Scary and Creepy TikTok Videos To Watch Before Going To Bed👻
    #scary #creepy #tiktok #horrorstory

    This terrifying video was posted anonymously on the dark web it shows a group of people visiting a cave and discovering creatures that do not exist on this Earth [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] He [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] He have a story this is Steve and he spins 12 hours a day in this office and recently Steve has been having some weird problems every time he closes his eyes this is what he sees recently his world has felt so void of life as Steve

    Began his walk home he felt like he was being watched and when he got home it was no better anytime he stared at something dark he would see that face again so as he went to his room he made sure to turn on the TV and then he kept

    His eyes open for as long as possible because the second he closes them he is met with this face and now Steve noticed something new every time he closed his eyes there was a new face each one progressively more disturbing for hours he sat trapped in exhausted and feeling like he is losing

    His mind until finally he fell asleep but all he could see was this face okay if you made it this far moreal of the story if you close your eyes and you see a face that’s probably not a good thing mother is monitoring her daughter’s room when this was captured is there cat

    Here is there a cat in here no oh sorry love you by are you Okay’s you no it’s okay I was just checking on you good night I love you scary huh scary you’re scary why it’s a monster and it’s scary there’s no monster in the window I’ll look see I’ll look This is the skydiving incident one of the worst deaths imaginable explained this is 18-year-old Tyler Turner who just graduated high school in 2016 Tyler and a group of his friends wanted to experience a thrill so they all decided to go skydiving for the first time and unfortunately for Tyler it would be his

    First and his last this was a video taken moments before Tyler went skydiving my name is name is Tyler Turner what did I do here I am going to jump out of a plane it’s your first time first time indeed his mom Francine was there to see him off that’s my mom over

    There very loving mom don’t me in my life more that she’ll help me with more in my life I want to make it that video is the final time Tyler would ever talk to his mom the plane went up in the air and one by one people were jumping out

    Of it Tyler would be doing a tandem skydive with this instructor later it would come out that he wasn’t even certified and all of his documents were forged Tyler’s mother was waiting 13,000 ft below waiting for her son to come down Tyler and his instructor jumped out

    Of the plane and all his mother really could see is just tiny dots in the sky but the more and more people that come down she still hasn’t seen her son as Tyler and his instructor were coming down to the Earth the worst possible thing happened the instructor pulled the

    Rip cord but the parachute didn’t come out the backup parachutes didn’t work either all of the parachutes failed and I could assume when this happened both of them started to panic they were falling at roughly 200 ft per second which is insane and that means without a

    Parachute it would take 70 to 80 Seconds to fall down to the Earth which for them I imagine felt like hours and hours and all while this is happening Tyler’s mother is still looking up in the air waiting for her son and because of the freef Fall aspect they have gone off

    Course so they were no longer falling in the exact area they were supposed to about a minute to a minute and a half later after they jumped out of the plane and at roughly 100 to 120 mph they crashed into the Earth I couldn’t find any autopsy report about their death but

    All I could hope is they had some sort of heart failure before they hit the ground because experiencing that must be absolutely horrific Tyler’s mother filed a lawsuit against the skydiving company and she won $40 million for her son’s death but sadly she is forever without

    Her son this is just so sad because before Tyler went skydiving he literally said in the video that he was scared and he hopes he makes it and his mother was there when this all happened I can’t imagine the pain she was feeling and made Tyler Turner rest in peace you ever

    Hear the Rudolph Theory no I haven’t it’s a theory that like Rudolph he’s a representation of someone that’s gay so being teased about being gay like if you think about it he has a red nose if you think about when Rudolph first came out

    This was at a time where that was was an issue a social issue that was being talked about a lot the whole story with it was like yeah the Red Nose symol fies him being different and he even got sent away to we the the land of the misfit

    Toys sending away to all like quote unquote oh you’re weird you’re a weirdo so go live with the weirdos type of thing right red knows who came up with that content like why red why a nose red because red is usually the color of like pleasure yeah so it’s embarrassing so

    The Red Nose he’s actually being almost like turned on by people that aren’t you know what the heck by other reindeers that’s not regular so that’s why he has a red nose because he’s like he’s different if you guys want part two comment I love conspiracy syrup right

    Now I am an active Spirit hello I am Freddy Krueger it All Began in an ancient asylum in Springwood Ohio where my mother sister Amanda Krueger was imprisoned with hundreds of patients for several days becoming pregnant with me years later I was adopted by a man named Mr Underwood who was sinking into

    Alcoholism in a dirty act that nearly cost me my life unable to endure the various cruelties of my stepfather I ultimately made him disappear forever in adulthood I found a job got married and had a daughter however as time passed the shadows of my childhood cast a dark PA

    Over my soul in 1966 my wife Loretta discovered my double life she found my tools in the basement realizing I was the Springwood killer when she confronted me I ended her life in front of our daughter putting an end to her existence Loretta’s disappearance caught the attention of the authorities who

    Searched my house although detained a procedural oversight led to my release without a search warrant however spring Wood’s residents fueled by hatred and seeking Revenge DED my residence in gasoline while I slept setting it Ablaze and thus ended my life in the moment of my burning I summoned Demons of nightmares three

    Serpents with the power to turn victim’s nightmares into reality I made an immortal PCT with them promising to become the greatest nightmare killer from that point on I began invading the dreams of young people and teenagers leaving fear etched in everyone’s imagination revealing that evil can sprout in the most unexpected places

    Obaron the piggy back Yokai obaron are creatures of the night they dwell within forest and mountainous regions the appearance of this Yokai varies sometimes it can be vaguely humanoid and some say they are the size of an oversized child and can also be almost featureless they will go after Travelers

    Who are alone walking at night it will jump on your back and say I want a pigy back throughout the journey they will increase their weight until you become pinned on the floor underneath them they are not particularly dangerous but some say they chew on your sculpt some

    Villagers even developed a custom of wearing metal bows on their heads for protection here’s the worst video on the dark web showing a man in the throws of sleep paralysis watch to the End Oh I need you to tell me if this footage is proof of ghosts so the other day Reddit user gabrielm posted this seemingly innocuous footage to Reddit they said their mom had been recording some security footage because their brother was being intimidated by like a local rooster and she wanted to see if she

    Could catch it on camera mind you this is all happening in the washon mountains of Oklahoma but she texted the footage to the Reddit user because she thought she saw something and I cover a lot of dark stuff on this page but I’ve never seen anything like this so at this point

    The Reddit user’s brother is in the trunk but watch behind the car it’s hard to tell what it is but here is a closer Version to me it looks like someone is walking through the woods and then comes over to the car bends down and then vanishes and right after the head goes down the brother just kind of sticks his head out of the trunk closes it and then walks back in the house and there’s no

    More footage after that a lot of people have guesses as to what it could be including a ghost but most people want the user to go over to where the person bent down and see if they can find anything there but what do you think now look two things if it’s daytime save

    This video and come back to it later if it’s night time go ahead and go to the website right there pointer pointer all right now if you go up on this site this is the scariest site that I had I man look I tried to go

    Up on it at night I had to stop because uh I was getting creeped out look and it take a lot to scare me man y’all know I you know I’m the king of the Creeps man so it take a lot to scare me man but uh

    That dang sight right there boy look I had to put that down man yeah I had to put that down man pointer pointer y’all check that junk and if you can check it out man come back in the comment and let me know you know let me

    Know what you saw like don’t spoil it just say you know like let me know if it was really some scary stuff or if it was on some other stuff let me know and uh cuz I guess I’m going to try I’m going

    To go ahead and go up on that if you see or hear an owl outside of your window at night it might already be too late for you and that’s because there’s an intriguing connection noted by some researchers between reported alien abductions and sightings of owls some individuals who claim to have been

    Abducted have also reported seeing owls either before during or after their alleged alien abduction Encounters this Association is often interpreted in a symbolic or metaphorical context rather than a literal one some alien abduction victims recall encounters with owls that upon deeper exploration seem to represent a screen memory a mental

    Substitution or camouflage for a more disturbing experience psychologically owls hold a significant place in various cultures and symbolize wisdom intuition and mystery some researchers suggest that the appearance of owls in abduction accounts might serve as a symbolic representation used by the subconscious mind to Veil or make sense of an

    Otherwise perplexing or traumatic experience related to the abduction phenomenon one of the well-known cases involving the reported sighting of an owl in an alleged alien abduction is the case of Whitley streber an American author who recounted his experiences in the book communion in his book streber describes a series of encounters with

    Non-human entities that he referred to as visitors during one of these encounters he initially remembered seeing what he thought was a large owl outside of his cabin in Upstate New York over time upon deeper introspection and through hypnosis he began to recall more intense and enigmatic encounters with

    Entities that didn’t align with the simple owl sighting the presence of the owl and streber narrative is often considered as a screen memory the cover for the subconscious to protect the individual from recalling the full intensity or trauma associated with the abduction experience the linkage between owl sightings and alien abductions

    Remains a debated and mysterious aspect within the realm of abduction research Bri was free diving inside a sunken boat when this was Captured So people are asking what camera I use gopro7 works perfectly fine for me I cracked it a little bit but I use the case um definitely not a voice over though so I’m going to show you the video straight out of my GoPro just like how I recorded it so you can hear

    Yeah so it’s not a voice over or an edit or anything like that So If I appear in the background of your group photo you will mysteriously me since then many teenagers and children have gone missing with some of their last photos featuring my face this terrifying video was posted on the dark web on Halloween day it shows a man escaped from a psychiatric Asylum and

    Found sitting next to a Cemetery Fore speee Foree as we all know the Ouija board is a highly controversial subject come on let’s get going a lot of people are believers While others believe it’s just a game we’ve been interested in these physical phenomena for so many years some believe the Ouija board can summon

    The worst demons you could ever imagine and I feel that at last we made bre through and if your plan shed ever spells out Zozo you might have just led a demon into your home and possibly even your Soul some suggest that zozo’s Origins might Trace Back to Before the universe

    Even existed and God banished this demon from Heaven eons ago he has gazelle horns human ears and a wolf’s mouth Wings on his back the tail of a scorpion and get this death was right oh my is your name zo freaky oh my gosh no uh okay uh is your name Zozo The clown what the hey Monica oh my God Monica the creepiest video on the dark web a strange creature chases him through his Village This clip was sent into the popular Japanese YouTube channel clip store the man who sent the clip into them had mentioned it was captured by his now deceased brother he liked to go ghost hunting over Japan and this is what he captured one night take a look For It super creepy guys I purposely paused at this Frame so y’all can see that his hand has already went past and then suddenly boom a gush of wind on a dry hot day at night suddenly there was a gush of wind you may be thinking that it

    Could be the wind from his hand action but that’s just impossible let me explain you don’t even need your hand to go past this thing for the spoon to move let me demonstrate watch you don’t need the thing to go past it moves it moves notice how far the spoons fly

    This I’m not saying that this is a ghost or something I’m just saying that what are the odds more incidentally of sudden wind G just like what the [ __ ] you here’s the scariest video on the dark web he’s trying to exercise this haunted house because the owners are desperate

    Unfortunately things don’t go according to plan Emily is it you making that L nose is that you I don’t know why for some reason I’m I’m kind of afraid I think it’s that voice I keep hearing is it you making this noise in Here well have you gone silent Now Emily are you here glad are you here is anything Here here are the five scariest videos on the dark web scientists can’t explain expl the phenomenon of people turning into animals the [ __ ] is good on a friend I I you have to hear this a woman claims that she won the scratch off lottery thank to a reoccurring dream visitor now scientists still do not fully understand dreams but they speculate that they are our brain’s way of reflecting learning and preparing for future tasks people of

    A more spiritual mind however claim that dreams are journeys to another realm where we can access other PLS of existence commune with the dead and even higher Powers whatever you believe the truth may be the woman in this video says that there is actually a guy in her

    Dreams who is giving her items which cross cross over into her Waking Life in the video the woman says that she has reoccurring dreams about a man who hands her items the things he give her pop up in the real world she says that she doesn’t remember her dreams until the

    Moment that the items pop up in real life in this case she says that she was standing at a shop counter when she saw a red Lottery scratch off ticket she remembered that the mysterious man in her dreams had handed her a red Lottery scratch off ticket when she scratched it

    Off she realized that she had won1 now she is not a millionaire but she never would have won the money if the man in her dreams did not compel her to buy it father George from Catholic says that the Holy Spirit can speak to us through dreams he says that

    St John of the Cross gives the best advice on this topic father George says that these phenomena could be one of three things it could be the devil impressing on our dreams in an attempt to drag us to Hell the second option is that it could be from our own psyche the

    Third third option is that it could be from god father George says that if it’s from God it’s going to Bear the fruit that God desires regardless as long as we are doing all the other things that we’re supposed to be doing in this case

    He says that we just need to keep doing God’s will regardless of the supernatural phenomena that happened and things will be fine father George elaborates that we don’t need the supernatural phenomena to do God’s will we can just do his will all the time and it will be communicated to us through

    Ordinary means he says that whatever Supernatural experience we have will only strengthen and fortify us to do God’s will through ordinary means father George says that St John of the Cross said that whenever we have a supernatural experience the best thing to do is to just ignore It if you ever see this woman on the streets do not try try to help her La yorona hunts the Knight doing the unthinkable to passengers her name was Maria and when she was alive and very young she fell in love and started a family then had children two little boys

    Her husband would travel a lot for work and he would always make it back home until one day he didn’t so since her man left and never came back Maria became heartbroken and that heartbreak soon turned to rage and anger so she decided to take it out on the kids she unived

    Both of them by drowning them in the river when she came back to her senses she regretted it deeply she mourned for days and days until she decided to throw herself in the river for that she is now bound to WAND the Earth forever people who have seen her said she walks around

    At night crying for her two little children some people say that she’ll even snatch up your children confusing them as her own that’s why I ordered a dead from the dark web took the risk because he wanted to enjoy his honeymoon one last Time my name is Carla Walker on the evening of February 17th 1974 I was sitting with my boyfriend Rodney McCoy in his car in the parking lot of Brunswick ridgle Bowl after attending a dance at Western Hills High School the car door suddenly swung open and we were assaulted by an unknown as

    Salent who dropped the magazine from his gun during the attack McCoy was pistol whipped and rendered unconscious his last memory of the incident is me being grabbed and taken by the unknown male whom he described as a whitean about 5′ 10 in tall as I screamed for help I was

    Nowhere to be seen after after McCoy regained Consciousness McCoy immediately went to my house to inform my parents following the incident the police were called and searched the area where I had been abducted my purse and the magazine were the only items recovered in the parking lot on February 20th

    1974 my body was found in a culvert in Lake Benbrook the autopsy revealed that I had been alive for 2 days following my abduction and I had been beaten tortured raped and strangled to death toxicology reports also showed I had been injected with morphine the police had several

    Suspects in mind during the initial investigation and were able to obtain samples of bodily fluids from the crime scene my dress and other clothing were also preserved however adequate technology to use such samples to identify the killer did not exist in the 1970s a mysterious letter by a person

    Claiming to know the killer was among among the few pieces of evidence received and released by The Police Department the murder remained a cold case for 46 years until September 2020 when DNA evidence recovered from my clothing was sent to aam Inc who specialized in degraded DNA samples the

    Oxygen Network paid for the testing leads from oam and a follow-up investigation by detectives Wagner and Bennett led to the identification of 77-year-old Glenn Samuel McCurley as a suspect in the crime McCurley had been interviewed by police shortly after the murder as he had purchased a 22 Ruger

    Pistol that used the same magazine as the one dropped in the parking lot of Brunswick Ridge leol but claimed the gun had been stolen from his truck he agreed to take a polygraph test and after he passed it he was eliminated as a suspect in 2020 police obtained DNA samples from

    The trash receptacle outside his home after confirming that the sample matched the suspect’s DNA investigators interviewed McCurley who agreed to provide a cheek swab the matching of the samples were enough to arrest and charge him with the crime McCurley went on trial in August 2021 the evidence presented in court

    Included the 22 Ruger pistol McCurley had claimed was stolen in 1974 which had been found concealed inside his home on the third day of the trial McCurley changed his plea to guilty and was sentenced to life in prison until 2022 he didn’t admit to killing me telling reporter skip

    Hollandsworth that he pled guilty because I’d had enough hounding investigators believe McCurley may have been involved in the rapes and murders of several other young women in the Fort Worth area in the 1970s and 1980s although he has not been charged with any additional crimes McCurley was

    Imprisoned in Gibb Lewis unit and would have been eligible for parole on March 21st 2029 but died on July 15th 2023 like comment and share to raise awareness for me did you know that Peppa Pig is based on a true and terrifying story hello I am Peppa and this is my story in

    1952 I was born in a remote town in England and my family made a living by raising pigs however due to illness we lost too many piglets and our business declined rapidly leading to extreme poverty my parents decided to improve the pig breeds by conducting DNA experiments on

    Them and attempted to use it on after sometime it was eventually discovered by a villager who reported it to the police when they arrested my parents for illegal activities and even more serious charges they found me inside the house looking like a terrifying Pig they questioned my parents to understand

    Their motivation and my father’s response was unsettling he said the reason they acted this way was not due to a lack of money the hardships of farm labor or any psychological problems or impulses it was simply about power the power to do anything he wanted to himself or he

    Child furthermore the police discovered that I was not the only example as there were other unsettling things on the farm so I just woke up to like this loud bang coming from inside my garage these boxes over here just completely fell but like way over there it’s starting earlier

    Now those woods like there’s stuff that moves around in there like yeah I get it it could be an animal or whatever but it it’s not like I don’t know it doesn’t move like an animal I’ve been watching a lot of Sam and Colby videos on YouTube

    Just to see if I was just recording and out of the corner of my eye noticed like something like just go right behind my car like a figure or something yeah I was watching a lot of Sam and Colby videos I literally just felt like something just touched my freaking jacket but it

    Exploded and they were both found dead she must have been out of her head buckle up for 12 days of crimus day 11 the motive for this crime is determined to be solely from jealousy Michelle Anderson and her boyfriend Joseph mcro were extremely jealous of her brother Scott and his family

    Michelle also believed that she was cheated out of money simply because her brother was more successful on Christmas Eve in 2007 in Carnation Washington instead of Michelle and Joseph acting like adults and talking things through with their loved ones they went to Michelle’s parents’ home unived both her

    Mother and father mother dragged their bodies into the front yard and waited for Scott and his family to arrive when he did the two cowards un alived Scott his wife and their two children though Scott’s wife survived long enough to call 911 which led to their arrest

    Though all four of them passed away thankfully they were both given six consecutive life always remember to keep your doors securely Locked This is the video of the smiley man depicted obviously this is a reenactment of what happened but it is scary nonetheless Sh What the hell do you Want [Applause] [Applause] Up [Applause] He the skit was scary but I imagine the actual smiling Man incident was a thousand times scarier like when people are this Goofy and weird it’s even more creepy and scary in my opinion let me know if there’s anything specific you want me to talk about guys and let me

    Know what you guys think about the smiling man in the comments this man accidentally captured Slender Man on camera while testing out his new bike don’t watch to the end unless you’re brave enough trying out my uh new uh TT bars my uh Tri on bars and uh

    I’m going to tie myself to the end of the Bush and back uh as fast as I Can see that tall figure walking in the background that is the Slender Man right that’s That minute 10 this is the sinkhole incident one of the worst deaths imaginable explained this was Jeffrey Bush who lived in Florida and he lived in a home with his brother his sister-in-law and his niece the house was built in the 1970s and there was never any indication that there was

    Anything wrong with the house but on the night of February 28th 2013 Jeffrey Bush was sleeping in his room when all of a sudden in the middle of the night Jeffrey’s brother Jeremy heard his brother screaming they heard him screaming for help and also heard some really loud crashing noises and when

    Jeremy got to the room and looked inside Jeffrey was gone his bed was gone his dresser was gone his TV was gone because a massive sinkhole opened up in jeffy’s room and swallowed everything inside at the time Jeremy said the sinkhole was about 20 ft wide and roughly 6 to 7 ft

    Deep and Jeremy not thinking of anything just jumped into the hole to see if he could find his brother he said he thought he heard his brother calling his name and screaming for help but he couldn’t actually see Jeffrey anywhere it was just a dark Chasm with jeffy’s furniture and water pouring in

    Everywhere within minutes firefighters and rescue workers were there and because cinkos are so unpredictable The Rescuers just pulled Jeremy out immediately and they all then left the house in fact the sinkhole was still crumbling the first thing the rescue team did was get a microphone and put it

    Onto a string and they then put it into the sinkhole to see if they could hear any sounds of life but they didn’t hear a thing but as they were doing this the sinkhole collapsed again and at that point it spread to be about 30 ft wide

    And about 20 ft deep which is just crazy there was no Safe Way of trying to see if they can even save Jeffrey Bush’s life or recover a body if he was dead I don’t know and they don’t know how long he survived but based on the fact that

    He was screaming for help means he was likely alive for a few minutes before being crushed to death or suffocating it was literally impossible to get his body they then tore down the the home and built a fence around where the sinkhole is and then poured it with a bunch of

    Asphalt burying Jeffrey forever they also said there’s a slim chance his body could get picked up by a nearby Waterway but it’s extremely unlikely 2 years later the sinkle reopen and they then had to demolish all the homes around it this death is absolutely terrifying and made Jeffrey Bush rest in peace never

    Tell me the odds part 39 while filming the first fight scene in the movie Troy in which he played myth logical hero hilis Brad Pit ruptured his hilis tendon the ironic injury halted filming for several weeks while the actor recovered in 1971 Edwin Robinson from Maine suddenly went blind and nearly deaf

    After a truck accident but 9 years later he was struck by lightning in his backyard and his vision and hearing were both miraculously restored legendary authors CS Lewis and Aldis Huxley both died on November 22nd 1963 but their deaths were overshadowed by a far more noteworthy death that occurred on that

    Same day the assassination of President John F Kennedy in 2021 a Canadian woman was asleep in her bed when she was suddenly awoken by an explosive Bang from her ceiling she jumped out of bed and turned on the light discovering a meteorite nestled between her pillows she was inches away from becoming only

    The second person in recorded history to be struck by a meteorite and likely would have been the first to be killed by one this woman right here straight up got dragged by something paranormal let me play the video for you guys let me know what you Think so this video is a few years old it’s from Mario Lara’s store and his store is known to be haunted and full of just creepy things happening all the time what gets me though this is an adult-sized woman to have the force to drag them like that is insane you would

    Need like extra strength Hefty fishing rods that we can’t see to do that and if she was able to slip like that and drag herself through the tiles give her an Oscar also can we talk about this thing right here why is this thing nailed up like that I’m just very concerned with

    This whole situation but this is one of the creepiest things from Mario L store the usual thing that you see he’ll leave the security camera on and you’ll see these weird creatures just coming out out of these dolls and stuff like that and he’s tried to you know bless the

    Store cleanse it a bunch of times and nothing ever works let me know what you guys think about this video real or not in the comment section below and let me know if you guys want me to post more about Mario L store want to get creeped

    Out let’s talk about Robert the Doll which is a haunted doll and he’s terrifying he’s a little boy in a sailor suit he’s got a creepy looking nose he’s got brown Nicks all over him he’s got Beady black eyes and some say he has a malevolent smirk this haunted doll has

    Been blamed for car accidents broken bones divorces lost jobs and various other misfortunes Robert the Doll had been property of Robert Eugene Otto who was an eccentric artist so yes they both had the same name but Robert the person went by the nickname of Jean Jean’s grandfather had purchased the doll in

    Germany and had brought it back to Jean as a gift Jean was a child at the time however his relationship with the doll continued into adulthood others felt that Jean had an unhealthy relationship with Robert the Doll he brought the doll with him everywhere and always referred

    To the doll as Robert as if he was a real person not just a doll others felt that he treated the doll as if it was a live entity it’s also believed that the Sailor suit that Robert the Doll wears wasn’t manufactured with the doll it

    Used to actually belong to Jean and was a childhood outfit of his Jean began to blame other mishaps on Robert the doll and at first adults looked at this as just funny childish behavior but later adults started to notice that strange mishaps would happen around Robert the

    Doll when Jean was an adult he lived in a house that he named the artist house and Robert the Doll could be seen positioned at the upstairs window school children noticed that the doll would disappear and then reappear and were quite frightened of this so they avoided

    The house Jean passed away in 1974 and that is when a lady named Myrtle bought the house and therefore became the new owner of Robert the Doll Robert the doll was in the attic at this point and Myrtle and visitors that she had that came to her home swore that they could

    Hear footsteps and giggling coming from the attic others claimed that the doll’s expression would actually change if anyone bad mouthed Jean in front of the doll Merle shared that Robert the Doll would move around the house on his own and after 20 years of this she finally

    Decided to give the doll to a museum and this was in 1994 Robert’s new home became the fort East martello Museum which is in Key West in Florida Robert gets many visitors to the museum and people even write him letters and leave him candy and sometimes even joints cray

    Cay also as a side note the letters that Robert the Doll normally receives are apologies from people who badmouthed him and are now blaming their bad luck on the doll apparently if you’re feeling adventurous you can even pay to get locked in a room with Robert the Doll

    After dark who would do this I wouldn’t I’m just saying but would would any of you anyways that’s it for this one see you next time have you ever experienced sleep paralysis some people claim that this is actually caused by a spirit or demon coming near you during sleep

    Paralysis you can talk or move and you feel that something very heavy is sitting on your chest it occurs when a person passes between stages of wakefulness and sleep this man was having multiple episodes and it was only getting worse so he decided to record himself while he was able to capture at

    The end of the video it’s terrifying turn off the lights and pay close attention For For okay so my husband and I and my daughter were up here watching TV and we legitimately just heard the drums playing a little bit like we have in the past but it was a little louder so we’re going to investigate it h you go first

    Okay Jaden I don’t want to okay just kind of stay behind me you heard it though right it’s okay honey you heard it though right please I don’t hear anything now oh my God what you’re seeing behind me is not a dog it’s a person crawling on all

    Fours roaming the street in the middle of the night one of the CCTV camera security guards caught this and decided to record it for us so I’m going play the clip for you guys I’m not going to lie after seeing the video I was skeptical if this was even a

    Person or not it really just looks like a person and a dog fused together something about the way it moves it just does not seem human so whatever this thing is that we caught on camera I have no idea what it is I’ve seen some people claiming this is Dogman from Chicago I’m

    Not even sure others are claiming it’s ratman it’s like a halfman half rat thing that’s been spotted in Germany and New York basically the point I have no idea what this is I just want this thing to stay away from me and from all of you

    If I saw something like this in the street I would lock my house and never come outside let me know what you guys think about this humanoid thing in the comment section below and reminder these videos for entertainment and informational purposes only what this is a b in

    History take a picture deep in my death me and my family lived in leaport Indiana on March 26th 1993 I left work at the Animal Hospital me and my boyfriend Matt Elser had just gotten back together and had a date planned for that night Matt had stopped by the

    Animal hospital to pick me up but I wasn’t there he then drove to my home but I wasn’t there either my family invited Matt to come inside to wait for me there sadly I never showed up my family didn’t sit still and began their own search for me Flyers were being passed

    Out and several of my friends drove around looking for me the police made an appeal to the media after they heard about the search for me after the appeal a witness came forward and said they had seen a few people talking outside the Animal Hospital the day after I

    Disappeared my car was found 9 mi from the Animal Hospital it was on the side of a County Road my purse was found in the car in the glove box the police found a ring they went to my school to see if any one knew who the ring

    Belonged to Matt said the ring belonged to Jason tibs my ex-boyfriend Matt said he knew that Jason wanted me back Jason was interviewed about a week after I went missing he seemed like he cared about me and was concerned for me Jason admitted that the ring was his he said the ring

    Was in the car because he and I had remained friends and had been working on the stereo Jason was asked where he had been on the night that I Disappeared Jason said he and several friends had gone on fox hunting fox hunting is where several people drive around and park in random

    Locations and use CB radios to locate each other Jason’s friends were interviewed and they confirmed that Jason had been fox hunting with them however Jason was only heard through the radio and hadn’t actually been seen my case started to go cold until the police made a discovery Matt’s letterman jacket

    Was found by a leaport sheriff’s deputy I had last been seen with the jacket it was found found about 6 7 miles away from where my car was found the jacket had been placed there after the police’s initial search the police learned that Matt had wanted to

    Take a break from the relationship we had taken a break but recently gotten back together our date that night was supposed to be really special and we both looking forward to it Matt knew there was no way that I wouldn’t have shown up in April a month after I

    Disappeared a family out fishing made a horrible Discovery they smelled something that was thought to be a dead animal it turned out to be my body my body was face down and had two logs across the back due to the decomposition it looked like my body had been there

    For a month I was wearing a ring with my name on it when I was found the autopsy revealed that my cause of death was asphixiation the prosecutor still didn’t believe the police had enough evidence to now convict Jason in 2008 15 years after I was killed the police had

    Received a letter from an inmate serving a 44-year sentence his name was Ricky Hammond in 1993 Ricky was 14 and was living with his family Ricky had gone out to the barn to smoke weed on the night of March 26th while he was in the barn his sister’s boyfriend

    Eric Freeman and his friend Jason tibs had arrived the police found Eric in South Carolina the police asked him about me but Eric became nervous and refused to speak anymore police asked for immunity for Eric if he told them what he knew Eric accepted the immunity

    Offer he said Jason had asked him for a ride in 1993 he said Jason had wanted to visit me at the animal hospital I had approached the car when I left work Jason had professed his love for me when I rejected him he forced me into the car

    Jason then strangled me they put my body in the trunk and they drove to the Hammond’s Barn Eric drove Jason back to the clinic to pick up my car Jason abandoned the car and they drove to the pond to leave my body there Jas Jon put

    Two logs across my back to sink me he also discarded Matt’s jacket in 2013 Jason was arrested at his trial Jason was found guilty and sentenced to 40 years his latest appeal was denied like comment and share to raise awareness for me fory takes place in Mexico two young men

    Have just gotten out of a club and are hungry for a late night snack it is on to: a.m. after discussing where they want to eat the two men settle for McDonald’s once they have gotten their food they both take a seat outside on a Ronald McDonald bench they both eat

    Their meals and talk about the night once they are finished a friend gets up to throw the trash away while the other lays down on Ronald’s lap he lays his head on Ronald’s lap staring up at him as he does this he says I’m tired and

    Then this is a real sign in a city called davo in the Philippines and there’s a lot of history behind it now as you can see in the sign it says waving children please wave wave back with a pair of children with their arms up this sign serves as a warning to

    Everyone passing by that there are ghosts of children in the area it’s believed there’s a ton of Supernatural activity all around the area and if you don’t wave back these children will come and haunt you upon researching the story I haven’t found anyone reporting that they haven’t waved back to any of the

    Children I’ve only heard account of people waving back and then being okay afterwards so with that information in my head I can only assume the worst happens if you don’t wave back so obviously if you’re traveling in the Philippines and you see a child wave to

    You wave back for your own safety the last thing you want is a ghost child following you and haunting you for the rest of your life let me know what you guys think about this I also covered a video on the Aswang which is another Filipino urban legend very scary stuff

    Definitely go check that out and if you have any suggestions let me Know This is the scariest Christmas horror game I have ever played and it’s completely free this is tournu and we’re going to talk about it it’s the holiday season and you are snowed in during a polar night in Alaska but before that you picked up a book at your local

    Bookstore and you decide to read it it tells you about a terrify creature called the toruku a beast with both human and reindeer characteristics all of a sudden disturbing looking snowmen start appearing around your house and the book warns you that when these snowmen start appearing the toruku is

    Near the book also tells you that these snowmen are filled with corpses so those are human faces on the snowman’s body one glance up the chimney reveals that the Beast is closer than you think this horror game actually comes from the same guy who made slide in the woods it is

    Terrifying and I have a full playthrough of it along with two other mystery horror games on my channel never tell me the odds part 40 in 2008 diver Mike dear was on vacation in Florida when he decided to test out his metal detector for the first time the Stars aligned

    When Mike stumbled upon a rare golden chalice an artifact he initially thought was junk after visiting an appraiser Mike discovered that the Chalice was worth over $1.3 million historians say it’s just over 400 years old and probably came from a ship called the Santa Margarita which sank off the coast

    Of kilargo in 1622 a pair of Dutch short track skaters finished a race so closely that it was impossible to pick a winner they both finished with a time of 43128 seconds so they ended up sharing the gold after Harry Houdini’s death his will requested that all of his magic

    Equipment be given to his brother Theodore but on the condition that it be burned and destroyed upon Theodore’s death instead the equipment ended up in the Houdini magical Hall of Fame a museum that burned down in 199 5 and all of the memorabilia was destroyed


    1. 20:00 It could be fake, but if not, if your gonna fool around with a Ouija Board, Never take your fingers off of the Blanchet!!! Until you properly say goodbye and say nothing is allowed to follow you.
      We can notice that the Demon jumps into the young girl immediately as the boy takes his fingers off the Blanchet!!! Letting the entity escape into the young girl. OR NOT!!! IT MIGHT BE FAKE?.

    2. First off everything isn't gay!! That's just today every gay wants to make everything gay quit trying to mess up everything because y'all live in sin… Rudolph is a Red-Nosed reindeer

    3. All of these are fake or taken out of context. The first one is an art piece and the people are in costumes. The person took the original video which is during the day outside and messed with the lighting to make it look like it’s in a dark cave and spooky Oooo weird creatures that definitely don’t look like Jim Henson creatures a la the dark crystal, noooo def nooot 👻

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