October 14th 2023


    Hey what’s up this is Chris on the longest way trying as always to walk back from China to my home in Germany today is October the the 14th 2023 you’re trying to tell me that my fly is open no I’m trying to ask where the flask is we don’t know where the flask

    Is but what we do we need the flask we had this really good camping spot it was okay during the night it was just very windy but then these people show up and I want to say one thing Ella I’m just going to say one thing autotune must die a horrible

    Death and also where’s the flask we need the flask we need to counter drink I really need to counter drink I think I put it here really yeah Don’t flask ah I will I will toast Them Hey the music was better for a second not anymore not anymore why don’t they play Tina Turner What cuz they got no taste I’m a grumpy old man who wants Tina Turner yeah or like some nice backst Street Boys oh yeah huh oh yeah or banga boys what banga boys I don’t know boom boom boom boom Oh really really there it’s good now put heaven

    Fun we reached the goal the goal was to drink to the point that the music sounds good it’s not whiny anymore it’s Gasolina yeah oh God and Chris took his um sitting picture and while he was taking his sitting picture he tried to slowly slowly drink again dwink dwink again and

    Again and what are you filming so it works it did Work like you’re an international super International boo no International Drinker yeah yeah I want to say one thing I learned one time 20 years ago from an Argentinian man to say k k yes that’s not an argentin no that’s a cord ah is it good is it good yeah k

    K if I say it to them will they be happy yeah actually my girlfriend is from Cordova so she will understand I will say it to them it’s good I will not get in trouble no No no you don’t get I want to say one thing hello she learned from an Argentinian Guy what what are we doing a doing things wait we got to go we got to go we got to go we really got to go but we have another good idea who was this person that said we will arrive at 12: or something because we will get up with the sunrise and

    Then a person that didn’t wake up all the time last night you woke up I was suffering he doesn’t give a so we have arrived in Min or rather almost in Min and we want to be where that truck is but yeah we can keep walking from

    Here it’s like the side walk just kind of stops and is like you whoever is walking there or biking there and so we could look at these nice graffiti a bit more but it’s more likely we have to go back down there and then cross a bridge thing and then

    Another bridge I know now welcome to walking it’s really always like that in the end city planners are going to on walking people and people on bikes unless they’re Dutch then they’re cool so good so good look the fire yeah like honestly what a nightmare look at this I’m getting

    Sensory overload yeah but like imagine if you’re like this ever like cycling oriented person or environmentalist person and then your job is there but your home is there and then you have to do this every day imagine and then people are like I wonder why nobody takes a bicyc I really wonder


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