at it it’s not the changes he wanted were were like minimal in terms of like how it

    Affected the story it’s just you know he like things done his way you know but uh we still made that deadline uh we stayed up for three days without sleep in a hotel room long story uh drugs were involved D you know uh we uh we got it done we got it

    Done wow that’s crazy but did you did you uh what was your reaction when they told you you know that the whole they wanted to redo it drugs yeah fine I mean but you know because like I’m working with Jim on Secret Wars he would do the same

    Thing he would like you know he’d write the story The Plot himself and then throw out half the pencils and decided to rewrite the story you know uh so you know him being editor and chief he couldn’t argue with him so uh anytime I ever had a deadline problem generally with J

    Involved well there’s a funny story real quick yeah fny that Valiant he was always late on on on his scripts that was the last thing that came in right so we got into the process well because I was running production too of doing the lettering on a separate page and then

    After the art came and Inked we would paste the balloons in because the balloons the script would you get last so after Jim was gone you know uh and you know uh I took control of the company uh I remember going through the bullpen one day and I look down and

    They’re doing they’re still doing that with the books I’m like and I’m going what’s going on and since they were all newbies they were like well we thought this is the way it’s done I go no letter on the boards they go wow that’ll be a lot

    Easier and I bring this up because being an art collector uh show if you guys have early Valiant pages and you see that the balloons are on there or there were balloons that were pasted up and falling off that’s why generally it’ll be a a story that Jim wrote that had the

    Balloons pasted on because the script was the last thing we got wow yeah so funny so they they thought it was like me Moses coming down with the tablets when I said said no let her write on the boards you know they’re like wow that makes it so much easier

    You’re so wise Mr Le yes oh my God like you know what a revelation now I’m going to invent the wheel yes wow that’s crazy but uh so so tell us about the eels they were R they were clearly very fresh tell me your reaction to the Eagles first well you

    Know well I didn’t know what you know seeing them on the uh barbecue there to begin with I couldn’t imagine what they were going to look like after they were cooked but they kind of look like like calamari the way they sliced them up oh no they’re quite delicious for those

    People that had Japanese eel before the the kind with the sauce and stuff on it eel is delicious or you had eel Sushi it’s not much different except it’s got a real barbecue flavor to it and what they do it’s really simple this this restaurant that’s all they serve in

    Korea you go to certain restaurants they only serve one thing you know and that’s when you go to that restaurant and you get one thing that’s what they do right and uh this place was eel and they they have all these eels swimming in a tank

    Just like you saw with the crab right they just get one out they filet it they take the guts out and boom they salt it and put it on the grill just like that I mean it’s literally five minutes before it was alive you know and then boom they

    Just stick it on that’s why the nervous system is still act active when they slap it on the grill so you have it like waving at you as it as it’s being did you have to cook it yourself or do they actually come around they do it for

    You it’s really cool cuz they sit there and they have like a Korean the Korean barbecue it’s that’s what it is basically and no they they sit there and they they cook the whole thing for you and then they come in with scissors and they cut it into pieces they use

    Scissors here like kitchen utensils uh they use scissors for everything you know like cutting salad cutting uh food cutting noodles you name it you know uh a pair of kitchen shears is part of the Korean silverware that you get on a table you know uh it’s it’s kind of cool actually I’m I’m

    Surprised we don’t use it it’s very practical uh but uh yeah it was quite quite uh quite delicious All Things Considered you know um but again you know it’s been a while since I grossed anybody out here on the CF live show so I had I figured I told Simone I said

    Let’s let’s go eat something wiggly so she uh she had that so you saw she’s working on some stuff she’s incredibly talented but she’s been working as a school teacher and she she doesn’t really like her job a whole lot and so um she’s still young enough to uh uh you

    Know I could turn her away from the Dark Side here and uh so I’m I’m trying to Mentor her and get her out of there and get her into illustrating full-time because she’s amazingly talented um and she’s kind of squandering it and I said you better do

    It now while you’re still uh young and energetic and and relatively cute you know nobody wants an old Korean lady to be drawing their comic covers so uh yes I’m I’m working with her but I’ve done that my whole career you know in terms of mentoring people you know you you had

    Sean Chen on a few weeks ago you know Bernard Chang and uh yeah Brett breeding Paul Ryan the late Paul Ryan you know all these guys were all uh former pupils of mine man we we need to have you back on for some more interviews uh you know do

    Some deep Dives on some of the creators you worked with I I forgot about you working with cochrum you know early on in the F yeah we did the CPL days Dave was a contributor to the old CPL back in the early 70s man when he was still in

    The Navy you know uh and then uh he got out of the Navy and started working on uh uh Legion superheroes he did a tremendous job over there before he uh uh went over to Marvel but the new X-Men all those Co costumes came out of a book

    That he had done a book of costumes Lo he had like a loose leaf uh notebook and he had while he was in the Navy he was just designing costumes so the costumes for the new X-Men he just pulled out of that book of all the costumes he designed same with the legion

    Superheroes yeah because he I mean there was like a hundred different costumes that he had created while he was in the Navy that became uh the legion super new Legion of Superheroes and the new X-Men I’ve not heard that story before I you know I’d be very curious to see uh

    Who owns the uh you know that that Sketchbook that’d be pretty cool to see well Katie’s still around she probably has it yeah you know um his wife his widow I don’t know if she I know I know that you know because i’ seen a like a a

    Binder like a 9 by2 spiral bound art art tablet that he had that uh was full of like Aurora model drawings you know like Godzilla oh yeah he did he did he loved Godzilla you know um yeah he loveed any reptiles when I went to his house I only

    Stayed with him once when I was uh when I first went out uh you know I was crashing on people’s floors but I couldn’t stay in his house more than a day because he had reptiles crawling around live ones crawling around all over the place you know he had snakes

    And iguanas and stuff like that you know he was a total freak for reptiles and me I it it gave me the crawlies you know and he’s feeding a mice and [ __ ] you know and like yeah I can eat Wiggly eels but I don’t want to see a snake eating a

    Mouse but uh Dave was a great guy man he was he was a a fun guy and we we worked well together when he became the cover editor at Marvel too so uh we go way way way back wow yeah that’s why it was fun to do that X-Men Recreation there it was

    Like uh uh you said we always meshed well together and it was like uh I I really enjoyed his work underrated I think oh that question I one of the best uh costume designers you know for sure or all time I mean he ranks up there without question without

    A doubt so what else is on the show today not a whole lot I’m just going to cover a few things for uh about ox and um I’ve got a got one or two videos to play and that’s about it yeah I’m it’s lowkey um because when I’m up in Ohio I

    Can’t get anything done I mean I just all I have is you know because usually my laptop is hooked up to a widescreen monitor so I can have you know multiple windows open and I can actually work but when I have to sit here and just look at

    The monitor my laptop and then have my and then I’ve got a second one over here I just I can’t get anything done I just can’t can’t function here I hear you that’s you know I mean I understand that having been on the road for uh what

    Almost a year now MH uh it’s like uh yeah it’s it’s it’s hard to get anything done when you’re not in your comfort zone uh but anyway uh so I want to tell everybody out there you got about another week to get any last minute Commissions in okay because like I said

    I only have about two and a half weeks left here in Korea before I head out so uh you know this is your probably last chance to do it this week uh for those people that still want to get a drawing or whatever before I go

    All right they can just go to oxo.com and request their Ox commission there and I know you’re uh you’re doing some with Spencer for those who can’t make it to ox and you can go right to your website too and oh yeah just go to

    Yeah no problem so um well I hope you have a good New Year you doing anything fun uh no because I always because you know being a recovering alcoholic for what it’s going to be3 years I stay away from St Patty’s Day Fourth of July and New Year’s you know I

    Stay from drunk in the holiday you know so I’m probably gonna just uh take it easy right here I’ll be sitting my drawing board here working hard you got like a window you can open a balcony can like open up and hear if anybody’s shoing yeah you know right outside

    There’s a little terce you know right that I can go stand outside if I want to go freeze to death but dinner with Joey and Ma Jedi Master Sheen tonight uh to uh uh I bought uh a pair I bought a pair of snow boots from uh uh Germany right uh from Amazon

    Germany right and I looked at the sizes you know European sizes compared to American sizes they have a chart right so I bought you know I’m a 10 and a half so I bought a 44 that’s was supposed to 10 and a half well European sizes run

    Smaller than that so I get the boots and they’re like really expensive boots they’re almost 100 bucks right I mean they’re furline they’re beautiful and wellmade you German engineering and they don’t fit and I look okay I went to return them and it cost as much as the boots to

    Send them back to Germany so I just kept them I gave them to Joy I said look we’ll find somebody that these will fit while I’ll I’ll gift them as a Christmas present so I ordered another pair a size larger and they fit perfectly so you

    Know my and they they kept my feet warm during the thing so I gave them as a pre Christmas present to Jedi Master Sheen and he’s the Star Wars nut right you know that noodle guy right uh and uh he’s so grateful that he’s taking me out

    To dinner as a thank you tonight so I don’t know if it’s gonna be anything squiggly but I you they know me and it’s like if it’s something weird or it’s penis fish or whatever it is uh you know uh we’re going to go do it okay all

    Right that’s what we want to see we want more more of that but uh yeah when we talk next week I’ll be back in Florida so I’ll have art on the walls and it’ll be a lot of fun I’ll have some more commissions and some uh hopefully um the

    Whole drink and draw crew will be back as well so we have some more amateur art now listen all these guys by the way anybody that sees a picture that they like from these drinking draw guys they can purchase it okay you know because it

    Goes to a CH it goes to the charity the the homeless you know mother’s charity um uh so if they see one of those pictures and they want to buy it they can always just contact Joey and buy it flat out right here I’ll even show because we

    Didn’t get to see it too uh too long on the video clip but there was the yeah that’s my my first Kitty Pride well I I did a Nightcrawler in storm for you yeah I remember that yeah Phoenix the first thing I ever did for you yeah I remember

    That yeah so that yeah the first person to ever give me the gift of art Bob I have to tell you so well listen it’s I guess it’s paid off hasn’t it it has it definitely I always remember that you know was a very pleasant surprise you’re

    The first person that was like thank you for everything that you know it’s so funny because when I was doing this I was thinking about Paul Smith is Paul Smith still around yes he is he uh he does not go to shows unfortunately we no I understand that because he was scared

    Small children but uh uh uh where’s he at now uh he’s out west I know he likes to he likes to just get on his Chopper and uh I know well the reason I asked because I was channeling my inner Paul Smith last night when I was doing this

    Because you know I mean when I when I think of uh Kitty pride and locky you think of him of course right and and I I was asking questions of Paul because Paul used to ride into okay when I lived like three blocks from Marvel he would

    Right in on his Chopper and he crash on my couch he goes can I stay on your couch for a couple days that would turn into about two weeks he’d sit there and he draw an issue X-Men then get on his bike and ride to back to California and

    I mean that was my relationship with Paul you know he would come hang out on my apartment and then you know eat my groceries and then take off you know but uh no we were really good friends for a long time and I I don’t know what

    Happened to him but I know he’s always been kind of easy writer yeah they’re doing IDW you know artist edition of his work I think it’s coming out sometime in 2024 you know Dune beer went to his house and scanned some of the remaining X-Men pages and other stuff he had from

    Back in the day and uh but yeah he just doesn’t I I haven’t you know I haven’t seen a him at a show in the 24 years I’ve been collecting original art so I don’t I don’t know when the last time he went out well you know again it’s like

    We there was a group of us that all kind of hung out together you know kind of Bad Boys crowd you know me and him and uh Butch G and John Rita Jr and Billy s kevich you know and it’s like so but Paul yeah kind of kind of fell off the

    Map I mean uh every so often I’ll see something posted from him uh I mean a piece of art or something so I’m presumably he’s still around I mean last thing I saw was from 2017 yeah well he you know he he has his own website he

    Drop he does uh I mean I don’t I I don’t pay too close attention but I mean he’s always selling sketches on there he’ll drop like eight or 10 at a time then he won’t update his site for 10 days or 14 days and then he’ll put another six up

    There so he’s he’s still got you know but he doesn’t I don’t think he really takes commissions he just not he does he he he does whatever he has to make enough money that he needs you know I mean I’ve always I’ve always loved him because he’s been such

    A free spirit you know uh as long as I’ve known him you know he just kind of does whatever suits him yeah and uh you know I mean I’m kind of doing that now you know I’m easy riddering around the world but uh a little little more uh

    Controlled than that you know I’m not hopping on a motorcycle uh and trying to do stuff like that but he was always kind of like I said a free spirit that’s I’m glad to know that he’s still around yeah I lost got really long hair Gray beard oh yeah

    He’s always look like 10 miles B road but that that’s beside the point yeah definitely was bitten by uh Peter Fonda as a child and that turned into easy writer uh but it’s got to be I mean he’s my age so he’s got to be a little harder riding that bike these

    Days you know he’s uh I I admire him for the fact that you know he does what he wants and uh you know oh I love that I love that about him you know I like have nothing but love in my heart for for Paul and

    Anybody out there who knows him tell him Bob Leighton sends his best okay keep doing what he’s what he’s doing I’m glad to know that he’s still around and still working amazing talent one of the most amazing talents ever at Marvel well listen Bob I’m glad we got

    To spend a little extra time you know together tonight we don’t get to you know you’re you’re usually on a on a hard deadline because of all I got C’s fault but yeah C didn’t even give me he didn’t give me an outline or anything

    He’s just like he he just I told him I was thinking about not doing the show and he’s like you got to do the show well you got to do the show so it’s all right otherwise I don’t want squiggly eels to wait two weeks dude no

    No no no we can’t no it had it had to be seen tonight but um uh but yeah I look forward to what uh what you guys put together for next week more dragons is fine so yeah we’re gon like said since there was a slow turnout we’re gonna

    Keep the Year of the Dragon going for another week I think I’ll do Bruce Lee next week that’s that would make sense enter of the Dragon right it’s close enough right we’ll see we’ll see I mean obviously I’m trying to do commercial stuff because I want it to

    Sell if I just drew a dragon that’s fine and good but if I do stuff that that our comic book people would recognize it’s more money for the charity that is very very true I T to keep it a commercial I keep it commercial all right Bob well listen you

    Have a wonderful day have a have a good dinner with uh with with Joey and uh uh and the guy what’s his name again I forget now Jedi Master Sheen Jedi Jedi Master Shen and uh if you eat anything interesting be sure to film it for us oh absolutely absolutely all right we’ll

    See you next week okay thanks everybody all right yeah always fun hanging out with Bob especially when we don’t have a deadline so uh that yeah that’s good um I saw somebody was trying to get Bob Direction he should have been wriggling after while he was eating that

    Eel but uh yeah he he he didn’t catch that I didn’t see I saw Chuck rnold say that he thinks that Paul Smith is still doing some commissions I mean we saw the one that um Paul did for um Jason right not too long ago so clearly he does take

    Him but I bet it’s a little hard to um to Wrangle him you know to get that uh get those done but that’s still great obviously my I I’d love to have a Paul Smith X-Men page one day that uh you know they but they don’t come cheap

    Unfortunately not anymore so let Bob get back to is Tom F yes exactly but you know it’s funny um I was over obviously I was over at Mike’s house last night and I I did finally pick up a couple pieces of artwork from him uh that I

    Bought that I had sitting on that stack for a while and strangely enough it wasn’t I actually did get a Tusa Iron Man page but it wasn’t ink by Bob um I actually I don’t even know who did ink it prob is I don’t think the sign but let’s See let’s see tus oh it’s Keta inks so yeah this is from issue 86 I’ll show you guys that another time it’s a good page though no Iron Man on it though um but I could you I’ll show one page because Jason was asking me what I was doing

    Over there so I did pick up a um a page by LEL U um I have uh I always like LEL stuff and he had that short run on new X-Men uh or did they call it new X-Men back then Issue 102 this was a uh of a

    Nice semi spash page we could call it that right um but uh you know get psylock Rogue and Colossus on there not too bad when this was done I think one one of the first pieces of OA I bought was um was by lanel it’s got some

    Sketches on the back too so kind of cool but I sold it I had a DPS from one of the uh one of the X-Men issues with the whole team on it kind of in a similar pose to that but uh but I sold it I forget I think

    Dexter Vines might have in that one and Marque was repping Dex at that time and I got it from him but I’ve always wanted to replace it so uh where’s kops kops is not on that one sorry didn’t uh did not pick one oh hey Allison nice to see

    You um yeah what I what else did I get I can show you one other thing I I picked this one up this is one I’ve been wanting to get for a while I think I I teased this a long long long long time ago saying that there was a wron that um

    That Mike had that I had set aside you know I can’t afford a good writs in page but um this it’s going to be glary because it’s in a bag um but uh but I don’t know how you know Mike had this uh old dusty like duffel bag and it was

    Full of um convention sketches and he’s I don’t even know where it is like he hasn’t sold them on dueling dealers he hasn’t sold them uh on his website so so I don’t know where the heck the duffel bag wound up um his site his house just

    Gets more and more insane when I go over there I couldn’t believe how much new artwork he had laying around um but uh this is a wron that was I me unfortunately it was framed so it’s got some yellowing on it but uh it’s from 69

    It has the note that it was a Conan sketch but you know did something he was probably doing for fun but uh you know it’s on it’s like prob 9 by 12 so you know most most a lot of Black Ink on it but uh but this was one I could afford

    To pick up so very happy to have it and you know this is kind of just something you’re not going to see too often who knows who who had this big collection of uh convention sketches and commissions but uh this one this one stood out you

    Know for me and I set that one aside so that will probably be my one and only righton that I ever own but uh yeah thanks guys really writes in exactly I know isn’t it I mean it’s it’s cool cool I won’t be able to get it scanned and up

    Into my calf until I get back to Florida though so that’ll be part of uh maybe that’ll be something I enter in the best of 2024 you know when I get those posted but um uh before we talk about best of what else do I want to talk well oax um

    I can let you guys know that we’re probably at about 10 VIP tickets left we’ve sold a quite a few and we had a lot of people obviously upgrade their weekend passes for that um I think we’re closing in on close to 345 300 50 tickets sold to the show so with just

    Over four weeks until oax I think you know it’s safe to say we should be well into the uh 400 tickets sold by that time which will be pretty darn awesome I mean we always uh that’s around what uh we we had hoped we would hit so I think

    Uh you know getting to that level makes me very happy but you know for anybody who’s coming out and hasn’t bought their ticket yet and and would like to have uh you know be at the VIP party on Friday night I would uh encourage encourage you to buy your tickets soon I mean

    Literally there you know I won’t I won’t say who bought the tickets but I mean the last two we sold are to regulars in the chat uh longtime calf members who you know I always was wondering will these people buy tickets and so they they just bought them in the last 24

    Hours so yeah I’d say uh if you want to want to come out and hang out for cath’s 21st birthday party and the inaugural uh kickoff to oax um you know don’t delay don’t delay so ah yeah that’s well you yep CW thank you for doing that we

    Appreciate it uh and Adam yes I I saw you know you picked your tickets up uh in the last week as well so um yeah tomorrow night uh then four weeks from tomorrow night we’ll um we’ll have the reception and then rolling right into it

    But as as you heard CRA and I are pretty far along we’ve got we finalized all the layouts of the of the booths and the you know the artist areas the couple islands that we have collectors Valley it’s collector’s Island if you want to call it that so everything’s done all the we

    We’ve got a few table assignments to work out but other than that you know it’s been handed over to the pipe and drap people so they can hand it off to the fired uh Marshall who can sign off on our uh Booth layout then you know set

    Up there but I think you know most of the aisles are like 13 feet so we’ve got lots of space and uh I think you guys are going to appreciate it everybody who comes at uh who are we no Allison uh no you’ll uh I think you’ll like your

    Location and your uh and the people who are uh right next to you you’re going to be very happy with that I I I won’t spoil it though for you but uh well at least I don’t want to spoil it for everybody out there I don’t want to uh I

    Want people to be surprised we we put a lot of thought into the you know the flow and the layout and which which groups we were going to put where so um uh yeah I think there there’s going to be like this uh you know kind of a

    Murderer’s row of uh of artists and you you of course and Adam are in that uh in that area it’s going to be uh it’s going to be exciting it really is so but but that’s what that’s kind of the fun part really is just trying to think about um

    You know which artists you’re going to put in the same same areas or you know beside each other lots of you know there are several artists that had requests could I be near this person uh you know that sort of thing but um but for the

    Ones that don’t they’re at our Mercy as far as like trying to figure out where we want to want to structure things but you know the main reps and things we put we have a couple main islands two two primary islands and on basically an end

    Cap ends up being on either of those either side so we put you know Felix is going to be on one essential is going to be on one Jiggy from next comic art has one and then h mark because he’s got the Riveras and Maxi dallow and he’s

    Bringing some extra art as well and a few of the Reps have um are in booths it’s gonna be awesome ah boy yes and uh oh yeah okay K’s yes we we we thinking about uh I just know Adam’s going to probably be doing a a fair amount of sketching so

    When we were trying to think about the layout uh we had you not on a corner of a row but then we thought you know what it’s probably better to put you in on this at the end because you know knowing that there’ll probably always be a few

    People in line we figured that kind of would space things out really comfortably for you so you only have one uh Corner mate but uh but you you you know uh you know the people at that Booth very well so uh all right exactly see well I’m glad we were we we

    Got that covered for you Alison and it it was it was really um the last day when we were laying it out I thought I I suggested that so awesome uh so but yeah as far as that goes the only I could tell you we actually did have a

    Cancellation today um and I hadn’t put them on the website so in a weird way it’s not like uh it was completely official even though we had talked about it here on this uh you know on the show the last time I had Joe lindar on but

    Joe did um you know we were we were going back back and forth about could he make it really even though he already had said to everybody during one of our shows that he he could um I could tell he he was uh he just does he’s too busy

    He’s not he doesn’t budget his time well enough but we had a really nice email exchange today he apologizes he can’t make it for this year and um I told him well starting in February we’re going to start figuring out the plan to get you

    At o in 2025 so um so he gave me the thumbs up on that we’ll we’ll definitely start working on uh on year two right after uh Ox is over so uh but yeah I’m disappointed I haven’t seen Joe in a while but he said that he has no uh no

    Plans at the moment to go to any shows in 2024 so that uh you know we’ll see but be beyond that um yeah that’s about it for ox just uh get your ticket soon I was doing layouts for the uh the badges and the uh and the lanyards today so

    We’re really kind of getting down to the last uh nitty-gritty stuff we’re finalizing the the stuff for the swag uh bags that we’ve got um yeah it’s uh you know it’s fun kind of getting past uh this week once tomorrow’s over I can tell you that both casar and I will be

    Very very very happy um yes Donnie may be crying that’s true um I and I don’t want to know about the drinking that team Oreo will be doing uh you know at at your uh your artist alley or your collector alley table um but all right

    So moving past all of that we have um uh we might as well talk about best of right okay so best of you you as everybody knows we uh have a submission period for best of that begins right after the new year I think we’re going

    To start it on the 3 and that’ll last two weeks and then voting will last for another two weeks we we decided to carry the voting past ox so I think the Thursday after Ox that’s like maybe February 2nd uh is when the voting will

    End and so like you know Jeff sing had posted in the comic artl you know wondering whether or not we could uh uh have a um yeah incorporate the best of awards into ox and that’s certainly that was actually something we talked about early on and we just felt that given the

    Nature of what we had planned for Friday with the reception and Saturday with the art auction that doing the awards didn’t really fit you know the best of awards at oex didn’t fit really well into year one but um it’s something that we’ll strongly consider for year two and uh

    You know I we’ll see it makes sense you it makes I think it would make it a lot more fun but uh but still it’s just another thing we to try to wedge into a show that’s already kind of packed to the gills with with things going on uh I

    Didn’t bring the The Mask here to Ohio Marcus I don’t bring I don’t care it with me so uh black Viper adoran Says new categories best pick up under a thousand I mean those are that’s an idea but everything all our categories have always been based on Art type I mean we

    Are adding mystery sketch to the um to the set for best of this year um I don’t you know we we did not plan for anything uh you know kind of granular like that um I know that we talked about that something along those lines last year

    Like people being able to flag uh dollar ranges and things yeah these things really need to be written on a whiteboard and then we can really plow through it I don’t know if that’s something that Moren and I can incorporate in year one uh you know on

    Your one in this upcoming one but you know what I I remember that conversation we talked about price ranges uh with the best of voting so that you could look at the overall which is the one that would get the awards but then you could say show me the best interior pages they

    Cost less than $1,000 you know sort of thing it’d be interesting to see certainly um because obviously the interior pages that cost the most are probably going to be the ones that always come in the top five um I don’t know I mean we’re all here in Ohio right

    Now Morin doesn’t even come back to Florida until about the 7th I I fly back on the 1 so and we’re starting the submissions on the third so trying to wedge in new programming like that may not be possible and but you know what maybe I’ll invest in that whiteboard and

    Then have uh have those up on there um yeah Bob’s in the chat to best regular travel segment uh well we’ve only had 30 episodes with you Bob and you know and you’re the only one that’s done the travel and food uh food critiques so um

    But yeah I don’t know let me think about that with the with the best of stuff to me at the end of the day I’d be curious it’d be curious to see um you know we’re you know it’ be interesting we all like data um Nick Bry likes Bob’s idea in the

    Best travel segments could you imagine that every year we would have artists uh you know filming something whether they were out uh having an interesting cocktail somewhere or eating something that no one’s ever seen before and submitting those for the calf update that that would be that would make for

    An interesting year of uh of video that is for certain um but as far as best of goes just as a reminder for everybody you know I’m going to send out a mailing tomorrow reminding everybody that they got to get their artwork submitted before um you know it’s midnight Eastern

    Standard Time on New Year’s Eve so you got to have the art in there by then otherwise it’ll be ready you know it’ll be for for the best of 2024 I know a lot of people have been posting a lot of our work too so uh you know I know that

    That’s that’s kind of uh you know the approach that everybody has last week to 10 days we get a lot of art work getting posted to calf um the one thing I can’t show it to you properly but you know as a reminder when vot when submissions

    Start on the 3 a mailing will go out and cover all this but up in the uh in the menu on calf underneath you know your account uh and collection there’ll be an option for submit your best of 2023 pieces and because it hasn’t reached

    2024 yet this is what the the old page looked like uh you know it’s still showing me from stuff I submitted in 2024 and I or 2022 and I can’t edit it but you’re going to come to a page it looks just like this everything will be

    Set in yellow because when you go here it’s going to show you all the pieces you haven’t submitted this gives you uh but each one will have a submit button to add it to the best of and you’ll do that as you can see like got my five

    Pieces last year are these five that were up here at the top so that you know you’ll come to this page you’ll make your submissions and I’ll go over this next week when it’s actually live but uh the thing is you know you pretty much have that full two weeks during the

    Submission period to go back and change these so you could you maybe you know you can you could submit them and have them set up but they don’t get officially like put into the uh voting section until the day we close submission so uh pretty straightforward but I’ll get those links out for

    Everybody on the third but uh but this one page will only show artwork that you posted to CF in the calendar 2023 year and uh yeah so good luck to those of you that done it and and we’ll have a we’ll do the probably do the award show well

    It’ll be the uh the week after uh oax the week the weekend after the weekend after oax so I can’t tell you what that day is right now but uh uh I could probably if I look at the calendar here let’s see it would be we

    Close voting on the 2 so probably on the 6th of February is when we would have the best of awards uh you know as as usual I would assume mle will be free and we’ll be able to uh co-host the show you think it’s a 10th would I do it on a

    Thursday I’ve usually done those on Tuesdays I think um but uh but yeah at least that’s what I think I’ve done in the past 10th um yeah anyway so uh oh 10th no anyway we we we’ll work it out I’ll get those dates out for everybody

    When I do the other uh do my update tomorrow so best Aqua bong yeah be the only one with that so all right let me remove that so there you go but now I’ve got uh last week I had a page I love queued up and we didn’t get to watch it

    Because uh I had a full schedule so this one is by Ryan Suk so Kevin Sharp once again he delivers I think he’s got four more in the queue for me uh I think 10th is a Saturday I was looking at that Chuck but that’s why I think it’s

    Probably going to be on the six but I’ll I’ll have everybody I’ll make sure everybody’s aware of what the schedule is on uh on you know tomorrow because I’m going to send out one last reminder about best of for everybody um because there you know the thing is it it’s cool

    Facebook’s awesome everybody I know I you guys go to town posting your best five Acquisitions some guys can’t help themselves they post their best 10 I’ve seen guys post their their best 50 over there on many of the Facebook groups but uh you know and that’s cool but it all

    Started right here and uh I don’t know why my lights just went out I wonder if that’s a power issue holy smokes that’s weird uh H this is going to make for I you know I guess it’s a good thing that the uh the

    Paige I love is here now I have to see what the heck happened maybe my mom blew a fuse here in the sewing room but uh either way yeah cap after dark this is like one of those uh Friday evening horror shows you know I’m gonna I’m

    Gonna play a Godzilla flick you know it’s Godzilla versus mathre everybody uh here at the you know gouard after dark Blair witched anyway let me go ahead and uh play this Ryan Suk page I love and figure out what the heck is going on around here in Brunswick Ohio so uh here

    We go take it away Ryan hi this is Kevin Sharp I’m here today with Ryan Suk artist on a secret soon Tobe announced DC Comics project to talk about a page by Art Adams how’s it going Kevin good so tell us what book you’ve chosen I chose the uh New Mutants as

    Guardian Wars or X-Men as guardian Wars as it were miniseries that art Adams Drew back in the 80s sometime I my memory is not good enough to pinpoint it exactly my memory actually just reaches to this page and and this series uh specifically because at the time as a I was probably

    About 11 years old I think when I first saw this and I was was uh picking up all my books at in like quarter bins and boxes at the flea market and I got I got this thing I’m going through the boxes like you know with my probably I had a

    Dollar to my name and uh this was like striking gold at the flea market and I chose this page in particular simply because these two drawings of magic as she’s being con converted from you know or or I should say really she’s being uh cloned somewhat or this Spirit spiritual

    Form of her as being created by this sorceress she the drawing there is so burned and blazoned into my memory because when I saw this I had never seen anything like that in a comic book before art Adams broke ground anyway for me stylistically and this series in

    General the whole series it was really hard to pick a page obviously but uh would you have seen Arts work before this this at all the first comic that I ever bought from a comic book shop because one had opened near my house everything prior to that was either flea

    Market or 7-Eleven you know spinner rack but the first comic that I ever bought from a comic shop was classic Xmen number one strictly because of that Arthur Adams cover and I had a I like seriously my allowance was a dollar so going to the comic shop with a dollar

    And the comic was a dollar which was way more than my regular budget and I couldn’t resist it had to spend my whole you know the whole schola on the on the Classic X-Men number one and I got all those covers that he did and when I was

    I think I remember being home and disappointed that the Interiors were were not his so when I like I say when I found this at the uh at the flea market the full project being done by Art and and the I mean it’s just one of those

    Jobs I mean it it’s got tons of material iial in it that just remains you know completely scorched into my memory it’s one of those things that as a Comics fan I I have uh held on to all this time so when you look at it now as a

    Professional tell us about what um stands out to you on the page well first of all it’s I mean just the drawing art as a guy who just can draw and could draw he had a style that was unique he had a cartooning ability that it he still does I shouldn’t say

    Did but at the time I’d never seen anybody draw like him I mean you could make comparisons to Michael golden or or different artists and stuff like that that he was maybe influenc some of the stuff that Walt Simonson did uh special effects wise but just as a guy who had a

    Style that was so standout and unique and set apart from what was going on in the mainstream of comics at that time he immediately caught my attention most of the stuff that I was influenced by by up until that point was not superhero comics my dad collected heavy metals and

    And uh illustration books and stuff like that so I was more interested in like the studio artists and Bernie riton and uh you know uh Mike Kuda and mobus and and Richard Corbin those kind of guys I mean even as a kid right I probably shouldn’t have been looking at that

    Stuff but I but I was and I loved it and yet here was this American Artist doing mainstream superhero comics that to my mind mind are still and were then comparable artistically and this page is just a standout in an already standout series you now when I look at it as a

    Someone who tells a story for a living and the craft of it having done all my study years since then to learn why something works and why it doesn’t if you look at this page real closely you’ll see Chris Claremont who wrote this and I actually have written read a

    Couple of Chris’s scripts they are novels in them eles to read the script is a chore uh and I’m sure this is no different but when you look at the page the information that he was able to get on that page what art was able to bring

    Across there was no small feat not to mention leaving room for all of the text that heavy heavy dialogue and expository dialogue that Chris was writing in these panels and still be able to see the transformation of a tortured magic and the separation of her spirit being now

    Trapped and tormented in this demonic version which starts out demonic and then gets even more demonic and and it’s just like that’s impressive it’s impressive to be able to bring that across on a seven or you know seven panel page or so not to mention an oddly

    Unusually stacked panel page but God he really brought it across and that’s hard to do as a Storyteller um and and maintain the ability to provide such detail such inventive design and creativity to these things look at the chain mail on that second version of Magic’s suit now that

    I actually copied that figure and Drew it several times redrew it several times trying to learn why it was so amazing and why it worked so well and I always liked that shot with her real heavy sharp cheekbones angling down with the Shadows to her her narrow chin there and

    Uh he did that a lot with spiral he was drawing at the time and everything and uh just unique classic and and beautiful beautiful piece of work great thank you Ryan for joining us absolutely thanks for having me yeah thank you Ryan and I agree with

    With Nick Nick said Ryan’s one of the nicest people and most talented in the industry really is we’ve had him on a couple times we did that uh hero initiative um art sale that was gosh that was like a year and a half ago but yeah Ryan’s Ryan’s awesome and he was on

    The he was on the short list to come to Ox but he ended up not being able to make it this year so fingers crossed we get him in Year too we’ll see but uh yeah he’s he’s an awesome guy I saw that highlighted that comment from Chuck

    About needing an artist an X-Men artist Edition from art Adams that would be pretty fantastic and I do I’ve got the lights I got to figure it out it was uh it wasn’t a tripped breaker um actually it was something stupid but but yeah it was a little frightening there for a

    Second but it was uh it was all my fault what happened to the lights I actually my you know Ashton streams my son streams and so I borrowed his ring light and uh I plugged it into the other laptop and I think the laptop went to

    Sleep and when it went to sleep it turned the ring light off so the only Li in here was from my uh from my PC live and learn who would have thought um but um at any rate ow damn it’s hot too um anyway so let’s see here what do

    We got uh Chuck Arnold yeah it’s a you know Chuck I actually saw you know what berky had he actually has and he might even have it on his site he actually has a Frank quitly um Authority page if it’s not on his site I can tell you what it

    Is it wasn’t it was not like a great one I wasn’t any team members on it but it was cool to see I have you know those don’t come up too often but I did uh I did see that and I know how much you love Frank’s Frank’s artwork so uh but

    Outside of that uh yeah I saw Kelly goon mentioned that big Chuck and was it did you say hulahan or did you say little John I don’t remember uh but either way um that was yeah little John was hoolahan before Little John and I got to

    See them all numerous times my dad would take me out to the malls when uh when they would do signings and stuff so I used to I proba like four or five you know like autographed photographs from uh from those guys back in the day and I

    Think I sold them all on eBay but uh but yeah always fun those were the uh Friday night stuff misspelled Little John he did that’s okay I I met uh Little John at a restaurant once he was kind of a jerk the day for a guy who was only four

    Foot tall he had a big ego so uh you know but hey you know that’s it was part of his charm so uh so yeah so like I say we don’t have a whole lot more to talk about I’m not going to do a calf update

    Like I usually do I know there’s 80 people watching and you probably wish I’d go another two hours but but uh that’s just not in the cards tonight um I I told Mr Mr snork have the night off so I ended up not doing picks you know I

    Apologize it’s it’s back to being very unproductive well I can’t say I’m unproductive I’m working the whole time but I just can’t focus on things like I normally would when I’m doing uh my Thursday updates but yeah we’ll be back at it next week but I do have uh what do

    I have for everybody I have got the uh the EXP preview for tomorrow so I got that delivered to me just before the show and I’ve got that cute up here as you know Nick baruchi is on Friday nights 7M on his YouTube channel his Facebook page twitch for those of you

    Guys who like to play games and stream at the same time and uh even on Instagram now I looked into that they don’t make it easy to stream on Instagram so I’m not sure how often I’m going to do that but uh I’m GNA look into that in the new year because you

    You never know some people might watch things over on Instagram I think Instagram for me would be better just to be posting uh video clips of shows versus streaming live but but we’ll see but let me go ahead and play the EXP preview for tomorrow’s show with Nick RI

    Everybody this Friday December 29th 7 p.m. Eastern 400 P p.m. Pacific guess what the original art experience will have a great original art show now Amy’s not here tonight so I can make all the bad jokes that I want I can make this video run long Alex is filming this so

    He’s just got a straight face uh he doesn’t care he won’t yell at me but you know what that’s not fair to you guys so Friday the 29th 7:00 p.m. Eastern 400 p.m. Pacific let’s get into the show we are going to have Shogun Warriors by herb tripy and Dan

    Green X-Men Avengers AVX who axis by Chris Anka check it out Cyclops and Magneto I wonder if there’s a cyclops fan out there Rick Leonardi Superman 668 Dan Green inks check out how awesome that is then I’m going to have a three page three sequential pages to Detective

    Comics annual eight pages five six and seven with the origin of the Riddler check it out it is awesome then I’m going to do a blockbuster price for this as a sequential Set This is Amazing Spider-Man 11 pages 9 10 11 and 12 and I’m going to Blockbuster

    This last week we did not get to the Superman 39 cover by John Rita Jr we’ll get to it this week Ben Riley Spider-Man hm maybe I’ll do this at 100 or less by baggley maybe I’ll do this Ben Raley Spider-Man at a 100 or less now Omega

    Collects had committed to this double page spread but then couldn’t pull the trigger although he did donate 50 bucks to saved whiskers which I appreciated so we’ll bring that back then we have a little bit of Breet Booth check it out gunsling respond then we have this cover

    Which is gorgeous and then even though Aquaman is underwater in the theaters we’re going to bring some Aquaman mostly because it is gorgeous Steve epting art and maybe just maybe maybe you might be able to talk me into putting up my Thundercats one and two covers by J Lee

    Check it out how awesome this is all right so Friday December 29th last show of the Year 700 p.m. Eastern on the original art experience and hit that thumbs up and share sharing is caring see you Friday at 7 take care everybody bye there you have it sharing his Shing

    Thank you Mr bruchi so uh so yeah so honestly that’s all I got planned for tonight everybody I thought about trying to reach out to um to some people but the thing is uh you know I know that the next what do we got how many shows do we

    Got until we get to Ox I’ve got the fourth the 11 we got four shows until we get to oax and I don’t even know if that last with on the 25th will I even be able to do a show maybe maybe I’ll do a walk through of the show floor because

    It’ll all be laid out by that time but uh the next three shows are definitely going to be be you know very very focused on uh on some probably some of the ox announcements and things and showing off some of the fun stuff we’ve got planned uh I could tell you that

    We’re going to keep the swag all secret because uh you know we want to we want to keep things interesting because we know a lot of people are going to probably want to show that those things off once they get to uh to Ox we want to

    Keep it fun uh you know we have a we have some interesting things planned for the floor a lot of photo opportunities I think are going to present itself so I I I just have a feeling like this will be probably one of the most well documented

    Um you know convention experiences by uh you know in the OA uh Community ever so and that not that it’s a high bar across but uh but given the fact that you know there’s there are a few other shows out there where people could uh document it

    Well um you know I mean we’ve I think we’ve mentioned it to you guys before we’ve got a couple videographers that know what they’re doing Tom McDonald in the chat he’s gonna be he’s one of them he’s going to be shooting video during the during the show kar’s had a few

    Conversations with him and the the other people who are doing this with us they’re they’re having their own team meetings on it as well so this is going to be fun I think you know and we are going to be doing a few um few streams during the show for those

    Of you who can’t make it just more walkthroughs and those sorts of things but Ashton’s going to be helping with that and those things we might actually stream straight to Instagram uh and some to YouTube we’ll probably play it play it around a little bit but uh uh yeah so

    Mick says live stream the auction we thought about that Nick but you know and we’re we’re going to see how the first year goes it could be could be future auctions we might live stream for fun and maybe uh you know maybe we’ll try to

    Do a stream just for people to see it but uh but you know as as everybody knows we will be we’re going to start getting pieces in we’ve been seeing some pieces I know a few like Mike aled posted a couple pieces that he’s got in

    The auction I assume many of you uh got to see those he he did a couple painted pieces I have a few minutes here since um uh I have nothing else planned I can show you show you the pieces that Mike has put into the show uh for the auction

    They are very nice let’s I could get over to Instagram here there we go uh I can share that so I forget what the sizes on these are I think they’re Kar no I think they’re 16 by 20 each of them so a nice Silver Surfer image and a

    Madman image so those are uh those are going to be avail at auction and I can’t wait to get to see these in person we’re going to have a gallery for you know a lot of the auction pieces that are going to be out there so I was just happy you

    Know that Mike Mike wanted to put two in so uh so yeah you never know what you’re going to get but uh we’ve been we got to see uh these are 3×4 um gosh I didn’t think they were that big but uh it wouldn’t surprise me

    I know he was working large and he is mailing these to me and stuff like that uh we you know we will work with everybody you know I can ship uh certain things back for for anybody who doesn’t want to try to travel with a with an

    Oversiz painting but uh but yeah the these are awesome I was playing around with one of these images earlier to to see if it would make uh make a decent image on the lanyard for instance or on the I should say on the badge so um so I

    Saw that we’ve we’ve seen some of the rough images that Simone is working on I can’t I think within a week we’re going to be able to see uh those I probably won’t share those because those until it’s time to post it but that’s going to be pretty cool obviously we we’ve shown

    Off what Adam worked on Adam Hughes uh did and that’s been uh turned over to geard to work on background so I’m looking forward to seeing that I’ve emailed a bit with geard in the last week as well so uhh Alberto’s asking about the uh the

    Shipping service I you know you know I I’m sure we’ll I i’ I’m happy to help where where’re needed because I know uh you you know nobody wants to bring back you oversized artwork with them you don’t want to roll it up uh you know so

    We’ll we’ll work things out for those of you um who need assistance with those things um so other than that uh yeah Allison get drawn um but yeah I know it’s you know we’re looking forward to a lot of work to do but tomorrow is our last big hurdle kezra knows this

    Once tomorrow’s pass we’re going to be in a much much much more happy state because now we’re now we’re just planning all the fun stuff for everybody and um uh yeah so I’m G I’m going to call it a night see I told you this would be early we’ve only gone over just

    A little bit of you know an hour hour and 20 minutes here so I I appreciate everybody hanging out and I wish I had more content for you tonight but um I don’t but next week when I’m back in Florida we’ll be back to our normal normal stick but look for some emails

    Tomorrow for certain uh definitely on the best of and some ox stuff but you know thanks everybody I hope hope everybody had a great Christmas we did here uh you know I didn’t get any art but I got a I got a lot of fun stuff I

    Actually grab mine right now no I don’t I got some fun socks from my daughter she always buys me socks so I’ve got uh I got something pretty fun from her and uh I’m looking forward to hanging out here for New Year’s um we’ve uh Emma and

    I fly back on New Year’s Day so we’re we’re flying back on Monday and then Moren and Gwen drive back on the 7th so you know it’ll be an interesting week or two here but I hope everybody has a fantastic New Year’s I’ll see you on the

    Other side of that have a wonderful evening and uh and stay touch if there’s if you got any questions about oax just hit hit hit casra eye up we’re happy to answer them because we’re getting a lot of questions the last week or two but

    You know it might take me a few hours or even maybe 24 hours to reply but but hit us with the questions we’re happy to help out all right guys hey GS have a wonderful night we’ll talk again

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