Andy Butchart holds the WORLD RECORD for running the fastest Parkrun. I have new shoes. It’s time to put them to the test 😂

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    #running #fitnessmotivation #marklewis

    Park run is the 5K organized run that takes place every Saturday morning all over the world recently a new record was set by Andy Butchart 13 minutes 45 seconds the fastest time ever today I’m going to try and beat that if I do it won’t qualify as an official park run

    Record because it’s not a Saturday morning I’m also going to do it 200 M at a time which might be more relevant than it not being a Saturday Morning here’s the numbers Andy ran a fraction over 2 minute 45 km to do his record time the equivalent of a 1 minute 6C 400 m lap I can do a 1 minute 6C lap but I can only do it once with an incredible performance of heart belief and

    Dedication so I’m breaking it down into 200 me intervals it’s 33 seconds for 200 M So the plan is that simple 200 m in 33 seconds or less rest until I’m good enough to go again repeat 252 200 M 5,000 m in world record time in theory

    In reality I’m going to get more and more tired as those 200 meters start to add up and therefore I’m not be able to run as fast so I need to start off holding a bit in reserve the trouble is running 200 m in 33 seconds doesn’t

    Leave me much in reserve luckily I’ve got a secret weapon they’re bright yellow they look really cool and they’re called dragonfly oh yes track spikes we’re taking this very seriously and I like to think of that as a flying dragon rather than like the Buzzy insect taking

    It relatively seriously interval one 3 2 1 go so anybody thinking that dragonflies are not not meant for such short distance Sprints like this I know I’ve purchased them for some longer distance stuff that I’ve got planned and yes it is the first time I’ve ever worn spikes

    And I’m aware that people say take it easy until you’ve got used to them because they can be quite hard on the legs but I’m ignoring that far more important they are so fast it is like having nothing on your feet but then still having enough bounce to push

    Really quick they’re also yellow as I’m doing this 200 M I’m thinking this is probably going to be a 25 maybe 20 6C run I’m going to be way up on that 33 second target already okay so what’s quite worrying there is that that was bang on 33

    Seconds wasn’t as fast as I thought that’s absolutely mad that’s that’s pretty much sprinting for most people okay I’m going to take a a few minutes rest and then run the next 200 M now I know that whenever I do these challenges somebody will pop up in the comments and

    Say I used used to run track in high school and I might now be 37 living in my parents basement eating Pringles and wondering what it’d be like to have a relationship with someone that didn’t need inflating first but I used to run way faster than you but the reality is

    For most regular people 200 MERS in just over 30 seconds is running hard if I didn’t have 23 more to do after this one I could probably go a few seconds quicker than this but I’m not a million miles off flat out this is a long way

    From what I would call Park r on the speed 33 so so On Target oh it’s getting serious he’s stripping off right every world record attempt needs a comprehensive plan here was mine I had written down what was needed for each interval so first 200 M

    Target was 33 seconds did it in 33 seconds all good interval two will take us to 400 m Target now 66 seconds in Total 1 minute six again did it in 33 all good and the same for Interval three and then the fourth taking us to 800 M

    Target time now 2 minutes 12 in total did that interval in a 32 puts me 1 second up on the world record Andy clearly in trouble probably quaking in his boots always trainers and I bet they weren’t as yellow as mine run run run so this interval is going to complete the

    First kilometer and I get it in a 31 my fastest yet probably because I’m warming up at this stage puts me three seconds up on Andy and then I need to lie down in case you’re wondering how long I took between intervals very fine balance between long enough to recover

    Sufficient to run fast again but not so long that my body started to cool down there’s actually a lot of sports science that goes on behind these challenges also we only had the track from 10 to 12 so really it was just based around getting done by midday

    Okay I’m going to throw up the data from some of the other intervals that we worked through while I do that I should say breaking a park run down like this into intervals is actually something I’ve done before back when I was miles away from running under 30 minutes for a

    Park run so that’s 6 Minute kilom five times I would go out and I would run 1 kilometer in 6 minutes or as close to it as I could I would then pass out regain Consciousness and try and repeat it five times eventually I could do that once I

    Could I then worked on just reducing the gaps in between each interval down until I really didn’t need to stop at all I then went along to my park run Saturday morning and went and ran sub 30 minutes for the first time ever I did it again

    When I was trying to get below 25 minutes so chopping it down into 25 intervals might be a bit excessive but the concept might be worth considering as a good way to get yourself used to running at the right speed even if you can’t yet run at it for the whole time

    Nonstop stop right so just gone through 3,200 m still up on the target slightly but my carves are starting to just hurt um probably because I’m wearing these and the times are suffering a bit so I’m switching to my Alpha flies clearly not a 200 met shoe but it’s very good for cushioning

    My feet they are great for cushioning my feet but after just one complete lap I realized they are completely useless for this particular challenge these these for me are amazing at letting me run just under four minutes so maybe 3 50 definitely a 4 minute kilometer 415s anything around that which for me

    Is like a 5k to half marathon I guess they’d probably be great for a full Marathon I’m just not fit enough to run full marathons what they are no good for is 2 minute 45 km not for me so although these little spikes are absolutely destroying my

    Legs they are faster no question so with the pink shoes off and the yellow shoes back on things started to get back on track interval 19 was a 34 and 20 was a 33 and that’s now 4 km done it would be a little overdramatic to suggest back in

    Business but it is looking okay we are back in business that was a 34 and a 33 I see five laps at 33 and I’ve got it okay okay let me rest unfortunately 5 200s in 33 seconds each proved somewhat tricky 21 was a 34 so was interval 22

    Interval 23 was a 32 but it now means I a second off the world record Pace with 400 m to go 400 m to go we’ve come back to the start line so that I can finish my two 200 M at the Finish Line as it

    Were I’m 1 second a drift so I basically need to run a 33 and a 32 my times are drifting so I I don’t know if that’s possible and my legs hurt okay final 400 m so off I go for my final two intervals and worth repeating the obvious it is

    Bonkers that someone runs a park run 5,000 m over 3 miles at what is pretty much chasing down someone who snatched my wife’s handbag speed for me I’m not literally sprinting flat out obviously I need to retain some energy for subduing the bad guy when I catch up with them

    But I am running and I’ve got to admit on the second interval I may not even have the ability to subdue someone if I did catch up with them they would have to give me a good 30 maybe 40 seconds recovery before I could commence the bag

    Reclaiming process so 400 m completed I time these two on the watch together just pausing it at the 200 M Mark and a reminder I needed to run a 33 and a 32 so giving me a 1 minute 5 for the 400 met lap or better me 10393 that’s a

    104 which puts me 2 seconds ahead I was 1 second to drift which means I’m 1 second I win I win I have the world record by a second um I apologize Andy um on the new park run sort of world record holder oh my God my legs is

    TI there you go took me 2 hours but I ran a park run in 13 minutes 44 seconds and I mean ran I can’t quite imagine what it is like to set off at the start of a park run especially for someone like me with a 19-minute personal best

    Which is actually pretty quick compared to most people and then see someone like Andy just effectively Sprint away from you into the distance he’s finishing over 5 minutes before me and again I am not slow I’m normally somewhere around the top 10 on the park run with a couple

    Of hundred people at it the idea I would not have even started the final kilometer and he’s chilling at the Finish is crazy a huge thank you to ratel Leisure Center for use of their track and of course to Andy for giving us a Target to chase after hopefully

    He’s not too disheartened I beat him remember this was done on a Thursday he’s not officially lost the park run record lastly drop the video a like if you’re currently in your mother’s basement starting to type in the comments please don’t bother and anybody who is wondering how my carves stood up

    To the pounding of 25 intervals in those track spikes surprisingly well it’s been a couple of days since then and no lasting issues they feel good they feel bounce bouncy that’s that’s cramp n


    1. Having gone back to running in spikes on the track after 20 years as an addition to my training. I can only begin to imagine the state of your calves the following day .

    2. Interesting how Butchart's 13:45 is the time for the fastest parkrun when the fastest time for a 5k in a road race is 12:51 (nearly a minute faster!) from Joshua Cheptegei. Guessing it's bc the really elite guys for this distance either don't have parkruns in their countries or choose not to participate in them?

    3. Mark, I was an also competitor in Decathlon (made 6th in Australia), and we regularly ran 8x300m as a training session in around 39 seconds with about 90 seconds rest. That's 26 second 200 meter pace. We were very far off competing with the elite distance runners but at a level way beyond you could ever achieve. I can tell within a second that you can't run well. I guess it's something that's innate or learned from a young age.

    4. I ran (without walking) my first 5k (3miles) at the track yesterday this is the first time ever for me. My time was 42 minutes. This is my personal best… so far. I finished strong and today my muscles ache, but my knees are feeling great. I could not imagine running at my fastest for the entire length! At least not yet. Thanks, Mark for the videos.

    5. Most people just have no idea how fast that actually is. When you see someone running on camera, it actually tends to look kinda do-able for many people. They think, 33 seconds for 200 meters, that's not that hard. Truth is, probably WAY less than 1% of the population can do that once. Probably 0.01% of the population can do it like you did 25 times in a row. And very few people in the world can do it all back to back. Well done, that's legit fast running, especially for a guy your size!

    6. Elapsed time vs Run time. Depressing comparison on this workout 🤣 Congrats on the world record, Roy Castle wants to do an interview. 😛

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