You guys have been asking if Wilma was going to feature in this series, so here she is, and it’s time to get some professional advice on how I should be producing her. Thanks to the Liberty Horsebox we had a smooth journey across the country to visit the next exciting rider, you might just recognise him…

    Visit the Liberty Horsebox website here:
    Instagram @elphick.event.ponies

    Vlogmas 2022 playlist:

    Last vlogmas was all about riding other people’s horses and it’s safe to say some owners were more supportive than others what are you doing with your hands back down here this year it’s back I’ll be riding even spicier horses than last year but of course there’s a Twist

    It’s time for the pros to ride mine too welcome to vlogmas 2023 welcome everyone to the penultimate episode of vlogmas kind of sad but you’ll see as I have arrived in the box today is another episode where a professional is riding one of my horses and there’s no points for

    Guessing which horse we have saved until last are you going to say anything Wilma she’s uh she’s trained to do that guys it’s taken me months so as I mentioned right at the very start of this series we are visiting some familiar faces I thought it’d be nice to

    Revisit some of the legends that did did vlogmas last year so today we are seeing the flying Frenchman also known as dandel art and he is going to be riding a very excited and freshly clipped Wilmer haven’t actually told him that yet good girl darling that’s a good girl you stay

    There I know you’re very excited you’re looking very smart so there is actually a reason why I’ve showed you guys the unloading process with the box and that is because Liberty horse boxes are actually the sponsor of this video wo and they are giving away the prize of a

    Brand new box full of goodies I’m afraid guys we can’t give you a uh a free horse box but they have got some lovely merch for you to wear next season get you looking super smart so you can compete in it and if if you are on the market

    For a new horse box definitely check them out so they specialize in building 3 and 1/2 ton boxes this has been an absolute Lifesaver for me because I’m allowed to drive it on my regular car license the laws in the UK and that you

    Can drive up to 3 and 1/2 tons with your car license so it means I can go off and do fun trips like this they’re absolutely amazing at Liberty they’re so helpful they build with the best quality materials and they don’t mess you around

    And there can be a bit of a stigma in the horse box buying world where it can be quite difficult to get a straight answer from people but I found that they’ve been absolutely fabulous to deal with so you can literally get on the phone to them have a Spoke box built or

    They do actually have quite a lot of stock you need to head over to Instagram guys you know the drill by now to enter that give away but I think maybe we should go and uh let Dan meet wilmart I think I’m going to have to get him to uh

    Actually hold her to tack her up because she is wired right let’s go and find your jockey quite glad it’s not me today Dan she’s a bit excited today hello so this is Wilmer hello Wilma good go and everyone this is Dan if you didn’t watch last year I mean I’m

    Sure you did so Dan is a French show jumper and we know him best for absolutely loving your work in the police hces because you’re not only incredibly talented at it but also an absolute crowds man so you’re always the most entertaining to watch it’s nice

    It’s nice to have a little bit of fun oh I’m off coming back yeah I’m coming back anyway so yes this is Wilmer so how old is Wilmer she’s six she’s come over from Ireland about a month ago okay she’s Thad across Kara she looks more wide than she is she’s

    Normally very chilled the kind of thing I’m finding with her is like I’m struggling to actually keep her together and keep her in front of my leg she’s can back in front between your hands and legs yeah she yeah she can just kind of like Drop behind and I can’t she needs

    To build up her bum strengthen yeah so she’s I’m finding it really hard to actually get her to sit for a jump or anything and what did she do in Ireland in history not load she’s she has been to a couple of their like training shows she was on a race

    Yard finnally so I think she must have you know with the half TB I think it was probably like a May that went lame perhaps they had a fall um and she’s done a bit of hunting could be she’s not done that’s the plan the place I got her

    From was fantastic and they had had her for a few months and like actually produced her a bit rather than just quick turnaround so she’s really nicely done she’s just green for a six-year-old okay but I promise she’s safe she was freshly clipped last night but what we

    Lack in here we make up for in neck straps so you’re going to be fine say I hope I’ve an ex strap I have have bought you an ex strap I promise she won’t be bad though I’ll even I will even get on her myself if uh if you want me to she

    Also um she kind of thinks every time she goes out that she’s going hunting good oh yeah they they’re not around here today yeah thank God otherwise I definitely wouldn’t offering to get on her sometimes start right across the road oh my God yeah that would mean the end of us so while

    We tack up can you tell us about the new pant’s horse who’s going to be going to London so we got a new pant’s horse called Cheryl um Cheryl’s own by a friend of ours on hisory where our birthday meal and I got asked if I found

    A horse for London and um Abby burchmore on Cher said thank you you can maybe borrow Cheryl so Cheryl is going to London for Beat pance Dan’s playing this down but she’s basically never done a pance and never been to like a big indoor show has she yeah she’s done a

    Few in Europe but London is a bit different London’s like the biggest atmosphere and classic Dan is like yeah that’s fine I’ll take it into the why not one jump at a time one jump at a time she’s got the scop she’s got the jump she looks incredible if all the

    Cards play well we’ll be okay yeah well when this video goes out London will have actually already been so hopefully you can head over to Dan’s Instagram and see what the f of him winning the pance it’ be amazing a great Story A if you got a brand new brid doll as well yeah all the new stuff for you I did even clean it for you which is why all my keepers are out this is another reason why we come to the professionals guys cuz they uh do your tack for you

    Make sure everything’s in check after I’ve taken it to Pieces cleaning him oh she’s naked you missed a bit no no don’t say that you did on the back in front of a hip right let’s get the Clippers out then oh you look quite sporty today darling

    My hold that thank you don’t want it to fly over in the mud how are you feeling okay good it’ll be really interesting to get your opinion on what I should be doing with her cuz it’s obviously it’s all so new yeah so I kind of need a bit of

    Guidance as to what I should be doing at home over the winter forting I say plenty of schooling and jumping exactly too many too many people at teach to event used to like focus on their dresses and by the time they go Eventing the show jumping fall apart not forget

    The show jumping is actually fairly important now a lot of schools get decided in the show jumping the Olympics and stuff you see the guys like Piggy like people funel they jump a top level show jumping as well and now make the difference when they go R the big events

    That is very true will we’re going to have to come down for a boot camp with Dan aren’t we do like a couple of days here and then just 5 minute up the box got to piggy yeah yeah exactly do like a wig training righty H Chuck some little booties

    On and then I’ll leave you to it good I’m very pleased there’s no fluffy ship skins were you worried I’d come with all the sheep skin stuff yeah and the bling you’re the blingy one you’re a showe jumper I don’t do much bling bling no you know Dam bling is in the mini

    Major I lights on I’ve seen you like a frog costume on or something as well yeah or in my pants jumping the Six B victim that s need to go further forward again a little bit maybe yeah t my horse up what Happ we have your groom where’s your groom she’s not

    Old I know or your mom I mean yeah exactly I to do it by myself now I can drive this Lori around nightmare good yep so just disturbs before I get on yes good shout oh I’m really excited to see what you think did you ride on the saddle last or did well

    I actually changed these syrups so I don’t know what they’re going to be cuz I got them off an old saddle they right for you you’re welcome to get your own had a few Divas Simon that can only ride in his own stups just check oh this one’s

    Longer this is the professional we doing it guys what just have a quick look nothing good girl she go on the mountain block or do you L me up no we can do the mountain block she she might walk off when you go but it’ll be fine I’ll hold

    Her okay let’s go oh the wings fell off Dad’s feeling Brave one two on sorry steering her into the barn for you there all Leg stop in case she goes now it’s actually quite nerve-wracking cuz I’ve been so like oh she’ll be fine fine fine fine fine then you never know with horses do you no they keep you on

    Your toes exactly how’s she feeling up there Dan yeah no she’s looking around obviously sorry got a bit of building going on so is listening but looks very positive good I know what you mean about the truck up like here yeah drop off your leg a little bit yeah so what I

    Would say is always try to make sure if you have Spurs personally I won’t really have them with her but make sure she’s listening and when she pass behind your leg a little squeeze a little top on the neck so she’s got to learn to carry her own body weight yeah

    That’s that’s typical young horse but that’s what you have to do with them so they learn to oh here come on yeah learn to hold their own body weight and that come with time what you could do is some lunging over poles as well okay uh and

    Then after it’s really to work with the rider yeah cuz sometime they’re good on the floor with no Rider and you put the rider on that’s why they struggled a little bit that’s interesting pretty good on the bridal she hold herself well as say you’re making her look nice and smart so that’s

    Good so like here I did a transition make sure I squeeze my upper body and I don’t even have to use my hand I just move my body weight she listen yeah so that’s really good again praise her for a little squeeze she just jump into the truck which is really

    Nice keep her nice and level and then back to the walk he’s very responsive to be fair it’s just in between I would say if you stick to your guns in the next couple of months you’ll see a change a lot yeah that’s it good so that’s really it’s all about

    Repetition with the young horses to do it again and again and again come on she wanted to drop a gear just be aware and just gently Le feed us through to keep the truck right oh we a little warm up in TR just check our our

    Go a little Brea sorry your groom really should have done that for you you got your hands full with your camera so you can’t do it yeah exactly I’ve handed the rains over now now we had a little plane try where we do little bit of canel and nice and light

    Off the saddle okay free a Top Line and try to make a can’t tell in a normal stride pattern if possible yeah uh often you see people just sitting and trying to pull them about too quick and really you have got to CER before you can get a little bit

    Of a line and fishing so it’s all about doing it in a nice steady manner yeah yeah good yeah cuz I think that she has quite a horsey caner but that’s coming from someone that rides ponies yeah but yeah it’ll be interesting to see what you think okay all right well let’s try

    Off caner let’s see see if I can pick the right lead he’s going to be like this is a pony caner oh here try to make a c around the whole school nice and light off the Saddle she hold herself Prett well to be fair almost better than the Trot I would say oh that’s interesting okay and then here I can slowly come back close to my side elow is putting too much fresh air nice and light nice and Tall yeah that’s it that’s why you see a

    Little bit the weakness you just drop the gear again just take your time pick up that lead again and with that like when she does the dropping yeah do I like how do I react to that do I need to like tell her

    No at all or do I just like pick it up again and like not make it into a big thing what I what I do here is that when I ride I try to ride with a lot of feeling yeah but because I’m light above my saddle you can often feel the horses

    Tensing and slowing down before they actually want to slow down or slow down and then what I do is just keep always a nice contact because you don’t want to put leg and have no contact it’s like having a spring coil if you push one end and hold the other there’s no pressure

    Yeah or like with this way if you hold together then you get that pressure yeah so you want a bit of contact on the hand bit of leg to keep the horse together gently okay yeah but on the same time I’m not carrying her when I C her I want

    Her to hold herself just to be stronger here and then develop the back in yeah uh so you want it to get a nice core muscle so the core is what I should be working on first that’s it and then the bum um and then got a few exercise we’ll

    Do after you’ll see so things we can strengthen the up get a better bounces pretty good like two or three bounces yeah sometime I do two diagonal and I get three in one and four in the other and do figure of eight not for a

    Long time but I’ll do like four or five figure of eight and get as exercise so you don’t want to burn their brain as well when they’re young you want to keep them happy and entertained yeah yeah absolutely all right let’s try a b CER the other Way nice and light off my saddle again let’s try to keep it traveling keep it pick a Step yeah I’m light in my seat anytime I can stand up if I want yeah just to free the top line to let the work yeah okay and then gently I’m playing with the contact but without pulling her you know it’s all about feeding the Snapple into her mouth yeah cuz really

    If you look at her you’d like it to form a little more she’s a little bit dry right um it’s just her to relax car yourself and Chop Chop so here you see Dani your transition she almost slowed down too much from can to Trop so you want to

    Keep a little leg as you slow down to keep her engaging the Trot okay and can good girl I’m using mainly my inside leg to support her and help her yeah and back to trot oh much better here so you see she went from the Trot the CER to the

    Trough good girl and Carry On Moving nice forward Rhythm yeah better so she didn’t s fall behind my leg she kept in front of me she already looks a lot more engaged with you like from what I when I’ve watched my videos back I think I’ve

    Been too much like like you said trying to carry her and hold her up and then it’s just really fake they do they do wait for you the young hes to carry them to pull them together but you’ve got to help them in order to get stronger and

    Better and I think if you look back in 6 months time how she is now and how she will be You’ be surprised how much come on yeah I hope so maybe if I leave her here for those 6 months that’s it just need to build more

    Stable it’s not more the building at the minute okay so what I’m going to do now just going to have a play with her an exercise I like to do a bit so it’s not quite the clock exercise call it the Mercedes one cuz it’s like a Mercedes

    Sign yeah um and I’m just going to pop over one Skip One pop over another one Skip One just because she’s still weak I’m not sure she’s quite ready to do all three yeah so we’ll see we might do two okay and then lead up to it um but

    That’s exercise I do with all the horses as well and I go bigger to practice the jump off and strengthening the turn and jumping uh so we can go to like 110 120 oh my God like actual fill on fences up not just one side up no no uh like an

    Upright on this circle yeah oh my God we need to come back a little bit bigger Circle if we jump bigger than that want to come come back and video that yeah I’ll make you do it no no no this is my kind of height yes you said that

    And I’ve seen many videos of you jumping very big yeah but it’s always I said you’ve come on the lot now you can’t just come and wing it so yeah I’m going to set it on the truck R the outside of that Circle just get it little bit ready hey

    She’s already going to caner she know exactly what I’m going to ask caner good girl so nice light above my stups going to step this first one a and missed a second I will sit up tall look at the next same s up tall look at the next oh

    You see like she want to slow down put little leg Yeah good girl right let’s try to do two Then good just here you see every time after the fence little leg make sure you keep that come on oh a little caner I’m doing one more here not the rest Hey that’s that we need to edit look go wow ah good gosh that’s hard to be fair I thought she’d be more spooky not spooky but more behind my leg and not knowing and she took it down really well I you made that look way

    Easier cuz when I saw this I was like oh my God she’s going to find that really hard so when you do those exercise it’s always to be very careful about yourself as a rider your body position to keep the horse balanc between your hands and

    Leg to always control the turn and also when you see the jump don’t say oh here’s the jump let’s jump almost be a little behind squeeze and let the horse step over and Elevate um that’s where you’ve got to ride it like a like a p on

    The floor not like a jump yeah and then it’s the horses we have to strengthen you call the inside h a little more to engage to push yeah cuz you could see her having to like work out and and almost because she she’s a little bit weak but she also carries herself well

    On that right left turn she doesn’t fall in so be interesting to see what she does on the right now yeah whether it’s going to go to Pieces but always very important to be tall after the fence look up and make sure you’ve got a nice counter and engage so you don’t lose

    Power in your Step count up good look at my first F really turn with my two hands and legs keep the counter balance okay little close but let sself come On all right let’s try do two Ah come on so here you see she F to tr yeah a little bit tired maybe all right I just go around reopen the CER a little bit little tap on the neck that’s Yay come on that’s It ah good blessed are we skip battles all this time final surrender in DEC I’m impressed now you can see the tiredness like she’s a I need to help her a little bit so it’s pretty hard so a horse like her I won’t do too much of that yeah but

    It’s nice to have it I would say once a week and is it set on any kind of distance or not yeah I did walk it on a approximate stride after yes it’s nice to keep middle to middle but also because we just want the horse to be balanced and

    Have an okay stride if the stride wasn’t right you see sometime I fell a bit inside when a little bit wide either to catch up ground or give them more room okay so as you as a rider as well it’s good to train your eye and then for

    Practicing jump off or for you Eventing like B of A Corner fence or dog leg line very tight just see your eyes and ride with your leg always always ride with the leg into the hand I’m impressed good girl Wilmer she I done much good boy [Laughter]

    Dan what we can do here now we’re going to get a bit more show jumping so we got to W up over this little fence here got two TR line which I like to put to keep them straight because you said she was green I didn’t

    Know if she’s green and weak would she have a wble b or stay Fair focused yeah personally I think she’ll be fine and then we’re going to try land straight turn left and then back between those two Tri lines back the TR perfect and we can loop around right take counter and

    Come back down on the right through the tri line and then maybe back to trot again yeah just that because she’s need holding herself and we you want to make her listen and come back on her hip a little bit yeah yeah um she’s not one

    That rush and run which is pretty good the exercise would suit as well yeah but when they sometime a little bit in between you want to get them to use the bottom a little bit to hold and strengthen come on Wilmer no decking down he’s got a busy week ahead yeah I

    Know Grand my 60 have to go to on Tuesday oh God okay so nice caner level right above my saddle oh oh little spook okay oh TR TR TR ah where the P it was scarier that Way [Applause] The first time she she jumped it and did it see the last minute yeah second time she expected I tried to ride her on and she it’s okay so I would say do it again on this hike don’t try to rush biger yeah you want her to come nice and level and

    Confident she just want to see and work where her legs go oh oh Better you going to be ready tall leg lovely and very good You see like here sometime it’s worth doing it again very small and now I have to rush to go and do a actal jump just for her to work out what’s going on yeah going this way the transition’s a little bit harder obviously aiming about at the

    Door and stuff but down the other way it was really good yeah it’s so interesting seeing like cuz I’m so good to just sticking the OD jump up and just boming around it but having these like exercises and the plan after the fence so those PS really make you make a point

    To like do your transition and turn and make them listen and then go again yeah you could have like another one here so you could almost have it like a u shape yeah you know and do right left makes you more disciplined doesn’t it um and again it’s all about the strictures the

    Strictness of your of your work you’ve got to really have a plan in your head and stick to it don’t just jump high jump for the sake of it there the before and the after of the fence that’s where people have trouble yeah and often we

    Have a pole down because before after we didn’t do our work at home yeah we didn’t school at home say all right nice and level jump correct land steady thank you yeah you know I did see twice here she did land on the wrong lead on the

    Left so we’ll see what she does okay um more homework yeah a little something after if you put a little po above pole above pole above is that all right y yeah oh God these sunnies keep falling down these are actually grin’s media sunglasses big old

    Head and if you can roll the ground lines either side okay hang on I’m always with young horses nervous horses that’s it about that yeah that’s plenty and then send other the way perfect that’ll be all right so I’ll come on the left first if she

    Land on the wrong lead what I will do I will aim for that little caval we jumped on the circle okay to try to help and call to do a fly change left oh a little bit of teaching so when you teach them and you have the wrong lead after a

    While when you sit up wrong Le want to turn left and be like oh I know try help you out okay we’re not teaching a fly change but we’re helping her to get the corre to figure out yeah that’s it if I do something wrong you tell me H I’m

    Riding today yeah yeah don’t worry down I’ll uh I’ll tell you okay nice and level okay oh wow God this is I’m like ooing ouring over here so she had a little look I just kept tall had a little squeeze on the leg just to help her out

    To say it’s okay don’t spook jump it that really does the job there so obviously she’s Happ to cter on the right than she’s left yeah good go um but that little pole just really help them rather than you can do that or you can do Transition again but sometime when

    You’re jumping jumping oh why not that jump there it uh and for her we not fighting it’s just naturally she just changed the lead almost too easy yeah isn’t it right let’s put them up shall we go up a couple maybe up a couple what

    Do you jump with her so uh she’s jumped probably about a meter one off she’s not done like a meter course or anything um but that’s yeah it’s been I’ve not jump can bring the plank up a little bit as like three or four no problem so when

    You have a plank very low like this you can make horses look at the bottom yeah she’s already looking at the fence and trying to assess what’s going on so you want to keep the the two poles together or the plank and the pole in this case

    Just to keep like focus on the actual jumping and not looking down interesting at the later stage you’ll you’ll teach her to jump something like a water Trail and not look down but at the stage she’s at all you want to do is look at the top

    Rail and step over focus on that so I’m come on the right rain this time okay we can be lazy and just stay on the same rain all the time just because if feels good I feel personally attacked I’m coming around have inside legs a bit

    Quiet makes it look so easy I’ll do one more time okay he very cautious she’s trying to be very careful yeah so you always want to be tall in your body neutral body position as I call it nice tall and then squeeze to help the take off

    W okay so yeah I was pretty close and I just sat up stady her up and then she just waited did one more and helped me out yeah good girl you’re making her look very easy yeah she’s learning I know what you mean about the balancing I’ve got to really work on my

    Upper body but on the same time keep my leg to keep it there so she she just got to learn yeah grid works is pretty good you can do at home with maybe some placing poles in the middle okay it’s really to set your counter stride and

    How to learn this is a one stride two stride yeah yeah what do you want to do a little bit bigger and then we go yeah like with her I won’t do too big too big no if you said you’ve jumped a meter I’ll be more a few nice jump and then

    Try to link up a few together yeah exactly that’s say it’s more about the training cooling between the fences was very important for her yeah rather than the actual jump do you want the plank up again uh yeah a little bit up to please she’s got a nice

    Very nice nature like she really wants to learn yeah she’s very s very aware where her legs are when she goes over the fence so you can feel her like every hoof that okay where am I putting it yeah that’s good I need that in an event

    Horse to get me out of trouble yeah C that good Girl lovely okay lovely textbook and then after she knows the flight chain she dos it really well over the pole come step good and then you keep a nice correct manner in the head you know stressing her or panicking her she’s very level shall we do a small parallel

    Yep do you want we put it back down then yes please that’s why we do show jumping we go back down a little bit I am all four going back down right Pete is looking Twitchy he’s shaking his head but I think the camera will be right there do you still want it

    Upright in front or you want a cross pole no no no upright now you could almost keep those cups put the to the rail on the Cubs and then put the plank lower down again now isn’t he sorry put the rail on the cup so get rid of the

    Plank Plank’s on the floor we put extra cups after okay extra cups after that’s it so you cut some above you put them below and you put your Planks on it God so smart you should come to D school of cooking like the cant here’s your little croissant my

    Little croissant and then we can have a little back rail happy with your that pole being the back rail or do you want yeah no it’s fine always make sure yeah the back rail is slightly higher than the front for Young Horses noice hor is very important so they can see it properly

    Oh see oh God be all right sunglasses are making me all flustered well we had to turn and then you turn up with those sunglasses I’ve cursed it that looks too high two down I think one more that’s It hey we got the lead lovely hey up to around up to R again nice caner lighting the Saddle oh Okay all we Good don’t down no gravity with me that years from home till found you a Galaxy in Fr of me going up Don’t Look Down I I I for you I I I easy busy almost too easy yeah is’t it just yeah I’m going to be a pain you want it the other way now don’t you yeah but what I do just put that pole on the floor the back bar on the floor yeah and then flick the wing the

    Other side with my CES the other way I didn’t realize that oh okay right just spray has a gr Line This Side just just don’t worry just spray has a grand line this side where you are very smart put the back where this side because I just realized my course is the other

    Way he done his course wrong thank you had to get reinforcements in she okay with fellas she’s not seen load so I expect you will have a look do you want me to move any out after I fell off please but not before we’ll give her a go what I’m

    Going to do I’m going to do the Italian fence and then carry on and come over this orange some level perfect and then see after that we’ll link up a few extra uh-huh Woo a look at you feeling all Brave she’s feeling all shy yeah aren’t you just she said she don’t want to be an event yeah she says I’m going to stay here thanks Mom it really good like j y really well she said very balanced after which is always important after the

    Fence not have your horse to run away be rude she said very level and balance the orange she had a little look again I set up toer squeeze she took it on we had the wrong lead plenty of time back to truck canel again uhhuh uh and in the

    Yellow I make sure she saw it LO on to it and just carry on riding level yeah and then the black she had a little Fall by it but she was fairly positive oh it’s good well done you’re making it look really easy um I’m just trying to work with her

    So she does the jumping I’m not doing with jump now it’s always about trying to give them a bit of time to understand them yeah and give them that nice confident approach where they can count a level to your fence and even if you don’t have a stride like as always say

    Neutral safety position sit up tall little contact little squeeze and let them work it out sometime less is more yeah I get too many people see I can’t see a stride that’s me but by doing this you take your caner away yeah if you have no caner you have no power if you

    Have no power you can’t jump I think that’s where I’ve been struggling cuz I’ve been trying to like hold her for a stride and then she falls to Pieces cuz she can’t hold herself the key really I always tell my clients is to have a nice level counter from start to finish round

    Course and if we have to adjust then it’s more minimal when you on the spot Galloping on the spot it’s too much changes might just do this related again because she had a little spook then we’ll have a go a double jump a double she’s yeah she’s jumped doubles um I’m

    Excited for her to jump the underground fence the famous fence guys I did try to keep it in I know you like it I do like it they’re big wings but I like them so who who good go very good a she look so cute very good

    She actually took on the double really well yeah I didn’t want to chase her on your on the yellow so I sat up and went quiet and then have to really work out to the black but it’s good she’s actually more B in the ride than you said about okay pretty impressed with

    Her oh good but I think if you really like stick up few exercise actually should really learn and pick up yeah that grid work with little V Poes yeah okay as well just to get it to go in the air a bit more with your shoulder but

    You don’t want to frighten her no so I would say always very easy V is very open and not too close at the end when you finish your session okay cuz she naturally want to be careful and jump so you don’t want want to frighten her yeah

    She’s a lovely tight yay you can do once a little bigger if you want put some a little bigger yeah just all all the way around all the way around cing right yeah reinforcements the oak know Liv the front the same live the front the same yeah sure yeah no that’s fine okay

    He braathe when I ride her it doesn’t look like this it’s always you’ve got to think about where she is when you ride her like is she behind your leg should be long and lost in front yeah you always want to keep them underneath your saddle that’s your center of the horse uhhuh

    And at the minute because she’s young she’s there she’s here she’s there so I’m helping her but I’m not overdoing it in the way that she relies on me yeah so I’m always a bit of leg bit of hand but always give back and light in between so

    It’s intermittent Dan I’m going to have to come for a lesson and we’re going to have to you’re going to have to talk me through you’re going to have to move down this way I am cuz she like she’s looking really good and it’s just not

    We’re going to do a we’re going to do a proper boot camp between Piggy and I we get you to a bit of rivalry between dad and piggy you be winning bton oh God he’s off again give a sadle come Back [Applause] I Here we Go A Clear around very good and then after the fence you see I carry on cooling air nice and light in the hand I do the French Run Dan signature yeah oh good go give her a little Trot to stretch long and low even you see in the Trot here she’s a little

    Tired I’m going to try not to nugget too much with my leg uhhuh she’s squeezing her there she don’t s little top just to say okay you’re tired but you’ve got to do that stretching cool down it’s all about teaching them go and always price them little Pat very good and

    Walk lovely go team she’s cute the beginning go a bit bigger may be tired we’ve done a long enough session yeah uh she had a few rubs but nothing i’ be first about you know it’s normal for a young horse uh-huh uh and when she get fitter and stronger she will notv those

    Little and she’d be more ready and aware to jump them yep yeah so if it was mine what I would do is um keep it going nice and at home maybe jump once a week okay a little C and then maybe a little single fence with like exercise like caners caner

    Poles or bounes or V and um after what I really like to do with mine is to take them School higher yeah you know so they can see the world they can learn that okay that’s not home but it’s okay we we can jump around yeah and I would say in

    A month’s time should be more than ready to do a first British novice and may be a discovery how big are they I I’ve never know discover about meter M five 1995 mad no she she looks actually really want to do that here I’ve got two

    5year old I just started for a friend of mine and they um they never been to a show in their life and they came here for a months and they one is sold and the other one is going to jump a first newcomer and it’s just that they’re

    Mature they just gr we’ve got a lot of fellas so that’s not even half of what we have yeah so they can see different jumps all the time and it’s all about seeing them you want to put them in the Cocoon where actually you’ve got to show

    Them the world for them to mature yeah lot more was you Eventing yeah when you go around those big open events there’s dogs around there flags banners no that’s true no I do they’ve got to learn that they’ve got to learn you make your your job like 3/4 of the way there until

    You turn up yeah very good maybe W be going out that’s fancy one that’s just me get my branding in there do I get to C it I mean if you want if you want tell you what if you promise to wear that on the pant then you can

    Absolutely have it do I have to share the priz money then no no that would just be a gift a gift from me to you the only time ponies would go over police h no I’m really pleased with her and oh I think yeah I think like you

    Said she’ll be a completely different horse in 6 months time yeah but I’m quite excited even not even 6 months I think by the time you you start a bit of outdoor season in March April yeah you’ll already have a little machine there yeah cuz I think she’s a little

    Machine in the making and do you think she’s got like enough jump it’s hard to say like she’s threw one or two good shape here and there here and there yeah and um but I always like to see one step at a time yeah yeah

    I think she’ll jump me to 10 oh go that’s plenty then after more I don’t know sometime it’s better to not sing and dance too Qui yeah that’s fine because I don’t want to jump any bigger than a me 10 so next grassroot yeah that’s the plan

    Oh well thank you very much you’re welcome nice to have you both of you yeah no and um definitely be Keen to bring her down for a lesson yeah stay the night it stay in the horse box nice little Pub of the rods it’s a good Stak

    Oh my God the dream the Red Lion in me actually between here and Piggies meet piggy there then right Wilmer we’ll get you home although I’m tempted to actually leave her here with you that that’s what I should do leave her here and then come and pick her up in a

    Month’s time after you’ve done a British novice on her yeah and a discovery and Discovery I need to learn all these terms but no thank you so much that was really really helpful amazing to see that was really nice to um she’s a lovely horse she got a very nice little

    Gem then yeah I’m good I’m pleas you think it’s always a bit nerve-wracking when you take a new horse around to like trainers and stuff it for us as well actually because I used to ride a lot of different horses and then now I try to be a bit careful

    Because when you fall you don’t bounce back as well when you get older yeah yeah so I try to be aware of be what I’m riding who I’m riding why you were like what is this when I pulled off the box there she I would never well I mean i’

    Would never bought anything that was mad so but no thank you very much it was amazing I definitely putting all that into practice one last thing so the running theme of this series is that you or the person I’m filming with is the only person that knows what I’m filming

    Next okay so I’ve given you a little heads up of what we’re doing it’s going to be the final video but if you have any advice for me for it it’d be much appreciated I would say go for a couple of bike rides to strengthen your thighs brilliant and uh when you watch

    That video guys you’ll know that that makes an awful lot of sense right well thank you very much Dan I’m going to go put on my table yeah I mean byebye see you lovely to have you Dan good luck at London thank you for my new horse pleasure absolute pleasure

    Right well I’ll be taking an empty Liberty horse box home remember they are the very kind sponsors of this video so you need to head over to Instagram to enter that giveaway if you haven’t already guys it’s going to be coming to a close in a few days it’s been a

    Pleasure I’m going to actually go get my horse live life love you bye Come on wank


    1. The circle exercise is what my newest instructor had me do the first time I jumped with her! We had two teeny jumps on a circle instead of four like here. It was not something I'd ever done before but incredibly useful.

    2. Such useful exercises, absolutely loved the poles on the circle at the start ! So simple but so effective!
      You must be so excited about Wilma after this day 😁

    3. Really loved last years session with Dan and this one is fab too! He has a great way with the horses but also riders, he isn’t just giving an instruction but he’s explaining why we do it a specific way, and the impact doing it that way will have on both horse and rider. More instructors, pro and amateur, should learn from this approach!

    4. Wilma looked amazing in this video – and she’s so cute! Always ears forward, and even if she’s having a little spooky she‘s not going crazy over it.
      Not sure the trainers that saw her do fast would even ever say anything negative about a horse, but she got a lot of praise – must be a good feeling to know it was the right decision to buy her!

      You’re gonna have a busy eventing season next year!

    5. I just want to say meg you got an incredible stunning horse and once she has built more muscle in her bum area I think she is going to be a 5* eventer. Your a brilliant rider meg and you just need to try and keep your confidence up. I know it's hard to do sometimes but have more trust in yourself. You have all ready done a fantastic job with all of your other horses / ponys that you have produced in the past. Look how well you were doing with bear before putting her into foal. I really thought you were extremely brave with half of the things that you use to get up with bear and I'm sure over time you will do a brilliant job with this lovely new horse of yours. I have 100% confidence in you meg and please keep up with the great job your doing with your horses and sending big hugs to all of your ponies and horses and wish you & hobbit & the rest of your family a happy new year for 2024

    6. Hi it's SO increedabl to see HOW the profeshenuls trian there horse's. And it's such a good exercise, for us ALL to try at home .Take care and all the best for next time .😄😄👍👍👍 And a BIG pat for willma .happy now year to you and your family.

    7. His leg is….amazing. At about 39.34 in the video you can see him find her "gear" and she comes into his hands, the butt comes down and he's got her even when she reaches the second part of the combo and does a baby look because she's young, he's got her so engaged even with her mistake they sail through. She's such a brilliant talent for you Meg, your heart leads you so well. When she gets some good miles on her she's going to be a superstar.

    8. I love Dan's riding and attitude towards the horses. There's also this young woman on YouTube, who has done a fantastic job producing a bunch of ponies… who is she again? What IS her name? Oh yeah, it's Meg Elphick. Ever heard of her? You totally know what you are doing and as I do every time you have a new one, I think to myself, "What a lucky horse/pony!" But all these cool vlogs with you and the pros will just reinforce all you know and are capable of (and it's super for us :)). Also, I've been bling shamed by a French showjumper too (Yann Candele who rides for Canada). I guess it's a thing.

    9. That was terrific in every way! Wilma, Dan, Pete’s filming, and your humor and skill at vlogging and doing the sponsor bit. I’m getting more and more impressed with Wilma. What a fun journey for us to watch. ❤

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