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    Here’s a quick video tour of my bicycle campsite in northern Spain. In this video I show you how I set up my tent, where I place my panniers, how I use my front bike light as an interior light for my tent at night, plus a whole lot more.

    If you enjoy this video, then you’ll definitely want to go back and watch the rest of my bicycle touring video blogs ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htFKW0GVB5U&list=PLotHMGSiRt6pES77gE3h44hZIe4bx_iVz


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    Hello i’m darren al from bicycle turning procom i’m in northern spain right now camped out wild camping and I just finished a day where I cycled across three different countries and Dora France and Spain so I’m back in Spain now I am wild camping in the forest and

    I thought I would take a moment just to show you what my campsite looks like and how I set up my tent and stuff so here’s the campsite that is my bike in my tent obviously this is a commotion Pangea touring bicycle and I always position my

    Bike very close to my tent if not even sometimes touching the tent I forgot to put this little thing up yes there it is so the bike is very close to my tent as you can see so if anyone were to come by I would hear them I don’t have it locked

    Because there is nobody around so this is a big agnes copper spur ultralight one-man tent it has a small vestigial back here which I where I keep my tripod and I also have my helmet under here around this side the main entrance to the tent and you can kind of see

    Everything there let me point out what I’ve done essentially I’ve laid down my sleeping mat and my sleeping bag um the sleeping mat is oldest from valide and them the sleeping bag is from Marmot and I’ve put my handlebar bag from my bicycle up near my head so that I can

    Access it during the night it has my wallet my phone my camera stuff like that in there so I want to have access to that and also I want to protect it because it’s holding my most valuable stuff then I put food and stuff over

    Here that I might eat for the night I put my clothes that I’m going to change into to sleep in down here over here this bottom bag is the bag that holds the camping gear and once I set up my tent and roll out my sleeping bag and sleeping mat it’s pretty much

    Empty so it goes on the bottom and then I stack the other large pannier on top of it then the small to the front pan you’re just I’d lay here side by side and finally I’ve usually put one or two water bottles at the base of my tent I

    Don’t put them in the tent because I’m I’ve had incidences right it opens up and spills everywhere and everything so I keep them out here so that I can access them I don’t have to get out of the tent to get my water I just unzip it

    A little bit and then boom water oh I forgot to mention I put my phone over here too in this little pocket and I hang my front bike light from this little line that I’ve strung up this front this line up here acts not only is

    The hanger for the light but I also use it to dry clothes on when they’re wet so that comes in handy also anyways that’s it just thought I would share with you how I’ve set up my campsite maybe it’ll help you on your own bicycle touring adventures if you want to learn

    More about how to bike tour anywhere in the world Spain France and Dora maybe go to my website at bicycle touring procom download my free starter guide and learn to conduct the bike tour of your dreams

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