Valentina Holl produced a rapid run to clinch the top prize in the women’s discipline, racing to victory and winning by over 13 seconds to cap off a remarkable season.

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    Well tell us what they’re going to be taking on today then uh top of the park I mean on the race sorry just like rock garden right away uh switch back and flat out into the first wood section second wood section is going to be hard

    It’s new it’s fast and blow out after that another high speed under the chairlift and we’re going to enter the two last wood section probably where a lot of problems going to happen today and maybe Mechanicals 53 kilm an hour on the fastest part of the track and the

    The chair lift re charging before the rock section yeah and that’s whenever you enter these trees and the track changes completely this is her way she can do it like the second like the oh no se D in 10.7 seconds up like pH just like she

    Went off the got back up a little she went out of the track there wow look look like replay she loves the front there it’s a little bit off G but then it means Ste greasy from rock to rock back in time 13.3 seconds at the third

    Split what’s the fourth one going to tell us as cabaro jumps into this lower wood section I mean it’s two big mistakes so oh no Marine cavar hands fall off her hands came off the bars and she’s down cabaro is down oh we can see the repair want to see what

    Happened oh and clipped and hands fall look hand oh no hands fall off like but she and clip had done the hard work 13 seconds to the good but I mean we started this session by saying the track was looking faster but those Lower Rock sections are really catching out some of

    The world’s fastest Riders as Veronica vidman of Continental new proof Factory racing leaves the star hut who we take a breath after Marine kabaru crashes in that lower Rock section and looks like she is handed second place in the UCI World Cup overall to Nina Hoffman looking good Veronica at the top

    Really smooth not trying too hard but keeping a lot of speed and you come to these trees and all of a sudden you have to adjust completely to it yeah I mean like this is why monan is so legendary because it has a bit of a mix and

    Setting up the bike like we said before is a big challenge so you better feel good 3.7 seconds now so she’s lost a bit of time but crucially she’s still in the lead vidman goes for that wider line the Miriam Nicole approved line through this section yeah she looked good on that

    Line super yeah super smooth not even a little drift perfectly done there tracking fantastically on that nuk proof dhill bike through there those Rocks Under the grass they are so dangerous really hard to see as well but let’s see let’s see her through this section now where kabaro crashed

    What is that act yeah that line it’s like the line you have to avoid all those rocks those rocks are really really slippy 2.3 2.3 seconds now faster for vidman in the green for Whitman this is looking good viman free to go after her on for one of her best

    Results of the season oh that’s good she’s so smooth there wow so consistent from Top to B yeah she’s never looked in trouble has she no she’s definitely dominated the track today Veronica viman crosses the line and goes fast to stand by 2.8 seconds superb run for

    Her oh she’s happy and she knew [Applause] it Nina Hoffman then so her big rival for that second spot in the overall woof back of that V10 just getting a kick through there the Rival that she came into this race competing against for second place in the overall Marine Cabo

    Is down and out so Hoffman can let fly here 57.2 km an hour for Nina 57.2 down the side off the hill here in Quebec that’s fast that’s fast you’re not hanging around at that as she heads towards this treacherous Rock section that has been the undoing of so many of

    These Elite level Riders oh that’s the front but saved it oh straight to the tree the tree Hoffman off the bike she stayed on track though she stayed between the pools what so 8.7 fastest at the third split I can’t imagine how hard this is to in this condition she didn’t take your

    Line down she goes and Hoffman she managed to largely stay upright just stopped by that tree there were lots of pressure between Marin and her for the overall so maybe they try to push in .7 at the third one we need to see what the fourth one says after that big

    Bubble on the entry he was eight and seven this is where cabaro crashed in so Nina Hoffman heading towards second in the UCI World Cup overall as it stands three points f she still leads the way here in Mon and what the way she was charging under the chairlift I mean

    Almost hitting the speed of the man oh so so fast the German national champion she’s had a great year for the Santa Cruz syndicate yeah strong strong solid solid year for sure what a season Nina Hoffman off the double drop who flooded Boss Wheels on the front wheel front wheels gone completely

    As she crosses the line Nina Hoffman 1.1 seconds faster so exhausted she by second by second she still here we go then hold on tight everyone Valentina hle put down a serious marker in the semifinals she want this win she want to finish with this there is no such thing

    As a lap of Honor in This Woman’s book she wants more and more wins she’s quick there she wants to thank the team that stood by her oh you see different L all the way to the right she want to have a hard pack 55.9 km an hour it’s a little bit

    Slower compared to Nina but it’s all about this section this she gets through that rock section cleanly then she’s on to smash that time isn’t she and she seems so relaxed on the bike here we go Valentina hle enters the woods can Valentina don’t make any mistakes

    There wow and speed two enough speed to make it through BR theide there theide one point she took Miriam’s line Valentino what what can you say about this woman in 2023 she’s been absolutely super heading towards win number four one2 in the green for Valentina she’s going to win the final today wow

    [Applause] She what 10 seconds 10.3 seconds faster what did she do absolutely unreal 10.3 seconds fast with just one split to go she got the rock insane what a tur of force this weekend has been from Valentina Hall she head down towards the line to seal that overall title with her fourth win off

    The season Valentina Hull celebrates with the cow and moning and what a right 10c down on that section absolutely stunning stuff from Valentina Hall 13 seconds the difference in the end tanina Hoffman Veronica vidman superb in third place a great run a great result then harnik Harden

    Hastings Gil yon cabaro has to settle for ninth disappointment for her Tanny C have in 10th after that crash perfect timing W Valley Hall what a way to round off this season you won the overall title last weekend and now you’ve just won here at monsan by 13

    Seconds where did you find that pace well I don’t know I know I have to pace I just need to put a run together it’s h it was really really challenging and it’s weird to race without pressure but definitely was really nice we we saw a

    Lot of crashes were you aware of that at the top yeah I changed my line in the Rock Garden because I heard that a lot of girls crashed there doing The High Line so I went semi the first time so it went a bit slow cuz I didn’t know where

    The line was but um yeah it worked out fine for final so it’s good we did see a lot of the girls like you say crash out in the Rock Garden H how much did that suit you well I wouldn’t say it would suit me but it’s definitely an advantage

    To start last because you know where where the issues are on the track and uh yeah I didn’t get much information but enough information Val it’s the end of the season how do you celebrate I just need drinks now and go home going have fun for me cheers thank you so

    Much in first place your Elite women’s down winner here four wins in the UCI World Cup for this woman though UCI World Champs title UCI World Cup overall title Valentina Hall absolutely Peerless in 2023 takes to the top step yet [Applause] again what a way as well to finish a

    Relationship with the team as well he he’s winning the last round class class acts I mean that semi-finals run a bit like Goldstone we wondered if it was going to be enough and wow what a run the race run she had that bit extra in the tank Valentina hole in from Hoffman

    Vidman harnik and Harden your top five in Mons and at round eight of the UCI World Cup Downhill season lots of speculation as to where she will be riding next year but for now let’s just enjoy one of the runs of the Season Valentina Hall there is that overall Title by 9

    Points from Nina Hoffman second in the end after a worthy battle today kabaro heartbreak for her rasnik balanche Seagrave Veronica Wiman up in the 12th that third place but really A hand out result from her great to see as well fairly welld deserved GL scy 14 finina 15th and Lise Ferguson 20th running

    Parton Vander in an EMP

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