İkinci Dünya Savaşı serimizin 3. bölümündeyiz.

    Luftwaffe Başkomutanı Mareşal Hermann Göring’in İngiltere’nin işgalini hazırlaması gerekiyordu. 1940 yazında nefret ettiği düşmanı Winston Churchill’e karşı hava savaşını başlattı. Başkent Londra, Alman Hava Kuvvetlerinin de hedefindeydi. Nisan 1941 itibarıyla İngiliz sivil nüfusu arasındaki kayıplar 27.000’den fazla ölü ve 32.000’den fazla yaralıydı.

    1. Bölüm: İkinci Dünya Savaş – Polonya saldırısı Savaşın Başlangıcı
    2. Bölüm: İkinci Dünya Savaşı – Batı Seferi Fransa Cephesi

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    Translated titles:
    Segunda Guerra Mundial (3): Batalla de Gran Bretaña | HISTORYMEDIA

    Zweiter Weltkrieg (3): Luftschlacht um England | HISTORYMEDIA

    Seconde Guerre mondiale (3) : Bataille d’Angleterre | HISTORYMEDIA

    Segunda Guerra Mundial (3): Batalha da Grã-Bretanha | HISTORYMEDIA

    द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध (3): ब्रिटेन की लड़ा

    World War II (3): Battle of Britain | HISTORYMEDIA

    二戰(三):不列顛之戰 | HISTORYMEDIA

    Ikalawang Digmaang Pandaigdig (3): Labanan ng Britanya | HISTORYMEDIA

    Δεύτερος Παγκόσμιος Πόλεμος (3): Μάχη της Βρετανίας | HISTO

    Вторая мировая война (3): Битва за Британию | HISTORYMEDIA

    Hello, we are together again in the third part of our documentary consisting of 16 episodes in total, which we prepared to shed light on the darkest chapter of German history and the bitter realities of the Second World War . In this section , we will discuss the air wars undertaken by

    The German Air Force Luftwaffe against the Royal Air Force in order to gain air superiority in order to carry out the planned landing and invasion operation against Great Britain . Soldiers returning from the front were welcomed with enthusiasm. In the city of Bruchsal in the state of Baden, residents warmly welcome

    A fleet of bicycles stationed in the city . and an American observer noted: “This is the first time I have witnessed such boundless enthusiasm.” The Germans were laughing and crying with spontaneous joy. Such a welcome has never been experienced before or since.

    From the point of view of the vast majority of the population, after the surrender of France, it was no longer impossible to reach an agreement with England, to which Hitler always sought. In “Mein Kampf” one could read that he dreamed of how the world would be shared.

    And perhaps the magnificent peace offer of July 19, 1940 was serious in this respect. Hitler’s ideas about how to divide the world were clear-cut. Great Britain would rule the seas and overseas countries, and Germany would dominate the European Continent. Germany’s dominance of the European continent was certainly not up for debate.

    I think the majority of the people wanted the war to end this way , and such a tendency was predominant among the officers. The German offer was met with a firm rejection by Prime Minister Churchill. At this stage Churchill’s ability to ensure that the War Cabinet ignored the tempting idea

    Of ​​a comprehensive peace agreement was one of the most important decisions of the entire war. Because if the British had given up at that moment and Churchill had not thought, “If we choose negotiation, we will lose,” they would never have gotten out of this situation. Churchill was certain that from then on there

    Would have to be total resistance and an unconditional determination to see the war through to the end. However, the British had no grand strategic plan at this point other than to survive and control the sea lanes as much as possible.

    Because Britain was dependent on the Empire’s overseas territories for both materials and supplies. And also, of course, almost all , or at least the majority, of the soldiers fighting overseas were citizens of colonial countries. Therefore, it was vital to protect the Empire’s supply routes. England was expecting an invasion by the Wehrmacht

    , and so the British Homeland Guard was also arming themselves against the enemy. Contrary to expectations, if the Germans advanced inland, they would encounter various camouflage tactics. Hitler wanted to force the British to surrender. Hermann Göring launched air strikes against England in preparation for Germany’s invasion of the British Isle.

    Churchill was aware that he needed a strong comrade in arms against the Germans. Churchill, an adventurer, loved war and had a character that never accepted defeat. In July 1940, after all foreseeable odds, Britain was an absolutely helpless and collapsing power. However, Churchill had a British father and an American mother. So

    He played the game, which had already proven extraordinarily useful in the First World War. He was thinking about how we could attract the vast American continent, which was the greatest financial and production power of the period, to our side and drag it into war.

    Yes, the Germans were now able to carry heavier bomb loads, using airfields in occupied Belgium, the Netherlands and Northern France, and instead of large fuel tanks on their planes. However, German pilots also suffered heavy defeats in air battles with the Royal Air Force. The German air force was extremely well prepared,

    Having developed many new techniques and gained experience since the Spanish Civil War . They had area bombardment, attacks with Stukas, and even bombs that were a sort of precursor to the napalm bomb. They also developed warfare techniques that the British had to copy. But all this was not enough

    – there was a fundamental lack of leadership, especially regarding Goering’s strategies. Initially, they followed the correct strategy of concentrating their attacks on airfields, gradually weakening the resistance of the Royal Air Force. But then, with his characteristic impatience, Goering suddenly made London, a much more symbolic and prestigious target, the main target of attack.

    This is what saved the Royal Air Force from this critical situation. According to the Führer’s wishes, the capital of the British Empire had to be wiped off the map. London was the main target of German attacks for months. In the later months of 1940, 23,000 people were killed by air raids.

    Almost all districts of the city were left in ruins. Fighting morale was still high in Great Britain, and Winston Churchill was sure of this, mobilizing the people with fiery speeches. Churchill still hoped that the United States would enter the war soon.

    He could win this European war only if he managed to turn it into a World War. This suited his temperament, his courage, and was the only chance he saw to save his Empire. Because no one in England believed that a defeated England could keep India and

    Control the Indian Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean. Therefore, Churchill’s only option was to turn the war into a world war , and Churchill activated the only option he had to save the British Empire, that is, this sinking ship . The British Empire had long been threatened with disintegration.

    Resistance against colonial rulers was rising in India, one of the main pillars of the empire . After the last major uprising, Indians were granted the same rights as the British. However, while the brutal exploitation of India by the British led to poverty and famine, modernization could not reach the peasant masses.

    The independence movement led by Mahatma Gandhi was now openly challenging white rule. India wanted to enter the war only in exchange for independence. The British ignored this demand and declared war on Germany on behalf of India. In the Far East, the Empire of Japan occupied Manchuria in line with its colonial ambitions.

    To deter China, Japanese air forces bombed Shanghai. The great powers of World War II were Empires, dominating the lands they seized by force, and Japan, their “model student” of imperialism, gradually followed suit. They developed their industries and militarized their empires according to the European model.

    And in a sense, they became the pride of Asia. Japan gradually advanced from China’s north-east, from Manchuria, along the coast to Shanghai via Beijing, and in 1937 launched a war for complete domination of China, in which the Western Powers sided with the poor, occupied Chinese.

    But they couldn’t find a way to stop the Japanese. Japan took action to take control of all of China. On September 27, 1940, at the initiative of Hitler, a new alliance was signed in Berlin under the name of “Triple Power Pact” between Germany, Italy and Japan. This pact

    Formed the basis for the post-real claim of three empires preparing to divide the world between themselves. Italy’s sphere of influence would be the Mediterranean, Germany would want to control all of Europe and Eastern Europe, and Japan would dominate East Asia.

    With this show of force, the Japanese in particular believed that the United States could be deterred from entering the war. The Japanese suffered a great loss of sympathy in America and Britain when they allied themselves with the evil of the world: Nazi Germany

    , but this alliance was actually a treaty that gave Japan no military power gains. In fact, the Western world was shooting itself in the foot. The collective domination of the white, Christian, imperial brothers over the eastern hemisphere was becoming fragile, weak, and increasingly contentless.

    The people they held in their hands there felt this. They were aware that this hand was weakening. Along with Japan, these ignorant, weak and poor people also left the Western World. Thus a serious enemy emerged for the Western World.

    As early as December, Hitler had ordered that planning for war against the Soviet Union be completed by May 1941. Hitler’s decision to attack was encouraged by various events in Russia. It should not be forgotten that Stalin’s liquidation of the Red Army appeared to be a great advantage, which Hitler, of course, secretly enjoyed.

    Because this meant that frightened Soviet generals would probably be incapable of making the right decisions. Hitler was also aware of the Red Army’s poor performance in the winter war against Finland. This gave him the idea that all he wanted to do was kick the door and the whole rotten building would collapse.

    At that moment Hitler realized he had a chance. Had he hesitated further, Stalin would have realized the threat the collapse of England and France would have posed to him. Stalin would then be rearmed and prepared and in a much better position to fight Germany. So time planning was very important.

    Hitler continuously bombed targets in England to bring England to its knees. However, the Nazi administration had to admit defeat for the first time: the German army was not in a position to occupy the island.

    Thus, we have come to the end of the 3rd part of the documentary we prepared about World War II. Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel and turn on notifications so you don’t miss other episodes. Goodbye, see you in the 4th episode of our documentary.

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