Hello everybody uh good evening good good afternoon to to all participants here H now we have a great moment with Shelly bruswick H Shelly bruswick is CEO of Space Foundation uh bringing a lot of New Perspectives a deep Vision about the global space ecosystem uh she presents a very

    Distinguished career as a space as a space professional and leader uh also having many uh uh different activities collaborating with US Air Force U during that time also collaborating the center for Innovation and education symposiums 365 in glob Global Alliance she advocates for space Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship also

    Collaborate with government a commercial and educational sectors on initiatives about space Commerce young professionals teacher developments space inspired curriculum uh Bruce n work uh is very connected to to groups uh in terms to stimulate the the the steem practice also she was elected as the 2020 diversity and inclusion officer and role

    Model of the Year by women Tech Network and women of influence by Colorado Spring Business Journal and she speak to many kinds of organizations also share of humans IR space uh UIA Foundation chair of space entrepreneurship and many other positions uh also yes sh sorry your curriculum is very very strong and you

    Are welcome to emphasize some points that You’ like to uh to bring some some attention also uh the conference of of uh that happens every year in Colorado Springs is very well known around the world and please uh bring us all Al during our talk about more details about uh the the

    Next Edition during 2024 because I believe part of this the part of this audience today will be interested to to stay with you next year in Colorado Springs okay thanks so much for your interest to collaborate the uh space of that event this is this is our fourth

    Edition and thanks so much for the audience today awesome well thank you so much much for inviting me I’m really honored to be joining you and as you said I’m Shelley Brunswick and I’m currently the chief operating officer at Space Foundation and I’ll just kind of share

    With your audience a little bit about my background um so I always like to say I have three chapters to my journey and that first chapter I enlisted in the US Air Force right out of high school you know I didn’t know what I wanted to do

    With my career I didn’t have any money to go to college and I really wanted to see the world and the Air Force was a great way to do that so I got stationed in turkey and Germany during my enlisted time and so I got to see the world I got

    To understand a diversity of culture and that has carried forward to my current uh role here at uh in the global space ecosystem as space has become more Global while I was in enlisted Airman I also was assigned to be a Personnel specialist so human relations so I learned a skill

    Set and I did earn what they called uh money to go to college when I separated but what I actually started doing while I was on active duty was going to school at night and on the weekends and that allowed me to complete both my bachelor’s and master’s degrees to

    Ultimately apply and then be some selected to become a space acquisition officer for the Air Force so space acquisition is like space project management or procurement and what that did was start the second chapter of my journey in the 90s now I will highlight in the 90s we

    Really didn’t know much about space and the real way to come into space still in the 90s was you came in a tradition way which meant you primarily came in through the military or a civil space agency like a NASA so I came in a sort of traditional way because I came in

    Through NASA but somewhat not traditional because normally people were stem professionals coming into the space industry science technology engineering mathematics and I actually have a business degree in an MBA so I came into the space industry both traditionally through the military but then non-traditional because I had a

    Different background and that will tie into why this is so important because as I entered my third chapter of my journey which is where I am today at Space Foundation you can see how much the space industry has changed over 25 years where we can see a lot of diversity a lot of

    Globalization um a lot of opportunities and so as I look at my journey um over the last those last three chapters I can really see how space has changed as well as I’ve changed with it and so I’m going to share with you today is I do have

    Some slide presentation so we’re going to try to bring that up and again you know Julio if something doesn’t go right let me know so here we go you know technology is a wonderful thing and then it’s not a wonderful thing so um okay so again I’m kind of sharing

    With you today about how space is part of our daily lives now and how space is for everyone I got a little latency here so um go back there sorry about that we got a little bit ahead of ourselves okay so when we think about space you know let’s look at what’s been

    Happening in 2023 you know we’re seeing this big uh excitement about going back to the Moon with the Artemis missions and from the Moon we can go on to Mars we’re seeing where we’re looking at the end life of the International Space Station and private companies are now being awarded

    Contracts for space stations we’re seeing commercialization where private citizens can pay money and can go to space and may eventually be able to do trips around the moon and we are still seeing those scientific missions we’re seeing great images and information still coming back from the James web

    Space Telescope we’re seeing NASA and the Europe European Space Agency still doing amazing research Mission so space has become very diverse in 2023 lots of opportunities both for government um and Industry to participate and so you can see this big theme of going to the moon and onto Mars

    And Beyond but what I really want to highlight for you is how Space is really coming back here to Earth and how it’s benefiting us so in 2022 the global space economy was $546 billion and what’s really exciting about that is 78% of that space economy is commercial you know it’s products and

    Services we’re using every day um I’m going to play this great video we’ll see if it plays Julio if it plays and it doesn’t have sound let me know there’s no words in the video um it’s just music so just let me know if it works because again technology is

    Great but it doesn’t always work alud velocity light downt 15 Forward all engine running liftoff we have a liftoff from Apollo 11 Dave an extraordinary television picture here and this is exploration it’s and it’s Czy this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal of Landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the Earth okay houst as I stand out here in the wonders of the unknown and Hadley I TR to realize there’s a fundamental truth to our nature and must Explore so we can kind of see that amazing technology that has transpired from the Apollo era from that video you know even today we’re using zoom and Telecommunications is all brought to us because of space technology and Innovation you know think about what the pandemic would have been like had we not

    Had telecommunications for tella Health Tela work teleschool and one of my favorite types of space Technologies taking those photos with our with our cameras those selfies and many of your cameras are using NASA imaging technology to capture that perfect photo and of course my husband was a

    Firefighter for 30 years and thanks to Apollo era space technology fire retardant clothing he was able to come home every day so we can see how space is part of our everyday life and we have it in health care and more but I also want to tie in how is

    Space supporting the sustainable development goals you know a lot of times we hear well why are we doing space there’s all these challenges on Earth and you know we should really focus on our problems here at home before we start looking to go to space and so what I want to highlight is

    In 2015 the United Nation members all voted on 17 sustainable development goals and we’re supposed to achieve these goals by 2030 now we are a little behind but each and every one of these sustainable development goals has a component that relates to space technology and innovation now one place you could go to

    Look for that is you could go to the United Nations office of outer space Affairs website and there’s a drop-down menu that highlights the 17 sustainable development goals and how space is part of each and every one of them and at Space Foundation we’re really excited to be part of contributing to those

    Sustainable development goals you know we look at gender equality quality education Partnerships for goals Innovation and Entrepreneurship so we are contributing to reaching those goals by 2030 and I’ll just highlight some space technology as it relates to those sustainable development goals now we think about food security and how

    Important that is especially as we look at climate change and you know some parts of the planet are becoming hotter and drier uh more challenging to grow food so there’s other ways to grow food package food what I’m going to highlight in this slide is if you look on your Far

    Leftand Side you’re going to see these three women and these are entrepreneurs that I met in uh that were going to Qatar University studying to be nutritionist now you would not normally think a nutritionist would be part of the space industry but what they wanted

    To do is they wanted to create a healthy delicious snack that would also help to reduce food waste so what they did is they looked at fruits and vegetables that are normally thrown away and they took freeze-dried technology which is a traditional form of space technology from the Apollo era freeze-dried

    Technology they use that to use these fruits and vegetables that are normally thrown away repackage them and now there’s a healthy delicious snack that helps to uh reduce food insecurity around the world and now they’ve become entrepreneurs so they’ve taken space technology it’s helped them become entrepreneurs unlock Innovation and now

    Create Economic Development and so this is the cycle of how space Innovation Works it’s not just the space to go to space it’s how space can come back to earth create opportunities unlock that Innovation and Entrepreneurship create jobs and solve real problems here on Earth I also want to highlight a good

    Friend basti gbolo who has created a program that helps with gender equality and quality education now many of my great friends are doing wonderful programs that relate to education uh we have ver uh in Israel uh Chara she’s doing amazing things space Foundation has education programs through our

    Leadership Academy but I really wanted to highlight what basti is doing in Africa to help bring gender equality to women and girls and Empower them for the fourth Industrial Revolution creating that education system 21st century skills because by unlocking the innovation of women and girls it

    Will help us to solve many of our challenges on Earth remember women and girls are 50% of our population we we need to bring everyone to the table to be part of solving our greatest challenges on Earth we can also think about clean water and sanitation and in this slide

    What I’m highlighting is my good friend lby malambo now lby uh grew up in Africa and she would have to walk four to 10 miles one way to retrieve water for her family and even after she retrieved that water uh that water might have been contaminated so it would make her her

    Family and their animals sick and women and girls still in Africa are having to do this and with climate change it’s becoming a real problem I had a friend who just went to Kenya to visit his family and he saw where riverbeds are dried up so these women and girls are

    Having to walk and now dig to get to the water to bring back to their families so what Lomi is doing is helping to drill Wells that are within 30 minutes walk from a village and by only having to walk 30 minutes versus 4 to 10 hours

    They can now go to school or get jobs which helps to eliminate poverty create gender equality quality education so by looking at one form of solving a sustainable development goal clean water and sanitation we can solve many others now what I want to highlight is similar to Earth everything is recyclable and we

    Learn that because we’ve been living on the International Space Station for 20 years as Humanity that means every drop of water we drink on the International Space Station is recycled it goes through a filtration process and it’s tested to ensure it’s clean to be reused that same technology has been Tech

    Transferred to commercialization on Earth and now here in the United States you can go to many sporting goods stores purchase a bottle where you can scoop up water from a lake or a river or a puddle and it will filter that water and make it pure drinking water we’ve also seen

    Where that Tech technology of testing the water like they do on the International Space Station they use that same testing now to test Wells that may have been contaminated from hurricanes or other uh uh water events that could contaminate the wells you know rivers over flooding their Banks

    And so on so we can see how space technology can help solve some of these challenges another area that we look at is we need to find affordable and Clean Energy Solutions so that every one on planet Earth has access to power and so some of the things that they’re looking

    At are improving the current solar panels we have in place as well as launching solar arrays into orbit that will be assembled in orbit and then transmit the Earth’s uh the sun’s power and energy down to earth so there’s a lot of ways that we’re looking at how

    We’re going to solve the sustainable development goals through space Innovation entrepreneurship and investment so for those of you that are in the audience and you’re really interested in learning more about this there are some great places you can go to look so NASA and Issa have thousands of patents that

    Are waiting to be commercialized and specifically at Nasa you can go to their Tech transfer office and you can see all the patents that are waiting to be Tech transferred you can apply for the patent and then um they also have grants that can help individuals start to

    Commercialize that technology and so Isa has a similar process I know the Japanese space agency does as well so there’s already Innovation out there that’s waiting to be unlocked so I kind of want to talk a little bit about the differences in technology and how things have changed

    From the 1960s in the Apollo era to today so when we think about the Apollo era we were focused on putting a man on the moon and safely returning him to Earth we weren’t thinking about tech transfer we are thinking about that today and so we’re not only thinking

    About that technology for the moon but we’re also thinking about the technology that’s on earth that could also go to Mars because we’re talking about habitats on Mars today so let’s look at those technology trends that are out there you know we talked about energy already biotechnology Quantum Computing uh Advanced Materials miniaturization

    Communications and more all of these activities have a space interconnection you know the more we can miniaturize something the more likely we can put it on a launch vehicle and send it into space as we look at 3D printing how can we do that on Mars as we look at

    Habitats on Mars what could we learn from building habitats on Mars that could help us here on Earth you know there are people that are called Mars cects that are looking at creating infrastructure and habitats on Mars but they’re also now looking at how they can build build those on Earth in auster

    Conditions so as we look at these technology Trends they’re crisscrossing between what we can do on Earth and take that to space or what we’re doing in space and how that comes to Earth and we look at the various economic sectors there’re certainly the space sector and that’s all by itself

    You know you can see that one in the right hand side and that’s your launch Vehicles telecommunications astronauts but now look at all the other economic sector agriculture education Finance Health Care all of these other economic sectors have a cross-section an interconnection with space for instance agriculture uses

    Precision agriculture which is using GPS to help do Precision agriculture to grow food and that can increase crop yields by potentially 10% we also use GPS to ship that food throughout the world you know food in the US can is also many many times grown in Chile or Mexico and

    Then shipped to the US using GPS so we’re using space tracking in agriculture greatly and there’s a lot of other agricultural activities such as vertical farming and more things uh we’ll look at vertical farming maybe on mars or the internet uh a future space station the moon but we can also do

    Vertical farming on Earth so each and every one of these economic sectors relates to space now let’s think about the Workforce and how that has changed we’ve talked about technology but now let’s look at the workforce when we look at this picture on the left we can see this

    Was mission control and launching of Apollo 11 so let’s think back to the 1960s and what the workforce looked like so it was two countries primarily in a space race government workers stem professionals science technology engineering and Mathematics and primarily uh male as you can see from this picture now we do know

    From movies like hidden figures that there were women and diversity presence and they were doing amazing things that ensured those missions were successful and we’re learning more about that but now as we pivot from the workforce of the 60s let’s look at the workforce of today so instead of two nations in a

    Space race we now have more than 90 countries that are operating in space and many more that want to operate in space or use space technology and Innovation to better their citizens lives here on Earth we also are looking at so diversity of regions of the world we’re also looking at

    Multigenerational and we’re looking at gender equality you can look at the pictures and see men and women from all regions of the world another great friend ruvimbo Sanga from Zimbabwe she’s a space lawyer you know I asked her about the diversity of the workforce and her coming into the

    Space industry and was it challenging and she said it was you know she had a lot of self-doubts and there were social economic and Technical barriers to coming into the technology industry so it’s really important as we look at the space industry that we need to find ways to bring in those underrepresented

    Groups and create Pathways and I’ll talk about some Pathways and how we can do that shortly we’re also looking at a diversity of skills so we certainly still need those stem professionals science technology engineering and math but we really need to look at the entire supply chain and how it relates to that

    Um ultimate goals that we have for for economic development so we need workers with high school diplomas all the way to phds we need individuals in the manufacturing sector you know welders electricians um you know here in the US we’re going to have a shortfall and we also need program

    Managers policy makers technicians teachers investors entrepreneurs artists and we still need astronauts so there’s really an opportunity for everyone to be part of this new ecosystem that’s part of the space so let’s talk about how do you come into the space industry how do we create more awareness creating more

    Access and opportunity into the space industry and we can do that with this Workforce Development roadmap that has five steps awareness access training connecting and mentoring so that first step is what we’re doing today we’re creating some awareness that there are opportunities for everybody to come into the space

    Industry and this is one of the things I love to do I love to go out and meet with young people and talk about the opportunities in the space industry and how they can find a pathway into the space industry uh some of the programs that uh Space Foundation we partner with

    Obviously joining you today is a fantastic thing we also partner with the African Union Puerto Rico uh space science sence trust Stardust Festival in Canada World space week isesco and many more so it’s not just doing it by ourselves it’s building Partnerships to create that safety net that can help Elevate

    Everyone and so another great quote from a good friend and uh Chara knows uh Dr chidimma Who’s from Africa who talks about creating that awareness that to get young Africans to venture into a space exploration Innovation and Technology we first have to get them interested with exciting curriculum it’s

    It’s about creating that awareness all the way into the classroom we’ve got to bring that excitement into the day-to-day classroom create that awareness to grow the future Workforce that next step is access so once people are excited they know there’s an opportunity how do we create

    An access point for them to come into it it can seem very daunting because when you think about space you might be thinking well I have to be an astronaut or a rocket scientist or I don’t know how to do that my country may not be that involved so we at Space Foundation

    As well as this amazing program thank you H Julio we’re trying to create access points and Tiara and Mario I know you’re all working to create access points so some of the things we’ve done at Space Foundation is we create Partnerships and sign memorandums of agreement one of

    Them is with isesco where we’re partnered on how do we create space science application and allow emerging space Nations to be part of that you know bringing space science application to better their daily lives you know unlocking that Innovation and Entrepreneurship to solve challenges here on Earth the Space Foundation also

    Created our moon Colony kit and it’s an actual game that teachers or parents can facilitate with their with students or kids and it’s an actual physical game so you don’t have to have internet connection which can be a challenge in some places to have internet so it’s an

    Actual game with you play with cards and so you’re on the Moon you have a challenge in your research center something happens maybe something breaks and now you draw a card of a career field and you now have to solve that problem in a group environment with the

    Career field you are maybe you’re the chief technology officer maybe you’re the marketing person maybe you’re the leader uh maybe you’re the science officer and now you work together and what the moon Colony kit highlights is the more than 50 different career fields that are part of the space industry so

    We have to create those access points that space is more than the history and it’s more than memorizing planets that it’s also amazing careers and opportunities some other ways we can create access is by having Awards and scholarships and a great organization that does that is space generation advisory Council they provide awards

    That can bring people to uh conferences they also have scholarships now the reason these are so important and create access one it allows that individual to be able to come to an event where they may not be able to interact and build networks but also those Awards high quality Awards especially for an

    Emerging space Nation those individuals winning Awards could receive national attention for that award from organizations like International astronautical Society uh found Federation and IAC and sgac so these Awards and scholarships that are made available allow more access individuals to come into the space industry but they also can create awareness and

    Opportunities in emerging space Nations and I want to thank my good friend Antonio Stark who helped highlight the importance of these things that next step is really looking at training so if you want to be an astronaut you more than likely are going to need a college education if not a

    Master’s or PhD but there are a lot of other jobs in that pipeline that Workforce Pipeline and the the pipeline of um you know from the supply chain all the way to finally having the final product and so those could be formal education informal education on the job training fellowships internships so

    There’s a lot of different ways that you can accomplish training and here’s one of the colleagues I wanted to highlight ver Coen Brazil Chiara I know uh you have a partnership with uh verett as well so I don’t know if you want to jump in for

    Minute or talk at the end about your amazing training partnership with her I might as surprised her so I’ll just keep going but one of the thing ver does and tiara is they have a science accelerator helping students to unlock innovation in entrepreneurship high school middle school they’re creating

    Real activities so it’s really important that we’re bringing that real Hands-On uh training into the classroom and we do that at Space Foundation with our Leadership Academy that’s primary middle and high school all about uh space science application but then entrepreneurship Innovation and creating a business that fourth step is about

    Connecting how do we bring people together you need to find like-minded individuals to help you unlock and create your your um your goals and accomplish those dreams so some of those connections you can have I’ve talked a lot about space generation advisory Council there’s the United Nations

    Office of outer space affairs unoa and they have many different programs they have space for women space for youth space law space for water so if you’re interested in an area that’s a great place to look and find like-minded individuals there’s women in Aerospace there’s women Tech Network now even

    Though women is in the name they are open to men and women and that means they need men and women to be part of it but to also be mentors and one of our programs at Space Foundation that we have is our International teacher Lea Bon program

    Where we bring in teachers from around the world where they get to network with each other and then part of what they get is their um admission to our annual space Symposium is complimentary and we create a special track for those International teachers where they get to

    Network with one another but they also get to go around the exhibit hall they get to see all the amazing technology they get to listen to all the unclassified space sessions and then they get to bring that Innovation back to the classroom to help Inspire the Next Generation

    So again I’m going to go back to my good friend ruvimbo who highlights the importance of networks and that she learned to appreciate that because it brought together like-minded individuals and it helped her to further her journey so find those networks that will help you those like-minded individuals now the last step which

    Could be the first step is mentoring if you find a good Mentor many times they can help you overcome many of the other challenges that you have in your journey and again some of those great mentoring programs space generation advisory Council space for women out of anusa and

    Again just because women is in the name it’s open to men and women to be mentors and proteges same thing with women Tech Network they’ve just opened their mentoring and they’re looking for men and women to be mentors and proteges and I highlight another amazing space generation leader SEL buala uh

    Last year she did a study on um having mentoring programs for women um in the space sector and how that offers uh advances them and promotes them and she found that it was a dynamic change and she did this is her picture of her presenting her results at the IAC

    International astronautical Congress in uh in uh Paris and tiara I want to highlight was her mentor and probably still is her Mentor so again lots of synergy here so mentoring is amazing so again those are the the steps awareness access training connecting mentoring so what I’m going to do is take down the

    Slides and see if we have any questions that we can talk about or if anybody has anything they’ve put in the chat box um I’m happy to answer questions oh I’m sorry to hear Tiara your phone died um hopefully you can come back to

    Us um so I’m gonna say Julio do we have any questions does anybody want to add anything hey Jason it’s so great to see you um I I kind of wanted to share a a little bit about how space is part of our everyday lives and obviously Julio

    If we want to talk about how this space Innovation is benefiting us uh for Mars and how we’re planning to go to Mars and be an interplanetary species I think I kind of shared you know water growing food generating energy you know all the things I just talked about are all

    Necessary on Mars um obviously what are our habitats going to look like you know some people say we’re just going to live in these Lava Tubes I talked to other Specialists both mental health as well well as architects who say we we can’t as human beings just live in lava tubes

    We eventually have to figure out how we’re going to have light um coming into the facility and we have to make it aesthetically pleasing because we are more than just robots right we have a lot of AI out there that’s what makes us unique is we are humans we do have

    Feelings and we have to take that into account as we look at long-term stays I I see you Mario nodding your head long-term stays on Mars so one I know arkitect here in the US as well as one in Australia and then what they’re actually looking at doing is how do they

    Bring that space technology that they’re thinking about for Mars and building that and designing that in auster conditions maybe in desert environments you know growing food in desert environments vertical farming so a lot of these uh challenges we see for Mars we are able to use that technology right

    Here on Earth to solve our challenges here on Earth those sustainable development goals so it’s a really exciting time to be in the space industry whether you want to solve challenges on Earth you want to see us go uh low earth orbit uh the moon or eventually become an interplanetary

    Species space is for all of us so again I will open the floor to questions and I know jul I may have gone a few minutes over but I’m so grateful to be joining you and sharing uh how we’re creating more access and opportunity together yeah Char thanks so much for

    Your wonderful and inspiring presentation I hope you’ll be very good sharing YouTube and people see your presentation in the future also I believe the examples that you have mentioned during the uh during your talk also bringing the names of specific and also very important actors in the space

    Field is very welcome because I I saw some some very friends in your presentation and happy about because they are having the impact by different manners yes and I believe we need to work together with partnership also in Brazil uh we are organizing space analog missions and

    Also receive kids for to present then H present to them the also the sustainability talk about sustainability and space yes and I also I was talking uh with J Jason Mish show about maybe next year uh visit Colorado spring because he’s invite me so a long time

    Maybe next year it be there awesome we would love to have you and what and for those who are listening or might join us on YouTube later what he’s talking about is Space Foundation puts on a global Premier space event called space Symposium that brings together the global space Community it’s military

    Commercial civil and international and this coming year in 202 for it will be April 7th through the 11th so we hope that you can join us we also will have that International teacher liaison program running during that time we’ll have a Workforce things and kicking things off we’ll have a Yuri’s night uh

    To celebrate not only uh Man’s first Adventure into space which was Yuri gregan but also it was the start of the space shuttle program so we hope you can join us at Yuri’s night I know Jason has some amazing events space Symposium because again space is for all of us so

    We hope you’ll join us for that okay uh questions or comments and again I’ll share uh you can follow me on LinkedIn follow Julio follow uh the Mars Society but I’m also on LinkedIn Instagram Facebook uh X which you know Twitter uh YouTube so Julio I’m happy to help romote because

    It’s a pleasure joining you and uh looking forward to seeing all of you around the Galaxy okay H thanks so much Shelly for your contribution not only for the space up that event but for the word yes uh if you don’t have more questions I believe your presentation very was very clear

    Yes H okay I sto the recording right now thanks so much

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